“There are treatments out there; there are cures out there. The American pharmaceutical companies are very upset because all of these quinine derivatives are very inexpensive. They use them in fish tank cleaner, by the way (which doesn’t mean go out and buy fish tank cleaner and drink it, because there’s other stuff in it that’s really bad for you). It’s an inexpensive chemical, and the pharmaceutical industries don’t like inexpensive cures. They want very expensive cures that they own. And that’s why we’ve had so many of our politicians, governors and mayors literally threatening doctors not to prescribe hydroxychloroquine and the others.”
“Apparently, the hydroxychloroquine prevents the cytokine storm that causes so much of the discomfort and the breathing problems, and the zinc kills the virus.”
– Mike Rivero on ‘What Really Happened,’ 3/30/20, discussing these articles:
Inexpensive hydroxychloroquine + *zinc*… 100% success cure approved by FDA for coronavirus!
4:38 Mike’s Big Pharma quote shown above
1:26:00 Rick in South Carolina: Liposomal Vitamin C for Covid-19!