Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Fun–or–AMAZING Stuff! Page 8 of 15

(music video) Jesse Colin Young & Lab: Pastures

Jesse said on Facebook:

I have loved this song Pastures of Plenty by Woody Guthrie since I was a young man in California during the grape boycott. This is my next installment of the Couch Series with Labrador and friends, and it gives me great pleasure to create music from my home. Thank you to Lauren Meccia for stopping by and playing on her wonderful alto sax. Django, our labrador, was a real gem in this one and as always Brent Cline was wonderful photographic support. Hope you all enjoy and please share….Oh and both Lauren and Brent have websites… and…Django does not yet…..

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Jesse Colin Young at Age-67: “Ridgetop”

Jesse Colin Young: “Come on People Now, Smile on Your Brother; Everybody GET TOGETHER, Try to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, Right Now”

(music video) Jesse Colin Young (1973 LP): Ridgetop

(video) Dachshund & Lion Best Friends!

[youtube=]Cute Animal Friends: Lion and Dog Kiss

[youtube=]Dog’s Best Friend a Lion

 Dolly Moz | Published on Jul 17, 2013

In nature, Bonedigger, lion, consider Milo, the dachshund, lunch. But in the GW Zoo, Bonedigger and Milo are best friends – Milo even Bonedigger teeth clean. Dana Hertneky KWTV reports.


Video: Otters Holding Hands – Sweet, Sweet, Sweet!!!

Cute – Otters Holding Hands II!

Christian the Lion—How Our Heart Should Be

Video: Lion Hugs Rescuer – So Cool!!!

[Awesome WONDERFUL video!!!] Elephants Shirley and Jenny reunite after a 22-year separation — The bonding was immediate, intense and unforgettable!!!!!!!

Secret world of insects revealed in fascinating science PHOTOS from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab

This is super cool!!!

God’s creation reveals His detailed, diverse and masterful handiwork even after “the fall of man” goofed things up.

Still photos with video:

Secret world of insects revealed in fascinating science photos from the Natural News Forensic Food Lab

(video) Glenn Greenwald Speaks Out: The COURAGE of SNOWDEN & WHY PRESSTITUTES DEMONIZE — “He will set an example for other people to similarly come forward” | “COURAGE is CONTAGIOUS. If you take a courageous step as an individual, you will literally change the world because you will affect all sorts of people in your immediate vicinity, who will then affect others and then affect others. You should NEVER DOUBT YOUR ABILITY to change the world” | “They’re STORING EVERY CALL and have the capability to listen to them at any time”

This video is quite inspirational to me! And surprisingly so, because it’s hosted by the Socialism Conference. Rarely are people this fired up. Here leftists enthusiastically rally to oppose President Obama’s unconstitutional violations! Amazing!

Jeremy Scahill is also excellent in his fervor to do what is right!

I love what Glenn says about courage!

And he was very impressed by Edward Snowden’s commitment to do what’s right no matter what!



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[youtube=]Glenn Greenwald Speaks Out


Published on Jun 28, 2013

Glenn Greenwald speaks via Skype to the Socialism 2013 conference in Chicago regarding Edward Snowden’s revelations about the NSA’s mass surveillance program. Introductions by Jeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater and the filmmaker behind Dirty Wars, and Sherry Wolf, author of Sexuality and Socialism. #Socialism2013 #Snowden #NSA

Check out more audio and video recordings from the Socialism 2013 conference at

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From: Glenn Greenwald’s Speech to the Socialism Conference [with Transcript]

When I got to Hong Kong and I met him for the first time, I was more disoriented and just completely confused than I think I had ever been in my life. Not only wasn’t he sixty-five. He was twenty-nine, but he looked much younger. And so, when we went back to his hotel room and began questioning him—it was Laura Poitras, the filmmaker, and I, who went back to his hotel room—what I really wanted to understand more than anything else was what it is that led him to make this extraordinary choice in part because I didn’t want to be part of an event that would destroy somebody’s life if they weren’t completely open-eyed and rational about the decision they were making but also in part because I really wanted to understand, just for my own sense of curiosity, what would lead somebody with their entire live in front of him, who had a perfectly desirable life living with his long-time girlfriend in Hawaii with career stability, a reasonable well-paying job—What would lead somebody to throw all that away and become an instant fugitive and somebody who would probably spend the rest of their life in a cage.

The more I spoke with him about it, the more I understood, and the more overwhelmed I became and the more of a formative experience it had for me and will have for the rest of my life because what he told me over and over in different ways—and it was so pure and passionate that I never doubted its authenticity for a moment—is that there is more to life than material comfort or career stability or trying to simply prolong your life as long possible. What he continuously told me is he judged his life not by the things he thought about himself but by the actions he took in pursuit of those beliefs.

When I asked him how he got himself to the point where he was willing to take the risk that he knew he was taking, he told me that he for a long time had been looking for a leader, somebody who would come and fix these problems. And then one day he realized there’s no point in waiting or a leader, that leadership is about going first and setting and example for others. What he ultimately said was he simply didn’t want to live in a world where the United States government was permitted to engage in these extraordinary invasions, to build a system that had as its goal the destruction of all individual privacy, that he didn’t want to live in a world like that and that he could not in good conscience standby and allow that to happen knowing that he had the power to help stop it.

The thing that was most striking to me about this was I was with him for eleven straight days. I was with him when he was unknown because we hadn’t yet divulged who his identity was and I watched him watch the debates unfold on CNN and NBC and MSNBC and every other channel around the world that he had really hoped to provoke with the actions he had taken. And I also watched him once he had been revealed that he had become the most wanted man in the world, that official Washington was calling him a traitor, was calling for his head. What was truly staggering and continues to be staggering to me was there was never an iota, never any remorse or regret or fear in any way. This was an individual completely at peace with the choice that he had made because the choice that he made was so incredibly powerful.

I was incredibly inspired myself by being in proximity to somebody to somebody who had reached a state of such tranquility because they were so convicted that what they had done was right and his courage and that passion infected me to the point where I had vowed that no matter what I did in my life with this story and beyond that I would devote myself to doing justice to the incredible act of self-sacrifice that Edward Snowden had made.

* * *

What I actually started to realize about all this is two things. Number one, courage is contagious. If you take a courageous step as an individual, you will literally change the world because you will affect all sorts of people in your immediate vicinity, who will then affect others and then affect others. You should never doubt your ability to change the world. The other thing that I realized is it doesn’t matter who you are as an individual or how formidable or powerful the institutions that you want to challenge are. Mr. Snowden is a high school dropout. His parents work for the federal government. He grew up in a lower middle class environment in a military community in Virginia. He ended up enlisting in the United States Army because he thought the Iraq War at first was noble. He then did the same with the NSA and the CIA because he thought those institutions were noble. He’s a person who has zero privilege, zero power, zero position and zero prestige and yet he by himself has literally changed the world and therefore [so can you]. …

The reason why it’s always so common for people like Edward Snowden to be demonized, the reason it’s so important to attribute psychological illness—the way they did with Bradley Manning, the way they try to do with all whistleblowers, the way they tried to do with Daniel Ellsberg—is because they precisely know what I said, which is that courage is contagious. And that he will set an example for other people to similarly come forward and blow the whistle on the corrupt and illegal and deceitful things that they’re doing in the dark. They need to make a negative example so that doesn’t happen and that’s the reason why people like Edward Snowden are so demonized and attacked and it’s why it’s up to all of us to defend him and hold him up as the noble example that he is so he [does get proper recognition].

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Another document that I probably shouldn’t share since it’s not published but I am going to share it with you anyway—and this one’s coming soon but you’re getting a little preview—It talks about how a brand new technology enables the National Security Agency to redirect into its repositories one billion cell phone calls every single day, one billion cell phone calls every single day.

What we are really talking about here is a globalized system that prevents any form of electronic communication from taking place without its being stored and monitored by the National Security Agency. It doesn’t mean they’re listening to every call. It means they’re storing every call and have the capability to listen to them at any time and it does mean that they’re collecting millions upon million upon millions of our phone and email records. It is a globalized system designed to destroy all privacy and what’s incredibly menacing about it is it is all taking place in the dark, with no accountability and virtually no safeguards and the purpose of our story and the purpose of Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing is not singularly or unilaterally to destroy those systems.

* * *

So the last point I want to make is that one of the things I set out to do and I think that Mr. Snowden set out to do and that I know the people at The Guardian set out to do was not simply to publish some stories about the NSA. It was to really shake up the foundations of the corrupted and rotted roots of America’s political and media culture. And the reason I say that is that there is an economist Dean Baker, who yesterday on Twitter wrote that he thinks the stories that we’re doing are shining as much light on the corruption of American journalism as they are on the corruption of the National Security Agency.

I think that is true for several different reasons. Number one is if you look at the “debate” over—the charming, very endearing debate over whether or not I should be arrested, prosecuted and then imprisoned under Espionage Act statutes for doing journalism—What you find is that debate is being led by other people who are TV actors who play the role of journalists on TV. They’re ones who are actually leading the debate and the reason they are doing that is they purport to be adversaries of political power or watchdogs of political power but what they really are servants to political power. They’re appendages to political power.

What you find is they always lead the way in attacking whoever challenges the political system in Washington because that is the system in which they are a part. That is the system that props them up and gives them oxygen and provides them with all of their privilege, wealth and access. And I think their true role, which is not to serve as adversaries of people in government power or protect what they’re doing but to protect and shield what they are doing and amplify their message, has become more vividly exposed in the last four weeks than it has in quite a long time.

The thing that really amazes me is if you look at how whistleblowers are treated, whether it be Bradley Manning or WikiLeaks or Thomas Drake of the NSA or Edward Snowden—I can understand why Americans in general, just ordinary Americans, have ambivalence about those whistleblowers. Some people think security is more important or secrecy is something that should be decided by democratically elected representatives, not whistleblowers. That I all get, but what I don’t understand and can never believe is anybody who at any point thought of themselves as somebody who had a journalistic ethos would look at people who are shining on the world’s most powerful factions and do anything but applaud them and express gratitude for them since that’s supposed to be the function that they, the journalists, themselves are serving. And yet what you find is the exact opposite.\


(video) Fmr Agent Russell Tice Accuses Obama, NSA Of LYING — “NSA, today, is COLLECTING EVERYTHING — including CONTENT — of every digital communication in this country, both COMPUTER and PHONE, and that information is being STORED INDEFINITELY”

Fmr Agent Russ Tice: NSA has been BLACKMAILING Supreme Court judges, Congressmen and PRESIDENT OBAMA! — We must now assume the NSA is in charge, not elected representatives

[ video ] Daniel Ellsberg on Snowden, Manning, Government and Whistleblowers: Regain Democracy & Renounce Empire — Bradley Manning’s revelations forced the end of the Iraq war • NSA is storing every email and every phone conversations to be listened to when they feel like it

[ video ] Rand Paul: Director of National Intelligence James CLAPPER LIED, Edward SNOWDEN TOLD THE TRUTH!

[ video ] Ben Swann: NSA’s Criminal Activity Should Be the Focus

History Shows Bradley Manning Did NOT “Put the Troops in Harms Way”

Greenwald on ‘coming’ leak: NSA can obtain one billion cell phone calls a day, store them and listen

[ video ] Trippy Mirrored Hyperlapse Videos Shot on Japanese Monorail Systems

From: PetaPixel

Mirroring your time-lapse footage can yield a trippy, ethereal quality to an otherwise standard video. Riding on the Japanese monorail, for example, is nothing particularly special. Creating a hyperlapse of the experience, while cool, probably won’t stand out.

A few users, however, have come up with some interesting takes on a monorail hyperlapse by mirroring the footage and taking you on a much stranger journey.

The video above was shot by Vimeo user darwinfish105 using a Panasonic DMC-GH3 attached to an Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 9-18mm f/4.0-5.6. All of the photos were shot at a 1 second shutter, with help from an ND400 filter for daytime shots and setting the ISO at 400 (sans filter, obviously) at night. He then mirrored and vertically flipped the footage in post to get the final product.

Of course, he’s not the only person to have done something like this. Vimeo user Daihei Shibata‘s video Shinkansen ver.2 (above) takes you on a similar journey. His video captures the trip from Shinosaka to Tokyo as you would see it out of the right side window — assuming you had mirrored vision, that is. His was shot using an Olympus Pen EP-1.

If you want to see more trippy mirrored videos, check out this Chicago time-lapse we shared a few years ago, or read through the comments on the video at the top.

Entire Article Here

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[ video ] Floating Chicago – A collection of mirrored skyline timelapses

[ video ] Floating Chicago – A collection of mirrored skyline timelapses

From: PetaPixel

Mirror Filter Transforms Dash Cam Footage into an Ethereal Experience

This surreal video might seem like some sort of abstract, computer-generated art project at first glance, but take a closer look and you’ll probably realize what’s going on. Flickr user cshimala attached a GoPro Hero HD to his front windshield and shot some footage as he drove around Chicago. He then mirrored the footage in post, sped it up, and set it to Liquid Summer by Diamond Messages.

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The mirror effect was added later with a filter in Vegas Movie Studio HD


[ video ] Trippy Mirrored Hyperlapse Videos Shot on Japanese Monorail Systems

[ video ] Lord of the cows – rounding up the cattle, with a remote controlled car

[ video – humor ] ALEX JONES Bullhorning on the BILDERBARGE as GENERAL ZOD with British Accent: “The Queen is here. The Queen is here. She’s come to pick her swan. Then she will soufflé it for the Bilderberg group, meeting right up the canal from you.”

One of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Alex is brilliant!

And you know, Alex is just kidding as satire about the dog. Alex loves dogs, and often showcases how cool his own dog is in videos.

UPDATED: my new YouTube version:

(video) HILLARIOUS! ALEX JONES Bullhorns on the BILDERBARGE with British Accent, England 2013 — “Greetings, people of England, I AM GENERAL ZOD, and I represent the Bilderberg Group: The Queen is here; the Queen is here. She’s come to pick her swan. Then she will soufflé it for the Bilderberg group, meeting right up the canal from you. Again, when you see the Queen of virtue eyes, fall to the ground and begin worshiping her. Oh you’re so good. Oh you’re so great!”

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Alex with thick British accent, proclaiming to the boats passing by — transcribed by Jeff Fenske:

“Greetings, people of England, I am General Zod, and I represent the Bilderberg Group. I am here to tell you that it’s strictly that I saw royal swan. You will not even think about eating it. All royal swans are for Her Majesty. And I believe that is completely reasonable at every single level.

So again, the Queen is here. The Queen is here. She’s come to pick her swan. Then she will soufflé it for the Bilderberg group, meeting right up the canal from you. Again, when you see the Queen of virtue eyes, fall to the ground and begin worshiping her. …

Oh you’re so good. Oh you’re so great!”

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The entire Bilderbarge boat ride with Alex Jones,
bullhorning from the canal that goes through the Grove property,
filmed by Luke Rudkowski:

WeAreChange (32:31)
(Alex as General Zod at minute-15!!)

WeAreChange (07:07)

WeAreChange (20:47)

WeAreChange (02:48)

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The Bilderbarge boat ride
filmed by Paul Joseph Watson:

Bilderbarge (16:31)
(Alex as General Zod at 14:30!!)

Bilderbarge! (03:00)

Bilderbarge!! (00:13)

All aboard the BILDERBARGE! (05:15)

AlexJonesLive (12:35)

AlexJonesLive (01:38)

AlexJonesLive (07:31)

AlexJonesLive (01:34)


[ video ] The Bilderbarge! Alex Jones Infiltrates the Grove Hotel by Boat

Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admits presence of SV40, AIDS and CANCER VIRUSES in VACCINES (Alex mentions this on the Bilderbarge)

[ video ] Alex Jones Storms BBC on Bilderberg!!

[ video ] David Icke with Alex Jones In-studio First Time!: The Royal Families Illuminati, Pedaphilia, Murdering Past

[ Important Real-history Video ] EU Parliament Member Gerard Batten Calls For Investigation of Bilderberg

[ video ] Alex Jones Speaks to thousands at Bilderberg 2013!!!

Full speech here:

(video) Powerful: Alex Jones Full Bilderberg 2013 Speech

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[youtube=]Alex Jones Speaks to thousands at Bilderberg 2013

Published on Jun 8, 2013



[ video ] Alex Jones Storms BBC on Bilderberg!!


Alex explains his tactic in the fourth video with Paul Watson.

Important, historical moment!

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Alex Jones Storms BBC, Confronts Bilderberg Member

Radio host takes over live broadcast

Paul Joseph Watson
June 9, 2013

Alex Jones confronted Bilderberg member and UK Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls shortly before a live BBC broadcast on which Jones was a guest, before Balls was ambushed again in the corridor about breaking the ministerial code by taking part in a secret lobbying meeting.

As we reported earlier this week based on police and government sources, Bilderberg has been under intense pressure to go public about what takes place behind closed doors and a taxpayer-funded half mile ring of steel at their annual confab. Our sources were proven to be correct when not one but two members of Bilderberg were forced to go public.

Bilderberg’s attempt to hide in plain site and have their shadow government come out of the closet without making a splash failed when Balls was forced to downplay the influence of the group live on the BBC, despite innumerable examples where the organization has steered world events. In addition, Bilderberg steering committee member and MP Ken Clarke was forced to address the issue during the BBC Sunday Politics show.

Treasury official Balls sidestepped the question about breaking the ministerial code, which states that MP’s cannot attend private meetings without disclosing details to the public, by claiming that he was not a minister – an overt lie because Balls swore an oath to uphold that very code when he became a Member of Parliament in 2005. Balls attended Bilderberg meetings before he became Shadow Chancellor. Officials are also supposed to have a secretary on hand making minutes, which is not the case at Bilderberg.

Just like the NSA wiretapping issue and innumerable other scandals, illegal activity is being conducted in plain sight at Bilderberg when British officials like Balls and Prime Minister David Cameron attend Bilderberg with no public disclosure.

During his appearance live on the BBC, Alex Jones blew Bilderberg wide open, exposing the organization’s Nazi origins and its central role in coordinating an authoritarian agenda that has zero regard for transparency or the democratic process.

We now have the shadow government on the run. They are being forced to go public and re-brand Bilderberg’s public facade after decades of secrecy which was achieved with the aid of mainstream media complicity.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

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Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admits presence of SV40, AIDS and CANCER VIRUSES in VACCINES

[ video ] David Icke with Alex Jones In-studio First Time!: The Royal Families Illuminati, Pedophilia, Murdering Past

Alex had met David Icke for the first time in person a few minutes earlier:

Video: Alex Jones & David Icke Meet In Person For First Time: Two icons of the liberty movement embrace for the first time in the shadow of the Bilderberg meeting.

“Alex! Heh; at last [they hug]!” (David Icke)

Here, less than an hour later, they broadcast from Alex’s hotel studio (via Skype) in England.

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“The genie’s out of the bottle, and it’s not going back.”

Cyprus set the precedent. “They want us all mega-poor; not just the current mega-poor.”

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[youtube=]The Royal Families Illuminati, Pedaphilia, Murdering Past


Published on Jun 7, 2013

Author and presenter David Icke provides analysis and covers the unfolding events with Alex and crew as the Bilderberg confab enters its second day.

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The Prelude[youtube=]MSM Joins Alex Jones in Exposing Bilderberg


Published on Jun 7, 2013

Watford, sunny Watford, has changed the hitherto secretive Bilderberg conference forever. In a freshly strimmed corner of the grounds of the Grove Hotel, half a mile from the most important international policy conference in the world, something remarkable happened: the mainstream press showed up. In droves.

Reuters, AP, Channel 4 News, the Times, the Telegraph, the Press Association, London Tonight. The BBC had at least three radio reporters here.

While they talked and reported, on the first day of the four-day event, politicians and businessmen sped past behind blacked-out windows: the guest list, published for the first time, includes George Osborne, Ed Balls, the founder of Amazon, chairman of Google and the chief executives of both BP and Shell.…


[ video ] BEAUTIFUL! David Icke arrives at Bilderberg 2013 — Good synopsis of how the banksters in this meeting have and are looting the people!

Jeff Fenske: My Perspective on MOSTLY Real-Historian David Icke | [Don McLean ‘Vincent’ (Starry, Starry Night) music video] Tribute to Real Historian (still living) David Icke: Perhaps They’ll Listen — “…How you tried to set them free. They would not listen, they’re not listening still. Perhaps they never will.”

[ video ] The Bilderbarge! Alex Jones Infiltrates the Grove Hotel by Boat

Brilliant and hillarious!

The only way they could get close enough to the globalists’ meeting.

I just wrote this on Facebook:

Personally, I love this! I’ve been studying what these globalists are up to for 20 years, now. Their fruit is becoming everywhere evident.

It’s great to see how Alex and the others use creative ways to help the one-world-government elitists see that we’re on to them — and to help expose to the world what is really going on.

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Alex Jones sensationally infiltrated the grounds of the luxury elite compound
via a barge using a public access canal.

[youtube=]Alex Jones on the Bilderbarge!


Published on Jun 7, 2013

Alex Jones bullhorns Bilderberg after infiltrating the Grove!

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[youtube=]Alex Jones Infiltrates Bilderberg by Boat


Published on Jun 7, 2013

RANT! Bilder-barge! 6/7/13

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Alex Jones Infiltrates the Grove Hotel by Boat

[ U-stream video ] Entire Bilderbarge Voyage Filmed: Alex Jones on the Bullhorn! – footage by Luke Rudkowski (WeAreChange) & Paul Joseph Watson (Infowars)

Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admits presence of SV40, AIDS and CANCER VIRUSES in VACCINES

[ video ] Alex Jones – A real-life William Wallace!: ‘FREEDOM’ message at the Bilderberg 2013 protest

Alex Jones this morning at the Bilderberg protest in England.

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[youtube=]Bilderberg 2013 – Alex Jones delivers a message to the Bilderberg Group – Truthloader

Truthloader Truthloader

Published on Jun 6, 2013

Alex Jones from Infowars arrives at Bilderberg 2013 at the Grove Hotel in Watford and delivers his message to the group.

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Bilderberg 2013: Your guide to ‘The Bilderberg Group’:


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[ video satire ] Alex Jones “Groom the Stool” with British Accent at Bilderberg!

Alex with British accent begins at minute-5:40[youtube=]Alex Jones Talks to Police, Protesters at Bilderberg


Published on Jun 5, 2013

LIVE coverage:

Alex Jones educates police and talks to protesters at Bilderberg 2013

Follow @RealAlexJones:

[ video! ] Damien Walters 2010 — Amazing Aerialist!

[ music video ] The amazing Mr. Phil Keaggy!: Roland AC-33 Demo — “Testing one two. Testing one two, trusting One True!”

Notice how he’s doing a demo for Roland, and he gets away with talking about God! He is so sweet and so talented!

“Testing one two. Testing one two, trusting One True!”

Actual playing starts at about minute-2.

Really cool vocal harmonies through this rig at the end!

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[youtube=]Roland AC-33 Phil Keaggy Demo

rolandmedia rolandmedia

Published on Apr 17, 2012

Guitarist and vocalist Phil Keaggy demonstrates the AC-33 Acoustic Chorus Guitar Amplifier.

[ video & stills ] VERY HEAVY! Wolf vs moose: Mother fights tooth and nail to save newborn from killer’s clutches in the Alaskan wilderness — Photographer Patrick Endrews watched in awe as the action unfolded before his eyes in the Denali National Park

Single print from his gallery of this encounter:

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Still Photos & Video Here

[ video ] Argentine Horse Whisperer — ONE with a Horse!


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[youtube=]Doma India de Caballos en Argentina

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[youtube=]Martin Tata Argentine Horse Whisperer

 David Smith

Uploaded on Apr 25, 2011

Martin Tata, Argentine Horse Whisperer performs at the Estancia La Cinacina, in San Antonio de Areco, province of Buenos Aires in March 2011.

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Doma India International Certificate Course

The Doma India School was first established over 50 years ago in San Luis, Argentina as an innovative horse-taming program based on non-violence and respect for the animal itself. The method consists of reaching a veritable communication between man and horse, without provoking fear or pain, while allowing the tamer to gain its full trust and loyalty.

Through Doma India there is no need for forceful interaction. The tamer must not necessarily be strong or physically privileged. He must, however, be able to tap deeply into the horse’s psyche, and thus learn to teach and train it.

These methods have transcended the equestrian domain and are used as motivation and leadership tools in the business world as well. Research equates the behavior of pack animals, such as horses, with the interaction between staff members in a firm. In both situations, a leader is needed to guide and encourage the entire team in order to achieve a common goal. Horses, in particular, learn through persuasion, and only by knowing their nature, behavior and psychology is it possible to influence them and lead them to excel in any discipline. At the same time, Doma India places priority in imparting pleasure and enjoyable experiences. This is why the method is used today as an important leadership, confidence-building, training and empowerment tool for humans as well. In addition, these objectives fit in a framework of respect for the environment and nature in general, making Doma India not only a course and enjoyable learning experience, but also a philosophy of life.

Entire Article Here


(video) Hempfling: Developing Trust — Klaus treats a difficult breeding stallion

[ 30-second video] Residence Inn – Penguins

Residence Inn has a winner!

Brilliant idea!

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[youtube=]Residence Inn – Penguins


Published on Mar 28, 2012

Even if you’re from somewhere cold, you’ll get a warm welcome at Residence Inn. Dive into our latest TV commercial and take a journey through a Residence Inn suite, guided by the coolest family around!

[video] Californians Sign Petition For Nazi Takeover — Watch and be amazed — YEEEEEEKS!!

Mark Dice wrote on his Facebook post:

The Infowars crew was in SoCal last week so I showed them how, in 15 minutes, we could fill up a petition with signatures by simply asking people to support insane things like implementing an Orwellian Police State modeled after Nineteen Eighty-Four; have the Marines do door to door gun confiscations, and even inject the children with mercury. Seriously, it took just minutes to shoot this video.

If you didn’t see my post about it two weeks ago, I buried the hatchet with Alex Jones and have decided to come together and unify The Resistance, setting aside petty and personal differences because the country is almost an Idiocracy bankrupt wasteland. We had a little falling out a few years ago over a misunderstanding that I then took a bit too far.

This doesn’t mean Alex Jones is a sacred cow or that Infowars is off limits from my criticism when needed, but if we work together to fight the New World Order, we will dramatically increase our effectiveness and chances of saving America before it’s too late, cuz it’s getting pretty freaking late in the game.

[youtube=]Californians Sign Petition For Nazi Takeover


Published on Apr 25, 2013

Just as we got Austinites to sign a petition to ban water. Infowars and Marc Dice teamed up to ask Californians to sign up for a Nazi Takeover, Door to Door Gun Confiscation, Add More Police Powers etc. Watch and be amazed.

[video] Alex Jones Delightful Doing Rush Limbaugh's Paper Crinkling! | Boston Bombing Update

Alex REALLY FUNNY from minute 10:30 to 12:00 — going for a record paper crinkle : )
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Minute 10:30 to 12:00[youtube=]AP links Infowars to Boston Bombings

TheAlexJonesChannel TheAlexJonesChannel

Published on Apr 24, 2013

Alex thwarts predictable corporate media smear attempts suggesting Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who the FBI has admitted “knowing” since at least 2011, was a fan of Infowars. Alex also continues analysis of the holes in the bombing narrative, and gives further insight into the FBI’s role in creating and foiling its own terror plots.

“Other photos will not be deemed credible”…

FBI briefing on Boston bombings postponed. The FBI said it “needs more time to prepare”…

Ben Swann analyzes the biggest national media event under a different light… SEE HERE…


[video] Alex Jones Delightful Doing Rush Limbaugh’s Paper Crinkling! | Boston Bombing Update

Alex REALLY FUNNY from minute 10:30 to 12:00 — going for a record paper crinkle : )

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Minute 10:30 to 12:00[youtube=]AP links Infowars to Boston Bombings

TheAlexJonesChannel TheAlexJonesChannel

Published on Apr 24, 2013

Alex thwarts predictable corporate media smear attempts suggesting Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who the FBI has admitted “knowing” since at least 2011, was a fan of Infowars. Alex also continues analysis of the holes in the bombing narrative, and gives further insight into the FBI’s role in creating and foiling its own terror plots.

“Other photos will not be deemed credible”…

FBI briefing on Boston bombings postponed. The FBI said it “needs more time to prepare”…

Ben Swann analyzes the biggest national media event under a different light… SEE HERE…


[video] Wringing a Wet Towel in Orbit

What happens if you wring out a wet towel while floating in space?
The water shouldn’t fall toward the floor because while orbiting the Earth,
free falling objects will appear to float.
But will the water fly out from the towel, or what?

Watch Video Here

[video] Extreme Jumping Dog — Amazing!!!

[video] The Physical Ashen Remains of Sodom & Gomorrah – Discovered by Ron Wyatt

The remains of Sodom and Gomorrah, situated beside the Dead Sea, can be easily visited today. These sites were first identified by Ron Wyatt in the late 1980s. As this video shows, Lab tests help confirm that these locations are indeed the remains of the ancient cities, destroyed by the fire and brimstone as described in Genesis 19.

* * *

[youtube=]The Physical Ashen Remains of Sodom & Gomorrah


Uploaded on Oct 18, 2007

The remains of Sodom and Gomorrah, situated beside the Dead Sea, can be easily visited today. These sites were first identified by Ron Wyatt in the late 1980s. As this video shows, Lab tests help confirm that these locations are indeed the remains of the ancient cities, destroyed by the fire and brimstone as described in Genesis 19. These cities are a testimony to the validity of God’s Word, and a reminder that God is both a God of justice as well as mercy.

Revealing God’s Treasure: Red Sea Crossing — See chariot parts and people parts in the sea where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground!
Revealing God’s Treasure: Mt. Sinai — See the blackened, burned peak, the split rock which Moses struck, and the altar which the golden calf was placed!
Revealing God’s Treasure – Ark of the Covenant — North of Jerusalem, hidden in a cave, rests the Ark of the Covenant, found by Ron Wyatt thru the Lord’s leading!
Revealing God’s Treasure: Noah’s Ark Found by the Late Ron Wyatt
The Physical Ashen Remains of Sodom & Gomorrah – Discovered by Ron Wyatt
Ron Wyatt – January 1999: Ark of the Covenant Discovery
[8-minute video] The crucifixion site of Christ: Ron Wyatt’s AMAZING Ark of the Covenant discovery! — Jesus’ blood travelled down the crack in the rock to fall on the MERCY SEAT on the ark!
Kent Hovind: Did Ron Wyatt Find the Ark of the Covenant?
[ audio ] Ron Wyatt Blood of Christ

[video] Revealing God's Treasure: Mt. Sinai — See the blackened, burned peak, the split rock which Moses struck, and the altar which the golden calf was placed!

[youtube=]Revealing God’s Treasure – Mt. Sinai


Uploaded on May 7, 2008

The real Mt. Sinai is over in Saudi Arabia, just as Paul said. See the blackened, burned peak, the split rock which Moses struck, and the altar which the golden calf was placed.

Revealing God’s Treasure: Red Sea Crossing — See chariot parts and people parts in the sea where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground!
Revealing God’s Treasure: Noah’s Ark Found by the Late Ron Wyatt
Revealing God’s Treasure – Ark of the Covenant — North of Jerusalem, hidden in a cave, rests the Ark of the Covenant, found by Ron Wyatt thru the Lord’s leading!
Ron Wyatt – January 1999: Ark of the Covenant Discovery
[8-minute video] The crucifixion site of Christ: Ron Wyatt’s AMAZING Ark of the Covenant discovery! — Jesus’ blood travelled down the crack in the rock to fall on the MERCY SEAT on the ark!
Kent Hovind: Did Ron Wyatt Find the Ark of the Covenant?
[ audio ] Ron Wyatt Blood of Christ
The Physical Ashen Remains of Sodom & Gomorrah – Discovered by Ron Wyatt

[video] Revealing God's Treasure: Red Sea Crossing — See chariot parts and people parts in the sea where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground!

[youtube=]Revealing God’s Treasure – Red Sea Crossing


Uploaded on May 7, 2008

See chariot parts and people parts in the sea where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground.

Revealing God’s Treasure: Mt. Sinai — See the blackened, burned peak, the split rock which Moses struck, and the altar which the golden calf was placed!
Revealing God’s Treasure – Ark of the Covenant — North of Jerusalem, hidden in a cave, rests the Ark of the Covenant, found by Ron Wyatt thru the Lord’s leading!
Revealing God’s Treasure: Noah’s Ark Found by the Late Ron Wyatt
Ron Wyatt – January 1999: Ark of the Covenant Discovery
[8-minute video] The crucifixion site of Christ: Ron Wyatt’s AMAZING Ark of the Covenant discovery! — Jesus’ blood travelled down the crack in the rock to fall on the MERCY SEAT on the ark!
Kent Hovind: Did Ron Wyatt Find the Ark of the Covenant?
[ audio ] Ron Wyatt Blood of Christ
The Physical Ashen Remains of Sodom & Gomorrah – Discovered by Ron Wyatt

[video] Revealing God's Treasure: Noah's Ark Found by the Late Ron Wyatt

[youtube=]Revealing God’s Treasure – Noah’s Ark


Uploaded on May 10, 2008

Travel to Eastern Turkey with us and see Noah’s Ark National Park, complete with visitors’ center. Found by the late Ron Wyatt.

Revealing God’s Treasure: Red Sea Crossing — See chariot parts and people parts in the sea where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground!
Revealing God’s Treasure: Mt. Sinai — See the blackened, burned peak, the split rock which Moses struck, and the altar which the golden calf was placed!
Revealing God’s Treasure – Ark of the Covenant — North of Jerusalem, hidden in a cave, rests the Ark of the Covenant, found by Ron Wyatt thru the Lord’s leading!
Ron Wyatt – January 1999: Ark of the Covenant Discovery
[8-minute video] The crucifixion site of Christ: Ron Wyatt’s AMAZING Ark of the Covenant discovery! — Jesus’ blood travelled down the crack in the rock to fall on the MERCY SEAT on the ark!
Kent Hovind: Did Ron Wyatt Find the Ark of the Covenant?
[ audio ] Ron Wyatt Blood of Christ
The Physical Ashen Remains of Sodom & Gomorrah – Discovered by Ron Wyatt

[video] Revealing God's Treasure: Ark of the Covenant — North of Jerusalem, hidden in a cave, rests the Ark of the Covenant, found by Ron Wyatt thru the Lord's leading!

[youtube=]Revealing God’s Treasure – Ark of the Covenant


Uploaded on May 14, 2008

North of Jerusalem, hidden in a cave, rests the Ark of the Covenant, found by Ron Wyatt thru the Lord’s leading.

Ron Wyatt – January 1999: Ark of the Covenant Discovery
[8-minute video] The crucifixion site of Christ: Ron Wyatt’s AMAZING Ark of the Covenant discovery! — Jesus’ blood travelled down the crack in the rock to fall on the MERCY SEAT on the ark!
Kent Hovind: Did Ron Wyatt Find the Ark of the Covenant?
[ audio ] Ron Wyatt Blood of Christ
The Physical Ashen Remains of Sodom & Gomorrah – Discovered by Ron Wyatt

[8-minute video] The crucifixion site of Christ: Ron Wyatt's AMAZING Ark of the Covenant discovery! — Jesus' blood travelled down the crack in the rock to fall on the MERCY SEAT on the Ark!

I’m surprised hardly anyone is talking about; though, I saw videos on this important discovery in the ’90s. One is linked, below.
– –

[youtube=]The crucifixion site of Christ


Uploaded on Aug 24, 2007 presents Jim Pinkoski describing Jesus’ crucifixion that was directly above the Ark of the Covenant, hidden in a cave by Jeremiah in 586 BC, found by Ron Wyatt

Ron Wyatt – January 1999: Ark of the Covenant Discovery
Kent Hovind: Did Ron Wyatt Find the Ark of the Covenant?
[ audio ] Ron Wyatt Blood of Christ
The Physical Ashen Remains of Sodom & Gomorrah – Discovered by Ron Wyatt
Revealing God’s Treasure: Red Sea Crossing — See chariot parts and people parts in the sea where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground!
Revealing God’s Treasure: Mt. Sinai — See the blackened, burned peak, the split rock which Moses struck, and the altar which the golden calf was placed!
Revealing God’s Treasure – Ark of the Covenant — North of Jerusalem, hidden in a cave, rests the Ark of the Covenant, found by Ron Wyatt thru the Lord’s leading!
Revealing God’s Treasure: Noah’s Ark Found by the Late Ron Wyatt

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