Freedom from Alaska!

Month: December 2010 Page 5 of 6

ToBeFree: What the Bible says about NAKED BODY SCANNERS? Where is our line in the sand? It’s been right here all along!

I’m surprised that pastors aren’t warning the people to not take their clothes off in front of the TSA, for the naked body scanners are a virtual strip search. For the Bible couldn’t be any more clear.

And besides that, there are the health risks. And the threat of terrorism has been mostly manufactured, including 9/11. Here is just one article from the many listed in the links, below:

Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists. If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible…

The real purpose of the naked body scanners is to dehumanize and break the will of the people in order to bring us into a police state, just like in Nazi Germany, where most pastors also did not take a stand: Breaking The Will Of The People: The Real Purpose Of Body Scanners.

Benjamin Franklin said “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”

Congressman Ron Paul said: If we tolerate this there’s something wrong with us” ~”SHOWING OUR PAPERS, we’ve capitulated on that a long time ago, because we show our social security number, but NOW THEY WANT US TO SHOW OUR GENITALIA!”

And what matters most is what God says. It’s very clear. We shouldn’t be wondering — if only the pastors would speak out — or step down.

It’s time to take a stand. When flying, it seems to me that if they continue to only offer the naked body scan or the enhanced full-body patdown, the Godly thing is to go for the patdown from a same-sex TSA and if a woman especially, in the optional private room.

I refused the naked body scanner in Fresno, recently. The TSA said: take everything out of your pockets. I asked, “why,” because we only removed metal objects before. She said, “you’re going to go through the full body scanner.” I said, “I’m not going through the full body scanner.” She made sure, and then said (but didn’t yell, like some are saying happens): “We have an opt out.”

I chose the enhanced pat-down, declining the private room option, and that was no big deal for me. But if I was female, for sure I’d go in the ‘private’ room.

During that whole time in the TSA area, I was the only one who opted out. That was the biggest shock to me — which is one reason I’m writing this.


Question: … What does the Bible say about nudity?”

Answer: There is nothing essentially sinful about nudity (Genesis 2:25). Adam and Eve did not realize they were naked until after the Fall (Genesis 3:7-11). Before the Fall, they were naked, and it was good (Genesis 1:31). Sin is what caused nakedness to become a problem. Sin introduced lust, immorality, and perversion into the human race. As a result, we can no longer look at a nude person of the opposite sex in a pure manner. God made clothing for Adam and Eve to resolve this problem (Genesis 3:21). If God approved of nakedness, He would have simply told them that being naked was okay, and they did not need to feel embarrassed or ashamed. The fact that God clothed Adam and Eve indicates that God expects us to be clothed.

* * *


Several actions concerning nakedness (outside marriage where the bed is undefiled – Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
See All…) are condemned in the Bible:

  1. It is a shame and wrong to uncover your nakedness to others. The priests were warned to wear undergarments so that their nakedness would not be discovered when they went up the steps to the altar in their robes. Their undergarments (linen breeches) were to cover from their loins (waist) to their thighs (Exodus 28:42 And thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach:
    See All…). When the children of Israel made and worshipped the golden calf, Aaron “made them naked unto their shame (Exodus 32:25 And when Moses saw that the people were naked; (for Aaron had made them naked unto their shame among their enemies:)
    See All…). Isaiah 47:3 Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet thee as a man.
    See All… speaks of the shame of having your nakedness uncovered.
  2. It is a sin to uncover the nakedness of another. This is seen as leading to other sins (see Leviticus 18:6-18 [6] None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the LORD. [7] The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover: she is thy mother; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. [8] The nakedness of thy father’s wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father’s nakedness. [9] The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover. [10] The nakedness of thy son’s daughter, or of thy daughter’s daughter, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover: for theirs is thine own nakedness. [11] The nakedness of thy father’s wife’s daughter, begotten of thy father, she is thy sister, thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. [12] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father’s sister: she is thy father’s near kinswoman. [13] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother’s sister: for she is thy mother’s near kinswoman. [14] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father’s brother, thou shalt not approach to his wife: she is thine aunt. [15] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter in law: she is thy son’s wife; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness. [16] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother’s wife: it is thy brother’s nakedness. [17] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son’s daughter, or her daughter’s daughter, to uncover her nakedness; for they are her near kinswomen: it is wickedness. [18] Neither shalt thou take a wife to her sister, to vex her, to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her life time.
    See All…).
  3. It is wrong to look on the nakedness of others. Ham’s son was cursed because Ham saw the nakedness of his father and went and talked about it (Genesis 9:22-23 [22] And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. [23] And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness.
    See All…). Habakkuk 2:15 Woe unto him that giveth his neighbour drink, that puttest thy bottle to him, and makest him drunken also, that thou mayest look on their nakedness!
    See All… speaks of the wickedness of those who get someone drunk in order to “look on their nakedness.”

One important point I need to make concerns the biblical definition of nakedness. We sometimes get the idea that nakedness refers only to having no clothing at all. However, this is neither true in the Bible nor in the English dictionary. One of the definitions for “naked” in my English dictionary is “without conventional or usual clothing.” Many people do not know that the Bible often calls improper covering of the body nakedness. Most often it refers to the wearing of undergarments in public. This explains the nakedness of Saul (1 Samuel 19:24 And he stripped off his clothes also, and prophesied before Samuel in like manner, and lay down naked all that day and all that night. Wherefore they say, Is Saul also among the prophets?
See All…), of David (2 Samuel 6:14 And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.
See All…, 20; 1 Chronicles 15:27 And David was clothed with a robe of fine linen, and all the Levites that bare the ark, and the singers, and Chenaniah the master of the song with the singers: David also had upon him an ephod of linen.
See All…), of Isaiah (Isaiah 20:2-4 [2] At the same time spake the LORD by Isaiah the son of Amoz, saying, Go and loose the sackcloth from off thy loins, and put off thy shoe from thy foot. And he did so, walking naked and barefoot. [3] And the LORD said, Like as my servant Isaiah hath walked naked and barefoot three years for a sign and wonder upon Egypt and upon Ethiopia; [4] So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners, and the Ethiopians captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, even with their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt.
See All…), and of Peter (John 21:7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher’s coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea.
See All…). It is interesting that Peter did not want Jesus to see him naked.

* * *

From my essay:
The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount teaching is so crystal clear. Lust is adultery and a damming sin!

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery;’ but I tell you that everyone who gazes at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart. If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna. If your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off, and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna. (Matthew 5:27-30)

Likewise, Paul was clear in his teaching toward Christian women:

I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. (1 Timothy 2:8-10)

One author interprets shamefacedness this way:

The word shamefacedness comes from a Greek word which means literally “downcast eyes,” but it is meant in a good sense and refers to one who is ashamed to overstep the limit of womanly reserve.

In my Let Us Be One prophecy, God said it this way in the chapter I call Jesus’ Dress Code:

My people, live as one, not judging one another, being critical of how they dress, one more popular than another. We are all different. Everyone is unique. Give people space, as long as it’s holy. You need to have righteousness girded about your loins. Hide yourself. They don’t need to see everything. That is for your husband, only him. Be careful; this is right.

God designed women to be very attractive to men. And there are certain things that only the woman’s husband should see—no matter what the Devil through society is telling us.

Freedom in Christ is in part freedom from actual lust demons that drive probably the majority of Americans [including TSAs!] to not be free in the lust area. Not giving the demons a place at all is the only way to be lust-demon free.

We need to “be careful. This is right.”


Radiation scientists agree TSA naked body scanners could cause breast cancer and sperm mutations

PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION: FBI manufactures terrorism to cause fear so public will accept the naked body scanner police state

Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists. If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible…

IMPORTANT! Alex Jones: Another Clueless Patsy Set-up by FBI in Christmas Tree Bombing Plot — “…so they can sit up there on the news and say: ‘We’ve got terrorists everywhere. We’ve gotta have naked body scanners!’”

Naked body scanners: You can see the bones in people’s fingers. They’ve been giving the public de-rezzed images.

The real purpose of naked body scanners: Using phony terrorist scares to bilk Americans out of millions in tax dollars and rob them of their privacy and dignity

Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists. If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible…

RON PAUL: Crotch Groped by TSA, Calls for Boycott of Airlines — “If we tolerate this there’s something wrong with us” ~”SHOWING OUR PAPERS, we’ve capitulated on that a long time ago, because we show our social security number, but NOW THEY WANT US TO SHOW OUR GENITALIA!”

Naked body scanners will be everywhere! Napolitano: Next step for body scanners could be trains, boats, metro

Gerald Celente on naked body scanners and full-body pat-downs: They freaked the whole country out over the underwear bomber who didn’t even have an igniter!

TSA Tactics Find Ominous Parallel in Nazi Germany — It took Hitler and the Nazis nearly a decade to impose a murderous police state on the German people. In the wake of the staged burning of the Reichstag…

IRRATIONALlY FEARFUL: Why are people so willing to show their naked bodies? “More people die each year from honey bee stings than from terror” — Alex Jones

More Proof! Photo: Naked Body Scanners Really Can Show Naked Bodies — and Even Bones!

Photo/Video: Naked Body Scanners Really Do Show Naked Bodies

Benjamin Franklin on naked body scanners: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”

Paul Craig Roberts: “People have forgotten the warnings of the founding fathers that you can’t trade your rights for safety, because the minute you don’t have your rights anymore you’re not safe”

Naked Body Scanners, Michael Chertoff and NPR

Airport Naked Body Scanners: Experts Now Warn X-ray Devices “could give you cancer” “because the beam concentrates on the skin — one of the most radiation-sensitive organs of the human body — that (the) dose may be up to 20 times higher than first estimated”

Excellent! How to opt out of the TSA’s naked body scanners at the airport — “They all just lined up like cattle to have their bodies scanned with ionizing radiation”

Feds Caught Storing Naked Body Scanner Images at Florida Courthouse Security Checkpoint

Katherine Albrecht: Nakedizing Machines — “Would you get naked for Big Brother?” Katherine won’t.

Biochemist: ‘Naked’ scanners may increase cancer risk — “While the dose would be safe if it were distributed throughout the volume of the entire body, the dose to the skin may be dangerously high”

Miami airport security guard attacks colleague over ‘manhood’ jokes after walking through full nudity body scanner

Full-Body Airport Scanners May Not Have Thwarted Alleged Christmas Day Bomber, GAO says.

Airport security guard was given a police warning after he was caught staring at images of a female colleague in a body scanner. — Their solution is training and monitoring to ensure that TSAs will only be able to lust “lawfully, with fairness and without discriminating.” Where is the outcry from women, from fathers — from the pastors???

Transportation Security Administration is misleading the public (lying). Body scanners can store, send images, group says.

Airport Worker Caught Ogling Image of Woman on Naked Body Scanner — called “perv scanner” in Europe

Pornographic Scanners: The TSA has been trying to turn airports into peep-shows courtesy of these strip-machines since 2002. Then along comes Umar Farouk Abdullmutallab and his burning britches, and bingo …

Exposed — Naked Body Scanner Images Of Film Star Printed, Circulated By Airport Staff

Aussie TSA on ‘naked’ full-body scanners: “It will show the private parts of people, but what we’ve decided is that we’re not going to blur those out, because it severely limits the detection capabilities.”

It’s Official: A Majority Of Americans Would Give Up Liberty In Order To Be Safe From Terrorism. Almost 4 out of 5 Americans are perfectly fine with letting airport security officials gawk at their naked bodies just so they can feel a bit safer from terrorists.

Breaking The Will Of The People: The Real Purpose Of Body Scanners

FBI LIED 5 TIMES about the underwear bomber. Full-body scanners were scheduled to be installed in hundreds of US airports BEFORE incident! PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION. But body scanners wouldn’t have stopped incident anyway?

The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy

David Bercot’s CD teaching: Separation from the World — What the Early Christians Believed About Separation from the World. D. Bercot. The Bible exhorts us: “Adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” So…

David Bercot’s CD teaching: Modest Dress and Cosmetics — How literally did the early Christians take Peter’s exortation?

Wes Hall: It’s Not Just Porn! “You’re asking for power and there are areas of hidden compromise in your life. … I’m not talking about the R-rated movies. I’m talking about the PG-13s … certain sitcoms, TV shows where your spirit is being defiled.”

A Nation ‘Bewitched’: Farrah Fawcett — “When the show [Charlie’s Angels] got to be No. 3, I figured it was our acting. When it got to be No. 1, I decided it could only be because none of us wears a bra”

1942 Minnesota: Bathing beaches prior to the low-cut top epidemic

All of my Lust Freedom! posts

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

[video] Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 6 — Great Lakes (Water Conspiracy)

[youtube=]Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 6 (Water Conspiracy) – PT 1 of 4

Federaljacktube3 | December 03, 2010 | 65 likes, 0 dislikes

Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 6 (Water Conspiracy)





“Conspiracy Theory” with Jesse Ventura (Season One)


JP Morgan Silver Manipulation Explained

[youtube=]JP Morgan Silver Manipulation Explained

MrSilvergoldsilver | December 02, 2010 | 170 likes, 7 dislikes

Too big too fail banks like JPM and HSBC have been artificially manipulating the price of silver and gold, scamming the tax payer, and ultimately will lead to the biggest financial disaster in the history of human financial civilization. The run on the comex has begun. The COMEX offered dollars instead of physical metal on December 1st silver deliveries. GAME OVER.

Ron Paul: When The People Change, Washington Will Change (Full Speech at Arizona State)

[youtube=]Ron Paul: When The People Change, Washington Will Change (Full Speech at Arizona State

RonPaul2008dotcom | November 22, 2010 | 440 likes, 3 dislikes

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Ron Paul is America’s leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, a return to sound monetary policies, and a sensible foreign policy that puts America first.

For more information visit the following websites:

Women Duped to Seek Power, Not Love — Feminism is designed to destabilize society by coercing women to abandon the feminine role and usurp the male one instead

From: savethemales

Women Duped to Seek Power, Not Love

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

While on a visit to Toronto, I saw a beautiful young East Indian woman helping her brother move into a university residence where I was staying. She spent eight hours hauling heavy boxes and furniture.

“Doesn’t your brother have any male friends who could help him?” I asked her.

“Oh, I’m a great believer in equality,” she replied cheerfully as she hoisted a book shelf.

Equality! What a boon for women. In the bad old days, women wouldn’t be allowed to do hard physical labor like this.

This is a bright girl in a Pre-Med program yet she had been easily duped to deny her femininity. They told her femininity was “socially constructed” and she had to be “independent.” Since when are biological instincts socially constructed? More likely “independence” is. Yet, here she is, stunting her natural development by postponing marriage and children for career. Under the guise of “rights” for women, feminism has been a vicious lesbian attack on femininity.

Women were intended to carry children, not pianos. Equal does not mean identical. We all have an equal right to dignity and fulfillment but our paths are not the same. Men are fulfilled by supporting and leading a family. Women are fulfilled by devotion to husband and family and by experiencing their love. (Of course, women can have careers but they should be secondary to family.) …

I sat down with Greg, a tall, handsome, fit, smart, successful Toronto contractor and custom builder. He is 40 and a dream catch for the “oops I forgot to have children” set.

He just ended a three-year relationship with a career woman in her late 30’s due to issues of power and control.

“She wanted to wear the pants and treat me like a servant,” he said. “She was always calculating who did what for whom, and what was ‘fair and equitable.'”

Now you’d think a woman nearing the end of her fertility would snap up a man like Greg who wants to put down roots and have a family. You’d think she’d know how to make him happy. But this woman didn’t. For example, she demanded he nurse her when she was sick but said he was “on his own” when he was ill.

“As I became more successful, she actually felt threatened. She was losing control.,” said Greg. She talked about having children but her actions belied her words. Instead of reading about child rearing, she brought books home about getting the corner office.”

Now she and her unmarried friends sit around bashing men and complaining about the lack of good men. “Half the people in my age group are single,” Greg says. “It’s really scary.”

Men have been feminized. Greg should not have engaged in a power struggle. He should have said at the outset, “You can have power or you can have love. You cannot have both.” …

A woman who really loves a man will accept these terms. (She wants love not power.) This is how marriage takes place. Of course, he will consult her. He wants her to be happy. We love the people who love us.


In heterosexual marriage, the male wins a woman’s trust (i.e. love) through courtship. In return she gives him the power to love her by deferring to him. This exchange of power for love is how a man and a woman become one. It is the psychological key that allows us to grow. Sex is the symbol of this permanent and exclusive bond.

As I have said, feminism is designed to destabilize society by coercing women to abandon the feminine role and usurp the male one instead, undermining heterosexuality and the family. Like all aggression, this perverse assault on gender difference is disguised as an act of “defense” (of woman and homosexual rights.) Rockefeller social engineers want women to have careers instead of family, and this is happening in millions of cases.

The ultimate goal is a banker-run totalitarian “New World Order.” What we think of as “money” is really central banker “credit.” They want to consolidate their fraudulent monopoly, eventually controlling you with their “credit” card in your body.

In order to sabotage marriage and family, women have been filled with mistrust for men and marriage. They been duped to seek sex and power instead of marriage and motherhood.  What women really want is power expressed as male love. They will get it when they are finally able to trust a man, their husband.

Entire Article Here

UPDATE: “Police State” episode of hit Ventura show covering FEMA camps pulled from air — “due to pressure from within the government”

This is a good summary of how media is manipulated in
the land of the cowards and home of the slaves.

[youtube=]UPDATE: “Police State” episode of hit Ventura show covering FEMA camps pulled from air!

TheAlexJonesChannel | December 03, 2010 | 274 likes, 4 dislikes


UPDATED FRI, DEC. 3 11:25 AM CST — This is an update on the now-confirmed bizarre cancellation of the “Police State” FEMA camp episode from TruTV’s schedule, which is we now know is due to background pressure.

Alex Jones, a consultant to the show who appears in “Police State”, noticed three weeks ago that the episode was scheduled to air before the then-newest episode on Fridays at 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST. Alex knew that encore episodes were consistently replayed over-and-over prior to brand new Friday premiere episodes, so red flags went up when it did not re-air like all the others. Now that more inconsistencies have been documented, Alex made some phone calls to get to the bottom of the matter.

This morning, Alex spoke with Gov. Jesse Ventura and discovered that he was fully aware of the fact that “Police State” had been pulled due to pressure from within the government. The former Minnesota governor and star of the show indicated that he’s not ready to make a full statement yet as he’s still investigating the details and talking with network execs. However, Ventura urged that people have a right as citizens to contact TruTV and let them know that they want to see it back on air.

Write us:
600 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10016

Call us: 800.268.7856

Whatever the full cause of the behind-the-scenes pressure, it is clear that the government does not want audiences discussing FEMA camps and Fusion Centers or looking up H.R. 645, the bill named and read in the episode that authorizes FEMA emergency centers. Alex has done all he can to make sure the TruTV series is packed with hard-hitting facts and full of real, substantial issues. Though the show employs the dramatic techniques used throughout TV land, this is not the typical fluff. People had better understand that these are truly groundbreaking shows that are discussing damning evidence that the establishment doesn’t want sinking into the minds of a mainstream audience. Who knows if tonight’s water episode investigating lithium, uranium and fluoride being added to drinking water as a means of population control will itself even air or be replayed after the fact.

Lovers of liberty and supporters of Conspiracy Theory had better cue their DVRs and other recorders and save the episode for good, because with the censorship we’ve already seen, it is difficult to know how long this program will remain on air, or which episodes will be allowed to repeat.…

Jerome Corsi: Shocker! TSA’s nude scans would miss taped-on bombs

From: WND

A new peer-reviewed scientific study says the backscatter full-body imaging X-ray machines being used by the federal Transportation Security Administration could be fooled by terrorists who simply would mold explosives to conform to their bodies.

WND obtained an advance copy of the report, titled “An evaluation of airport X-ray backscatter units based on image characteristics,” in which University of California scientists Leon Kaufman and Joseph Carlson demonstrated that packages of explosives contoured to the body or worn along the sides likely would not be detected by TSA X-ray units built to “see” hard edges and anatomical features, and used primarily to image the front and back of the body.

The article comes from Dr. David Brenner of Columbia’s Center for Radiological Research, whose research includes estimating the risks of low dose X-ray exposures.

WND previously reported that Brennan has cautioned that it is “quite likely” that radiation from screening machines being installed nationwide by the TSA to use on airline passengers will cause cancer, especially among high-risk groups that include frequent fliers and children.

Entire Article Here

Stripping the TSA — Dogs are the Answer

[youtube=]REALITY REPORT #72 – Stripping the TSA

lonelantern | November 30, 2010 | 95 likes, 1 dislikes | http://RealityReport.TV | Will the TSA soon be at every bus terminal and train depot in America? In this edition of the Reality Report Gary Franchi discloses the purpose of the TSA Viper Teams and what non-invasive methods the Russians and Iraqis use to hunt for explosives. A new initiative is launched to abolish the TSA and Gary gives you the steps to take action. Nina breaks down the top stories including the Christmas Tree Bomber, what the media didn’t tell you about “Opt Out Day” and new information in the latest Wikileaks release and what you need to know about the world silver market. We are Change Chicago is featured from their latest street action, Beverly Eakman, co-founder of the National Education Consortium talks with Gary about how the financial crash can grow the police state, and Jesse Ventura returns to weigh in on the 9/11 Attacks. The mailbag is sifted and an new Enemy of the State joins the ranks.Please help raise awareness for The Reality Report and share this show.

Beverly Eakman: Over-Diagnosing America – Part 1:

Beverly Eakman: Engineering A Crisis – Part 2:

Beverly Eakman: Self-Preserving Government – Part 3:

Jesse Ventura: The 9/11 Conspiracy:

Now Available on DVD!

Ron Paul Targeted by Banksters and GOP Elite?

[youtube=]Ron Paul Targeted by Banksters and GOP Elite?

RonPaul2008dotcom | December 03, 2010 | 205 likes, 1 dislikes

12/03/2010 – Please like, share, subscribe & comment!

Ron Paul is in line to become Chairman of the Monetary Policy Subcommittee. But are concerned banksters and their puppets in Congress looking for ways to deprive Ron Paul of the appointment?

Read Phil Mattingly’s article at…

Ron Paul is America’s leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, a return to sound monetary policies, and a sensible foreign policy that puts America first.

For more information visit the following websites:

Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s


Click on headlines to see full articles If original sources are missing, click on Cached.
Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
See the entire collection here.
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Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon.
See the entire collection here.

New York City is sending organ-harvesting vans with ambulances on 911 life-threatening emergency calls.  The idea is that, if the victim’s life cannot be saved, they can extract his organs for transplant to those in need of them. The pilot program is funded by the federal government. Natural News 2010 Dec 3 (Cached)

US: TV special reveals that multi-national corporations are taking over local water supplies for profit and population control. Infowars 2010 Dec 3 (Cached)

US: Amazon cuts Wikileaks from its Internet servers at the behest of Senator Lieberman. He says it was the right decision and “should set the standard for other companies.” Business Insider 2010 Dec 2 (Cached)

US: Federal Reserve reveals that, in 2008, it made $9 trillion(!) in loans to banks, Wall Street firms, and manufacturing corporations. Many were from other countries. The Fed claims that the loans were all repaid. [Repayments of the old loans likely were made with money from new loans and credits. Former Treasury Secretary called this an “undisclosable event.”] CNN Money Dec 1 (Cached)

Nigeria to charge Dick Cheney and Halliburton for bribing government officials with $180 million to win pipeline contracts. 23 company officials in Nigeria were arrested but released a few days later on bail. A warrant for Cheney’s arrest is to be issued through Interpol, but likely cannot be enforced. Bloomberg 2010 Dec 1 (Cached)

US: In response to public indignation, TSA says it will make pat-down procedure less intrusive but now wants all Americans to be cleared by the government 72 hours before boarding a plane. Reportedly there are 750,000 people already on the FBI’s no-fly list. Prison Planet 2010 Dec 1 (Cached)

US: Senate passes S. 510 Food-Safety Act that expands FDA power and burdens small farmers. However, the House is expected to reject it, not because it disapproves, but because the bill includes a new tax, and that, Constitutionally, is reserved for the House only. [So it is a technicality and a contest over turf. The issue of control over farming will be brought back by amendment to the bill or new legislation in the next session.] Natural News 2010 Dec 1 (Cached)

California approves pesticide linked to cancer. It will be used primarily on strawberries, nut orchards, and in fresh-flower nurseries. Officials say that its toxicity is of little concern so long as they can use it “safely.” [Huh?]

Yahoo 2010 Dec 1 (Cached)

Climate-Change Summit in Cancun seeks to impose WWII-style rationing on developed countries and forced relocation of whole populations in the name of combating global warming.
Prison Planet
2010 Nov 30 (Cached)

Rulers and regulators, of course, are to be exempt from rationing. Watch their beachside fiesta here.
Watts Up With That 2010 Nov 30

US: Federal judge orders destruction of plantings of genetically modified sugar beets developed by Monsanto after ruling previously the U.S. Agriculture Department illegally approved the biotech crop. The court order requires that the seeds and their plants must be pulled from the ground. Monsanto has appealed the ruling.
2010 Nov 30 (Cached)

US: Teacher bans students from bringing pens and pencils to class because they could be used for making weapons. Really! InfoWars 2010 Nov 30 (Cached)

Farmed salmon from multi-national companies in Norway are escaping into natural waterways and destroying wild salmon populations across the world. This has been profitable to corporate fish farms but an economic blow to communities that depend on wild salmon. Mercola 2010 Nov 30 (Cached)

Common gadgets like Wi-Fi, mobile and cordless phones, wireless games, and microwave ovens emit EMF (electro-magnetic frequencies) that could be damaging our brains. They are linked to depression, headaches and sleeping disabilities.

Daily Mail
2010 Nov 30 (Cached)

South Korea prepares evacuation centers and shelters located across the country (mostly in subways and car parks) and able to accommodate 20 million people. The government believes that massive attacks from North Korea are a realistic possibility. NDTV 2010 Nov 30 (Cached)

US: Military veterans are suing the CIA for implanting electrodes in their brains without their consent. Records indicate that this may have been part of mind-control experiments.
Raw Story
2010 Nov 29 (Cached)

US: New army rifles use radio-controlled smart bullets that can kill people even if they have taken cover behind a wall or in a trench. Bullets are like small hand grenades and explode within inches of clearing the edge of the barrier. DailyMail 2010 Nov 29 (Cached)

Ireland: Banks receives $89 billion bailout, boosting bank-stock prices. Citizens, however, are angry because they must pay the bill through high interest rates on bailout “loans”, reduction in retirement benefits, and higher prices. The banks’ senior bondholders (banks in other countries) will not have to share the losses. [The government’s Transport Minister, Noel Dempsey, said the EU-IMF credit line “has taken us out of the situation where we’re at the absolute mercy of the markets.”
Exactly! The purpose of all bailouts is to prevent the free market from fixing the problem by allowing corrupt and mismanaged banks to fail.] Yahoo 2010 Nov 29 (Cached)

US: Homeland Security now is placing TSA agents at bus stations – to protect us from “bad guys,” they say. IntelHub 2010 Nov 29

Haiti: Election day is marred by fraud, violence, and destruction of polling places. Elites already are dividing the spoils. Bill Clinton is in charge of billions for the post-quake reconstruction project and is encouraging foreign investment. [That is code for privatization of essential resources by large corporations who acquire control, not by honest bidding, but backroom deals with politicians.] AP 2010 Nov 29 (Cached)

Iran’s leader, Ahmadinejad, says Wikileaks  documents were not genuine but disinformation created by the U.S. government to look like they were leaked. Their purpose is to create divisions and suspicions among Arab countries.
2010 Nov 29 (Cached)

Wikileaks co-founder (who parted with the organization over policy issues) says Wikileaks is funded either by a corrupt organization or a government agency and that all leaks are intentional. YouTube Posted 2010 Jul 29

Dubai’s officials say the city-state is hoping not to need another bailout and, to avoid that, it is considering selling off some of its assets and selling stocks in its state-run companies. Yahoo 2010 Nov 28 (Cached)

California has approved cameras mounted on rear-view mirrors to track the behavior of drivers. The concept is being sold as a means of improving safety and monitoring teen-age drivers.
[Don’t worry, it’s totally voluntary – for now.]
Sacramento Bee
2010 Nov 28 (Cached)

Harvard scientists reverse aging in mice by manipulating an enzyme called telomerase, which acts on chromosomes. That’s the good news. The bad news is that humans, unlike mice, naturally switch off the production of telomerase in adulthood, and it is feared by researchers that, if humans are given this enzyme, they would face a higher risk of cancer. Research will continue. Guardian 2010 Nov 28 (Cached)

National Australia Bank’s computer failed on Wednesday causing millions of accounts to lose a month of previous transactions, including payments and account balances. Smaller banks, that depend on NAB to process their payments, also were crippled by the glitch. Commerce came to a standstill. [If it can happen, it will happen. Every family should have enough cash on hand to cover the purchase of a month’s necessities.] SMH 2010 Nov 27 (Cached)

US: FBI admits it recruited young Islamic extremist into a bomb plot and helped him prepare.
[They defend this action by claiming the man was a serious threat and they wanted to push him to the point where he could be arrested. Another possible explanation is that the government needs idiots like this to keep alive the public dread of terrorism.] RawStory 2010 Nov 27 (Cached)

New Zealand man recovers from pneumonia, leukemia and a coma thanks to vitamin C. The hospital planned to remove him from life support and allow him to die, but his family insisted on high doses of intravenous vitamin C. It was a major battle because doctors had no faith in natural therapy, and vitamins are not part of the government prescribed medical plan.
3NewsNZ Posted
2010 Nov 27

US: Homeland Security shuts down 76 websites without a court order. [Most were selling counterfeit brand names or were suspected of copyright violations, but it is not the role of Homeland Security to police such things. It is only a matter of time before they begin closing down sites for politically unacceptable editorial policy. They will claim to be protecting against terrorism or sedition or hate speech or …]
Posted 2010 Nov 27 (Cached)

Iceland’s new constitution is to be drafted by ‘ordinary folk’. [This should be a doozie. We can imagine such popular provisions as a right to a job, health care, food, housing, heating oil, a college education, and early retirement. It is a populist exercise to divert attention from the cause of the banking crisis. The old constitution had nothing to do with the banking collapse and does not stand in the way of reform.] SFGate Posted 2010 Nov 27 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

Report gives a glimpse at what is planned for the common man in the not-too-distant future. 3/4 of the population will live in cities because only the elites will have automobiles. [The report focuses on transportation and traffic issues but read between the lines and you will see that all aspects of daily life will be tightly controlled.] Guardian 2010 Dec 2 (Cached)

Codex Alimentarius is a commission created through the United Nations seeking to establish itself as regulator of the world’s food supply, nutritional supplements, and drugs. It appears that Codex actually was established by Nazi war criminals with the support of multinational corporations.
Activist Post
2010 Nov 16 (Cached)

Radiation scientists agree TSA naked body scanners could cause breast cancer and sperm mutations

From: Natural news

The news about the potential health dangers of the TSA’s naked body scanners just keeps getting worse. An increasing number of doctors and scientists are going public with their warnings about the health implications of subjecting yourself to naked body scanners. These include Dr Russell Blaylock (see below) as well as several professors from the University of California who are experts in X-ray imaging.

Entire Article Here

The News from Prison Planet


UPDATE: “Police State” episode of hit Ventura show covering FEMA camps pulled from air

From: Infowars


UPDATED FRI, DEC. 3 11:25 AM CST — This is an update on the now-confirmed bizarre cancellation of the “Police State” FEMA camp episode from TruTV’s schedule, which is we now know is due to background pressure.

Alex Jones, a consultant to the show who appears in “Police State”, noticed three weeks ago that the episode was scheduled to air before the then-newest episode on Fridays at 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST. Alex knew that encore episodes were consistently replayed over-and-over prior to brand new Friday premiere episodes, so red flags went up when it did not re-air like all the others. Now that more inconsistencies have been documented, Alex made some phone calls to get to the bottom of the matter.

This morning, Alex spoke with Gov. Jesse Ventura and discovered that he was fully aware of the fact that “Police State” had been pulled due to pressure from within the government. The former Minnesota governor and star of the show indicated that he’s not ready to make a full statement yet as he’s still investigating the details and talking with network execs. However, Ventura urged that people have a right as citizens to contact TruTV and let them know that they want to see it back on air.

Whatever the full cause of the behind-the-scenes pressure, it is clear that the government does not want audiences discussing FEMA camps and Fusion Centers or looking up H.R. 645, the bill named and read in the episode that authorizes FEMA emergency centers. Alex has done all he can to make sure the TruTV series is packed with hard-hitting facts and full of real, substantial issues. Though the show employs the dramatic techniques used throughout TV land, this is not the typical fluff. People had better understand that these are truly groundbreaking shows that are discussing damning evidence that the establishment doesn’t want sinking into the minds of a mainstream audience. Who knows if tonight’s water episode investigating lithium, uranium and fluoride being added to drinking water as a means of population control will itself even air or be replayed after the fact.

Lovers of liberty and supporters of Conspiracy Theory had better cue their DVRs and other recorders and save the episode for good, because with the censorship we’ve already seen, it is difficult to know how long this program will remain on air, or which episodes will be allowed to repeat.

Entire Article Here

Vitamin D: Food & Nutrition Board Betrays Millions

From: Rense

Vit D – Food & Nutrition Board Betrays Millions

SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA PRNewswire-USNewswire — The following was released today by the Vitamin D Council:

After 13 years of silence, the quasi governmental agency, the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) Food and Nutrition Board (FNB), yesterday recommended that a three – pound premature infant can take virtually the same amount of vitamin D as a 300 pound pregnant woman.  While that 400 IU/day dose is close to adequate for infants, 600 IU/day in pregnant women will do nothing to help the three childhood epidemics most closely associated with gestational and early childhood vitamin D deficiencies: asthma, auto-immune disorders, and, as recently reported in the largest pediatric journal in the world, autism (1).  Professor Bruce Hollis of the Medical University of South Carolina has shown pregnant and lactating women need at least 5,000 IU/day, not 600.

The FNB also reported that vitamin D toxicity might occur at an intake of 10,000 IU/day (250 micrograms), although they could produce no reproducible evidence that 10,000 IU/day has ever caused toxicity in humans and only one poorly conducted study indicating 20,000 IU/day may cause mild elevations in serum calcium but not clinical toxicity.

Viewed with different measure, this FNB report recommends that an infant should take 10 micrograms/day (400 IU) and the pregnant women 15 micrograms/day (600 IU).  As a single 30 minutes dose of summer sunshine gives adults more than 10,000 IU (250 micrograms), the FNB is apparently also warning that natural vitamin D input  as occurred from the sun before the widespread use of sunscreen  is dangerous.  That is, the FNB is implying that God does not know what she is doing.

Disturbingly, this FNB committee focused on bone health, just like they did 14 years ago.  They ignored the thousands of studies from the last ten years that showed higher doses of vitamin D helps: heart health, brain health, breast health, prostate health, pancreatic health, muscle health, nerve health, eye health, immune health, colon health, liver health, mood health, skin health, and especially fetal health.  Tens of millions of pregnant women and their breast-feeding infants are severely vitamin D deficient, resulting in a great increase in the medieval disease, rickets.  The FNB report seems to reason that if so many pregnant women have low vitamin D blood levels then it must be OK because such low levels are so common.  However, such circular logic simply represents the cave man existence of most modern day pregnant women.

Hence, if you want to optimize your vitamin D levels not just optimize the bone effect  supplementing is crucial. But it is almost impossible to significantly raise your vitamin D levels when supplementing at only 600 IU/day (15 micrograms).  Pregnant women taking 400 IU/day have the same blood levels as pregnant women not taking vitamin D; that is, 400 IU is a meaninglessly small dose for pregnant women.  Even taking 2,000 IU/day of vitamin D will only increase the vitamin D levels of most pregnant women by about 10 points, depending mainly on their weight. Professor Bruce Hollis has shown that 2,000 IU/day does not raise vitamin D to healthy or natural levels in either pregnant or lactating women.  Therefore supplementing with higher amounts — like 5000 IU/day — is crucial for those women who want their fetus to enjoy optimal vitamin D levels, and the future health benefits that go along with it. …

Finally, the FNB committee consulted with 14 vitamin D experts and  after reading these 14 different reports  the FNB decided to suppress their reports.

Entire Article Here

Institute of Medicine Report on Vitamin D is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong


Institute of Medicine Report on Vitamin D is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

November 30, 2010

A new report, released today by the health arm of the National Academy of Sciences, says that few people are vitamin D deficient. The scientific research says otherwise.

The new Institute of Medicine (IOM) report says that persons between the ages of 1 and 70 do not need more than 600 IU of vitamin D daily—and makes the outrageous claim that few people are actually vitamin D deficient. This is especially troubling considering we’re moving rapidly into the thick of flu season, when people need more vitamin D, not less.

This is the government’s first official vitamin D recommendation since 1997. Despite raising the new vitamin levels by 300% for most Americans, the IOM guidelines are still in contrast to overwhelming scientific evidence that confirms the significant medical benefits of higher vitamin D levels, and that one-third of Americans are vitamin D deficient.

Changes in US lifestyles mean that many people in the US get less exposure to the sun and often inadequate dietary levels of vitamin D. The New York Times reports that a number of prominent doctors have advised vitamin D supplementation for a wide variety of illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. Their research shows that more and more people know their vitamin D levels because they are being tested for it as part of routine physical exams.

The IOM is wrong in its findings, wrong in ignoring the bountiful scientific research that indicates the need for higher levels of vitamin D in our system, and wrong for not educating folks about the ability of vitamin D to combat the flu. Our campaign to end the silence on vitamin D is one attempt to educate the public and get the government to listen to the clear scientific findings.

Select comments:

It makes sense to downplay the value of vitamin D(3) since it is the primary key to good health. If there was a nationwide push to increase everyones use of this vitamin, big Pharma profits would be greatly reduced.


Just another way for the big pharma to cash in on people getting their flu shots instead…


I test all my patients for Vitamin D levels. I say about 90% of them are below acceptable ranges.

My recommendations in general are 10,000 units daily for 7 weeks then 5000 a day for life for an average adult.

Scientists Find 200 Sextillion More Stars in the Sky — The new estimate is 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!

From: Fox News


The night sky may be a lot starrier than we thought.

A study suggests the universe could have triple the number of stars scientists previously calculated. For those of you counting at home, the new estimate is 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That’s 300 sextillion.

The study questions a key assumption that astronomers often use: that most galaxies have the same properties as our Milky Way. And that’s creating a bit of a stink among astronomers who want a more orderly cosmos.

It’s one of two studies being published online Wednesday in the journal Nature that focus on red dwarf stars, the most common stars in the universe. The study that offers the new estimate on stars is led by a Yale University astronomer. He calculates that there are far more red dwarfs than previously thought, and that inflates the total star count.

A second study led by a Harvard University scientist focuses on a distant “super Earth” planet and sees clues to the content of its atmosphere — the first of this kind of data for this size planet. It orbits a red dwarf.

Entire Article Here


How much energy does the Sun produce in a single second?

Total Energy of the Stars in the Universe!

Star Size Comparison HD

Photo: God’s Universe: Our Milky Way–90° Panorama

Girl Aging Ten Years in Ninety Seconds

Description from PetaPixel:

Noah Kalina’s famous “everyday” project spanned six years of his life, but began when he was 19 years old. “Natalie Time Lapse” is similar, but begins when the subject is born and ends when she is ten years old. Even though the pose and expression are far from being as precise as in Kalina’s video, it’s quite interesting watching someone go from newborn to ten-year-old.

[youtube=]Natalie Time Lapse: Birth to 10 years old in 1 minute 25 sec

JAMagicFilms | October 03, 2008 | 485 likes, 6 dislikes

We take a photo every day (at least we tried to!) since birth until the present.
Stop motion human growth!

Chickens Have Image Stabilized Heads

Description from PetaPixel:

Man-made technologies are often inspired by things found in nature, right? Well, the big camera corps could learn a thing or two about in-body image-stabilization/vibration-reduction from chickens.


God is SO AWESOME! — God’s order may be observed in…

For the invisible things of him
since the creation of the world are
clearly seen,
being perceived through the things that are made,
even his everlasting power and divinity;
that they may be without excuse.

– Romans 1:20

* * *


(author unknown)

God’s order may be observed
in the hatching of eggs.

For example :
-the eggs of the potato bug hatch in 7 days;
-those of the canary in 14 days;
-those of the barnyard hen in 21 days ;
– The eggs of ducks and geese hatch in 28 days;
-those of the mallard in 35 days ;
-The eggs of the parrot and the ostrich hatch in 42 days.
(Notice, they are all divisible by seven, the number of days in a week!)

The lives of each of you may be ordered by the Lord in a beautiful way for His glory, if you will only entrust Him with your life. If you try to regulate your own life, it will only be a mess and a failure. Only the One Who made the brain and the heart can successfully guide them to a profitable end.

God’s wisdom is seen in the making of an elephant.. The four legs of this great beast all bend forward in the same direction. No other quadruped is so made. God ordered that this animal would have a huge body, and for this reason He gave it four fulcrums so that it can rise from the ground easily.

The horse rises from the ground on its two front legs first. A cow rises from the ground with its two hind legs first. How wise the Lord is in all His works of creation!

God’s wisdom is revealed in His arrangement of fruit, vegetable, and grain seed sections and segments, as well as in the number of seeds/grains.

-Each watermelon has an even number of stripes on the rind.
-Each orange has an even number of segments.
-Each ear of corn has an even number of rows.
-Each stalk of wheat has an even number of grains.
-Every bunch of bananas has on its lowest row an even number of bananas, and each row decreases by one, so that one row has an even number and the next row an odd number.

The waves of the sea roll in on shore twenty-six to the minute in all kinds of weather.

All grains are found in even numbers on the stalks, and the Lord specified thirty fold, sixty fold, and a hundredfold – all even numbers.

God has caused the flowers to blossom at certain specified times during the day, so that Linnaeus, the great botanist, once said that if he had a conservatory containing the right kind of soil, moisture and temperature, he could tell the time of day or night by the flowers that were open and those that were closed!

Thus the Lord in His wonderful grace can arrange the life that is entrusted to His care in such a way that it will carry out His purposes and plans, and will be fragrant with His presence.

Only the God-planned safe life is successful. Only the life given over to the care of the Lord is fulfilled .

Jason Bermas: WARNING — Barbie’s Big Brother

[youtube=]Barbie’s Big Brother?

JasonJustice911 | December 02, 2010 | 18 likes, 0 dislikes

Jason Bermas talks about Video Girl Barbie and what it might mean this Christmas

Jason Bermas: WARNING — Microsoft Kinect is in Kontrol

[youtube=]Kinect is in Kontrol

JasonJustice911 | December 01, 2010 | 129 likes, 20 dislikes

My very first Iphone video blog about the Microsoft Kinect device. Check me out over at
If you would like to donate towards my next WebTv/Radio project “Punk Rock Politics” via PayPal you can do so at

Price of silver may skyrocket

[youtube=]Max Keiser: “Crash JP Morgan” with Silver Campaign! – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

TheAlexJonesChannel | December 02, 2010 | 145 likes, 2 dislikes

Max Kesier also talks with Alex about his “Crash JP Morgan” with silver campaign.

Producer of Conspiracy Theory discusses groundbreaking exposé on water, airing tomorrow

[youtube=]Michael Braverman: Radioactive Isotopes Covered Up in Texas Waters – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

TheAlexJonesChannel | December 02, 2010 | 53 likes, 1 dislikes

Alex talks with Michael Braverman, the producer of Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory.…

“Great Lakes” — NEW!
Premieres Fri, December 3 at 10P
They call it “Blue Gold.” Water is the new oil. Once a human right, it’s now a valuable commodity, and corporations and super-rich oil dynasties are believed to be buying up water rights, controlling nations and populations. Jesse looks into the possibility of these activities finding their way to American shores and uncovers what may be a plot to literally steal the Great Lakes.

America’s Media-Driven Descent Into Depravity, Illustrated By “My Name Is Earl” — America is in the grip of a satanic sex cult that “corrupts in order to govern.”

From: savethemales

America’s Media-Driven Descent Into Depravity

October 21, 2006

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

“…We aspire to corrupt in order to govern… We have taken from the people all the gods of heaven and earth, which had their homage. We have torn from them their religious faith, their faith in monarchy, their honesty and their family virtues…” (Giuseppe Mazzini, 1805-1872, Revolutionary, Founder of Italian Freemasonry and the Mafia)

Many prime time TV programmes today would have been considered obscene just 20 years ago. They present outrageous and shocking behavior as if it were  normal and this creates cognitive dissonance. Thus they condition us to accept depravity as the new societal norm.

Thursday at 8p.m. I sat down with my wife to watch one of her favorite shows, NBC’s “My Name is Earl” starring Jason Lee.

My wife likes this show because it deals with morality or “karma.” The premise is that Earl has a list of people he has wronged and believes he will be rewarded if he makes it right with each one.

Thursday’s episode may have been a departure but what a jaw-dropping one! It was a sneak attack in what Senator Jesse Helms called the “systematic psychological warfare” the Eastern Establishment is waging against the American people.

Wrongdoing: Earl had sexual intercourse with the mother of his good friend Ralph.

Flashback: He and Ralph have a band. One night after a gig they were partying at Ralph’s house with some female groupies. Ralph’s mother served rice crispy squares. Everyone else wore nothing but their underwear.

Eventually the group paired off to have sex. (The new party norm?) However Earl’s partner had passed out. Not to worry. Ralph’s mother, a woman in her fifties, came on to Earl and he was too drunk to resist.

Monkey see; monkey do. Call me old fashioned but this portrayal degrades our image of motherhood and family, something the Illuminati-owned mass media want to happen. (The Illuminati is the top rung of  Freemasonry. ) When motherhood is degraded, we are all degraded.

Readers inform me that often recurring themes on prime time TV are incest, intergenerational and gay-lesbian sex and even bestiality.

Ralph  resolves to kill Earl and gives his friend 12 hours to settle his affairs.

Earl appeals to Ralph’s mother. Sure she’ll speak to her son; Ralph will do anything for her but, in return, Earl will have to provide regular stud service.

Please do not mistake this for a porn flick. This is prime-time TV watched by children and their parents.

Resigned to his fate ….

As Luciferians, the Illuminati wish to break all natural and spiritual taboos in the name of “freedom” and “rebellion,” no matter how destructive and dysfunctional this is. “Do what thou wilt,” is their motto.

Last week, President Bush apparently was granted power to suspend Habeas Corpus and throw anyone he disliked into jail. There is evidence he was complicit in 9-11. Now you know why Americans are paralysed to act. Like Earl, we are so morally compromised we cannot defend Mother Liberty.

America is in the grip of a satanic sex cult that “corrupts in order to govern.” Unconsciously we have been inducted into this cult.


See also my “Sexual Liberation is Illuminati Subversion”
and “Rejection of the Feminine is Rooted in the Occult”

and an article on bringing back motherhood.

Entire Article Here

“Every day is an opt-out day” — Naked Body Scanners


“Every day is an opt-out day.”

DIY High Speed Photography for $20

Description from PetaPixel

Turns out those crazy high speed photography shots you see of bullets shattering things aren’t as difficult to achieve as you might have thought. All you need is about $20 and some brains (aka circuit skills). YouTube user destinws2 shows how its done in this 5 minute tutorial.

[youtube=]High Speed photography 101 – Restoring Awesomeness to Art

destinws2 | November 28, 2010 | 58 likes, 0 dislikes

High speed photography isn’t quite as difficult as one might think. It may be accomplished simply with a flash and a camera capable of holding open the shutter. Most of these photos were taken in my garage with my rifle setup.

The acoustic trigger circuit kit is available from The kits are designed and distributed by Dr. Loren Winters, a high speed photography wizard who is truly a high speed photography pioneer who has given greatly of himself to introduce students to the wonders of Newtonian Physics.

Checkout my FLICKR high speed photoset if you’re bored –…

The music was created by “A Shell in the Pit”. Please support this wonderful artist by purchasing his music. An example of his work can be found at:…

Lastly, I’m working on a website I’m trying to fund my children’s education by selling awesome art created with bullets. It will take me a few weeks to get the site up and running.

Pennywhistle Productions
Artistic Ballistics
A Shell In the Pit

Excellent! $3.3 Trillion!!: ~”Congressman Ron Paul, can the Federal Reserve be given some credit for having shored up the financial system at a time of crisis?” “Sure, I think they prevented a deep recession for the people who deserved it, the big money people.”

Bloomberg host: “Congressman Paul, what would you have had the Federal Reserve do at that time? Can they be given some credit for having shored up the financial system at a time of crisis?”

Congressman Ron Paul:“Sure, I think they prevented a deep recession for the people who deserved it, the big money people who made all the billions when they were blowing up the bubble…the Goldman Sachs of the world.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Bloomberg Dec 1 2010

CongressmanRonPaul | December 01, 2010 | 146 likes, 0 dislikes

Congressman Paul discusses the Fed and bailouts with Pimm Fox

National talk show host considers CIA connection to false flag terror

[youtube=]Mark Williams agrees with 911 Truther

MegaNewsReader | November 27, 2010 | 38 likes, 0 dislikes

Mark Williams admits Republican and Democrat connection to false flag terror.

“Christians?” Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin on Wikileaks: KILL the Messenger!

From: The Guardian

US embassy cables culprit should be executed, says Mike Huckabee

The Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee has called for whoever leaked the 250,000 US diplomatic cables to be executed.

Huckabee, who ran unsuccessfully for the Republican nomination at the last election but is one of the favourites for 2012, joined a growing number of people demanding the severest punishment possible for those behind the leak, which has prompted a global diplomatic crisis.

His fellow potential Republican nominee Sarah Palin had already called for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be “hunted down”, and an adviser to the Canadian prime minister has echoed her comments.

Huckabee said: “Whoever in our government leaked that information is guilty of treason, and I think anything less than execution is too kind a penalty.”

Tom Flanagan, a senior adviser to the Canadian prime minister, Stephen Harper, issued what has been described as a fatwa against Assange, on the Canadian TV station CBC.

“I think Assange should be assassinated, actually,” he said. “I think Obama should put out a contract and maybe use a drone or something.” Flanagan chuckled as he made the comment but did not retract it when questioned, adding: “I wouldn’t feel unhappy if Assange does disappear.”

Entire Article Here


Paul Craig Roberts on ‘Pastor’ Mike Huckabee calling for Assange’s execution: “So here we have a ‘man of God’ calling for the US government to murder an Australian citizen. And Americans wonder why the rest of the world hates their guts.”

Pat Buchanan: “On foreign policy … Ron Paul and Sarah Palin are on opposite sides completely.” What would Jesus do?

All of my Sarah Palin posts

All of my Mike Huckabee posts

Bob Barr Investigates TSA Stand Down On National Opt Out Day — Body scanners out of use, invasive pat downs curtailed in political ploy as TSA mocked critics, exposing fact that security is nothing more than theatre

However, it soon became apparent that the reason there was so little protesting taking place was because the TSA had roped off most of its naked body scanners and apparently instructed its agents to tone down the level and severity of pat-downs.

The New Jersey Star-Ledger subsequently reported that, “The majority of Newark’s full-body scanners were idle throughout much of the day, depriving most passengers of the chance to opt out of the controversial screening procedure even if they had wanted to.”

If Liberty Guard can produce the internal TSA documents proving this was the case, then it will serve as concrete proof that Big Sis’s security talk is nothing more than hot air. If the scanners were so imperative to keep us safe from terrorists then why would the TSA turn them off, as well as reining in pat downs, in a vain effort to score political points?


Bob Barr Investigates TSA Stand Down On National Opt Out Day

Body scanners out of use, invasive pat downs curtailed in political ploy as TSA mocked critics, exposing fact that security is nothing more than theatre

Bob Barr Investigates TSA Stand Down On National Opt Out Day 011210top3

Steve Watson
Wednesday, Dec 1st, 2010

A civil liberties watchdog group has filed a Freedom of Information Act request in an attempt to shed more light on the TSA’s efforts to disrupt a day of protest aimed at full body scanners and invasive pat-downs by largely curtailing their use for one day only last week.

The FOIA request also seeks to determine whether the TSA regards the leaders of the protest movement as “domestic extremists”, following the leak of a TSA memo indicating that to be the case.

The non-partisan, non-profit organization Liberty Guard, led by former Congressman Bob Barr, is demanding internal TSA directives and communication pertaining to the “opt -out” grass roots protest day that took place on November 24th.

While it was expected that the protests on the eve of Thanksgiving would be widespread, causing delays and extensive queues at airport security lines, in reality the majority of travelers experienced no problems.

The TSA and the corporate media immediately implied that this was proof positive that the public were not concerned about the new TSA procedures, and that, contrary to numerous opinion polls, the majority supported them.

The TSA even mockingly suggested that “What some protesters threatened as an opt out day has turned into a TSA appreciation day.”

However, it soon became apparent that the reason there was so little protesting taking place was because the TSA had roped off most of its naked body scanners and apparently instructed its agents to tone down the level and severity of pat-downs.

The New Jersey Star-Ledger subsequently reported that, “The majority of Newark’s full-body scanners were idle throughout much of the day, depriving most passengers of the chance to opt out of the controversial screening procedure even if they had wanted to.”

At the nation’s busiest airport, Atlanta-Hartsfield, there was,”limited, if any, use of the controversial full-body scanners,” the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Later reports confirmed that, the TSA had “backed down and resorted to using the old screening procedures — metal detectors and less-intrusive pat-downs.”

Liberty Guard is attempting to uncover documentation that will prove the TSA was forced to alter its policy for fear of a huge public relations embarrassment in the form of thousands of passengers refusing to submit to its invasive methods.

“Considering recent hardline statements made by DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and TSA Administrator John Pistole, this apparent sudden reversal in the TSA’s direction warrants additional scrutiny,” said Joe Seehussen, President of Liberty Guard. “We’d like to know if we can expect a policy shift from the TSA or if they were merely attempting to shut down the public outcry regarding their search procedures.”

If Liberty Guard can produce the internal TSA documents proving this was the case, then it will serve as concrete proof that Big Sis’s security talk is nothing more than hot air. If the scanners were so imperative to keep us safe from terrorists then why would the TSA turn them off, as well as reining in pat downs, in a vain effort to score political points?

Liberty Guard’s Chairman Bob Barr points out that any evidence suggesting deliberate manipulation of security procedures for political purposes must be investigated further.

“We’d like to think that the TSA has been listening to citizens concerned about being given a choice between naked imaging or pat down searches of people’s private parts. If this is the indeed the case, we’d like to commend the TSA for applying a bit of common sense to the controversial situation. However, it’s far more likely the reason was political and we think the public should be made aware of the motivations of our country’s security chiefs.” Barr said.

In addition, Liberty Guard has requested all internal TSA material that mentions the terms Matt Drudge”, “”, “Alex Jones”, “”, “John Tyner”, “national opt-out day”, “Opt-Out Alliance” and “domestic extremists”.

Any material that surfaces containing such terms may prove that not only did the TSA act in backing down because of the efforts of the leaders of the Opt Out movement, but that it also considers those organizations and individuals a potential threat.

Liberty Guard’s FOIA request can be viewed here (PDF).


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor at Alex Jones’, and regular contributor to He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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