Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Spiritual Page 16 of 17

(vid) How Pornographers DESTROYED Patriarchy and the West

Quote from the Psychology Today article referenced in this video. Notice the pejorative words the anti-Christian magazine uses to stigmatize those who are still moral, which I put in italics. Even their title is deceptive:6 Ways to Develop Sexual Integrity.”

An interesting effect happens as people watch pornography. They … become more accepting of sexual diversity and less stigmatizing towards homosexuality. They become less religious, and may even experience more crises of faith. Enjoying porn leads to people changing their beliefs about sex and gender, and, in some cases, rejecting the dogmatically rigid sex/gender values they were taught in church. (source)

Religion and the Alt-Right – E. Michael Jones

(vid) Can Tattoos Lead To Demonic Possession?

(vid) David Anders: Why Joe Biden was Refused Communion

Dave and I attended seminary together during my second time at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. I still consider him a close friend; though, we haven’t communicated much lately. I do differ greatly with some of his Catholic teachings — for example, the Rosary and praying to saints, which is discussed in this video — we think a lot alike regarding who goes to heaven.

(vid) TruNews: Chuck Baldwin & Rick Wiles Expose Israel Worship – Building a temple for the Antichrist. “Our duty to Satan is one of resistance, not assistance!”

Chuck Baldwin and Rick Wiles, together for the first time in many years tell their stories of how they woke up to the deception of blessing currently Talmudic Israel to get blessed, a misreading of Gen. 12:3.

Chuck and Rick are both heroes in my view — having the courage to admit they were wrong, and now warn the people instead!

Pew Survey: Christianity in steep decline – down 12% in 10 years. Young adults and Democrats least religious

(vid) E. Michael Jones: Social Engineering, Mental Illness & Climate Change — The real source of Greta’s rage

My notes:

5:35 “All of these young guys who write to me, they’re all addicted to pornography. …and they’re looking to find some way out. The first way out is to explain what it is and what it is not. What it is not is ‘liberation,’ and what it is is control. … With the grace of God you can break that addiction.”

12:10 Greta explained

30:00 “…Mom feels guilty, and the daughter feels full of rage.”

32:30 “…basically a stand-off in the family where Mom’s consumed with guilt and Greta is consumed with hatred, and it can’t go on this way. And then suddenly, they discover climate change.”

34:20 How psychology is demoralizing society

37:10 Sigmund Freud

(vid) Ladies Delivered from LGBTQ with Steven and Jana Ben-Nun!

Pre-trib rapture is a demonic deception designed to keep Christians off-guard. No church ever taught it prior to the 1800s. The rapture happens at the second coming, after the tribulation

The pre-trib rapture is a demonic deception designed to keep Christians off-guard during the last days. No church ever taught it prior to the 1800s. The rapture happens at the second coming, after the tribulation.

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(VID) E. Michael Jones: Hitler Saw Christianity as a Threat to His Authority – He tried to reorganize Germany on a pagan basis. Losing moral restraint, Germany was set up to fail • Hitler abolished the Catholic Boy Scouts so all boys would be brainwashed as Hitler Youth. He threw Karl Leisner into Dachau (the Catholic concentration camp) because Leisner, a priest, wouldn’t go along with it

My Transcriptions – E. Michael Jones quotes:

16:00 “…Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer and Brendon Marcus — it’s three rich Jews control the foreign policy of the United States of America, and we’re in a situation where we can’t even say the word ‘Jew.’ … We’re hoping to achieve something here when we can’t even name the people who are doing what we are objecting to” [without being labelled ‘anti-Semitic’].

43:20 “This is the kind of atmosphere that existed in Germany. They knew that Bolshevism was a threat. They knew that Bolshevism was a Jewish movement, and Hitler capitalized on it. And then he took it too far.”

“The problem was that he could not mobilize a country that was divided along religious lines — protestant and Catholic, because of the reformation. So he decided: what I’ve got to do is go beyond that, or back behind that, back to the time when there was no Christianity. And the man who helped him in this regard was Richard Wagner, who had already done these operas basically about … the German legends, myths that had grown up before the time of Christianity. He tried to reorganize Germany on a pagan basis. That’s not going to work. It’s not going to work, first of all because nobody believes that those myths are true anymore. And secondly, you’re undercutting the moral fabric of the German people by displacing Christianity. And that was precisely what happened with the Nazi regime. It lost any type of moral credibility because it lost all moral restraint, because it has disconnected itself from Christianity. So as a result, they set themselves up to fail.”

Hitler hostile toward Catholic church:

Dachau was the Catholic concentration camp. They [unintelligible] Dachau with Catholic priests and bishops that Hitler had arrested and thrown in there. And a lot of them died because of camp life. … Karl Leisner…became a priest, and he ended up in Dachau, and he died of turburculosis, because that’s what you died of in places like that. So there’s no question that Hitler had a hostile attitude toward the Catholic church.”

“He [Hitler] perceived the Catholic church as a threat to his authority, and he perceived people like Karl Leisner as subversive. Karl Leisner, as part of his duties as a priest was head of the Boy Scouts. Well, Hitler abolished the Catholic Boy Scouts, and it was Hitler Jugend [Youth]. He didn’t want any competition from any of these Catholic organizations. Karl Leisner wouldn’t go along with it, and that’s why he got arrested. That’s why he ended up in a concentration camp. So to say that Hitler supported the Catholic church is simply not true.”

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Video is HERE and HERE

David Pawson: "MOST PASTORS admit to me they ARE COMPROMISED AND KNOW IT, but the fear of losing members…"

TEST OF FAITH: THE UNCHURCHING OF AMERICA – Mainline Protestant churches dropping like flies!

From: Star&Tribune



Minnesota’s mainline Christian denominations face unprecedented declines, altering communities and traditions celebrated for generations.

About the seriesThis is the first in an occasional series about Christianity at a crossroads — a time of unprecedented decline in church membership and a changing future for the faith. …

Mainline Protestant churches have been hit the hardest.

(music video) The Call: 'Let the Day Begin' | 'I Still Believe' – Pat Sajak Show 1989/90

Michael Been (1950-2010) passionately singing and playing fretless bass with a pick.
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(vid) Rick Wiles: John Hagee and Michele Bachmann sell Christianity out to pander to the Talmudists

(vid) Man FORGIVES His Mother and Gets FREE!

David Dees on Drinking Too Much: "They call booze 'spirits,' because spirits f*** with you once you're vulnerable like that"

“If you’re thinking of trying it, don’t do it. That’s why they call it ‘booze,’because it’s the spirits. They call it ‘spirits,’ because spirits f*** with you once you’re vulnerable like that.”

– David Dees in concert on Facebook 5/26/18, transcribed by me

(vid) Life without a Microchip Implant (666) will be difficult

Tucker: Modern Liberalism is a Religious Movement – It's a replacement for protestant Christianity that the left worked so hard to undermine and destroy — 'You can't commit sin if your intentions are pure,' and liberals believe their intentions are the purest

“‘You can’t commit sin if your intentions are pure,’ and liberals believe their intentions are the purest. But that sounds like theology and not public policy. That’s because it is theology. Modern liberalism is a religious movement. It’s a replacement for the protestant Christianity that the left worked so hard to undermine and destroy. Liberals are speaking a language of faith, albeit a faith without God. This is the main reason that right and left talk past each other. … One side arrives with facts and stats and arguments. The other side brags about its decency. … You can beat a liberal in an argument, but you can never convince him that you won. He cares much more deeply than you do, and therefore he knows he’s right by definition, and nothing can convince him otherwise.”
“‘We’re good people; therefore, we must rule. You are not; therefore, you must obey.'”
– Tucker Carlson on Fox News, 5/9/18, transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Melania Trump Demanded Spiritual Cleansing of White House, Removal of Obama's Pagan, Demonic Idols

Chinese Police Dynamite Christian Megachurch

Under President Xi Jinping, the government has destroyed churches or removed their steeples and crosses as part of a campaign that reflects the Communist Party’s longstanding fear that Christianity, viewed as a Western philosophy, is a threat to the party’s authority.
Global Times, a state newspaper, described the building’s destruction as part of a “citywide campaign to remove illegal buildings,” and quoted an unidentified official as saying that the church had been “secretly” constructed without proper permits and was initially disguised as a warehouse. …

More than 60 million Christians live in China, at least half of whom worship in unregistered churches.


(vid) Paul, Apostle of Christ: Official Trailer — God changed a hateful Jew

New movie starring Jim Caviezel as Luke, James Faulkner as Saul/Paul.
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(vid) Sam Robson: Oh Happy Day! – Acapella Arrangement…

Out-of-the-park AWESOME!!!!!!!!! 
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ESPN Radio Host Basically Admits He'd Take the MARK!!

(vid) Jesse: Allie Stuckey Talks Feminism and SJW Christianity

The Bible Disproves the Flat Earth Theory

The Philadelphia Eagles: A Band of Bible-Believing Brothers Whose Faith is Inspiring Millions

… Last fall, Faithit shared the story of Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver, Marcus Johnson, who was baptized by his fellow teammates and coaches in a hotel pool prior to a Thursday night game.

Leading the showcase of Bible-believing brothers is star quarterback Carson Wentz, who has vowed to play for an “Audience of One.” Though a major ACL injury will stop him from playing in Super Bowl 52, nothing can stop him from praising God in the storm and leading his teammates to victory. …


“Every Monday night we have a couple’s Bible study. We have a Thursday night team Bible study,” Wentz shared. “And Saturday nights, we actually get together the night before the game and just kind of pray and talk through the Word and what guys have been reading, what they’re struggling with, and just kind of keep it real with each other. To have that here in an NFL facility like this, it’s really special.”

(vid) The Power of Your Intentions (The Rice Experiment) — Why pray for our food to nourish our bodies – AMAZING!

This mind blowing video by the beloved couple, formerly at Infowars, Melissa and Aaron, actually scientifically shows why it’s important to be openly thankful for our food, and to pray for our food to nourish our bodies.
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"Singing about the 'highway to hell' is all fun and games until it's time to actually go there…"

AC/DC’s guitarist, Malcom Young dies…

“Singing about the highway to hell is all fun and games until it’s time to actually go there…”

– Shane Bullis


Metallica channels Satan in 'MASTER OF PUPPETS': "I’m pulling your strings, twisting your mind and smashing your dreams. Blinded by me, you can’t see a thing. Just call my name, ’cause I’ll hear you scream, 'Master'!" — "I’m your source of self-destruction"

It’s amazing what Satan gets by with, straightforwardly admitting his diabolically evil, destructive agenda in this very popular song, Master of Puppets.

(vid) What Mormons REALLY Believe and Do — The Secret World of Mormonism

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