Freedom from Alaska!

Month: June 2011 Page 3 of 8

America is Becoming Nazi Germany of The 21st Century – Alex Jones Tv

My commentary:

I particularly like this title; though, Alex just covers a tiny part of how this is happening in this video.

It’s interesting that Hitler was supported by most of the ‘Christian’ pastors in Germany, just as George Bush was here. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was one of the few exceptions, who actually believed in and taught Jesus’ sermon on the mount, which says: “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.”

This doesn’t say much for warmongering pastors who almost universally support warmongering candidates for President.

Hitler succeeded because he had the support of the reverse-Christian pastors. And now it’s happening again.

If a Republican becomes President in 2013, the evangelicals will undoubtedly support him or her too, who will support the police-state agenda, or the establishment would treat him or her like they treat Ron Paul — whom they usually either attack or ignore.

Ron Paul isn’t pro war enough for today’s ‘Christian’ leadership, who are those mainly responsible for leading this country astray: The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? The believers, not the non-believers, have opened the gate to sin, which is why this country has deteriorated.

I personally think it’s too late to save America because the heart of America is too dark for goodness to rise. The only hope in slowing our demise down is for real Christianity to again happen in a Third Great Awakening, which is what my spiritual site is all about: And this is about really being ONE as Jesus described in John 17.

May we be ONE!

God bless!

Jeff Fenske : )

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[youtube=]America is Becoming Nazi Germany of The 21st Century – Alex Jones Tv 2/3

Uploaded by on Jun 20, 2011

On this Monday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the outlawing of embedding YouTube videos, the criminalization of the gold trade, and the war clouds growing over Libya and Syria. Alex takes your calls and covers the latest news.

[video] Why a President Perry, a Bilderberger would further America’s dark journey toward her own destruction

Rick Perry Announces Presidential Run

Kurt Nimmo
June 21, 2011

Over the past few weeks, the corporate media has buzzed with word that Texas governor Rick Perry will run for president. Although Perry has yet to officially declare his bid, can unequivocally state that he will indeed announce his candidacy.


A Perry run was the plan all along, Perry insiders told Alex Jones. As the so-called dean of Texas writers, Paul Burka, explained in his Texas Monthly article written in February of 2010, during the race for governor Perry had his eye on the White House. “Perry’s inner circle, particularly his consultant Dave Carney, has believed that he has had national potential at least since 2006,” writes Burka.

Perry has held his cards close to the vest in order to create the aura of the reluctant Texan of principle called to serve his country by Republicans and the establishment conservatives, many now professing to be outsiders opposed to politics as usual in Washington.

“You can expect the revived talk of a Rick Perry for president campaign to shift into hyperdrive now that Rush Limbaugh is declaring the Texas governor the best hope Republicans have to bring life to a lackluster presidential field,” the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported on May 18.

Using the bully pulpit of his popular radio show, Limbaugh said the “staunchly anti-Washington Perry has the mix of message and personality and appearance to drive Democrats ‘nuts’ and dispel America of the notion that President Barack Obama is unbeatable in wake of the death of Osama bin Laden.”

Limbaugh and the Republicans, however, do not mention the fact that Perry is a one-time Democrat and the former campaign manager for none other than Al Gore, who is supposedly the polar opposite of the Republicans, at least according to the false right versus left paradigm that drives establishment politics.

Perry, of course, is nothing if not an establishment globalist, as his unswerving support for a NAFTA Superhighway demonstrates. His coy reluctance to serve is merely a cheesy campaign trick designed to provide him the aura of the Texas outsider who loathes business as usual inside the district of criminals.

The establishment is attempting to sell Perry the same way they sold Obama the Man of Change.

Rick Perry is the consummate establishment politician. For a complete run-down on Perry, see 14 Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be A Really, Really Bad President.

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Text from the video further explains: has received tips from main stream media as well as political insiders that Rick Perry is running for President in 2012. Perry, who wants to appear as a main line conservative who will fight global corruption and stick up for constitutional values, is really nothing like that at all.

Alex sums up some of the documented treason Perry has committed while seated as the Texas Governor. Perry mandated that girls take the deadly Gardasil vaccine. He signed Texas onto the globalist NAFTA superhighway. Perry bald face lies about the facts behind why the TSA anti-groping bill H.B. 1937 will not be heard during a special session. During production of this video he has since flipped back, but we’re sure he’ll soon use some political tactic to secure the TSA thugs at Texas airports. According to the Houston Chronicle, Sen. Dan Patrick slams Rick Perry’s minion, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, for attempting an “elaborate political play to kill the bill without his fingerprints.”

Alex talks about Rick Perry’s long time mentor, Karl Rove and how Rove convinced Perry to flip his image and save his political career. Perry exposes his own dishonesty when he breaks his own pledge to remain outside the Presidential race. A President Perry would further America’s dark journey toward her own destruction. Invited to the Bilderberg conference in Istanbul in 2007, Rick Perry is a servant of the globalist’s plan for a one world government and their population reduction scheme.

[video] Short Snippet of Alex Jones addressing Talkers Convention

[youtube=]The Alex Jones Show: Short Snippet from Talkers Convention in New York

Uploaded by on Jun 21, 2011

Genesis Communications Network talk show host and internet sensation Alex Jones delivered the Keynote Address at the New Media Seminar on Saturday morning. Jones — whose less-than-mainstream political views are becoming well known through his growing popularity — spoke passionately about growing his media business from the ground up using the internet to gain an international audience of millions. Jones’ strong beliefs and dedication to executing his programming in numerous media formats was inspiring to fellow talk show hosts and programmers who witnessed a superb example of his intense passion and headstrong delivery.

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines

If the Titanic sank today, here’s how the President, the media and Wall Street would spin it (satire)

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
June 20 – What would all the world’s experts and authorities say today if the Titanic were sinking but nobody was willing to admit it? The U.S. economy, after all, is sinking and taking on an unprecedented volume of water…

Fukushima: Strontium levels up to 240 times over legal limit near plant, uninhabitable land area now the size of 17 Manhattans

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 19 – Representing the first time the substance has been detected at the crippled plant, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) reported on Sunday that seawater and groundwater samples taken near the ravaged Fukushima…

FAA declares ‘no-fly’ zone directly over crippled Nebraska nuclear plant, but claims everything is just fine

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 19 – Last week, NaturalNews reported that rising Missouri River flood waters prompted officials to declare a “Notification of Unusual Event” as the Fort Calhoun Nuclear plant just outside of Omaha, Neb. (http://www…

Dog registry mandate hits Atlanta: Owners of Rotweillers, German shepherds must register their dogs or face fines

By J. D. Heyes
June 19 – Millions of Americans have, for years, been aware of a growing police state mentality in the U.S. If you’re a dog owner in an Atlanta suburb you are especially aware of this because many of you just got singled…

Food stamp insanity: Perfectly okay to buy lobsters, steaks and Mountain Dew using taxpayer money

By J. D. Heyes
June 19 – NaturalNews) In a growing U.S. entitlement economy, where even $2 million lottery winners still collect food stamps, it should not be surprising to find that they can be used to purchase steaks, lobster and a whole lot of…

Phytoremediation: You can grow plants that help eliminate radiation in the soil

By J. McDonough-Horton
June 19 – Concerns about radioactive materials accumulating in soil and water since the nuclear accident in Japan this year have led individuals to look at natural ways to clean their property of possible radiation. One…

Idaho holds first ever ‘Organic Week’ to promote clean food

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
June 19 – The Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) is launching its first ever “Idaho Organic Week” to be held from June 18-24, which will showcase the Gem State’s growing and diverse array of organic fare. With…

Combating Fear (Opinion)

By Hesh Goldstein
June 19 – Before getting to the solution for combating fear we have to look at how, where and why fear manifests. One question that arises regarding fear is: which came first the chicken or the egg? From the time we…

Health freedom victory! Fairbanks, AK, city council votes to end water fluoridation

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 18 – Sometimes organizing like-minded individuals, petitioning, and showing up to city council meetings to express your thoughts actually does make all the difference in instigating positive change. Health-conscious…

Los Angeles schools ditch corn dogs, chicken nuggets after battle with Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution

By Kimberly Suta
June 18 – If you’ve been watching Jamie Oliver’s show, Food Revolution, you know he’s been battling the Los Angeles School Board for months now. The show may be canceled but his efforts have proved fruitful, as the L…

Philosophical Musings on the Juxtaposition of the Words “Commercial” and “Food”

By Sherry L. Ackerman, Ph.D.
June 18 – So, how did it happen? How did we all get complacent enough to accept the phrase “commercially produced food” without even blinking an eye? How did Uncle Sam, in WWII public service announcements, go from advising…

Tree leaf compound may help prevent skin aging

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
June 18 – A new study published in the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry highlights a new beneficial use for poplar tree leaf buds. When extracted, the antioxidants and other…

Battery breakthrough could double range of electric vehicles

By Nicole Parsons
June 18 – In the ongoing quest to find cheaper and more energy effective alternatives to gasoline, researchers at MIT have developed a radical new approach to the design of batteries. This new development could provide…

Some of Life’s Unanswered Questions (Satire)

By Hesh Goldstein
June 18 – Can you cry under water? How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered? Why do you have to ‘put your two cents in’, but it’s only ‘a penny for…

Hypnosis helps cancer patients by allowing the use of local anesthesia — and may prevent metastasis

By Sherry Baker, Health Sciences Editor
June 18 – Is hypnosis just a trick of stage magicians or hocus pocus for gullible New Agers? Not according to new research just presented at the European Anesthesiology Congress in Amsterdam. Professor Fabienne Roelants…

The big fraud of green homes: they suffocate their owners with indoor air poisons

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
June 17 – I’ve been wanting to write a story on this subject for at least two years now, but until recently there wasn’t any study to cite which would back up my position on this. But now a study has come out and it’s…

Click here for more articles »    

The News from Prison Planet


Democrats Warn: “Beware Ron Paul!” — Tom Woods discusses’s article, “Five Things You Should Know About Ron Paul”

[youtube=]Democrats Warn: Beware Ron Paul!

Uploaded by on Jun 16, 2011

Tom Woods discusses “Five Things You Should Know About Ron Paul,” an article posted to the front page of

Ron Paul on NBC Today Show — What a Guy!

[youtube=]Ron Paul: I’m not a fringe candidate [NBC: 6-20-2011]

Uploaded by on Jun 20, 2011

Monday June 20 2011 8:25 am

[video] EXCELLENT! “Fluoride Is Good For You :)”

[youtube=]Fluoride Is Good For You 🙂

Uploaded by on Jun 14, 2011

For more information go here

Luke was onsite in Dundalk and decided to interview Walter Graham about the ongoing stupidity of water fluoridation. Luke himself thinks that fluoride is great for the teeth but Walter decided to inform him of the truth. Here at the Sovereign Independent we agree with Walter and will continue to try and inform Luke of the dangers of fluoridation but to be honest, Luke doesn’t really listen 😉

Alex Jones TV – June 20, 2011: Bilderberg-Approved Perry Set to Become Presidential Frontrunner

While spewing Tea Party-style rhetoric about secession, shooting coyotes and courting the favor of Christian evangelicals, behind closed doors Perry has been quietly selling out Texas to globalist interests, auctioning off highways to foreign companies to turn them into profit-driven toll roads.

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[youtube=]Bilderberg-Approved Perry Set to Become Presidential Frontrunner – Alex Jones Tv

Uploaded by on Jun 20, 2011

Bilderberg-Approved Perry Set to Become Presidential Frontrunner

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, June 20, 2011

Every indication suggests that Bilderberg-approved Texas Governor Rick Perry is set to become the frontrunner in the Republican race to challenge Barack Obama for the presidency, illustrating once again how a shady, secretive and undemocratic global elite holds the reigns of true power while Americans are distracted by the delusional notion that they have a genuine choice in 2012.

“Perry has said he will announce his decision soon. One member of his campaign team said he was closer than ever to joining the race and he was testing the prospects in the early caucus and primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. If he does stand, Republicans at the New Orleans conference predicted he would become the frontrunner of a so-far uninspiring field,” reports the London Guardian.

Texas Governor Perry, a protégé of Karl Rove, is very good at acting like a down-home populist, but that’s all it is — an act. Perry is George W. Bush 2.0.

While spewing Tea Party-style rhetoric about secession, shooting coyotes and courting the favor of Christian evangelicals, behind closed doors Perry has been quietly selling out Texas to globalist interests, auctioning off highways to foreign companies to turn them into profit-driven toll roads.

“Speculation that Perry is the Bilderberg group’s ace card was prompted by the current political climate, which can largely be gleaned from the fact that Perry is a longtime, unwavering supporter of the NAFTA Superhighway and related infrastructure projects,” wrote AFP’s Jim Tucker earlier this month. “These pave the way for the Bilderberg-supported North American Union (NAU) proposal that would merge the U.S., Canada and Mexico.”

Perry has also given enthusiastic support to former Mexican President Vicente Fox’s efforts to turn Texas into a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants. He also aggressively promoted the Rockefeller Foundation-backed HPV vaccination campaign in Texas that has led to deaths worldwide. David Rockefeller is a prominent Bilderberger, attending each annual meeting without fail.

Perry attended the June 2007 Bilderberg conference in Istanbul, Turkey, and in doing so violated the Logan Act, a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments.

Look beyond the rhetoric and study what Perry has actually done in his role as Governor — he’s the ultimate globalist — his every action illustrates how he’s the diametric opposite to the image of the Tea Party populist that he attempts to portray. That’s why he’s the perfect pick for the globalists, someone who can suck in the trust of the American people only to stab them in the back upon becoming president, just as Obama did before him.…

Is the Gold In Fort Knox Real? Ron Paul Demands Official Audit — “Welcome to Fort Tungsten”


From: Dailybail

Is the Gold In Fort Knox Real? Ron Paul Demands Official Audit

‘Are the gold bars in Fort Knox really made of the precious metal? Or has the U.S. government secretly sold off the nation’s stockpile and replaced it with metal bars that are only painted gold? Ron Paul wants to find out.

Giving legitimacy to an Internet conspiracy theory that the gold in Fort Knox is fake, the iconoclast Republican congressman from Texas has asked adminstration officials to audit the purity of the nation’s 700,000 gold bars held in Fort Knox, according to an internal Treasury document obtained by CNBC. Paul, a presidential candidate who chairs the House’s subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy, had previously called for the U.S. gold reserve to be counted and for a return to the gold standard.

He now appears to be going a step further in his request that representatives from the U.S. Treasury Department and the U.S. Mint testify at a subcommittee hearing on June 23 about the authenticity of the nation’s gold.’

Entire Article Here

[audio] Joel Skousen on Radio Liberty: Republican debate, etc. — “It’s important to the kingmakers that Ron Paul not be given too much airtime because he gets out too much truth.”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“Even a losing campaign is a chance to give wide coverage to a variety of good or bad ideas. So it’s important to the kingmakers that Ron Paul not be given too much airtime, because he gets out too much truth.

In contrast, as Romney begins to move towards the center to please the establishment, he is rewarded with more coverage, and much of it favorable.”

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“Paul was not his best, and sounded a little bit strident, often because he rarely gets the proper time to present his case with sufficient ease so that he could slow down.”

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Israel is still planning to attack Iran sometime this year.

– Joel Skousen

* * *

From Dr. Stanley Monteith’s
Radio Liberty archives

Date: 06-16-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Maj. Douglas Rokke – Current Events
Hour: 2
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief
Hour: 3
8:00: Pastor Billy Crone – Revelation
Hour: 4
9:00: Dr. Garth Nicolson – Morgellon’s Disease
Date: 06-15-11

“Ha, Ha, Ha?”

Obama 1984

Worshiping the creation instead of the Creator?
(Romans 1)


[video] Webster Tarpley: The Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination

[youtube=]The Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination Exposed by Dr. Webster Tarpley 1/4

Uploaded by on Jun 18, 2011

In this interview, Dr. Tarpley reviews the writings of John P. Holdren, the current White House science advisor. This interview conclusively exposes scientific elite’s true agenda, world-wide genocide and the formation of a global government to rule.

Historian and author Webster Tarpley exposes how White House science czar John P. Holdren, who infamously co-wrote a 1977 textbook in which he advocated the formation of a “planetary regime” that would use a “global police force” to enforce totalitarian measures of population control, including forced abortions, mass sterilization programs conducted via the food and water supply, as well as mandatory bodily implants that would prevent couples from having children, is a Malthusian fanatic in the tradition of the arcane anti-human ideology that originated amongst British aristocracy in the 19th century.

Holdren calls himself a “neo-Malthusian” in his own book, and as Tarpley explains, is a historical pessimist who has rejected the idea that America and humanity as a whole can progress through ingenuity, industry and economic growth. Instead, Holdren sees humankind as a cancer upon the earth. Holdren wants to set up a “Science Court,” where potential developments could be blocked by government decree if they don’t conform to the planned society necessary under Holdren’s “planetary regime”. He also seeks to institute “de-development” worldwide to prevent the third world from ever lifting itself out of poverty and roll things back to “pre-industrial civilization” where average life spans would not be much more than 30 years.

Holdren’s co-author, Paul Ehrlich, is a discredited crank who wrote books in the 70’s claiming that England would not exist as a land mass by the year 2000 because of climate change. As Tarpley explains, Ehrlich’s warning of a “population bomb” has proven incorrect, with population in Europe, Japan and the United States falling when immigration is removed from the equation.




Dr. Mercola: Dangers of Cell Phones & These Cell Phones Can Emit 28 Times More Radiation

Related Article from Dr. Mercola:

Be Aware: These Cell Phones Can Emit 28 Times More Radiation

[youtube=]Dangers of Cell Phones (Part 1 of 2)

Uploaded by on Jun 10, 2011 Internationally renowned natural health physician and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola shares a breaking news that the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer announced that exposure to cell phone radiation is a possible carcinogen to humans. Part 1/2


Sheeple Magazine (Issue #3)

[IMPORTANT! video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Secret History of Western Education — The Scientific Destruction of Minds

This is how they did it!

UPDATE 11/11: Transcript is now available HERE as a pdf.

– –

Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America’s classrooms. (source)

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“It’s total brainwashing!”

“It all happened under Ronald Reagan.”

– Charlotte Iserbyt

* * *

The Reece Committee learned that the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, were, with tax-exempt dollars, funding leftist propaganda operations, aimed at changing America through the brain, not the battlefield. Patriotism, national sovereignty, individual responsibility, and Christian beliefs were belittled while the concepts of a one world government, socialism, collectivism and humanism were deemed essential for peace in the modern age.

* * *

[youtube=] The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of Minds – Charlotte Iserbyt 1/5

Uploaded by on Jun 16, 2011

Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt served as the head of policy at the Department of Education during the first administration of Ronald Reagan. While working there she discovered a long term strategic plan by the tax exempt foundations to transform America from a nation of rugged individualists and problem solvers to a country of servile, brainwashed minions who simply regurgitate whatever they’re told.

Part one of our exclusive interview with Iserbyt breaks down how conditioning/training under a corporate agenda has replaced traditional education, leading to a deliberate dumbing down of Americans. Iserbyt further explains how Reagan signed agreements merging the U.S. and Soviet systems under the United Nations banner, turning over education and many other areas of public policy to global control.

This 74 minute exposé is a must see for anyone who wants to truly know why the education system is deliberately crafted to produce human drones with no critical thinking whose only skills are to be subservient, trust authority and follow orders.

Visit Iserbyt’s website at

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Charlotte Iserbyt, author of “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”: How public education was deliberately programmed to destroy America’s conscience — The ‘Christian’ community stopped helping Charlotte fight behavioral operant conditioning of our children’s minds. “You cannot give up!”

Charlotte Iserbyt: Skull & Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed | More on the Secret History of Western Education & Psychology!

[EXCELLENT 75-minute video] Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America — Charlotte found documents that show the federal government and tax exempt foundations have been changing the education system from fundamental academic study to what amounts to operant conditioning dog training to bring us into the Marxist one world government system!

Charlotte Iserbyt: Secret Beginnings of Skull & Bones. Charlotte’s father was a skull — as are the Bushes

Charlotte Iserbyt: Federalizing and Corporatizing All of The Schools

(video) Charlotte Iserbyt: MIND CONTROL in PUBLIC SCHOOLS — CHARTER schools even worse than regular public schools • School CHOICE? If PRIVATE schools take just one penny they’re done • “OUTCOME-BASED education is the Soviet system” • FED-programmed COMPUTERS override independent, local teachers • MINORITIES targeted first • ‘HERITAGE’ Foundation isn’t doing God’s work

Norman Dodd: Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations INTENTIONALLY ALTERED AMERICAN HISTORY in Order to Merge America Into a Monopoly They Control

Patrick Buchanan: The Dumbing-Down of America — “Is our children learning?” George W. Bush so famously asked. Well, no, they is not learning…

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines

The big fraud of green homes: they suffocate their owners with indoor air poisons

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
June 17 – I’ve been wanting to write a story on this subject for at least two years now, but until recently there wasn’t any study to cite which would back up my position on this. But now a study has come out and it’s…

Disposable coffee cups, carryout containers filled with cancer-causing agents

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 17 – Millions of people eat and drink from plastic and styrofoam cups and containers every single day, and the US government now admits that many of these consumer products contain known cancer-causing agents. The…

After being arrested twice, dedicated activists tie themselves to tractors to stop plantings of GM potatoes

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
June 17 – When petitions, protests, and even sit-ins were not enough to stop the biotechnology giant BASF from planting its genetically-modified (GM) Amflora potato in Sweden, Greenpeace activists there “walked their…

Health experts announce 5 ways to protect children from toxic chemicals

By S. L. Baker, features writer
June 17 – Imagine parents who would put their children in danger, placing them in situations that could cause serious health problems and distress such as difficulty breathing or a disruption of their male and female…

Radiation is Already Killing Babies

By Mark Sircus., AC, OMD
June 17 – Newborn babies are the most vulnerable of all beings. Vulnerability says it all when it comes to a newborn infant. Children deserve the best medical treatment from the best form of medicine human intelligence…

TSA targets special needs traveler with invasive pat-down, confiscates his ‘comfort’ item as security threat

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 17 – The US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) continues its reign of terror against innocent Americans, this time aggressively targeting a special needs traveler out of Houston, Tex., who was on his way…

Coconut Oil for Alzheimer’s

By Dr. Carolyn Dean
June 17 – My world is full of coconuts, including coconut oil and coconut milk. That’s not unusual because I live on Maui. But I’m happily seeing coconut oil all over the internet as the treatment for dozens of conditions…

Obama administration gives green light for GMOs to be planted in national wildlife refuges

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 17 – A battle is raging over whether or not it should be legal to plant genetically-modified (GM) crops in US wildlife refuges. A little over a month after various conservation and food safety groups achieved a unified…

Stop legalization of GMOs in Bolivia by sending this urgent letter

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 17 – South America is home to a diverse array of unique plants and food crops, which collectively have fed and sustained many generations of natives, as well as those to whom such goods have been exported over the…

Apple assumes role of Big Brother by developing patent to automatically disable iPhone cameras at concerts (and police or government abuse incidents?)

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 17 – As annoying as many are, the steady stream of garbled, shaky video clips of musical concert performances that get uploaded to YouTube every day could become a thing of the past, at least for Apple iPhone users…

US unfunded liabilities reaches record $61.6 trillion as nation heads into bankruptcy collapse

By J. D. Heyes
June 17 – They began with the passage of the Social Security Act under Depression-era President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1930s but grew dramatically when Medicare and Medicaid legislation under Lyndon B. Johnson…

In partial victory against GMOs, U.S. Congress bans FDA from approving GM salmon

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
June 16 – The U.S. House of Representatives passed a law today that would effectively bar the FDA from approving GM salmon. This is a direct result of the rising awareness of the dangers of GMOs among American consumers…

True fact: A common ingredient in commercial breads is derived from human hair harvested in China

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
June 16 – If you read the ingredients label on a loaf of bread, you will usually find an ingredient listed there as L-cysteine. This is a non-essential amino acid added to many baked goods as a dough conditioner in order…

Low-carb diet may reverse kidney failure in diabetics, says new research

By Nicole Parsons
June 16 – A new study shows that a low carbohydrate, high fat diet, used typically to treat and control seizures in children with epilepsy, may reverse kidney failure in people with diabetes. Researchers from Mount…

World leaders denounce failed war on drugs; call for global decriminalization

By Neev M. Arnell
June 16 – The “War on Drugs” is a failure, with devastating consequences around the world, and it is time to decriminalize drugs and start treating drug problems as health issues, said a group of prominent former world…

Japanese scientist creates edible meat alternative made from recycled human waste

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
June 16 – If you think meatless, genetically-modified (GM) soy food products are a poor alternative to real meat, wait until you see the latest in vegetarian meat replacement technology. According to a recent Inhabitat…

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Feminism Tastes Bitter after Job Ends — Sasha Spencer provides an insightful analysis of how feminism programmed her to fail

Click for Article

The News from Prison Planet — All War All The The Time — To Bring US Into Tyranny


Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2011 JUNE 11 – 17

Click on headlines to see full articles If original sources are missing, click on Cached.
Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
See the entire collection here.
Camera indicates video or slideshow.
Speaker indicates audio.
Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon.
See the entire collection here.

US: Philadelphia infant death rate spikes 48% since radiation was detected in drinking water after Fukashima. In Pacific Northwest, infant mortality rate has jumped 35%. Until this year, infant deaths have been declining. Alexander Higgins 2011 Jun 17 (Cached)

The Obama Administration, responding to lobbying efforts by companies that produce genetically engineered seeds, approves the planting of genetically modified crops on wildlife refuges. [There is no wildlife refuge purpose for which GE crops are essential and, likely, it is the other way around. If wildlife is harmed, there may be no way to undo the damage.] FarmWars 2011 Jun 17 (Cached)

US: House votes to cut further funding of Obama’s war in Libya, but it must pass the Senate before funding is cut. Breitbart 2011 Jun 16 (Cached)

New meat alternative contains protein from soy, steak sauce, and (are you ready for this?) human excrement. That’s right. It actually is made from what they call “sewage mud.” [Bon apatite!] NaturalNews 2011 Jun 16 (Cached)

UK: Supreme Court rules that sex offenders who have had their names publicly registered, eventually will have their names removed – to protect their human rights. Telegraph 2011 Jun 16 (Cached)

Obama has given high-paying jobs or contracts to 80% of those who gave $200,000 or more to his campaign. For example, a green energy entrepreneur who raised $500,000 has business interests that received over $500 million in grants, stimulus money, and loans from the Department of Energy. Telegraph 2011 Jun 16 (Cached)

Mexico and 10 other countries join the legal fight against Georgia’s tough law against illegal immigration, saying that it could jeopardize close ties between the U.S. and its Latin American neighbors. The suit, filed by US groups that defend illegal immigration, claims Georgia’s law is unconstitutional. [Under the Constitution, states are supreme over the federal government and can establish any immigration laws they wish. Imagine the roars of outrage if the US brought suit against another country demanding that it not restrict Americans from illegal entry. Yet, this will be played with a straight face by politicians and in the media.] Yahoo 2011 Jun 16 (Cached)

China: Scientists produce genetically engineered cows crossed with human DNA to produce milk that is 80% similar to human breast milk. The excuse is that baby formula had been tainted with toxic melamine to increase protein content. Therefore, now they won’t have to cheat! [Who knows what surprises lie ahead from this frankenmilk?]
Yahoo 2011 Jun 16 (Cached)

Apple has developed a system that will allow producers of stage performances to shut off iPhones in the audience to prevent filming and infringement of rights. [And if police or government agencies or common criminals don’t want you to video them? How convenient!] The Sun 2011 Jun 16 (Cached)

A Massachusetts middle school has given questionnaires to 7th-grade students asking about their sex partners, participation in oral sex, suicide impulses, and drug use. The school says the federal Center of Disease Control required the survey to get a federal grant. [Imagine how many young people are being tricked into giving information that will be in their records forever and can be used against them if they fall into disfavor with the state.] Fox News 2011 Jun 15 (Cached)

US: Ten lawmakers sue Obama over war in Libya. The charge is that he failed to get congressional approval, as required by the Constitution, and has failed to comply with the War Powers Act that require him to provide Congress with a legal basis for the action within 90 days. ABC News 2011 Jun 15 (Cached)

Russia: Lagre population decline (20% expected by 2050) is described by Putin as Russia’s “most acute problem.” Causes are high death rate related to alcoholism, low birth rate, and high rate of abortions. posted 2011 Jun 15 (Cached)

TSA is moving beyond performing security theater at airports. It is conducting a “security exercise” involving state and local police and US military covering 5,000 miles and three states. There is no threat, they explain. They are just practicing for bigger things to come. InfoWars 2011 Jun 15 (Cached)

US: Pentagon Papers whistleblower says the government has ordered mainstream media to avoid reporting on 9/11. [This includes numerous quotes from media professionals confirming that they are afraid to speak the truth.] Washington’s Blog 2011 Jun 14 (Cached)

Iraq suicide bombings are on the increase as the deadline for US troop withdraw looms at end of year. Iraq must decide whether to continue or stop US occupation. [Hmmm. The US wants to stay in Iraq for reasons of its own but needs an excuse. The insurgents say they want the US to go home. Insurgents increase attacks as the date of withdrawal nears. This creates a strong justification for keeping US troops there. Who is directing the insurgents?] Yahoo 2011 Jun 14 (Cached)

Facebook has lost 6 million American users last month due to boredom and privacy fears, especially the new face-recognition feature.
2011 Jun 14 (Cached)

US: News is buzzing about hackers getting into computers at the Senate, Public Broadcasting System, and the UN. CIA director says it could get worse and this proves the government needs more control over the Internet. [Don’t forget last week’s news about one-fourth of all hackers are on the government payroll. Do you suppose they could be creating a problem so their employer can offer a solution?] DailyMail 2011 Jun 14 (Cached)

New group formed to expose unlawful police activity and brutality. The primary method is to video police actions and, by means of a smart-phone ap called Qik, instantly upload to the Internet where it can be retrieved even if cameras are confiscated or destroyed. Here are the details. YouTube 2011 Jun 13

Cruelty has become major part of Mexican drug cartels. Busses are raided, the elderly are killed, young women are raped, and men are given hammers, machetes, and sticks and forced to fight to the death. Survivors are sent on suicide missions. Chron 2011 Jun 13 (Cached)

FBI expands it power to snoop without having firm evidence of wrongdoing. This includes tracking people, searching through their trash, and relaxing restrictions on lie-detector tests. Primary targets are not terrorists but public officials, teachers, reporters, and bloggers who may be critical of government activities – like this one. RawStory 2011 Jun 13 (Cached)

Highlights of Ron Paul at the New Hampshire Republican debate. [He really shines when he talks about the Fed, the economy, and foreign policy.] YouTube 2011 Jun 13

UK: Government educational advisor says that ‘climate change’ curriculum should be removed from schools and the focus should return to core science. Telegraph 2011 Jun 13 (Cached)

China has been decreasing its holdings of US bonds, but little attention has been paid to who is buying them. This analysis concludes that most of them have been bought by foreign banks with newly created money from the Federal Reserve! [That gives cash to China, US bonds to foreign banks, and more inflation to American citizens.]
2011 Jun 13 (Cached)

US: Corporations push changes in patent law to award patents to those who file first instead of those who invent first. [Private inventors often are not well informed about patent requirements, which gives the edge to corporations with staff attorneys.]
Big Government
2011 Jun 13 (Cached)

African leaders meet to establish guidelines for
creating an African Union, similar to the European Union and the North American Union (US, Canada, and Mexico).
[The march to abandon national sovereignty in favor of regional governments and, finally, global government continues.
2011 Jun 12 (Cached)

New Zealand: Scientists have created genetically engineered goats that produce transgender offspring (females in sterile male bodies) to produce human protein in their milk. [We shudder to contemplate the monsters that will exist a hundred years from now. This is not science. It is insanity.] Scoop 2011 Jun 12 (Cached)

Iowa: City Council proposes to require property owners to provide keys to the government to allow emergency entry to their businesses, homes, and apartments – to protect them, of course.
Posted 2011 Jun 11

Idaho Governor announces a deal with China
that gives Chinese investors permanent residence and tax breaks and encourages foreign purchase of Idaho land and industry. This could be the first Chinese outpost in the U.S. Utah is poised to do the same.
New American Posted 2011 Jun 11 (Cached)

US: Genetically engineered (GE) foods alter our digestive systems and are linked to birth defects and sterility. Sooo? The Department of Agriculture is planning to allow full planting of all types of GE corn and cotton crops. [Large GE companies like Monsanto are big spenders in Washington. Lobbying pays.] ANH 2011 Posted Jun 11 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

US: “How I Learned the Truth about the State” is a moving story told by a man who was arrested in Georgia for …. well, read it for yourself.
2011 Jun 16 (Cached)

“Globalization; The Road to Global Governance” is a short history of events leading toward world government.
GGArchive 2011 Jun 16 (Cached)

The Philosophy of liberty and Bastiat’s concept of legal plunder are well illustrated in this video. DailyPaul 2011 Jun 14

US: The EPA tries to grab control over all water in the US. “Is Your Governor for Sale?” is an excellent overview of the problems and focuses on the only solution: States have the authority to reject these regulations under the Tenth Amendment, and Governors have the final authority.
  2011 Jun 8 (Cached)

VIDEO: Jim Turk explains that gold is money, not an investment. Investments are used to create wealth by producing products or services. Money doesn’t create anything. Its role merely is to maintain purchasing power while waiting to spend it. When people hold national currencies as money and those currencies lose purchasing power, they lose their wealth. When they hold gold as money, they maintain their wealth. GoldMoney 2011 Jun 7

Tom Woods presents a powerful case for the right of states to nullify federal laws that they consider to be unconstitutional. [This may be the only solution to America’s present crisis, so it is essential to be informed on this topic.] YouTube Posted 2011 Jun 4

[video] Alex Jones: CNN Reports Ron Paul At 0% While CNN Online Poll Shows Him At 75%

It wasn’t just a poll of only 54 people, but according to Anderson Cooper, the respondents were political operatives, strategists, campaign consultants and lobbyists.

How low can you get!


[Blatant anti-Paul media bias!] After Debate, CNN AIRS *INSIDERS* POLL Instead of THEIR OWN POLL in which Ron Paul Won

* * *

[youtube=]CNN Reports Ron Paul At 0% While CNN Online Poll Shows Him At 75%

Uploaded by on Jun 15, 2011

While the online poll conducted by CNN shows Ron Paul as the clear winner with 75% of the votes, CNN reporters pull a fast one by citing a lesser known poll hosted at National Journal claiming Ron Paul came in at 0%.

CNN discards their own poll in favor of another poll that shows results more to their liking.

This is overt propaganda.

The National Journal poll cited by CNN now shows Ron Paul in the lead with 33% of the vote.

Call CNN: 404-827-1500

e-mail cnn below…

[video] The amazing Mark Dice vs. Sean Hannity (Bilderberg 2011 Edition) — “Sean you signed that contract to make tens of millions of dollars and now you can’t tell the truth. Well, you know what? I can.”

“Sean …
you signed that contract to make tens of millions of dollars
and now you can’t tell the truth.

Well, you know what?
I can.”

– Mark Dice

[youtube=]Mark Dice vs. Sean Hannity (Bilderberg 2011 Edition)

Uploaded by on Jun 15, 2011

Mark Dice explains his ongoing feud with Sean Hannity and how Sean’s producer Elisha Krauss is now involved. Mark has been calling into Sean Hannity’s radio show for over five years bringing up issues Hannity does his best to avoid. Some of these calls can be heard on YouTube or Mark Dice is a media analyst, social critic, political activist, and author who, in an entertaining and educational way, gets people to question our celebrity obsessed culture, and the role the mainstream media plays in shaping our lives.

Mark frequently stirs up controversy from his commentaries, protests, and boycotts, and has repeatedly been featured in major media outlets around the world.

Several of Mark’s YouTube videos have went viral, earning him a mention on ABC’s The View, Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor,, and other mainstream media outlets. Mark has also been featured in (or attacked in) the New York Post’s Page Six, Rolling Stone Magazine, USA Today, The New York Daily News, and in major papers in Pakistan and Iran.

Mark Dice appears in several documentary films including Invisible Empire, and The 9/11 Chronicles, and was featured on the History Channel’s Decoded. He enjoys enlightening zombies, as he calls them, (ignorant people) about the mass media’s effect on our culture, pointing out Big Brother’s prying eyes, and exposing elite secret societies along with scumbag politicians and their corrupt political agendas.

He also habitually calls into several top-rated talk shows, including the Sean Hannity Show, Glenn Beck, and Michael Savage, and verbally battles with the hosts on various issues since he has never been asked to be a guest on them as of yet. Audio of some of these calls are then posted online.

The term “fighting the New World Order” is used by Mark to describe some of his activities, and refers to his and others’ resistance and opposition (The Resistance) to the overall system of political corruption, illegal wars, elite secret societies, mainstream media, Big Brother and privacy issues; as well as various economic and social issues.

Dice and his supporters sometimes refer to being “awake” or “enlightened” and see their knowledge of these topics as part of their own personal Resistance to the corrupt New World Order. This Resistance involves self-improvement, self-sufficiency, personal responsibility and spiritual growth.

Mark Dice is the author of several books on current events, secret societies and conspiracies, including his newest book, Big Brother: The Orwellian Nightmare Come True. He lives in San Diego, California.

INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of Libya

[youtube=]INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of Libya

Uploaded by on Jun 16, 2011

Read the article: has received alarming reports from within the ranks of military stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas confirming plans to initiate a full-scale U.S.-led ground invasion in Libya and deploy troops by October.

The source stated that additional Special Forces are headed to Libya in July, with a Calvary Division (heavy armor) and three corps deploying in late October and early November. Initial numbers are estimated at 12,000 active forces and another 15,000 in support, totaling nearly 30,000 troops.

This information was confirmed by numerous calls and e-mails from other military personnel, some indicating large troop deployment as early as September. Among these supporting sources is a British S.A.S. officer confirming that U.S. Army Rangers are already in Libya. The chatter differs in the details, but the overall convergence is clear– that a full-on war is emerging this fall as Gaddafi continues to evade attempts to remove him from power.

[I just wrote this at ONEcanhappen] To my homosexual friends: May we all be ‘ONE’ in Christ! What is the ‘fury fire’ that Piper Perabo talks about? How can it be tamed? What is God’s true perspective in “The Homosexuals Will Arise” prophecy and what does Romans 1 really say?

WARNING: This is really spiritual — I try to respect those who aren’t so inclined on this site

Entire State of the Art Article Here!


We can all overcome!

You should hear what the Judge just said about Ron!

[youtube=]In Whose Hands Will You Trust Your Freedom? | THE PLAIN TRUTH by Judge Napolitano 6/14/11

Uploaded by on Jun 14, 2011

In whose hands will you trust your freedom?

Originally aired 6/14/11 on “Freedom Watch”

Wise words from Jack Hunter: Ron Paul Won THE DEBATE even if he didn’t win the debate

[youtube=]SA@TAC – Ron Paul Won the Debate

Uploaded by on Jun 14, 2011

The GOP moves closer to the Texas Congressman’s politics and further from the Bush Republican brand.

[video] Complete Ron Paul CNN New Hampshire Debate Questions And Answers

[youtube=]Complete Ron Paul CNN New Hampshire Debate Questions And Answers

Uploaded by on Jun 13, 2011

Airing Date June.13, 2011

[Blatant anti-Paul CNN bias!] Baltimore Sun: Who won the GOP debate? The audience thought Ron Paul did

From: Baltimore Sun

Who won the GOP debate? The audience thought Ron Paul did

Who won last night’s Republican presidential debate on CNN

It’s a question a lot of pundits have been asking — and there seems to be some consensus forming among the analysts: Former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney and Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. 

But judging by the reaction of the audience in New Hampshire, a different candidate carried the night and he’s a candidate many analysts are saying emerged as a loser.

That candidate? Congressman Ron Paul of Texas.

An analysis of audience reaction shows Paul was applauded twice as much as any other candidate on stage.

Throughout the two-hour debate, Paul was applauded 11 times. Romney, Bachmann, and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty were each applauded five times. Former House speaker Newt Gingrich and businessman Herman Cain were each applauded four times. Former Pa. Senator Rick Santorum was applauded the least amount of times: Three. …

What’s strange, though, is how uniformly pundits’ opinions have been in favor of Romney and Bachmann — and how different their reaction is to that of the audience in New Hampshire. (A poll of so-called “GOP Insiders” revealed party establishment minds believe Paul finished last. View that poll here.)

Now, I realize Paul’s supporters tend to be louder and more enthusiastic than other candidates’ and the amount of applause is hardly a scientific way to judge a debate. But to not even consider as a potential debate winner the person who was applauded more than twice as much as any other candidate strikes me as strange.

Maybe it shows a vast separation between the media and the beliefs of grassroots GOP activists? Maybe it shows that Paul’s supporters are simply more enthusiastic, though not larger in number? I don’t know.

What I do know is this: People don’t cheer things they don’t support.

Entire Article Here


[Blatant anti-Paul media bias!] After Debate, CNN AIRS *INSIDERS* POLL Instead of THEIR OWN POLL in which Ron Paul Won

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