Freedom from Alaska!

Category: BIG Pharma Page 27 of 39

Mike Rivero: Big Pharma doesn’t want inexpensive cures like zinc and hydroxychloroquine — Zinc kills the virus

“There are treatments out there; there are cures out there. The American pharmaceutical companies are very upset because all of these quinine derivatives are very inexpensive. They use them in fish tank cleaner, by the way (which doesn’t mean go out and buy fish tank cleaner and drink it, because there’s other stuff in it that’s really bad for you). It’s an inexpensive chemical, and the pharmaceutical industries don’t like inexpensive cures. They want very expensive cures that they own. And that’s why we’ve had so many of our politicians, governors and mayors literally threatening doctors not to prescribe hydroxychloroquine and the others.”

“Apparently, the hydroxychloroquine prevents the cytokine storm that causes so much of the discomfort and the breathing problems, and the zinc kills the virus.”

Mike Rivero on ‘What Really Happened,’ 3/30/20, discussing these articles:

Inexpensive hydroxychloroquine + *zinc*… 100% success cure approved by FDA for coronavirus!

Dr. Zelenko’s CV 100% success rate using Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc & Z-Pak – zero deaths, zero hospitalizations and zero intubations!

4:38 Mike’s Big Pharma quote shown above

1:26:00 Rick in South Carolina: Liposomal Vitamin C for Covid-19!

Dr. Zelenko’s CV 100% success rate using Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc & Z-Pak – zero deaths, zero hospitalizations and zero intubations!

UPDATE: Dr. Zelenko Has Now Treated 699 Coronavirus Patients with 100% SUCCESS RATE — Using Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc and Z-Pak

March 29, 2020

Last weekend Dr. Vladimir Zelenko from New York state announced he found a treatment against the coronavirus with a 100% success rate on 350 patients.

[Google’s YouTube banned the video:]

The New York doctor also posted a video explaining his success with hydroxychloroquine and Zinc .  His treatment resulted in the shortness of breath issue being resolved in 4 to 6 hours.  Dr. Zelenko in his study had zero deathszero hospitalizations and zero intubations!


Inexpensive hydroxychloroquine + *zinc*… ‘100% success’ cure partially approved by FDA for coronavirus!

“There are treatments out there; there are cures out there. The American pharmaceutical companies are very upset because all of these quinine derivatives are very inexpensive. They use them in fish tank cleaner, by the way. … It’s an inexpensive chemical, and the pharmaceutical industries don’t like inexpensive cures. They want very expensive cures that they own. And that’s why we’ve had so many of our politicians, governors and mayors literally threatening doctors not to prescribe hydroxychloroquine and the others.”

“Apparently, the hydroxychloroquine prevents the cytokine storm that causes so much of the discomfort and the breathing problems, and the zinc kills the virus.”

Mike Rivero on ‘What Really Happened,’ 3/30/20, discussing this article and another

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Monday, 30 March 2020

BREAKING: FDA Issues Emergency Authorization for Hydroxychloroquine to be Prescribed to Coronavirus Patients

** On Saturday Dr. Vladimir Zelenko reported that he has now successfully treated 699 COVID-19 patients in New York for the coronavirus. Dr. Zelenko reported 100 percent success using a cocktail of drugs: hydroxychloroquine, in combination with azithromycin (Z-Pak), an antibiotic to treat secondary infections, and zinc sulfate.

Dr. Fauci now admits coronavirus death rate like a bad flu — Unreported cases weren’t used in percentages

We didn’t even shut down the country for the much worse SARS or MERS:

Fauci now admits: “the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.”

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[Dr. Robert J. Rowen noteI’ve repeatedly said that we are overdue for a real pandemic, and I mean one that is hot and kills. This one does kill, but not like ebola, smallpox, or even 1918. Was this worth shutting down state parks, inducing “Nature Deficiency Syndrome”. Or shuttering businesses, many forever, inducing an instant Depression? Worse, when the next “real” deadly pandemic comes, what will be the response of the people if our Rulers cried “WOLF” with this one?

And why the great infectious disease guru, Fauci, does not respond to messages, or know about incredible published work on oxidation therapies treating these “untreatable” conditions years ago? And why the NEJM and/or other major journals sees fit to discuss matters that are not relevant to really saving lives, when it refuses to consider a commentary and history bringing forth the papers of old?]

Dr. Fauci: Coronavirus death rate like very bad flu

‘Considerably less than 1%,’ he writes in New England Journal of Medicine

Flu Shot Can Increase Susceptibility to Coronavirus 19 – Study

Related: Coronavirus: Top medic warns anyone who gets the flu jab should stay at home, 17 March 2020

Britons who get the annual winter flu jab fall into the government’s “high risk” category and should self-isolate, a top medic warns.

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Influenza Vaccination and Respiratory Virus Interference Among Department of Defense Personnel During the 2017-2018 Influenza Season



Purpose: Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses, a phenomenon known as virus interference. Test-negative study designs are often utilized to calculate influenza vaccine effectiveness. The virus interference phenomenon goes against the basic assumption of the test-negative vaccine effectiveness study that vaccination does not change the risk of infection with other respiratory illness, thus potentially biasing vaccine effectiveness results in the positive direction. This study aimed to investigate virus interference by comparing respiratory virus status among Department of Defense personnel based on their influenza vaccination status. Furthermore, individual respiratory viruses and their association with influenza vaccination were examined.

Results: We compared vaccination status of 2880 people with non-influenza respiratory viruses to 3240 people with pan-negative results. Comparing vaccinated to non-vaccinated patients, the adjusted odds ratio for non-flu viruses was 0.97 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.86, 1.09; p = 0.60). Additionally, the vaccination status of 3349 cases of influenza were compared to three different control groups: all controls (N = 6120), non-influenza positive controls (N = 2880), and pan-negative controls (N = 3240). The adjusted ORs for the comparisons among the three control groups did not vary much (range: 0.46-0.51).

Conclusions: Receipt of influenza vaccination was not associated with virus interference among our population. Examining virus interference by specific respiratory viruses showed mixed results. Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus; however, significant protection with vaccination was associated not only with most influenza viruses, but also parainfluenza, RSV, and non-influenza virus coinfections.

Keywords: Department of Defense; Influenza vaccine; Respiratory illness; Virus interference.

3 CA hospitals turn down Dr. Rowen’s offer to treat Covid-19 patients for free with ozone therapy

Dr. Robert J. Rowen
March 21 at 12:20 PM
This might give you all an idea of what we are up against. Today I reached out to 3 local hospitals and talked with their on-call specialists, offering to help to save lives and with no compensation for me. One was interested and asked me for information so that he could share. Another directed me to a different doctor. And the third was quite short with me. She had no interest, claiming she was busy with coronavirus patients. I said I have something that might save some lives. She curtly replied, “What is this therapy?” I replied, “oxidation”. In a growl, she said, “Thank you very much” and slammed the phone.

I am saddened by such arrogance, but the, that is the Church of Modern Medicine. At the same time, a hospital in New York is giving vitamin C to coronavirus patients. North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset. The report says that the hospital has short resources of the vitamin C. One ozone machine and just one tank of oxygen could likely get the same results, but be able to do many thousands of treatments.

MEDIA IGNORES NATURAL REMEDIES that could stop this destruction of America!

I just saw this post:

‘This system is doomed’: Doctors, nurses sound off in NBC News coronavirus survey

It seems to me that our medical system being overwhelmed by Covid-19 is largely BECAUSE “love of money” driven Big Pharma REJECTS NATURAL, INEXPENSIVE and effective methods as simple as liposomal vitamin C, quercetin, garlic, horseradish and coconut oil/coconut oil (coconut cream is great in coffee and high in selenium, another key, God-made substance many are deficient in). Probably all of the seriously ill are extremely low in vitamin D, also very inexpensive. If they really cared for the elderly…. There is also relatively inexpensive, simple and noninvasive ozone therapy.

So everyone is in a panic as the USA is now being destroyed through lockdowns.

Steve and Jana Ben-Nun interviewed a doctor who showed how liposomal C solves this, and YouTube took their video down!

Most of Big Pharma’s patented $$$$$ methods don’t work because they don’t kill viruses.

We’re getting jacked!

If Coronavirus-Stricken China Can’t Export Medicine, Users Can Be in Trouble

The Virus and the Supply Chain

Coronavirus may or may not prove to be a health crisis in the U.S., but its impact on the production of pharmaceuticals could be serious.

While 90 percent of the finished drugs Americans take are generics, most are manufactured overseas, primarily in India and China. Even India, the world’s largest generics producer, relies on China for 80 percent of the APIs it uses in drug production. Nearly all the antibiotics used in the U.S. come from China. Some older antibiotics, like penicillin, are no longer made here; China controls worldwide penicillin production. In addition, a large amount of the personal protective equipment (PPE)—surgical gowns, gloves, masks and respirator protective devices—used to stop the spread of coronavirus and other infectious diseases are manufactured in China.


(vid) Did China test an experimental vaccine on their own people, so the virus won’t affect us? – Del Bigtree w/ Dan Dicks

13:30 “Is it possible that China had an experimental vaccine on their own population that they never told anyone about, and now this virus really isn’t going to affect the rest of us? But because they had a vaccine it’s killing people? We don’t know. … We know that there are coronaviruses being developed in the laboratories right in Wuhan. We know that China will do things without telling anybody. … They break the rules all the time and then try to cover it up. Is it possible that China already has tried to test the vaccine on their population and they’re dropping dead because of it?” – Del Bigtree


Joe in Alaska recalls Anchorage Newspaper’s hit-piece on my Dr. who treated patients with O2 they couldn’t patent

45:00 A caller, Joe in Nome, Alaska talks about the Anchorage Times or Anchorage Daily News’ hit-piece, in ’95 or ’96 on apparently Naturopathic Dr. Robert Rowen, who was my doctor here in Anchorage, and one of the pioneers of oxygen therapy, which has been found effective in treating the coronavirus illness!

Big Pharma discredits natural remedies that they can’t patent, because they’re more love-of-money than cure driven. Sadly, we don’t have medical freedom written into our Constitution, so Big Pharma is literally allowed to get away with murder, because of their methods that do more harm than good and successful methods they demonize.

Bernie Sanders’ health care being a “natural right for all” only includes the astronomically expensive Big Pharma love-of-money version. Natural remedies are not a “natural right.”

Dr. Rowen left Alaska, and now has a clinic in California.

South Korea says it’s successfully treating coronavirus patient with natural oxygen therapy

(Natural News) In a breakthrough for eradicating the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), South Korean officials have successfully treated a patient using all-natural oxygen therapy.

Unlike our own Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which only advocates for pharmaceuticals and vaccines, Korea’s CDC effectively cured, dare we use that word, a patient by delivering oxygen through a face mask, according to the local news service Newsis.

Jeong Eun-kyeong, director of Korea’s CDC, announced that only one of South Korea’s 21 remaining Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) patients is still in critical condition, while the rest have been released.

As for the oxygen therapy, Jeong explained that it effectively saturates a patient’s body with oxygen by delivering high doses of it. And as we’ve reported in the past, diseases of all kinds hate oxygen and simply can’t survive in its presence.



(vid) TruNews: Coronavirus ‘Patient 0’ Worked at Wuhan Bioweapons Lab | Shortages Could Hit US Stores by April – Container ships take 30+ days to reach USA

28:12 Stan Martin discusses the Coronavirus origin:

Nobody in China believes it started in a meat market. An employee (patient 0) at the bioweapons lab in Wuhan died from the virus. The funeral worker (patient 1) who handled the body had pressure in the eyes. The opthomologist, Dr. Lee (patient 2), who treated the funeral worker then died after he tried to sound an early warning about the virus. Nobody in China believes the official statistics.

Ocean freight from China takes 30-40 days to reach the USA. (link)

1:30:40 “Pharmaceuticals are either made in China, or the active ingredients are made in China.”


…because Google has just now banned TruNews!

(vid) TruNews: Free Speech Quarantine – World Health & Twitter Plot Coronavirus Infodemic Censorship

1:32:00 “The World Health Organization” is more concerned with stopping the free flow of information than they are in stopping the free flow of the virus.” – Rick Wiles

Science Shows Inversion Table (Decompression) Reduced Surgery by 55%

(vid) Dr. Oz: New Heart Study – Surgery No Better Than Diet & Exercise?

Facebook Bans All Content On Vaccine Awareness, Including Facts About Vaccine Ingredients

Just as we warned would happen, the tech giants are now moving aggressively to ban all speech that contradicts whatever “official” position is decided to be “the truth” by the corrupt establishment. This week, Facebook announced it would block all content on Facebook that questions the official dogma on vaccines, which falsely insists that vaccines have never harmed anyone (a hilarious lie), that vaccines contain only safe ingredients (a blatant deception) and that vaccines always work on everyone (another laughable lie).


(vid) TalmudVision’s Fluzone High-Dose TV Commercial – Side Effects Admitted

Look at what Big Pharma has to openly admit in this ad, just a small sampling of the long list side effects in the product’s fact sheet!

And the visual manipulation:

Oh no…there’s a cougher on the elevator with Karen, hacking up a storm right over her shoulder. She looks into getting the Fluzone High-Dose Influenza Vaccine as soon as possible so all those little running noses don’t cause her stress anymore.

Watch here:

About Fluzone High-Dose TV Commercial, ‘Superior Protection’

(vid) Common Nutrient Deficiencies Caused by Drugs that You Should Know About

Most doctors won’t mention this at all, and haven’t studied nutrition!

Ben Swann & RFK Jr.: Facts About California’s Mandatory Vaccine Law (SB 276 2019)

A 2010, extensive, 3-year vaccine study by the Agency for Healthcare Research “found that the actual rate of vaccine injury per vaccine was 2.7%. So in other words, one out of every 40 people were getting injured.” – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. @ 27:10

Facts About California’s Mandatory Vaccine Law (SB 276 2019)

Published on Sep 24, 2019

(vid) Google Removes Dr. Mercola’s Health Articles from Search Results! — Google worked for many years to earn your trust, but it was just setting a trap • Crowdsourcing has become crowd control, manipulating people without them even knowing it • Please stop searching through Google • Stop using their Chrome browser and Gmail — Why would you want Google to read all of your emails?

Dr. Mercola’s passionate plea, transcribed by me!:

“Google worked for many years to earn your trust, but it was just setting a trap to twist that trust into powerful control. Google had the brilliant idea of utilizing crowdsourcing to provide you with the best answers to your questions, pushing the most frequently selected content to the top of search results. …

Crowdsourcing has become crowd control. Google began giving you everything you want so it can now take everything you have. … Google has become the ultimate puppet master, infecting people and manipulating them without them even knowing it. The true goal is to be in complete control of us, directing our behavior. …

On June 3 of this year, Google predictively removed my website and several other health sites from their search results. …

Above all else, please, please stop using Google! … Don’t use other Google products like the Chrome browser. … Use…the one I use, which is Brave, based on the software Chromium, so it’s easy to import all of your favorite bookmarks…. Stop using Gmail. Why would you want Google to read all of your emails and further abuse your privacy? There are many better options like Proton mail. …subscribe to my free, daily newsletter….”

Scientists say fetal tissue remains essential for vaccines and developing treatments

Talmudic ethics:

Anti-abortion activists set off the uproar by releasing undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials that raised questions of whether the organization was profiting from the sale of fetal tissue. …

University laboratories that buy such cells strongly defend their research, saying tissue that would otherwise be thrown out has played a vital role in lifesaving medical advances and holds great potential for further breakthroughs.

Entire Article

Fluoridation is mass medication, NZ Supreme Court rules

Water fluoridation is compulsory mass medication, in breach of human rights, the Supreme Court has ruled by a majority vote. It confirmed that fluoridation is a medical treatment as claimed by opponents for over 60 years. It is not a supplement “just topping up natural levels”, as claimed by the Ministry of Health.
The impracticality of avoiding fluoridated water makes it compulsory in practice, the majority also ruled.


Note: This is an expanded version of my recent piece about psychiatry. It contains far more evidence that psychiatry is a highly dangerous fraud.


(vid) Jason Goodman with Mike Adams The Health Ranger launching Real.Video after YouTube banned Natural News

Will Mike suddenly quit again when the going gets tough, like how he betrayed everyone with TalkNetwork, NEVER EVEN APOLOGIZING:

Mike Adams Destroys TalkNetwork, Betrays Hosts, Cancels Everyone — The news came as a blow to the hosts, who had worked so hard these past months to make TalkNetwork great • Mike needs to come clean and apologize!

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Big Pharma Pushing Feds to Bar Americans from Using Natural Remedies; How to Fight Back

FDA Bureaucrats Seek to Restrict Access to Homeopathic Medicines

… And what we can do to STOP THEM.

Summary:   Guidelines now being proposed by the FDA would restrict the public’s access to Homeopathic remedies, benefitting BIG PHARMA, but  harming Americans who should continue to have unregulated access to these healing products. Federal law does not give the FDA the authority to apply the rules designed only for toxic pharmaceuticals to nontoxic Homeopathic remedies. The FDA’s only job is to ensure that products are manufactured according to legal standards and are properly labeled. The rules and regulations governing Homeopathic remedies that have been in place for most of the last century are more than adequate to protect the public.
Late last year, the FDA proposed new guidelines for Drug Products Labeled as Homeopathic (Draft Guidance Dec. 2017), disregarding federal law and usurping the right of American people to use historically available health-enhancing products of their choosing. Rather than promote the public welfare, these guidelines, if implemented, will injure countless individuals and the nation’s health. At the end of this article, I delineate the specific threats posed by these proposed guidelines and explain how greater regulation would place unnecessary restrictions on safe and beneficial Homeopathic products. Lastly, I explain how to file comments on-line with the FDA, where comments are due by March 20, 2018.

If you don’t have the time to read this entire article, but you understand the importance of continued access to Homeopathic Remedies — please go right to the end of this article and file your comments with the FDA.
Entire Article

(vid) Joe Rogan Experience: Mel Gibson & Dr. Neil Riordan – Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells from umbilical cords heals many problems dramatically!
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Opioid prescription drug deaths dwarf shooting deaths, yet there’s no call to ban Big Pharma ~ 36,000 deaths in 2017!

According to federal statistics, opioid prescription drugs killed 33,091 Americans in 2015 alone. Estimates put those numbers above 36,000 deaths for 2017.


SCHOOL: "Drug Free Zone"

(vid) THIS Is What SSRI’s Do To You & How To Get Off Them – Ann Blake-Tracy

(vid) ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Michael Moore – Reveals the real cause of Columbine shooting

Though he did an entire movie blaming guns.
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