Ultra leftist US Rep. Mary Peltola articles at Must Read Alaska
“The mainstream media isn’t covering Mary Peltola, because they’re covering *for* Mary Peltola.” – Suzanne Downing, The Mike Porcaro Show, 6/7/23 hour 2
Ultra leftist US Rep. Mary Peltola articles at Must Read Alaska
“The mainstream media isn’t covering Mary Peltola, because they’re covering *for* Mary Peltola.” – Suzanne Downing, The Mike Porcaro Show, 6/7/23 hour 2
“Fox News is a globalist network run by globalists who want to bring down our Constitution and take away our 2nd Amendment.” – Kari Lake
“Equity spits in the face of ‘if you don’t work neither shall you eat.'”
– Ron Hoffman, 5/7/23
“For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies. Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread.” – 2 Thess. 3:10-12
In the US, this seems to be especially true of many women and ‘woke’ men, who think and move as a single unit, uninterested in facts, but instead in whatever supports their rebellion-against-God religion, led by TalmudVision. They are anti-free speech ‘cancel culture.’
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“When you don’t believe in God or religion, many times the State becomes your god — which you love, adore trust and serve until death.” – Michael Fackerell on Facebook, 4/1/23
“Politics has become football. You have two different teams, and you’re just rooting for your team. It doesn’t matter what right or wrong is. … You can’t have a real conversation anymore on Twitter. All you see are the two football teams hitting at each other….” –Bradley James Skistimas of Five Times August
Tim Pool: “Males create life and men protect that life.”
Mary Morgan: “It’s not just children who are easy to indoctrinate. Adult women are really easy to indoctrinate. They’re very collectivist by nature compared to men. They’re just far more malleable to these ideologies. And that’s why they all are in hive mind together when they get on that podcast. They’re sitting on one side of the table, obviously, and they just start operating as one.” …
“It comes from women’s pathological need for feeling like they’re altruistic, that they’re reaching down to help the vulnerable.”
Chase (Sovereign Brah): “It’s the motherhood impulse redirected towards the oppressed, marginalized LGBTQI group.”
Tim Pool: “But women are for repealing the 19th Amendment [right for women to vote].”
Chase (Sovereign Brah): “Yes…. A lot of women are realizing that these other women who are voting for all these things, and are pushing our country in that direction. Those women are putting normal women at risk by supporting all this stuff. Because you have transgender people that are going in women’s spaces now, and it’s mandated that they be able to do that by law. You have transgender women going to female prisons, and they’re raping female prisoners. And there’s a lot of normal women who ironically do support repealing the 19th, because they see how women having the right to vote is hurting other women.” …
[Discussion about trans men being allowed to go in little girls’ restrooms.]
Mary Morgan: “Moms are ones that are leading the charge now….”
Tucker: “…but if you say ‘What actually happened with Building 7?’ Like that is weird, right? What is that? [How this steel skyscraper collapsed into its own footprint at near-free-fall speed, having had only small office fires]. If you were to say something like that on television, they’d flip out! Like you’d lose your job over that. Why? It’s my country. Can’t I ask a…. Do buildings actually collapse like that? No! Maybe they do. I don’t know. But why can’t I ask questions about that? Anything you’re not allowed to ask questions about is something you should be asking more questions about [big belly laugh] — as far as I’m concerned.”
“When you [guest William Forstchen] brought this story to our attention years ago, my gosh, years ago, I couldn’t believe we hadn’t done anything then; and we still haven’t today!” – George Noory on ‘Coast to Coast AM,’ 6/20/2022
“Trust in the LORD with ALL your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in ALL your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” – Prov. 3:5-6 MSB
“The left destroys everything they touch.” – Dan Fagan
“Their only path to victory is our fear based silence.” – Dan Fagan 12/1/22
“We reject woke ideology.”
“We will never surrender to the woke mob. Florida is where woke goes to die.”
“It’s not a game anymore. The path we’re headed down in this country….” – Dan Fagan, Oct. 14, 2022
Lara Logan: “If we believe that the battle is lost, and they’re so overwhelming, and they’re so powerful, and they’re so all around us … What is that really about? It’s about breaking your will to fight. They need you to surrender. They need you to give up hope because there’s too many of us. We outnumber them, and if we don’t give up, if we don’t submit, they have no chance. They just don’t want us to know it.”
“If there was a pill that you could take so you wouldn’t care what people thought about you; you would only do what you believe is right…. I would take that pill every morning.”
“If you want to be formidable, if you want to make a difference, if you want to leave a mark, if you want to advance the cause of freedom, you have to be able to say: I’m going to do this; people will hate me; don’t care, going to do it anyway because I believe it’s the right thing to do.”
A leftist called into the show, using profanity. Dan’s response at 2:11:00:
“Leftists are so full of rage. … Your rage and your hatred so consume you that you no longer have the capability of seeing truth. Because when you’re full of hatred, truth is invisible to you.”
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.”
― Gustave Le Bon
“Oh, it’s going to be such a GLORIOUS day when Lisa Murkowski looses this election! I’m telling you the heavens will rejoice. It’s going to be GLORIOUS beyond description!” – Dan Fagan, 6/28/22
The truth about Clarence Thomas as told by:
Michael Pack and Mark Paoletta, authors of Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words
And movie of the same name. Trailer:
“I asked God ‘if You take anger out of my heart I’ll never hate again.'”
“You have to count your victories. You have to cherish them. You have to credit people when they have the boldness to advance the cause of sanity. Because that’s the war we’re fighting. It’s insanity verses sanity. This idea that boys can compete with girls is insane. Last night in the Mat-Su school district, they voted you must be a female to participate in female athletics.” – Dan Fagan, 6/16/22
“I will unapologetically say that pretending a baby isn’t a baby, and then killing the baby is not a virtue” – JP Sears,, 6/7/22.
“I think there are evil, tyrannical people in this world, controlled by Satan…, who want to keep the population of the world small so it’s easier for them to control everybody. And they want to destroy the nuclear family so people grow up weaker, and are therefore more controllable. …
Getting people to get abortions is a big strategy of theirs, and they get people to get abortions through their propaganda that gets people to think that not only are abortions okay, but abortions should be a ‘celebrated, empowered choice!'”
“That propaganda got to me,” JP admits, 6/7/22.
JP, speaking to pro-abortionists who believe the idea that killing their babies ’empowers them’ [though in reality, maybe many are then Satanically empowered and also controlled, manipulated and used by Satan].
“Getting mad every time you hear someone say something you don’t like doesn’t make you empowered. It makes you unstable.” – JP Sears, 6/7/22
“Why would you ask a construction worker to pay the college bills for someone who got a Women’s Studies degree? Honestly, why would you ask someone who cleans hotel rooms for a living to pay the college bills for someone who got an Arts degree. It’s crazy!”
“We know that on average, college graduates lean left. They’re taking money from conservative trade workers, giving it to college graduates because they lean left. It’s a redistribution play….”
– Dan Fagan, the Dan Fagan Show, 4/29/22
Caller Ken @1hr 16min: “When we prosper really, really well, and we do so good we often forget our roots. We start saying ‘ah, we don’t need all those rules that kept us free.’ … When humans sit for decades in great situations we get weak. And we forget that we need certain things to keep us that way. … Instead of arguing about a $260 trillion debt, we start arguing over what a man or a woman is. …
This lack of education and the lack of unity is leading us straight into war.”
@ 1hr 16min:
20:00 “Despots and tyrants…. They would love nothing more than for us to act like animals so they can give us the safety of a cage.” – Kevin Cross
“Hypocrites said 3,000 years ago: ‘let thy food by they medicine, and let they medicine by they food.’ Every physicians’ job should be to put him or herself out of a job by creating wellness for their patient…. That should be the real goal of medicine as a physician. Put yourself out of a job because your patients are well.” – Dr. Ryan Cole, minute-5:55 here
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