Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Self-Defense

[audio/video] Sheriff Richard Mack: "If the media supports you on anything, you can get away with anything." Issues covered: Trevon Martin • gun control • self-defense • Barack Obama's illegitimacy & Sheriff Arpaio • fast and furious • media bias

“If the media supports you on anything, you can get away with anything.”

– Sheriff Richard Mack

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[youtube=]“Brandishing a Weapon will Bring a Tense Situation to a Complete Halt” Sheriff Mack

Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on Apr 6, 2012

Aaron Dykes Interviews Sheriff Richard Mack about what will it take to get big government out of our lives.!/RealAlexJones

Stewart Rhodes: UK Should Allow Women to be Armed for Self-Defense — “England is where we’re going”

[youtube=]Stewart Rhodes: UK Should Allow Women to be Armed for Self-Defense 1/2

Uploaded by on Aug 9, 2011

Alex also talks with Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers about Quartzite, Arizona, Chief of Police Jeff Gilbert calling the Oath Keepers, the Greater Phoenix Tea Party, and the Sons of Liberty Riders “terrorists” during a public meeting.


Alex Sums Up the Shooting and Now Politicians Call for End of 1st & 2nd Amendments

[youtube=]Emergency: Politicians Call for End of 1st & 2nd Amendments

TheAlexJonesChannel | January 11, 2011 | 751 likes, 25 dislikes

Alex Jones issues an alert as certain factions in Congress are moving very quickly to seize upon the tragic shooting in Arizona
to pass both gun control laws and controls on free speech under the guise of protecting political servants.

Alex dissects the emerging background and possible motives of Jared Lee Loughner, by all appearances deeply mentally disturbed, while the mainstream corporate media pose as the Left and demand draconian restrictions on the Bill of Rights.

The rush is on prey upon sentiments and use this tragedy to usher in an agenda the Obama Administration couldn’t otherwise advance, but have planned since the beginning of Obama entered office. Holder and Obama heralded the return of the assault weapon ban early on in 2009, but the focus has always been on the available political currency. Rep. McCarthy also commented on ‘seeing what she could pass.’

Congressman Robert Brady plans openly to ride on the backs of Giffords’ attempted assassination and the murder of 5 others as well, with plans to “criminalize” threatening language or symbols against members of Congress. In the name of protecting our elected officials, Brady will help chill political speech, starting with the banning of over-zealous rhetoric like Sarah Palin’s map which placed a “target” over a number of districts including that of Rep. Giffords.

Pima County Sheriff Dupniks and plenty of others, including Mark Potok of the SPLC, implicitly blaming the actions of the suspected shooter on a cocktail of angry ‘rightwing’ sentiment that has risen to the surface during the 2010 midterm elections.

Sheriff Dupnik lead the demands to reign in speech and tone down the rhetoric, lambasting the “vitriol” of pundits and politicians, openly challenging their right to express and defend their views and stating in his press conference that those who talk for a living ‘have free speech,’ but that such speech bears ‘consequences.’

“When the rhetoric about hatred, about mistrust of government, about paranoia of how government operates, and to try to inflame the public on a daily basis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it has impact on people especially who are unbalanced personalities,” Dupniks said.…
Those in Congress, however, have already reciprocated with immediate legislation. The overtones are reminiscent of the rushed and pressured passing of the Constitution-shredding PATRIOT Act in the wake of 9/11. Now, as the War on Terror supposedly justified by the September 11 attacks has shifted into the war of suspicion on the American people, returning veterans, political dissidents and ‘lone wolf nuts’, certain factions in Congress now want to cut again at the Constitution and Bill of Rights, imposing the burden for the malicious and evil actions of one individual on the free speech and 2nd Amendment of everyone in the national conversation and political discourse.

Now, a decade after all Americans gave up a number of their rights in turn for the auspices of ‘security’ following 9/11, some of the most ‘vitriolic’ and supposedly ‘angry’ voices in politics, along with the others, will be asked to give up their freedom to words and expression so we can again feel a little bit “safer.” But it won’t work. Bad people and criminals will still get guns; insulating politicians will only advance tyranny’s shadowy ascent; and chilling free speech will only bring martial law control over the people closer still.

As Benjamin Franklin wisely warned in the founding era, “Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither (and will obtain neither).”

Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World / Why No One Invades Switzerland

[youtube=]Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World

When thinking about the mass extermination camps of a holocaust think..

The key to freedom is to be able to have the ability to defend yourself &, if you dont have the tools to do that, then youre going to be at the mercy of whomever wants to put you away.

Guns are deeply rooted within Swiss culture – but the gun crime rate is so low that statistics are not even kept.

The country has a population of six million, but there are estimated to be at least two million publicly-owned firearms, including about 600,000 automatic rifles and 500,000 pistols.

This is in a very large part due to Switzerland’s unique system of national defence, developed over the centuries.

Instead of a standing, full-time army, the country requires every man to undergo some form of military training for a few days or weeks a year throughout most of their lives.

Between the ages of 21 and 32 men serve as frontline troops. They are given an M-57 assault rifle and 24 rounds of ammunition which they are required to keep at home.

Once discharged, men serve in the Swiss equivalent of the US National Guard, but still have to train occasionally and are given bolt rifles. Women do not have to own firearms, but are encouraged to.

President Obama appeals to just-WAR doctrine while accepting PEACE Prize (Full text of Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize speech)

“The concept of a “just war” emerged, suggesting that war is justified only when certain conditions were met:  if it is waged as a last resort or in self-defense; if the force used is proportional; and if, whenever possible, civilians are spared from violence.”

In today’s wars, many more civilians are killed than soldiers; the seeds of future conflict are sown, economies are wrecked, civil societies torn asunder, refugees amassed, children scarred.”

— President Barack Obama

From: The White House

Note: I highlighted some of the key points, as well as some points that aren’t true at all — if one knows the true history of wars.

Remarks by the President at the Acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize

Oslo City Hall
Oslo, Norway

1:44 P.M. CET

THE PRESIDENT:  Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, distinguished members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, citizens of America, and citizens of the world:

I receive this honor with deep gratitude and great humility.  It is an award that speaks to our highest aspirations — that for all the cruelty and hardship of our world, we are not mere prisoners of fate.  Our actions matter, and can bend history in the direction of justice.

And yet I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the considerable controversy that your generous decision has generated.  (Laughter.)  In part, this is because I am at the beginning, and not the end, of my labors on the world stage.  Compared to some of the giants of history who’ve received this prize — Schweitzer and King; Marshall and Mandela — my accomplishments are slight.  And then there are the men and women around the world who have been jailed and beaten in the pursuit of justice; those who toil in humanitarian organizations to relieve suffering; the unrecognized millions whose quiet acts of courage and compassion inspire even the most hardened cynics.  I cannot argue with those who find these men and women — some known, some obscure to all but those they help — to be far more deserving of this honor than I.

But perhaps the most profound issue surrounding my receipt of this prize is the fact that I am the Commander-in-Chief of the military of a nation in the midst of two wars.  One of these wars is winding down.  The other is a conflict that America did not seek; one in which we are joined by 42 other countries — including Norway — in an effort to defend ourselves and all nations from further attacks.

Still, we are at war, and I’m responsible for the deployment of thousands of young Americans to battle in a distant land.  Some will kill, and some will be killed.

Brother Gregory Williams: Do Christians Have a Right to Self Defense, Part 1

There has been a lot of talk about government usurpation, declarations of independence, sovereign states, rights of citizens, and even references to revolution and armed rebellion in America, but such talk is not only foolish, but unwarranted. You have the government you deserve.

From: News with Views

Does a modern Christian have a right to self defense? With every right there is a correlative responsibility. The ancient right to bear arms has been described in antiquity as the obligation to bear arms in defense of your community. In those ancient times if you would not arm yourself to defend your community you were often shunned if not run out of town all together.

Chuck Baldwin in and article published by quoted the statistic that “as of 2004, 50% of the adults in the United States own one or more firearms.” My first reaction was, why so few? As someone who once wore a badge and a gun to protect the property and lives of citizens I can testify that my biggest disappointment was the apathy and even cowardice of the people I was often expected to protect.

To refuse to come to the aid of others has been considered a crime and good Samaritan laws have prosecuted citizens who failed to assist and aid people in need of assistance or protection.

Yet, I have heard many people say they would not own a gun or they did not believe in guns. On further inquiry everyone of these purveyors of pseudo-pacifism confirmed that if someone was breaking into their house they would call the police, who will come with guns. The truth is they do believe in guns, but they are either to lazy, to cheap, to cowardly, or just to irresponsible to own one.

One of the last things Christ said to His apostles before His crucifixion was to go and buy a sword, even if they had to sell their garment to do so.[1] When armed men came “with swords and staves for to take” Jesus, one of His disciples, realizing what was coming, asked if they should “smite [them] with the sword.”[2]

Jesus chose not to fight that day. He told Peter to “put up thy sword into the sheath”.[3] Jesus did not tell Peter to throw his sword away. He simply had a better strategy to free the people from the exercising authority of the corrupt government set up by the people who were “making the word of God to none effect.”

The apostles were armed men, but they were also men of peace. They were “gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.”[4] They supported the weak, patient toward all men,[5] with “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, [of] faith,”[6] but they were armed.

Jesus never came to disarm or weaken the people. That would only tempt brutes of the “world”. Had Peter, the apostles and their thousands of supporters began armed conflict to establish their liberty under God there would have been disastrous and fruitless bloodshed. The people needed to learn first hand the courage and sacrifice needed to sustain a truly free society.

There has been a lot of talk about government usurpation, declarations of independence, sovereign states, rights of citizens, and even references to revolution and armed rebellion in America, but such talk is not only foolish, but unwarranted. You have the government you deserve.

The diminishing rights of people are the direct result of personal neglect, abdication or the waiving of rights in exchange for peace, security, and bountiful benefits. The decline of liberty is always due the failure to retain rights. The failure to retain rights is always linked to the failure to put your hand to the responsibilities of the individual to society. The secrets of a free society belong to the diligent, humble, and wise.

There were no greater revolutionists than John the Baptist, Christ, and His apostles. Their call to repentance, was a call for change. The way of John and Jesus was also truly one of hope. It changed the course of history by changing the ways of the people. If the people were to be ruled by God they had to pursue the righteousness of God.

With this renewed spirit of liberty early Christians tended to what Jesus called the “weightier matters of law, justice, mercy and faith” by loving one another in a international network of faith, hope, and charity under the perfect law of liberty. They did not create a socialist state which exercised authority one over the other. That was forbidden by Christ and Moses before Him.

Entire Article Here

Fort Hood is a Gun-Free Zone! — The folly of “gun-free zones,” which attract and assist people bent on mass murder


When Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan started shooting up the Soldier Readiness Processing Center at Fort Hood, Pfc. Marquest Smith dove under a desk. A.P. reports that “he lay low for several minutes, waiting for the shooter to run out of ammunition and wishing he, too, had a gun.”

Neither Smith nor the other victims of Hasan’s assault had guns because soldiers on military bases within the United States generally are not allowed to carry them. Last week’s shootings, which killed 13 people and wounded more than 30, demonstrated once again the folly of “gun-free zones,” which attract and assist people bent on mass murder instead of deterring them. …

The first people with guns to confront Hasan, two local police officers, were the ones who put a stop to his rampage. And while Sgt. Kim Munley and Sgt. Mark Todd acted heroically, they did not arrive on the scene until a crucial 10 minutes or so had elapsed and Hasan had fired more than 100 rounds.

Entire Article Here

Schwarzenegger’s Ammo Law: Nazis Fear an Armed People

Related: “The Terminator” Schwarzenegger signs ammunition sales bill that requires thumbprint


From: Infowars

Nazis Fear an Armed People: Schwarzenegger’s Ammo Law

Kurt Nimmo
October 13, 2009

Second Amendment advocates and other defenders of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are outraged by California Gov. Schwarzenegger’s scheme to force all law-abiding gun owners in the state to submit data to be inserted in a database when they purchase ammunition.

featured stories   Nazis Fear an Armed People: Schwarzeneggers Ammo Law
Schwarzenegger’s SS Totenkopf death’s head belt buckle displayed on the cover of Time Magazine.

It makes sense California would enact such a law. The state is lorded over by an avowed Nazi.

”I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education up to power. And I admire him for being such a good public speaker,” Arnie said in the documentary Pumping Iron. The producer of the film, George Butler, considers Schwarzenegger a ”flagrant, outspoken admirer of Hitler.”

In a book proposal, according to the New York Times, Butler also said he had seen Mr. Schwarzenegger playing ”Nazi marching songs from long-playing records in his collection at home” and said that the actor ”frequently clicked his heels and pretended to be an S.S. officer.”

In response to Butler’s accusation, Schwarzenegger told the newspaper in 2003 that he despises Hitler.

He does? If so, why does Schwarzenegger wear a belt buckle bearing the SS Totenkopf, a Nazi SS insignia? Schwarzenegger appeared on the cover of Time Magazine on June 25, 2007, with Michael Bloomberg — who also has contempt for the Second Amendment — wearing the death’s head belt buckle. He wore it again nine months later in the March 2008 issue of Esquire Magazine.

Schwarzenegger proudly displayed the death’s head buckle a few months ago at the CeBIT 2009 IT conference in Hanover, Germany.

Schwarzenegger’s late father, Gustav, voluntarily applied to join the Nazi Party in 1938 when it was still illegal in Austria. He also voluntarily applied to become a member of the Sturmabteilung, the Nazi paramilitary wing, on May 1, 1939. He was a Hitler-worshiping brownshirt.

Arnie invited Austrian president Kurt Waldheim to his wedding in 1986 after it emerged that the former UN secretary general had long concealed that he fought in a German army commando accused of atrocities.

All of this may be incidental to Arnie’s signing of AB962, the California ammo bill. But then, considering Arnie’s flagrant display of an SS insignia, it does not seem likely.

Nazis feared an armed public. Soon after grabbing power in 1933, the Nazis conducted massive searches and seizures of firearms from political opponents. “After five years of repression and eradication of dissidents, Hitler signed a new gun control law in 1938, which benefited Nazi party members and entities, but denied firearm ownership to enemies of the state,” writes Stephen P. Halbrook.

“History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing,” Hitler said.

“The Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 replaced a Law on Firearms and Ammunition of April 13, 1928,” writes Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership. “The 1928 law was enacted by a center-right, freely elected German government that wanted to curb ‘gang activity,’ violent street fights between Nazi party and Communist party thugs. All firearm owners and their firearms had to be registered. Sound familiar? ‘Gun control’ did not save democracy in Germany. It helped to make sure that the toughest criminals, the Nazis, prevailed.

In California it is much the same — the state, the toughest criminal on the block, will now have a monopoly on gun possession while the law-abiding citizens will be forced to jump through hoops in order to realize the constitutional right to own a firearm.

It is ironic that Schwarzenegger signed this bill. He is an avowed Nazi that takes pride in wearing the same insignia as the Schutzstaffel or the SS. It is a symbol representing not only the secret police and naked totalitarian power, but the Nazi death cult responsible for killing tens of millions of innocent humans.

Millions of them would have lived a lot longer if they had firearms and fought back against the people Arnold Schwarzenegger worships.

Suzanna Gratia-Hupp: What the Second Amendment is REALLY For

[youtube=]Suzanna Gratia Hupp second amendment

Uploaded on Feb 3, 2009

Suzanna Gratia Hupp explaining what the second amendment is all about. It’s heartbreaking to listen to her story and how she lost both parents. She left her gun in the car and was not able to protect her family in the Killeen, TX shootings, which killed 23 people. Why did she leave the gun in the car ? She left it in the car to avoid the chance of being arrested with a felony charge, carrying a gun in her purse was a felony in the state of TX back then. there are people who use shootings to ban guns, guns don’t walk into restaurants or schools, people do, it’s up to good people to protect others and themselves from bad people. Evil can only prevail if good people do nothing. The second amendment is a Constitutional right and I respect those who decide not to use that right, as much I respect others to respect my decision to use that right as a law abiding citizen.

Lawmakers Seek New Gun Legislation: Ammo Control Laws

From: News with Views

“Gun control fanatics, frustrated in their attempts to impose severely restrictive regulations on the gun rights of law-abiding American citizens, apparently think that if they push severe restrictions on ammunition acquisition and possession, they’ll come closer to their objective of restricting if not eliminating the individual Second Amendment civil right to keep and bear arms,” says John M. Snyder, named Washington’s senior gun rights activist.

With a liberal Democrat now sitting in the Oval Office and both houses of the US Congress boasting Democrat majorities, lawmakers in Washington, DC and around the country are displaying renewed interest in gun control legislation, according to sources within both law enforcement and gun owner rights communities.

“Ever since the so-called ‘Beltway Sniper’ case in 2001, there’s been talk about not just gun registration, but ammo registration. This will make it mandatory for manufacturers of firearms ammunition to number every cartridge they make and to keep records of those cartridges,” said Lt. Steven Rodgers, a cop in New Jersey.

“Can’t control guns? Well, they’ll control the ammunition,” he added during an interview with

While a federal law is being considered by proponents of such laws, gun owners in individual states are witnessing what’s referred to as Ammunition Accountability Acts being pushed through they’re state legislatures by impatient lawmakers.

Ammunition Accountability, a liberal gun control organization, has developed sample legislation to achieve its purposes and reports that versions of it have been introduced in the legislatures of Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee and Washington, according to John Snyder.

While state legislatures differ in the wording of their proposed laws, basically they all require that any and all ammunition be encoded by the manufacturer and they will maintain a mandatory data base of all ammunition sales.

“We of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms oppose this backdoor approach to gun control,” stated Snyder, an official with that gun rights group.

The sample legislation would stipulate that, “each year in the United States, more than 30 percent of all homicides that involve a gun go unsolved; handgun ammunition accounts for 80 percent of all ammunition sold in the United States; current technology for matching a bullet used in a crime to the gun that fired it has worked moderately well for years, but presupposes that the weapon was recovered by law enforcement;” and “bullet coding is a new and effective way for law enforcement to quickly identify persons of interest in gun crime investigations.”

It would provide that, after a specific date, all handgun and “assault weapon” ammunition manufactured or sold in the state shall be coded by the manufacturer, and would include a list of all calibers covered by the coding requirement. It would mandate the disposal by a certain date of all non-coded ammunition listed, whether owned by private citizens or retail outlets.

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Obama’s Anti-Gun Agenda Spurs Record Firearms Sales

From: Prison Planet

Record gun sales across the United States are not a result of misplaced paranoia, as the media would have it, but as a sensible response to Barack Obama’s virulent hostility to the second amendment, which is on the record and documented.

Many fear that Obama could move to disarm American gun owners, potentially utilizing the “civilian national security force” that is “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the U.S. military he promised to create during the campaign. Obama’s intention to re-instate the expired Assault Weapons Ban is partly behind the nationwide rush to purchase firearms.

“Sales of handguns, rifles and ammunition have surged in the last week, according to gun store owners around the nation who describe a wave of buyers concerned that an Obama administration will curtail their right to bear arms,” reports the New York Times today.

Obama’s disdain for the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is clear – though he later denied it, in 1996 during his run for the Illinois State Senate, Obama told non-profit organization Independent Voters of Illinois that he supported a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns, a de facto national annulment of the second amendment.

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The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina


Push to permit guns on campus

From: USA Today

Even before a gunman killed six people and injured more than a dozen others in a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University, a small but growing movement had been underway at universities and state legislatures to allow students, faculty and staff to carry guns on campus.

Twelve states are considering bills that would allow people with concealed-weapons permits to carry guns at public universities. The efforts were sparked by the Virginia Tech massacre last April.

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Pastor Baldwin: John McCain Is A Liberal Gun Grabber

From: News with Views

The last thing we need is another liberal neocon in the White House. If the Presidency of George W. Bush proved anything, it proved the hazard of electing phony Republican conservatives. At least one is able to clearly see a liberal for what he or she is when they have a “D” behind their name. But put an “R” behind the name and suddenly their liberal, Big-Government, anti-freedom agenda is barely recognized, which makes a liberal Republican much more dangerous than a liberal Democrat.

Let me say it straight out: a John McCain Presidency would be far worse than a Barack Obama Presidency. With a Democrat in the White House, conservatives and Christians suddenly find their principles and are able to offer resistance. Put a Republican in the Oval Office, however, and those same people become blind, deaf, and dumb to most any principle they profess.

Nowhere is McCain’s chicanery and duplicity more jeopardous than in the area of the right to keep and bear arms. On issues relating to the Second Amendment, John McCain is a disaster! For example, the highly respected Gun Owners of America (GOA) rates McCain with a grade of F-. McCain’s failing grade is well deserved.


Regarding the Second Amendment, the American people have no better friend than Ron Paul. He has a 20-year proven track record of fidelity to the right to keep and bear arms. The GOA rates Congressman Paul with a grade of A+. According to GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt, Ron Paul has been a leader in the fight to defend and restore the Second Amendment. He has sponsored legislation to repeal the following: the Brady law; the requirement to lock up your guns; the law permitting the U.S. to be part of the U.N (which, among other attacks on American freedoms, seeks to ban privately transferred firearms); participation in UNESCO; federal prohibitions on any pilot wishing to carry a handgun to and in his cockpit; and the so-called “assault weapons” ban (prior to its sunsetting in 2004).

Ron Paul has also sponsored legislation requiring states to treat the concealed carry permit of one state the same as they do that state’s driver’s license. Dr. Paul also opposes a national ID card, which would be a tool of government to identify gun ownership.

Gun owners (along with conservatives and Christians of all sorts) should be ashamed of themselves for allowing an angry, gun-grabbing liberal such as John McCain to become the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee, while rejecting the candidacy of one of America’s most principled pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-Constitution, and pro-freedom legislators of this generation: Congressman Ron Paul.

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Psychotropic Drugs & Gun Free Zones Again The Cocktail For A Killer

From: Prison Planet

As the media prepares to launch another blitz of gun control propaganda in the wake of the Northern Illinois University shootings, it’s no surprise to learn that killer Steven Kazmierczak had been taking psychotropic drugs and that the campus was a victim disarmament zone – the two major factors which always breed this kind of tragedy.

Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, as well as 15-year-old Kip Kinkel, the Oregon killer who gunned down his parents and classmates, and Cho Seung Hui, the Virginia Tech killer, were all on psychotropic drugs. Scientific studies proving that prozac encourages suicidal tendencies and psychopathic behavior in young people are voluminous and span back nearly a decade.

Jeff Weise, the Red Lake High School killer was on prozac, “Unabomber” Ted Kaczinski, Michael McDermott, John Hinckley, Jr., Byran Uyesugi, Mark David Chapman and Charles Carl Roberts IV, the Amish school killer, were all on SSRI psychotropic drugs.

The press has tried to spin the fact that Kazmierczak was known to be on the same drugs by pushing the line that he was off his medication. Whether as a result of side-effects or during actual use, psychotropic drugs are admitted to increase psychopathic behavior in young people, read any bottle of prozac and you will see this fact freely admitted.

Gun free campus zones, as was the case again at Northern Illinois University, contribute only to ensuring victim disarmament and a friendly environment for the killer to conduct his rampage unopposed.

The media automatically blame the second amendment whenever a school shooting takes place, but when law-abiding people are allowed to own guns, the fatality toll is always reduced, as was the case at Virginia Appalachian School of Law, where Peter Odighizuwa shot three people dead before other students were able to retrieve guns from their cars and put an end to the carnage before there was more bloodshed.

85% of Americans support the right of a principle or a teacher to have instant access to a safely stored firearm in order to defend the lives of students and prevent a school massacre, but a drive is already underway to disarm more victims and grease the skids for more horrors similar to what unfolded on Thursday.

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Related: Skousen: Anti-Depressants Suppress the Conscience Part of the Brain

Anchorage, Alaska: Ron Paul 2008 Gun Rights Town Hall Meeting, Tuesday, Jan. 29 7:00 PM

Ron Paul Campaign to Hold Gun Rights Town Hall Meeting Tuesday

ANCHORAGE, ALASKA—The Ron Paul 2008 Alaska presidential campaign invites Anchorage-area gun owners to a gun rights town hall meeting on Tuesday, January 29 at 7:00 p.m. The Q&A session will be held at the Ron Paul 2008 Alaska State Headquarters in Anchorage at 3339 Fairbanks St., near 34th and Old Seward, behind the Moose’s Tooth.

“Congressman Paul is the leading advocate for gun owners and their rights in the presidential race,” said Paul Alaska state political director Craig Bergman. “He is the only presidential candidate truly fighting for the Second Amendment rights of Alaskans, and he will continue to fight against unconstitutional federal intervention in the rights of gun owners as President.”

Ten-term Texas Congressman and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul is the only pro-gun, pro-Constitution presidential candidate, and his record on Second Amendment rights is unparalleled. In the House of Representatives, Congressman Paul has led the fight to restore Second Amendment rights to all Americans, introduced legislation to repeal the “Gun Free Zone” victim disarmament law and National “Instant Background Check” gun registration bills, opposed gun control projects that would force registration of all private sales, introduced legislation to protect American’s rights to carry guns in national parks, and is currently fighting for the rights of US veterans to own guns without government interference.

Congressman Paul’s Alaska campaign is building on the heels of his second-place finishes in the Nevada and Louisiana caucuses. He is the only Republican presidential candidate actively campaigning in Alaska, with 2 offices, 11 field staffers, and 40 district chairs operating statewide.

Congressman Paul is also the highest-polling Republican presidential candidate in Alaska. In December’s KTUU presidential preference poll, Ron Paul placed first with 29 percent of the vote.

The Alaska Republican presidential primary vote will take place on February 5, 2008.

Shopper pulls gun, stops robbery cold––Holds bandit at grocery store until police arrive

A grocery store customer in Indianapolis is being credited with halting an armed robbery by pulling his own weapon and pointing it at the assailant until police arrived.

According to a report in the Indianapolis Star, Charlie Merrell, 51, was in a checkout line at a grocery store called Bucks IGA on the city’s south side when a “masked man jumped a nearby counter and held a gun on a store employee.”

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Pastor Baldwin: Buy a Gun

“He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36 KJV)Most of us are aware that the heroic actions of a brave woman at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado a few days ago saved the lives of perhaps scores, or even hundreds, of people. However, her bravery would not have counted for much had she not been armed.

On that fateful December Sunday, a man by the name of Matthew Murray entered the church armed to the teeth. According to press reports, he was armed with a semi-automatic rifle, two handguns, some smoke grenades, and more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition.

By the time Murray arrived in the Colorado Springs church, he had already killed four people: two at a missionary training center miles away, and two in the church parking lot. He had wounded several others. No one realized it at the time, but the man was a serial killer in the midst of a rampage. He doubtless planned to kill as many people as he could, as there were thousands of people inside the church. Had there not been an armed citizen in the church house, the death toll would have been massive. …

Have you noticed how the media dropped the Colorado story as soon as it was discovered that a lawfully armed citizen ended the potential massacre by using her own handgun? Had the killer been successful in murdering scores of people, however, it would have been at the top of the news for weeks. …

Even our Lord understood and validated the right of every person to arm themselves for personal self-defense. He said, “He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36 KJV) The old Roman sword was the First Century equivalent of a modern handgun. It was the most practical and convenient form of self-defense available at that time. Also, please note that at least two of Jesus’ disciples (one of whom was Simon Peter) were in the habit of carrying their own personal swords, and Jesus never rebuked them. (See Luke 22:38.) …

Furthermore, the Apostle Paul said, emphatically, “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” (I Tim. 5:8) Does “not providing for his own” include not providing protection? Of course it does. …

James Madison said, “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms.”

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Other Chuck Baldwin articles

Alaska: Brown Bear Mauls Doctor Shooting Sunrise Photos

From: Anchorage Daily News

JUNEAU — A “crack” in the brush. A split second to turn and see the bear. Another second to click the gun’s safety off. That’s all the time Dr. John Raster had before the brown bear attacked him.

“I screamed and fired a shot into the air,” he said. “It was already on me and the gun was still pretty much slung around my shoulder. He bit me and started scratching me and pushed me down into the water.”

The Juneau doctor had been walking alone Friday morning along a stretch of beach on Admiralty Island, just a few hundreds yards from a cabin where he stayed with a hunting party. He was carrying a Lumix digital camera to take pictures of the sunrise when he heard the bear take a step in the woods, about 20 yards to his left.

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