Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Police State Page 21 of 26



Naked Body Scanners Quote: “You can’t fly and have your dignity at the same time. This is crazy!”

“You can’t fly and have your dignity at the same time. …
This is crazy!”

TSA Wants its HANDS down your PANTS!



MrGlasgowtruther | November 13, 2010

It’s been said the government has a plan to declare martial law and round up millions of United State citizens into concentration camps. Jesse may have found a conspiracy in plain sight as he investigates the proliferation of law enforcement Fusion Centers around the country. And they may be connected to hundreds of detention centers ready to accept prisoners at the stroke of a Presidential pen.




PART 1 –…
PART 2 –…
PART 3 –………

Part 1…
Part 2…
Part 3…

Part 1 –…
Part 2 –…
Part 3 –

Part 1 –…
Part 2 –…
Part 3 –…


“Conspiracy Theory” with Jesse Ventura (Season One)

Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura, Season 2 Episode 6 — Great Lakes (Water Conspiracy)

Watch TruTV Tomorrow! Bombshell: FEMA Camps Confirmed — Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory Proves FEMA Camps Exist for American Citizens in New Episode that Airs Friday, Nov. 12 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST Only on TruTV

[youtube=]Bombshell: FEMA Camps Confirmed

TheAlexJonesChannel | November 11, 2010……

Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory Proves FEMA Camps Exist for American Citizens in New Episode that Airs Friday, Nov. 12 10 PM EST / 9 PM CST Only on TruTV

Aaron Dykes
November 10, 2010

Former Gov. Jesse Ventura and his crew at Conspiracy Theory have blown the FEMA camp issue wide open in a truly groundbreaking episode from the program’s second season on TruTV. The “Police State” episode proves once and for all that the feds have trained to take on American citizens, planned for riots and disasters and made preparations to maintain order at any cost. Tune in this Friday, Nov. 12 at 10 PM Eastern/ 9 PM Central and leave the denial at the door.

This powerful episode is the largest and most in-depth investigation into FEMA camps to date— and it is scheduled to air on television. Radio host and filmmaker Alex Jones returns to the series yet again, as the team takes you to confirmed on-the-ground facilities, confronts the legislators who authorized FEMA camps and breaks down the full-scale technologically-integrated police state that includes Fusion Centers, FEMA, the Department of Homeland Security and more.

At one of many real and verified FEMA locations, Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones approach a “Residential Center” run by Homeland Security in central Texas where they find locked doors, double-fences and escape warnings around the entire perimeter. Further inside the facility, they witness a playground complex, swings and slides for children. The crew walks up to the front door and attempts to get some answers. But the officials refuse to either confirm or deny the facility’s purpose, including whether or not American citizens are being held inside. However, our past investigations into this facility reveal that it has confined both children and adults, including immigrants, refugee seekers and American citizens.



Season Two of Jesse Ventura’s “Conspiracy Theory” Series on TruTV : Program Schedule

“Conspiracy Theory” with Jesse Ventura (Season One)

Trutv’s Tyrel Ventura (Jesse’s son!): Bombshell News of Upcoming Episode on FEMA Camps!!

[youtube=]Trutv’s Tyrel Ventura: Bombshell News of Upcoming Episode on FEMA Camps!! – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

TheAlexJonesChannel | November 11, 2010…

Alex welcomes back to the show Tyrel Ventura, the son of former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura. Tyler is a film producer, director, writer and actor. Tyler will break bombshell news on the Alex Jones Show about FEMA camps.…

More Proof! Photo: Naked Body Scanners Really Can Show Naked Bodies — and Even Bones!

Could our government be deceiving the public,
placing blackened stick-like photos
in front of the scanners.

This is what the nakidizers are at least capable of seeing.

CNET’s article with photo:
Backlash grows over TSA’s ‘naked strip searches’


The man and his photos —
WARNING: shows everything and even bones!

Terminal 4

[click for photo]

In Terminal 4 John Wild gained unique access to the images created by the controversial Rapiscan Secure 1000 security scanner currently in use at Heathrow. The Scanner creates security images of travelers through a process known as backscatter radiation, an image is produced by firing a low level of radiation at the traveler and analyzing the radiation that is bounced back. Radiation penetrates below the clothing and is reflected from the skin (or bones that are close to the surface) allowing a computer to generate an image of the bodies’ surface.


Naked body scanners: You can see the bones in people’s fingers. They’ve been giving the public de-rezzed images.

Photo/Video: Naked Body Scanners Really Do Show Naked Bodies

Benjamin Franklin on naked body scanners: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”

Paul Craig Roberts: “People have forgotten the warnings of the founding fathers that you can’t trade your rights for safety, because the minute you don’t have your rights anymore you’re not safe”

Naked Body Scanners, Michael Chertoff and NPR

Airport Naked Body Scanners: Experts Now Warn X-ray Devices “could give you cancer” “because the beam concentrates on the skin — one of the most radiation-sensitive organs of the human body — that (the) dose may be up to 20 times higher than first estimated”

Excellent! How to opt out of the TSA’s naked body scanners at the airport — “They all just lined up like cattle to have their bodies scanned with ionizing radiation”

Feds Caught Storing Naked Body Scanner Images at Florida Courthouse Security Checkpoint

Katherine Albrecht: Nakedizing Machines — “Would you get naked for Big Brother?” Katherine won’t.

Biochemist: ‘Naked’ scanners may increase cancer risk — “While the dose would be safe if it were distributed throughout the volume of the entire body, the dose to the skin may be dangerously high”

Miami airport security guard attacks colleague over ‘manhood’ jokes after walking through full nudity body scanner

Full-Body Airport Scanners May Not Have Thwarted Alleged Christmas Day Bomber, GAO says.

Airport security guard was given a police warning after he was caught staring at images of a female colleague in a body scanner. — Their solution is training and monitoring to ensure that TSAs will only be able to lust “lawfully, with fairness and without discriminating.” Where is the outcry from women, from fathers — from the pastors???

Transportation Security Administration is misleading the public (lying). Body scanners can store, send images, group says.

Airport Worker Caught Ogling Image of Woman on Naked Body Scanner — called “perv scanner” in Europe

Pornographic Scanners: The TSA has been trying to turn airports into peep-shows courtesy of these strip-machines since 2002. Then along comes Umar Farouk Abdullmutallab and his burning britches, and bingo …

Exposed — Naked Body Scanner Images Of Film Star Printed, Circulated By Airport Staff

Aussie TSA on ‘naked’ full-body scanners: “It will show the private parts of people, but what we’ve decided is that we’re not going to blur those out, because it severely limits the detection capabilities.”

It’s Official: A Majority Of Americans Would Give Up Liberty In Order To Be Safe From Terrorism. Almost 4 out of 5 Americans are perfectly fine with letting airport security officials gawk at their naked bodies just so they can feel a bit safer from terrorists.

Breaking The Will Of The People: The Real Purpose Of Body Scanners

FBI LIED 5 TIMES about the underwear bomber. Full-body scanners were scheduled to be installed in hundreds of US airports BEFORE incident! PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION. But body scanners wouldn’t have stopped incident anyway?

Benjamin Franklin on naked body scanners: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”

* * *

“They who can give up essential liberty
to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

– Benjamin Franklin

From: wikiquote: Benjamin Franklin

  • They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
    • This was written by Franklin, with quotation marks but almost certainly his original thought, sometime shortly before February 17, 1775 as part of his notes for a proposition at the Pennsylvania Assembly, as published in Memoirs of the life and writings of Benjamin Franklin(1818). A variant of this was published as:
      • Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
        • This was used as a motto on the title page of An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania. (1759); the book was published by Franklin; its author was Richard Jackson, but Franklin did claim responsibility for some small excerpts that were used in it.
    • An earlier variant by Franklin in Poor Richard’s Almanack (1738): “Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power.
    • Many paraphrased derivatives of this have often become attributed to Franklin:
      • They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
        They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
        Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither.
        He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security.
        He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.
        People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.
        If we restrict liberty to attain security we will lose them both.
        Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.
        He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither.
        Those who would trade in their freedom for their protection deserve neither.
        Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security.


Radiation scientists agree TSA naked body scanners could cause breast cancer and sperm mutations

PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION: FBI manufactures terrorism to cause fear so public will accept the naked body scanner police state

Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists. If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible…

IMPORTANT! Alex Jones: Another Clueless Patsy Set-up by FBI in Christmas Tree Bombing Plot — “…so they can sit up there on the news and say: ‘We’ve got terrorists everywhere. We’ve gotta have naked body scanners!’”

Naked body scanners: You can see the bones in people’s fingers. They’ve been giving the public de-rezzed images.

The real purpose of naked body scanners: Using phony terrorist scares to bilk Americans out of millions in tax dollars and rob them of their privacy and dignity

Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists. If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible…

RON PAUL: Crotch Groped by TSA, Calls for Boycott of Airlines — “If we tolerate this there’s something wrong with us” ~”SHOWING OUR PAPERS, we’ve capitulated on that a long time ago, because we show our social security number, but NOW THEY WANT US TO SHOW OUR GENITALIA!”

Naked body scanners will be everywhere! Napolitano: Next step for body scanners could be trains, boats, metro

Gerald Celente on naked body scanners and full-body pat-downs: They freaked the whole country out over the underwear bomber who didn’t even have an igniter!1 comment

TSA Tactics Find Ominous Parallel in Nazi Germany — It took Hitler and the Nazis nearly a decade to impose a murderous police state on the German people. In the wake of the staged burning of the Reichstag…

IRRATIONALlY FEARFUL: Why are people so willing to show their naked bodies? “More people die each year from honey bee stings than from terror” — Alex Jones

More Proof! Photo: Naked Body Scanners Really Can Show Naked Bodies — and Even Bones!

Photo/Video: Naked Body Scanners Really Do Show Naked Bodies

Benjamin Franklin on naked body scanners: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”

Paul Craig Roberts: “People have forgotten the warnings of the founding fathers that you can’t trade your rights for safety, because the minute you don’t have your rights anymore you’re not safe”

Naked Body Scanners, Michael Chertoff and NPR

Airport Naked Body Scanners: Experts Now Warn X-ray Devices “could give you cancer” “because the beam concentrates on the skin — one of the most radiation-sensitive organs of the human body — that (the) dose may be up to 20 times higher than first estimated”

Excellent! How to opt out of the TSA’s naked body scanners at the airport — “They all just lined up like cattle to have their bodies scanned with ionizing radiation”

Feds Caught Storing Naked Body Scanner Images at Florida Courthouse Security Checkpoint

Katherine Albrecht: Nakedizing Machines — “Would you get naked for Big Brother?” Katherine won’t.

Biochemist: ‘Naked’ scanners may increase cancer risk — “While the dose would be safe if it were distributed throughout the volume of the entire body, the dose to the skin may be dangerously high”

Miami airport security guard attacks colleague over ‘manhood’ jokes after walking through full nudity body scanner

Full-Body Airport Scanners May Not Have Thwarted Alleged Christmas Day Bomber, GAO says.

Airport security guard was given a police warning after he was caught staring at images of a female colleague in a body scanner. — Their solution is training and monitoring to ensure that TSAs will only be able to lust “lawfully, with fairness and without discriminating.” Where is the outcry from women, from fathers — from the pastors???

Transportation Security Administration is misleading the public (lying). Body scanners can store, send images, group says.

Airport Worker Caught Ogling Image of Woman on Naked Body Scanner — called “perv scanner” in Europe

Pornographic Scanners: The TSA has been trying to turn airports into peep-shows courtesy of these strip-machines since 2002. Then along comes Umar Farouk Abdullmutallab and his burning britches, and bingo …

Exposed — Naked Body Scanner Images Of Film Star Printed, Circulated By Airport Staff

Aussie TSA on ‘naked’ full-body scanners: “It will show the private parts of people, but what we’ve decided is that we’re not going to blur those out, because it severely limits the detection capabilities.”

It’s Official: A Majority Of Americans Would Give Up Liberty In Order To Be Safe From Terrorism. Almost 4 out of 5 Americans are perfectly fine with letting airport security officials gawk at their naked bodies just so they can feel a bit safer from terrorists.

Breaking The Will Of The People: The Real Purpose Of Body Scanners

FBI LIED 5 TIMES about the underwear bomber. Full-body scanners were scheduled to be installed in hundreds of US airports BEFORE incident! PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION. But body scanners wouldn’t have stopped incident anyway?

Drudge Report links to Infowars’ naked body scanner article

Drudge Report

World’s Pilots Reject Naked Body Scanners Over Radiation Danger, Privacy Breach


Benjamin Franklin on naked body scanners: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”

Paul Craig Roberts: “People have forgotten the warnings of the founding fathers that you can’t trade your rights for safety, because the minute you don’t have your rights anymore you’re not safe”

Naked Body Scanners, Michael Chertoff and NPR

Airport Naked Body Scanners: Experts Now Warn X-ray Devices “could give you cancer” “because the beam concentrates on the skin — one of the most radiation-sensitive organs of the human body — that (the) dose may be up to 20 times higher than first estimated”

Excellent! How to opt out of the TSA’s naked body scanners at the airport — “They all just lined up like cattle to have their bodies scanned with ionizing radiation”

Feds Caught Storing Naked Body Scanner Images at Florida Courthouse Security Checkpoint

Katherine Albrecht: Nakedizing Machines — “Would you get naked for Big Brother?” Katherine won’t.

Biochemist: ‘Naked’ scanners may increase cancer risk — “While the dose would be safe if it were distributed throughout the volume of the entire body, the dose to the skin may be dangerously high”

Miami airport security guard attacks colleague over ‘manhood’ jokes after walking through full nudity body scanner

Full-Body Airport Scanners May Not Have Thwarted Alleged Christmas Day Bomber, GAO says.

Airport security guard was given a police warning after he was caught staring at images of a female colleague in a body scanner. — Their solution is training and monitoring to ensure that TSAs will only be able to lust “lawfully, with fairness and without discriminating.” Where is the outcry from women, from fathers — from the pastors???

Airport security guard was given a police warning after he was caught staring at images of a female colleague in a body scanner. — Their solution is training and monitoring to ensure that TSAs will only be able to lust “lawfully, with fairness and without discriminating.” Where is the outcry from women, from fathers — from the pastors???

Transportation Security Administration is misleading the public (lying). Body scanners can store, send images, group says.

Airport Worker Caught Ogling Image of Woman on Naked Body Scanner — called “perv scanner” in Europe

Pornographic Scanners: The TSA has been trying to turn airports into peep-shows courtesy of these strip-machines since 2002. Then along comes Umar Farouk Abdullmutallab and his burning britches, and bingo …

Exposed — Naked Body Scanner Images Of Film Star Printed, Circulated By Airport Staff

Aussie TSA on ‘naked’ full-body scanners: “It will show the private parts of people, but what we’ve decided is that we’re not going to blur those out, because it severely limits the detection capabilities.”

It’s Official: A Majority Of Americans Would Give Up Liberty In Order To Be Safe From Terrorism. Almost 4 out of 5 Americans are perfectly fine with letting airport security officials gawk at their naked bodies just so they can feel a bit safer from terrorists.

Breaking The Will Of The People: The Real Purpose Of Body Scanners

FBI LIED 5 TIMES about the underwear bomber. Full-body scanners were scheduled to be installed in hundreds of US airports BEFORE incident! PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION. But body scanners wouldn’t have stopped incident anyway?

David Icke: “In Germany in a few short years, they had a grotesque dictatorship. And that’s how fast it can come.” “Ask yourself when your child says to you: ‘Mummy and Daddy, what were you doing when the police state was introduced?’ ‘Oh, Oh, I was watching the tele, honey.'”

“They know there is something not right…, but they try to placate those fears, not by facing them, but by trying to find a way of making them disappear with words like ‘Oh no, we would never allow a police state.’ … In Germany … in a few short years, they had a grotesque dictatorship. And that’s how fast it can come.”

“So are we going to make a stand now, draw a line in the stand and say ‘here and no further, in fact we’re going to roll this back,’ or are we going to wait until it’s got really, really extreme, by which time there will be so much infrastructure in place that drawing a line in the sand will be a serious challenge.”

“Ask yourself when your child says to you: ‘Mummy and Daddy, what were you doing when the police state was introduced?’ ‘Oh, Oh, I was watching the tele, honey.'”

“When the knock comes on their door, don’t call me.”

– David Icke

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]David Icke – Police State – (The Lion Sleeps No More)

jay4louise | November 04, 2010


‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”

Excellent! How to opt out of the TSA’s naked body scanners at the airport — “They all just lined up like cattle to have their bodies scanned with ionizing radiation”

As these air travelers were being scanned, their naked body images were appearing on a screen somewhere, of course. Some TSA agent was examining the naked body shape and contours of all these people, and even though we were told by the TSA that the image viewing machines cannot store images, we have since learned that the machines actually do have the capability to store those images (…). In addition, rogue TSA employees could simply use their cell phones to take snapshots of what they see on the screen.

How to opt out of the TSA’s naked body scanners at the airport

Mike Adams

October 20, 2010

I encountered my first airport naked body scanner while flying out of California today, and of course I decided to “opt out” of the scan. You do this by telling the blue-shirted TSA agents that you simply wish to opt out of the body scanner. Here’s what happened after that:

If the government treats you like a criminal, a terrorist, a lab rat and a vaccine depository, doesn’t that only prove they don’t honor you as a sovereign individual?

A TSA agent told me to step to the side and stay put. He then proceeded to shout out loudly enough for all the other travelers and TSA agents to hear, “OPT OUT! OPT OUT!” This is no doubt designed to attract attention (or perhaps humiliation) to those who choose to opt out of the naked body scanner. I saw no purpose for this verbal alert because the same TSA agent who was yelling this ultimately was the one who patted me down anyway.

For the pat down, first I was required to walk through the regular metal detector. From there, I was asked if I wanted to be patted down in a private room, or if I didn’t mind just being patted down in full view of everyone else. Not being a shy person in the first place, I told the agent I didn’t need a private room.

He then explained to me that he was going to pat down my entire body, including my crotch and my buttocks, but that he would use the back of his hands to pat down the crotch and buttocks areas. This is probably designed to make the pat-down seem less “personal” and more detached. That way, air passengers can’t complain of being felt up by TSA agents who might get carried away with the pat-down procedure. He asked if it hurt for me to be touched anywhere, and I told him no, at which point he proceeded with the pat down.

It was a well-scripted pat-down, covering all the areas of my body, including a mild crotch sweep (it wasn’t especially invasive or anything, as doctors will do far worse during a physical exam). He swept my arms, legs, hips, back of the neck, ankles and everywhere else. To the TSA’s credit, this guy was fast, efficient and only used a light touch that was in no way disturbing. But it did take an extra five minutes or so compared to walking through the naked body scanner.

Speaking of the naked body scanners, as I was having my crotch swept by the back of the hand of this TSA agent, I was observing other air travelers subjecting themselves to the naked body scanners. They were told to walk into the body scanner staging area and then hold their arms in the air in a pose as if they were under arrest. They were told to freeze in this position for several seconds (perhaps 10 seconds) during which they were being blasted with ionizing radiation that we all know contributes to cancer.

The TSA, of course, will tell you that these machines can’t possibly contribute to cancer. But they said the same thing about mammograms, and we now know that mammograms are so harmful to women’s health that they actually harm ten women for everyone one woman they help ( So I’m not exactly taking the U.S. government at its word that naked body scanner radiation is “harmless.”

As these air travelers were being scanned, their naked body images were appearing on a screen somewhere, of course. Some TSA agent was examining the naked body shape and contours of all these people, and even though we were told by the TSA that the image viewing machines cannot store images, we have since learned that the machines actually do have the capability to store those images (…). In addition, rogue TSA employees could simply use their cell phones to take snapshots of what they see on the screen. There are no doubt rules against such behavior, but it’s bound to happen sooner or later.

Meanwhile, my own security screening was proceeding fully clothed. I don’t want to broadcast my naked butt cheeks on the TSA’s graphic monitors, thank you very much!

Very few people opt out of the naked body scanners

The most fascinating part about this entire process was not the verbal broadcast of my opt out status, nor having my crotch swept by the latex-covered back hand of some anonymous TSA agent, but rather the curious fact that I was the only one opting out. Although I must have watched at least a hundred people go through this particular security checkpoint, there wasn’t a single other person who opted out of the naked body scan.

They all just lined up like cattle to have their bodies scanned with ionizing radiation.

To me, that’s just fascinating. That when people are given a choice to opt out of being irradiated, they will choose to just go along with the naked body scan rather than risk standing out by requesting to opt out.

You see, I’m not convinced that the TSA’s naked body scanners enhance air travel security at all. Previous security tests conducted by the FAA show quite clearly that the greatest threat to airplane safety isn’t from the passengers but from ground crews, where bombs and other materials can be quite easily smuggled onto planes.

But even though naked body scanners may not enhance air travel security, they do accomplish something far more intriguing: The successful completion of an experiment in human behavior. If you were to pose the question “Will people line up like cattle to be electronically undressed in front of government security officers?” The answer is now unequivocally YES!

Most people, it turns out, will simply do whatever they’re told by government authorities, even if it means giving up their privacy or their freedoms. Almost anything can be sold to the public under the guise of “fighting terrorism” these days, including subjecting your body to what is essentially a low-radiation CT scan at the airport!

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I should be required to subject myself to ionizing radiation as a condition of air travel security. Of course, the more technically minded readers among you might counter by saying that high-altitude travel is, all by itself, an event that subjects you to low levels of ionizing radiation (which is true). But that’s all the more reason to not add the body’s radiation burden any more than necessary. Americans already get far too much radiation from CT scans and other medical imaging tests (not to mention mammograms). Do we really need to dose peoples’ bodies with yet more radiation every time they board an airplane?

Trusted traveler program?

I don’t know why the TSA never pursued its “trusted traveler” program. I actually suggested this years ago, and there was word that the TSA was working on something similar. The way it worked was very different from the current system. Under the current system, every person entering an airport security line is assumed to be a terrorist, and it is only through the various security screenings that you are eventually deemed to be innocent. This is a “guilty until proven innocent” approach to air security, and it’s the system in place all across America (and around the world) today.

Under a trusted traveler program, people who pass rigorous background screening procedures, criminal history checks and other similar tests would be assumed innocent unless suspected of being guilty. They might carry “trusted traveler” cards linked to a federal database so that their status could be verified as they pass through a security checkpoint. They might even have their fingerprint scanned at that checkpoint in order to biometrically verify their identity.

For whatever reason, the TSA is no longer pursuing any such trusted traveler program (at least not to my knowledge). Perhaps the agency just figures it can trust no one. Hence the need to have everybody line up in front of the naked body scanner machines and raise their arms in a humiliating “I’m being arrested” pose.

It’s actually just like the scene from the movie called The Fifth Element starring Bruce Willis. Remember the scene where the cops are searching the apartment block and they use an X-ray scanner to see through the walls? As they search the apartment building, they announce that all residents must face the wall and place their hands inside the yellow circles on the wall. This scene eerily resembles what the TSA makes U.S. travelers do right now.

And virtually no one protests. That’s the really amazing part about this.

Seasonal flu shots offered at the airport, too

After completing my security pat-down, by the way, I entered the terminal where I walked by a kiosk offering a seasonal flu shot. There was a big sign claiming that the flu shot would prevent you from catching the flu, and a nurse of some sort stood right behind the kiosk, ready to inject you with a vaccine for just $35.

First the naked body scanners, and then the flu shot propaganda. It reminded me that the U.S. government really is trying to push people into self-destructive behaviors that will ultimately benefit the sick-care industry. After all, the more cancer and Alzheimer’s disease people develop (from radiation and vaccines, of course), the more business gets generated for Big Pharma.

I know enough about health and freedom to avoid these little disease bombs, but most Americans don’t know enough to resist the propaganda. They just allow themselves to be irradiated, injected and poisoned, and they think it’s all okay because the government tells them it’s good for them.

It’s odd that people trust the government when the government doesn’t trust them at all. If the government treats you like a criminal, a terrorist, a lab rat and a vaccine depository, doesn’t that only prove they don’t honor you as a sovereign individual?

And that sends a powerful message confirming that the U.S. government has forgotten it is supposed to serve the People, not rule over them.

Just wait and watch how this gets even worse. Today, you can opt out of the TSA’s naked body scanners, but after a year or two — once the sheeple get comfortable with giving up all their freedoms — these scans will become mandatory. That’s the day I give up air travel for good.

Gee, I sure will miss having my crotch swept by the latex-covered back hand of some anonymous TSA agent who’s wasting taxpayer money by treating me like a terrorist.


Naked body scanner debuts at O’Hare Airport. For now, travellers can opt out by getting a full-body pat down. But apparently, most will reveal their naked bodies to the human gawking at the other end. America is over. We’ve lost our soul.

Airport security guard was given a police warning after he was caught staring at images of a female colleague in a body scanner. — Their solution is training and monitoring to ensure that TSAs will only be able to lust “lawfully, with fairness and without discriminating.” Where is the outcry from women, from fathers — from the pastors???

Photo/Video: Naked Body Scanners Really Do Show Naked Bodies

Transportation Security Administration is misleading the public (lying). Body scanners can store, send images, group says.

Airport Worker Caught Ogling Image of Woman on Naked Body Scanner — called “perv scanner” in Europe

Pornographic Scanners: The TSA has been trying to turn airports into peep-shows courtesy of these strip-machines since 2002. Then along comes Umar Farouk Abdullmutallab and his burning britches, and bingo …

Exposed — Naked Body Scanner Images Of Film Star Printed, Circulated By Airport Staff

Aussie TSA on ‘naked’ full-body scanners: “It will show the private parts of people, but what we’ve decided is that we’re not going to blur those out, because it severely limits the detection capabilities.”

It’s Official: A Majority Of Americans Would Give Up Liberty In Order To Be Safe From Terrorism. Almost 4 out of 5 Americans are perfectly fine with letting airport security officials gawk at their naked bodies just so they can feel a bit safer from terrorists.

Breaking The Will Of The People: The Real Purpose Of Body Scanners

FBI LIED 5 TIMES about the underwear bomber. Full-body scanners were scheduled to be installed in hundreds of US airports BEFORE incident! PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION. But body scanners wouldn’t have stopped incident anyway?

David Icke: Human Race, Get Off Your Knees! — Heads out of the sand to face what’s coming

[youtube=]David Icke: Human Race, Get Off Your Knees! – Alex Jones Tv 1/5

TheAlexJonesChannel | October 05, 2010

Alex also welcomes back to the show English writer, public speaker, and former media personality David Icke. Icke worked as a reporter with the weekly Leicester Advertiser, was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party. He has produced numerous DVDs and has authored several books, including The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World, Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster, and Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion.




David rightly sees religion as a way to control the masses —
but hasn’t seen the real thing which sets people free from blackness![youtube=]

Mark Dice: Using Facebook leads to narcissism & self-absorption — focused on ‘what I’m doing’

[youtube=]Using Facebook leads to narcissism & self-absorption

MarkDice | September 14, 2010

[youtube=]Mark Dice & Alex Jones: New Cybersecurity Bill Gives Obama ‘Power To Shut Down Companies’ 1/3



Alex Jones: Google’s Plans to Takeover The Internet Exposed!

[youtube=]Breaking: Google’s Plans to Takeover The Internet Exposed!! – Alex Jones

TheAlexJonesChannel | August 20, 2010

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, August 19, 2010

The net-neutrality ending deal with Verizon is just the beginning of Google’s plans to kill the open and free Internet as part of their takeover agenda to completely control the world wide web and force independent media websites, radio and TV shows out of existence for good.

Google’s agreement with Verizon to speed certain Internet content to users opens the door to the complete sterilization of the world wide web as a force for political change. Under Google’s takeover plan, the Internet will closely resemble cable TV, independent voices will be silenced and the entire Internet will be bought up by transnational media giants.

People who want to run a simple blog will be priced out of existence, online TV and radio shows will cease to exist as the Internet is swallowed up by the corporate borg.

True net neutrality means that independent news outlets who attract an audience by telling the truth can compete on an even keel with corporate giants like ABC, CBS and CNN. The Google-Verizon pact will end that level playing field and in turn eliminate everything that is outside of the mainstream.

“A non-neutral Internet means that companies like AT&T, Comcast, Verizon and Google can turn the Net into cable TV and pick winners and losers online,” writes Josh Silver. “A problem just for Internet geeks? You wish. All video, radio, phone and other services will soon be delivered through an Internet connection. Ending Net Neutrality would end the revolutionary potential that any website can act as a television or radio network. It would spell the end of our opportunity to wrest access and distribution of media content away from the handful of massive media corporations that currently control the television and radio dial.”

The deal will also split the Internet into a two-tier system, a cyber toll road, where satisfactory speeds and service will only be obtainable by those willing to pay substantial fees.

The pact also gives Google and huge ISPs the leeway to block certain websites on wireless networks, meaning Prison Planet and Infowars will ‘go dark’ for millions of people.

Once Google’s fiercest critics have been silenced for good the company can then set about implementing its CIA-backed total information awareness program, which will scour Twitter accounts, blogs and websites for all sorts of information left by individual users, aiming to use this data to “predict the future” and completely direct and control people’s lives and behavior.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt has announced that Google, in conjunction with the CIA, is set to become the ultimate Big Brother entity that “will know so much about its users that the search engine will be able to help them plan their lives” by constantly tracking their location via smart phones and telling them where to go and what to do.

Fresh food that lasts from eFoods Direct (Ad)

We have previously reported on Google’s intimate and long standing connections to government spy networks.

There is also no doubt that Google is one of the corporations at the forefront of the government’s drive to use cybersecurity as a pretext for killing the free Internet, having previously worked with the NSA and the CIA.

The recent scandal involving the company’s street view roaming vehicles accessing the wi-fi details of internet users and mapping their online activities has also raised serious questions over intelligence links and abuse of privacy laws.

Check back soon for quotes and screenshots from an important new video in which Alex Jones breaks down Google’s plan to kill the web and explains why it’s the end of the Internet as we know it unless we stand up now and say no.…

Alex Jones Police State Report: Rosamaria: Justice for Dunkin’ Dog!!!

[youtube=]Alex Jones Police State Report: Rosamaria: Justice for Dunkin’ Dog!!!

TheAlexJonesChannel | July 20, 2010

The Tragedy

On July 4th I was driving alone with my service dog of almost 8 years of age, Dunkin’, in the rear seat towards the middle. I was pulled over on I-17 after being tailed for about one mile. The cop was very close to the rental car I was driving which was a gray Toyota corolla. The vehicle was due back on Sunday and I had planned on returning it, then utilizing the airport shuttle to catch my early flight back to New York’s La Guardia airport with Dunkin as my travel companion.

I pulled over to a safe spot on the shoulder of the road and the cop opened the door and drew out a shot gun. He actually AIMED it at me. I could see his eye aiming and it made no sense. I was shouted at and told to keep my hands where he can see them. This seemed very strange and not at all common for being pulled over. I could hear shot gun cocked and I realized that something was not right. I obeyed his shouts to keep my hands up and I allowed Dunkin to continue sleeping in order to keep us both calm. I was ordered to get out of the car, walk backwards without looking, and was very confused… I was going further and further away from Dunkin’.

I was shouted at to kneel, yelled at and then immediately cuffed and put in the back seat of a cop car. I immediately told him that my service animal is in the back of the car and to please be careful with him as he is license in NY state and is official for my Multiple Sclerosis. The car was overwhelmingly hot and my MS symptoms began as I tried breathing for fresh air. It was getting hotter and now he was drawing a weapon to the vehicle. I was very frightened that they would kill Dunkin’ as they looked like they would do so with the weapons drawn so intently.

The cop opened the rental car door which was nearest the I-17 traffic. Dunkin’ rested soundly on that side of the vehicle. When the door was opened, the cop let him get out of the car onto oncoming traffic. Dunkin’ got out of the vehicle confused. He ran into oncoming traffic, looking for me. His mission is to look for me, wherever I may be. As cars swerved and missed him… I screamed. I prayed and screamed at the top of my lungs for my companion’s safety. The cop S.D Soto (who was the one who aimed at me through his shotgun, also cuffed me) walked to the front of the car passenger area. He pulled out Dunkin’s fluorescent orange service vest and read the insert in his pocket which states that he is a service animal and he is protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. S.D Soto Read the facts, read my rental agreement (which was located on the passenger seat area) and continued to ignore my pleas for help and air conditioning.

At this point a red headed cop was on the scene too, along with a thicker sized blonde-red headed cop. I will never forget their faces. One wore shades, the other had glasses and piercing blue eyes. They completely ignored my existence and did not check on me. Someone chased Dunkin’ and I told them that he would ONLY come to me. I begged and pleaded to allow them to let me call for him. S.D Soto told me to shut up and I was annoying him. He said that he would gag me next, if I said another word and did not cooperate.…


Grandmother allows police to search her house so long as they don’t kill her dog — Police proceed to kill her dog

Missouri SWAT Raid 2/11/2010. Cops Shoot Pets With Children Present. They shot the one dog through the cage. The only loose dog was a Corgi.

Katherine Albrecht: Appalling Dog-microchipping Stories


Mon., August 09, 2010

Full show ( Listen as streaming MP3 | Listen as streaming RealAudio )

Hour 1 ( Download the MP3 )

Microchips //

Katherine relates the woeful stories of non-working microchips in pets.  Microchips cause cancer, migrate and often do not work.  A family complied with EU requirements for vaccinations and microchips when travelling from the UK to France.  France couldn’t read the chip so the dog is in quarantine and neither country will let the dog in.  In VA, a dog’s chip was not read so it was put to death because the owner relied on the chip and called the shelter minutes too late.  A woman was arrested for buying cold medicine three times in one week for her son and daugher-in-law.  Thanks for the email from Vince (IN).

Impounded: family forced to leave their dog in France because officials couldn’t scan its ID chip

Coco the dog stranded abroad

Pet Microchips Give False Hope?

Spychips (order form)

Microchips and cancer links

Hour 2 ( Download the MP3 )

ObamaCare // Dr. Ricky Lee Jackson // National Doctors Tea Party //

Katherine and Dr. Ricky Lee Jackson discuss ObamaCare and the protest against it in San Diego by the National Doctors Tea Party.  ObamaCare criminalizes medical decisions and is a disaster waiting to happen.  The original oath swore doctors to do no harm and no abortions.  Katherine reads quotes from The War Against God in Lithuania by Dr. J. Savasis, 1966.

Dr. Ricky Lee Jackson

National Doctors Tea Party

Hippocratic Oath – wiki

David Icke: Elite Moves To Lobotomize, Zombify Global Population into Lifetime of Servitude

[youtube=]David Icke: Elite Moves To Lobotomize, Zombify Global Population into Lifetime of Servitude 1/3

TheAlexJonesChannel | August 10, 2010

Alex welcomes back to the show former well-known BBC television sports presenter, spokesman for the Green Party, author, and public speaker David Icke. David is the author of And the Truth Shall Set You Free, The Biggest Secret, Children of the Matrix, and Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster. Recent DVDs include Freedom or Fascism: The Time to Choose and Beyond The Cutting Edge.


Verizon and Google to Regulate Internet? | Air-France In-flight Surveillance

[youtube=]Alex Jones: Big brother is watching you

RTAmerica | August 10, 2010

Verizon and Google have announced that they hope to regulate the internet by controlling access and the speed of the internet to different websites. In other privacy news, Air France has announced that they will install cameras into every seat to watch their passengers; civil rights activists are crying foul saying it invades people’s privacy too much.

Feds Caught Storing Naked Body Scanner Images at Florida Courthouse Security Checkpoint

[youtube=]Paul Watson: Feds Caught Storing Body Scan Images at Florida Courthouse Security Checkpoint

TheAlexJonesChannel | August 04, 2010

Feds admit storing checkpoint body scan images

Declan McCullagh
Aug 4, 2010

For the last few years, federal agencies have defended body scanning by insisting that all images will be discarded as soon as they’re viewed. The Transportation Security Administration claimed last summer, for instance, that “scanned images cannot be stored or recorded.”

Now it turns out that some police agencies are storing the controversial images after all. The U.S. Marshals Service admitted this week that it had surreptitiously saved tens of thousands of images recorded with a millimeter wave system at the security checkpoint of a single Florida courthouse.

This follows an earlier disclosure (PDF) by the TSA that it requires all airport body scanners it purchases to be able to store and transmit images for “testing, training, and evaluation purposes.” The agency says, however, that those capabilities are not normally activated when the devices are installed at airports.

Body scanners penetrate clothing to provide a highly detailed image so accurate that critics have likened it to a virtual strip search. Technologies vary, with millimeter wave systems capturing fuzzier images, and backscatter X-ray machines able to show precise anatomical detail. The U.S. government likes the idea because body scanners can detect concealed weapons better than traditional magnetometers.

Policeman: Soviet Style Brainwashing of The Police and Military to Take on American Citizens

[youtube=]OKC Policeman: Soviet Style Brainwashing of The Police and Military to Take on American Citizens

TheAlexJonesChannel | July 27, 2010

Alex takes a call from an Oklahoma police officer who is seeing more, and more conditioning of the local police force to take on it’s citizens when the call comes down.

Katherine Albrecht: Wal-Mart To Put Electronic ID Tags In Clothing | Grant Jeffrey: How the Global Elite Plan to Destroy Democracy and your Freedom

From: katherinealbrecht

Mon., July 26, 2010

Full show ( Listen as streaming MP3 | Listen as streaming RealAudio )

Hour 1 ( Download the MP3 )

Walmart // RFID Clothing Tags // NCR //

In violation of a mandate of over 40 world-wide privacy and civil liberties groups, Walmart has rolled Individual tracking EPC tags on men’s jeans and underwear as part of the “Internet of Things”.  NCR is Walmart’s technology partner in this and has emphasized a function locality matrix that will monitor the RFID tags in a host of locations for a variety of functions.  People tracking is to be used in all locations.  Thanks for all the emails – only time for the one from Phyllis today – the rest will be read tomorrow.

Wal-Mart Radio Tags to Track Clothing

Spychips (order form)

Hour 2 ( Download the MP3 )

Grant Jeffrey // Shadow Government // Verichip //

A fascinating and troubling conversation ensues withGrant Jeffery, Chairman of the Frontier Research Publications about the new DVD documentary “Shadow Government: How the Global Elite Plan to Destroy Democracy and your Freedom.”  We are the consumers and such technology will not be implemented if we vote with our dollars and feet.  Verichip is not longer selling implantable chips after it was linked to cancer.  Boycotts against the use of RFID by Tesco and Benetton have suceeded.

“Shadow Government” (order form)

“Shadow Government” via Endtime Ministries

Boycott Tesco

Boycott Benetton


David Icke: Message for the Uniforms and the Dark Suits

From: davidicke

Sunday, 25 July 2010 11:11


To see the full interview – Human Race Get Off Your Knees – click here:–david-icke-human-race-get-off-your-knees

Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show

[youtube=]Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show 1/2


TheAlexJonesChannel | July 24, 2010

Exclusive: Jesse Ventura Talks with Alex Jones About Government Harassment of His TV Show

Kurt Nimmo
July 23, 2010…

The military attempted to prevent Ventura and his crew from filming a stand-up at JFK’s Eternal Flame.

In an exclusive interview on the Alex Jones Show today, Jesse Ventura will talk about the U.S. military’s attempt to undermine his popular TruTV show, “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.”

Jesse was prevented from filming a stand-up in front of the Eternal Flame at Arlington National Cemetery for an episode on government involvement in the JFK assassination. Despite the military ban, Ventura managed to film the segment. “I did it anyway,” he told the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

“They felt I offended them with my last series, because I look into government things, Conspiracy Theory, my TV show,” Ventura told Ann Sharpsteen of Scripps News. Sharpsteen posted a video of her interview with Ventura on YouTube earlier in the week (see video below).

Ventura told Sharpsteen he went through “proper channels” in order to film at the Eternal Flame. He was subsequently told by the military that he would not be allowed to film “because we don’t like your television show,” accord to Ventura.

The U.S. Army’s Public Affairs Office in Los Angeles, which acts as a liaison to the entertainment industry, told Kevin Diaz of the Minneapolis Star Tribune that JFK’s final resting place is “hallowed ground” and off limits to the media. “We don’t allow stand-ups next to the eternal flame for anyone,” explained Ken Hawes, director of the U.S. Army’s Public Affairs Office.

JFK’s Eternal Flame has appeared in countless television shows and movies. As part of the National Park Service, Arlington National Cemetery and JFK’s Eternal Flame are open to the public.

Hawes said that the government does not think it proper to cooperate with a show alleging that JFK’s death was an inside government job. He denied Ventura’s assertion that they turned the ex-governor down simply because they don’t like his show, according to Diaz.

“The bottom line is we said we didn’t want to be part of his television program,” Hawes told the newspaper. “We support all kinds of programs, but that one was just a little out of bounds.” In other words, the military will now decided who will be allowed to film at the Eternal Flame and permission will be predicated on what is politically acceptable to the government.

Jesse was in D.C. earlier in the week complaining about the incident of military-imposed censorship. The former Minnesota governor has complained about the incident to “every congressman I run into.”

Jesse will also talk with Alex about efforts by the Department of Homeland Security to prevent his crew from filming at other sites.…

Secret Gold Tax In ObamaCare

[youtube=]Secret Gold Tax In ObamaCare

SaveOurSovereignty3 | July 21, 2010

Airing Date July.21, 2010


Rockefeller Study Envisages Future Dictatorship Controlled By Elite

Rockefeller Study Envisages Future Dictatorship Controlled By Elite

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, July 16, 2010

Global pandemics that kill millions, mandatory quarantines, checkpoints, biometric ID cards, and a world of top-down government control. These things are not lifted from the latest sci-fi blockbuster movie, they’re part of the Rockefeller Foundation’s vision for what the globe might be like in 15-20 years’ time under a new world order tightly controlled by the elite.

This is one of four scenarios for the future of the planet outlined in the Rockefeller Foundation’s “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” a study produced in association with the Global Business Network.

Entitled “Lock Step,” the scenario depicts,”A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.”

After global H1N1 pandemic originating from geese infects 20 per cent of the global population and kills 8 million people, the economy grinds to a halt and governments impose authoritarian measures to respond to the crisis.

“During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and

restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets,” states the study.

Tellingly, even after the pandemic fades, these draconian measures remain in place and even intensify, as leaders take a “firmer grip on power” and citizens willingly sacrifice their sovereignty and privacy, leading to “a more controlled world” bossed by “paternalistic states” who impose biometric ID cards for all citizens. “Enforced cooperation” with global regulatory agreements forges the path towards global governance even as a backlash ensues following public displays of “virulent nationalism”.

Eco-fascism is also brought to the fore in the “lock step” scenario, which discusses how “high-emission” cars will be banned and every home will be forced to install solar panels by law.

The implementation of top-down authoritarianism causes entrepreneurial activity to wither and the economy stutters, but by 2025 people start to grow weary of “so much top-down control and letting leaders and authorities make choices for them” and an organized “pushback” against this tyranny begins to gather momentum.

“Even those who liked the greater stability and predictability of this world began to grow uncomfortable and

constrained by so many tight rules and by the strictness of national boundaries. The feeling lingered that sooner or later, something would inevitably upset the neat order that the world’s governments had worked so hard to establish,” the study concludes.

The important thing to understand from the scenario outlined by the Rockefeller study is that China is praised as the model for how governments globally should respond to crises. The most draconian and dictatorial policies, including mandatory quarantines, are praised in the scenario as having “saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post pandemic recovery,” while allowing people freedom of mobility is scorned as having worsened the crisis.

Ironic therefore it is that just this week, the Associated Press reported on how the Chinese government has already virtually imposed checkpoint quarantines on its poorer citizens, by “gating and locking some of its lower-income neighborhoods overnight, with police or security checking identification papers around the clock, in a throwback to an older style of control.”

The Rockefeller study is not a warning against preventing the kind of tyranny contained in this scenario from unfolding, it’s a blueprint for how globalists want to exploit global crises like bio-terror attacks and pandemics in order to completely destroy society and rebuild it under a new world order in their image.

The Rockefeller scenario bears more than a passing resemblance to a 2007 UK Ministry of Defence study which forecast that by 2035, people would have brain chips implanted, that the middle class would become revolutionary, and that society would be gripped by chaos and civil unrest as a result of increased globalization, immigration and a more authoritarian state.

It is crystal clear from reading the “Lock Step” scenario that the oppressive society portrayed in the study is not presented as an admonishment of how governments would cynically seize upon a pandemic to set up a police state and empower themselves as dictators, it’s a ringing endorsement that this approach would be the correct thing to do.

This is the post-industrial society demanded by Bilderberg luminaries like European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso.

This is what the globalists want – pandemics, warfare, chaos and crises that they can engineer and then exploit to lock in place a dictatorial society ruled by the elite from their ivory towers, while the citizens are reduced to impoverished, squabbling, dependent peasants tightly controlled with sophisticated big brother technology, far too concerned about where their next meal is coming from to have time to overthrow their new rulers.

Mike Adams: Is big brother monitoring your meds — NanoGuardian

[youtube=]Is big brother monitoring your meds

Woman Calls Police, Gets Zapped

[youtube=]Raw Video: Woman Calls Police, Gets Zapped

AssociatedPress | July 12, 2010
One officer was fired and another quit after a rural Georgia woman who called police to complain of a prowler was zapped repeatedly with a stun gun. (July 12)

Road Warrior-level collapse imminent: Alex Jones says we must take corrective action now

[youtube=]Road Warrior-level collapse imminent: Alex Jones says we must take corrective action now

TheAlexJonesChannel | July 14, 2010…

Move towards global currency as U.S. loses status, faces depression

The United States as we know it has ended, Alex Jones warns, as the nation has lost credit rating with China, its Dollar reserve status ending as the country– saddled by debt and unable to fund programs– prepares to submit to IMF-style austerity measures.

Sadly, the U.S. can expect to see itself picked-off by the same predatory lending practices and control measures long imposed on vulnerable 3rd World countries throughout the globe. A financial coup d’etat has taken place over the past two years, and the global elite are moving to consolidate the pieces– accept where patriots have been strong enough to stand up and say no.

Katherine Albrecht: Nakedizing Machines — “Would you get naked for Big Brother?” Katherine won’t.


Mon., July 12, 2010

Hour 2 ( Download the MP3 )

Alex Deane // Big Brother // Nakedizing Machines //

★Alex Deane of Big Brother Watch and Katherine discuss privacy and health issues and problems with the use of full body scanners, i.e. nakedizing machines.  Britain is a super surveillance society.  The kids have to be fingerprinted for lunch and think that the ubiquitous cameras are a part of life.  The local government conducts covert surveillance in addition to using listening devices triggered by key words or sounds. They discuss Nick Clegg’s speech in the UK and hope it is a trend for the good.  Remember Katherine’s challenge to donate $20 per week.  Big Brother Watch is a good cause.

Alex Deane

Big Brother Watch

Duty to Address Body Scanner Fears

Katherine’s May 21, 2010 show discussing Nick Clegg’s speech

Full text: Clegg reform speech


Donate to Big Brother Watch

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