Freedom from Alaska!

Category: $Money$ ToBeFree Page 18 of 21

G. Edward Griffin’s Descriptively Titled News Links

Select examples of G. Edward Griffin’s descriptively titled news headlines from the Reality Zone Unfiltered News

UK: Government backs Lloyds Savings Bank to buy British Bank HBOS for $22.2 billion. Taxpayers will cover the losses through inflation. Bloomberg 2008 Sept 19 (Cached)

Iran conducts large-scale military exercise in preparation for attack by U.S. Live Leak 2008 Sept 18 (Cached)

US: We the People Foundation files lawsuit to stop federal government from using taxpayers’ money to bail out AIG, a private insurance company.
2008 Sept 18 (Cached)

US: Government loans $85 billion to AIG Insurance Co. to keep it in business, receives claim to 80% of the company’s stock. The money was created out of nothing by the Federal Reserve and will trigger additional inflation. Yahoo 2008 Sept 17 (Cached)

Russia: Government halts stock trading after market falls 25% in three days and gives $44 billion to banks to keep them in business. Taxpayers will bear the final cost through inflation. Bloomberg 2008 Sept 17 (Cached)

US: Congress passes $612 billion defense spending bill – money it does not have but will get from Americans through inflation. Yahoo 2008 Sept 17 (Cached)

US: Bloomberg warns that “next-wave crisis” may be that foreigners stop buying American debt. If they stop, then Federal Reserve will have to do it with money created out of nothing, which will accelerate inflation even more. Yahoo 2008 Sept 17 (Cached)

US: Investors in droves are pulling their money out of funds and banks to buy government securities even at near-zero interest rates – also buying gold and silver. The melt-down is here. Money News 2008 Sept 17 (Cached)

Former Mexico President, Vicente Fox, tells American workers who have lost jobs to other countries to “Get over it” and retrain for a global economy. He also advocates the North American Union – you know, the thing that network news says doesn’t exist.
2008 Sept 16 (Cached)

US: Large Money Market fund stops redeeming its shares when price falls below $1.
USA Today
2008 Sept 16 (Cached)

UK: Government testing new device using satellites to limit automobile speeds. Big Brother will be watching from space. Telegraph 2008 Sept 15 (Cached)

US: Newspapers in key-election states distribute 28 million DVDs depicting extremist Muslim leaders advocating world conquest. Purpose is to frighten Americans into continuing support for aggressive war in Middle East. Very powerful propaganda.
Raw Story
2008 Sept 13

Entire Unfiltered News Links from the Reality Zone

McCain: “The Fundamentals of Economy are Strong” | Obama: “The Most Serious Financial Crisis Since the Great Depression”

From: Democracy Now!

McCain: Fundamentals of Economy Remain Strong

On the campaign trail, Senator John McCain said that the fundamentals of the economy remain strong.

Sen. John McCain: “You know that there’s been tremendous turmoil in our financial markets and Wall Street. And it is—people are frightened by these events. Our economy, I think, still, the fundamentals of our economy are strong, but these are very, very difficult time. And I promise you we will never put America in this position again. We will clean up Wall street. We will reform government. And this is a failure.”

Senator Barack Obama accused McCain of subscribing to the same economic philosophy as President Bush.

Sen. Barack Obama: “For eight years, we’ve had policies that have shredded consumer protections, that have loosened oversight and regulation and encouraged out-sized bonuses to CEO’s while ignoring middle-class Americans. The result is the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression. And I certainly don’t fault Senator John McCain for these problems, but I do fault the economic philosophy he subscribes to, because it’s the same philosophy we’ve had for the last eight years.”


Bob Chapman: Illuminati Temporarily Propping Up Economy to Fool Americans Into Electing McCain

From: The International Forecaster, 9/13/08

“By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.” This line from Shakespeare’s play, “Macbeth,” comes to mind when we consider the future of America as we watch our government continue to take on debt after debt after inane debt, heaping more and more responsibility for the financial obtuseness of its privileged elite on its hapless peon taxpayers, profligately spending, borrowing, bailing out and inflating us into some sort of nightmarish, moral hazard oblivion. Welcome to our new Banana Republic, a country that is now characterized by nonstop hyperinflation, bailouts and moral hazard – and which will soon decline into another Great Depression. The nationalization of Fannie and Freddie has set us on a path from which there can be no return, carving out for us a much wider and deeper swath of financial death and destruction of a magnitude never dreamed of by even the most pessimistic among us. Our economy is now in a temporary state of suspended animation by use of an economic act of smoke and mirrors, with the Sword of Damocles waiting overhead, waiting to chop us into tiny pieces. The implications are dire. And worse yet, this has all been planned for a while now, having been decided by the Illuminati soon after they watched their precious system burn to the ground right before their eyes a year ago in August. Hence, you heard Goldman Sachs pronounce late last year: “Short Gold for 2008.” They knew this was coming last year, because these evil reprobates planned it to happen that way. They knew the jig was up when their subprime plot was exposed by analyst Meredith Whitney of Oppenheimer & Co. They knew the implosion of Fannie and Freddie would happen eventually when the fraudulent mortgages started to go bad, but it happened far sooner than they had wanted or expected, and caught them with their pants down. So, what was supposed to be a future plan to merge our mortgage lending system into their growing corporatist, fascist, financial structure, was moved from the back burner to the front burner, and now you all see the results in spades.

What we may be witnessing here is a combination of internecine warfare between American and European branches of the Illuminati, mixed in with financial warfare between countries that are not yet totally owned and controlled by the Illuminati, like China and Russia, and those countries which are under the Illuminist yoke, like the US, Canada, Europe and Japan. Note that the Middle East countries like to play both ends to the middle, by pitting the Europeans against the Americans, or Illuminist dominated nations against non-Illuminist nations, which often adds clouds of confusion to events going down on the international front. …

So the Illuminati have been forced by these circumstances to re-strengthen the dollar, and to bail out the GSE bondholders. They made the other nations wait until the time was right, meaning that they wanted to implement this appeasement at a time of their choosing, the objective being to make America look strong economically right before elections to keep their incumbent henchmen in power. They also managed to wedge in an oil/food/commodity profit extravaganza for the tanking fraudsters along the way, with a nice little temporary trade deficit reduction thrown in for good measure via the weakened dollar. Hence, just before elections, the dollar has been pushed up, and the GSE’s have been nationalized.

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Hear Bob Chapman discuss this on Dr. Stanley Montieth’s Radio Liberty—9/15 program and others

Ron Paul: “The Fooling of the People Still Goes On” | Predicted Fanny/Freddy Bailout 5 Years Ago (Glen Beck 9/10/08)


Our $100 Trillion National Debt


The “official” debt of the United States is only around $10 trillion dollars as of August 6, 2008. This is a manageable number; we could pay it off in a few decades if we quit buying luxuries like food and clothing, and take a few other minor economy measures. Unfortunately, the “$10 trillion” number was produced by government accounting, which among other things allows one to ignore Social Security, Medicare, and the new prescription drug benefit. This is like ignoring rent, food, and utilities in your household budget… it will lead to a few bounced checks. Our real debt is about ten times higher.

Who says so? The President of the Dallas Federal Reserve, Richard W. Fisher. In a May speech at the Commonwealth Club of California, he states that the US national debt is close to $100 trillion. You can read his whole speech at the Federal Reserve web site.

The Real Debt

Here is what he said regarding the actual US debt:

“Add together the unfunded liabilities from Medicare and Social Security, and it comes to $99.2 trillion over the infinite horizon. Traditional Medicare composes about 69 percent, the new drug benefit roughly 17 percent and Social Security the remaining 14 percent.”

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Bob Chapman Critiques Lindsey Williams’ “The Next 12 Months” Theory

From: The International Forecaster, 7/26/08

Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Transalaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of his concern for the spiritual welfare of the “pipeliners,” Mr. Williams volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to the information that is documented in his book, “The Energy Non-Crisis,” which shows that peak oil is a scam because our domestic reserves in the North Slope of Alaska alone are at least as large as those in Saudi Arabia and are potentially large enough to power the US with domestic oil for two centuries. Recently this year, due to the sensitive nature of his book, Mr. Williams’ life was threatened and he was forced to shut down his web-site and stop selling his books and CDs. At the urging of Dr. Stanley Monteith of Radio Liberty, he called back the same oil executive who had warned him about the danger he would be in if he continued to disseminate certain information to ask if in fact there was any information that he could in fact convey to the public without upsetting the powers that be. The oil executive, who Mr. Williams had known for years, gave Mr. Williams some startling revelations which he could safely reveal to the general public. As you know, the Illuminati are arrogant enough to reveal some of their plans because they believe there is nothing we can do about it.

Basically, Mr. Williams was told that over the next twelve months, from mid-2008 to mid-2009, (1) news of super giant oil fields, ready to produce, would be announced for two locations, in the Northern Slopes of Russia and in Indonesia, which oil fields would together contain more oil reserves than the entire Middle East; (2) that this news would drive oil prices down to $50/barrel; (3) that OPEC countries, especially in the Middle East, would be bankrupted by this price decrease; (4) that this would cause the financing of our foreign trade and current account deficits through purchases of treasury paper by foreign nations with their surplus oil profits to collapse, leading to the collapse of the dollar; (5) that the collapse of the dollar would cause unprecedented financial strife and turmoil in the US, and that it would take many years for the US to recover from this financial debacle; (6) that they (big oil) support John McCain for President; and (7) that US domestic oil reserves would never be tapped, and that any legislation which might allow domestic reserves to be tapped would not be allowed to pass, leaving the US dependent on foreign oil forever.

News of the Russian oil field has been announced just as predicted, but whether the rest happens as stated above remains to be seen. Nevertheless, many of these revelations seem quite feasible, so we thought we would comment on how these revelations might play out under the current financial scenario.

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Lindsey Williams Returns: Get Ready for $5 a Gallon Gasoline and Major Food Price Increases! – Alex Jones Tv

Lindsey Williams: The Elite Speak — Dollar to devalue by 30-50% in the next 12 months

Lindsey Williams on Radio Liberty: Lindsey predicts…

Lindsey Williams Returns: Confessions of an Elitist Who Has Now Passed. When the Euro dies we just have 2 to 3 weeks until it happens to US!

Lindsey Williams Returns: Get Ready for $150 Barrel of Oil and Mr. X Revealed!

Lindsey Williams: Deathbed Globalist “Spills Gut” On Plan to Destroy America

Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones Tv: Lindsey talked with elite insider again (2/24/10) about the future of America and monetary system, the globalist plans for the rest of the world — “The dollar will be dead by 2012.”

Lindsey Williams on the Two Year Globalist Timetable: “They have some definite plans. Now whether they will succeed and accomplish it or not is another story. I hope they don’t, but on the other hand, that is their timeline”

[10/23/09] Lindsey Williams: We Have Just 2 Years to Get Our Act Together?

[10/20/09] Lindsey Williams Back on Alex Jones Tv: Total Economic Collapse of America in 2 Years? / “The Devil’s Messiah”

[10/19/09] Globalist Insider Tells Lindsey Williams: “Within TWO YEARS you will not recognize America. … You will be so poor you will not be able to rebel”

Lindsey Williams’ Book Now Online: “The Energy Non-Crisis”

Skousen: Gas Price Manipulation—Public Needs to Demand Opening of the Gull Island Oil Field (Alaska)

Lindsey Williams: The Energy *Non*-Crisis—Alaska’s ‘Classified’ Oil Reserve Largest on Earth?

Lindsey Williams’ Life Threatened by Tycoon for Speaking Out About the Non-Energy Crisis


From: Web of Debt

Most people, evidently including Mr. Grant, actually think that the Federal Reserve is a federal agency; and that paper dollars are issued by the government; and that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are federal mortgage giants. The American people are silent because they have been duped into believing they have gotten what they wanted. In fact, what the people got was not at all what the Populists fought for, or what their leader William Jennings Bryan thought he was approving when he voted for the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. …

To get their bill past the opposition in Congress, the Wall Street faction changed its name to the Federal Reserve Act and brought it three days before Christmas, when Congress was preoccupied with departure for the holidays. The bill was so obscurely worded that no one really understood its provisions. …

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was a major coup for the international bankers. They had battled for more than a century to establish a private central bank in the United States with the exclusive right to “monetize” the government’s debt; that is, to print their own money and exchange it for government securities or I.O.U.s. The Federal Reserve Act authorized a private central bank to create money out of nothing, lend it to the government at interest, and control the national money supply, expanding or contracting it at will. Representative Charles Lindbergh Sr. called the Act “the worst legislative crime of the ages.” He warned prophetically….

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Bob Chapman: What’s Really Going on with the Stock Market & How to Protect Your Assets, 7/18/08

[youtube=]Part 1

Jim Rogers: Abolish the ‘Federal’ Reserve to Save the Economy


Who Owns the Federal Reserve? — This chart shows the ROTHSCHILDS at the top, whom many consider the wealthiest family in the world. But the ROCKEFELLERS…. | The owners try to hide their identities by holding their ownership in the names of their lawyers or via ‘street’ names.

This chart shows the Rothschilds at the top, whom many consider the wealthiest family in the world. But the Rockefellers are also positioned as major shareholders of the New York branch. And it has been said that key owners of the Fed are the owners of the New York branch.

The owners try to hide their identities by holding their ownership in the names of their lawyers or via ‘street’ names.

Here is a basic overview of their history and globalist agenda.


Bob Chapman: Who Owns the Fed? “The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, etc.”

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families (Part 1 of 4: The Morgans, The Rockefellers)

Who owns the stock of the Federal Reserve Banks? – Eustace Mullins

G. Edward Griffin: The “Federal” Reserve is a Privately Owned Cartel

Alex Jones: Police Know The Federal Reserve is Private! — The FED is an unaccountable, “private, offshore, Rothschild bank,” and must be ended or our children and grandchildren will be slaves. END THE FED!

Starring Ron Paul & Ed Griffin: “Fiat Empire—Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution”

Pastor Baldwin: Moneychangers Destroying America—And Christians Don’t See It

David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”

David Rockefeller (1991): “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected THEIR PROMISE OF DISCRETION for almost forty years… It would have been impossible for us to develop OUR PLAN FOR THE WORLD….”

Norman Dodd: Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations INTENTIONALLY ALTERED AMERICAN HISTORY in Order to Merge America Into a Monopoly They Control

Wealthiest Americans NOT Gates or Buffet: Rockefellers Worth $11.48 TRILLION in 1998!

Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

Globalist kingpin, David Rockefeller’s beetle (bug) collection — names species after himself

Jerome Corsi: The shocking truth about INFLATION

From: WorldNetDaily

Why is it that the federal government says the U.S. has virtually no inflation – less that 2 percent – but everything keeps getting more expensive, especially food and gasoline? …

Solving this riddle – that is, why everything costs so much when the government tells us inflation rates are low – is simple:

The Bureau of Labor Statistics lies.

Inflation numbers are intentionally manipulated to keep cost-of-living numbers low.

If the average chief executive officer cooked balance sheet numbers the way the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates the Consumer Price Index, the CEO would be in jail, even without Sarbanes-Oxley reporting standards.

Why does the federal government lie about inflation?

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Bob Chapman: Retiring During Double-Digit Inflation—Calculation ‘Fun’

From: Bob Chapman’s International Forecaster, 4/26/08

Sociopathic Economics, Denial, and the Weakening Dollar

They claim inflation is 4%, when it is over 12%. They claim unemployment is 5% when it is 14%. They claim we lost 80,000 jobs last month when most likely we lost over 300,000. They claim our economy is turning around as consumer confidence drops to the lows of the early 1980’s and in light of the fact that 70% of our tanking economy is driven by consumer spending. They make it look like the big banks and financial institutions are being bailed out by the Fed when it is really the taxpayers doing the bailing through HUD, FHLB, Fannie, Freddie and hyperinflation. They say banks are starting to show signs of recovery even as their insolvency deepens due to the ongoing destruction of a mountain of quivering derivatives as foreclosures accelerate, as real estate prices plummet, as maniacal bets are unwound and as the bear market in bonds gets underway because rate cuts appear to be subsiding for a short while, at least until the next debacle hits. The old “we’re in it for the long term” is being bandied about again by the media morons (aka commentators) to keep the dupes in so the Illuminati can bail out at the top through their dark pools of liquidity while everyone else is left holding the bag.

Our government officials as well as banking and corporate leaders have created a culture permeated with pathological liars and sociopaths. They subscribe to the same situational ethics, which they are teaching to our children so they can grow up to be miscreants like them. Some of them may even believe their own lies, being unable to separate truth from fiction anymore because the lying has been so rampant and pervasive. Some have probably even forgotten what the real truth is, having not entertained it or even thought about it for decades. And who can blame the ones who have, for the real truth is nothing less than terrifying. Their plans call for the depopulation of five billion people by starvation, disease and who knows what else, the destruction of western economies and the beggaring and serfdom of the citizens of the US, Canada and Western Europe, all with the whimsical hope that we can all dance around the One World maypole together some day before they haul us all off to internment camps.

The disconnect that has occurred between what we are told and what we actually experience must be leaving uninformed non-subscribers [to The International Forecaster] in a surreal state, where they can no longer reconcile what their eyes see with what their ears hear. You have two choices. You can become a subscriber to the IF, or you can enter “The Twilight Zone.”

We thought we would have a little calculation fun in this issue to show you the devastating effects of inflation along with the deflation of real estate. If these calculations do not get you motivated to institute some change, nothing will.

Let’s say you’re a millionaire in the year 2000 when you decide to retire. You have exactly 1 million dollars set aside for your retirement. Assume that on average you invest it conservatively outside of precious metals and commodities at a very generous 5% return after taxes from the beginning of 2000 to the end of 2011. According to Shadowstats, inflation has averaged around 9% from 2000 to 2007, and we expect it to average about 15% for the period 2008 to 2011, which is extremely conservative considering that actual GDP, as opposed to official GDP, is a negative 2% to 3% or so, while M3 is running between 17% and 18%, giving us an inflation spread of about 20% that will soon manifest itself in 2009 and beyond. Even current inflation is already over 12%. So let’s see how much money you have left in dollars based on the dollar’s buying power in the year 2000 when you get to the year 2011. Some simple math shows that in the year 2011 you would have $1,795,856 in 2011 dollars, but the buying power equivalent in year 2000 dollars would only be a very disappointing $515,309. You’re no longer a millionaire by year 2000 standards. In fact, your buying power has been cut in half! And if inflation is not stopped at some point, it will only get worse! Had you only managed a 2% after tax return instead of 5%, you would have $1,268,242 dollars in 2011 dollars, but your buying power in year 2000 dollars is reduced to a stinking $363,913, or about a third of what you started with! Now let’s throw in the withdrawals you had to make and the taxes you had to pay along the way, and any thoughts you might have concerning your upcoming retirement get downright depressing. Then try to imagine how you would feel if your original kitty was only $200,000, or $100,000 or, like most people, a measly $50,000 or less. Then you get pauperized!

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Inflation: U.S. Government Understating the CPI By a Full 7.6%!

From: The Market Oracle

Until now, the discrepancy between actual inflation and the government’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) was largely an academic debate few people paid much attention to.

Now, however, with real-world consumer prices jumping right before our eyes … while the government’s distorted CPI still lingers near the 4% area, the gap between the two is about to burst onto the scene as a scandalous cover-up.

According to John Williams’ Shadow Statistics , the premier source of unadulterated U.S. economic indicators …

    • While the March year-over-year change in the official CPI was only 3.98% …
    • The true CPI, based on the same standards as those that prevailed before the Clinton administration, is now 11.58%!

This means that the gap between the official CPI and the alternate CPI is now a whopping 7.6 percentage points.

In other words, the U.S. government could now be understating the CPI by a full 7.6%!

Moreover, over the years, this gap has widened dramatically. Until January 1982, there was no gap whatsoever; and until November 1986, the gap was usually less than 1%. But then, it started widening like mad, and has been getting bigger ever since.

See entire article with charts


Congress Wants Steel Pennies As In WWII

From: CNN

Further evidence that times are tough: It now costs more than a penny to make a penny. And the cost of a nickel is more than 7½ cents.

Surging prices for copper, zinc and nickel have some in Congress trying to bring back the steel-made pennies of World War II and maybe using steel for nickels, as well. …

The proposals are alternatives to what many consider a more pragmatic, but politically impossible solution to the penny problem: getting rid of the penny altogether.

“People still want pennies, which is why we’re still making them,” Moy said.

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Steve Quayle Quote: Those Who Take the Golden Parachutes

Transcribed by myself. Probably an exact quote, but I couldn’t rewind live radio to make sure.

~”The people who are taking the golden parachutes
don’t have our best interest at heart.”

– Steve Quayle
Coast to Coast AM, 4/19/08

Joan Veon: The Global Financial Crisis—Deceit, Deception & Distortion

From: News with Views

While there are many examples of treachery in human history: those against innocent people, against those who invented something that the more powerful interests did not want to compete with, those against rulers by those who wanted their kingdom, and those against government so they could distort a country’s monetary system for their own financial gain and empowerment. In light of the expanding and evolving global financial crisis, this is where we find ourselves. In reality, we are seeing the global empowerment of a central banking system which is now global. They are now creating the conditions to give them the rest of the regulatory powers they still lack.

If one looks at the financial history of America, they will see from the beginning there was a political and financial tug of war over whether a private corporation, like the Bank of England, would control our monetary system. Alexander Hamilton favored the aristocratic tradition of central banking versus that of Thomas Jefferson who was for limited government that controlled our monetary system.

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Joan Veon: The Final Trump of The British Over America

From: News with Views

Unlike the 17th Century battles fought on American soil to give us our independence from Great Britain, the final battle of brilliant maneuvers and institutions began in 1903 to delicately orchestrate the gradual reintegration of the United States with Great Britain. The military genius of the plan would be for American armies to unite with Britain in the name of world peace; the common enemy being, WWI, WWII, and the war on terrorism. The second wave would be on an international level to bring order to a disorderly global market while merging financial and regulatory authorities. It was the money of one man that started the ball rolling.

Cecil John Rhodes, a British aristocrat who died in 1902, funded the merger by leaving his gold and diamond fortune as a means to bring America back under British rule, believing the British was the finest race in the world. Those agreeing with his mission included many wealthy American industrialists who, in 1903, pledged allegiance to the British Crown when they founded the Pilgrim Society. This powerful society still meets today as a secret membership.


The British have overturned the outcome of the War of 1812. British accents have become common on our TVs and radios. There is an increase in movies about the British monarchs. The British outvote the U.S. on all international levels. Powerful groups comprised of key CEO’s, economists, and politicians, such as the Pilgrim Society, the RIIA and the Council on Foreign Relations are working to reintegrate America under British rule. Our military and intelligence agencies now work very closely with one another, and now our financial and regulatory system is being merged through the UK-US working group. And I say to you, not one shot was fired!

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Vicente Fox Admits Amero & North American Union on Larry King – 10/8/07

KING: E-mail from…New Jersey. “Mr. Fox, I would like to know how you feel about the possibility of having a Latin America united with one currency?”

FOX: Long term, very long term. What we propose together, President Bush and myself, it’s ALCA, which is a trade union for all of the Americas. And everything was running fluently until Hugo Chavez came. He decided to isolate himself. He decided to combat the idea and destroy the idea…

KING: It’s going to be like the euro dollar, you mean?

FOX: Well, that would be long, long term. I think the processes to go, first step into is trading agreement. And then further on, a new vision, like we are trying to do with NAFTA.


[youtube=]Vicente Fox admits it – North American Union

Uploaded by on Jun 30, 2008

The Amero on CNBC: “The Amero is the Proposed New Currency for the North American Community” – 11/27/06




Ron Paul on Glenn Beck 4/1/08: Big Oil Not the Main Problem




Don’t Blame Me…I Voted For Ron Paul




Fed ‘Bailout’ of Bear Stearns First of its Kind Since Great Depression

From: Democracy Now

MAX FRAAD WOLFF: …I take a bit of an issue with the description that Bear Stearns was bailed out. Everybody Bear Stearns does business with was bailed out. Bear Stearns was taken out by the Federal Reserve and JPMorgan, which then served Bear Stearns’s still-warm remains to JPMorgan Chase [one of the owners of the “Federal” Reserve – ed.]. …

NOMI PRINS: … So when I was talking to my old friends there and my old colleagues there, I was getting comments like, you know, this is like getting literally punched in the face. This is like—one of the fellows who runs one of the areas said, “You know what? This is literally like having, you know, a child die. It’s like being raped.” It’s all of these things. You know, you leave work on Friday after the stock is down $30, you come in on Monday morning, having heard Sunday that you’re being taken out at $2 a share, and you know. And one of the guys in there who actually kind of was knowing what was going on said, you know, this was the government shutting us down.
So, as Max was saying, a bailout is one way to look at—the Fed bailed part of the banking industry out by shutting down Bear Stearns and coming in there to look like it was saving the day.

See, hear or read entire story

Ron Paul: The ‘Federal’ Reserve is an Illegal & Immoral Institution.




Bernanke: Federal Reserve Caused the Great Depression

From: WorldNetDaily

Despite the varied theories espoused by many establishment economists, it was none other than the Federal Reserve that caused the Great Depression and the horrific suffering, deprivation and dislocation America and the world experienced in its wake. At least, that’s the clearly stated view of current Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke.

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“Go Ron Paul”: The Economy—Inflation—He’s the Man!




Lee Rogers: The Federal Reserve Is Destroying America

From: Funny Money Report

At this point it seems pretty certain that we are facing an inflationary depression. What’s awful is that much of this is being done by design. The Federal Reserve would prefer to save the banking cartel instead of doing what’s best for the American people. A stable U.S. Dollar would be what’s best for the American people but of course they aren’t moving in that direction. It is likely that we are seeing the start of a domino collapse in the U.S. financial system and it’s going to get ugly.

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Jim Rogers: The Fed is Throwing Dollar Out the Window




Bear Bailout: Why Aren’t We Furious?

From: ProLibertate, by William N. Grigg

A few nights ago, at the end of a day devoted to productive and pacific pursuits, after you had surrendered to a few hours of well-earned sleep, the people who presume to rule us raided your bank accounts.

No, I’m not referring to the Regime’s ability to monitor your financial transactions, a power displayed to dramatic effect in the prostitution sting that ended Eliot Spitzer’s lamentable career. Yes, you’ve probably been subject to totalitarian scrutiny of that sort at some point as well, but that’s a topic for another occasion.

Right now, I’m talking about the Federal Reserve’s most recent wealth redistribution plan, through which hundreds of billions of “dollars” will be created in an effort to stave off bank failures — an effort that will not succeed.

To create this so-called “money,” the Fed has to steal the value of what each of us has earned, saved, or invested.

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Ron Paul Advisor Peter Schiff On Cavuto: “Let Them Go Under”



“Why should the average American have to pay more for gasoline and more for food because these Wall Street guys screwed up? Let them go under.”

“All they’re doing is buying time.”

“We have all of the ingredients for a major market meltdown.”

“It was a bubble economy all along. It was never real.”


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