Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Police State Page 11 of 26

(video) Illuminati Crime Boss David Rockefeller Funded Facial Recognition Revolution

[youtube=]Illuminati Crime Boss David Rockefeller Funded Facial Recognition Revolution


David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”

Globalist kingpin, David Rockefeller’s beetle (bug) collection — names species after himself

David Rockefeller (1991): “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected THEIR PROMISE OF DISCRETION for almost forty years… It would have been impossible for us to develop OUR PLAN FOR THE WORLD….”

Wealthiest Americans NOT Gates or Buffet: Rockefellers Worth $11.48 TRILLION in 1998!

Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

Alex Jones: The mantle is being passed. The true Governor of North America is Jay Rockefeller

All of my The Rockfellers posts (latest posts appear first; 10 per page)

[People Couldn’t Be That Evil?] George Soros: Republic Enemy #1: Illegal Market Manipulation, Felony Insider Trading, Villain, Currency collapses

Russia Tests “TOTAL SURVEILLANCE” at the Sochi Olympics — Sounds like AMERIKA — Mobile calls, email, social networks and all the links between them, adding in data from passenger lists, drones and roadside cameras

From: Newsweek

Russia Tests “Total Surveillance” at the Sochi Olympics

By Owen Matthews / February 12, 2014

The 2014 Sochi Olympics have become a giant testing ground for some of the most intensive, extensive and intrusive electronic surveillance operations ever mounted. There’s even evidence that criminal hackers are working alongside Russian spies to mine information.

“Sochi is a trial run,” says Keir Giles, a cyber security expert at the Royal Institute of Strategic Studies in London. A special section of the Russian security force FSB – the successor to the KGB – has spent years perfecting a total monitoring system around Sochi which automatically tracks mobile calls, email, social networks and all the links between them, adding in data from passenger lists, drones and roadside cameras.

It’s enormously sophisticated and of course expensive – but also, most notably perhaps, the first rollout of a new generation of absolute surveillance. If it works in Sochi, the FSB is expected to deploy its new toy across Russia – and other totalitarian, and supposedly not so totalitarian, countries might also be interested.

Entire Article Here

Related, from my spiritual site:

I just heard: “Cover of Newsweek” – Russia is Back — The writing is now on the wall. Get ready!

(video) Cop Shoots Dog Instead of Using Pepper Spray

[youtube=]Cop Shoots Dog Instead of Using Pepper Spray


Published on Feb 12, 2014

Recent police state stories. Details: dog shot by cop, woman’s home seized by SWAT team, and home owner not convicted of murder for shooting an officer serving a no-knock warrant.…

Disney NSA Drones – Horrifying Disney & NSA Indoctrination Cartoon — Don’t leave your children alone with Disney

Hey kids, don’t worry; our cute little government drones will protect you.

Propaganda from Disney:

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NSA Spied on Princess Diana’s Love Life — Espionage, blackmail, US — for decades?? — ECHELON

Espionage, blackmail, US — for decades??

Why they hate US isn’t because we’re free. We’ve been freely manipulating the world, covertly and overtly for decades!

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[youtube=]NSA Spied on Princess Diana’s Love Life

Published on Jan 21, 2014

(video) Mark Dice: “The content, the audio of all phone calls is recorded and saved. Not just a record of who called who and when…”

Listen to Mark to see why this is such a big deal. Related links below.

They can do word searches on anything you’ve said on the phone. They can bribe congressmen and judges this way.

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[youtube=]Edward Snowden’s BIGGEST BIG BROTHER BOMBSHELL

Published on Jan 5, 2014

(video) Whistleblower William Binney: NSA Records All Emails!

[youtube=]NSA Whistleblower Reveals Planned Police State

David Knight is joined by Former NSA official and whistleblower William Binney to discuss the latest developments on the intelligence agency’s domestic spying under the guise of national security.

[youtube=]NSA Whistleblower: “National Security is A Scam”

TheAlexJonesChannel | Published on Dec 27, 2013

David Knight and William Binney continue on the topic of the current police state and the slow destruction of the Constitution as we know it.

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(Lionel video) Thanks, TSA. Meet Airport Detention Pods.

[youtube=]Thanks, TSA. Meet Airport Detention Pods.

Published on Dec 6, 2013

NY’s PIX 11 News Commentary
Aired: December 6, 2013

A new TSA directive that mandates airports provide terminal exit that’s most likely to lead to the installation of more “detention pods” which have the capability of and designed to take biometric scans of hapless travelers.…

(video) Dr. Noel Sharkey on The Robotic Revolution

[youtube=]Dr. Noel Sharkey on The Robotic Revolution

TheAlexJonesChannel TheAlexJonesChannel

Published on Nov 27, 2013

David is joined by Dr Noel Sharkey to discuss the latest advances in the field of robotics and the dangers inherent with possibilities such as Sentient and Armed robots.
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(video) Vivian Kubrick On The Insanity of Tyranny: The globalists are “so mangled in their souls that they actually have no love or appreciation for humanity” | “Edward Snowden, I love you”

Filmmaker, Stanley Kubrick’s daughter speaks up about the rise of the police state and the globalists in charge.

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“It’s like organized insanity.”

The globalists are “so mangled in their souls
that they actually have no love or appreciation for humanity.”

“Edward Snowden, I love you.”

– Vivian Kubrick

Transcribed by me.

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[youtube=] Exclusive: Vivian Kubrick On The Insanity of Tyranny

Published on Nov 26, 2013

During the JFK 50th Anniversary Free Speech Protest Alex Jones and Company met up with Vivian Kubrick the daughter and protege of the late director Stanley Kubrick.

(audio) John McAfee on Coast To Coast AM 10/23/13: Privacy & Tech — Fascinating life, work ethic, Obamacare software, Bank of America app’s spy capability…


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Privacy & Tech/ Peru & UFOs

Date: 10-23-13
Host: George Noory
Guests: Alejandro Rojas, John McAfee

In the first half, software entrepreneur and founder of McAfee Inc., the controversial John McAfee, discussed his life and career as well as why he is critical of NSA surveillance and what he plans to do about it. McAfee recalled how, in 1986, the emergence of the first computer virus was a stunning development that had been unexpected by those in the industry. Upon hearing the news, McAfee said, he simultaneously realized both how the programmers had created the virus as well as how to stop it. After posting his anti-virus program on an Internet message board, “it just went around the world and became, instantly, a required program.” This initial success led to the creation of his security software company which has become a juggernaut in the computer industry.

McAfee was highly critical of the NSA spying program, which was revealed this past Summer, calling the practice “fundamentally wrong” and lamenting that “we have to have privacy to be human and we’re losing that rapidly.” Additionally, he warned that this surveillance is likely an even larger problem than the public knows because if the NSA is spying on people, then “so is the FBI, the CIA, the Secret Service, the Army Intelligence, they’re all doing it.” In response to the NSA spying, McAfee revealed that he has created a new company known as ‘Future Tense,’ which will feature a “completely secure network” that is fluid and ever-changing and, thus, cannot be breached. However, he pointed out that the music industry has already decried his concept as “dangerous” and “covert agencies” are also not happy with his plans. Despite these challenges, McAfee confidently declared that he will press forward with the project.

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Starts at 8:30 | Bank of America app’s spy capability at 1.03:00 | John’s amazing health at 1.06:50[youtube=]Peru, Privacy, Technology, And UFO October 23rd 2013


(video) John McAfee in-studio with Alex Jones 3/13/14 – What Really Happened in Belize — Attempted hit on his life • Passports for sale • Software aps spying on your life (Full Interview)

(video) Police Attack Cameramen and Peaceful Protestors at JFK Memorial

[youtube=]Police Attack Cameramen and Peaceful Protestors

TheAlexJonesChannel TheAlexJonesChannel

Published on Nov 26, 2013

Dallas Sheriff’s Dept. Lies About Assault On Peaceful Protestors…
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(video) JFK: Attack On The First Amendment Farewell FM Transmission

[youtube=]JFK: Attack On The First Amendment Farewell FM Transmission

TheAlexJonesChannel TheAlexJonesChannel

Published on Nov 24, 2013

This will be a peaceful revolution violently opposed said a an intelligent passerby at the end of the Nov 23rd Final Live Location Transmission 23rd Alex Jones and crew went back in to the elements, rain wind and temps in the mid 30’s. to revisit the site of federalized sheriffs deputies engaging tyranny and goon tactics. The Dallas morning news ran with the tall-tale of unruly protestors who were entering barricades and being disrespectful to the public.….

Since when was speaking out for the first amendment a disrespectful act ? Alex concludes the final live transmission from picket fence on the grassy knoll to interview bystanders to the temporary take one of the unused frequency 104.1FM

(video) Opt Out of the Spy State: Smart Meters’ Horrors Explained by Dr. Laura Pressley

[youtube=]Opt Out of The Spy State


Published on Nov 14, 2013

Kucinich Rally to Stop NSA Syping

[youtube=]Kucinich Rally to Stop NSA Syping: Special Report


(3-minute video) Facebook gathering data for the police state

[youtube=]Selfies for The Spy State


(video) Mark Dice man-on-the-street Petition: “I Support an Orwellian Police State in America”

[youtube=]“I Support an Orwellian Police State in America”

Mark Dice Mark Dice

Published on Oct 21, 2013

Political prankster Mark Dice asks San Diego beach-goers if they’ll sign a petition supporting “the Police State” which includes “Orwellian” and “Nazi-Style” tactics to “keep Americans safe” in this “Brave New World.”
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Internal TSA Documents: Body Scanners, Pat Downs Not For Terrorists

From: Infowars

Internal TSA Documents: Body Scanners, Pat Downs Not For Terrorists

TSA’s ‘Administrative Record’ admits ineffective security theater

The TSA has quietly admitted there is no actual “threat-addressing” basis for employing nude body scanners or invasive pat down procedures at airports, a notion many travelers who are weary of the federal agency’s borderline sexual molestation have long suspected but were hard-pressed to prove.

The evidence was found in sealed court documents, available through the website, regarding engineer and blogger Jon Corbett’s ongoing litigation over the constitutionality of the agency’s loathsome security practices.

In a redacted version of the appellant’s brief, filed by Corbett on October 7 with the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, several portions of the Summary of Facts section were blacked out, raising questions as to the nature of the censored information.

But in a sealed version of the same documents obtained through (and available here), the redacted sections appear with incriminating clarity.

Through Redactions, TSA Admits Terror Threats are Slim to Nonexistent

Redaction shows TSA is aware explosives on airplanes “are extremely rare.’ (click to enlarge)

A section detailing how “The TSA Has Misled The Public As to the Likelihood of the Threat ‘Addressed’ By Nude Body Scanners and Pat Downs,” includes a blacked out portion concerning the TSA’s knowledge that “explosives on airplanes are extremely rare.”

“For example, the TSA analyzed hijackings in 2007 and found 7 hijacking incidents across the globe, but none of them involved actual explosive devices,” Corbett explains in the brief, adding that the last attempt to bring an explosive onboard an airplane through a U.S. airport occurred 35 years ago.

Another redacted section highlights the government’s concession that, “due to hardened cockpit doors and the willingness of passengers to challenge hijackers,” it would be difficult to have a repeat of 9/11.

Entire Article Here

(video) TSA loudspeakers threaten travelers with arrest for making jokes about security

While traveling through George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Matt Miller heard a security announcement repeatedly aired on the airport intercom that left him disturbed.

“You are also reminded that any inappropriate remarks or jokes concerning security may result in your arrest,” the loudspeaker message states.

These new loudspeaker warnings remind us that the TSA continues to excel at indoctrinating Americans to be well-behaved prisoners via obedience training – reminding them that they can be disappeared if they dare speak out of turn, even in a humorous way.

This is a totally unlawful and illegitimate violation of the First Amendment

Full Article Here

[youtube=]TSA loudspeakers threaten travelers with arrest for making jokes about security

Police State USA

Published on Oct 10, 2013

HOUSTON, TX — Travelers are reporting threatening messages coming from the loudspeakers of the Travel Security Administration. The TSA has been broadcasting warnings that people will be arrested for making jokes in the presence of the infamous federal checkpoint agents. has obtained exclusive audio of the threats.


“…You are also reminded that any inappropriate remarks or jokes concerning security may result in your arrest.”

– TSA announcement over the intercom system,
Houston International Airport Gate B84, 9-20-13 ~9:30am

Court rules Amish girl to be forcefully poisoned with chemotherapy — “Predatory medicine”/”chemotherapy at gunpoint!”

“Their P.R. person cursed at me on the phone for asking for names of the doctors who led this effort and criticizing the hospital’s actions. Fascinating example of medicine gone totally insane and invoking the state in “gunpoint medicine” practices against children.”

– Mike Adams on his Facebook page

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From: Natural News

Court rules Amish girl to be forcefully poisoned with chemotherapy; Akron Children’s Hospital now practicing predatory medicine

Tuesday, October 08, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles…)

(NaturalNews) Just weeks after an Ohio court ruled that medical authorities could not force chemotherapy upon a 10-year-old Amish girl against the wishes of her parents, an appeals court overturned the rule, allowing the hospital — which profits from chemotherapy treatments — to force this girl to receive chemotherapy against the wishes of her parents.

This is, essentially, chemotherapy at gunpoint or what I call “predatory medicine.” If the parents refuse the court order, they will be arrested at gunpoint and charged with various crimes. The Akron Children’s Hospital, which stands to profit from this decision, is the new medical mafia, poisoning children with mandatory “life sentences” handed down by a corrupt, medically ignorant justice system.

The Akron Children’s Hospital describes their actions in this case as heroic, moral, lifesaving and necessary. So I called the Akron Children’s Hospital to ask whether the hospital would release the names of these “heroic” doctors who spearheaded the lawsuit. I was told the hospital was not releasing any names and that the hospital refused to answer any questions whatsoever. Instead, they had a “statement” they would email me, but nothing more.

How heroic, eh? These “heroes” of medicine are so moral, so ethical and so “in the right” that they won’t even reveal their names. They choose to hide behind anonymity, probably because at some level they realize their actions violate fundamental human rights and parental rights. These are crimes against families.

That’s what I told Akron Children’s Hospital public relations spokeswoman Lori Shuler, even encouraging her to “do something more meaningful with her life” than be a P.R. front woman for a destructive institution. Her answer to this? Literally, she screamed, “What an asshole!” and then slammed the phone down.

That is an on-the-record quote from Akron Children’s Hospital, by the way: “What an asshole!” This is the level of professionalism these people exhibit. They poison children for a living, then scream profanities at honest journalists trying to ask them intelligent questions about the names of the doctors involved in the lawsuit that’s forcing an innocent child to be poisoned with potentially deadly chemicals. For the record, I didn’t raise my voice at all. I was calmly asking questions and offering this person my view on the actions of their hospital.

Her response, like everything else I’m seeing from the world of oncology, was an irrational outburst that completely avoids any actual thinking about the issues at hand. She’s probably the perfect person to work at an irrational institution now engaged in the inexcusable violation of human rights. She would probably be right at home running the human experiment P.R. department for the Nazi regime, where she could scream “Achtung!” before announcing new experiments using chemical weapons agents on Jewish prisoners.

This is not a wildly off-base comparison. The chemotherapy agents used today are, in fact, derived from the research of Nazi scientists and the chemical conglomerate known as IG Farben, which was later broken up into multiple companies, including Bayer, the modern-day pharma company. For example, the chemo drug thalidomide is actually an off-shoot of Nazi chemical weapons research.

Based on my research into all this, it is my opinion that the Akron Children’s Hospital is engaged in heinous crimes against children. Where to even begin in explaining the seriousness of these crimes and human rights violations? Let me attempt to lay out the obvious issues here:

Issue #1) The medical fraud of oncology

Let’s start with the issue of oncology and the entire cancer industry which is based largely on scientific fraud. Here are the facts:

Chemotherapy is a toxic poison. The No. 1 side effect of chemotherapy is cancer. Chemotherapy causes permanent damage to the heart, liver, kidneys and brain. This is not a medicine without side effects, it is a medicine with serious side effects that include permanent organ damage and death. Chemotherapy is so toxic that pharmacists contract cancer just from handling chemo drugs.

The idea that toxic chemotherapy is the ONLY viable treatment for cancer is utterly absurd. That the state would force all children into just one toxic, patented, high-profit treatment is a travesty of justice and a violation of fundamental human rights.

Issue #2) Human rights

Speaking of human rights, the forcing of a child into a poisonous treatment that may kill her — and will undoubtedly cause immense suffering — is a violation of fundamental human rights. How can America claim to be the “land of the free” when you aren’t even free to choose what kind of medicine you prefer as treatment?

The position of this Akron Children’s Hospital is, essentially, “You are all too stupid to know what’s good for you, and therefore we are going to sue you and force you to submit to our high-profit poisons, even against your will.” They don’t describe their actions in such words, of course. They claim they are being “ethical” and “moral” and “saving a child’s life,” etc. But these are just the ramblings of pharma-indoctrinated medical robots who have virtually no knowledge of any systems of medicine other than the pharmaceutical system. So they are unqualified to speak about healing in the first place. Their knowledge of healing cancer is strictly limited.

But they don’t admit to this. Like nearly all other western medical doctors, the people at Akron Children’s Hospital are infested with arrogance and a total disregard for basic human dignity.

In my opinion, every person at Akron Children’s Hospital involved with this decision, including hospital president and CEO William H. Considine, should be arrested at gunpoint right now and charged with “conspiracy to endanger the life of a child.” They are child predators running a system of predatory medicine. This is pure medical evil rising to the surface and ensnaring our children, then sentencing them to possible death.

Issue #3) Parental rights

Don’t parents have the right to determine what treatments their children should undergo? In a free society they would, but in America today, parents are denied nearly all rights. Instead, the state assumes them.

Keep in mind the Hershbergers are a thoughtful, loving, religious family seeking the best possible outcome for their daughter. They are acting out of love and compassion, and they are rightly skeptical of the false claims of the corrupt, criminally-operated cancer industry.

Do parents no longer have the right to be critical thinkers? Can they not question the lies and propaganda of a corrupt, for-profit medical system that offers no real answers for cancer? For the state to take away the rights of these parents is to declare that all children are now the property of the state. Parents, apparently, are only temporary guardians whose job is to give birth to new children which are then turned over to the state for vaccinations, chemotherapy injections, public school indoctrination and imprisonment in the nine-to-five labor pool.

“Obedient workers,” as George Carlin says.

Issue #4) Extreme arrogance of doctors and hospitals

What truly astonishes me about western medicine is its extreme arrogance. There are over a hundred systems of medicine practiced in our world, including western medicine (drugs and surgery), Ayurvedic medicine, Tibetan medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western Herbal Medicine and so on.

Importantly, every one of these systems of medicine offers treatments for cancer. Most of these systems are based on plant-based anti-cancer compounds supported by a mountain of scientific literature that confirms their safety and efficacy. For example, see our sister website for research on vitamin D and cancer.

Or check out Broccoli and cancer. Or even resveratrol and cancer.

And if you really want to learn about natural cancer therapies, learn more about polysaccharides from medicinal mushrooms. The anti-cancer potential of medicinal mushrooms will blow your mind. See

Keep in mind that the Akron Children’s Hospital did not give this little Amish girl the option of using medicinal mushrooms as a cancer treatment. She was never given the option of Gerson Therapy, involving juice detoxing and powerful lifestyle changes. She was probably never given any options other than chemotherapy. We’ll never know, of course, because the Akron Children’s Hospital refuses to answer any questions, preferring to scream, “What an asshole!” as their official response.

Keep in mind that western oncology is derived from chemical weapons developed in World War II. These chemotherapy agents are extremely toxic and cause permanent organ damage. You can read about the secret history of medicine in this free downloadable report.

Although such poisons “shrink tumors,” such tumor shrinkage is not a cure, and most cancers come right back. Meanwhile, the immune system is destroyed by the chemo poisons, further compromising the patient’s health and longevity from that point forward.

Yet, despite the fact that western medicine is just one system out of a hundred, and despite the fact that chemotherapy is extremely toxic and causes more cancer, somehow western doctors are so incredibly, inexcusably ignorant that they have convinced themselves — and even many courts — that their way of treating cancer is the ONLY way! Everything else be damned! (Including prayer, fasting, juice feasting, medicinal mushrooms and more…)

Such a position can only come from nauseating arrogance combined with the kind of extreme ignorance of health that you can only learn in medical school, where all common sense is pounded out of your brain and replaced with pharmaceutical propaganda. No wonder tens of thousands of doctors in America routinely receive bribes from drug companies, including chemotherapy manufacturers.

The cancer industry today is, in every way, a murderous scourge on society. It kills more Americans than all modern-day wars and acts of terrorism combined. And yet, even though the body count from oncology keeps increasing by the day, the courts have been so befuddled by “expert” doctor testimony offered by arrogant, control-freak medical profiteers, that they actually condemn children to die via chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy is, in other words, just a slow-acting form of lethal injection. This is potentially a court-ordered death penalty for a 10-year-old girl, and as long as the Akron Children’s Hospital is making money from it, they seem to have no moral qualms whatsoever in forcing children into this “treatment” even against the wishes of the parents.

The Hippocratic Oath of “first do no harm” has morphed into, “first seize the child!”

The state owns your children

This decision once again reaffirms that the state believes it owns your children. Parents have zero rights. Zip. Nada. And cancer hospitals fully support the state kidnapping children essentially at gunpoint.

Any time the state (i.e. the government) believes it can make a better decision than parents, the parents will be kicked out of the picture and denied any say whatsoever in the wellbeing of their own child. This is the North Korean approach to medicine, by the way: predatory medicine.

As CBC News reports, “The ruling said that while adults can refuse medical treatment regardless of the consequences, children do not have those same rights because of their vulnerability and inability to make critical decisions in a mature manner.”

This excuse intentionally sidesteps the entire issue of parental rights. In fact, it assumes parental rights do not exist at all. This is all being supported by “medical ethicists,” nearly all of whom are brainwashed lapdogs of the pharmaceutical industry. In their minds, the only “ethical” treatment is a patented pharmaceutical treatment.

No hospital has a right to force any treatment on anyone, period!

Let’s get honest about fundamental human rights, parental rights and human dignity here. It should be a foundation of the very fabric of freedom in America that no hospital can force any treatment upon any patient against their wishes, period!

This should be written right into the Bill of Rights. Any person denied this fundamental right should be able to sue the hospital for violating their civil rights.

“Andy Hershberger, the girl’s father, has said the family agreed to begin two years of treatments for Sarah last spring but stopped a second round of chemotherapy in June because it was making her extremely sick,” reports the Detroit Free Press.

“Sarah begged her parents to stop the chemotherapy and they agreed after a great deal of prayer, Hershberger said. The family, members of an insular Amish community, shuns many facets of modern life and is deeply religious. They live on a farm and operate a produce stand near the village of Spencer in Medina County, about 35 miles southwest of Cleveland.”

How on Earth does a group of Big Pharma-indoctrinated oncologists in Akron have any right to order a rural family, essentially at gunpoint, to subject their own daughter to a lethal injection? This is medical insanity. It is a crime against families. It is a violation of medical ethics and human rights.

Even if you don’t agree with the Hershberger’s decision, if you support the court’s ordering their child into treatment, then you support the medical mafia operating at gunpoint in every context. Maybe soon the government will decide that everyone in the nation must take statin drugs. If you don’t, you are arrested or fined. Got a problem with that? You’ll be called “anti-science” and thrown in prison, then force-fed statins until the drug companies collect enough profit off your body. If you happen to die during the “treatment,” don’t worry: there are plenty more bodies to take your place.

Is that really the kind of country you want to live it? Do you believe a doctor has the legal right to force his favorite toxic chemicals into your bloodstream just because he has been indoctrinated by the drug companies into falsely believing such chemicals are “treatment?”

Unbelievably, the Akron Children’s Hospital website actually states that “Akron Children’s Hospital values family-centered care and considers parents as partners in their children’s medical decisions.”

Except, of course, when parents disagree with the hospital’s for-profit chemotherapy demands, in which case the hospital will take extraordinary measures to deny parents the basic human right to choose what’s best for their own children.

Join Natural News in protesting this criminal act against children

With this case, western medicine has reached the point of unbridled criminality. This has crossed the point of sanity and entered a disgusting new realm of lining up children in front of a “chemotherapy firing squad” and subjecting them to potentially lethal injections as some sort of sacrifice to corporate profits. With this, we have now devolved back to the age of the Aztecs and their blood sacrifices of children to their delusional gods.

Today, in America, we sacrifice our children to the false gods of pharmacology. And this sick, animalistic ritual is actually enforced at gunpoint by the court system.

This is worse than what Jerry Sandusky did to little boys at Penn State. This is killing children in the name of pharmacology, a false, corporate-run junk science medical sham that helps almost no one.

Join me in protesting this inexcusable violation of human rights and dignity by contacting the Akron Children’s Hospital:

Phone number:

Facebook page:



If you visit the hospital’s website, by the way, prepare yourself for a wild propaganda ride. The website shows only the pictures of living children, not pictures of all the children who have died under the hospital’s care. A more appropriate website would have imagery of small body bags, Big Pharma patents, deadly chemotherapy drugs and broken families being held at gunpoint while the state kidnaps their children.

What we demand here at Natural News

Here’s the conclusion in all this. Even though I happen to know, from years of research, that chemotherapy is largely a fraud, I do not demand that the government take away the rights of parents who wish to have their children treated with chemo. Even though it is a terrible mistake, it is still their right to make that mistake, and I do not believe that one group in society has the right to take away the freedoms of another group. (In this, I am a “radical thinker” for believing in civil rights, you see.)

Unlike the cancer industry, I believe in human rights and parental rights, and I believe the state has no right whatsoever to interfere with a parent’s right to choose the method or style of medical treatment for their own children.

Hospitals should compete based on voluntary agreement, not mandatory “gunpoint medicine.” Who needs free market competition when hospitals can simply threaten to have people arrested who don’t capitulate to their toxic treatment demands?

Besides, if chemotherapy worked so well in the first place, you wouldn’t need to threaten parents with arrest in order to force their children into treatment. That’s a clue about what a sickening failure chemotherapy really is: it’s so bad that people have to be lined up at gunpoint to receive the “treatment” against their own will.

This is truly “concentration camp medicine” because it’s based on the premise of imprisoning patients by force. The Akron Children’s Hospital is actually following in the footsteps of Nazi Germany, and it’s even using derivatives of chemicals originally developed by Nazi scientists. Furthermore, the widespread killing of children with chemotherapy treatments is nothing less than a chemical holocaust against our children.

There is a reason most oncologists don’t choose chemotherapy for themselves, folks. Chemotherapy doesn’t work most of the time. But it causes great harm and suffering, not to mention great financial burden for the families forced to use it.

This isn’t medicine. It’s a medical concentration camp that targets children for victimization, then invokes the power of the state to force parents to comply against their will. Somehow, in a wild, delusional, demonic twisting of logic and ethics, the Akron Children’s Hospital thinks all this is perfectly acceptable.

There are profits to be had, after all.

Bottom line: NEVER take your children to an oncologist

The upshot in all this is simple: NEVER take your children to see an oncologist. Because if you do not agree with his monopolistic, junk science “recommendations” for treatment (often for a false diagnosis, no less), he can simply call the police and have you arrested, have your children kidnapped by the state, and force you to subject your own children to lethal injection.

That’s the reality of the “free” society in which we are living. No wonder millions of Americans are now in a state of revolt against the failed, corrupt, criminal institutions of government and medicine. No wonder the FDA has to keep enforcing a medical monopoly while destroying knowledge of natural cures. No wonder drug companies continue to be engaged in the widespread bribery of doctors. These are the tactics and strategies of a medical mafia, not a system truly based on healing and informed consent.

Western medicine is a failure. It offers no answers to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, autism and a hundred other chronic conditions. It has almost no useful role in society other than mending broken bones and treating acute injuries or emergency surgeries. Western medicine is a failure because it is founded on a set of false beliefs: that everything is mechanistic; that no natural substances can prevent any disease; that the body is a “war zone” to be carpet-bombed with chemicals and antibiotics; that mind-body interactions do not exist; that patients must be forced to pay monopolistic prices for treatment, and so on.

These are false, failed beliefs, and that’s why western medicine is doomed. The only thing propping the whole system up right now is Big Government debt spending, and even that is headed for its own collapse in the very near future. Once Big Government falls, western medicine collapses with it. In a truly free market, almost no one would voluntarily choose western medical treatments. They’re too expensive, too dangerous and mostly ineffective. Given an economic choice, nearly everyone would choose natural treatments for disease: they’re safer, more affordable and even more efficacious (they work better).

The Hershberger family tried to choose a safer treatment, but were forced at gunpoint to capitulate to the demands of the Akron Children’s Hospital. Given an actual free, informed choice, the Hershbergers and countless other families would avoid oncology centers like the plague.

No wonder 80% of the people in the world use plant-based medicine. America’s broken, monopolistic system of failed medicine is an aberrant defect that kills more people each year than any other single cause (by a long shot).

The day predatory medicine collapses is the day we all experience a leap forward for freedom and human rights.

Please join me in praying for the Hershberger daughter, and let us all hope that the parents are well-informed enough to give that child spirulina, medicinal mushrooms, antioxidants, astaxanthin and a heavy course of natural plant nutrients that can protect her body from the toxic chemotherapy the state is forcing upon her.

Sources for this article include:……

Court: Ohio hospital can force chemo on Amish girl — The family decided to stop chemotherapy and treat Sarah with natural medicines

Horrible precedent!

– –

From: USA Today

Court: Ohio hospital can force chemo on Amish girl

An appeals court has sided again with an Ohio hospital that wants to force a 10-year-old Amish girl to resume chemotherapy after her parents decided to stop the treatments.

The court ruled that an attorney who’s also a registered nurse should be granted limited guardianship over the girl, Sarah Hershberger, and the power to make medical decisions for her.

Doctors at Akron Children’s Hospital believe Sarah’s leukemia is treatable but says she will die without chemotherapy. The hospital went to court after the family decided to stop chemotherapy and treat Sarah with natural medicines, such as herbs and vitamins.

Entire Article Here


Court rules Amish girl to be forcefully poisoned with chemotherapy — “Predatory medicine”/”chemotherapy at gunpoint!”

(video) Infowars Invades Utah ‘Big Brother’ Criminal Spy Center

Anthony thought it would be interesting to show how NSA is still open during the government shutdown.

Alex says this interesting comment a minute-32:45:

“If you just go: ‘fine. Set me up. Do whatever you’re going to do. It’s on you. God’s going to deal with you.’ They literally in every case start shaking, because you’re not afraid.”

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[youtube=]Infowars Invades Utah ‘Big Brother’ Criminal Spy Center


Published on Oct 3, 2013

Alex’s incredible bombshell interview with Anthony Gucciardi from the NSA Data Center in Utah where they were confronted by NSA guards who immediately violate their 1st Amendment rights and confiscated cameras.

(satire video) iPhone 5nSa — Introducing the new iPhone 5nSa, the best surveillance device to date. Aiming to put your freedom… in the crosshairs.

[youtube=]iPhone 5nSa

Joy Camp Joy Camp

Published on Sep 17, 2013

Introducing the new iPhone 5nSa, the best surveillance device to date. Aiming to put your freedom… in the crosshairs.

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(video) Alex’s Dire Warning About The Anti Human Agenda — Guns will not save US

Listen at minute-30, and then backtrack to minute-24!

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[youtube=]Alex’s Dire Warning About The Anti Human Agenda


Published on Aug 8, 2013

Alex discusses topics in the news including drug runners hiring us military as security, and autonomous ground robots for the Russian Army.
Alex continues in the 2nd hour on the topic of armies creating autonomous robots for warfare and the dangers of allowing technology to replace humans.
Stay in the know – Follow Alex on Twitter:
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(video) Crimes of The NSA

[youtube=]Crimes of The NSA


Published on Aug 2, 2013

While the Media tries to make NSA spying into a “Where’s Waldo” story and the US government focuses on stopping more whistleblowers, some people are calling the Feds out for their crimes.

[video] House Votes For NSA Tyranny — Michelle Bachmann was one of the loudest warmongers in the Presidential Republican debates. Now she’s helping to lead the fight for the unconstitutional police state — not even telling the truth here!

Michelle Bachmann was one of the loudest warmongers in the Presidential Republican debates. Now she’s helping to lead the fight for the unconstitutional police state — not even telling the truth here.

Why aren’t pastors saying even a peep? They’re aiding and abetting the fall of America, just like the pastors who supported the Nazi Germany police state.

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[youtube=]House Votes For NSA Tyranny


Published on Jul 26, 2013

House Narrowly Rejects Proposal To End NSA Surveillance In 205-217 Vote…

Support These 3 Bills … Or Live Like a Slave…

Hackers Demonstrate How Easy it is to Carjack a Vehicle Remotely…


Glenn Greenwald: Warmongering Republicans help defeat a bill that would have defunded NSA’s tapping all of our phones in the name of terror

Glenn Greenwald: Warmongering Republicans help defeat a bill that would have defunded NSA’s tapping all of our phones in the name of terror

Sickening and very sad

– –

From: The Guardian

Democratic establishment unmasked: prime defenders of NSA bulk spying
NYT: “The Obama administration made common cause with the House Republican leadership”

Glenn Greenwald, Thursday 25 July 2013 05.09 EDT

One of the worst myths Democratic partisans love to tell themselves – and everyone else – is that the GOP refuses to support President Obama no matter what he does. Like its close cousin – the massively deceitful inside-DC grievance that the two parties refuse to cooperate on anything – it’s hard to overstate how false this Democratic myth is. When it comes to foreign policy, war, assassinations, drones, surveillance, secrecy, and civil liberties, President Obama’s most stalwart, enthusiastic defenders are often found among the most radical precincts of the Republican Party. …

Remember when Democrats used to object so earnestly when Dick Cheney would scream “The Terrorists!” every time someone tried to rein in the National Security State just a bit and so modestly protect basic civil liberties? How well they have learned: now, a bill to ban the government from collecting the telephone records of all Americans, while expressly allowing it to collect the records of anyone for whom there is evidence of wrongdoing, is – in the language of the House Democratic Leadership – a bill to Protect The Terrorists. …

The most vocal defenders of the Obama White House’s position were Rep. Mike Rogers, the very hawkish GOP Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and GOP Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Echoing the Democratic House leadership, Bachmann repeatedly warned that NSA bulk spying was necessary to stop “Islamic jihadists”, and she attacked Republicans who supported de-funding for rendering the nation vulnerable to The Terrorists.

Entire Article Here 

(video) Spy Stories With Wayne Madsen — “They wanted total hearability” (NSA’s goal in the ’80s)

NSA’s goal in the ’80s: “they wanted total hearability.”

* * *

[youtube=]Spy Stories With Wayne Madsen


Published on Jul 12, 2013

(video) Amerika Reality Check News-Clip Montage — “I have two words for you, ‘predator drones.’ You will never see it coming. You think I’m joking” – Obama

“History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.”

– Douglas MacArthur

“While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but once they lose their virtue, they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.”

– Samuel Adams


Published on Jul 8, 2013


(Fox News video) Government admits listening to cell phones even when turned off — “Experts say the only way around it is to take the battery out”

“Experts say the only way around it is to take the battery out of the thing.”

– Shepard Smith

* * *

[youtube=]Government ADMITS listening on your cell phone even when it’s off!


ABC News 2006: The FBI can listen to everything you say, even when the cell phone is turned off — The only way to defeat it is to remove the cell phone battery

(video) New Cell Phone Spying Revelations: Phones Near Targeted Individual Remotely Activated As Bugs


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