Part 1: (audio) Germar Rudolf: Persecution of ‘Holocaust’ Revisionists – Red Ice Radio 7/29/16
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Part 1: (audio) Germar Rudolf: Persecution of ‘Holocaust’ Revisionists – Red Ice Radio 7/29/16
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Alex says Christopher Bollyn went “OFF THE RADAR,” and then continues to help keep Christopher off the radar.
It’s reverse-truther hosts like Alex who won’t let Christopher be on the radar! Alex has the biggest platform, and won’t let the truthers who would make the biggest difference tell their story.
Alex knows full well the Talmudic orchestration of 9/11. He produced a video laying out Israel’s key role:
(video) ‘FABLED ENEMIES’: 9/11 ISRAELI CONNECTION, etc. – Produced by Alex Jones — “The time has come for a restoration of our morality as a people” – Jason Bermas
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I finally found out who is the bold man behind the amazing voice that narrates some jaw dropping videos that I’ve posted, such as:
Apparently, he makes the videos that he narrates too!
From: (vid) Germar Rudolf: The Ugly Truth Interview — Forensically disproved gas chamber myth • Imprisoned for telling the truth • No-hate attitude • Rabbis use ‘Holocaust’ story to frighten Jews so they see non-Jews and truthers as enemies and do not assimilate
QUESTION by Ron Hall (08:25):
“How do you get your patience and your calming demeanor…?”
ANSWER by Germar Rudolf:
(1) “Part is probably a matter of personality: not to bear grudges. And always try to look forward, because that’s where life is. If you have a backward view of life you’re not getting anywhere. That’s probably the most important thing.”
(2) “What balances my life is my family. That’s very important to me to keep me grounded.”
(3) And he “blows off steam” through cycling, swimming, rowing and working out.
The 9/11 Heist
In 1998, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey agreed to privatize the World Trade Center, the complex of office towers in Lower Manhattan that they had owned and operated since their construction in 1973. In April 2001 an agreement was reached with a consortium of investors led by Silverstein Properties and on July 24th, 2001 Larry Silverstein, who already owned World Trade Center Building 7, signed a 99 year lease for the Twin Towers and Buildings 4 and 5.
The lease was for $3.2 billion, and was financed by a bridge loan from GMAC, the commercial mortgage arm of General Motors, as well as $111 million from Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre, individual real estate investors. Silverstein Properties only put down $14 million of its own money.
The deal was unusual in a variety of ways. Although the Port Authority carried only $1.5 billion of insurance coverage on the WTC complex, which earlier that year had been valued at $1.2 billion, Silverstein had insisted on doubling that amount, insuring the buildings for $3.55 billion. Silverstein’s insurance broker struggled to put that much coverage in place and ultimately had to split it among 25 dealers. The negotiations were so involved that only temporary contracts were in place for the insurance at the time the lease was signed and by September the contracts were still being finalized.
Silverstein’s group was also explicitly given the right to rebuild the structures if they were destroyed, and even to expand the amount of retail space on the site if rebuilding did take place.
Within hours of the destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11th, Silverstein was on the phone to his lawyers, trying to determine if his insurance policies could “construe the attacks as two separate, insurable incidents rather than one.” Silverstein spent years in the courts attempting to win $7.1 billion from his $3.55 billion insurance policy and in 2007 walked away with $4.55 billion, the largest single insurance settlement ever. As soon as the deal was announced Silverstein sued United and American Airlines for a further $3.5 billion for their “negligence” in the 9/11 attacks, a claim that was struck down by the courts but is still on appeal.
Perhaps even more outrageously, in a secret deal in 2003, the Port Authority agreed to pay back 80% of their initial equity in the lease, but allowed the Silverstein group to maintain control of the site. The deal gave Silverstein, Goldman and Cayre $98 million of the $125 million they put down on the lease, and a further $130 million in insurance proceeds that were earmarked for the site’s rebuilding.
In the end, Silverstein profited from the 9/11 attacks to the tune of $4.55 billion and counting.
But that’s the 9/11 insurance heist you saw. There was a much deeper, more complex, and well-hidden heist that was taking place behind closed doors on September 11, 2001, deep in the heart of the World Trade Center itself. …
So what was the project really about? Why was it so important for it to be finished before September 11th, and what kind of transactions did it enable? More importantly, what information was lost when the data center on the 95th floor of the North Tower suffered a direct hit on 9/11 and the buildings were demolished? …
Although the put options on American and United Airlines are usually cited in reference to the 9/11 insider trading, these trades only represent a fraction of the suspicious trades leading up to the attack. Between August 20th and September 10th, abnormally large spikes in put option activity appeared in trades involving dozens of different companies whose stocks plunged after the attack including Boeing, Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan, Citigroup, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, Munich Re and the AXA Group. …
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From what I’ve seen, this is the most in-depth interview in which Ernst tells his life story from little on.
Thanks to Jim Fetzer for your boldness and for asking many appropriate questions; to Jim Rizoli for your fearlessness and for producing this video; and to whoever did this extensive transcription, included in full below the video.
Thank you: Ingrid Zundel! Bless you!!!
NOTE: at the time of posting, the video’s title says this is Ernst’s last interview. After Ernst’s death, another was released, and perhaps more may surface.
Some key points:
17:15 Ernst took Dale Carnegie courses, and read “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” which teaches character building tools essential to win people’s trust in this fierce, Talmudic dominated arena:
-Six ways to make people like you
-Twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking
-Nine ways to change people without arousing resentment
51:00 Ernst ran for prime minister of Canada: “I was the ‘Ron Paul’ of Canada at the time.”
10:07:00 Ernst fought and won a less well known Stuttgart, Germany court case in 1981, which lasted almost two years.
1:14:00 & 1:32:00 Why the US disgustingly sent Ernst back to Canada
1:27:00 To celebrate their defeat of Germany, the Talmudists burned down Ernst’s home in Toronto, including much of his 6,000 volume library!
1:34:00 “This is the first time I’m speaking to somebody in this detail.”
1:41:00 “I have been so disgusted by what has happened to me. You are the first person after my ordeal, I can call it that, you know, that I have ever talked to at such length. Because of what I saw you say on that Alex Jones channel, and what my wife told me what kind of a man you were, then I saw the bio of your research you had done over the years, I thought to myself, although it is dangerous for me to say this, you know, to speak out in public, I thought that if anybody was going to give me a fair shake, it was going to be Professor Jim Fetzer.”
The neocons jailed US Congressman James Traficant in federal prison because he publicly exposed their Talmudic, anti-US agenda, and couldn’t be bribed. He served his time, and later died from a possible freak accident — suicided because he threatened their NWO agenda?
Rep. James Traficant was one of our last, true patriotic leaders, for whom we should be thankful.
Related: The Death Of James Traficant
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Jim Traficant | “Israel has used us like a whore!”
It wasn’t easy, finding Jim Traficant. Without the help of the American Free Press, (AFP), we never would have found him. Traficant of Youngstown Ohio was running for his old Congressional seat. What sort of campaign could he be running? After all, we’d seen the Greta von Susteren Fox News interview (Sept. 9, 2009, just a few days after Traficant was released from prison). Here’s some of what Traficant had said, “I believe that Israel has a powerful strangle hold on the American government. They control…the House and Senate. They have us involved in wars of which we have little or no interest. Our children are coming back in body bags. Our nation is bankrupt over these wars, and if you open your mouth, you get targeted. And if they don’t beat you at the polls, they’ll put you in prison… It’s an objective assessment that no one will have the courage to speak about. They’re controlling much of our foreign policy. They’re influencing much of our domestic policy. Wolfowitz as Under Secretary of Defense manipulated President Bush #2 back into Iraq. They pushed definitely, definitely to try and get Bush, before he left, to move into Iran. We’re conducting expansionist policy of Israel and everybody’s afraid to say it. They control much of the media…”
WAS IT POSSIBLE somewhere in Ohio someone could say such things and not be ostracized, denounced, trounced? Actually, no. There really was no campaign. Few in the political business dared have anything to do with him, donate to him, invite him, quote him. Only a maverick Tea Party organizer offered him an evening campaign event. Otherwise, the popular sheriff and then Congressman was pretty much shunned. And yet he came in a close third on Nov.2, 2010, with over 30,000 votes.
Kevin MacDonald: Evolution, God, and Anger
Kevin MacDonald ( evolutionary psychology professor and writer talks evolution and natural selection (survival of the fittest), brains getting bigger in subhuman primates. He doesn’t believe in God or Satan. He writes about “white identity,” and explains that whites were 90% of the population in 1960, when he was a liberal. He talks immigration policy. He said Jews, specifically the Frankfurt School, came up with propaganda that said whites should not believe in white identity (because that’s “racist”), but everyone else can have “identity politics.” He wanted equal treatment but didn’t want to transform the country. Jesse agrees that if whites become a minority it’s over for America. Whites were indoctrinated not to be “racist.” Why do whites allow themselves to be overtaken? They’re individualistic and want to be a good person. He became angry when he was writing his books (such as The Culture of Critique) and learned about immigration destroying the white majority. As he changed from liberal toward the right (he’s Identitarian now), liberal friends turned on him, stopped talking to him, including at Cal State Long Beach where he was a professor — he voted for Ronald Reagan in the 80s. At Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA, Alt-Right figure Baked Alaska was sprayed in the eyes with hydrochloric acid and he may go blind. Black Twitter is celebrating. How does Kevin MacDonald see most black people? They are very angry and maladjusted. Does he hate Jews? No. Does he love Jews? No. White men have a weak personality that causes destruction. Caller questions whether Jewish influence is as big as white advocates say.
Follow Kevin MacDonald on Twitter!
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Shows: The Jesse Lee Peterson Show (live M-F 6-9am PT) The Fallen State (seasonal Weds 6pm PT) Church (Sunday 11am PT)
Books by Jesse Lee Peterson:
The Antidote: Healing America From the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood (2015)…
The Seven Guaranteed Steps to Spiritual, Family and Financial Success (1996, 2007): PAPERBACK:… KINDLE:
Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America (2005)…
From Rage to Responsibility (2000)…
That was an absolute home run!!! Richie was wonderful! Hats off to David Icke too! WoW!!!
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“What’s wrong with having an open debate? … The anti-revisionists don’t want this because they know that they will lose.” – Alison Chabloz
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Alison Chabloz “The Campaign Against Antisemitism Is Anti Civil Rights & Terrified Of Debate!”……
Tune in at 7pm GMT Mon – Thurs………
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I hope James Perloff takes this subject on. He would take this to a new level of understanding for many.
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The reason slavery is the popular justification for the Civil War, is that it’s the only way to excuse the gross amount of illegal actions taken by Lincoln for engaging in a war to prevent the Confederacy from having the right to govern themselves. The Civil War was an illegal war, carried out by the North to retain America’s biggest cash crops: cotton and tobacco, and to justify it, the North came up with one of the great lies of history.
The Civil War was Not for Slavery
The Civil War was NOT a war for slavery rebuttal to Prager University video that falsely claims the Civil War was about slavery. More stories about banning the Confederate flag and removing other history at…
The reason slavery is the popular justification for the Civil War, is that it’s the only way to excuse the gross amount of illegal actions taken by Lincoln for engaging in a war to prevent the Confederacy from having the right to govern themselves. The Civil War was an illegal war, carried out by the North to retain America’s biggest cash crops: cotton and tobacco, and to justify it, the North came up with one of the great lies of history.
Sources in video:
Prager University video:…
Lincoln’s Comments on Blacks in the 4th Lincoln-Douglas Debate (Page 50)…………………………
Responses to most popular objections in the bottom of description:
1, Everyone knows the Civil War was for slavery, or so-and-so expert says the Civil War was about slavery or this random guy on YouTube is not an expert
Response: Fallacy of Faulty Appeal of Authority—arguing that a claim is true because someone else believes it
Comment: This guy is a neo-Confederate, or this is the Southern Lost Cause on YouTube
Response: This is a Circumstantial Ad hominem- claiming a person is motivated to make an argument, and therefore, it can’t be true.
Most all other comments that object to the video either present evidence that was debunked in the video (because they probably didn’t watch the whole video) or are not responding to something that was said in the video
Comedian Dick Gregory Dead at the Age of 84
May 13, 2010
33:50 “Jeff, I was always the type that said it’s better to light one candle than to curse darkness.”
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Ernst Zundel & Jeff Rense
I agree with Richard that if one doesn’t love someone that doesn’t mean he/she hates them. But otherwise, Richard’s answer is not good.
In this interview, Richard says he’s an atheist, and never was close to his father. It’s possible he doesn’t really love anyone — and therefore shouldn’t be a leader.
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Jesse asks Richard Spencer “Do You Love Black People?” Jesse Lee Peterson – Alt-Right – Funny
In a clip of his interview with Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer, Jesse presses him to answer whether he loves black people. He says he respects and appreciates the African race, but he really loves his people. Jesse insists if you’re either of love or of hate, and it applies to everyone.
23:30 Spencer admits to being an atheist.
25:00 Didn’t have good relationship with his father.
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Richard Spencer: Whites Need IDENTITY POLITICS to Survive Jesse interviews Richard Spencer, co-editor of and president of the National Policy Institute ( Richard advocates for white identity politics, but Jesse wishes whites would simply get over fear and stand for what is right, in order to unite America. Richard is an atheist former Episcopalian, closer to his mother than his hard-working ophthalmologist father, and wants to be closer to his father but wants to be close to his kids more than that. Jesse explains that “racism” does not exist, and has never existed. Blacks are disliked today because of their poor culture. But blacks were not always this way, they were more moral during the Jim Crow days in the South, but that disappeared with the Civil Rights Movement, forced busing, etc. Richard says the Alt-Lite is into the edginess, like Mike Cernovich whom Jesse knows, civic nationalists, but they have tension with the Alt-Right because they’re not into race (Richard calls them toothless). Caller says American culture is no longer European culture, and talks about black influence on music, language, attitudes, as well as cultural appropriation from American Indians. Richard says that whites are the genius behind America, like the Japanese are in Japan, that whites are supreme.
Donate to support Jesse’s nonprofit, BOND: “Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man”
Other YouTube channels: – BOND – The Fallen State
Social Media:
Websites: Jesse’s site BOND nonprofit
Shows: The Jesse Lee Peterson Show (live M-F 6-9am PT) The Fallen State (seasonal Weds 6pm PT) Church (Sunday 11am PT)
Books by Jesse Lee Peterson:
The Antidote: Healing America From the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood (2015)…
The Seven Guaranteed Steps to Spiritual, Family and Financial Success (1996, 2007): PAPERBACK:… KINDLE:
Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America (2005)…
From Rage to Responsibility (2000)…
The first half of this video covers the late, great Ernst Zundel, freedom fighter, truther par excellence!
At 22:20, I finally find out why Ernst Zundel was deported from the USA. Paul says that all of the meetings with immigration had gone well, but immigration requested one more ‘minor’ interview. Ernst’s lawyer had a scheduling conflict, so his lawyer faxed them, attempting to reschedule. Instead of rescheduling (perhaps Ernst’s lawyer missed their reply, or the powers that shouldn’t be were looking for any excuse…), immigration raided the Zundels’ home, took Ernst away in handcuffs, and sent him to Canada, who imprisoned Ernst for two years in solitary confinement, making the absurd claim that he was a threat to national security, because of guilt by association, discussed at 14:05:
Ernst attended a few William Pierce lectures in the late ’70s. Pierce wrote a book that Timothy McVeigh read, and since McVeigh supposedly blew up the Murrah Building, Ernst was imprisoned for being a threat to national security. [This is completely bogus, including the fact that McVeigh’s fertilizer bomb was proven by General Partin to not have been the bomb destroyed the building.]
On May 2, 2003, Canadian Citizenship and Immigration Minister Denis Coderre and Solicitor General Wayne Easter issued a “national security certificate” against Zündel under the provisions of the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, indicating that he was a threat to Canada’s national security owing to his alleged links with violent neo-Nazi groups, including Aryan Nations leader Richard Girnt Butler, neo-Nazi Christian Worch, and former Canadian Aryan Nations leader Terry Long, as well as Ewald Althans, convicted in a German court in 1995 of charges that included insulting the memory of the dead and insulting the state.
Zündel moved twice to have Canadian Federal Court justice Pierre Blais recuse himself from the case for “badgering and accusing the witness of lying” and exhibiting “open hostility” towards Zündel, and filed two constitutional challenges, one in the Ontario courts and one in the federal courts, both unsuccessful.
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Jim Rizoli Paul Fromm interview Aug 18, 2017
Jim Rizoli interview of Canadian Free Speech activist Paul Fromm.
Discussion centers on Ernnst Zundel, and White Nationalist free speech issues.
Rarely, will the MSM post an entire segment on YouTube, unless they feel their carefully edited hit piece will do considerable damage.
At the time of this posting, this video has 8,000 LIKES and 41,000 DISLIKES!
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Alex Jones Of ‘Infowars,’ Conspiracy Theories, And Trump Campaign (Full) | Megyn Kelly | NBC News
Megyn Kelly reports on the incendiary conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and “InfoWars.”
1:06:10 “Personal sacrifice, suffering, sweat, blood and lots of tears, along with physical and sexual self-control, reigning in our emotions, being steady at the helm of our lives, that’s how we will bring forth the heroes necessary for the enormously difficult but historically necessary task of liberating ourselves from alien interference. There will be no instant solution. …” – Ernst Zundel, transcribed by Jeff Fenske
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Ernst Zundel: A Spartan of the Spirit
Published on Oct 28, 2012
Paul Eisen, the founder of Deir Yassin Remembered, wrote this:
Ernst Zundel is, in my view, the greatest dissident of our time.
I’d read about Ernst and I’d written about him, but it was only two years ago that I met him. He was soft-spoken, kind and gentle but every so often you could see the flash of steel. He’d just been released from prison and was engaged in rebuilding his ancestral home. It’s a peasant’s house in the Black Forest, in the heart of Germany – and it had housed his woodcutter father, his large family and the young Ernst.
Never have I seen an edifice so rooted in the land. Like Ernst himself, it seemed to grow out of the soil.
In this documentary, you will meet an entirely different Ernst Zündel — not the “hate-spewing” firebrand a poisonous mainstream media has painted him to be, but the sensitive, creative artist who spent one-tenth of his life incarcerated for his outspoken political convictions on behalf of his demonized people — and still retained his extraordinary spirit of defiance.”
8:19 Released from prison
21:00 Lady Renouf: “The great human tragedy…”
18:22 & 25:24 At Childhood home
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A personal Telling Films tribute by Lady Michèle Renouf to German-Canadian artist, publisher and dedicated campaigner for historical truth Ernst Zündel, born 23rd April 1939, died 5th August 2017 at his ancestral home in southern Germany. Uniquely interviewed as he was released from Mannheim Prison in 2010 and during his journey back to his childhood home in the Black Forest, and updated in this unexpurgated version after Ernst Zündel’s death, this film documents his decades of legal struggle for source-critical justice in Canada and Germany, literally illustrated by Ernst’s own art works created during his years of imprisonment, and includes an interview with his lawyer Dr. Herbert Schaller.
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Outstanding article by Michael Hoffman about one of the greatest men of our time!
There was so much for me to bold, I decided to post the entire article. I hope Michael doesn’t mind. This is a masterpiece, rich with information!
Ernst chose Michael to write the story of his most well known trial in the book mentioned at the end.
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“Je suis le bouc.” L.-F. Céline
By Michael Hoffman
Ernst Zündel (above, right), with his attorney, Dr. Herbert Schaller, March 1, 2010, just moments after he emerged from Mannheim prison for the first time in five years.
Ernst Zündel died of heart failure on August 5 at his ancestral home in the Black Forest region of southwestern Germany, near Pforzheim, one day before the anniversary of the atomic holocaust in the city of Hiroshima, Japan. He was 78. He passed away seven years and five months after having served seven years in confinement in Canadian and German prisons for thought crimes committed as a publisher, broadcaster and protestor. To make the inquisition against this German human rights activist palatable to the public, his “crime” is monotonously described as “inciting hatred for years with anti-Semitic activities.”
In America the yahoos are stirred to outrage by the spectre of Islamic “Sharia law” coming to Mayberry, while they are oblivious to the Talmudic law and psychology which suffuses the U.S.A.. Talmudic halacha is a two-tiered legal system: one law for the Holy People and another for everyone else. Thus it is written in Sanhedrin 57a, “Regarding bloodshed, the following distinction applies: if a non-Jew killed another non-Jew, or a non-Jew killed a Jew, the killer is liable for execution; if a Jew killed a non-Jew he is exempt from punishment.”
By the same logic, if a Judaic incites hatred of Germans it is not a crime, it is a well-deserved act of retribution. Zündel spent his life fighting this corrupt double-standard. He did so not for philosophical or ideological reasons. Rather, he believed that relentless anti-German hate propaganda was a kind of psychological warfare and mental genocide which internally colonized the souls of the German people, radically reducing their self-worth and causing them to engage in self-destructive and suicidal behavior.
His lifelong campaign to counter anti-German hatred and Talmudic bigotry has been transformed through the alchemy of media falsification into itself an act of hate, and it is at this omega point that Ernst’s persona has been frozen by the Establishment. “He was a hater!” That’s all we’re supposed to know, or need to know, about his life and work.
Having emigrated to Canada as a young man of 19, he became a sought-after graphic artist, working for national magazines. That he was a public relations genius is indisputable. In the 1960s he began placing advertisements in comic books, urging freedom for imprisoned Nazi leader Rudolf Hess, and for a volume about “Nazi UFOs,” the latter a publicity stunt intended to build the revisionist history mailing list he was gradually compiling. By the late 1970s, when the Newspeak distortion of the word “holocaust” began to be appropriated by the Zionist lobby and applied exclusively to the sufferings (both real and imagined) of Judaic people in World War II, Ernst began his counter-offensive, making contact with the academics and historians in the burgeoning revisionist history movement that was questioning the “Holocaust” liturgy.
By 1983 his mass mailings had become so extensive that the powerful Zionist lobby in Canada persuaded the government to ban Zündel from using the mail. He was forced to publish from a Buffalo, New York-area post office, hundreds of miles from his base in Toronto. For publishing doubts about the existence of execution gassing facilities in concentration camps, he was indicted for distributing “false news.” He went to court in Toronto in January, 1985, in what would become known as “The Great Holocaust Trial,” having assembled a stellar legal and history research team led by Doug Christie, who was at that time an obscure, upstart attorney from British Columbia, and Dr. Robert Faurisson, a French academic with a vast command of World War II revisionist history.
“Ernst fought a tremendous fight; he paid a huge price; he was an inspiration to many people; he was a good friend to many, and it’s a real loss.” – Paul Fromm
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Many know that Ernst was banned from the USA, where his wife, Ingrid lived in Tennessee. So he has been living in Germany since being wrongfully banned. I haven’t known until now why Ingrid couldn’t live with Ernst in Germany. Paul explains at 51:30 that she was afraid of being arrested in Germany for her real-history activism in the USA, so they would sometimes meet in neutral countries.
Ernst was 78 — an awesomely amazing human being whom I believe God is proud of — which we can’t say about many anymore, sadly. Ernst really did fight the good fight! And it’s so sad that so few truthers helped him and Ingrid by telling the truth about the ‘Holocaust’ so we can be free!
“BLESSED are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be the CHILDREN OF GOD.”
— Jesus in Mt. 5:9
Eulogy for Ernst Zundel
Ernst Zundel did more for the truth about the Holocaust than anyone else in the world. He died of a heart attack at his home in Germany with his sister there, on August 5th, 2017. The next day Brian Ruhe and Paul Fromm made this video. Paul Fromm from the Canadian Association for Free Expression first met Ernst Zundel around 1973 and he shares his many memories of Ernst in this eulogy.
Ernst’s trusted aid, Michael Hoffman wrote, “To make the inquisition against this German human rights activist palatable to the public, his “crime” is monotonously described as “inciting hatred for years with anti-Semitic activities.”
In America the yahoos are stirred to outrage by the spectre of Islamic “Sharia law” coming to Mayberry, while they are oblivious to the Talmudic law and psychology which suffuses the U.S.A. Talmudic halacha is a two-tiered legal system: one law for the Holy People and another for everyone else. Thus it is written in Sanhedrin 57a, “Regarding bloodshed, the following distinction applies: if a non-Jew killed another non-Jew, or a non-Jew killed a Jew, the killer is liable for execution; if a Jew killed a non-Jew he is exempt from punishment.”
By the same logic, if a Judaic incites hatred of Germans it is not a crime, it is a well-deserved act of retribution. Zündel spent his life fighting this corrupt double-standard. He did so not for philosophical or ideological reasons. Rather, he believed that relentless anti-German hate propaganda was a kind of psychological warfare and mental genocide which internally colonized the souls of the German people, radically reducing their self-worth and causing them to engage in self-destructive and suicidal behavior.
His lifelong campaign to counter anti-German hatred and Talmudic bigotry has been transformed through the alchemy of media falsification into itself an act of hate, and it is at this omega point that Ernst’s persona has been frozen by the Establishment. “He was a hater!” That’s all we’re supposed to know, or need to know, about his life and work.”
Right after Ernst’s death I posted this on the website:
Ernst Zundel was the Paul Revere of Holocaust revisionism and I shed a tear when I got the news this morning. To me, he was part of the foundation under my feet in what I work for and strive for today. He accomplished so much of the results that we build upon. Without his great success at telling the world the truth about WW II and Germany, I could not be going as far as I have gone with my message in my YouTube vidoes. I will miss him but I also celebrate his great life, lived to age 78. I hope he has a happy rebirth amongst the National Socialist devas (angels) in Nuremberg heaven. Bless you Ernst Zundel!!
Ernst Zündel – in memoriam (March 1st, 1939 – August 5th, 2017)
Ernst Zündel died aged 78 on saturday, August 5th, 2017, at his parental home in Calmbach/Bad Wildbad/Black Forest/Germany.
In memory to this extraordinary German man a short video with pictures from his life. The original video was made for his 70th birthday.
Unbowed – that was Ernst, until the end.
See also the article on CBC:…
Even on and after his death they continue lying:
1. He died on saturday, 5th August, not sunday.
2. He didn’t (!) receive credit in Mannheim for his time served in Canadian solitary confinement.
3. He brought good news to the Jewish people not terrible anguish. But their leaders turned his good news into the perceived anguish.
EZ at University of Alabama, Huntsville 1994
Chester’s Broken Wrist | LPTV #16 | Linkin Park
Watch Chester as he talks about his broken wrist in Melbourne. |
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Chester’s bandmate, Mike Shinoda:
“We were booked to play the show [Jimmy Kimmel Live] so that we could promote our new single ‘Heavy’ and then we heard the news about Chris Cornell and had had a little pow-wow in the dressing room before we went on and we said, ya know, the thing that’s good for the band to do is play ‘Heavy,’ but the right thing to do is play ‘One More Light’ because it’s about the loss of a friend.”
“When we were doing a sound check Chester couldn’t even make it through the song, he was getting halfway through and getting choked up. And even when we did play the whole song, and it was live on TV, or taped for film for TV, he kind of just stopped like towards the end like he missed the last couple lines, just couldn’t finish the song. Fans were crying in the audience, and I think it was cathartic, I think it was good.”
“The message of the song is when you are dealing with something so deep as losing a friend, or in this case somebody you just admire, somebody you look up to when we’re talking about some of these fans in the audience… one of the things I think you can do is reach out to people and offer them community, let them know we’re a family, we’re community, we care about each other. Whether a friend who lost somebody, a family member or whatever, to reach out and let them know even that you’re thinking about them, sometimes that’s enough.” (source)
Linkin Park Performs “One More Light”
Linkin Park Performs “One More Light” on Jimmy Kimmel Live
Related: (video) LINKIN PARK tribute to CHRIS CORNELL – ‘One More Light’ – Jimmy Kimmel Live
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“We were booked to play the show [Jimmy Kimmel Live] so that we could promote our new single ‘Heavy’ and then we heard the news about Chris Cornell and had had a little pow-wow in the dressing room before we went on and we said, ya know, the thing that’s good for the band to do is play ‘Heavy,’ but the right thing to do is play ‘One More Light’ because it’s about the loss of a friend.”
“When we were doing a sound check Chester couldn’t even make it through the song, he was getting halfway through and getting choked up. And even when we did play the whole song, and it was live on TV, or taped for film for TV, he kind of just stopped like towards the end like he missed the last couple lines, just couldn’t finish the song. Fans were crying in the audience, and I think it was cathartic, I think it was good.”
“The message of the song is when you are dealing with something so deep as losing a friend, or in this case somebody you just admire, somebody you look up to when we’re talking about some of these fans in the audience… one of the things I think you can do is reach out to people and offer them community, let them know we’re a family, we’re community, we care about each other. Whether a friend who lost somebody, a family member or whatever, to reach out and let them know even that you’re thinking about them, sometimes that’s enough.” – Mike Shinoda
Chester Bennington’s Bandmate: Linkin Park Singer Was Hit Hard by Chris Cornell’s Suicide
Weeks before Linkin Park’s Chester Bennington was found dead, his bandmate, Mike Shinoda, detailed Bennington’s emotional reaction to the suicide of Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell. Bennington and Cornell were close friends, so Linkin Park decided to perform “One More Light” in his honor. But Bennington kept getting choked up and had a hard time making it through the song, written about “the loss of a friend.” If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Chester Bennington was sexually abused and molested at the age of 7 (seven) years old by an older male “friend.” He was afraid to ask for help because he did not want people to think he was g-a-y or lying, and the abuse continued until the age of 13. He was also physically bullied in high school. In an interview, he said, “I was knocked around like a rag doll at school, for being skinny and looking different. Bennington’s parents divorced when he was 11 years old, and his father gained custody of him. After the divorce, Bennington started abusing marijuana, alcohol, opium, cocaine, methamphetamine, and LSD. And for the rest of his life, he would suffer from depression and addiction to drugs and alcohol. In spite of all of this, he applied his talents and traumatic pain into music and created a long-lasting legacy. He will be remembered by his fans, and survived his six children and family.
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Top 50 Disturbing Lyrics That Predicted Chester Bennington’s Suicide
Top 50 Disturbing Lyrics That Predicted Chester Bennington’s Suicide. A breakdown of most haunting songs from the Linkin Park band.
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The songs with the most disturbing lyrical content are:
Waiting For The End, Breaking The Habit, Leave Out All The Rest, Given Up, One More Light, Shadow Of The Day, Nobody Can Save Me, In The End, and to name a few.
Chester was subtly giving his beloved fans warning signs of his worsening mental condition.
Linkin Park frontman and lead vocalist Chester Bennington. The critically acclaimed singer was found dead on July 20, 2017. He & Mike Shinoda helped put nu-metal on the map along with KoRn, Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, and other acts.
Details we know so far:
Chester Bennington was sexually abused and molested at the age of 7 (seven) years old by an older male “friend.” He was afraid to ask for help because he did not want people to think he was g-a-y or lying, and the abuse continued until the age of 13. He was also physically bullied in high school. In an interview, he said, “I was knocked around like a rag doll at school, for being skinny and looking different. Bennington’s parents divorced when he was 11 years old, and his father gained custody of him. After the divorce, Bennington started abusing marijuana, alcohol, opium, cocaine, methamphetamine, and LSD. And for the rest of his life, he would suffer from depression and addiction to drugs and alcohol. In spite of all of this, he applied his talents and traumatic pain into music and created a long-lasting legacy. He will be remembered by his fans, and survived his six children and family.
Friends and family of Linkin Park lead singer Chester Bennington are in absolute ‘shock’ over the rock star’s apparent suicide as it’s revealed they believed he ‘was in a good place in his life’.
The 41-year-old was found dead in his home in Palos Verdes near Los Angeles shortly before 9am on Thursday.
A Los Angeles County coroner confirmed they were investigating Bennington’s death as an apparent suicide but no additional details were available.
Law enforcement officials say Bennington hanged himself from a door, in a similar manner to friend Chris Cornell, in his bedroom and he was home alone at the time, according to TMZ. He was found upstairs by his housekeeper.
Band-mate Joe Hahn arrived at his home on Thursday afternoon. Other friends and relatives flipped the finger to photographers gathered outside.
After news of his shock death emerged, friends said that while they never suspected he’d kill himself, Bennington was ‘never the same’ after the death of his close friend Chris Cornell.
His apparent suicide coincided with Cornell’s birthday. The Soundgarden rocker killed himself in May by hanging.
Chester Bennington was sexually abused and molested at the age of 7 (seven) years old by an older male “friend.” He was afraid to ask for help because he did not want people to think he was g-a-y or lying, and the abuse continued until the age of 13. He was also physically bullied in high school. In an interview, he said, “I was knocked around like a rag doll at school, for being skinny and looking different. Bennington’s parents divorced when he was 11 years old, and his father gained custody of him. After the divorce, Bennington started abusing marijuana, alcohol, opium, cocaine, methamphetamine, and LSD. And for the rest of his life, he would suffer from depression and addiction to drugs and alcohol. In spite of all of this, he applied his talents and traumatic pain into music and created a long-lasting legacy. He will be remembered by his fans, and survived his six children and family.
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This Was Chester Bennington’s LAST Interview… (VERY SAD Interview)
The reason behind Linkin Park’s Chester Bennington’s suicide is in this RARE video. He reveals his battles with depression, the death of Chris Cornell, drug & alcohol abuse, addiction, suicide thoughts & ideations, not wanting to be alive, relationship problems, his fallout with Stone Temple Pilots, and more. He also talks about what he did on his very last 41st birthday. This was very last cry for help. Mike Shinoda accompanies him in this deeply shocking, troubling, unseen interview.
Linkin Park frontman and lead vocalist Chester Bennington. The critically acclaimed singer was found dead on July 20, 2017. He & Mike Shinoda helped put nu-metal on the map along with KoRn, Slipknot, Limp Bizkit, and other acts.
Details we know so far:
It’s been just over a week since Chester Bennington was found dead from apparent suicide, yet his fans continue to show unwavering support for the Linkin Park frontman. The band has endorsed more than 300 memorials for the singer organized by LP fans and ambassadors across the globe.
Linkin Park co-founder Mike Shinoda spoke directly to fans regarding Bennington’s death in an Instagram post on Friday. In the post, he invited his followers to celebrate his bandmate locally via a Google doc at
Some memorials have already taken place — such as the ones in Burbank and New York City — while others are expected to occur as far into the future as October. But the Linkin Park-approved services aren’t only reserved for North American music lovers. Memorials have also been planned for multiple cities across Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and South America. Fans can even verify their own memorials for Bennington by making a public Facebook event and subsequently messaging the band.
Chester Bennington was sexually abused and molested at the age of 7 (seven) years old by an older male “friend.” He was afraid to ask for help because he did not want people to think he was g-a-y or lying, and the abuse continued until the age of 13. He was also physically bullied in high school. In an interview, he said, “I was knocked around like a rag doll at school, for being skinny and looking different. Bennington’s parents divorced when he was 11 years old, and his father gained custody of him. After the divorce, Bennington started abusing marijuana, alcohol, opium, cocaine, methamphetamine, and LSD. And for the rest of his life, he would suffer from depression and addiction to drugs and alcohol. In spite of all of this, he applied his talents and traumatic pain into music and created a long-lasting legacy. He will be remembered by his fans, and survived his six children and family.
Friends and family of Linkin Park lead singer Chester Bennington are in absolute ‘shock’ over the rock star’s apparent suicide as it’s revealed they believed he ‘was in a good place in his life’.
The 41-year-old was found dead in his home in Palos Verdes near Los Angeles shortly before 9am on Thursday.
A Los Angeles County coroner confirmed they were investigating Bennington’s death as an apparent suicide but no additional details were available.
Law enforcement officials say Bennington hanged himself from a door, in a similar manner to friend Chris Cornell, in his bedroom and he was home alone at the time, according to TMZ. He was found upstairs by his housekeeper.
Band-mate Joe Hahn arrived at his home on Thursday afternoon. Other friends and relatives flipped the finger to photographers gathered outside.
After news of his shock death emerged, friends said that while they never suspected he’d kill himself, Bennington was ‘never the same’ after the death of his close friend Chris Cornell.
His apparent suicide coincided with Cornell’s birthday. The Soundgarden rocker killed himself in May by hanging. …
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