Freedom from Alaska!

Category: FreedomQuotes Page 4 of 18

David Icke: People’s fear of death empowers the doctors — Why so many acquiesce!

Why so many are easily manipulated through Covid:

From Part 2:

“We need to get over the fear of death.”

“When you look at the fear of death, this is where the power of doctors comes from. … When we lose this fear of death, so many other fears disappear. … If we are going to go on thinking ‘I must do anything to stay alive,’ then we’re just going to hand our power to anybody we think will help us achieve that.”

“Masks make you faceless.”

“..dismantling the psychological stability of the human race.”

From Part 3:

“The cause of human control throughout history is human acquiescence of the many to the few.”

David Icke Talks The Deep State’s Agenda & The Capital Protests in DC (Part 2)


The Power Hour

Trump Supporters Who Stormed Capitol Building are Protestors, NOT Terrorists or Insurrectionists – “Words matter”

“Words matter.” — Ben Swann

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Media and Politicians have spent the last seven months telling us that BLM riots which have included private and public property damage in dozens of cities is acceptable political protest.  Now, suddenly, they have decided that damage to the U.S. Capitol is an act of terror.  We cannot accept this use of language because words have consequences.

Dan Fagan: “There’s a spirit of insanity in the land. Up is down – right is wrong – evil is good”

Dan Fagan
There’s a spirit of insanity in the land. Up is down – right is wrong – evil is good.

Alex Berenson on ‘Joe Rogan’: “2020 was an IQ test for society, we failed” • “Being unafraid might be more important than being smart”

The Joe Rogan Experience #1582, Dec. 24, 2020 – Alex Berenson

175:30 AB “Somebody said this year has been an IQ test for society, and unfortunately we failed it.”

JR “Not just the IQ, but emotional intelligence test. There’s a lot of people really fail at that.”

AB “Being unafraid might be more important than being smart.”


Dan Fagan: Fixing an election is nothing for those who kill their own babies

Dan Fagan: “Any party or movement that will fight for the right of an abortionist to kill a vulnerable, innocent baby while they’re living comfortably and peacefully in the sanctuary of their mother’s womb would certainly be capable of stealing an election.” “If they’re willing to support something that evil, certainly, fixing an election is nothing to them.”

[His Facebook post plus end of his statement on his show, 12/21/20]

Survey: Americans seem to have lost common sense, believing 9% of people die from covid. People would be dropping like flies! They believe the white coats without any analysis

People have lost touch with reality. Something is seriously wrong with the psyche of many Americans!

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John Hinderaker: A survey shows that the average person thinks 9% of people have died from covid. If that were to be true, we would all personally know many who have died from covid, which isn’t true. In reality, only a tiny fraction of 1% have died from covid:

“I mentioned there is this survey in which the average answer that Americans gave to ‘what percentage of our population has died from covid,’ the average answer is 9%. If 9% of the people in this country died from covid, your relatives, your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers, people who go to your church, they would all be dropping like flies.

How a person can simultaneously say ‘I don’t know anybody who’s died from Covid…,’ but then when asked that question, ‘I think 9% of the population has died,’ I don’t know how anybody could possibly believe that.

There used to be such a thing as common sense, based upon a person’s own experience. If somebody came along and tried to sell a line of B.S., the average person would test that proposition against his experience and his observation and he might say ‘I don’t think so. That’s not the way I see it. That hasn’t been my experience.’ It seems as if that’s just gone. Now it’s the guys in the white coats, headlines, something we heard on cable news. And there are many people who have seemed to obtain this ability to internalize those things without checking it against their own common sense, which I think if very dangerous.”

From minute-1:08:35: The Coronavirus and the Constitution | Constitution Day Celebration Panel

EMJ: “Hollywood is the oligarch’s propaganda ministry. The ‘entertainment industry’ is an essential service to the oligarchs because it keeps everyone under control”

I posted this on E. Michael Jones’ Facebook page, saying “TalmudVision deemed essential!”

E Michael Jones replied:

Hollywood is the oligarch’s propaganda ministry. The “entertainment industry” is an essential service to the oligarchs because it keeps everyone under control.

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California Governor Orders Everyone Except Hollywood to Stay at Home

November 20, 2020

The stay-at-home order applies to every county in Southern California and affects 94 percent of the state’s population, except for people who work in the entertainment industry, Deadline reports.

The governor’s office told Deadline on Thursday that it doesn’t apply to entertainment industry workers, who are considered essential workers according to Newsom’s original stay-at-home order from March.


Ron Paul: “The mask is the symbol of obedience to the state”

“To me, the mask is the symbol of obedience to the state.” – Ron Paul

These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID — “Masks dehumanize us and serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid”

“Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid.”

“A study of health-care workers in more than 1,600 hospitals showed that cloth masks only filtered out 3 percent of particles. An article in the New England Journal of Medicine stated, “[W]earing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection” and that “[T]he desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.”


Dr. Ron Paul: “I don’t think masks are helpful at all,” except in some medical situations • “Gov’t should be out of the practice of medicine”

“This whole idea about masks, I don’t think they’re helpful at all. Yet masks, used in a medical sense under certain conditions, there’s nothing wrong with that.” – Dr. Ron Paul @ 18:55

“When bureaucrats run medicine, it’s not very scientific. That’s why I argue government should be out of the practice of medicine.” – Dr. Ron Paul @ 23:00

(vid) ICKE / ROSE V: ‘THE ANSWER’ – QUOTES — Do what you know is right Vs acquiescing to your own enslavement

DISCLAIMER: Excellent on the psychology they’re using to control; though, I don’t agree with everything.

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Masks are a sign of submission.

27:25 “If I can make you acquiesce to something that’s clearly ridiculous, clearly unsupportable, clearly a danger to health, full of contradictions, and you’re still going to submit and do it…. When we acquiesce to that level of crazy we are submitting our uniqueness and our sovereignty and our self-respect almost completely. And I refuse to do it.”

“You are giving away your power on a monumental scale because you are simply doing what you’re told no matter what you’re told.”

They’re breaking us down, breaking us down. Acquiescing to your own enslavement.

“Do you support Trump, or do you hate Trump? That’s the divide, done on purpose.”

The virus has allowed Biden to be out of the public domain. They’re trying to get Biden in on a simple line: “Biden is not Trump.”

If the 1% was going to get control, they’d have to rebrand themselves as supporters of the other 99%.

“China gets very much a free ride in the media. It’s almost become like Israel: you don’t criticize it.”

“Censorship is the fundamental foundation of all tyrannies. … From perception comes human behavior. [If] you control perception you control human behavior. And you control perception by controlling the information that people receive through which they form their perceptions, which become their behavior. … You have to stop people receiving information that gives them another way of looking at the world and what’s happening.”

“People acquiesced to it, so we now have economic Armageddon.”

It has to get really, really bad for people to not be able to deny what’s happening, to then be willing to push back.

1:39:00 People find excuses to acquiesce, because they’d rather not face the consequences of saying ‘no.’ “It can happen so fast once people learn to say no instead of finding an excuse to acquiesce, because they’d rather not face the consequences of saying ‘no.’ And if enough people say ‘no,’ there are no consequences.”

“We have children being told to wear masks in schools, breathing their own CO2, losing their individuality when the chances of a young person dying from this covid-19 is basically zero.”

1:58:45 “If something comes out of nowhere, and it’s suddenly everywhere, it’s the agenda. Someone’s pressed a button…. They’re systematically confusing young people and children about their gender who weren’t confused before and wouldn’t have been confused unless this manipulation to confusion had been implemented. The purpose is to confuse gender on the road to fusing gender to the no-gender human.”

Transhumanism: “What they’re selling it on is ‘connect your brain to AI, and you’ll become superhuman. You’ll become like the gods.’ No, you’ll become subhuman….”

“They want to marginalize and take out as many old people as possible” because old people know how things should be. We can see the change. But those who are born into this see this as normal. They don’t want the young to learn from the old. They want the young to mock the old as not being ‘woke’ — climate change deniers, etc..

2:16:05 Masks and social distancing’s effects on small children! David gets rightfully upset! “What interaction is there going to be, what love is there going to be when they’re being taught to perceive other children and fellow human beings as a danger?!” “We are being manipulated to see each other as dangerous.”

2:30:45 David talks about what I would call demons that affect people’s minds, planting thoughts, deceiving people into thinking they really know what’s going on. He calls it a ‘mind virus’ or ‘mind blindness,’ and later wetiko. [Icke does not like to mention Christianity. He doesn’t mention “demons” here, but what some other religions call something similar.]

The virus drives behavior. The operator has lost control.

“…a mind virus that takes over the human mind via the subconscious, and feeds perceptions out of the subconscious into the conscious mind, which the conscious mind takes to be its own thoughts and perceptions.” [This is how demons work. They often speak in the first person, so people think the thoughts are their own thoughts, but they’re demons speaking thoughts in people’s minds.]

“It’s a mind blindness that convinces the mind that it’s not blind. Now, I’m seeing this everywhere during this pandemic. … I see this in people who are blind in their minds to what’s actually happening, but have totally convinced themselves not only are they not blind to what is happening, but they know what is happening.”

Once people realize they’re influenced in this way, they can stop being deceived. [I would say get rid of the evil spirits to be free!]

2:36:10 Subliminal advertising

2:39:50 “The concept of wetiko, the mind virus is everywhere under different names, and if we can free ourselves of that it’s game over, because that is what is controlling people and their perceptions.”

2:48:00 “Love says ‘I want the best for everybody.'”

2:50:30 If we always do what we know to be right consequences are irrelevant, because we only consider doing what we know to be right. The mind says: “I’d like to do this, but what are the consequences,” and you always find a list of why you won’t do it. The heart says: “I do what I know to be right.” Consequences then aren’t a part of the conversation.

2:51:15 “One of the great fears that people have — the foundation fear, I think — is the fear of the unknown, which manifests as the fear of death. And the manipulation of the fear of death is the manipulation of this pandemic. People are frozen in fear, because they fear death. That’s why doctors have so much power. ‘Save me, doctor.'”

2:51:35 Icke’s atheism: “Actually, you are all there is, has been and can ever can be and always will be.”

2:55:00 Open the heart instead of allowing fear to close it. David covers this more  in other videos.




Dana Coverstone: DENYING TRUTH To Accept The New Reality — “Once we say anything is fluid…”

Dana Coverstone ~July 19, 2020

Once we say that anything is fluid, we have changed its definition, its meaning, its purpose, and its original status. Then new definitions are built on top of the ones that were erased, and we have redesigned the organism itself, and effectively hidden the origin from future generations. As it happens to gender, it happens to truth since you have to deny truth to accept the new reality.

Romans 1 is in effect and the deluding influence is at play and most of the world is accepting and quiet about it all; I will not go quietly.

Dr. Scott Atlas: WHO says no sound science for general population wearing masks — “You can’t just say it’s all about the science and then say things that are contrary to the science”

“When you look at an article that’s published, you’re not supposed to take the bottom line. You’re actually supposed to look at it critically as a medical scientist and try to understand if you can actually draw the legitimate conclusion that the authors themselves are drawing. Much of the stuff on masks really is not very good science at all, and in fact, the W.H.O. itself says there is no sound science for general population wearing masks.”

“You can’t just say it’s all about the science and then say things that are contrary to the science.”

Dan Fagan: “This is a time where we have to abandon our desire and our need to be liked”

I transcribed these quotes from Dan Fagan’s show today, 7/27/20

“This is a time for courage. This is a time where we have to abandon our desire and our need to be liked. We can’t want to be liked by these crazy leftists. … What they want to do….”

“I just can’t believe how quickly and how easily Americans were willing to give up their constitutional freedoms and rights because they were scared. … They have to scare you. It’s part of their game plan. If they can’t scare you you won’t surrender your freedoms.”

Covid Doctor: Why Increasing Number of Cases of COVID-19 is NOT Bad News — Herd immunity w/o a vaccine

Fear is a powerful weapon.  FDR famously broadcast to Americans in 1933 that “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself”.  I would argue that we have to fear those who would have us remain fearful and servile and willing to surrender basic freedoms without justification.

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Letter to the Editor: Why Increasing Number of Cases of COVID-19 is NOT Bad News

JUN 27, 2020 AT 11:22 AM BY PJ


Several times a day, on every possible news outlet, we are bombarded with updates as to the new number of “cases” of COVID-19 in the U.S. and elsewhere.  News analysts then use these numbers to justify criticisms of those who dare to reject the CDC’s recommendations with regards to mask wearing and social distancing.   It is imperative that all Americans  – and especially those in the medical profession – understand the actual definition of a “case” of COVID -19 so as to make informed decisions as to how to live our lives. …

Having now been privileged to care for sick patients with COVID-19, both in and out of the hospital setting, I am happy to see the number of these sick patients dwindle almost to zero in my community – while the “case numbers” for COVID-19 continue to go up.  Why is that?

In marked contrast to measles, shingles, and other infectious disease, “cases” of COVID-19 do NOT require the presence of ANY symptoms whatsoever.   Health departments are encouraging everyone and anyone to come in for testing, and each positive test is reported as yet another “new” case of COVID-19!

“In ’68-’69, 100,000 Americans died from the flu – 165,000 equiv.. Nothing closed down, but we didn’t have a 24/7, lying, hysterical thing called media.” – Dennis Prager

“In 1968-69, 100,000 Americans died from the flu that year. That’s equivalent today to 165,000 Americans. Nothing closed down. … We didn’t have a 24/7, lying, hysterical thing called media.” – Dennis Prager (source)


Skousen: Wearing a mask is a sign of gullibility, refusing is a sign of independent thinking and courage

“To me, wearing a mask is a sign of gullibility, and refusing to wear one a sign of independent thinking and courage.”

– Joel Skousen, World Affairs Brief, June 12, 2020

(vid) Eric Nepute D.C.: The ‘new normal’ needs to be getting rid of the spirit of fear, hatred, greed, lying, lust and confusion!

Chiropractor Eric Nepute: “I’m okay with saying ‘new normal.’ … The ‘new normal’ needs to be getting rid of the spirit of fear, the spirit of hatred, the spirit of greed, the spirit of lying, spirit of lust, spirit of confusion… rebuking them as far as the east is from the west.” – minute-59

Watch this powerful message here:

Warning – This May Offend You

Enough is enough you're all being lied to and played. I’ve got something to say. The truth will set you free.. some will love this message and others will not.

Posted by Eric Nepute on Laugardagur, 6. júní 2020

Jeff & David Icke – The Coronavirus Op And Mass Mind Programming

19:30 “When your speech is taken away, and you know you shouldn’t say certain things…, your mind follows along. Then you begin to not even want to think about it: ‘I’d better not go there.’ So freedom of speech is inextricably linked to freedom of thought.” – Jeff Rense

Money and power drive Big Pharma. Psychopaths hide behind endearing smiles, laughter and Mr. Rogers sweaters (Bill Gates).

Money and power drive Big Pharma. Psychopaths hide behind endearing smiles, laughter and Mr. Rogers sweaters (Bill Gates).

A Malignant Crisis Entirely Driven By Misinformation — How can the whole world be fooled by such a fact-free panic, allowing curtailment of the most basic freedoms?

A Malignant Crisis That Is Entirely Driven By Misinformation

One has to wonder how the whole world can be fooled by such a clearly fact-free “panic,” allowing itself to be led to the curtailment of the most basic freedoms. A world that thinks it has to prepare itself for a “new normal,” in which incredibly dangerous and extremely undesirable “solutions” such as “mass vaccination,” “contact tracing,” and other “surveillance” are seen as attractive.

“Every job that feeds someone’s family and pays their bills is ESSENTIAL”

In case you’ve forgotten: “Every job that feeds someone’s family and pays their bills is ESSENTIAL.”

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad…” – Anthony the Great

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are not mad; you are not like us.'” – St. Anthony the Great ~ 254-356 A.D.

“Weak men hate others who accomplish greater feats than their own; strong men are inspired by witnessing greater accomplishments than their own.”

“Weak men hate others who accomplish greater feats than their own; strong men are inspired by witnessing greater accomplishments than their own.”

Dr. Shiva 3/9/20: “The #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest frauds to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, & push MANDATED Medicine!”

Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email
As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies & does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, & push MANDATED Medicine!

Huxley: “There will be… a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears…”

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”

― Aldous Huxley

Inexpensive hydroxychloroquine + *zinc*… ‘100% success’ cure partially approved by FDA for coronavirus!

“There are treatments out there; there are cures out there. The American pharmaceutical companies are very upset because all of these quinine derivatives are very inexpensive. They use them in fish tank cleaner, by the way. … It’s an inexpensive chemical, and the pharmaceutical industries don’t like inexpensive cures. They want very expensive cures that they own. And that’s why we’ve had so many of our politicians, governors and mayors literally threatening doctors not to prescribe hydroxychloroquine and the others.”

“Apparently, the hydroxychloroquine prevents the cytokine storm that causes so much of the discomfort and the breathing problems, and the zinc kills the virus.”

Mike Rivero on ‘What Really Happened,’ 3/30/20, discussing this article and another

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Monday, 30 March 2020

BREAKING: FDA Issues Emergency Authorization for Hydroxychloroquine to be Prescribed to Coronavirus Patients

** On Saturday Dr. Vladimir Zelenko reported that he has now successfully treated 699 COVID-19 patients in New York for the coronavirus. Dr. Zelenko reported 100 percent success using a cocktail of drugs: hydroxychloroquine, in combination with azithromycin (Z-Pak), an antibiotic to treat secondary infections, and zinc sulfate.

“The cure can be worse than the problem itself” – Donald Trump 3/23/20

Trump just said this in a live press conference, which I transcribed.

“The cure can be worse than the problem itself.”

– Donald Trump 3/23/20

Molyneux: “Socialism is to communism as pre-diabetes is to diabetes, or a bullet flying through the air is before its impact in your skull”

59:20 “Socialism is to communism as pre-diabetes is to diabetes, or a bullet flying through the air is before its impact in your skull.”

Ron Paul: “What would we call them if they did this to us?” – More Bombs Than Ever! Trump Escalates War In Afghanistan

5:05 “What would we call them if they did this to us? Of course, we would be outraged, and rightfully so.” – Ron Paul

When evangelicals booed Ron Paul:
(‘America is done’ video) Ron Paul was just BOOED FOR TALKING ABOUT THE GOLDEN RULE, “Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.” — South Carolina Fox News Republican debate 2012

Ron Paul: “Evidently, I have been reading a different Bible. I remember something about ‘Blessed are the Peacemakers’”

“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be the CHILDREN OF GOD.” — Jesus in Mt. 5:9

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