Freedom from Alaska!

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Chuck Baldwin: America’s Greatest Threat

From: News with Views

Every time violence erupts somewhere in the world, our national leaders and news media make it sound like that particular outbreak is America’s greatest threat. The conflict between Russia and Georgia is no exception. Almost as soon as news of the conflict broke, the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee, John McCain, was suggesting that the United States (or the United Nations) should send troops to the scene. I guess two wars are not enough for McCain; he now wants to start a third. (And with all his talk about bombing Iran, make that four.) And talk all over Washington, D.C., was mostly about what kind of military response the United States should take.

Have people lost their minds? Or do people really believe that the United States is the world’s–or should we say the United Nations’–policeman? Apparently, that is what our national leaders from both major parties believe.

Let’s face it: most of America’s foreign policy over the last several decades has been more about fulfilling the U.N.’s global desires than protecting the people and property of the United States. And, yes, that includes America’s invasion of Iraq.

Do readers not remember that soon after launching the invasion of Iraq, President Bush appeared before the United Nations and plainly told that sinister organization that the reason he had ordered the invasion of Iraq was to “defend . . . the credibility of the United Nations”? Frankly, I did not know the United Nations had any credibility worth defending. Nevertheless, G.W. Bush was willing to sacrifice over 4,000 American lives for the express purpose of defending the U.N.’s “credibility.” Now, John McCain appears willing to send troops to Georgia.

I will not use this column to analyze the specific events leading up to Russia’s attack against Georgia, except to say that one can count on the fact that there is much more to the story than what NBC, CBS, ABC, and CNN are telling us.

In addition, one of the major fallacies being perpetrated by most in Washington, D.C., is the notion that America is somehow strengthened and protected by aggressive meddling in the affairs of foreign countries. Such a philosophy was considered anathema to America’s Founding Fathers. They rightly understood that such reasoning created more problems than it solved and that it made America more vulnerable, not more secure.

Regardless of what the underlying and overriding reasons for Russia’s attack might have been, I will say here and now that the Russian-Georgian conflict is not America’s greatest threat. I will also be so bold as to say that Iran or North Korea is not America’s greatest threat, either. In fact, I will categorically state that no foreign nation (although, of all foreign nations, Red China should undoubtedly be our biggest concern–and none of our national leaders seem the least bit concerned about it) is America’s greatest threat. America’s greatest threat comes from within. And I am not alone in that opinion.

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Skousen: Sarah Palin — Naive Christian in the Lion’s Den

Posted with permission.

World Affairs Brief, September 5, 2008. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief.


The selection of Alaska governor Sarah Palin by the McCain team was a stunning move that caught all the professional pundits by surprise. In one single move, the Republican operatives stole the media spotlight away from Barack Obama and toppled conservative resistance to McCain’s liberal/maverick record. Even James Dobson of Focus on the Family, who swore he would never support McCain, succumbed and decided he could now do so. None of this drama could have been accomplished without a correct analysis and understanding of Palin’s particular weaknesses. This week I’ll explain what unprincipled Republican king-makers saw in her that could simultaneously boost McCain phony conservative credentials and yet never threaten the hidden globalist agenda that drives the insiders who control the Republican Party at the national level.

Chuck Baldwin on McCain/Palin: Can Two Walk Together Without Agreement?

You never ever ever make a deal with the Devil!

– Michael Franti


I was going to write an article, entitled: Are the Neocons Using Sarah or Will Sarah Rise Above the Neocons? Maybe I won’t have to write it now. Constitutional party Presidential candidate and pastor, Chuck Baldwin hits this one out of the park!

[Sadly, however, it seems that Chuck is overly optimistic about Sarah’s disbelief in the correctness of the Iraq war: Sarah Palin: U.S. Troops in Iraq Doing God’s Will — “A Task that is From God”. As our governor, this didn’t seem to be a big problem, but if she becomes VP, and maybe even stepping up as President, this could be huge!]

If the Republican ticket were Palin/McCain, I’d consider voting for her, but in this reverse-conservative order, no thank you. I’ll vote for the Constitutional Party candidate for the third straight time, because Ron Paul is no longer in the race, and because I won’t vote for evil anymore.

John McCain’s policies evil? Paragraph four, below, shows what he’s is really up to, and much of what is on this site gives the big picture of how the neocons are dismantling sovereign nations, worldwide—especially the United States of America.

When it’s all said and done, it’s very possible that history may show that the Republican administration of the conservative “Christian,” George W. Bush has done more harm to this country and gut the Constitution more than has any preceding administration—in the name of God—which is the worst part.

Or maybe the worst part is the large ‘Christian’ following that is supporting these governments’ demises to bring about the one-world government prophesied in the Bible.

Wake up before it’s too late.

– Jeff Fenske


From: News with Views

John McCain’s selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential running mate was exactly what he needed to do to make himself competitive against Barack Obama in the November elections. (For the record, I predicted three weeks ago that Palin would be his choice.) As a result (and right on cue), conservatives throughout the country–especially Christian conservatives–are now fully supporting McCain’s candidacy for President. Even James “I-will-never-vote-for-John-McCain” Dobson has endorsed McCain.

By all appearances, Governor Palin is a true conservative. She is pro-life. She is pro-Second Amendment. Alaska is one of only two states (Vermont is the other) that recognize the right of their citizens to carry handguns without a Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permit. She was rightly critical of the invasion of Iraq, once calling it a “war for oil.” Speaking of oil, she believes we should drill for oil in Alaska and throughout the U.S., and is critical of the federal government for allowing America to become dependent upon foreign oil for our energy needs. She even heaped praises upon the Republican that Republicans love to hate: Ron Paul. Beyond that, Lynette Clark, the chairman of the Alaskan Independence Party (the party under which yours truly is on the Presidential ballot this year) reports that Sarah Palin was a member of the party back in the early 90s. This is very encouraging in that the AIP is a patriotic, states’ rights party that holds strong sentiments opposing the New World Order propensities of the two major parties. In essence, Sarah Palin is everything that John McCain isn’t. Which leads to the question that was asked long ago by the Hebrew prophet: “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

When the no-compromise constitutionalist, Ron Paul, was asked by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer if he would consider being John McCain’s running mate, he said no. His reason for that was that should McCain do something fundamentally counter to his constitutional convictions–such as bombing Iran without a Declaration of War (or other possible unconstitutional actions that Paul knows McCain is predisposed to)–he would have to resign. Knowing this, he (Paul) could not in good conscience accept a McCain invitation to join his ticket (not that McCain would ever ask him to be his running mate; Ron was not even invited to participate in the Republican convention, for Pete’s sake).

Herein lies the problem for Sarah Palin. How can a principled conservative support the policies and actions of an unprincipled globalist such as John McCain? As Vice President, Palin will be required to promote and defend McCain’s big-government, liberal, and globalist plans. For example, what will she do when John McCain proposes amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, which he is certain to do? What will she do when McCain proposes to close gun shows, or at least the private sale of firearms at gun shows? What will she do when he proposes to increase federal spending for abortion providers (which he has done numerous times as senator)? What will she do when he promotes federal spending for embryonic stem cell research? What will she do when John McCain proliferates Bush’s police state machinations by expanding the Patriot Act and similar legislation? What will Palin do when McCain decides to nuke Iran (and who knows what else), not only without a Declaration of War by Congress, but also without provocation or justification? What will she do as John McCain expands the Security and Prosperity Partnership with Canada and Mexico? What will she do as McCain opens the door of the NAFTA superhighway and the North American Union? What will she do as John McCain allows the United Nations to dictate and manipulate America’s foreign policy? Again, can two walk together except they be agreed?

Let’s face it: John McCain is using Sarah Palin as inducement to trick conservatives into accepting his liberal, big-government, globalist candidacy. And, sadly, it is working.

As I have said before, today’s national Christian leaders are among the most gullible people on the planet.

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Related: Chuck Baldwin: Sarah Palin’s Answers—Very Troubling

Chuck Baldwin: John McCain Pro Life? What a Joke

Anyone who jokes about bombing Iran can’t be pro-life.

Children and adults are still a life, y’all. It’s not just about unborn babies—who also get bombed—abortion from above.

And Iranians are just as precious to God as are Americans. So they should be just as precious to us.

– Jeff


From: News with Views

Once again, “pro-life” Christians are doing back flips to try and justify their compromise of the life issue by trying to convince everyone (including themselves) that John McCain is truly pro-life. However, these same people know in their hearts that John McCain shares no fidelity to the life issue in any significant or meaningful way. Like many in the Republican Party, McCain’s commitment to life is about as deep as a mud puddle.

Dare I remind everyone that the “pro-life” GOP controlled the entire federal government from 2000 to 2006 and nothing was done to overturn Roe v. Wade or end legal abortion-on-demand? When George W. Bush took the oath of office in January of 2001, over one million innocent unborn babies were being murdered in the wombs of their mothers every year via legal abortions in this country. And when George W. Bush leaves office in January of 2009, over one million innocent unborn babies would still be murdered in the wombs of their mothers every year via legal abortions in this country. Eight years of a “pro-life” President and six years of the “pro-life” GOP in charge of the entire federal government and not one unborn baby’s life has been saved. Roe v. Wade is still the law of the land, and abortion-on-demand is still legal in America.

Had John McCain and his fellow Republicans truly wanted to end legal abortion, they could have passed Congressman Ron Paul’s Sanctity of Life Act. Year after year, Dr. Paul introduced this bill, and year after year, it sat and collected dust in the document room on Capitol Hill.

What would Congressman Paul’s bill do? It would do two things: 1) It would define life as beginning at conception and, thus, declare the personhood of every pre-born child. 2) Under Article. III. Section. 2. of the U.S. Constitution, it would remove abortion from the jurisdiction of the Court. In practical terms, Dr. Paul’s bill would overturn Roe v. Wade and end legal abortion-on-demand. So, where was John McCain? Why did he not support Ron Paul’s bill and introduce a companion bill in the U.S. Senate?

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Chuck Baldwin: Hooray for Jerry Corsi — “whose commitment to truth outweighs his desire for popularity”

From: News with Views

Dr. Jerome Corsi is probably the most controversial man in America these days. His blockbuster new book, The Obama Nation, is currently the New York Times Number One Bestseller, and media talking heads are having a hissy fit. They are incensed that there is someone of Corsi’s intelligence and credentials who is willing to tell the truth about the presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee, Barack Obama.

You see, the national media have elevated Obama to a position beyond sainthood: they view him as the fourth member of the Godhead. He can do no wrong. He is America’s–no, check that, he is the world’s–savior. How dare Dr. Corsi spoil the sacrosanct candidacy–and the media’s universal anointing–of Obama?

The fact is, however, Jerry Corsi is a rare breed these days: he is an honest and objective journalist whose commitment to truth outweighs his desire for popularity. I will go even further: Jerry Corsi is what the rest of the national media should be, but aren’t.

Benjamin Franklin and the other Founding Fathers believed that the First Amendment protection of the freedom of the press was necessary, because they assumed the press would serve as an independent, unbiased, and truthful check and balance to the propensities of government toward subterfuge and duplicity. And for many years, this goal was more or less fulfilled. No more.

For the most part, the national media today are nothing more than lap dogs for both major parties, but especially for the Democratic Party.


I just wish that Jerry had time to write an exposé on John McCain, because no one else among America’s national journalists has the intention (much less the integrity) of doing it, and McCain is certainly equally deserving.

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Chuck Baldwin: Bush Trip To Beijing Olympics Shameful

From: News with Views

According to numerous press reports, President George W. Bush plans to attend the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in Beijing, China later this month. Bush said that it “would be an affront to the Chinese people” if he stayed away. Other world leaders, including Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain, are choosing to not attend the opening ceremonies in the communist country.

It is hard for this writer to laud President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, but in this case, even the socialist Roosevelt showed more integrity than our so-called “conservative” President, George W. Bush. When the 1936 Olympics were held in Berlin, Germany, President Roosevelt refused to attend those ceremonies for fear that his presence would give honor and prestige to the notorious Adolf Hitler. And so it would have. And, by the same token, when President Bush attends the opening ceremonies in China, he is giving honor and prestige to the bloody butchers of Beijing who have persecuted, tortured, and murdered multiplied thousands of the Chinese people since the communist regime took power in 1949.

President Bush said it would be an affront to the Chinese people if he did not attend the Olympics. Wrong. It would be an affront to the Red Chinese tyrants. And they deserve to be affronted! Instead, by attending the Olympic ceremonies, Bush is choosing to affront the hundreds of thousands of Chinese victims who have suffered brutality and barbarism at the hands of the very people Bush will be wining and dining with. Actually, by participating in the Beijing Olympics, President Bush is an affront to freedom-loving people everywhere.

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Chuck Baldwin: The Three Amigos

From: News with Views

Both Republican Party Presidential candidate John McCain and Democrat Party Presidential candidate Barack Obama recently spoke at the annual convention of the National Council of La Raza. I’m sure most readers understand that “La Raza” is Spanish for “The Race.”

That McCain and Obama would pander before an organization such as La Raza indicates just how deeply both the Republican and Democrat parties are committed to appeasing the pro-illegal immigration forces. And mark it down: there is not a more pro-illegal alien organization in existence than La Raza.

As a comparison: can one imagine the maelstrom that would be created within the mainstream media if both major-party Presidential candidates appeared before a gathering of an all-white organization called “The Race”?

As if having the two major-party Presidential candidates appear before La Raza isn’t enough, the current occupant of the White House, President George W. Bush, is also on record as supporting the goals of La Raza. Remember, it was George W. Bush, along with Senators John McCain, Ted Kennedy, and Lindsey Graham, who did everything within their power to coerce both houses of Congress into passing a sweeping amnesty bill for illegal aliens. Only a unified and thunderous protest from millions of average Americans defeated their efforts.

President Bush’s support for La Raza is also demonstrated by the fact that the Bush administration (with the aid and assistance of Congress) has given millions of taxpayer dollars to the pro-illegal alien group.

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From: News with Views, July 15, 2008

I was privileged to be invited to speak at Congressman Ron Paul’s Freedom March this past Saturday on the Mall in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. In fact, I spoke immediately preceding Dr. Paul and helped introduce the ten-term congressman.

I gauged the crowd to number in excess of five thousand people. All the participants I observed were very respectful, well mannered, and polite. The crowd was about as diverse an audience as I have ever spoken to. They came from all walks of life and from all points across the country. I was able to spend an hour or more mingling with the crowd and was delighted to meet many scores of people who already knew of me. A large number indicated that they were readers of this column.

Participants in the Freedom March all seemed to have this in common: a love and desire for liberty, and a deep respect and admiration for Congressman Ron Paul. I count it an honor to have been asked to speak to such a wonderful group. Dr. Paul said some extremely kind words about me in his remarks, as did the man who introduced me, Ernest Hancock, the great patriot from Phoenix, Arizona.

I was also honored to meet several great Americans whom I have come to love and respect over the years: people such as retired police officer, Jack McLamb. It was also good to share the podium with my good friend, Howard Phillips, who was extremely complimentary of me during his address, as was Officer McLamb.

Marchers had spent six hours in the blazing, 90-degree sun before my turn to speak arrived. And both Congressman Paul and myself had to catch flights out of DC soon after our speeches, so I cut my remarks short so as to give Dr. Paul maximum opportunity to deliver his remarks. Therefore, my speech lasted only about 5 minutes.

Below is a link to my speech at Ron Paul’s Freedom March (albeit the opening remarks of the address were inadvertently omitted. Perhaps another video will surface soon. When it does, we will post it to my web site at

See my speech at the Ron Paul Freedom March in Washington, D.C. by clicking here.

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Media Ignores Ron Paul March For Liberty

Chuck Baldwin 2008

Chuck Baldwin — If I Were President

From News with Views

Due to my frequent criticisms of President George W. Bush, I am often asked what I would do if I were President of these United States. This column will serve as an attempt to answer that question.

If I were President, I would begin the process of safely extracting our troops from Iraq. In the first place, our troops are no longer fighting a war, they are an occupation force, which occupies a sovereign country. And this is being done without a Declaration of War. The Iraqi people resent our occupation as much as we would resent another nation stronger than ours invading and occupying America. If such a thing happened to our beloved country, I’m sure many of us would also become “insurgents.”

In the second place, the invasion and occupation of Iraq was absolutely unnecessary. Instead of sacrificing more than 4,000 American lives and the lives of tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens (not to mention some 2-3 trillion dollars), President Bush should have supported Ron Paul’s bill, H.R. 3076, the September 11 Marque and Reprisal Act of 2001. This is the constitutional way to deal with rogue terrorist organizations. This is the way President Thomas Jefferson responded to the Barbary pirates.

According to Congressman Paul, “A letter of marque and reprisal is a constitutional tool specifically designed to give the President the authority to respond with appropriate force to those non-state actors who wage aggression against the United States while limiting his authority to only those responsible for the atrocities of that day. Such a limited authorization is consistent with the doctrine of just war and the practical aim of keeping Americans safe while minimizing the costs in blood and treasure of waging such an operation.”

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Skousen: Chuck Baldwin Wins Constitution Party Nomination for President

World Affairs Brief, May 2, 2008. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief.


I was delighted to hear that Pastor Chuck Baldwin won the Constitution Party nomination for president over the very talented Alan Keyes.   Alan Keyes is a good man. He ran against Barak Obama for the Senate race in Illinois, but his being part of the black minority didn’t help him garner any endorsements from the establishment.  He was TOO conservative and the media hates black conservatives.  Keyes is a dynamic speaker with few peers, but (in my opinion) sometimes plays to the audience too much with catchy phrases designed mostly to drum up applause and trigger religious fervor-at the expense of more substantive discussions.  These kinds of speeches play well to the conservative-Christian choir and provide political excitement, but ultimately narrows the candidates appeal by turning away those who aren’t interested in organized religion or who are suspicious of a flamboyant preacher-type style.

In the brief of April 18th, I brought up the problem of the traditional political approach of the Constitutional Party being too narrowly focused on its core supporters–all ardent evangelical Christians.  If the party is going to grow it needs to more closely emulate Ron Paul’s approach by championing liberty for all without excessive religious rhetoric in speeches–which makes non religious conservatives uncomfortable about using the role of government to enforce religious values (where there is no violation of fundamental rights to life, liberty, property and family covenants).

Those who know my political writings know that I do support an elected officials’ right to make reference to and appeal to God (even in prayer) as part of his service to the nation, but he should do so judiciously and sincerely since pushing God openly is a favored political ploy of the most ungodly politicians.  Bill Clinton, for example, would use the name of God (in vain, of course) just to impress naive Christians.  Then there is George Bush Jr., wily enough to verbally support being “Born Again” while maintaining his furtive allegiance to with the satanic power cult/club Skull and Bones.

I’ll take an honest, straight-talking statesman like Ron Paul, who follows conscience in his daily walk with Christ, than one of the many charismatic televangelist preachers like Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, John Hagee, Billy Graham and others who compromise with the world in order to gained access to high level establishment leaders. The personal prestige that gained by such associations is illusory.  The establishment despises religious leaders who seek their approval and fail to see they are being played the fool.

Chuck Baldwin Running for President as Constitution Party Candidate!

From: The Kansas City Star

Convening its national convention in Kansas City today, the Constitution Party picked radio talk-show host Chuck Baldwin over former Ambassador Alan Keyes as its 2008 presidential candidate.

The pick was seen as something of an upset, given Keyes’ higher national profile. …

In his acceptance speech, Baldwin said his presidency would result in the ending of illegal immigration, abortion, the streamlining of the federal government, the tapping of oil reserves in Alaska and withdrawal from Iraq.

“We will stop the international meddling…this international empire-building,” Baldwin said.

When he takes office, Baldwin said, “The new world order comes crashing down!”

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Related: Baldwin: I would bring our troops home

All of my Chuck Baldwin posts can be accessed on the right side of this page under Select a Category > Chuck Baldwin.

Pastor Baldwin: Only A Miracle Can Save America Now—”McCain Would Actually Be Worse”

From News with Views

Every four years, conservative “pragmatists” trot out the “We Can’t Let So-And-So Win” mantra. Of course, the so-and-so in question is always the Democratic Presidential candidate. For all of my adult life, I have been listening to so-called “conservative” Republicans warn us of the impending doom that would befall our country if the Democratic candidate were elected. And this year is no different.

This year’s Republican primary did provide a wonderful aberration, however, to the usual choices between Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Republicans had an opportunity to nominate a real American constitutionalist, a statesman in the similitude of Thomas Jefferson or James Madison. That man was Texas Congressman, Ron Paul. Unfortunately, the Republican faithful seem to be incapable of discerning the marks of true greatness, not to mention fidelity to constitutional government. It is doubtful that most of them even understand what constitutional government is. And as for Christian conservatives, they can barely see any issues beyond abortion and “gay rights.” To try and convince them to support a constitutionalist candidate is like talking to a brick wall.

So, what choice does the Republican Party offer the American people this year? The worst of all possible choices: good old John “McSame” McCain.

Let’s be clear: a John McCain Presidency will be no better than a Hillary Clinton or a Barack Obama Presidency. In fact, in many ways, a McCain White House will be WORSE than a Democratic one.

On many issues, there is virtually no distinction between John McCain and any potential Democratic candidate. John McCain is no friend to gun owners. He is no friend to pro-lifers. He is no friend to fiscal conservatives. He is no friend to property owners. He is no friend to “family values” voters. He is no friend to America’s blue-collar workers. He is no friend to small business owners. He is no friend to opponents of illegal immigration.

On the other hand, John McCain is a great friend to Big Business. Similarly, he is a friend to Big Government and Big Brother. He is also a friend to open borders, supranational government, regionalism, and American imperialism.

the reason John McCain would actually be a worse President than either Obama or Clinton is because of the manner in which conservatives go to sleep whenever a Republican occupies the Oval Office. Furthermore, the next couple of years are “crunch time” for this burgeoning North American Union and related issues.

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Pastor Baldwin: Christian Idolatry—”Many Christians worship before the GOP…willing to sacrifice their children”

From: News with Views

… George W. Bush has orchestrated the most meddlesome, interventionist, and nation-building foreign policy of any President in modern memory. And Christians became his most vocal supporters. Now, John McCain gets in front of international television and jokes about bombing Iran, and once again, Christians stand up and cheer.

Christians have swallowed the Bush/McCain Kool-Aid as surely as did the followers of Jim Jones. They are drunk with denial and deception.

Bush promised the American people that he would promote less government spending. He then turned around and led the U.S. government to borrow and spend more taxpayer dollars than any President since Lyndon Johnson. And, again, Christians looked the other way.

President Bush promised the American people that he would preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He promised to respect the Bill of Rights, including the Fourth Amendment.

Since becoming President, however, George W. Bush has ignored the Constitution and trampled the Bill of Rights, especially the Fourth Amendment, with utter abandonment. And what did Christians do? They either looked the other way or, in some cases, even lauded his unconstitutional conduct.

…countless millions of professing Christians will eagerly abandon their commitment to constitutional government and Biblical principles in order to accommodate a Republican Presidential candidate. In the minds of many Christians, the Republican Party is more important than the U.S. Constitution. It is more important than conservative principles or even Biblical injunctions. In essence, the Republican Party has become an IDOL in the hearts and minds of many professing believers.

So, how can we ask God to bless America when God’s children have set up the groves of idolatry in their hearts? How can we expect God to heal our land when Christian pastors, Sunday School teachers, deacons, ushers, and faithful church members place more loyalty and allegiance in a political party than they do in the very Word and principles of God?

As surely as the pagans of the Old Testament worshipped before the gods of Baal and Ashteroth, many Christians worship before the GOP. They are willing to sacrifice their children to the policies and practices of unscrupulous, evil politicians–as long as they have an “R” behind their names.

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Pastor Baldwin: Apathetic Pastors and Christians Killing America

From News with Views

America’s most celebrated jurist, Daniel Webster (himself a dedicated Christian man), said, “God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.” Obviously, Christian men down through our history have personally and collectively shown themselves more than willing to “guard and defend” our liberties. From Bunker Hill to the Alamo, Christian men stood tall in the defense of America’s freedom. So, it is more than a little disconcerting to realize that there is a sizeable percentage of today’s Christians who seem completely unwilling to “guard and defend” liberty in these United States of America.

Oh, I know that almost all of our pastors and church leaders will laud and honor a young Christian man’s decision to join our armed forces and go overseas to fight enemies abroad. But when it comes to opposing those within our own country who seek to dismantle constitutional government or the principles of liberty, their support for resistance turns to apathy and indifference. (The reason for this couldn’t be because they simply don’t want to do the hard work, could it? Please tell me it ain’t so!)

I have even had Christians tell me that we should not oppose any attempts to resist draconian developments within our country, because doing so would actually be resisting God. The reasoning goes something like this: “The Bible says things will get worse and worse. Therefore, all this ‘bad’ stuff happening is God’s will, and if we try to prevent it, we are fighting against God’s will.” I know it sounds incredible, but we might be shocked as to the number of professing Christians that actually subscribe to such nonsense.

Isn’t it interesting, however, that these same Christians did not believe we were fighting against God’s will when we sent hundreds of thousands of U.S. military forces (many of them Christians) to fight and destroy the evil regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq? If things are supposed to get worse and worse and we would be opposing God’s will by resisting, why should we interfere in Iraq? Why should we send troops to Afghanistan, if we are not to resist evil?

And, of course, the bigger question is, If it is right to resist evil in a foreign country half way around the world, why is it not right to resist evil in our own country?

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Pastor Baldwin: Are We Headed for ‘Jericho’ (CBS)?

From: News with Views

A friend recently turned me on to the CBS television series, Jericho. I watch so little network television that I confess to never having seen the show before this week. Obviously, then, I am quite uninformed as to the overall plot and previous episodes. What I saw Tuesday evening, however, stunned me. Why? Because it very aptly depicted what could become a very real-life scenario for these United States in the not-so-distant future.

If I accurately picked up the basic plot of the show, average, freedom-loving citizens in the Western U.S. are fighting against tyrannical elements of their own government, including military forces. The State of Texas has declared its independence from the corrupt new government and another civil war is breaking out in America. And all this was predicated upon a nuclear attack, which some believed was an inside job. Am I close?

Contributing further to my amazement was the way Jericho used real-life political events to depict America’s fall into tyranny. I was flabbergasted to see the characters of Jericho refer to the Continuity of Government act as the foundation for the government’s declaration of martial law after the nuclear attack had occurred.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Continuity of Government (COG) act is not television make-believe: it is the real deal.

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Pastor Baldwin: Conservatives Offer No Hope

From: News With Views

The beginning of the end came when Christian conservatives began idolizing President George W. Bush. They have done this to the point that they have come to accept just about any and all abuses against the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration principles, and even our very way of life. Furthermore, they have become robotic foot soldiers for universal and everlasting war. At the same time, however, they see no harm in the decimation of individual liberties, as long as it is a Republican who is stealing them. But these same Christians will cry and wail–to the point of almost cutting themselves–against the thought of a Democrat doing the same thing. But, pray tell me, since when does it matter what the brand name is on the tyrant’s sword? Are not our liberties just as dead? …

National Right to Life even had the gall to say that it is “grateful” for John McCain’s “strong pro-life” record. What balderdash! McCain has repeatedly voted to spend Title X tax dollars to underwrite the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood. He publicly supports killing unborn babies conceived via rape or incest. And he continues to lie to the American people about killing babies “to save the life of the mother,” which almost any OB/GYN doctor will tell you almost NEVER occurs. According to the OB/GYN physicians that I have spoken to, the only pregnancies that pose a legitimate health risk to the mother are those where the unborn baby has already perished. …

The closest movement to reclaiming America’s freedom and independence was the recent Presidential campaign of Congressman Ron Paul. With Congressman Paul effectively neutered and neutralized (by a hostile media and mercenary Republican hierarchy), the only hope is in America’s churches and a burgeoning independent movement.

I only wish I could expect today’s pastors and churches to stand in the gap for our nation. They have the power to thwart the forces of globalism, corporatism, elitism, and liberalism that are destroying America. So far, however, this has been nothing but wishful fantasy. Most of our beloved Christian leaders are as beholden to the same Republican donors as are the previously mentioned conservative organizations. And just as impotent.

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Pastor Baldwin: Moneychangers Destroying America—And Christians Don’t See It

From: News with Views

… The moneychangers of Jesus’ day were the equivalent of the international bankers of our day. With the consent and approbation of the Jewish leaders, these bankers set up shop in the Temple. Their purpose was to exchange whatever currency the Jewish worshipper brought with him or her into Jewish currency, which would then be used to purchase whatever sacrifice the worshipper required. Of course, the exchange rates benefited only the bankers and Jewish leaders (and Caesar, who collected a tax on the exchange, of course). For everyone else, the system was nothing more than legalized extortion.

When Jesus saw what the bankers were doing, He was incensed. And throughout the Gospel narratives, this is the only occasion where Jesus is recorded as resorting to violence. He made a scourge (or whip) and drove the bankers out of the Temple by force and destroyed their tables, along with their records, receipts, etc.

It is too bad that today’s pastors and Christians do not share Jesus’ disdain for the current generation of moneychangers, because it is the moneychangers who are in the process of destroying these United States of America–and our pastors and Christians either do not see it, or, if they do see it, do not seem to care.

Pastor Baldwin: John McCain Is A Liberal Gun Grabber

From: News with Views

The last thing we need is another liberal neocon in the White House. If the Presidency of George W. Bush proved anything, it proved the hazard of electing phony Republican conservatives. At least one is able to clearly see a liberal for what he or she is when they have a “D” behind their name. But put an “R” behind the name and suddenly their liberal, Big-Government, anti-freedom agenda is barely recognized, which makes a liberal Republican much more dangerous than a liberal Democrat.

Let me say it straight out: a John McCain Presidency would be far worse than a Barack Obama Presidency. With a Democrat in the White House, conservatives and Christians suddenly find their principles and are able to offer resistance. Put a Republican in the Oval Office, however, and those same people become blind, deaf, and dumb to most any principle they profess.

Nowhere is McCain’s chicanery and duplicity more jeopardous than in the area of the right to keep and bear arms. On issues relating to the Second Amendment, John McCain is a disaster! For example, the highly respected Gun Owners of America (GOA) rates McCain with a grade of F-. McCain’s failing grade is well deserved.


Regarding the Second Amendment, the American people have no better friend than Ron Paul. He has a 20-year proven track record of fidelity to the right to keep and bear arms. The GOA rates Congressman Paul with a grade of A+. According to GOA Executive Director Larry Pratt, Ron Paul has been a leader in the fight to defend and restore the Second Amendment. He has sponsored legislation to repeal the following: the Brady law; the requirement to lock up your guns; the law permitting the U.S. to be part of the U.N (which, among other attacks on American freedoms, seeks to ban privately transferred firearms); participation in UNESCO; federal prohibitions on any pilot wishing to carry a handgun to and in his cockpit; and the so-called “assault weapons” ban (prior to its sunsetting in 2004).

Ron Paul has also sponsored legislation requiring states to treat the concealed carry permit of one state the same as they do that state’s driver’s license. Dr. Paul also opposes a national ID card, which would be a tool of government to identify gun ownership.

Gun owners (along with conservatives and Christians of all sorts) should be ashamed of themselves for allowing an angry, gun-grabbing liberal such as John McCain to become the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee, while rejecting the candidacy of one of America’s most principled pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, pro-Constitution, and pro-freedom legislators of this generation: Congressman Ron Paul.

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Pastor Baldwin: Is The Handwriting On The Wall For America?

From: News with Views

…many of us are asking the question, Is the handwriting on the wall for America? Have our days been numbered by God? Is our republic finished? Will God divide and conquer our country? Many are suggesting that the signs indicate the answer is yes. …

Either wittingly or unwittingly, our Christian leaders are party to deceiving the American people. For example, not only do they refuse to do any serious investigation into the shenanigans of the Bush administration, they refuse to even listen to the factual investigations that have been done. Willful ignorance has destroyed the Church in America today.

Just look how our illustrious Christian leaders are beginning to coalesce around the corrupt candidacy of John McCain (as if a McCain Presidency would be any better than a Democratic one).

Remember, it was Senator John McCain who single-handedly shut down the investigation and effort to bring home American POWs from Vietnam and surrounding countries. Why would a former POW do such a thing, unless, as reported by other Vietnam Vets who are in the know, it was to keep those POWs from coming home and testifying to McCain’s collaboration with his communist captors?

Remember, it is Senator John McCain who is committed to granting amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens. It is John McCain who has an F- grade from the Gun Owners of America for his miserable anti-Second Amendment voting record in the U.S. Senate. It is John McCain who was the ringleader of the infamous (not to mention unethical) Keating Five, who cost America taxpayers more than $160 billion.

As a longstanding member of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), John McCain will most definitely support the march toward a North American Union, the NAFTA superhighway, and the creation of a North American currency, called the AMERO. He will also pursue George W. Bush’s neocon policy of empire building and preemptive war. As Pat Buchanan said, “John McCain will make Dick Cheney look like Gandhi.”

I encourage readers to take a look at my previous exposé on John McCain. …

I was one of only a handful of Christian ministers with any kind of a national following who publicly endorsed Ron Paul. Where was John Hagee? Where was Pat Robertson? Where was James Dobson? Where was Tony Perkins? They were all supporting establishment neocons Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, or even Rudy Giuliani.

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Pastor Baldwin: What’s With All These Clueless Christians?

From: News with Views

“For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.” Mark 13:22 (KJV)

“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” II Thessalonians 2:11 (KJV)

What’s with all these clueless Christians? How is it that people who have the benefit of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the warning and insight of the Sacred Scriptures–not to mention a rich Christian heritage here in America–can be so ignorant, blind, and naïve? Yes, the majority of evangelical Christians seem to be all of the above. The problem has passed being serious: it is catastrophic!

How is it that we have drifted away from being an informed, active, knowledgeable, and dedicated group of highly motivated Christian patriots to a group of impotent and anemic sheep? Our Christian forebears must be turning over in their graves, because we are in the process of squandering the greatest human sacrifice–save that of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ–ever made: the sacrifice of America’s Founding Fathers.

The problem is manifold, of course. For the most part, our pastors have become glorified politicians and business executives. As attorneys are not schooled in the Constitution, today’s ministers are not schooled in the Scriptures. They are motivational speakers, salesmen, and business managers. The Bible is only used as a side reference, if at all. It is not taught or preached literally. Pastors go through the Bible the way people go through a salad bar: gleaning a few sweet-tasting morsels and rejecting everything that appears the least bit distasteful.

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Pastor Baldwin: McCain Madness

From: News with Views

A few weeks before Super Tuesday, my friend Howard Phillips asked me who I thought the Republican Presidential nominee would be. I predicted John McCain. With the results of Super Tuesday now history, most political pundits are also predicting that the Arizona senator will gain the Republican nomination for President. And with Mitt Romney now out of the race, McCain is all but assured the nomination. One did not need to be a seer to figure this one out.

For one thing, President George W. Bush all but destroyed whatever conservative influence was left in the GOP. Peggy Noonan is right about that.

Furthermore, the capitulation and compromise of principle by the Religious Right has also significantly sealed the death warrant of conservatism within the GOP. For the sake of not offending George Bush or losing whatever seat at the table the various leaders of the Religious Right felt they had, their spirit of resistance waned to the point that the very name “Christian Conservative” has lost all meaning, not to mention power.

As a result, Republicans have come to accept Big Government, runaway federal spending, the Welfare State, the Warfare State, the Nanny State, empire-building, gargantuan trade and budget deficits, warrantless eavesdropping, the loss of 4th Amendment rights, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

Therefore, how could anyone expect the vast majority of Republican voters to suddenly rediscover a huge commitment of conviction to conservative principles? Add to that question the fact that there is only one true conservative/constitutionalist who made it to the Republican primaries: Congressman Ron Paul. And virtually the entire media and political establishment pummeled Congressman Paul to the point that his limited success in the race can be categorized as nothing short of miraculous.

Make no mistake about it: the establishment wants one of its own to succeed George Bush. In order for that to happen, they must manipulate the primaries to ensure that, no matter who wins in November, one of their fellow elitists will still wield power in Washington, D.C. On the Democratic side, both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama fit the bill. And on the Republican side, John McCain is the ultimate insider.

A long-standing member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), John McCain will pursue the goals and ambitions of the globalists with a vengeance. As Pat Buchanan said recently, “John McCain will make Dick Cheney look like Gandhi.” Buchanan is right on with that prediction.

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Pastor Baldwin: Pastors are the Main Problem in America

From Chuck Baldwin’s, 1/29/08 News with Views article:
Why Are Ron Paul’s Supporters So Angry?


In addition, I can even understand whatever anger and exasperation Ron Paul’s supporters feel regarding my fellow evangelical believers. Today’s Christians–and especially our pastors–have become little more than toadies for the establishment elite. They apparently have never read our U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, or Bill of Rights. They are seemingly oblivious to our great American history and heritage. They seem to lack the most elementary understanding of even the most basic American principles.

For example, it makes absolutely no sense that Christian pastors would embrace the sudden pro-life candidacy of Mitt Romney and reject the proven, twenty-year pro-life record of Ron Paul. It makes no sense that evangelical Christians would embrace the pro-illegal amnesty, pro-McCain/Feingold, pro-No-Child-Left-Behind, pro-gun control John McCain and reject the proven, twenty-year no-amnesty, pro-freedom, anti-No-Child-Left-Behind, pro-Second Amendment record of Ron Paul. It makes absolutely no sense that Christians would fall for Mr. Big Government himself, Mike Huckabee, and reject the champion of limited government, Ron Paul.

Beyond that, how is it that pastors and evangelicals cannot see through the GOP’s complicity in helping to establish a Luciferian New World Order? How can they be so blind and dumb regarding the global machinations of the Council on Foreign Relations? How can they not understand and reject the philosophy emanating from the Trilateral Commission and Bilderburgers?

Ask the average pastor and Christian about the CFR, the Trilateralists, or the Bilderburgers and they just stare into space. They are absolutely clueless. Ask them about the burgeoning NAFTA superhighway, North American Union, or Amero and they look stupefied. Again, they are absolutely clueless. And, yes, I am angry about it. I am saddened and angered at the lack of knowledge, perception, and discernment demonstrated by my Christian brethren.

I believe with all my heart that if the pastors and Christian people of America would come off their high horse and start supporting the principles of liberty, the U.S. Constitution, and limited government, not only would there be a rebirth of freedom in America, there would be a spiritual revival as well.

As it is, freedom-loving people cannot see past the ignorance, elitism, and partisan phoniness of modern Christians in order that they might see Christ. The Scripture plainly says, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (II Corinthians 3:17)

When America’s Colonial preachers and Christian people fought for liberty and independence, God gave us two Great Awakenings. I believe another Great Revival would come to America, if our Christians and pastors would stand on their hind legs and once again fight for liberty and independence. And, yes, I am also angry that they will not do that either.

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Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]

If evangelical Christians are hesitant to support Ron Paul’s candidacy for the Republican nomination for President, two reasons are usually proffered: he does not support Israel, and he wants to bring the troops home from Iraq.

Unfortunately, many (if not most) of today’s evangelical Christians have bought into the whole neocon warmongering mentality. Somewhere along the way, evangelicals have forgotten the historic Christian understanding of “just war,” not to mention our Savior’s promise of divine blessing upon peacemakers [“For they shall be called children of God” – ed.]. They have allowed President George W. Bush and his fellow warmongers to hijack the legitimate use of defensive war and turn it into a commitment to aggressive and preemptive war.

If the United States continues on its current path of aggressive, preemptive war, incessant nation-building, empire-building, and globalism, our country will collapse. …

However, it is evangelical Christians’ misunderstanding of Ron Paul’s position on Israel that seems to be the most problematic. …

In this regard, it is incredible to me how evangelical pastors and leaders can continue to associate with–and support–radical Israel apologists such as John Hagee. His ranting about Jewish people having a special covenant with God and needing not to come to the Father through Christ–and even that Jesus never claimed to be Christ–is nothing short of blatant apostasy. …

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John Hagee: “Jesus Did Not Come To Earth To Be the Messiah”

John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

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Pastor Baldwin: Why Does the Establishment Hate Ron Paul?

What is it about Ron Paul that the Establishment finds so disturbing? This is a man who perhaps personifies Christian character and integrity, American patriotism, and family values more than any other public figure. …

Now, how in the name of common sense can a man such as Ron Paul be hated? Maybe it is because he is a man of integrity and honesty. Remember, our Lord said that men who love darkness hate the light. And if there is a word that describes the Establishment in America today, it is DARKNESS.

Name it: the establishment Democrat and Republican Parties, the establishment media, the establishment financial institutions, and even the establishment churches all seem to be run by people who exude the power of darkness. It should not surprise us, therefore, when a man arises who personifies the light of integrity and honesty, that the powers that be should hate him–and hate Ron Paul they do.

Conservative Republican Ron Paul is loathed as much by members of his own party as he is by liberal Democrats . Even though he is the epitome of a Christian gentleman, Ron Paul is despised by Christians and pastors as much as he is by pagans–maybe more. The media despises him–especially Fox News. The so-called conservative Fox News celebrity Sean Hannity practically goes ballistic at the mere mention of Dr. Paul’s name. …

The Establishment hates Ron Paul because his honesty and integrity expose the rest of them for the moral reprobates they are. Their own conscience cannot bear the sight of him. His very presence condemns them. Their personal greed and ambition cringe at the very thought of Ron Paul. If Dr. Paul became President, the Gig would be up!

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Pastor Baldwin: We Desperately Need Bonhoeffer’s Confessing Church

From: News with Views

If the reader has not already done so, I again urge you to read the book, Hitler’s Cross, which was written by Erwin Lutzer and published by Moody Press. This book should be “required reading” for every pastor and Christian layman in America. In his book, Lutzer focuses on the attitudes and actions of Germany’s pastors and churches during the rise and reign of the Third Reich. It is a masterpiece.

For those of us living in a country and time far removed from Hitler’s Germany, it is hard to comprehend how that nation’s Christians–and especially its ministers–could have been so thoroughly taken in by old Adolf. We assume such an event could never happen again–especially to us. However, to any honest observer of history, the conditions of the Church in America today are eerily similar to those of the Church in Nazi Germany.

When Ron Paul was asked about Mike Huckabee’s overt usage of a cross for a campaign advertisement, he quoted Sinclair Lewis as saying, “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross.” Many Christians railed against Dr. Paul for making this comment. However, the truth is, Ron Paul (himself a committed Christian) is one hundred percent right! (To see how Hitler used this same tactic, I invite readers to note the photograph of the German Fuhrer in Lutzer’s book, on page 75, which shows Hitler coming out of church with a large emblem of the Cross directly over his head. This photo was used extensively by Hitler during his political campaigns.)


[Click for more “Hitler wearing the cross…” photos]

… As a result of Hitler’s brilliant deception, Christians throughout Germany were convinced that he was “God’s man.” …

Of course, there were a few in Germany who saw through Hitler’s deception. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Christian minister who actively opposed Hitler by organizing what he called the “Confessing Church.” These were believers who would not surrender Christ’s sphere of authority to Hitler. They saw through “Hitler’s Cross.” Unfortunately, of the more than 14,000 pastors in Germany, only 800 joined with Bonhoeffer.

To the vast majority of Germany’s pastors, Bonhoeffer was an “extremist,” or a “kook,” or a “nut.” They relegated Bonhoeffer to the fringe of Christendom. They believed Hitler and repudiated Bonhoeffer; they chose Hitler’s “German Church” over the Confessing Church. …

For example, Mike Huckabee’s success in Iowa is largely due to the pastors and Christians of that State buying into his “Christian” campaign. In a manner very similar to the 2000 campaign of George W. Bush, Huckabee has carried his political campaign on the Cross. At the same time, however, Mike Huckabee (as does George W. Bush) embraces and promotes globalism. And, unfortunately, many Christians and pastors do not seem to notice or care.

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Mike Huckabee: “If you vote for me you live. If you don’t…”

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Pastor Chuck Baldwin Endorses Ron Paul




Chuck Baldwin’s articles

Pastor Baldwin on the Ron Paul Freedom Movement: “Who are These Kooks?




By Pastor Chuck Baldwin
December 18, 2007

For example, Mike Huckabee recently said he could support any of the other Republican Presidential contenders (including Rudy Giuliani), except Ron Paul.

According to the Associated Press, “Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul’s supporters raised over $6 million Sunday to boost the 10-term congressman’s campaign for the White House.”

The AP report also said, “The [Paul] campaign’s previous fundraiser brought in $4.2 million.”

According to the Paul campaign website, “In a 24-hour period on December 16, the campaign raised $6.026 million dollars, surpassing the one-day record of $5.7 million held by John Kerry.

“During the day, over 58,000 people contributed to Dr. Paul’s campaign, including 24,940 first-time donors. Over 118,000 Americans have donated to the campaign in the fourth quarter.

“The $6 million one-day total means the campaign has raised over $18 million this quarter, far exceeding its goal of $12 million.”

Now, if one listens to most of the political pundits in the major media, Ron Paul is some kind of “kook,” and his supporters are also a bunch of “kooks.” So, the question must be asked, Just who are these kooks that are supporting him, and where did they get all this money?

Pastor Baldwin: Buy a Gun

“He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36 KJV)Most of us are aware that the heroic actions of a brave woman at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado a few days ago saved the lives of perhaps scores, or even hundreds, of people. However, her bravery would not have counted for much had she not been armed.

On that fateful December Sunday, a man by the name of Matthew Murray entered the church armed to the teeth. According to press reports, he was armed with a semi-automatic rifle, two handguns, some smoke grenades, and more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition.

By the time Murray arrived in the Colorado Springs church, he had already killed four people: two at a missionary training center miles away, and two in the church parking lot. He had wounded several others. No one realized it at the time, but the man was a serial killer in the midst of a rampage. He doubtless planned to kill as many people as he could, as there were thousands of people inside the church. Had there not been an armed citizen in the church house, the death toll would have been massive. …

Have you noticed how the media dropped the Colorado story as soon as it was discovered that a lawfully armed citizen ended the potential massacre by using her own handgun? Had the killer been successful in murdering scores of people, however, it would have been at the top of the news for weeks. …

Even our Lord understood and validated the right of every person to arm themselves for personal self-defense. He said, “He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36 KJV) The old Roman sword was the First Century equivalent of a modern handgun. It was the most practical and convenient form of self-defense available at that time. Also, please note that at least two of Jesus’ disciples (one of whom was Simon Peter) were in the habit of carrying their own personal swords, and Jesus never rebuked them. (See Luke 22:38.) …

Furthermore, the Apostle Paul said, emphatically, “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” (I Tim. 5:8) Does “not providing for his own” include not providing protection? Of course it does. …

James Madison said, “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms.”

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Pastor Baldwin: Government Cannot Do Church’s Job

One thing that Christians should come to terms with is the truism that government cannot do the church’s job. Not in any shape, manner, or form. Yet, by the way many Christians and pastors behave these days, one gets the impression that they don’t really understand this truth. Instead, it seems that many Christians and ministers see the government–especially the federal government–as an extension of the church

….many Christians and ministers today have developed the attitude that somehow the federal government is supposed to enforce by law what only the Spirit of God can enforce through grace. Let’s be plain: the federal government cannot do the church’s job….Here is the problem: our pastors have become spiritual pantywaists and our churches have become spiritual playgrounds. Pastors and churches have sold their souls to success-driven “ministry.” We want big attendances, big offerings, big family life centers, big youth departments, big Sunday Schools, and big-name people on our membership rolls. And we will do whatever it takes to achieve it.

And most of the time, in order to accommodate our overwhelming desire to be a “big success,” pastors and churches will soften the message to the point that the average Sunday sermon is little more than a glorified “how-to-get-rich,” or “how-to-be-happy,” or “how-to-avoid-guilt,” ad infinitum, ad nauseum, pep-talk. Words such as “sinner,” “Hell,” “judgment,” “retribution,” and “repentance” have been permanently removed from the vocabulary of the average pastor. The plain, powerful, old-fashioned Gospel has been replaced with sloppy, mushy, offend-no-one sermonettes that could not bring Holy Spirit conviction if one even wanted it–which hardly anyone does.

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Pastor Baldwin: Huckabee is Bush on Steroids–a Man Globalists Can Trust

From: News with Views

George W. Bush and Karl Rove have made mincemeat out of the Religious Right. They have shown everyone that once you win the support of the Christian Right with rhetoric, you can get by with just about anything. Christians are horrible at holding Republicans accountable. […]

Have you wondered why Mike Huckabee is suddenly getting so much favorable attention from the mainstream media (who themselves are controlled by this gaggle of global elite)? To find the answer as to why a professing pro-life, conservative Christian would suddenly become the darling of the media, look no further than the fact that just a couple of months ago, Mr. Huckabee appeared before the globalist-minded Council on Foreign Relations. (Read his speech here) And when he did, it became abundantly clear that Huckabee was a man globalists could trust.

By the way, as you read Huckabee’s speech, you will find that he is George W. Bush on steroids! This is a man who intends to meddle in the affairs of nations around the world like you can’t believe. Talk about entangling alliances: Huckabee intends for our State, Energy, Housing, Education, Justice, Treasury, and Transportation departments to spend untold billions of tax dollars on just about anything and everything, including schools, medical facilities, roads, sewage treatment, water filtration, electricity, and legal and banking systems in countries all over the globe. And that is exactly the kind of man the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) wants in Washington.

Make no mistake about it: the CFR has dominated every administration, Republican and Democrat, since World War II. They hold sway over most every critical Presidential appointment. Look carefully and one will discover that the Republican President George W. Bush has had as many CFR members in his administration as Democrat President Bill Clinton did in his. The last time I counted, President Bush had nearly 200 members of the CFR in his administration.

Remember that the total number of CFR members is less than 5,000. Can one imagine what people would think if, say, the old Christian Coalition, which at one time numbered in the hundreds of thousands, had nearly 200 members in any one administration? Talk about conjectures of a conspiracy: the media would go ballistic. Yet, each and every administration, regardless of party, continues to fill their ranks with members of the CFR, and with those friendly with the CFR, and no one seems to notice. Do you now understand why nothing changes no matter which party wins the White House?

Now consider the current presidential candidates who are also members of the CFR. These include Christopher Dodd, Bill Richardson, John McCain, and Fred Thompson. Hillary is not a member of the CFR, but her husband, Bill, is. Plus, she has a plethora of advisors who are CFR members. And even though Mike Huckabee is not on this list (neither is George W. Bush), it is obvious that he will carry water for them in much the same way as the current President has done. Barack Obama has spoken at least once for the CFR. John Edwards has appeared before the CFR several times. Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney both wrote for the CFR and have numerous advisors who are CFR members, as do Edwards and Obama.

This also explains why independent-minded candidates such as Ron Paul are forever cast in terms such as “fringe,” or “extremist,” or “nutty.” The same CFR elite that controls the Washington political establishment also controls the New York media and financial establishments. And they hate outsiders! Of course, outsiders are those who do not share the globalist, utopian, New World Order machinations of the CFR. …

Of the Presidential candidates in serious contention, Ron Paul, and Ron Paul alone, stands for change. Ron Paul, alone, would truly obey his oath to the Constitution and would work to restore freedom and liberty to the American people. Ron Paul, alone, would kick the globalist elite out of power in Washington, D.C., and restore this country to constitutional governance.

But, once again, the Christian Right just doesn’t get it. So, they will continue to support establishment, CFR-backed, globalist candidates who will, in turn, continue to do the bidding of the international elite.

One would think that Christians–more than anyone else–would understand the devilish nature of globalism. One would think that their study of the Sacred Text would lead them to resist any attempts at building modern-day Towers of Babel. One would think that Christians would love liberty enough to recognize its enemies. One would think that they would recognize that Washington, D.C., is a far greater threat to their freedom than either Baghdad or Tehran.

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Mike Huckabee: “If you vote for me you live. If you don’t…”

Huckabee Jokes About Shooting Romney for Airing Negative Ads

Mike Huckabee Can Be Mean, Flirts with Vulgarity

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