Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Why we’re getting jacked Page 5 of 32

Ann Coulter explains why its better if women didn’t vote – “Spending went through the roof…”

Government spending went through the roof when women got the right to vote in state after state. Different states gave women the right to vote at different times.

“If only men voted, Republicans would have won every presidential election except ’64 since like 1950.”

Survey: Americans seem to have lost common sense, believing 9% of people die from covid. People would be dropping like flies! They believe the white coats without any analysis

People have lost touch with reality. Something is seriously wrong with the psyche of many Americans!

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John Hinderaker: A survey shows that the average person thinks 9% of people have died from covid. If that were to be true, we would all personally know many who have died from covid, which isn’t true. In reality, only a tiny fraction of 1% have died from covid:

“I mentioned there is this survey in which the average answer that Americans gave to ‘what percentage of our population has died from covid,’ the average answer is 9%. If 9% of the people in this country died from covid, your relatives, your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers, people who go to your church, they would all be dropping like flies.

How a person can simultaneously say ‘I don’t know anybody who’s died from Covid…,’ but then when asked that question, ‘I think 9% of the population has died,’ I don’t know how anybody could possibly believe that.

There used to be such a thing as common sense, based upon a person’s own experience. If somebody came along and tried to sell a line of B.S., the average person would test that proposition against his experience and his observation and he might say ‘I don’t think so. That’s not the way I see it. That hasn’t been my experience.’ It seems as if that’s just gone. Now it’s the guys in the white coats, headlines, something we heard on cable news. And there are many people who have seemed to obtain this ability to internalize those things without checking it against their own common sense, which I think if very dangerous.”

From minute-1:08:35: The Coronavirus and the Constitution | Constitution Day Celebration Panel

(vid) JP: The Elitists Who Control You — “Do you know what the feeling’s like knowing everyone is putting on a mask to cover their identity just to go into a store and we’re not even there?” “…it’s actually more than playing God, because God doesn’t control people. He gives them free will. We do control people” “We also tell people ‘if you’re overweight you’re at high risk, so we’re going to close down all the gyms for your protection,’ and then they don’t exercise”

JP is spot on — comedic satire at its best!

Two comments:

When a comedian’s jokes are so true that laughing is almost impossible.

I’m going to miss JP when Google finds out that he’s not actually kidding.

I transcribed key quotes:

“Whoever controls the media controls the population. And that’s us. We’re the elite. We control the media, and therefore, we control you.”

“That’s why we make up rules to ‘protect people.’ They clearly don’t, because they’re not designed to protect people. They’re engineered to give us control over people.”

“Do you know what the feeling’s like knowing everyone is putting on a mask to cover their identity just to go into a store and we’re not even there, but they’re doing it anyway? That’s how much control we have over them. It’s intoxicating!”

“Some say it’s kind of like playing God…. It is playing God. In fact, it’s actually more than playing God, because God doesn’t control people. He gives them free will. We do control people….”

“Are the masses of people scared of the virus or what the virus has done? No, even though they think they are. They’re scared of what we’ve told them the virus is, what it has done, and what it will do. Essentially, we want to keep you scared 24/7, even while you sleep. So again, why do we want you scared? So we can control you, because we love control, not you.”

“Getting people to get injected with something is controlling. … But getting people to get injected with something that they don’t want to get injected with is so much more controlling. And that’s what we’re kind of doing here.”

“We also strengthen the venom of control circulating in people by getting them to do what they know is harmful to them. Like we tell people ‘sunlight kills the virus, so stay inside.’ And when they submit to that, even though they know what they’re submitting to doesn’t make any sense and is harmful to them, they’re betraying themselves and becoming more loyal to us, which means we have more control over them than they do. And that’s a win. And in the same vein, we also like to tell people ‘if you’re overweight you’re at high risk, so we’re going to close down all the gyms for your protection,’ and then they don’t exercise.”

“Another strategy that helps volumize the amount of control we have over people is that we prey on the most scared people to get them to police the unscared people. Ever see someone yelling at someone else for not wearing a mask. … We’re controlling them to control you. It’s control squared.

I think it was Einstein who had the breakthrough equation E = MC2. The ‘C’ stands for control. The ‘M’ is for masses, and the ‘E’ is for elite. Elite = Masses Controlled squared, simple math.”

“Will a heroin addict ever feel like they have enough heroin? Probably not. Will we ever feel like we have enough control over you? Probably not. So we’ll gladly continue taking more control if you keep letting us.”

(JP Sears) How the Left and Right Fight — “The truth is I’m already rejecting your answer though I haven’t heard it yet”

“I’ll pose the question in a way as though I’m open minded enough to change my mind if you have a well thought out answer, but the truth is I’m already rejecting your answer; even though, I haven’t heard it yet.” – JP Sears

Are You Outsourcing Your Truth? – Authentic JP

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Exposes the Factions Killing America — “I grew up in a more moral society. You had to look yourself in the mirror. Now, you don’t feel good about yourself unless you’ve ripped somebody off”

“I grew up in a more moral society. You had to look yourself in the mirror, which meant you had to have not done anything wrong. But today, you can’t look yourself in the mirror unless you’ve ripped somebody off. … You don’t feel good about yourself unless you’ve ripped somebody off.”

Doctors are culpable of murder by withholding hydroxychlorquine + zinc.

Self-hating whites are now largely BLM, having been indoctrinated by public schools.

Alex covers for the Talmudists whom Roberts barely mentioned.

Paul Craig Roberts, age-81 was the United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Ronald Reagan.


Hospitals May Be Slow To Add Vitamin D To COVID-19 Treatment Regimens Because Of Loss Of Income – Bill Sardi


(vid) Caviezel rebukes cowering pastors, rewording Reagan’s ‘A Time for Choosing’ speech!

Jim Caviezel dramatizes this portion of Ronald Reagan’s ‘A Time for Choosing’ speech, making some key changes about pastors accommodating during Covid-19, noted here:

Now let’s set the record straight. There’s no argument over the choice between peace and war, but there’s only one guaranteed way you can have peace — and you can have it in the next second — surrender.

Admittedly, there’s a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning [Christian] liberal friends [our priests, biships and pastors] refuse to face — that their policy of accommodation is appeasement, and it gives no choice between peace and war, only between fight or surrender. If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand — the ultimatum. And what then — when Nikita Khrushchev has [Satanists] told his people [the people of this world] he knows what] our answer will be? He has told them that we’re retreating under the pressure of the [his] Cold War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the [his] final ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary, because by that time we will have been weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically. He believes this because from our side he’s heard voices pleading for “peace at any price” or “better Red than dead,” or as one commentator put it, he’d rather “live on his knees than die on his feet.” And therein lies the road to war, because those voices don’t speak for the rest of us.

You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin — just in the face of this enemy? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under the pharaohs? Should Christ have refused the cross? Should the patriots at Concord Bridge have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard ’round the world? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn’t die in vain. Where, then, is the road to peace? Well it’s a simple answer after all.

You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, “There is a price we will not pay.” “There is a point beyond which they [evil] must not advance.”

“In the words of Reagan, ‘evil is powerless if the good are not afraid.'”

Jim Caviezel, ‘Jesus’ calls pastors “Judases,” “Pharisees” and “collaborators” for not standing up to mayors and governors! “This is called lukewarmness, and Christ has a special place for them”

Jim Caviezel, ‘Jesus’ calls pastors “Judases, Pharisees and collaborators” for not standing up to the mayors and governors!

“This is called lukewarmness, and Christ has a special place for them, and they know it.”

Full Interview

Owen Benjamin: What happened to America? “The more you sin in your life the more you become an animal”

What happened to America?

“The more you sin in your life the more you become an animal.” – Owen Benjamin 9/14/20


Owen Benjamin: “99% of men in America are watching pornography weekly. Jesus said if you look at a woman in lust…”

32:30 “99% of men in America are watching pornography weekly. A lot of these girls are dead from suicide. Jesus said if you look at a woman in lust you should stab your … eye out.” – Owen Benjamin

Jesus in Mt. 5:27-30

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.”



2020: the year in which billionaire megalomaniacs convince the majority of people  they must throw away their futures, freedoms of future generations, because they want to save our lives from a ‘virus’ with a 99.75% recovery rate

2020: the year in which billionaire megalomaniacs, who openly discuss their desire to depopulate the planet, convince the majority of people that they must throw away their futures, and the freedoms of future generations, because they want to save our lives from a ‘virus’ with a 99.75% recovery rate.

Pornographic movies and pictures

A main reason for the fall of men, now that technology has made it so easy for men to privately lust after women, whom God made so visually attractive. The lust demons then enter, driving lust, and many never get free, being falsely taught by many also-lusting pastors that we don’t have to.


Adultery, fornication and sexual lust have become common in this world. But the BIG ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM is PORNOGRAPHY. People are HUNGRY for it, thirsty for it. They are swallowing it down like water, never satisfied, never able to quench their thirst, ALWAYS CRAVING MORE AND MORE of that deadly poison.

This portal of hell has taken over our homes, it is now abducting our kids, living in their pockets, clinging to them in their mobile phones, readily available for any moment of weakness. It has taken over their minds, infested their innocence, it has made them preys to his demons and victims of the devil.

Fathers have forsaken their love for their wives and kids. They have exchanged it for their computers, dragged there by their lust and thirst for DIRTY FLESH, opening this portal of evil on their homes. They then wonder why there are bad things happening to their homes, depression, anger, anxiety, unfaithfulness, rebellion and hate, they wonder why they are not able to love and sacrifice for their wives as Christ sacrificed for His Church. They let demons get into their homes not knowing they are RESPONSIBLE and ACCOUNTABLE.

Even wives are also becoming slaves to this portal of demons, not satisfied with their husbands, lusting silently over other men, cheating in their suggestive and imaginative minds, forever curious, not submitting to their husbands in love.

What only 30 years was unavailable has invaded our countries, societies, homes, all the way down to our minds, spirits and souls. What was destined to be a Holy temple of the Holy Spirit has become a filthy desecrated temple.

Human beings have turned into what the devil wants them to be, OBJECTS, VOID OF THEIR TRUE VALUE. Pure demonic influence has led people to forsake God, to hate Him and His Holiness, to rebel against THE ONE who gave them their life.

You may think it is all cool and nice, but it won’t be cool for you in hell and torment. It won’t be cool when you discover that it was the devil’s portal of evil that was SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF YOU, that IT WAS ALL his TRAP to drag you along with your family and kids down to the very pits of hell. It won’t be VERY COOL down there where the fires of hell will devour you for eternity. It won’t be very cool to live with that regret and remorse, forever and ever and EVER.

You who are addicted to pornography, you are an ignorant victim but you are also ACCOUNTABLE, because you LET YOURSELF be deceived and dragged by what you KNEW deep down WAS WRONG. It is the reason why you have always HIDDEN IT for fear of being EXPOSED by the light of the Holiness of a RIGHTEOUS GOD. But no, you CHOSE to believe the lies of the devil, that we are born this way, that it is ok, that we are only human, that we cannot help it. You have CHOSEN to believe the devil who turned evil into good and good into evil. You have chosen to give your soul to the devil and you have delivered your family into the hands of sexual demons that will destroy them. You have chosen to believe the devil who told you: “DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT, YOU SURELY WILL NOT DIE”

Are pastors refusing to take a stand to get stimulus checks — “Love of money” instead of Holy Spirit led?

Shutting down churches is a clear violation of the First Amendment and God’s mandate to meet together.

Is this why most pastors are lying down without saying one word — the “love of money?”

If pastors obeyed God by doing and teaching what the Bible actually says, we would have had revival years ago, and there wouldn’t be a shortage of funds for those truly biblical.

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Should Americans know which churches received COVID-19 stimulus loans?

Jun 28, 2020

“..American Atheists estimated that more than $6 billion in stimulus funds went to houses of worship. The current funding drama stems from the Small Business Administration’s paycheck protection program, which was launched in response to the coronavirus pandemic. It offers forgivable loans of up to $10 million to businesses with fewer than 500 employees.”


(vid) JP Sears Satire: How to Be More Afraid!

Rush: Why There Is No Grassroots Demand to Reopen the Country — People making more by not working – “The love of money”

A factor not many talk about: “the love of money” incentivizing Americans to accept unconstitutional shutdowns and draconian measures that are destroying America!

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Why There Is No Grassroots Demand to Reopen the Country

Rush Limbaugh

You know what I misjudged? I misjudged the amount of money we were giving people in COVID-19 relief legislation. It wasn’t as bad as I thought. We were paying people a significant amount of money not to work. And that’s the one thing that’s been missing in this entire shutdown even though we’ve reopened. The one thing that was missing was a national demand on the part of the American people to open it back up. That troubles me. And it troubled me when I realized it.

There isn’t, there hasn’t been a nationwide demand to reopen the country. Grassroots, I mean. And I have come to the conclusion that there will only be a grassroots push to reopen the country when people stop making more money staying at home than by going to work. I think the number I saw, two-thirds of the people receiving unemployment compensation under the COVID relief bills that are out there, two-thirds of them are making more, they’re getting more than they were earning at their jobs.

Pornography As A Secret Weapon To Enslave Mankind — “We corrupt in order to rule”

(1 min vid) Tony Robbins: What is FEAR? – People fear not being loved

“In ’68-’69, 100,000 Americans died from the flu – 165,000 equiv.. Nothing closed down, but we didn’t have a 24/7, lying, hysterical thing called media.” – Dennis Prager

“In 1968-69, 100,000 Americans died from the flu that year. That’s equivalent today to 165,000 Americans. Nothing closed down. … We didn’t have a 24/7, lying, hysterical thing called media.” – Dennis Prager (source)


[JP Sears Covid Satire Vid!] What It’s Like to Believe Everything the Media Tells You — “This new scientific data [deaths only 0.26%] is irrelevant to me because I already made up my mind when I was the most frightened” • “The mainstream narrative helps me label them as ‘crazy,’ rather than thinking about what they’re saying” • “I spend a lot of time looking for information they shoved in my face that confirms my existing beliefs to help my mind continue to learn and expand” • “Is that a blue pill?!”

What would it be like if you stopped thinking for yourself and believed everything the media tells you? Here’s what it might look like to be completely brainwashed by the news.

Related: JP shares how quickly the ideas in this video came together between minutes 2 and 7: Inside My Recent Viral Video About Believing Everything The Media Tells You

My Notes – exact transcriptions:

[Smiling] “People are freaking out right now, like they’re tired of having their constitutional rights taken away with the mandatory stay-at-home orders. Cities are suing the California governor so their people can go back to their beaches again. Idiots. I’ll stay at home for the rest of my life if they tell me to.”

“Who knows how to make the best choices for my health and my life. Definitely not me. So I’m more than happy to put my blind trust in power hungry politicians and definitely uncorrupt groups like the World Health Organization. I think they know what’s best for me”

“..this new scientific data [covid deaths only 0.1-0.2%] is irrelevant to me because it’s like I already made up my mind when I was the most frightened. And I’m going to keep believing what makes me the most frightened, because it just feels more congruent in my being that way.”

“I also spend a lot of time looking for information that they shoved in my face that confirms my existing beliefs. There’s nothing like a little confirmation bias to help my mind continue to learn and expand.”

“It’s pretty well proven that being proactive and taking care of your health won’t keep you healthy. Our only hope is in the pharmaceutical companies protecting us. They have a very good track record of never harming anyone, so I sleep pretty good at night.”

[I skipped the excellent Bill Gates section, that shines as a whole.]

“The mainstream narrative helps me classify anyone that doesn’t go along with its narrative as an ‘irresponsible, lunatic, conspiracy theorist.’ That way I can label them as ‘crazy,’ rather than thinking about what they’re saying.”

“Thinking for yourself and making your own choices is dangerous in a time like this. Oh, is that a blue pill [picks it up, which was sitting next to the red pill this entire video]?!”


31% of Adults Ages 25-64 Take Psych Drugs – 25% of All Ages Use! (2017 Stats – USA)

I finally found the percentages of Americans on psych drugs. This means there is almost a one-in-three chance that an adult age-25-64 is on psych drugs. So it’s not surprising that people often don’t emotionally act the way we would expect, given that many have what experts say is like a chemical lobotomy, which many of these drugs produce.

I did the math, using the grand total figure below for all ages and the 2017 population, and got 24.68% — one in four people!

Total number of people age 25-64 is 180,747,125. With 55,252,763 using comes to 30.57%, or 31% — one in three!

The percentage for the age group 45-65 is higher yet.

TalmudVision – A Pharisee in your living room!

Jesus warned the people:

“‘..beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.’ Then they understood that He did not say to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees” (Mt. 16:11-12).

Jesus confronted them, saying, “You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do” (John 8:44).

“I know your works, oppression, and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. – Revelation 2:9

Paul said:

“As concerning the gospel, they [the Jews] are enemies for your sakes….” – Rom. 11:28

Meet the Jews Who Own Hollywood and the Media — “As a proud Jew,” says Joel Stein, “I want America to know of our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood.” — Time magazine, Newsweek, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and many, many more are all owned or run by Jews and operated solely to further the aims of the traitorous, anti-American [and reverse-Christian], ever-growing Zionist World Empire

(vid) E. Michael Jones: Pornography is a weapon – Lust darkens the mind, keeps you docile and isolated • Those who control the media want people addicted • Paganism is rebellion against Logos, an excuse to indulge in what you know is wrong

Key points by E. Michael Jones transcribed by me:

3:10 “The crucial thing you have to understand here is something that St. Augustine said at the time of the fall of the Roman empire. He said ‘a man has as many masters as he has vices.’ If you want to avoid masters, you have to avoid vices. At the time of the revolution, a man by the name of Marquis de Sade turned that upside down. What he saw was if you want to control people promote vice.

9:30 “The people who control the media don’t want you to move away from it [porn and masturbation].”

10:05 The Psychology Today article claiming porn is beneficial because it makes people more docile and accepting of homosexuality, etc. “I agree with what they said. That’s absolutely the point of pornography and masturbation. It makes you docile. It makes you isolated. And people who want to keep you docile and isolated promote it. … If you want to wreck people lives, this is one way to do it. It’s probably the simplest way, if you’re a male to wreck your life, to get you addicted to this. The simplest way for a female is to have an abortion. It turns out, hey, there’s one group promoting both of these things.”

14:19 “A figure like St. Thomas Aquinas would say ‘lust darkens the mind.’This is exactly why pornography is a weapon. I brought this out at the beginning of Libido Dominandi, describing the Israeli troupes coming into Ramallah. They come in, take over the TV station, and start broadcasting pornography. This is a conquering army taking over your culture, and they’re broadcasting pornography. Are they doing this because they want to liberate you? No, they’re doing it because it’s a weapon against the indigenous population to keep them docile, divided, preoccupied by their passions, isolated, and so on.”

35:45 “I think people are pagans now not because they believe that Thor actually exists. I don’t think that’s possible anymore. I think that the main problem is your behavior. You call yourself a pagan because you’re in rebellion against the Logos. And the Logos for 2,000 years has been identified with Jesus Christ. So you’ve decided you want to live a law according to principles that you cannot reconcile with moral behavior, and that’s why you’ve adopted this identity.

37:00 “Paganism is an excuse to indulge in these things that you know are wrong.”

David Anders: How people justify immoral behavior by finding those who support their feelings — “Pure subjectivity is not an adequate guide to moral life”

Transcribed by me from from: CALLED TO COMMUNION – Dr. David Anders – November 13 , 2019 [I attended evangelical seminary with Dave. I never finished. He did, and became a Catholic, and now has his own show on TV.]

Skousen: “People don’t want to face the fact that we’re losing. All of Trump’s successes are just temporary. The deep state is so evil and powerful, a Satanic conspiracy…. You must prepare for the takedown.”

(vid) How Pornographers DESTROYED Patriarchy and the West

Quote from the Psychology Today article referenced in this video. Notice the pejorative words the anti-Christian magazine uses to stigmatize those who are still moral, which I put in italics. Even their title is deceptive:6 Ways to Develop Sexual Integrity.”

An interesting effect happens as people watch pornography. They … become more accepting of sexual diversity and less stigmatizing towards homosexuality. They become less religious, and may even experience more crises of faith. Enjoying porn leads to people changing their beliefs about sex and gender, and, in some cases, rejecting the dogmatically rigid sex/gender values they were taught in church. (source)

VIDEO: Leaked ABC News Insider Recording EXPOSES ABC’s #EpsteinCoverup “We had Clinton, We had Everything” – “She Was in Hiding for 12 Years. We Convinced Her to Talk to Us … She Had Pictures… I’ve Had This Story for 3 Years”

“She Was in Hiding for 12 Years. We Convinced Her to Talk to Us … She Had Pictures… I’ve Had This Story for 3 Years”

“I’ve Had This Story for Three Years… (ABC) Would Not Put It on The Air” says Good Morning America Breaking News Anchor, and 20/20 Co-Anchor Amy Robach.  “It Was Unbelievable… We Had – Clinton, We Had Everything…”

• Amy Robach Describes How She Interviewed a Woman Who Had the Courage to Come Forward “Years” Ago About Epstein: “She Had Pictures, She Had Everything. She Was in Hiding for Twelve Years. We Convinced Her to Come Out. We Convinced Her to Talk to Us.”

• Robach Details ABC’s Initial Response to Her: “Who’s Jeffrey Epstein? No One Knows Who That is. This is a Stupid Story

• Robach: “Now it’s All Coming Out … I Freaking Had All Of It…”

Amy Robach, ‘Good Morning America’ Co-Host and Breaking News Anchor at ABC, explains how a witness came forward years ago with information pertaining to Epstein, but Disney-owned ABC News refused to air the material for years. Robach vents her anger in a “hot mic” moment with an off-camera producer, explaining that ABC quashed the story in it’s early stages.  “I’ve had this interview with Virginia Roberts (Now Virginia Guiffre) [alleged Epstein victim]. We would not put it on the air. Um, first of all, I was told “Who’s Jeffrey Epstein.  No one knows who that is.  This is a stupid story.”

(vid) TruNews: Chuck Baldwin & Rick Wiles Expose Israel Worship – Building a temple for the Antichrist. “Our duty to Satan is one of resistance, not assistance!”

Chuck Baldwin and Rick Wiles, together for the first time in many years tell their stories of how they woke up to the deception of blessing currently Talmudic Israel to get blessed, a misreading of Gen. 12:3.

Chuck and Rick are both heroes in my view — having the courage to admit they were wrong, and now warn the people instead!

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