Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Personal

[Photo] Bohemian Grove


I’m standing at the entrance to Bohemian Grove,
a secret society where our ‘conservative’ leaders ‘worship[ed]’:
both President George Bushes
and President Reagan

in front of the 30-foot stone owl
during the Cremation of Care mock human sacrifice.

There is no way I would infiltrate.
And incidentally, this was off-season.

Staying nearby in Petaluma,
I just had to see the entrance.

Dr. Stanley Monteith


Dr. Stanley Monteith speaking
at the Radio Liberty Conference 2004

[Photo] At the Monteith’s


Mom and myself with Dr. Stanley and Barbara Monteith
in their home above Santa Cruz
after a long weekend for Dr. Stan,
the 2004 Radio Liberty Conference


DR. STANLEY MONTEITH, Host of Radio Liberty, PASSES AWAY AT 85 — “Coming to you from the hills overlooking beautiful and picturesque Monterey Bay, bringing you the news behind the news, the story behind the story — hoping to convince you that reality is usually scoffed at and that illusion is usually king. But in the battle for survival for western civilization it’s going to be reality, and not illusion or delusion that will determine what the future will bring”

[Photo] Joe Schimmel


Joe Schimmel giving his They Sold Their Souls for Rock -N- Roll presentation
at the Radio Liberty 2004 Conference

This is where Joe and I discussed once-saved-always-saved
and Robert Shank’s books:
Life in the Son and Elect in the Son

Related is my post at ONEcanhappen:
Joe Schimmel: The Great Deception—Once Saved, Always Saved

Charlie Sheen Demands Obama Reopen 9/11 Investigation In Video Message | My Disclaimer Based on My Own Research

This is very important — EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!! May the truth finally be known by all!

But I would like to mention one area where I disagree.

Charlie is still saying that a 757 could not have hit the Pentagon. I have found evidence to the contrary:

• the landing gear photo — 757, not Global Hawk [and the controversial rotor photo did show a rotor of approximately the right size to be in the rear of a 757’s engine]

• the close-up photos of the damage to the Kevlar reinforced fascia of the building seems to span the width of a 757

• real experts say that the aluminum skin would have shattered upon impact

• engine holes are in the right place in the photos

• the width of the light poles broken on the way in

• Contrary to what many are saying, the released video does show a projectile approximately the diameter of a 757 striking the Pentagon — when one does the measurements, which I’ve done [measure the height of the building at the impact zone (helicopter landing zone gives a clear reference point) and the diameter of the projectile, and compare with the actual known figures. Case closed, unless the video was doctored]. The main reason that many thought the object to be too small to be a 757 is probably that the camera’s lens was wide angle (notice how tiny the building gets too), which makes distant objects appear smaller than the way our eyes see

• None of the evidence I’ve seen proves a 757 did not hit the Pentagon

This is why I’ve devoted my attention on this site to the Twin Towers and Building 7, which also seems to be the practice of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. The evidence is overwhelming that the planes did not take down the towers.

Let’s be free!

Jeff Fenske


From: Prison Planet

Actor Charlie Sheen has followed up on his “20 Minutes With The President” letter by directly addressing President Obama in a You Tube clip to request he use his executive power to reopen the investigation into 9/11 and its aftermath.

On Tuesday, Sheen published a fictional account of a meeting with the President on radio talk show host Alex Jones’ and Prison websites in which Obama was confronted about what Sheen alleges is a cover-up surrounding 9/11. In his letter, Sheen requests a real meeting with Barack Obama.

Now Sheen has taken his challenge a step further by appearing in a You Tube video that asks Obama to “be on the right side of history” by reopening an investigation into 9/11, while highlighting that the majority of the 9/11 Commission members have publicly dismissed the official government version of the attacks as a deception, with former Senator and Commission member Max Cleland labeling the government response to the Commission’s questions as “disgusting” and “a scam”.

Sheen highlights several issues in the video, including the unexplained collapse of WTC 7, a 47-story building that was not hit by a plane yet collapsed in free fall fashion into its own footprint within 7 seconds later in the afternoon on September 11. He also cites multiple reports from firefighters, police, first responders and others who were at ground zero and who all described explosions before the collapse of the twin towers and Building 7.

He also discusses how former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds broke her gag order to go public with the revelation that Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda were working with the U.S. government right up until the day of 9/11.

Sheen also demands to know why NORAD’s standard operating procedure was not followed on 9/11, allowing the hijacked jetliners to find their targets, asking, “Where were the planes?”

Sheen expresses his hope that President Obama has read his letter, adding, “We have questions Mr. President, lots of questions….people of the United States and the world demand the truth sir,” adding that Obama has the power and the responsibility to initiate “a truly independent Congressional investigation into the events of 9/11 as well as its aftermath.”

“We want our country back Mr. President, therefore I’m not just calling on you I’m calling on your team, I’m calling on each and every American citizen to wake up, stand up, and demand the truth,” states Sheen in the video.

Related: Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

“It Can Happen!!!” YES 90125: The Song that inspired the name for my site ONEcanhappen!

Poor audio, but you get the idea. This is the DVD to get for the real experience: Yes 9012 Live (1985)

Great, great, great song!!!

Thanks YES with Trevor Rabin!!

I will be forever grateful!

It WILL happen!


Rock in Rio Brazil Jon Anderson Tony Kaye Trevor Rabin Chris Squire Alan White

My YES-inspired site: ONEcanhappen

Moby: “Flower” (‘Gone is 60 Seconds’ intro)

This is another of those incredible repeatables which I really have put on ‘repeat 1’ on my CD player for an hour +. It sets the mood.

Great soundtrack by Trevor Rabin, who was also fabulous in the group YES’ 90125 tour — It Can Happen!!!

Which is where I got the idea for how to name my inner-freedom site: ONEcanhappen.


“No Hate,” Himself (John Wooden) Recognized as the Greatest Coach! Why?


Better late than never….

A little over a year ago, I finally (not being a basketball fan) discovered John Wooden. I happened to see Bill Walton on Charlie Jones Live to Tape* — and the way Bill talked about Coach Wooden — WoW!! This started me on my search.

Here is leadership the way it is supposed to be, hate-free, which sadly, I haven’t seen demonstrated very much in most of the leaders whom I have known personally. Why is Godly leadership so rare in America? I recently wrote this article at ONEcanhappen, thinking hate is a huge reason why. Hate destroys leaders’ ability and right to lead: The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!! Let’s Get Free to Bring in the True Kingdom!!!!!!!

Finally, I found the gold standard — a man who not only did it, but skillfully explains how to do it (he started out as an English teacher).

I watched everything I could find (on TV, DVD and online), and then I sat down and carefully read his book, Wooden on Leadership, cover to cover, small pieces at a time, actually underlining and marking about 1/3 of it. I highly recommend this book!

I’m amazed at this man: his heart; his genuine love for others, wishing them all (black or white) to succeed in life (not just in the game); being firm when he knows he’s right, but always open to hearing about or seeing a better way to do it; his thorough research, being willing to try new things; etc..

What a man. No wonder why his players still love him so! He was way more power-under than power-over. And he was so careful, thinking out every aspect which he painstakingly implemented.

But John Wooden wasn’t born “no hate.” He gives a few examples in chapter 7 in Wooden on Leadership. Early in his career, he said he made a decision about a player that still bothers him to this day, because he reacted out of emotion instead of doing the right thing. And on one occasion, he actually punched out the opposing coach in response to the false accusations and string of expletives that coach was spewing at him. But coach Wooden learned from his mistakes. He not only learned to control himself externally, but also internally — not even thinking hateful thoughts.

Coach John Wooden is an example to us all! He deserves this award. What a heart of gold!

Success is peace of mind, a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming, and not just in a physical way: seek ye first the kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be yours as well.”

– John Wooden (source)

John Wooden is clearly a Christian.

Jeff Fenske : )

* sadly I just learned that Charlie Jones has passed away. I also very much enjoyed Charlie’s interviews with ‘the gold standard,’ himself and also Ken Blanchard.


From: AP, UCLA’s Wooden honored as sports’ greatest coach

John Wooden’s friends, family and former players all say they didn’t need an award from a national magazine to confirm the identity of the greatest coach in American sports history.

Yet the Sporting News made it official Wednesday, recognizing the 98-year-old Wooden as the pinnacle of a profession that was redefined by the UCLA coach over his unmatched career in Westwood.

During a luncheon in the John Wooden Room at one of his favorite restaurants in Sherman Oaks, the coach saw the real reward for a life spent teaching, mentoring and improving lives: A room packed to overflowing with the recipients of those lessons, from his daughter, Nan, to current UCLA coach Ben Howland, to former Bruins center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. …

“He was the greatest teacher ever. His integrity, the way he lives his life, is a model for all of us.”

“The most important thing in the world is family and love,” Wooden said. “Love is the most important thing in the world. Hate, we should remove from the dictionary. … They say you never use love in your Pyramid (of Success). I just say I never thought of it.”

Entire Article Here

Get The Pyramid of Success at
Coach Wooden’s Site

Smaller, 1/2 MB Version

It may not contain the word, ‘love,’
but certainly contains the concept!

Also Related:

John Wooden [1910 – 2010] recites his poem about being with his Lord: “Don’t Look Back”

My Favorite John Wooden Quotes

John Wooden – An Intergalactic Treasure! “Be quick, but don’t hurry” — “Failure to prepare is preparing to fail” — “Happiness begins when selfishness ends” …

Coach John Wooden (at age-90) redefines ‘success’ AND John Wooden on ‘change’ we can believe in

John Wooden at age-95: “Why I feel blessed” | His dad’s wisdom: “You’re never better than anybody else”

John Wooden: A man who would NOT curse people — “Goodness Gracious Sakes Alive!”

(video) ‘Presidential Secrets’: Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum Speaks About Drug Running, G.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Oliver North, Neutralizing Ross Perot, Task Force 160’s Darkest Green (‘Black’) Helicopters, Assassinations

Over a decade ago, this first video is one of many that helped open my eyes as to what is really going on. Chip Tatum is allowed to discuss these firsthand accounts because a Federal judge ruled this information isn’t classified. Though the third video below especially show how the Federal courts are manipulated to protect the numerous, immoral black ops programs.

The second video is also very eye opening. It covers more ground and moves faster.

The very men who pose as conservatives (even ‘Christians’*) have been right in the middle of the covert dirty business, including bringing in the drugs to America. It has been said that the war against drugs is the war against the CIA’s competition.

Look what happened to Noriega and many others — Saddam Hussein, for example. Our traitor-leaders use our own military to take out foreign leaders who won’t play ball — who won’t be manipulated.

Ever wonder what happened to Ross Perot? Why he stepped out of the race when he had tremendous support…?

* Oliver North is actually hailed as a hero by many evangelicals. He spoke in a very large evangelical church here in Anchorage, for example. He’s one of the commentators that Rupert Murdoch uses to deceive Americans on Fox News. They steer conservatives away from true patriots like Ron Paul and into the hands of the globalist neocons. There is no way they could pull all of this off without strong Satanic spiritual forces at work and the ‘church’ laying down, not doing careful research, and even falling into the trap of actively supporting Satan’s One-World-government agenda, even the reverse-freedom military engagements.

With solid information like this, we never have to be a part of the problem and can live the rest of our lives with clean hands and clear consciences!!

Do the research and be free!

– Jeff

– –

[youtube=]‘Presidential Secrets’–Former Operative Chip Tatum Speaks (Full Length UnCensored )


Uploaded on Mar 17, 2011

This video presents one of the most provocative interviews ever conducted by Ted Gunderson, a retired FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge; it is with Gene “Chip” Tatum, a former CIA Black Ops Assassin who was also an Iran-Contra and OSG2 NWO Insider. In this video, you’ll hear Chip discuss his involvement in Operation Red Rock, Task Force 160 and OSG2. Hear him reveal the names of high profile officials who were integrally involved in these CIA covert killing sprees and/or narco-trafficking, directly or indirectly: Oliver “Ollie” North, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. You’ll learn from an “insider” about outrageous U.S. government felony crime and corruption and the impending New World Order destruction of America. You’ll hear his amazing insight concerning the Nixon Administration and the dirty politics of the Vietnam War. This is the last interview prior to his sudden disappearance in 1998.

* * *

[youtube=]Black Ops Opertative Chip Tatum Interviewed by Ted Gunderson (FULL UNEDITED)


[If you’re listening with speakers large enough to produce bass, it helps a lot to turn the bass down and/or turn off the subwoofer because of the mic pops from the wind.]

Uploaded on Mar 3, 2011

This video presents one of the most provocative interviews ever conducted by Ted Gunderson, a retired FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge. It is with Gene “Chip” Tatum, a former CIA black ops assassin who is/was also an Iran-Contra and OSG2 NWO insider. In this video, you’ll hear Chip discuss his involvement in Operation Red Rock, Task Force 160 and OSG2. You’ll hear him reveal the names of high profile officials who were integrally involved in these CIA covert killing sprees and narco-trafficking: Oliver “Ollie” North, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. You’ll learn from an “insider” about outrageous U.S. government felony crime and corruption and the impending New World Order destruction of America. You’ll hear his amazing insight concerning the Nixon Administration and the dirty politics of the Vietnam War. This is the last interview prior to his sudden disappearance in the winter of 1998. …

See the other video with Chip Tatum in this list called ‘Presidential Secrets.’

free download-‘The Tatum Chronicles:’…

free download-Chip’s book ‘Nixon’s Darkest Secret:’…

free download-Tatum’s C.I.P.A. Briefing:…

free download-Chip’s Nexus interview:…

My new personal blog is up:

My first post is now up at my brand new personal blog:

About Jeff Fenske now continues in a big way!

May we be ONE!

Freedom for the people!

Jeff : )

Images by Rodney Lough, Jr. set to “Breathe” by Superchick

I just visited Rodney Lough, Jr.’s galleries in San Fransisco and Sausalito. He also has galleries in Minneapolis and Portland.

My current favorite photo is the eighth one in this video (two photos after the Tetons image), called Canyon Song. The $4000, 24 x 40 inch version is like paradise! [pdf of article that includes this gorgeous photo!]

His backpack weighs over 100 pounds when he’s out for multiple days, as he shoots an 8 x 10 view camera, so the prints are tack-sharp even when picture window size.

So imagine what these beautiful images look like in high definition, totally sharp and in gorgeous color!


just breathe

Rodney’s website: The Lough Road

An Incredibly Repeatable Song: “Breath In”

On occasion, I check out photographers’ sites to get ideas for what can be done with a camera.

I stumbled on this site, and what kept me from not wanting to move on was the incredible song that repeats. I looked up the lyrics, and it’s called “Breath In,” from the duo, Frou Frou, of whom Imogen Heap was the singer.

For the ultimate “Breath In” experience, I recommend John’s “Other” gallery. Visit the site; click ‘Galleries,’ then ‘Other,’ drag the edges of your browser’s window to completely fill the monitor, and leave it on for awhile. It’s definitely better in (((stereo))).

I actually enjoyed the mystery of it a bit more before I read the lyrics. It’s specifically about the anticipation of a relationship happening. But it could also be about ONE happening (the church becoming ONE with each other in Christ — John 17, finally!) — what I talk about so much at my spiritual site: OneCanHappen.

“Is this it?” (a line from the song). As the world goes down we can go up!

“Breath In” is a danceable joy to behold!

Jeff : )

Related: HeartQuotes: Play

Photo of My Prez | My Prez’s Photo of Me — Sniper Vs. Sniper

I took this photo last Saturday of my Prez, Chuck Maas, President of the Alaska Society of Outdoor and Nature Photographers (ASONP). We were shooting moose in the rut during Carl Battreall’s actually very exciting wildlife photography workshop, 9/20/08, near Flattop Mountain, Anchorage, Alaska.

© 2008 Life in the Son Photography

And Chuck took this of me.

© 2008 Chuck Maas

While I snapped this of him and his monster lens.

© 2008 Life in the Son Photography

“Sniper verses sniper,” I said.

Goodbye-to-Our-Job? Party Photos

A co-worker and friend just posted four photos I took this summer during the “Goodbye to [our airline]” party, held at one of the Non-Revs, band members’ homes. One of these guys is actually my immediate boss.

There is a glimmer of hope that the ship that some of us have sailed on for decades won’t go down, but it doesn’t look good. Some are already bailing out.

Yikes! Ouch! If only we would have known sooner, etc….. We remember the pre, overreaction-to-9/11, good ole days for the airline business all too well. Once, in 1980, I was the only passenger on a flight.

At least most of us have learned to get along really well. It’s been a valuable experience, and many of us have been able to see much of the world.

May we always be friends no matter what happens.

Jeff Fenske : )


Related: John Prine: Hello in There

Shawn Phillips: The Ballad of Casey Deiss | Shawn Exiled from USA’s Garbage-FM

This song was on one of my favorite albums during my high school days in Minneapolis, when I had the great blessing of being able to listen to one of the most creative radio stations in the country—KQRS-FM!!

Before they chose $$$commercial$$$ success over artistic achievement, they would actually play large portions of this LP regularly, to my never ending, GREAT DELIGHT! Until the music stopped in 1977:

In the summer of 1968, they [KQRS] started experimenting with freeform progressive rock in the late night hours. It became popular, and by the end of the year, this became the KQRS’ primary format.

By 1977, the freeform rock would give way to a tightly programmed rock approach, courtesy of radio consultants Burkhart/Abrams and their “Superstars” format, which was essentially just the hits from album oriented rock. Loyal KQ92 listeners were VERY UNHAPPY when this happened.

To me, Shawn Phillips opens up whole new horizons as to what can be done musically. He’s an artistic pioneer, not afraid to go where no man has ever tread, climbing the heights with his still (at age-65) more-than-4-octave vocal range. And I don’t recall any other musician who so effectively and not uncomfortably incorporates silence into his/her music, on occasion.

When Shawn is on, he’s mesmerizing. It’s sad that today’s mostly junk radio bans true artists like Shawn.

This is from the album Second Contribution, 1970. Casey was a friend of Shawn’s. And according to Shawn’s just-released DVD, Dianna still is.


Related: Jesse Colin Young: “Come on People Now, Smile on Your Brother; Everybody GET TOGETHER, Try to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, Right Now”

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