Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Donald Trump Page 4 of 18

Tucker: McConnell reportedly preventing potential Assange pardon

McConnell basically bribed Trump by saying he won’t help Trump from getting impeached if in the senate if Trump pardons Assange.

Controlled Opposition Or Pathological Liars? The Con Artists Derailing The Trump Train.

Praying Medic, X22 Report, Simon Parkes and others spreading false info that everything will work out, pushing Qanon, saying Trump is playing 4D chess — even convincing conservatives that martial law is a good thing.

42:40 AnOmaly’s coming to Christ story — why he became a Christian in the last few years.

1:36:50 Why and how he got his hair cut. “It’s now way less annoying. Feels great.”

1:38:50 “Especially women get turned into this. I don’t know why. It’s the same reason why women vote liberal, and they get brainwashed by mainstream media because they’re more emotional or something, or they get drawn into the big fantasy narrative or whatever.”

Skousen: Capitol Violence – Agent Provocateurs Led the Charge

World Affairs Brief, January 8, 2021 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Every mainstream media outlet in the world is trumpeting the charge that Trump supporters assaulted the US Capitol on Wednesday, just as Senators and House members were debating the status of the disputed Arizona state electoral college votes. It was only partially true. The television footage was dramatic and shocking but doesn’t even come close to telling the entire story. The actual violent confrontation with Capitol police was done by a much smaller group of agent provocateurs who fought with Capitol police to gain entrance to the House and Senate chambers. Some wore masks or gas masks to conceal their identity and protect against tear gas. The fact that these few brought gas masks with them in backpacks proves that they anticipated or knew they would provoke a violent confrontation with police. Some were dressed all in black with hoodies and face coverings similar to the paid Deep State agent provocateurs that broke windows in cities during police protests earlier in the year. Others wore their MAGA hats backwards to signal to others their real affiliation. These burly thugs started the violence and continued it inside after Capitol police opened the barricades and let protestors inside. One member of the DC police may have even led protestors as they ascended the capitol stairs to the gallery level, which deserves investigation. Sadly, innocent Trump protestors got caught up in the moment and followed the instigators into the melee. This big provocation was planned and executed by the Deep State to forever poison Trump’s legacy and deter any ambivalent Congressmen for voting against the Biden electors. Sadly, Trump hasn’t seen the evidence yet of agent provocateurs and issued a statement condemning his followers who did this. They weren’t his followers.

America Just Experienced a Coup, But It Wasn’t By Trump

The globalists have effectively overthrown Donald Trump two weeks early, and are now moving to secure their power.


Gab CEO Pulls Off The Impossible For Trump… INCREDIBLE!

Tuesday January 12, 2021 7:58 AM

Gab CEO completely backed up President Trump’s Twitter account before it was deleted and recreated him on Gab! What’s even more impressive is the did this while traffic was up 700% and under attack from leftists. Gab is currently having servers upgraded to handle the large influx in traffic but we’re told it should stabilize soon.

President Trump’s new account:


Joel Skousen: Beware of the Q Deception; Agent Provocateurs led the siege; They want violence to justify gun confiscation

Joel is trying to help start a new TV news network that goes deep enough into what’s really going on!

• People need to see through the Q deception
• Deep state agent provocateurs led the capitol siege
• They’ll use violence from the right to justify taking the guns
• They may do another false flag event to blame the right


Trying To Erasing Trump: Hollywood to digitally remove Trump from movies?

“Go against the narrative and we will erase you.”

Murkowski: Trump “incapable of doing a good thing … caused enough damage” [True of herself, actually]

What Lisa is accusing Trump of is often true of herself — one of the worst Republican senators, an embarrassment to Alaska, destroyer of the U.S. Constitution and the USA itself!

The Anchorwoman of our local TV newscast* in Anchorage covered for Lisa last night, changing “a good thing” to “the good thing,” when she read Lisa’s statement. Lisa wrote: “…I don’t think he’s capable of doing a good thing.”

* ‘Alaska’s News Source’ is now the strange name of our only remaining TV news station (other than an underfunded one that no one watches).

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From: ADN

Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski calls on President Trump to resign, questions her future as a Republican

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski said Friday that Donald Trump should resign the presidency immediately and that if the Republican Party cannot separate itself from Trump, she isn’t certain she has a future with the party.

“I want him to resign. I want him out. He has caused enough damage,” Murkowski, R-Alaska, said during an interview from her small Capitol office, steps away from the Senate chambers that were invaded by pro-Trump rioters on Wednesday.

Murkowski is the first Senate Republican to call for Trump’s resignation, according to CNN and national congressional reporters.

“I think he should leave. He said he’s not going to show up. He’s not going to appear at the inauguration. He hasn’t been focused on what is going on with COVID. He’s either been golfing or he’s been inside the Oval Office fuming and throwing every single person who has been loyal and faithful to him under the bus, starting with the vice president. He doesn’t want to stay there. He only wants to stay there for the title. He only wants to stay there for his ego. He needs to get out. He needs to do the good thing, but I don’t think he’s capable of doing a good thing,” she said.

Trump to blame for riot, Murkowski says


Even before Election Day, the president refused to say whether he would accept the election results, Murkowski said, and then tried to overturn the results.

“I will attribute it to the president, who said, even after his vice president told him that morning, ‘I do not have the constitutional authority to do what you have asked me to do. I cannot do it. I have to protect and uphold the Constitution.’ Even after the vice president told President Trump that, he still told his supporters to fight. How are they supposed to take that? It’s an order from the president. And so that’s what they did. They came up and they fought and people were harmed, and injured and died,” Murkowski said.


Donald Trump Speech “Save America” Rally January 6 – Speech/Transcript

President Trump’s speech before the disastrous march on the capitol.


Timcast IRL – Trump Has Been PERMANENTLY BANNED – w/ Minds CEO

January 8th, 2021 — historic, devastating day for free speech online. Twitter permanently bans Trump! Rush Limbaugh leaves Twitter in solidarity. [Panel thought Limbaugh was banned too.]

2:29:20 TIM: ‘The reset’ is about recalibrating the people. That’s what they mean by ‘the reset.’


2:29:30 Tim: the left will snap if they stop getting welfare or Covid payments. The right will snap if the government lets inflation skyrocket, so they can’t keep their businesses going.

Bit Coin may go to $1 million.

Skousen: ”The Crucial Issue Of Our Day Is Conspiracy”


“I believe Trump’s lawyers have sabotaged his legal case against fraud.”

“He [Trump] continues to prepare for a war with Iran even though Iran is not the biggest sponsor of terror in the world. The U.S. deeps state is. He killed General Soleimani… [who] was the biggest sponsor of the fighting forces in Iraq and Iran, that were fighting US backed terror in Syria, including ISIS, and was responsible for the defeat of ISIS.”

Omnibus spending bills should be banned, to be replaced by separate bills, so the bad things don’t continually get passed.

Biden will probably move slowly enough to avoid civil unrest in the near future, especially if Republicans don’t lose control of the Senate. “They want to be able to boil the frog a little faster, but still slow enough so it doesn’t gain resistance.”

“I don’t believe we’ll ever win another election again, because the Dominion voting machines won’t be removed.”

21:45 “When war comes toward the end of this decade with Russia and China, preceded by an EMP strike, there will be no electricity for a year and a half.” The large transformers are all built in China. “If they [government] did only one thing and spent a billion dollars and stockpiled all the transformers they need, and shield them electronically…, they could get back up and running [interrupted by Alex].” “Remember, that EMP strike will be followed 15 minutes later by a physical strike on US military forces.”

“This Covid thing is dividing the world between those who see and those who are blind, and unfortunately, I’m very, very sad to say that the majority of Americans are blind to this obvious conspiracy.”


Skousen: The Coming Certification of Electors on January 6 – Q giving false hope

World Affairs Brief, January 1, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

2020 In Review: the Big Picture


– The Coming Certification of Electors on January 6:

Skousen: Trump Given Go-Ahead to Attack Iran — Only Muslim nation independent of both East and West in arms production

I believe this is a key part of the Talmudic Greater Israel Program that Netanyahu has been pushing for for decades. Also, the one-world government globalists see Iran as a formidable power that would oppose the one-world government.

This is NOT God’s will, and will be more blood on the USA’s hands, that we’ve had no business shedding.

– –

World Affairs Brief, January 1, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

2020 In Review: the Big Picture



But Trump has given the go-ahead, I believe, for an attack on Iran. His head has been filled with false propaganda about Iran from both the Deep State and Israel, and has sent two aircraft carrier task forces to Iranian waters as well as a cruise missile submarine and multiple flyovers by B-52 bombers indicates intent of military intervention.

Iran’s radical Muslim government is no friend to liberty of its people, and would be no threat to Israel if Israel weren’t a puppet state of the US Deep State. But Iran knows the globalist intend to attack it because it is the only Muslim nation that is independent of both East and West in arms production. The globalists only want Muslim nations that are puppets to their agenda, like the corrupt Saudi Royal family.

If the attack on Iran doesn’t happen before Trump leaves the White House, it will surely be done by President Biden. But Iran is not Iraq. It has a much more formidable military with sophisticated weapons and lots of of them. I don’t think Iran can prevail in a war with the US, but it can do a lot of damage to the US and its puppet Arab allies. There are no good guys in the Middle East. Turkey is another wild card that the US cannot trust.

I don’t think Russia will join in the fight, not wanting to show its military tactics and advances in hardware until the big war, but both Russia and China will be lending support to Iran to give the US a bloody nose.

Nathanael: America Without Trump


An0maly: ‘How To Lie With Statistics’ – I Read This Book Bill Gates Told Me To…

Also on Facebook

Skousen: Attack Plans for Iran Building — Trump has never been able to through the deep state’s lies

World Affairs Brief, December 24, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Attack Plans for Iran Building.

Trump has never been able to see through the lies of the intelligence agency about Deep State foreign aggression (except in the Russia Interference hoax). He didn’t see it when they goaded him into attacking Syria and he bought the lie that Iranian General Soleimani was the “biggest sponsor of terror.” Now he has sent off a fleet of vessels to attack Iran. They have just been joined by the USS Georgia, a guided-missile class submarine with its 154 Tomahawk missiles and dry dock for SEALs. There was a rocket attack yesterday on the massive embassy compound in Baghdad (out of which the Deep State runs all their terrorist attacks) and US intel has told Trump Iran is to blame because it was on the anniversary of Trump’s killing of Soleimani. Hezbollah thinks Trump is crazy as the threat looms within the last days of President Trump.

Trump’s Important 12/22/20 Speech That Was Hidden From The Nation – Disgusting Censorship!

14 succinct and important minutes that most haven’t seen!

Media censorship is now worse than in communist countries, where they all know they’re being heavily censored.

Speech is also HERE

Strangely, less than 5 minutes of the speech is on Trump’s YouTube channel.

AMA Lied – How Many Died? – Approves Hydroxychloroquine Just Before Election

AMA Lied – How Many Died?

The American Medical Association has been adamantly against hydroxychloroquine as a therapeutic for COVID for the past year. Just a few days before the presidential election they reversed course, reversing their opposition. Did they suddenly realize HCQ might have benefit in certain patient groups or were they lying for the past year? How many individuals died as a result of being denied potential lifesaving treatment?

The AMA is synonymous with organized medicine, despite myriad specialty societies that may better represent the needs of its member physicians. In fact, only 12 percent of practicing physicians belong to the AMA due to concerns that the AMA is more interested in its own finances and politics than the concerns of doctors.

When the AMA talks, media and the public listen, due to their perceived clout. Last spring, the AMA issued a statement critical of hydroxychloroquine as it was being used off-label in the treatment of COVID, not FDA-approved for this purpose with supposed “dangerous side effects.”

Quietly at the end of October, the AMA issued a new statement, conveniently overlooked by the media, giving the green light to doctors prescribing HCQ to their COVID patients.

RESOLVED, that our American Medical Association rescind its statement calling for physicians to stop prescribing hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine until sufficient evidence becomes available to conclusively illustrate that the harm associated with use outweighs benefit early in the disease course.

An updated statement clarifying our support for a physician’s ability to prescribe an FDA-approved medication for off label use, if it is in her/his best clinical judgement, with specific reference to the use of hydroxychloroquine and combination therapies for the treatment of the earliest stage of COVID-19.

What changed since last spring? How many COVID deaths could have been prevented if doctors, using their professional and clinical judgement, could have prescribed HCQ without fear of ostracization or loss of their jobs?


Trump’s speech outlining the truly massive election fraud!

Google runs this deceptive notice under the video. The media doesn’t officially call any elections.

U.S. elections

The AP has called the Presidential race for Joe Biden. See more on Google.

Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of elections and results. Learn more

Trump’s John Bolton the warmonger tweet proves Trump kept us out of wars

Bossy “truthers” like Jana Ben-Nun hated Trump so vehemently that they persuaded many to not to vote for him. They seem to have ZERO appreciation for how Trump kept us out of wars that Biden will now march us into, if the election isn’t reversed.

Being so openly anti-Trump during this election year may be almost treasonous. I’m very disappointed in Jana — got so many to hate Trump — while Trump launched no new wars.

“Meanwhile, Biden/Harris and Co. brag about having Bolton’s support and the endorsement of six other Neo-Cons who served Bush/Cheney.

NBC LIES TO AMERICA: “Trump rejects *the reality* of the election outcome online, repeating *baseless claims* about the vote count despite *no evidence* of widespread fraud” – NBC Nightly News, 11/9/20

Transcribed by me:

“..President Trump, again out of the public eye, rejects *the reality* of the election outcome online, repeating *baseless claims* about the vote count despite *no evidence* of widespread fraud.” – Hallie Jackson (chief NBC White House correspondent) aired nationwide on NBC Nightly News, 11/9/20 (six days after the election)

Trump crowd in Butler PA is jaw-dropping!

Click on photo to see larger HERE

TruNews VP Debate Commentary: Pence missed many opportunities; Rick sees Biden winning — “Notice there are no bumper stickers this year for Trump, no yard. People are afraid to express their views.” “Hatred of Donald Trump is driving the Democrats”

At 51:30, about halfway through the debate, Rick Wiles says “Pence is so low key. He’s missed at least five opportunities to do a slam-dunk, and he’s not taken advantage of it.” Rick then tells the truth about who ran ISIS.

Rick at 1:03:20: “He’s the worst debater I’ve seen in years.”

After the debate, Rick said “Vice President Pence had numerous opportunities to do a slam-dunk and drive home some points, and put her on the defensive, and he missed every one of them. And he would always do the standard politician: you ask a question, and then he starts talking about something else, because that’s what his advisors said ‘make sure you say these things. It doesn’t matter what the question is, say these things.'”

Rick thinks Biden-Harris will win, unless something drastic happens. “Hatred of Donald Trump is driving the Democrats.”

“Notice there are no bumper stickers this year for Trump. There are no yard signs this year. People are afraid to express their views.” – Rick Wiles

Watch: Uncensored: VP Debate Commentary by TruNews Team

Trump without his spray-on orange tan: “That spray-on tan is not his friend” – Body Language Lady

1:43 On trump wearing a mask, facing the camera while walking to the helicopter: “Now, because he’s got this stupid mask on, we can’t really tell if there’s anything else going. … Without the other seeable things, like the lower half of his face and his hands we have no idea.”

4:10 Trump without his spray-on orange tan, normal color. “That spray-on tan is not his friend.”

Body Language: First Presidential Debate 2020 — “A lot of liars will laugh at you when they get caught. You see Biden do that quite a bit”

10:10 “A lot of liars will sit there and laugh at you when they get caught. It’s a stress laugh. It allows them to shake you off as well. So you see Biden do that quite a bit.”

Related: Biden Makes 33 False Or Misleading Claims At The Debate – MSM Let Them Slide

The Ingraham Angle 10/2/20: Trump taking vitamin D and zinc – Doctors speak vitamin D truth!

Trump taking D and zinc @ 10:50.

“Vitamin D specifically has been shown to be depleted in patients who get the most severe cases” – Dr. Oskoui @ 11:35.

“Most of these kids are extremely afraid of it [covid]. And the impact of masks on 2, 3 and 4-year-olds that are wearing masks for 6, 7, 8 months, we don’t know. Then there is the risk of being tased. … One thing about the masks that really bothers me. We don’t know what they do. There’s no data…. The masks just don’t have data. …we don’t know if it does anything for you. … We just don’t know if they do anything. … It’s a false sense of security.” “[Ingraham] Biden was touching his mask several times today while he was speaking.” “That’s a problem.” – Dr. Stephen Smith @ 22:30

Dr. Scott Jensen @ 37:50.

Big Pharma protector Dr. Vin Gupta is an advisor to Biden @ 40:10.

Vitamin D3’s tremendous protection against covid, Dr. William Grace @ 41:40!

Skousen & Rense: Trump-Biden Debate Analysis 9/30/20

33:45 Why Justice Amy Barrett will be a disappointment to conservatives.

Skousen: Justice Amy Barrett will be a disappointment to conservatives — Barnes: “Barrett sided with the government on almost every civil rights case, big employer case, criminal case, the lockdowns, uncompensated takings, excusing 1st & 4th Amendment violations”

World Affairs Brief, September 25, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

Supreme Court Nominee Becomes Election Focus


Trump has been talked into presenting a woman nominee, which appears politically astute, but it isn’t. It is a trap, and so is the notion of a “conservative” woman justice. Most of the women placed on the appellate level are there because a governor or president is playing politically correct. They will always be mainstream at best, or liberals—never real strict constructionists.

Take Trump’s top probable pick, Justice Amy Barrett of the 7th District Federal Appeals Court. Trump has been told she is a devout Catholic who holds a strong pro-life stance. Of course, the Democrats will, like all nominees, get them to commit during the review process to not try and overturn the Supreme Court conjured right to an abortion. She will call it “settled law” like every other “conservative” justice, implying that she will not try and overturn it. So forget about the hope of killing abortion. It is not going to happen.

But in every other way, Barrett will be a disappointment to conservatives. As Big League Politics wrote,

Barrett’s record is troubling on many issues, with a ruling that gives Democrats in Illinois blanket authority to shut down society based on COVID-19 mass hysteria standing out as particularly heinous. Barrett concurred with the majority in Illinois Republican Party et al. v. J.B. Pritzker, Governor of Illinois to keep the illegal lockdown in place and allow Democrats to rip up the Constitution under the guise of safety. She hid behind the precedent of Jacobsen v. Massachusetts (1905) in an attempt to avoid culpability for her decision.

But Robert Barnes, a lawyer who files cases in the 7TH circuit court of Justice Barrett, wrote this note of extreme caution:

Barrett sided with the government on almost every civil rights case, every big employer case, every criminal case, while also siding with the government on the lockdowns, on uncompensated takings, on excusing First Amendment infringements & Fourth Amendment violations.

Trump Literally Gives Netanyahu the ‘Key to the White House’


Skousen: Trump’s Interview with Woodward Comes back to Haunt Him

World Affairs Brief, September 11, 2020 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (


Trump’s Interview with Woodward Comes back to Haunt Him: One of the stupidest things Donald Trump has done is to allow Deep State journalists to interview him. Why is he then outraged when they betray him and make him look bad? But to top even his unwise decision to speak to Bob Woodward was his bragging to him about a new secret nuclear weapons system, which Woodward promptly leaked to the world. “I have built a nuclear — a weapons system that nobody’s ever had in this country before. We have stuff that you haven’t even seen or heard about,” Trump told Woodward, according to the Post. Besides telling every indiscrete thing the president said or thought, Woodward made Trump looking like a laughing stock in his book “Rage.” And it was all gleefully excerpted in the anti-Trump Washington Post. There are too many damaging quotes to list here, but Woodward highlights every questionable answer the president gave.

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