My Transcriptions – E. Michael Jones quotes:
16:00 “…Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer and Brendon Marcus — it’s three rich Jews control the foreign policy of the United States of America, and we’re in a situation where we can’t even say the word ‘Jew.’ … We’re hoping to achieve something here when we can’t even name the people who are doing what we are objecting to” [without being labelled ‘anti-Semitic’].
43:20 “This is the kind of atmosphere that existed in Germany. They knew that Bolshevism was a threat. They knew that Bolshevism was a Jewish movement, and Hitler capitalized on it. And then he took it too far.”
“The problem was that he could not mobilize a country that was divided along religious lines — protestant and Catholic, because of the reformation. So he decided: what I’ve got to do is go beyond that, or back behind that, back to the time when there was no Christianity. And the man who helped him in this regard was Richard Wagner, who had already done these operas basically about … the German legends, myths that had grown up before the time of Christianity. He tried to reorganize Germany on a pagan basis. That’s not going to work. It’s not going to work, first of all because nobody believes that those myths are true anymore. And secondly, you’re undercutting the moral fabric of the German people by displacing Christianity. And that was precisely what happened with the Nazi regime. It lost any type of moral credibility because it lost all moral restraint, because it has disconnected itself from Christianity. So as a result, they set themselves up to fail.”
Hitler hostile toward Catholic church:
“Dachau was the Catholic concentration camp. They [unintelligible] Dachau with Catholic priests and bishops that Hitler had arrested and thrown in there. And a lot of them died because of camp life. … Karl Leisner…became a priest, and he ended up in Dachau, and he died of turburculosis, because that’s what you died of in places like that. So there’s no question that Hitler had a hostile attitude toward the Catholic church.”
“He [Hitler] perceived the Catholic church as a threat to his authority, and he perceived people like Karl Leisner as subversive. Karl Leisner, as part of his duties as a priest was head of the Boy Scouts. Well, Hitler abolished the Catholic Boy Scouts, and it was Hitler Jugend [Youth]. He didn’t want any competition from any of these Catholic organizations. Karl Leisner wouldn’t go along with it, and that’s why he got arrested. That’s why he ended up in a concentration camp. So to say that Hitler supported the Catholic church is simply not true.”
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