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Category: The Greatest Depression? Page 3 of 4

Gerald Celente April 2009: False Flag Recovery

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske


“There’s no recovery in sight.”

“It’s economics for dummies.”

“There are no games left to play
other than…’print all the money that you can.'”

Gerald Celente: Optimism Opium

Back then, Gerald Celente accurately forecast, “The global contagion may be temporarily suppressed by doses of monetary amoxicillin, but when an outbreak recurs, it will be in a bailout-resistant and far more virulent strain.”


This pernicious panacea anesthetizes the public. “Optimism Opiumdulls the pain ­ lost jobs, foreclosure, financial ruin ­ relaxes anxiety, decreases alertness, impairs coordination, and is highly addictive. Repeated or chronic use results in mental deterioration. Overdoses can result in stupor, coma and death.

From: Rense

Optimism Opium
By Gerald Celente

Trends Research Institute

KINGSTON, NY — In an Op-Ed piece in The New York Times (October 16, 1998), Gerald Celente predicted that government intervention to rescue “private corporations deemed ‘too big to fail’,” would result in the demise of free-market capitalism.

Back then he called it “Capitalism for Cowards.” (
— Op-Ed piece.)

Today it’s called stimulus programs and rescue packages.

Back then, Celente warned the bailouts wouldn’t work.

Today, Celente repeats the warning they still won’t work.

Back then, the government warned that if Long Term Capital Management, a hedge fund, was not rescued, the global financial markets would implode.

Today, with the markets imploding, the government warns that if favored banks, brokerages, leverage buyout firms, insurance companies, etc. are not rescued, the global economy will collapse.

Back then, Gerald Celente accurately forecast, “The global contagion may be temporarily suppressed by doses of monetary amoxicillin, but when an outbreak recurs, it will be in a bailout-resistant and far more virulent strain.”

The global contagion was suppressed, the outbreak has recurred, and the more virulent strain is upon us. And, as Celente predicted, it is proving bailout resistant.

Today, Celente forecasts that no amount of monetary amoxicillin can cure the spreading virus.

Trend Warning #1: What’s being pitched today by the government has been tried before. It didn’t work then, and it won’t work now.

Following the Group of 20 summit, Barack Obama, while acknowledging there are no guarantees of success, declared, “I have no doubt, though, that the steps that have been taken are critical to preventing us sliding into a depression.”

Given that President Obama cannot provide guarantees, how can he “have no doubt”? Moreover, all of the bailouts, rescue packages, stimulus plans that he has supported/and or initiated to date, have already failed. And since the new plans are but variations upon tried, tested and failed policies, they, too, are destined to fail. The G-20 will not be a “turning point” and while the steps taken may slow, they will not prevent us from “sliding into a depression.”

Trend Warning #2: Don’t be seduced by temporary equity market spikes or leading economic indicator upticks. Be especially wary of pitchmen claiming the markets have bottomed and headlines insinuating that the worst is over (“Car sales not as horrid in March” and “Investors jump on good financial news,” USA Today, 2 April 2009).

What is being sold as “good financial news is, upon examination, news that is marginally less dismal than expected. Nevertheless, for insiders and professional gamblers, there will be opportunities to briefly ride the market waves.

There may also be ephemeral selling opportunities following accounting rule changes allowing banks to set their own prices for assets regardless of market values, and thus dramatically reduce their losses. This is not a step to recovery. This little reported Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) ruling is accounting flimflam, a capitulation that allows banks to set values to their own toxic assets.

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Hyperinflation Lesson from Argentina

Privatizing profits [to the elite]
Socializing losses
[common people left with the tab]


An Argentine opinion on the Global Financial Crisis, describing the whole Global Financial System as one vast Ponzi Scheme. Like a pyramid, it has four sides and is a predictable model. The four sides are: (1) Artificially control the supply of public State-issued Currency, (2) Artificially impose Banking Money as the primary source of funding in the economy, (3) Promote doing everything by Debt and (4) Erect complex channels that allow privatizing profits when the Model is in expansion mode and socialize losses when the model goes into contraction mode.

Celente: “The most important thing is UNITE with your neighbors. This is the time for the community to COME TOGETHER”

“The most important thing is:
unite with your neighbors.

This is the time
for the community to
come together.”

– Gerald Celente, director
The Trends Research Institute

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from ‘Coast to Coast AM,’ 4/7/09

First hour guest, trends analyst Gerald Celente offered commentary on the economy. He foresees unemployment rates rising as high as 25%, levels that will rival the Great Depression. He was critical of the plan to let banks set the value of their own toxic assets.

Gerald Celente: Expect World Riots Ghost Malls and a Revolution in This Country



“Who came up with the ‘too big to fail’ mantra? … It’s not socialism. By definition, government controlled capitalism is called fascism.”

“It’s insanity: the same people that caused it are going to fix it??

“Will the American troops fire on their people if they protest?

Bob Chapman — “TIMELINE: I Expect Real, Real Trouble NEXT YEAR”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from The Alex Jones Show, 3/20/09

• “Timeline: I expect real, real trouble next year.”

Sometime during 2010: the riots & demonstrations happening in a big way.

• 30% inflation in 2010; 15% by end of this year.


“Things always take a little bit longer
than you think they’re going to.”

– Bob Chapman at age-72
The International Forecaster


Ron Paul: “This is the BIG One! … Between One and Four Years the $Dollar$ Will IMPLODE”

Gerald Celente: “The MEDIA is really basically made up of CON MEN and CLOWNS” / Jim Cramer / “People don’t have the DIGNITY or respect TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES” / “By this time NEXT YEAR, everybody will know”

Brilliant Analysis by Peter Schiff: Crisis Just Beginning — Obama Doing Exactly the Wrong Thing

Gerald Celente: “The MEDIA is really basically made up of CON MEN and CLOWNS” / Jim Cramer / “People don’t have the DIGNITY or respect TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES” / “By this time NEXT YEAR, everybody will know”

Gerald Celente with Jason Bermas 2009-03-13
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske.

Gerald forecasts about timing in parts 4 & 5


“People are afraid to look at what’s really happening.”

45% of the global wealth evaporated last year. What are they waiting for, 100%? … This thing is collapsing so fast, and the media is really basically made up of con men and clowns. To be quoting these guys over and over, Colbert. ‘Did you hear what John Stuart said?’ ‘Did you hear what Hannity said?’ How about what Laural and Hardy or Abbott and Costellos said?”



“Empire America is Fading Fast.”

– Gerald Celente


Ron Paul: “This is the BIG One! … Between One and Four Years the $Dollar$ Will IMPLODE”

From: Financial Times, Believer in small government predicts 15-year depression, March 22 2009

Unfortunately, cashing out will not protect the value of investments, he [Congressman Ron Paul] insists, because “fiat” currencies will all decline over the coming years as measures to try to haul the world economy out of recession fail. “The current stimulus measures are making things a lot worse,” says Mr Paul.

“The US government just won’t allow the correction the economy needs.” He cites the mini-depression of 1921, which lasted just a year largely because insolvent companies were allowed to fail. “No one remembers that one. They’ll remember this one, because it will last 15 years.”

At some stage – Mr Paul estimates it will be between one and four years – the dollar will implode. “The dollar as a reserve standard is done,” he says. …

A deep recession had only been avoided up until now because of the efforts of successive governments to reflate the economy. But there are no more policy levers left, says Mr Paul. This is the big one.”

Unsurprisingly, Mr Paul has been viewed as a crank in Washington, dismissed as a doomsayer and a party-pooper. His bill early this year to abolish the Federal Reserve was largely ignored. And his adherence to the Austrian School of economics, which predicted that fiat currencies would destabilise the world economy, has won him few friends.

People don’t like the Austrians because they are against big government, against armies and against the welfare state. To accept Austrian economics, you have to accept limitations of credit expansion and that is what has kept the government and financial firms in business for so long.”

However, his views are, for the first time, being taken seriously in Washington. Like another politician who recently aimed for high office, Al Gore, Mr Paul’s uncomfortable truths are starting to be deliberated at elevated political levels. “Before last summer, in meetings nobody really knew I was there. Now they often defer to me on economic matters. But you won’t catch any of them admitting that publicly – not yet at least.”

He believes that markets will fall much further and inflation rise much higher before his fellow politicians recognise that the system has failed. “We are likely to see an inflation depression,” Mr Paul says.

“In the 1970s, we had stagflation, but not depression. Inflation depression is what you see in Zimbabwe.”

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Brilliant Analysis by Peter Schiff: Crisis Just Beginning — Obama Doing Exactly the Wrong Thing


Gerald Celente on Glenn Beck: “People are Afraid of the Truth”

[youtube=]Gerald Celente on Glenn Beck 10 Feb 09 Economic Apocalypse !!!!!!

[youtube=]Gerald Celente on Glenn Beck 14 Feb 2009 Global Katrina !!!

Introducing Gerald Celente, Trends Research Forecaster

Gerald Celente: Director of Trends Research Institute




Bob Chapman: Timing

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from The Alex Jones Show, 3/20/09

“Things always take a little bit longer
than you think they’re going to.”

– Bob Chapman at age-72
The International Forecaster


Bob Chapman on the difficulty of PRECISELY PREDICTING what the globalists will do and when: “They’re not logical. THEY’RE EVIL”

Karl Denninger: “We WILL see the S&P trade at one hundred if we start to see firms like GE go down … due to the INTENTIONAL and WILLFUL malfeasance of our lawmakers”

From: Market Watch

Here It Comes (GE)

This is what is going to happen, as I noted in BlogTalkRadio yesterday afternoon, if “The Bezzle” [from the word ’embezzle’ – ed.] is not removed from our system NOW.

Take a look at that folks.  That’s a snapshot of today’s volume for June GE $2.50 PUTs.

That’s over 52,000 contracts traded today, controlling 5.2 million shares.

They were purchased for about 30 cents, which means that the price has to be under $2.20 for them to go “in the money”.

This is a bankruptcy bet on General Electric by the third week of June.

General Electric is a stalwart of our financial and industrial system.  A bankruptcy by GE would be catastrophic for our economy and capital markets.  The follow-on damage with suppliers and customers would be even worse.

If “The Bezzle” is not brought under control right d— now this is what is going to to happen to company after company.  We WILL see the S&P trade at one hundred if we start to see firms like GE go down the toilet. …

It is my intention to guarantee that these actions and intentional and willful blindness is documented so that when these failures occur, which I have predicted and provided a path by which they can be prevented, occur due to the intentional and willful malfeasance of our lawmakers and policy “wonks”, the people can correctly hold to account the people responsible for their unemployment, homelessness and hunger.

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Celente: “The Greatest Depression” Under Way


The Greatest Depression Under Way
Gerald Celente

KINGSTON, NY, 2, March 2009 – “The Greatest Depression” that The Trends Research Institute forecast, well before Wall Street or Washington would acknowledge recession, is upon us.

The global financial markets are collapsing.

All the pundit’s cautious predictions and business media’s hopeful expectations at the New Year for an economic turn around and imminent market bottom were dead wrong. There will be no turn around in the second quarter of 2009 or 2010 or 2011 America and much of the world has entered “The Greatest Depression.”

The global financial system, built on endless supplies of cheap money, rampant speculation, fraud, greed, and delusion is terminally ill and will not be coaxed into remission by stimulus packages nor restored to health by government buyouts and bailouts.

Today, the MSCI World Index of stocks in 23 developed nations fell 4.9 percent to 713.75, the lowest closing level since March 2003, and its Emerging Markets Index slid 5 percent. The Dow followed, plunging 300 points, closing below 7,000 for the first time since 1997.

There is no stock market bottom in sight. The only figure that can be forecast with confidence is that the Dow won’t reach zero!

As the crisis worsens, governments will take draconian measures to prevent total economic collapse and public panic. We have cautioned the likelihood of such measures before. But the rapidity and severity of the economic unraveling now demands immediate attention.

Expect massive bank failures, runs on banks, and bank holidays. Even if deposits are FDIC insured, quick access to money is by no means assured. At minimum, have reserves on hand for emergencies.

Trendpost: When the ship is sinking there are very few options: Life boats, life rafts, life preservers and for the late to act, possibly a few pieces of floating debris to cling to.

We are trend forecasters, not certified financial advisors legally empowered to provide such advice. Although gold prices declined today some $15 to $925 per ounce, we forecast that gold will be one of the few life saving investments that will continue to increase in value, reaching $2,000 per ounce and beyond.

The Trends Research Institute
845.331.3500 Ext. 1

© MMIX The Trends Research Institute®
Trends Research | P.O. Box 660 | Rhinebeck, NY 12572

“We Will Recover,” Says Obama. “No We Won’t,” Says Celente; Government Policies Doomed to Fail

By Gerald Celente, director, The Trends Research Institute


‘We Will Recover’ – Obama…
No We Won’t Says Celente

KINGSTON, NY, 27, February 2009 — The wealth of plain, hard facts upon which The Trends Research Institute’s forecasts are based belie the lofty promises made by President Obama’s first address to Congress.

“We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before,” said President Obama.

Said Celente, “The government has yet to fix the levees in New Orleans.  There is still a hole in the ground where the World Trade Center once stood.   Washington has started two wars it can’t win and doesn’t know how to finish.  The massive bank, brokerage, auto and insurance company bailouts have done nothing to resuscitate the sinking economy. The Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) that candidate Obama championed has not “relieved.”  President Obama’s $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will not lead to recovery and the nation will not ’emerge stronger than before,'” Celente continued.

The Crash of 2009 Is COMING To YOU: “How is $It Not Going to Be Worthless?” — “Doing This To Our Children is Immoral”

“An Inconvenient Debt”


“Jefferson said: ~’doing this to our children is immoral.'”

“We have pumped all of this money in,
and devalued our money.
How is it not going to be worthless?”

John Williams: When to Expect $Hyperinflation$$$$$$$$$$$


Respected economist John Williams, editor of, a popular website that tracks real inflation figures, is advising that people hoard physical gold as well as food items in bulk so that they have some means with which to barter as the economic crisis turns ugly.

Three or four years into the future I think we could be in a hyperinflation, within the current year you’re going to see much higher inflation than most people are looking at,” Williams told MarketWatch.

Williams said that his definition of hyperinflation would be a situation in which a $100 dollar bill would become more functional as a piece of toilet paper than a store of value. …

At least as far back as April 2008, six months before the collapse of Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, Williams predicted that the world economy was entering a phase of “hyperinflationary depression” that would peak in 2010.

In a hyperinflation special report, Williams said that the U.S. was on an irreversible course of “financial armageddon” that would likely lead to “extreme political change and/or civil unrest”.

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Celente: The People Who Will Survive This Greatest Depression…

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from Dr. Bill Deagle’s Nutrimedical Report, 2/9/09

“The people that are going to survive
this Greatest Depression
are going to be healthy:
as well as financially.”

– Gerald Celente


“I don’t have to tell you the health of this nation.

You look back at photos of people during the Great Depression. They weren’t riding around at Wal-Marts on these electric carts to get around.

They were self-sufficient, and they were in much better shape, physically, emotionally and spiritually. There was more of whole-health healing going on back then than there is now.”

– Gerald Celente

AMAZING!!! Historians Twist History of the Great Depression(s) to Make Gov’t Intervention Appear Desirable

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from: Tom Woods and Burton Folsom on Glenn Beck “Meltdown” 02/09/2009


Thomas Woods:

“There’s the case of the Great Depression of 1920, which no one’s ever heard of, because the government at that time didn’t do anything to try to get us out of it. They did the exact opposite of what every Keynesian blockhead, today, tells us to do. …

Here you have a depression that was worse in its first year than the first year of the depression of ’29, and yet, in no time the country was back on its feet, setting production records once again. All the bad malinvestments of the preceding boom were all cleared out, and you had a robust recovery.

Whereas in 1929 and thereafter, what did you have? Tinker, tinker, tinker, year after year after year. And regardless of the fact that in the media you hear, even today, that: ‘Herbert Hoover sat back and did nothing during the Great Depression.’ If only he had! Everything he did made it worse, so that in 1932, when F.D.R. was running against him, his Vice Presidential nominee actually said: ‘Hoover is leading the country down the road to socialism.’ Everybody knew he was intervening. And so year after year after year, the depression persists. You’ve got double-digit unemployment.

Maybe there’s a lesson here. The one time the government said, in American history, ‘we’re going to roll up our sleeves and solve this thing,’ the thing would not go away. They would not allow the recovery to take place.


If we [had] let the market set interest rates, you don’t have these crazy asset bubbles.”

Glenn Beck:

“When I read things like both of your gentleman’s books…. I read the history of this country. Woodrow Wilson was a nightmare. F.D.R. not anything like what I thought he was, and what’s being taught at school. Burton, why are we not taught the truth?

Burton Folsom:

Historians are committed that you need to centralize power in Washington.”

The guests’ books at Amazon:

New Deal or Raw Deal?: How FDR’s Economic Legacy Has Damaged America, by Burton W., Jr. Folsom

Meltdown: A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse, by Thomas E. Woods Jr.


Tom Woods: Meltdown (Lew Rockwell Show 2/11/09)

Celente: The Greatest Depression — Using 1930’s Models to Get Us Out of This is Really Stupid”

Ron Paul on Real Time with Bill Maher 2/20/09 — “The real problem is we need to do a lot less”

Celente: The Greatest Depression — Using 1930’s Models to Get Us Out of This is Really Stupid”

From: Prison Planet; transcription by Jeff Fenske



“What are we going to see happening to the society, to people’s day-to-day lives in terms of how they treat one another, crime?”

Gerald Celente

“When I say it’s going to be worse than the Great Depression, we call this the Greatest Depression. And by the way, to be using 1930’s models to get us out of this is really stupid. Back then, when we first crashed, most people didn’t own homes. There was no such thing as a home equity loan. And back then, people didn’t have credit cards. The consumer wasn’t 14 trillion dollars in debt. We had a manufacturing base that built the world out of the Great Depression, following World War II. We no longer have that.

So now, people are at their ends. They’re stressed out. America is the most depressed nation, already. They take more anti-depressent drugs than anybody. Plus the other kind of drugs that they’re taking. You’re going to see crime levels…. It’s going to be very violent in America. …

When people lose everything, and they have nothing to lose, they lose it. You’re going to see ‘off with their heads.’ There’s going to be another revolution in this country.”


“So you don’t think Obama is different in any way?”


“‘By their deeds you shall know them.’ If I bring in a hitter that strikes out every time, and I want him to play in the world series, is he going to hit the ball over the fence?

They brought in Larry Summers, Timothy Geitner. Look at the crew. Look at who they are. They’re strike-out artists, every one of them. The only thing that they know how to do is not to get their fingernails dirty.”

Parallels With the Great Depression

From: New American

What began early last year as a “credit crunch” and an “economic downturn” is now being characterized as a “long, severe recession.” Once upon a time, such a crisis was known as a “depression” before Americans became squeamish about such stark language.

As with our reluctant semantic retreat from “credit crunch” to “recession,” the reality of another Great Depression will probably not be acknowledged until years after the fact. But America and the rest of the modern world, by doggedly pursuing the same mistaken policies of the 1920s and ’30s, have made a full-blown depression — lasting years, not months, and featuring catastrophic failures in entire economic sectors along with chronic double-digit unemployment and monetary malaise — all but inevitable. In fact, the parallels between the run-up to the Great Depression and today’s economic havoc are stunning.

The Roaring ’20s, ’80s, and ’90s

By 1929, the United States — and most of the rest of the industrial world — had been on a nine-year joy ride known as the “Roaring Twenties.” It was an age of unparalleled new technology — the heyday of the silent film era and the Model T Ford, and the beginning of radio and commercial air service, among many other modern marvels. The first American generation to consecrate itself to mass entertainment came of age in the Twenties. It was the first recognizably modern decade, and the future, to the flappers, barnstormers, and other bons vivants that characterized the age, looked very bright indeed. Accordingly, it was also an age of bold enterprises — of the beginning of mass production and of skyscraper construction. For the first time ever, Americans had enough extra money to turn sports into a lucrative industry. From the vantage point of the mid-Twenties, the party was never going to end.

Like the Roaring Twenties, the long boom from approximately 1982 to 2000 was characterized by boundless optimism and an explosion of new technology. New forms of mass entertainment — MTV, cable television, video games, and the Internet — proliferated, turning the United States of America into the world’s entertainment capital. Men with big ideas — the leveraged-buyout moguls of the ’80s and the high-tech wizards of the ’90s chief among them — had no trouble finding capital to leverage their grandiose ambitions. Like the Twenties, the last two decades of the 20th century were a time of larger-than-life colossi like Donald Trump, Warren Buffett, and numerous flamboyant entertainers, from rock stars and hectomillionaire athletes to the instant celebrities of reality TV and American Idol. Risk and chutzpah were everywhere rewarded and nowhere penalized, or so it seemed. Old-school caution and frugality were cast to the wind; the world belonged to the extravagant, the glitzy, and the fully leveraged.

But behind these two parallel utopias, separated by more than six decades, lay a common reality that none but a very few astute, well-connected, or economically well-schooled were able to perceive: an artificial economic expansion created by the issuance of vast amounts of paper money. The great episodes of monetary expansion of the ’20s, ’80s, and ’90s resulted from the magic of central banking — in America’s case, of the Federal Reserve’s ability to create new debt by lowering interest rates far below any rational market pricing. This resulted in years of easy credit, abundant borrowing, and an illusion of far greater prosperity and growth rates than actually existed. The result was cultural and societal no less than economic: because so few Americans, then or more recently, understood how the banking and Federal Reserve System works, the illusion of unnatural prosperity encouraged waste, leisure, and the notion of American invincibility.

In both cases, the party came to a calamitous end. But despite what we assume nowadays, few in the late fall of 1929 — even after the storied stock market meltdown — imagined that more than a decade of economic hardship lay ahead. Indeed, had the federal government, and the Federal Reserve in particular, allowed the crisis to run its course, the American economy during the 1930s would have been far different, probably recovering after a severe recession at the beginning of the decade helped restore sanity to the markets.

Disastrous Intervention

Unfortunately, the Hoover administration chose to intervene in the markets to an unprecedented degree.

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Celente: The Presidential Reality Show — People who drink the Kool-Aid will go down with the ship

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from:

The Alex Jones Show – L I V E – Jan. 27 with Gerald Celente — Trends Research Institute, just-the-facts, ‘political atheist’


. . .

The next shoe to drop domestically:

“What we’re going to see with the real estate collapse in commercial is going to make the sub-prime problem look like peanuts. And we’re forecasting: around March, the reality is going to set in that the greatest depression is on the way.”

The ‘solution’ is sold as ‘nationalization,’ but:

“What they’re calling ‘nationalization,’ …it’s not nationalization at all…. Now, Wall Street is in control of Washington.”

The Presidential Reality Show:

“This is the Presidential Reality Show, Episode 2, Obama Moves Into the Whitehouse. America loves entertainment, and they now have a celebrity President.

He’s the Tiger Woods of the political scene.

People are going to buy into this for a long time. … The people are so fearful and desperate that they’ll believe the thinnest veneer has substance to it.”

The college industrial complex:

Our education system has dumbed us down and forced us to learn all the same things in the same way. … There’s no individuality. … What’s going to survive in this coming greatest depression are the people that express their individuality, that are unique, or innovative, and really understand what quality is about. Those are going to be the survivors and thrivers in the coming tough times, as the rest of the people who all think alike, and have drunk the Kool-Aid go down with the ship.”

“Most people are only fed sound-bites of information upon which they make decisions.”

“They don’t want to believe it, number one. They think of these things as conspiracy theories. They’ve been indoctrinated all their lives through the college industrial complex to all think alike. …this is way beyond their grasp of understanding. How many people really know that the major issue in United States’ politics throughout the entire 1800s was about the central bankers taking over the country?”

‘Shows’ lose their ratings:

This is the Presidential reality show, and shows start losing their ratings after awhile, when they turn bad. … It’s going to lose its veneer.”

On the geopolitical front:

“On the geopolitical front, what we’re most concerned about is Israel and Iran.”

Celente says Obama’s early measures give the impression of ‘change,’ like closing Guantanamo, the emissions standards, the executive pay, the abortion issue.

“He’s solidifying his core support

Alex Jones adds that Barack Obama is already betraying some of his stances [like pulling out of Iraq]. And:

He’s throwing a few bones, but they’re hollow. We’ll look at a year in closing Guantanamo, but we’ll keep indefinite detention.”


He’s just carrying on the policies and the big issues in the economy and geopolitical as the previous administration.”

President Eisenhower warned the nation as he was leaving office that the military industrial complex is taking over the country.

Look who Obama just brought in as his deputy defense secretary, a chief lobbyist for one of the greatest of all the military industrial defense companies, Raytheon [Bill Lynn, – ed.].

Don’t wait to get hit:

Don’t wait to get hit. … An economic 9/11 has already happened. Take evasive actions. Plan for the future. …

As my dear father had taught me…, ‘listen to your own gut; think for yourself; don’t be a parrot. … Stop repeating what everybody else is saying.’”

Gerald Celente: Top Trends During The Collapse of 2009 — Whole Health Healing, Quality, The Sharp Look …

From: Freedom’s Phoenix

Jim Puplava interviews Gerald Celente on the coming Collapse of 2009: Click Here to Listen

.   .   .

Some of Calente’s Interesting Points:
Selected and Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

• Whole health healing — People will only go to the doctor for emergencies. Gerald had Lyme disease, which he treated naturally.

• Yankee frugality — People fixing and doing things on their own. “Use it up, wear it out. Make it do, do without.”

• Quality — Cutting back on junk — foods and products of substance. Character.

• “The sharp look is going to be back in.” “The people are going to understand that if they’re going to want to get a job and move ahead, they better act sharp, be sharp and think sharp.”

• Entertainment revival. “In bad times, people want high times.” The great depression had “the happiest, hottest music this nation has ever seen.”

• Revival of mainstreet — “Live, work and shop all in the same area.” Mom and Pop stores.

College crash — “These kids, today, think they know it all.”

• Global unrest — If the war is expanded beyond Gaza to include Lebanon, Syria and maybe Iran, we’re looking at WWIII. Throw in an ‘oil shock’ on top of our economic disaster, and ouch!

“We think…the collapse is going to start happening around late February, early March.”


Gerald Celente: How to make money on the elegance trend

Trends Forecaster, Gerald Celente: The GREATEST Depression Coming — “This is the time for innovation … The best of times for the people of a higher moral character”

Chief Economist: It’s A Depression

From: Prison Planet

Professor Peter Morici, a former chief economist at the U.S. International Trade Commission, has become one of the first senior economists to admit that the U.S. is facing a 1930’s style depression.

Noting that 2.6 million payroll jobs have been lost since December 2007, Morici told financial publication Kiplinger that a 5 per cent contraction in the fourth quarter made the crisis “worse than a recession”.

“The economy will not recover without fundamental changes in banking and trade policy,” said Morici, an economics professor at Maryland University, “A large stimulus package, though necessary, will only give the economy a temporary lift,” he added. “The economy is in a depression, not a recession.”

A trickle of prominent analysts are now saying what people like Alex Jones and Peter Schiff were being called doomsayers for predicting over a year ago, that the U.S. faces a crisis on the scale of the 1930’s if not worse.

Morici’s summation dovetails the analysis of renowned financial publication The Economist, which reported earlier this month that, based on the characteristics of the current financial crisis, the U.S. is in a depression, not a recession.

On December 23rd, the IMF’s top economist, Olivier Blanchard, warned that falling confidence could turn a recession into a depression if market sentiment continued to dwindle.


Peter Schiff Compares US economic crisis to the collapse of Russia

Bob Chapman just said on Alex Jones that he agrees with Peter, here, except that he believes that most oversees investments aren’t safe, either—for the whole world will be affected.


The ECONOMIC COLLAPSE of 2009 — Debt created by futures speculation is 16 times greater than the sum total of the entire wealth on the planet?

From: RBN, Dave Hodges

In the United States, credit swap derivatives created national debt totals of over one quadrillion dollars. That is one thousand trillion dollars! The entire GDP of the planet is estimated at $66 trillion dollars. And somehow, in the infinite wisdom of Congress, we falsely and naively believed that a $750 billion transfer of wealth (i.e., bailout) was magically going to save the economy and the collective futures of the American middle class. In short, the debt created by futures speculation is approximately 16 times greater than the sum total of the entire wealth on the planet! And we think we are going to climb out of this?

The bailout is enough, just enough, to float the economy through the 2009 presidential inauguration. The placebo effect of the anticipated widespread public hope, which will be fueled by the Obama inauguration, may push the inevitable economic crash out another 30 days, but not much further. America is living on both borrowed money and borrowed time.

The present bail out (i.e., the public theft of our collective private assets) will not save your job, your mortgage or your pension. If the bailout was going to preserve anything but the bottom line of the international banksters, then ask yourself why NORTHCOM is constantly conducting riot suppression activities. What does NORTHCOM and the Government know that most Americans do not know with regard to what lies ahead?

The bailout is nothing but a power play which provided the means for the Treasury Secretary (i.e., the treasury czar), the former head of Goldman Sachs, Henry Paulson, to gain absolute power over the economy. Does any well-informed person think that Obama is going to bring about real change? Where is Obama’s new Treasury Secretary coming from?

Meet the new boss, the same as the old boss. The new Treasury Secretary elect, Timothy Geithner, is the President the New York Fed. And what about Clinton’s chief financial advisor, Larry Summers who has now resurfaced in the Obama administration? Summers and Robert Rubin, another Goldman Sachs colleague, in conjunction with Paulson, undermined the Glass-Steagall Act during the Clinton administration. The Glass-Steagall Act resulted from Depression era policies which wisely prohibited banks from becoming insurance brokers and engaging in other unsavory practices such as participating in the credit swap derivatives ponzi schemes. If Rubin and company had not convinced Clinton to scrap Glass-Steagall, we might not be on the precipice of economic disaster.

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Report: U.S. Army Readying In Case Economic Recession Gets Ugly

From: Newsmax, U.S. Military Preparing for Domestic Disturbances

A new report from the U.S. Army War College discusses the use of American troops to quell civil unrest brought about by a worsening economic crisis.

The report from the War College’s Strategic Studies Institute warns that the U.S. military must prepare for a “violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States” that could be provoked by “unforeseen economic collapse” or “loss of functioning political and legal order.”

Entitled “Known Unknowns: Unconventional ‘Strategic Shocks’ in Defense Strategy Development,” the report was produced by Nathan Freier, a recently retired Army lieutenant colonel who is a professor at the college — the Army’s main training institute for prospective senior officers.

He writes: “To the extent events like this involve organized violence against local, state, and national authorities and exceed the capacity of the former two to restore public order and protect vulnerable populations, DoD [Department of Defense] would be required to fill the gap.”

Freier continues: “Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities *in extremis to defend basic domestic order … An American government and defense establishment lulled into complacency by a long-secure domestic order would be forced to rapidly divest some or most external security commitments in order to address rapidly expanding human insecurity at home.”

International Monetary Fund Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned last week of riots and unrest in global markets if the ongoing financial crisis is not addressed and lower-income households are beset with credit constraints and rising unemployment, the Phoenix Business Journal reported.

Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma and Rep. Brad Sherman of California disclosed that Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson discussed a worst-case scenario as he pushed the Wall Street bailout in September, and said that scenario might even require a declaration of martial law.

* “In extremis is a Latin phrase meaning ‘in the furthest reaches’ or ‘at the point of death’, generally referring to grave or exceptional circumstances.”

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