Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Spiritual Page 15 of 17

E. Michael Jones: Logos Rising – Tolkien’s Failed Quest – TekWars Podcast

10:35 “I don’t think you can be a sincere pagan anymore.” ‘Pagans’ want to act out their sexual impulses without any guilt. “You’re going to say the guilt came from Christianity, so you become an enemy of Christianity.” “I don’t see any sincerity in this whatsoever,” because people know about Jesus and God now. “You can’t pretend you don’t know things.”

33:45 Plato and Aristotle’s forms explained

38:50 ~”The world can’t create itself out of nothing because it would have to exist before it existed.”

48:45 “The evil fruit of William of Ockham was Martin Luther, which was an attack on reason, which the west has never recovered from. Hagel is an example of what I’m talking about. He succumbed to that irrationality for the same reason Luther did: couldn’t control his passions. And instead of saying ‘I’m sorry,’ he said ‘I’m going to make wrong right,’ and that is the unforgivable sin. And we’re still living with the consequence of that. I discuss all of this in my book, ‘Logos Rising.'”

50:00 Jones sees Logos rising since: “The Protestant version of Christianity was doomed to expire [I would agree, if we’re meaning Luther’s invention that we don’t have to overcome sin by God’s grace – ed.]. Its shelf life ran out after about 500 years. And so in the year 2000, this Lutheran church was disestablished as the official church of Sweden. And at that point, you have the rise of these neopagan surrogates.”

50:45 Hitler tried to unite Germany under paganism.

51:00 Tolkien got the idea of the ring from Wagner, but missed a main point. Jones believes Wagner meant the rheingold to refer to usury which enslaved people, privatizing the wealth of a nation. Talmudic.

55:15 “Capitalism is state sponsored usury.”

(vid) Chuck Baldwin: Trump assassinated Soleimani, the man most responsible for defeating ISIS (CIA/Mossad creation) — “Mr. Trump, you’ve given a new generation of Arabs a reason to hate the USA!”

Message by Dr. Chuck Baldwin on Jan. 12, 2020

1:15:10 Trump abandoning the 2nd Amendment

Trump planned and assassinated the man most responsible for defeating ISIS, whom the CIA and Mossad created. ISIS has even thanked Trump. “And now,  Mr. Trump, you’ve given a new generation of Arabs a reason to hate the United States.”


The Chains you Choose – E. Michael Jones on Porn, Addiction and Slavery

9:50 Interview begins — thus only 25 minutes long.

24:35 “Libido Dominandi” is Jones’ book: Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control, linked below.

26:30 “Pornography leads to isolation.”

30:30 “All of these forms of sexual liberation, they’re all forms of control.”

32:15 Solution is aligning with Logos.


Begins at 9:50

Vatican: Stop Trying to Convert Jews – Salvation without Jesus — Like John Hagee’s dual covenant heresy

Vatican calls on Catholics to stop trying to convert Jews

Declaration asserts Jewish people can be saved without converting, urges Christians to work with them to fight anti-Semitism

Lincoln Brewster – ‘Relativity’ [Instrumental] (Official Audio)

Brother Nathanael (raised a Jew): Why I Believe In Jesus Christ


Mormon Church Stockpiled $100 Billion Intended for Charities and Misled LDS Members, Whistleblower Says

Story from Newsweek – 12/17/19

Lincoln Brewster – ‘Here I Am to Worship’ (Live Instrumental Version)


(vid) Tulsi: Singing Christmas carols with our neighbors

Tulsi singing real Christmas songs last night, with her husband playing guitar!

(vid) Lincoln Brewster – ‘Miraculum’ Live! – Powerful 5-Song Christmas Medley!

I just found this incredible song yesterday, Christmas day 2019, surprised that it’s been out for years, as I love this complex and powerful Trans-Siberian Orchestra style, and Jeff Beck tones!

“Miraculum” is an amazing three-movement instrumental incorporating these five songs in what appears to me to mainly be in this order until the complicated ending: “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen,” “We Three Kings,” “O Come O Come Emmanuel,” “Carol of the Bells” and “O Holy Night.”

The photographer shot it with a Canon 6D with 70-200mm f2.8L lens, zoomed to 200mm, using the internal mic, and with tired arms, he says — difficult to hold the telephoto steady.

Amy Grant: ‘Emmanuel’

Emmanuel, Emmanuel.
Wonderful, Counselor!
Lord of life, Lord of all;
He’s the Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Holy One!
Emmanuel, Emmanuel.

How the Creator of ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ Got the Gospel Past CBS Execs

– –

December 24, 2019

Watching A Charlie Brown Christmas has been a tradition for millions since it first aired on December 9, 1965. While many love the iconic Vince Guaraldi score, the humor and the animation, one part of the special has always stood out and made it unique: Linus’s recitation of the Gospel of Luke.

Explaining the true meaning of Christmas in a network television special broadcast to millions was a controversial move, even 54 years ago. In 2015, The Washington Post published a retrospective on A Charlie Brown Christmas. Michael Cavna explained Peanuts creator Charles Schulz’s mission in making the special:

Charles Schulz insisted on one core purpose: A Charlie Brown Christmas had to be about something. Namely, the true meaning of Christmas. Otherwise, Schulz said, “Why bother doing it?”

Entire Article

25 Ways Santa Claus Counterfeits Jesus — Children being spiritually led astray

From: Cutting Edge

Jesus Christ vs Santa Claus: Santa truly has been created to be a counterfeit Jesus to the Secular World!

When we carefully compare the myth of Santa Claus versus the real Biblical story of Jesus Christ, we are presented with the shocking truth that Santa has been thoroughly created to replace Jesus Christ in too many people’s lives.

Santa equals Satan.

Who Invented Santa?

Who could possibly have arranged a celebration that encourages your kids to direct their petitions to Santa instead of to God? Call the Santa hotline, write Santa a letter? Put out food and drink offerings for him?

(vid) Freddie Mercury of QUEEN Cried out to Jesus Christ

Very interesting, except Brian’s Baptist guest makes a false statement about speaking in tongues at the start. I wrote this comment defending this incredible Holy Spirit gift that helps break the powers of darkness!

(vid) E. Michael Jones: DON’T WATCH PORN!


Catholic Church and Nazi Germany

Excerpts I selected from Wikipedia’s lengthy and disjointed article on this subject:

“The Bible Is Banned” – China Shuts Down Churches, Threatens Christians

‘The Bible Is Banned’ – China Shuts Down Churches, Threatens Christians

December 12, 2019

China’s crackdown on the booming house church movement continued this fall, with government officials raiding worship services and even telling Christians they could no longer read the Bible.

(vid) Allie: God Is Not A Woman

Hitler According to Otto Dietrich – Hitler’s press chief and confidante – the balanced truth

In the countless hours I spent researching German history, it seems to me that Otto Dietrich gives the most balanced description of Adolf Hitler, the main points listed below.

Book description:

The Hitler I Knew: Memoirs of the Third Reich?s Press Chief

When Otto Dietrich was invited in 1933 to become Adolf Hitler’s press chief, he accepted with the simple uncritical conviction that Adolf Hitler was a great man, dedicated to promoting peace and welfare for the German people. At the end of the war, imprisoned and disillusioned, Otto Dietrich sat down to write what he had seen and heard in 12 years of the closest association with Hitler, requesting that it be published after his death.

Dietrich’s role placed him in a privileged position. He was hired by Hitler in 1933, was his confidant until 1945, and he worked – and clashed – with Joseph Goebbels. His direct, personal experience of life at the heat of the Reich makes for compelling listening.

A reader of Otto Dietrich’s book on Hitler compiled a list of notes with page numbers for the 1955, 277-page edition. [The 2010 edition has fewer pages.]

I bold points I find interesting.

(vid) Hitler Viewed Christianity as an Impediment to Total Control — “He thought he could speed its death by systematic education of German youth” – Diedrich

The only words of Hitler that appear to be Christian were the public propaganda to the masses, who were largely ‘Christian.’ Hitler’s trusted inner circle’s words and his words to his trusted inner circle, his policies and how the Hitler youth were indoctrinated tell the true story.

Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich, p. 115, quoting Hitler:

“You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion.Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?”

Otto Diedrich wrote in The Hitler I Knew:

“[publicly, Hitler] Talked of providence but “personally was sharply hostile to Christianity and the churches” (154).

 “was convinced that Christianity was outmoded and dying. He thought he could speed its death by systematic education of German youth.” (156).

CNN is Upset that a Church Denied Communion to Sinful Judge

Great to see the Catholic church taking a stand!

Iraqi Christian stoned by ISIS, burned alive three times, miraculously survives, sees Jesus in vision!

Iraqi Christian burned alive by ISIS three times miraculously survives, sees Jesus in vision

JUNE 02, 2019

The Yazidi man was interviewed for a documentary, “Heart and Hands: Iraq,” by Sean Feucht, head of the non-profit Light A Candle Project, and Bethel Music. In it, Feucht travels the world to hear the stories of those persecuted for their faith.

In a preview of the documentary aired at the Heaven Come conference in LA, the Yazidi man reveals there was “pressure” from ISIS to convert to Islam. But amid persecution, Jesus appeared to him in a dream. …

Later in the interview, the man revealed that once ISIS found out he was a follower of Christ, they began stoning him.

“They were hitting me with big rocks on my body,” he recalled. “The stones were fine, not affecting me.”

The man said that after stoning him, ISIS members drenched him in 20 gallons of gasoline. But even though he was burned alive a total of three times, he said he somehow survived unharmed.

(vid) Texe Marrs (1944-2019) Full Interview for ‘Babylon USA!’

In memory


Texe Marrs

JULY 15, 1944 – NOVEMBER 23, 2019

It’s likely this interview was filmed in 2016 or early 2017 for Framing the World’s ‘Babylon USA’ film, which came out in 2017. Apparently filmed in Texe and Wanda Marrs’ home.

Part 1 – interview with Steven Anderson

Various subjects including the occult origins of the USA

111:10 Catholicism: praying to Mary and the saints

121:00 Modern Judaism: who they worship

Part 2 – Texe’s speech for ‘Babylon USA’ film

35:00 “Take out your $1 bill.”

Street Preaching at the Drag Queen Story Hour in Atlanta Summer of 2019 – Kerrigan Skelly

Claim: Noah’s Ark ‘buried in Turkish mountains’ and experts say 3D scans will prove Biblical ship’s existence

I first heard about this almost 30 years ago, when I saw Ron Wyatt’s Overview of Discoveries video, and have heard conflicting stories of the validity of this object since. Wyatt found anchor stones that show images indicating eight people survived.

It’s possible that the ERT ground penetrating radar they’re apparently using is superior to what was available to earlier explorers. These guys claim this is for sure a ship, and it’s 50 miles from the nearest body of water.

The timing may be an indication this may be the real thing. Belief in God is at an all-time low, and a significant spiritual revival still needs to happen before this world ends. Proof of Noah’s ark would shock many, and could help spark a great awakening!

Sex-Ed and Ireland – Computing Forever and E. Michael Jones

(vid) Owen Benjamin: Bono is Evil

This is the first Owen Benjamin video I saw when it was on Owen’s channel. Most of this makes sense. It’s sad to see such a gifted singer fall from grace. I found much of U2’s early music amazing. But then he put on the Devil horns in 1991, and it spiraled down after that.

Bono’s psychopathy likely started earlier, and what he’s done could be very serious – minute-57:25.

Bono, Edge and Larry were once Christians who attended a Bible school. What happened?

(vid) E. Michael Jones: Pornography is a weapon – Lust darkens the mind, keeps you docile and isolated • Those who control the media want people addicted • Paganism is rebellion against Logos, an excuse to indulge in what you know is wrong

Key points by E. Michael Jones transcribed by me:

3:10 “The crucial thing you have to understand here is something that St. Augustine said at the time of the fall of the Roman empire. He said ‘a man has as many masters as he has vices.’ If you want to avoid masters, you have to avoid vices. At the time of the revolution, a man by the name of Marquis de Sade turned that upside down. What he saw was if you want to control people promote vice.

9:30 “The people who control the media don’t want you to move away from it [porn and masturbation].”

10:05 The Psychology Today article claiming porn is beneficial because it makes people more docile and accepting of homosexuality, etc. “I agree with what they said. That’s absolutely the point of pornography and masturbation. It makes you docile. It makes you isolated. And people who want to keep you docile and isolated promote it. … If you want to wreck people lives, this is one way to do it. It’s probably the simplest way, if you’re a male to wreck your life, to get you addicted to this. The simplest way for a female is to have an abortion. It turns out, hey, there’s one group promoting both of these things.”

14:19 “A figure like St. Thomas Aquinas would say ‘lust darkens the mind.’This is exactly why pornography is a weapon. I brought this out at the beginning of Libido Dominandi, describing the Israeli troupes coming into Ramallah. They come in, take over the TV station, and start broadcasting pornography. This is a conquering army taking over your culture, and they’re broadcasting pornography. Are they doing this because they want to liberate you? No, they’re doing it because it’s a weapon against the indigenous population to keep them docile, divided, preoccupied by their passions, isolated, and so on.”

35:45 “I think people are pagans now not because they believe that Thor actually exists. I don’t think that’s possible anymore. I think that the main problem is your behavior. You call yourself a pagan because you’re in rebellion against the Logos. And the Logos for 2,000 years has been identified with Jesus Christ. So you’ve decided you want to live a law according to principles that you cannot reconcile with moral behavior, and that’s why you’ve adopted this identity.

37:00 “Paganism is an excuse to indulge in these things that you know are wrong.”

Why Are Young People So Unhappy?

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