Freedom from Alaska!

Month: August 2018


TalmudVision (TV)

(VID) David Shurter – Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor / Franklin Cover Up #SurvivorStories #PedoGate

(VID) Brittany & Nicole: Women Are Losing Their Femininity — "Feminism is essentially like 'we love women; we fight for women, but by the way, women, everything that you naturally are, just throw that out as if it was a basket of rotten apples, and go and usurp the male role (in general what comes naturally to them), and then you'll be special, then you'll be something to be admired and aspired to'" • "Feminists despise everything a truly masculine man is while wanting to become it"

“Feminism is essentially like ‘we love women; we fight for women, but by the way, women, everything that you naturally are, just throw that out as if it was a basket of rotten apples, and go and usurp the male role (at least in general what comes naturally to them), and then you’ll be special, then you’ll be something to be admired and aspired to.'”

– Brittany Pettibone, transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“In the process of doing this, these feminists despise everything a truly masculine man is while becoming it. … To me, it seems very hypocritical of  them to kind of pull this thing where ‘Oh, we hate everything that you are but we want to become it.’

– Nicole, transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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(VID) Rick Wiles' TruNews: When Will 'Christian Zionists' Denounce Talmudic Israel’s Embrace of Homosexuality? – "Many waved rainbow flags with the occult star of David in the center"

“Many waved rainbow flags with the occult star of David in the center.”

– Rick Wiles

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(VID) Jesse Lee Peterson w/ Lana from Red Ice: How Should White People Respond to Anti-White Attacks? – "See evil, speak up, but don't hate, or evil will overtake you and control you"

Excellent discussion!
I transcribed at minute 17:00:

“You should discern, but not be angry. You should see evil, but not be angry at what you see because evil will overtake you and it will control you. Discern it without the anger. So see evil, speak up, but don’t hate.” – Jesse Lee Peterson

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(VID) Fixing aircraft with DUCT TAPE?! Mentour Pilot explains

I’ve seen the mechanics apply ‘speed tape’ many times.
I didn’t know it was $700-800 per roll!
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(VID) Rick Wiles TruNews: Does the Fate of the 1st Amendment Rest on Alex Jones? — Court case • Alex's demonic rant: "I'm coming for you [Muller]!" • "Is he a plant, an agent-provocateur placed in this position for the purpose of shutting down sensible voices that oppose the deep state?" • "If Alex is not an actor, if he's not a plant, he's seriously mentally ill • That behavior is the sign of somebody losing their mind" • "Every Christian should disavow Alex Jones until he repents"

My notes, transcribing quotes from Rick Wiles:
28:55 “Every Christian should disavow Alex Jones. You should disavow him until he repents, and quite frankly until he is delivered.”
29:30 Alex Jones’ livid, demonic rant clip! “You will pay! … God is going to destroy you!”
33:00 “Last week, remember he was imaginary fanning a western revolver, talking about Robert Muller, the special counsel investigator of President Trump, and he was basically saying: ‘I’m coming for you, coming for you.’ This is behavior of a person exhibiting mental instability. … And he is known for his defense of the 2nd Amendment. Alex Jones is the poster child for why you should confiscate guns from mentally unstable people.
34:20 “For the record…, we disavow Alex Jones. … We don’t support Infowars.”
35:10 Alex’s court case that could be the excuse to limit freedom of speech.
38:00 “This is what I’ve wondered about this for nearly 20 years with Alex Jones: is he a plant, an agent-provocateur who has been placed in this position and given publicity, given fame for the purpose of shutting down sensible voices that oppose the deep state? … That if you question the deep state, you must be as crazy as Alex Jones.”
40:00 “I knew Alex Jones in the early days.”
41:30 “His lawyer said he’s an actor. Did they tell the truth, because they were in court under oath?”
42:30 “If Alex is not an actor, if he’s not a plant, he’s seriously mentally ill. And he needs help. He should shut down his program. He should get mental help. He should get spiritual help. If that is truly him, he needs to be someplace where he’s receiving spiritual and psychiatric assistance counseling, because that behavior is the sign of somebody losing their mind.”

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(VID) Fix "Hunchback" Posture in 10 Minutes/Day (Daily Exercise Routine)

The first two exercises seem excellent, but the third: could it make the situation worse, strengthening the forward condition?
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(VID) FIX Forward Head Posture! (Daily Corrective Routine)

(VID) Rick Wiles' TruNews: 30 Pieces of Silver – Will Israel Reward Christian Zionists With Stolen Palestinian Homes? — Why pre-trib rapture was invented • Why 'Christian' Zionism isn't Christian • Aerial Sheron and Menachem Begin were hard core, violent, murderous terrorists • "The 'Christians' in America have lined up and got married to them" • "'Christian Zionists' like John Hagee are going to pay a horrible price on the day of judgment" • South Africa to legalize stealing white farmers' land without compensation • "Taking somebody's land, based on race is wrong, immoral" • "'Christian Zionists' don't care. They say the Jews who reject Christ are entitled by race to steal the land from the Palestinian Christians. How is that different from what they're doing in South Africa?" • "This is against the great commission" • Mike Huckabee in an illegal Israeli settlement: "If President Trump could be here today, he'd be a happy man, happy because he's a builder. … He's building a NEW WORLD ORDER" • "I wonder if the Israeli Zionists are paying off the 'Christian Zionists' in America with land and houses stolen from the American people" • Headline from Israeli National News: 'WILL HUCKABEE PURCHASE A HOME IN A SETTLEMENT?'

Many important topics are covered in this broadcast from a true Christian perspective.
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Notes and transcriptions by Jeff Fenske. Words of Rick Wiles unless noted:
44:30 “They had to invent the pre-trib rapture to justify to Christians the establishment of the state of Israel. … Why? Because the Christians have to leave in a rapture so the Zionists can rule the world from Jerusalem.”
45:10 “There is no such thing as ‘Christian Zionists.’ You can either be a Christian or a Zionist. You can’t be a ‘Christian Zionist.’ … They both contradict each other. Christianity contradicts Zionism. Zionism contradicts Christianity. … True Zionism… [was to buy back the land peacefully]. The revolutionaries, the Kabbalists, the hard core Zionists said ‘we’re not waiting. We’re going in with guns. We’re going to take it.’ That was people like Menachem Begin and Aerial Sheron. Aerial Sheron and Menachem Begin were hard core, violent, murderous terrorists. … They killed Arab children, Arab women. They raised, burned down Arab communities and villages. They were terrorists. … The ‘Christians’ in America have lined up and got married to them. And now, every Arab, every Palestinian, everybody in the Middle East, if you say “evangelical Christian,” you’re a Zionist, and you hate Arabs.
Folks, this is against the great commission. … You’re supposed to go into all the world. We’re to love all people. We’re not to show favoritism. We’re not supposed to take sides in nations, joining this group against that group. The Christians ought to be in the Middle East saying to the Palestinians and the Israeli Jews, ‘put down your arms; forgive each other; make peace with each other. This is the way of our master, Jesus Christ.’
But the ‘Christian Zionists,’ like John Hagee…, they’re nothing but paid puppeteers for the warmongers in Israel and the U.S. deep state that want bloody wars, wars of conquest. And these people are going to pay a horrible price on the day of judgment. … These people in America, in the churches that are using God’s holy church to evangelize for war, you’re an evangelist for war. You’re going to answer for it someday, on the day of judgment, and you’re going to regret that you sold out the gospel for 30 pieces of silver.”
1:00:00 South Africa: government confiscation of white-owned farmland. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s racist proclamation, South Africa will amend the constitution to legalize stealing white farmers’ land without compensation:

“..expropriation without compensation in the public interest.” “The ANC will through the parliamentary process, finalize a proposed amendment to the constitution that outlines more clearly the conditions under which expropriation of land without compensation can be affected.”

Co-host: “This man is calmly talking about taking land from one individual and giving it to another based on race.”
Taking somebody’s land, based on race is wrong, is immoral.”
1:09:00 “Nobody cares. These ‘Christian Zionists’ don’t care. They don’t care that many of these Palestinians are Christians. … These ‘Christian Zionists’ say that the Jews who don’t accept Jesus Christ — in fact, they reject Him — they are entitled by race to steal the land from the Palestinian Christians. How is that different from what they’re doing in South Africa?”
1:17:10 Mike Huckabee: “I think that if President Trump could be here today, he’d be a happy man, happy because he’s a builder. … But we are discovering that as president he’s also a builder. He’s building a New World Order…. I can’t tell you how proud I have been of the president as it relates to the land of Israel. … What’s being built here is a bridge to peace.”
1:21:40 “I wonder if the Israeli Zionists are paying off the ‘Christian Zionists’ in America with land and houses stolen from the American people. … The headline [from Israeli National News, a website] said: “WILL HUCKABEE PURCHASE A HOME IN A SETTLEMENT?”

Will Huckabee purchase a home in a ‘settlement?’

Prominent Republican, Trump confidant Mike Huckabee visits Judea community, affirming US support for construction in Judea and Samaria.

Governor Mike Huckabee, a prominent Republican and close confidant to the Trump White House, visited a building site in the Tamar neighborhood of the Judea town of Efrat [Israeli settlement in the West Bank – editor] today, offering support for continued growth of communities across Judea and Samaria. Speaking beneath a large banner reading “Build Israel Great Again”, Huckabee said that he knows the US President is similarly supportive of construction. “President Trump is naturally a builder and he would be proud to see what is going on here in Efrat.”

The Governor, known to be a staunchly supportive figure of Israel’s right to self-determination and the Jewish State’s legal presence in Judea and Samaria pointed to the construction workers around him as evidence that these communities promote rather than impede peace, “The greatest path to peace is by empowering people via economic growth and that is exactly what we are seeing each. Every single day some 1,300 Palestinian workers come into this area to build homes and are given the means to provide for their families as a result.” …

Assisting construction crews to build a supporting wall around a new home in the community, Huckabee said with a smile, “This area is so great- perhaps now’s the time to purchase a vacation home.” VIDEO

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(VID) PEDOWOOD – Is the Answer Charlie Sheen ?

STUDY: Women leaving STEM [science, tech, engineering & math] due to depression, unhappiness

From: Campus Reform

STUDY: Women leaving STEM due to depression, unhappiness

Jul 26, 2018

A new study has discovered that depression, rather than sexism or discrimination, is driving women’s desire to leave STEM fields.

“In terms of reported work engagement, depression, perfectionistic discrepancy, and stigma consciousness were significant negative predictors, while having perfectionistic high standards positively predicted work engagement,” the abstract reports, adding that “for work engagement, lack of comparable pay was a nonsignificant predictor.”

The study led by Department of Veteran Affairs Researcher Erin Reilly, “The Relationship Among Stigma, Consciousness, Perfectionism, and Mental Health in Retaining Women in STEM,” was published in the newest issue of the Journal of Career Development.

[RELATED: Prof: Efforts to recruit women for STEM ‘may be backfiring’]

The work sought to shed light on the mass exodus of women from STEM. As Reilly and her team note, previous research has shown that 52 percent of women leave STEM mid-career to stay at home or to join other fields.

“[I]n the [United States] alone, approximately 3,000 PhD-trained women leaving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) result in an economic loss of US$1.5 billion per year,” the researchers note. …

[RELATED: Prof finds ‘no evidence’ sexism is behind gender gap in STEM]

Though the researchers acknowledge that they could not clinically diagnose any interviewees with depression, respondents were asked whether they “felt nervous, felt so down nothing could cheer them up…[or] felt downhearted and blue” during the preceding month.

After analysing the data, researchers concluded that “women with higher levels of depression and perfectionistic discrepancy reported greater levels of intent to leave their current job,” adding that “depression was a consistent predictor of job outcome variables.” …

[RELATED: Feds dole out $3M+ to fight ‘microaggressions’ in STEM fields]

A recent study by Colorado School of Mines professor Greg Rulifson tracked 21 female students who started out as STEM majors in college, finding that one-third left STEM to major in fields that involve more “social responsibility.”

“Women in engineering are more motivated by helping others, and engineering education needs to provide more examples of engineering as a helping profession,” Rulifson recommended. …

[RELATED: Prof: Google memo was correct about gender differences]

Entire Article

(VID) How Women Weaken Nations (and why men let them) — Men's and women's roles are completely equal in importance • 'Equality' has come to mean that women should want to be engineers or soldiers, and that men… • Women make very different choices to men, which befit their *natural* inclinations and talents • When women do try to enter STEM fields [science, tech, engineering & math], they get depressed and frustrated • Voting patterns are remarkably consistent: If only men voted, we would likely never have a social/democratic government ever again. If only women voted, goodbye nationalism • Men are more cautious, and given to protection, while women favor the more trusting and open approach • Allow the sexes to be themselves. Abandon the idea that men should be more feminine and that masculinity is toxic • This is quite literally a matter of our nation's life or death

I transcribed these important, politically incorrect words, starting at 7:10:

Men’s and women’s roles are completely equal in importance, and should be valued and respected as such. In our demented modern world, ‘equality’ has come to mean that women should want to be engineers or soldiers, and that men should want to stay at home and look after the kids or become nurses. But even when they choose to have careers, women make very different choices to men, which befit their natural inclinations and talents. The fact is that no matter how much social engineering the left tries, it can’t make engineers out of women in any significant number.

When women do try to enter STEM fields [science, tech, engineering & math], for example, they often find they are simply unsuited to these ways of thinking. They get depressed and frustrated. … patterns between the sexes are remarkably consistent. If only men voted, we would likely never have a social/democratic government ever again. And if only women voted, goodbye nationalism forever. It is no coincidence that nationalism is dominated by men, and that women play a much bigger role in open borders movements like the Green Party.

These voting patterns reflect the natural roles the sexes play. Men are more cautious, and given to the protection of the tribe and the borders of the country, while women favor the more trusting and open approach to people.

The left wants us to equality with sameness, but this is deranged. … I’m talking about ending the creepy, politically correct obsession that there can be no differences between the sexes. … I’m talking about allowing the sexes to be themselves, to abandon the idea that men should be more feminine and that masculinity is toxic.

This is quite literally a matter of our nation’s life or death.”

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(3 min vid) Deep State Eyes Alex Jones Courtroom Showdown to Justify Ending Free Speech Online — What may seem like a simple trial over libel, actually poses damaging consequences for the future of free speech in America. In an excerpt from the Tuesday, July 31st edition of TruNews, the team discusses the significance of InfoWars founder Alex Jones' looming courtroom showdown over statements made on his program, and how a ruling against him could be used to create a national precedence on where the 1st Amendment ends, and Fake News begins

(VID) Bruce Willis' Freemason Illuminati 'Comedy Central' Roast – Promotes soft drink called 'HELL'!

(VID) Fiona Barnett On Camera w/ Nathan Stolpman #SurvivorStories #PedoWood — "I can sleep at night knowing that I did everything within my power to expose this garbage. And I feel better for it"

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My Notes and Transcriptions
34:30 “I’ve got a lot of compassion for victims of child abuse in the gay community. I’m a born-again Christian, but I’m not about to be…. How many pew warming, born-again, so-called Christians in these churches that are nothing more than child trafficking, that is the Roman Catholic church, Hillsong, which was founded by a pedophile, Frank Houston — how many of these people are going to get off of their butts and get out there and help us?”
35:45 How Fiona recovered her memories
37:00 “At age-6…. ‘That’s what happens to you if you talk. There is no such thing as “Fight Club.”‘”
46:30 “I would avoid Collin Ross in Canada. … I would avoid certain people like Russ Dizdar, for the Christians. I’ve heard terrible things about him.”
52:25 & 1:09:00 Meryl Streep
53:30 Billy Graham & Nixon
54:30 Bohemian Grove: “The favorite thing pedophiles like to do is hunting children.”
1:03:15 “I just know that I’ve done my bit, and I can sleep at night knowing that I did everything within my power to expose this garbage. And I feel better for it.”
1:06:55 Safer naming the big names, because they won’t sue.
1:08:30 Steven Spielberg

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(VID) Fix "Hunchback" Posture in 10 Mins/Day (Daily Exercise Routine)

(VID) How to Fix Your Posture in 4 Moves! (PERMANENTLY)

How to Fix Your Posture in 4 Moves! (PERMANENTLY)
Published on Feb 25, 2018
Fix your posture in 90 days –
Subscribe to this channel here –
If you have poor posture, you not only are aware of it but likely would welcome an easy way to fix it.  In this video, I’m showing you a 4 step plan that can attack the most common posture flaws to give you a nice, tall, upright posture sooner than you think.  I’m going to show you how to hit correct rounded shoulders, a hunched back, crooked neck, forward head and tilted pelvis.  When you apply the easy drills shown here you will start to feel better almost instantly and work towards permanently fixing your bad posture.
The four biggest problem areas for those with bad posture is the neck, shoulders, mid back and pelvis.  Specifically, if you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk or behind the wheel you will wind up getting slumping shoulders and a rounded back.  To counteract the head being pulled downward, you wind up tilting your head up so you can look straight ahead.  This has the effect of overarching your neck and weakening the deep neck flexors.  Finally, when the upper spine curves forward, the pelvis winds up curling under.  This posterior pelvic tilt is something that adaptively tightens the hamstrings and weakens the lower back.
If you want to fix your posture you have to hit each of these areas with individualized attention.  We have actually addressed each of these in depth with the following videos:
How to Fix Rounded Shoulders –…
How to Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt –…
How to Fix Posterior Pelvic Tilt –…
How to Fix a Rounded Upper Back…
That said, there is something that you can do for each of these areas that will help you to correct the postural problems without having to spend a long time each day.  These are efficient and effective but do need your consistency in order to make a lasting impact on the correction.  The funny thing about posture is that we often spend a lifetime doing the things that ruin our posture in the first place, yet expect that we will be able to fix it in an hour.
While not an hour, these posture correction exercises will have an immediate impact on the way you feel.  You should feel as if you have more mobility in the tightened areas and that your body begins to move more free and easy.  From here, with a bit of consistency you will be able to make permanent changes in your posture that will have you feeling stronger and looking much better than you do now.
An important note on posture and working out, that I referenced earlier, is that it is not a good idea to lift weights when your body is severely out of alignment.  All you are doing is strengthening poor posture and dysfunction.  Lifting weights in the presence of dysfunction is quickly going to lead to not only other compensations elsewhere in the kinetic chain but likely wind up in injury.  It is much smarter to fix the issues with your posture first and then strengthen your body to reinforce the new perfect posture.

Fiona Barnett: Tom Hanks is a Pedophile – Victim Speaks • Streep, Spielberg, Lucas • Why Carrie Fisher 'Leia' died — Harvey Weinstein is being scapegoated to cover for the truth about Hollywood: famous male AND FEMALE pedophile actors and producers who like to rape kids



July 24, 2018

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft has come forward and announced that she was subjected to CIA brainwashing techniques and child sex trafficked to Hollywood at age 13 years and raped by Hollywood star Tom Hanks.

“The number one problem in Hollywood is, and has always been – pedophilia!” Corey Feldman correctly stated. What a shame Corey didn’t just name names when he had all the cameras on him, like we all have. Naming names is the only way victims are going to expose the CIA child trafficking operation behind 99% of child kidnapping and child sex trafficking.

Perverted predator Harvey Weinstein is being scapegoated to cover for the truth about Hollywood – famous male AND FEMALE pedophile actors and producers who like to rape kids.

Head Hollywood Luciferian MERYL STREEP is of one them! She prefers to have sex with 14 year old girls at specially organised Hollywood pedophile parties.

That’s why Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks get on so well post-Harvey Weinstein and the #sheknew scandal … why she called Weinstein “God” during an acceptance speech. …

Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep teamed up with another Hollywood pedophile – Steven Spielberg, to make a shite film together [‘The Post’ – editor]. Spielberg has been raping kids for decades, along with his pedo buddy George Lucas – whom the entire cast of Star Wars had to have sex with in order to get their parts. Carrie Fischer said she had to sleep with George Lucas to get the part of Leia – and mysteriously died weeks later. …

(VID) Fiona Barnett Tells Her Ritual Abuse, Victim Story – Names Names: Billy Graham, Richard Nixon, Antony Kidman, Elton John, Disneyland • "Bohemian Grove is just a big, pedophile,Satanic ritual abuse orgy" • "Most of the victims are dead. They were either murdered, or they committed suicide, were suicided — or they are inmates at mental institutions" • "I just want to say to victims: Suicide is not an option. You'll never be pushed beyond what you can endure. And I know because I've been pushed right to the edge"

Fiona Barnett on the Patriot Nation radio show with Mark Hoffman — original BlogTalkRadio broadcast: Fiona Barnett tells Her Story Live!

Fiona Barnett who will be telling us about an International Child trafficking, and Pedophile Ring. You will not believe your ears when you hear how deep it runs.From Australian Prime Ministers, Actors, Politicians, and a President. Hear Fiona Barnett tell her story of Horrific Crimes against her and others who have come forward because of her bravery.

Another interview with Mark: Pedophiles Down Under With Fiona Barnett Live!

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My notes and transcriptions:
6:00 Nicole Kidman and her father, Antony Kidman
11:00 Scientology, Freemason, O.T.O., Catholic church
21:00 Elton John
32:00 Richard Nixon violent pedo
33:00 Bohemian Grove is just a big, pedophile,Satanic ritual abuse orgy.” Fiona witnessed someone murdered there.
34:35 Billy Graham, good friend of Richard Nixon… “not a Christian”….”
35:40 Disneyland: “Walt Disney was a pedo.” Pedo parties after dark.
101:35 “Most of the victims are dead. The vast majority of are dead. They didn’t make it. They were either murdered, or they committed suicide, or they were suicided, or they were overdosed, or they did overdose from heroin…. Or they are inmates at mental institutions babbling like a baby.”
104:35 “I just want to say to victims, look: no one is ever pushed beyond what they can endure. And when they’re tested [‘it not feels like it’?], they will always be provided with the means of escape. Suicide is not an option. You’ll never be pushed beyond what you can endure. And I know because I’ve been pushed right to the edge.”

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