Freedom from Alaska!

Category: BIG Pharma Page 19 of 39

Bulgarian Doctors: COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless


Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose

From Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter

Lockdowns and hygienic measures around the world are based on numbers of cases and mortality rates created by the so-called SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR tests used to identify “positive” patients, whereby “positive” is usually equated with “infected.”

But looking closely at the facts, the conclusion is that these PCR tests are meaningless as a diagnostic tool to determine an alleged infection by a supposedly new virus called SARS-CoV-2.


Epidemiologist: Hydroxychloroquine could have saved 100,000 lives!

“Harvey Risch, the famous Yale epidemiologist estimated that 100,000 Americans would be alive today if we didn’t have this massive disinformation campaign.” – Dr. Simone Gold

Glenn Beck Interviews Dr. Simone Gold Regarding Why Hydroxychloroquine is Banned During COVID19


Hydroxychloroquine could save up to 100,000 lives if used for COVID-19: Yale epidemiology professor

Ingraham: Studies – Covid particles NOT EXPELLED by non-coughing people | NO EVIDENCE masks prevent transmission

Science Matters!

Actual BMJ cluster randomized study wording is somewhat different. See here.

American Doctors Address COVID-19 Misinformation with SCOTUS Press Conference 2020-07-27

Related: “Nobody Needs to Die” – Frontline Doctors Storm D.C. Claiming “Thousands of Doctors” are Being Silenced on Facts and Treatments for COVID


Horowitz: Exposing the maskerade: The questions every American should be asking about indefinite mask mandates

Exposing the maskerade: The questions every American should be asking about indefinite mask mandates

“The trope of “just shut up and wear a mask” is not science, ordered liberty, or constitutional governance. It’s what they do in North Korea.” “Just because this virus came from China doesn’t mean the politicians can use it as a pretext to turn us into China.”

Coronavirus: Face masks could increase risk of infection, medical chief warns

Coronavirus: Face masks could increase risk of infection, medical chief warns

‘For the average member of the public walking down a street, it is not a good idea’

Members of the public could be putting themselves more at risk from contracting coronavirus by wearing face masks, one of England’s most senior doctors has warned.

Vaccine Ingredients Exposed – Aborted Fetal Tissue | Robert F. Kennedy and Del Bigtree

The Coronavirus Vaccine Uncensored | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Del Bigtree

Masks Exposed and the Health Risks Involved with Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan

Two hero ladies!

25:00 “The second you wear a mask and you touch your face you are cross-contaminating.”

45:00 “Did you know there was a study done back in 2018 that said the number one reason that flu spread in medical facilities wasn’t a failure of the mask. It was cross contamination through touching. And these are people that are trained to do it every day. … That is the number one reason for the spread, touching is touching.”

53:30 “If you are pregnant, absolutely, get out of the mask!”

“It’s the small minority that can change the majority.”



Covid deaths 90.2% lower using industry standard handbook always used previously!

JULY 24, 2020

If COVID Fatalities Were 90.2% Lower, How Would You Feel About Schools Reopening?

By H. Ealy, M. McEvoy, M. Sava, S. Gupta, D. Chong, D. White, J. Nowicki, P. Anderson

Key Findings For Data Through July 12th

  • According to the CDC, 101 children age 0 to 14 have died from influenza, while 31 children have died from COVID-19.
  • No evidence exists to support the theory that children pose a threat to educational professionals in a school or classroom setting, but there is a great deal of evidence to support the safety of in-person education.
  • According to the CDC, 131,332 Americans have died from pneumonia and 121,374 from COVID-19 as of July 11th, 2020.
  • Had the CDC used its industry standard, Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting Revision 2003, as it has for all other causes of death for the last 17 years, the COVID-19 fatality count would be approximately 90.2% lower than it currently is.


Dr. Fauci: Wear goggles or eye shields to prevent spread of COVID-19

Fauci has yet to mention one time what really protects from covid: vitamins D and C plus zinc.

This is theater. But at least he’s admitting face masks don’t protect wearers from covid, which he already directly stated before.


How a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created by $Big Pharma

“Hydroxychloroquine has been used safely for 65 years in many millions of patients.”

Many doctors have proven HCQ works when used with zinc. These are the ways Big Pharma has set out to discredit $13-per-dose HCQ, to push $3,000-per-dose Remdesivir instead, which isn’t very effective, and the coming dangerous multi-billion dollar vaccine.

This is how they demonized HCQ. One of the key ways. Zinc is needed to stop covid from replicating. HCQ helps zinc enter the cell:

You make sure to avoid funding/encouraging clinical trials that test drug combinations like hydroxychloroquine with zinc….

Very interesting what happened in Switzerland:

You stopped use of hydroxychloroquine, allegedly in response to the fabricated Lancet study, in France, Italy and Belgium (countries with very high COVID mortality rates) then Portugal then Switzerland. But Switzerland restarted using HCQ 15 days later. This created a natural experiment in Switzerland. About 2 weeks after hydroxychloroquine use was halted, death rates approximately tripled, for about 15 days. Then, after its use was allowed again, two weeks later death rates from Covid fell back to their baseline.

• • •

How a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created, and More

It is remarkable that a series of events taking place over the past 3 months produced a unified message about hydroxychloroquine, and produced similar policies about the drug in the US, Canada, Australia, NZ and western Europe.  The message is that generic, inexpensive hydroxychloroquine is dangerous and should not be used to treat a potentially fatal disease, Covid-19, for which there are no (other) reliable treatments.

Hydroxychloroquine has been used safely for 65 years in many millions of patients.  And so the message was crafted that the drug is safe for its other uses, but dangerous when used for Covid-19.  It doesn’t make sense, but it seems to have worked.

Were these acts carefully orchestrated?  You decide.

Might these events have been planned to keep the pandemic going?  To sell expensive drugs and vaccines to a captive population?   Could these acts result in prolonged economic and social hardship, eventually transferring wealth from the middle class to the very rich?  Are these events evidence of a conspiracy?

Here is a list of what happened, in no special order. Please help add to this list if you know of other actions I should include.  This will be a living document, added to as new information becomes available.

Media Malpractice on COVID Numbers

Media Malpractice on COVID Numbers

Is this media incompetence or malpractice? Ignorant or deliberate?

Fox News ran a constant side bar in the early days of the pandemic, with U.S. death counts, much in the way cable news business shows run a ticker of the Dow or S&P 500. How morbid, but it provided fodder for media talking heads to run around like Kevin McCallister in Home Alone, waving their arms and screaming in panic.

Now that death counts are dropping to the point that they blend in with normal birth and death statistics, the media have predictably pivoted to case counts as their new hair-on-fire statistic to stoke fear, keep the economy shut down, and hopefully banish their nemesis back to the land of Mordor, also known as Mar-a-Lago.


Covid Doctor: Why Increasing Number of Cases of COVID-19 is NOT Bad News — Herd immunity w/o a vaccine

Fear is a powerful weapon.  FDR famously broadcast to Americans in 1933 that “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself”.  I would argue that we have to fear those who would have us remain fearful and servile and willing to surrender basic freedoms without justification.

• • •

Letter to the Editor: Why Increasing Number of Cases of COVID-19 is NOT Bad News

JUN 27, 2020 AT 11:22 AM BY PJ


Several times a day, on every possible news outlet, we are bombarded with updates as to the new number of “cases” of COVID-19 in the U.S. and elsewhere.  News analysts then use these numbers to justify criticisms of those who dare to reject the CDC’s recommendations with regards to mask wearing and social distancing.   It is imperative that all Americans  – and especially those in the medical profession – understand the actual definition of a “case” of COVID -19 so as to make informed decisions as to how to live our lives. …

Having now been privileged to care for sick patients with COVID-19, both in and out of the hospital setting, I am happy to see the number of these sick patients dwindle almost to zero in my community – while the “case numbers” for COVID-19 continue to go up.  Why is that?

In marked contrast to measles, shingles, and other infectious disease, “cases” of COVID-19 do NOT require the presence of ANY symptoms whatsoever.   Health departments are encouraging everyone and anyone to come in for testing, and each positive test is reported as yet another “new” case of COVID-19!

8 “Facts” About Coronavirus That Are Actually Lies

8 “Facts” About Coronavirus That Are Actually Lies

Bill Gates Threatens the World with Pandemic 2 – “A pathogen with a high death rate”

Skousen: Second Pre-planned Pandemic Coming – “A pathogen with a high death rate” – Bill Gates

World Affairs Brief, July 24, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Second Pre-planned Pandemic Coming:

Dr. Anthony Fauci said this week it is unlikely Covid-19 will ever be eradicated. He also said years ago that the incoming administration would face a terrible pandemic. He is being accused of knowing in advance about this planned pandemic.

Skousen: Fauci doesn’t want testing done on mask effectiveness (lest it show that they are worthless)

World Affairs Brief, July 24, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

The Masks Don’t Work

(vid) Heated Vaccine Debate – Kennedy Jr. vs Dershowitz

(vid) Dr. Andrew Kaufman: AN INCONVENIENT COVID TRUTH — Could we have been this jacked?!

(vid) Ben Swann: Why Face Masks DON’T Work, According To SCIENCE

7 SCIENTIFIC STUDIES: Face masks do not reduce transmission of flu or colds.

Cloth masks may increase infection, because of moisture retention, reuse and poor filtration.

Dr. Ron Paul: OSHA Covering Up Face Mask Danger?

Busted: 11 COVID Assumptions Based on Fear Not Fact


(vid) Cult of the Covid Mask – Paul Joseph Watson

“The mask has become the political tool.” – Paul Joseph Watson


(vid) Tony Robbins w/ Dr. Scott Jensen: How CDC’s Guidelines Artificially Inflate Covid Death Numbers

(vid) Increasing covid deaths by testing cadavers postmortem

(vid) How Big Pharma Controls MSM & Politicians

John Masters comments on a video from 7/2/17

New peer-reviewed study: unvaccinated children have better health outcomes

New Research Study of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children in Three U.S. Medical Practices

PR Newswire

Results indicate better health outcomes of developmental delays, asthma, and ear infections in children who did not receive vaccines within their first year of life

REDDING, Calif., June 1, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — A new peer-reviewed study in the journal SAGE Open Medicine detailing the health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children concludes that unvaccinated children have better health outcomes than their vaccinated peers within the conditions examined and suggests that further study is necessary to understand the full spectrum of health effects associated with vaccination.


Horowitz: Over half of Minnesota coronavirus death certificates list something else as primary cause of death


(vid) Dr. Bartlett: The Budesonid Covid Cure – “You should not be scared of Covid”

My Notes

Dr. Richard Bartlett is using an inhaled steroid to treat Covid-19 plus zinc, and has a 100% success rate; though, has a small number of covid patients. “What I’m using is Budesonide, it’s an inhaled steroid that doesn’t have the side effects of total body steroids but it has the benefits.”

Local doctor believes he has found ‘silver bullet’ for COVID-19

He says it’s the main reason why Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and Iceland have had so few deaths. [What about vitamins A, C and D there, and the minerals selenium, zinc and iodine? Not mentioned. Icelanders are probably especially good at taking enough vitamin D. The Japanese people are so healthy, eating vitamin and mineral rich foods that few died after getting hit with severe radiation from Fukushima.]

“A rapidly mutating virus: a vaccine is not going to be the solution. 243 mutations in a study in Ireland, already.”

21:20 “But they could do a study, and set it up for failure….” [Like they did with hydroxychloroquine.]

21:45 Masks didn’t work France, Spain or Italy.

“We should go with the winning strategies.”

“You should not be scared of Covid.”

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