Freedom from Alaska!

Month: May 2011 Page 4 of 6

Pastor Chuck Baldwin: The Death Of Bin Laden; The Death Of America


Posted on May 12, 2011

The Death Of Bin Laden; The Death Of America

News outlets all over America have repeatedly announced the government story that Navy SEALS recently killed Al Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden in a palatial “safe house” in Pakistan. But, of course, government photos of the dead bin Laden will not be released to the public for fear of inciting animosity among bin Laden’s militant Muslim followers–as if the announcement that he had been killed wouldn’t be enough to enrage them! And, furthermore, the body of bin Laden was quickly buried at sea out of “respect” for Muslim tradition that one has a speedy burial. But no mention is made, of course, as to why his body could not have been buried. Were all nearby cemeteries filled? And the question, “Why were the rest of the dead bodies of the other Muslims who were killed in the raid also not buried at sea?” has neither been asked nor answered. The media simply keeps regurgitating the announcement that Navy SEALS killed bin Laden. And, of course, the one thing a burial at sea accomplishes is it circumvents any attempt by independent sources to confirm the true identity of bin Laden via a post burial examination.

Is Osama bin Laden really dead? I don’t think there is any question about it. In fact, bin Laden has been dead for several years. If readers will recall, this is the latest of several announcements by various government spokesmen that Osama bin Laden left the land of the living. As respected researcher Joel Skousen notes in his latest World Affairs Brief, no less than 9 public announcements of bin Laden’s demise have been made spanning the years 2001-2009.

For example, on January 18, 2002, the Pakistani President declared, “I think now, frankly, he [bin Laden] is dead.”

In October 2002, Afghan President Hamid Karzai told CNN, “I would come to believe that [bin Laden] probably is dead.”

In November of 2005, Senator Harry Reid revealed that he was told Osama may have died in October of that year.

In September of 2006, French intelligence leaked a report suggesting Osama had died in Pakistan.

In March of 2009, noted military and intelligence analyst Angelo Codevilla stated, “All the evidence suggests Elvis Presley is more alive today than Osama bin Laden.”

And in May of 2009, Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari said, “I’ve said before that he [bin Laden]–I don’t think he’s alive.” He also said the head of US intelligence told him they [the US] hadn’t heard from Osama bin Laden in 7 years so they presumed him dead.”

Skousen also points out the fact that it is unfathomable that bin Laden could have remained alive and hiding out in caves and primitive safe houses for an extended period of time, because it was a well known fact that he suffered from acute kidney disease that required almost daily usage of a dialysis machine (which was NOT present in the home where the US government claimed he was shot). US intelligence personnel surely knew that bin Laden was treated at the American Hospital in Dubai in July of 2001 by Dr. Terry Callaway, and that CIA station chief Larry Mitchell met bin Laden in the hospital during the time he was admitted. In fact, French television and the Agence France Presse reported that bin Laden was hospitalized between July 4th and 14th of that year.

See Joel Skousen’s web site at:

I certainly do not doubt that Navy SEALS killed someone during that raid. In all likelihood, it was a bin Laden look-alike who had outlived his usefulness. The official story of the raid has changed so many times and has so many holes in it, it is an embarrassment to the US national press corps that they have carried the story “as is” in such a careless and unprofessional manner. But, then again, the national press corps has been little more than a national propaganda machine for the federal government for decades, anyway. So, why should this story be any different?

At this point, I encourage readers to check out the following report that chronicles some of the more obvious discrepancies and laughable explanations of the government’s official story (or more appropriately, stories):

So, the obvious question that needs to be asked is, “What is to be gained by the announcement of this raid in which Osama bin Laden was supposedly killed?”

For one thing, this is going to make it extremely difficult for Republicans to beat President Barack Obama in the 2012 elections. Immediately following the raid’s announcement, Obama’s approval rating soared by almost 25 percentage points. And with an extremely weak GOP Presidential field (believe it or not, Republican Congressman Ron Paul actually fares better head-to-head against Obama than any other Republican candidate–but the Powers That Be (PTB) within the propaganda media and the GOP establishment will do everything in their power to prevent Paul from gaining the nomination), the “bin Laden factor” makes Obama almost unbeatable. As Skousen astutely asked, how many terrorists have Gingrich, Palin, or Huckabee killed?

However, the thing that benefits the most from this raid is America’s emerging police state, which is now strategically positioned to take another giant leap forward.

With bin Laden now declared “dead,” the US government will have to find another excuse to continue the “War On Terrorism.” Will US forces now pull out of Afghanistan? Not on your life! Literally! US forces are permanently embedded in the Middle East. They are never coming home. In fact, the US 2nd Marine Division is on alert for an insertion into Libya, and US attacks against Syria are soon to follow.

All the PTB need now is another 9/11-style attack, and the architects that are drawing up plans for America becoming a Gestapo-style police state will be free to launch their evil machinations almost at will. And revenge for the death of bin Laden will be the reason provided to the American public that will convince them to accept this next round of attacks against the Bill of Rights and America’s liberties.

While Americans are rejoicing over the death of Osama bin Laden, they need to be infuriated at the death of America, because that is what this so-called “War on Terror” is accomplishing.

P.S. For the month of May, I am making three of my most popular video messages available at a special package price: “What Every Christian Should Know About The New World Order,” “There Is A Conspiracy,” and “The Biblical Standard Of Government.” During the month of May, these three video messages may be purchased for the price of two.That’s like buying two and getting one free. To take advantage of this special offer, go to:

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

© Chuck Baldwin


10 Facts That Prove The Bin Laden Fable Is a Contrived Hoax

Paul Craig Roberts: Osama bin Laden’s Useful Death

Bin Laden’s death — the truth or a cunning diversion?

‘Bin Laden dead long before US raid’ – and – why dump the body in the sea when burial at sea is not an Islamic practice and Islam does not have a timeframe for burial.

Joel Skousen’s EXCELLENT Analysis of ‘Obama Getting Osama,’ Ron Paul Running Despite the Media, and Obama’s Absolutely Fake Birth Certificate

Mike Adams: The God Within documentary – exposing the false philosophy of modern science — Human beings are mindless machines with no consciousness and free will. Stephen Hawking’s souless determinism — Justifying genicide

[youtube=]The God Within documentary – exposing the false philosophy of modern science

Uploaded by on May 10, 2011

This mini-documentary by Mike Adams the Health Ranger exposes the false philosophy underpinning most of modern science. It explains why science is rooted in evil and destruction while harming life on our planet: GMOs, vaccines, psychiatric drugs, nuclear weapons — they’ve all been pursued and promoted under the brand of “science.” And yet, shockingly, modern scientists do not believe human beings are conscious beings. They claim we are all just “biological robots” which provides the philosophical pretext for genocide.

See more at www.NaturalNews.TV

Bruce Fein: The Patriot Act: Dispelling the Myths — Liberty (not security) is at the apex of our individual rights!

[youtube=]Bruce Fein – Recapping “Patriot Act: Dispelling the Myths” – 05/11/11

Jeff Rense Japan Nuclear Disaster Headlines: #1 Reactor is In Meltdown – Holes In Reactor Bottom


Japan Nuclear Disaster

Yoichi Shimatsu
Japan Update 5.9.11
Free MP3 – Listen

Real Time World Earthquake Monitor 

Fukushima Live Cam 24/7

#1 Reactor IS In Meltdown – Holes In Reactor Bottom – Vid

Confirmed – Radioactive ‘Lava’ Eating Thru Reactor Bottom

TEPCO Admits #1 Meltdown May Be Through Bottom Of Containment

Much Bigger Damage To Reactor #1 Admitted By TEPCO

Severe Breach In Reactor #1 Will Slow TEPCO ‘Optimism’

Underwater Robot Captures Huge Fukushima Damage – Vid

Worse Than Expected Damage Seen At Japan Reactor

Water BELOW #1 Reactor Fuel Rods, Total Meltdown Thought – Vid

TEPCO – Virtually No Water In #1 Reactor Or Its Containment!

Fukushima Radioactive Smoke Blocks Live Cam! – Pic 

The Great Fukushima Deadly Radioactive Smoke Out – Vid

TEPCO (Finally) Admits MOX Reactor 3 Is Leaking

Radioactive Water Found In Reactor 3 (MOX) Pit

New Fukushima Smoke – ‘Don’t Worry!’ Says TEPCO – Vid

New Fukushima Reactor 3 & 4 Fires? – Graphic Footage – Vid

Beginning To Look A Lot Like (A Fukushima) Christmas

TEPCO Reviews Status (sort of) Of 4 Fukushima Reactors

MIT – Fukushima Chain Reactions AFTER Quake, Tsunami

Hamaoka Shutdown Could Trigger Chain Of Power Outages

Fukushima – No Way Out

Fukushima Reactor Bldg 4 Leaning, May Collapse – Vid

TEPCO Admits It May Have To Slow ‘Repairs’ Over Radiation – Vid

Radiation Very High At #3 Spent Fuel Pool (uh, WHAT pool?) – Vid

New Vid Shows NO Spent Fuel Pool Left At MOX Reactor 3 – Vid

Rense & Shimatsu – Shredding The Deadly Lies Of Fukushima – Vid

Canada Joins US In Reducing Testing Of Milk For Radiatiion – Vid

Survey Shows High Radiation Outside Of Exclusion Zone

Fukushima #3 Explosion Blew Plutonium All Over The Place

Opening #1 Released Huge 500m Becquerel Plume – 700 Millisieverts/Hr Inside

Radiation Leak At Japan’s Tsuruga Nuclear Plant

Temp In Fukushima 3 (MOX) Up 40c In ONE Day – Meltdown?

TEPCO – Doors Of #1 Reactor Building Will Open Soon – Vid

German Stations Picking Up Fukushisma Radiation

Gunderson – Fukushima Mox Explosion, Air/Water Contamination – Vid

Hamaoka: ‘World’s Most Dangerous’ Nuclear Power Plant Is Closed Down’

There MAY Be A Two Year Window IF No More Big Quakes Hit

Japan Lawmaker – ‘Move Parliament To Fukushima’

Bad Water Valve Found In Japan Nuclear Plant – Vid

Japan PM Calls For Nuke Plant To Shut Down – Quake Risk

Wilkerson Prophecy – Quakes In Japan And US

6.1 Quake Off Fukushima Area – No Damage Reports

5.3 Quake Hits Fukushima Area

Belgium Finds Radioactive Cesium On Japan Containers

Leaking Radiation Being Blown Right Back Over Japan

Smoke Rising From Fukushima Reactors 2, 3 & 4 – Vid

Emissions Still Pouring From Wrecked Fukshima Nuclear Plant – Pics

Workers Enter Reactor Bldg #1 To Install Air Ducts – Vid

Japan Govt Urges Onagwa Plant Owners To Protect Public

EPA Will No Longer Monitor Radioactivity From Fukushima!

Seafloor Radiation 1,000x Normal 20km From Fukushima

Cumulative Radiation In Japan Town Passes 20 Milli-Sieverts In 40 Days

Fukushima – What They Aren’t Saying  

No Protection For Fukushima’s ‘Expendable’ Citizens Or Us

Where Is Fukushima Radiation Going, Why Does It Matter – Vid

Obama’s Hollow Victory


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Click here for more articles »    

The News from Prison Planet


Glenn Spencer: Illegal Immigration Is an Absolute Nightmare | “Treason” | “America is Committing Suicide”: Alex Jones

[youtube=]Glenn Spencer: Illegal Immigration Is an Absolute Nightmare 1/2

Uploaded by on May 11, 2011

The Economic Collapse
May 11, 2011

Barack Obama has declared that “immigration reform is an economic imperative”, and is promising to do his best to get an immigration bill pushed through Congress this year. But will “legalizing” all of the illegal immigration that has taken place over the last several decades improve the struggling U.S. economy or will it actually make our economic problems worse? One of the favorite tricks of top politicians is to promise that the economy is going to improve if we just support what it is that they are currently pushing. Hopefully the Americans people will not buy the nonsense that Obama is spewing. The truth is that Barack Obama is wrong about the economic impact of illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants don’t do jobs that Americans “don’t want” to do. A million Americans recently showed up to apply for a job at McDonald’s. That is how desperate Americans are for work these days. Please don’t try to tell me that there aren’t millions of Americans out there that would not pick fruit for minimum wage. The millions upon millions of illegal immigrants in this country are stealing jobs, they are depressing wages in a whole host of industries and they are a huge factor in the erosion of the middle class. Millions of middle class American families can’t afford to provide for their families anymore and are losing their homes, drowning in debt or going bankrupt. Rather than what Barack Obama is proposing (which is to essentially “legalize” illegal immigration), we need an immigration policy that makes sense and that protects American jobs.

Before we go any further, it is important for me to make a few points. It is not a bad thing that people want to come to this nation from another country. A lot of people that want to come to the United States are really hard working and have really solid character. This nation has a long tradition of immigrants arriving to build a better life here. At different times this country will need different levels of immigration, but we will always need new immigrants. People on one side of a border are not more “valuable” than people on another side of a border. There is a reason why our founding fathers believed that “all men are created equal”. In every nation on earth there are really wonderful people. We should love all men, women and children no matter where they were born and no matter what they look like. God created us all and He loves us all dearly.

The reason I went into all that is because of the way politics is played in America in 2011. The moment that anyone suggests that there might be a problem with illegal immigration they are immediately branded with all kinds of horrible labels. To put a horrible label on someone that is completely and totally untrue just to score political points is absolutely despicable.

The funny thing is that some of the organizations that denounce others the loudest should actually be examining themselves. For example, one of the largest pro-illegal immigration organizations is called “La Raza”, which literally means “The Race” (as if we all couldn’t figure it out). Perhaps it is time for them to come up with a new name.

Look, we all have to start learning to love each other. If not, our society is going to continue to break down.

A majority of the American people (yes, that is what the polls show) are not against illegal immigration because they “hate” another group of people. Rather, they just want all immigrants to go through the “front door” and they want the government to be sensitive to changing economic conditions.

The sad truth is that the U.S. government has absolutely refused to secure the U.S. border with Mexico for decades, and this has allowed millions upon millions of criminals, drug dealers and gang members to cross freely into the United States. In addition, by refusing to secure the border we have allowed new diseases to spread unchecked into this country.

Meanwhile, the law abiding people that would like to get into this country legally are put through absolute hell. I used to practice law and I have filled out immigration forms. The process is a complete and total nightmare.

So we have been making it really easy for law breakers to sneak in the back door of our country and we have been making it really hard for law abiding people to get in the front door.…


Alex Jones: Can’t Touch This Rant

[youtube=]Alex Jones: Can’t Touch This Rant

Uploaded by on May 11, 2011

5/10/11 ‘Coast’ recap: Steve Pieczenik (the real Jack Ryan of ‘The Patriot Games’) Psy-ops in America — Obama, Osama, 9/11, false flag ops, financial crisis… | Why was the interview only 2 hours?

Related from 5/12:

[media bias exposed] I expected this: George Noory is cutting Mark Dice’s interview short, moving the start past bedtime — beginning with a most boring subject

* * *

This was good, but could have been much better, in part in that most ‘Coast’ main-guest interviews are 3 hours long. Here, the last hour was open lines without Steve. Hmmm… What would the callers encouraged Steve to reveal had there been a third hour.

George Noory seemed to underplay Steve in his introduction. He really didn’t adequately introduce Steve to the American people. Compare to Alex Jones’ intro and interview: Insider Dr. Steve Pieczenik (the real Jack Ryan of ‘The Patriot Games’): Bin Laden, The Oswald-Like Patsy Died 10 Years Ago! — “We’re viewed as idiots and stupid by our politicians.” | Names U.S. politicians behind 9/11

I wonder how much pressure George Noory feels from his bosses to only let so much truth come out.

George, himself is part of the psy ops. He’s on a leash; though, it’s longer than most of the others out there. And if he didn’t have shows glorifying clearly ungodly things he would have been off the air long ago, in my opinion.

Americans are being robbed from getting enough information to be able to turn this thing around.

Jeff Fenske

From: coasttocoastam

Psy-Ops in America

Date: 05-10-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Dr. Steve Pieczenik, Deirdre Marie Capone

Author of psycho-political thrillers, Dr. Steve Pieczenik was trained in psychiatry at Harvard University and international relations at M.I.T. Appearing during the middle two hours, he discussed how Psy-ops are being used against the American People on several fronts, along with various deceptions and false flags in foreign policy matters. The biggest national security problem we have in the US is the weak financial system, and ineffective intelligence, he commented.

“I have no idea,” [why would George even write this quote when it’s not truly Steve’s perspective – editor] why Obama would do this, Pieczenik said of what he called a psychological operation (psy-op)– the story of bin Laden being killed by US forces in Pakistan. Osama bin Laden was known to suffer from Marfarn syndrome (a genetic disorder that dramatically shortens lifespan), as well as receiving kidney dialysis treatments. The storyline that bin Laden was alive in 2001 and attacked our country is a falsity, born out of the need for the US to create a boogeyman, and justify wars, he continued.

The 9-11 attack was another false flag operation, and the US administration is considered weak and ineffectual by Europe, who note inconsistencies such as Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize and then going to war in Afghanistan, he added. Pieczenik also talked about his ongoing collaboration with Tom Clancy for a series of novels.

Entire Article Here

Dr. Russell Blaylock STATINS are dangerous — Big Pharma LIES!

[youtube=]Dr. Russell Blaylock STATINS are dangerous! 1/4

Uploaded by on May 10, 2011

Retired brain surgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock breaks down the neurological research and effects of statins on the brain and central nervous system.




Jesse Ventura speaks with Alex Jones from Mexico: “I’ve been lied to so much I question everything the government tells me”

[youtube=]Ventura doesn’t buy The Bin Laden Hoax PT1

Uploaded by on May 10, 2011…

“There’s more Hells Angels than Al Qaeda” Jesse Ventura

Former Navy SEAL and Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura has questioned Barack Obama’s official narrative regarding the raid on Osama Bin Laden, telling the Alex Jones Show of his suspicions that Osama died years ago, and expressing disbelief that the man seen flicking between TV channels in the video released by the White House Saturday was actually Bin Laden.
“I’ve been lied to so much I question everything the government tells me,” Ventura said, adding that the Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman cover-ups made him suspect the official version of last Sunday’s events.

“I don’t know what to believe, that’s the disturbing thing about being a United States citizen,” said Ventura, noting how the media has for the most part simply regurgitated everything the White House claimed about the raid.



Big show tonight on ‘Coast’! Steve Pieczenik (the real Jack Ryan of ‘The Patriot Games’) how Psy-ops are being used against the American People | Mark Dice on thursday!!!


Schedule for 05.10.11 – 05.13.11

Hosted by George Noory

Dr. Steve Pieczenik

Tuesday May 10, 2011

Author of psycho-political thrillers, Dr. Steve Pieczenik was trained in psychiatry at Harvard University and international relations at M.I.T. He’ll discuss how Psy-ops are being used against the American People on several fronts.

Hosted by George Noory

Julia Schopick

Wednesday May 11, 2011

Writer and medical advocate, Julia Schopick began studying alternative medical treatment after her husband developed a cancerous brain tumor. She’ll discuss the history of how numerous natural, effective and inexpensive treatments for various diseases have been largely ignored by the medical community.

Hosted by George Noory

Mark Dice

Thursday May 12, 2011

Muckraker out to expose the abuses of the New World Order, Mark Dice has made a career out of speaking truth about the powers that be. He’ll discuss the various ways that technology is violating not only our privacy but our civil rights – all using our tax dollars.

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines


Mobile phones soon required to receive, display White House propaganda messages

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
May 10 – If you’re tired of all the half-truths, the propaganda and the complete disinformation that has been spewing from the White House for at least the last twelve years, you can always turn off your television….

Why democracy is failing America

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
May 10 – Democracy is the worst form of government, Sir Winston Churchill once said… except for every other form of government. In other words, all forms of government are atrociously bad, and democracy may merely…

Expensive screening for blood clots causing dangerous treatments

By S. L. Baker, features writer
May 10 – Over the past 13 years, huge numbers of people have likely been treated for a blood clot in the lungs (known as a pulmonary embolism, or PE) that didn’t need treatment at all. As a result some have suffered…

Americans preparing like never before – are you ready for the unexpected?

By J. D. Heyes
May 10 – – Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Gustav. The recent tornadoes throughout the south. Flooding in Missouri. The devastating fallout from a major earthquake along the New Madrid fault line. The devaluation of the…

Radioactive mountain tops

By Mark Sircus., AC, OMD
May 10 – Several Japanese are crying out about what is going on in Japan. Hirose Takashi is telling us that, “The nuclear power plants in Japan are aging rapidly; like cyborgs, they are barely kept in operation by a…

Psychopharmaceutical industry seeks world of dispassionate sheeple (sheep-people)

By Monica G. Young
May 10 – People who obediently follow the herd, never markedly sad, angry or excited; children who play quietly and never annoy or talk out of turn – this is the object of the psychiatric/pharmaceutical industries. And…

GRAIN report exposes the fraud of ‘food safety’ legislation

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
May 10 – The typical response to food contamination outbreaks in the industrialized world, and particularly in the US, is to impose stricter regulations and more so-called “food safety” requirements. But a new report…

Join the Rally for Food and Farm Freedom in DC on May 16

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
May 10 – The freedom to grow, sell, and buy clean food is under serious attack. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has made it clear that the agency is not a friend of food freedom and that it is willing to do…

Midwest, Southern states brace for the worst as record flooding threatens region

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
May 9 – The Mississippi River continues to rise, and many areas around Memphis, Tenn., as well as in other states, have already been evacuated. Reports indicate that the Mississippi River has already crested 14 feet…

GM crop cultivation a symbol of death to natives whose loved ones killed by pesticides

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
May 9 – Cultivation of genetically modified (GM) soy in the South American country of Paraguay has risen dramatically in recent years, currently topping nearly 6.5 million acres. With this rise has come massive deforestation… offers free vitamin D3 supplements to NaturalNews readers (in USA)

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
May 9 – I don’t run the ad department at NaturalNews, so I didn’t even know about this until I saw it in our email newsletter, but the company has put together a ridiculously good offer for NaturalNews…

Long-term storable superfoods launched by preparedness company

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
May 9 – Today we’re announcing the launch of Storable Organics (, the world’s first company offering a full line of preparedness superfoods and organic foods packed in steel cans for long-term…

NC school district to give away iPod, laptop to children who participate in vaccination contest

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
May 9 – The Chapel Hill – Carrboro City School (CHCCS) district in North Carolina has launched a shocking new vaccination contest that offers prize incentives to students who get vaccinated. According to the CHCCS district…

Children’s brains needlessly exposed to cancer-linked radiation

By S. L. Baker, features writer
May 9 – Are you a parent? Here’s a simple question to ask yourself: if your youngster receives a bump on the head, would you rather keep an eye on your child for 4 to 6 hours to make sure he or she suffered no serious…

Radiation still a problem – Don’t be fooled by reassurances

By Randall Neustaedter OMD
May 9 – The New York Times and other mass media publications have been publishing articles that downplay the dangers of radioactive fallout from nuclear disasters like the Fukushima and Chernobyl disasters. And the…

Swiss researcher proves that natural selective breeding works better than GMOs

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
May 9 – Twenty years of careful research and development on a new apple variety has produced an amazing fruit that New Zealand’s Scoop news states is “sweet, tangy and delicious.” And the most amazing aspect of Swiss…

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Alex Jones: “It’s 2-minutes to midnight!” — “If they can get us to say ‘torture is good’ they can do anything.”


“If they can get us to say ‘torture is good’
they can do anything.”

“It’s 2-minutes to midnight.”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
from The Alex Jones Show, 5/10/11


Sarah Palin demonstrates why most evangelicals dissed Ron Paul, who wanted to bring the troops home. ‘Christians’ have two sets of books: one for US and one for THEM (“who don’t deserve rights”). THEY’re not our ‘neighbor’ whom Jesus commanded US to love as much as ourselves. Maybe that’s why most evangelicals refuse to investigate 9/11. If THEY didn’t take down the towers…???

10 Facts That Prove The Bin Laden Fable Is a Contrived Hoax

D.C. Ruins

Artist Unknown

Why won’t Amy Goodman have Richard Gage (Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth) on Democracy Now?

[youtube=]We Are Change has Amy Goodman on the run

Uploaded by on Mar 16, 2010

A compilation of Amy Goodman’s responses to questions concerning Building 7, Architects & Engineers, and the 911 cover up including a new confrontation at DePaul University by We Are Change Chicago

10 Facts That Prove The Bin Laden Fable Is a Contrived Hoax

10 Facts That Prove The Bin Laden Fable Is a Contrived Hoax

Every indication clearly points to last Sunday’s raid being a manufactured ploy to return Americans to a state of post-9/11 intellectual castration

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, May 9, 2011

Merely a week after President Obama announced the death of Osama Bin Laden, there is literally a deluge of evidence that clearly indicates the whole episode has been manufactured for political gain and to return Americans to a state of post-9/11 intellectual castration so that they can be easily manipulated in the run up to the 2012 election. Here are ten facts that prove the Bin Laden fable is a contrived hoax….

1) Before last Sunday’s raid, every intelligence analyst, geopolitical commentator or head of state worth their salt was on record as stating that Osama Bin Laden was already dead, and that he probably died many years ago, from veteran CIA officer Robert Baer, to former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, to former FBI head of counterterrorism Dale Watson. In addition, back in 2002 Alex Jones was told directly by two separate high level sources that Bin Laden was already dead and that his death would be announced at the most politically opportune moment. Top US government insider Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, a man who held numerous different influential positions under five different Presidents, serving as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under the Nixon, Ford and Carter, told the Alex Jones Show last week that Bin Laden died of marfan syndrome shortly after he was visited by CIA physicians at the American Hospital in Dubai in July 2001.

2) The official narrative of how the raid unfolded completely collapsed within days of its announcement. First there had been a 40 minute shootout, then there was no shootout and just one man was armed, first Bin Laden was armed then he was not, first Bin Laden used his wife as a human shield and then he did not. First the compound was described as a “$1 million dollar mansion” then it turned out to be a rubbish-strewn dilapidated compound that was worth less than a quarter of that. Almost every single aspect of the official narrative has changed since Obama first described the raid last Sunday as the White House struggles to keep its story straight.

3) The alleged body of Bin Laden was hastily dumped in the sea to prevent any proper procedure of identification. The White House claimed this was in accordance with normal Islamic burial rituals, however numerous Muslim scholars all over the globe disputed this claim, pointing out that Muslims can only be buried at sea if they die at sea. While the White House claimed that Bin Laden’s death on May 1st was proven by DNA and facial recognition evidence, such proof was never released for public scrutiny and the Obama administration refused to release photos of Bin Laden’s dead body, suggesting a cover-up.

4) Despite the fact that the White House released “situation room” photos which purported to show Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and the rest of Obama’s security staff watching the raid which killed Bin Laden live, it was later admitted by CIA director Leon Panetta that Obama could not have seen the raid because the live feed was cut off before the Navy SEALS entered the compound. The photos were described by many as having “historical significance,” forming a “captivating” record of Obama’s greatest success and being the “defining moment” of his Presidency. One image showed Hillary Clinton with her hand over her mouth as if witnessing an anxious or crucial moment in the raid. Media reports at the time claimed that the photos represented the moment when “The leader of the free world saw the terror chief shot in the left eye.” However, the photos were staged as a PR stunt for public consumption, nobody in the photos ever saw Bin Laden killed live, nor did they see the Navy SEALS even enter the compound.

5) As even mainstream journalists began to cast suspicion on the official narrative behind the raid, the media reported that Al-Qaeda itself had confirmed every detail of Obama’s address the the nation. However, the conduit for such a claim was in fact an organization called SITE, which is a notorious Pentagon propaganda front run by the daughter of an Israeli spy that has been caught on numerous occasions releasing fake cartoonish “Al-Qaeda” videos at the most politically expedient times for both the Bush and Obama administrations. The SITE organization is nothing more than a contractor for the U.S. government, receiving some $500,000 a year annually from Uncle Sam, and yet the corporate media instantly swallowed and regurgitated the claim that “Al-Qaeda” had confirmed the official story after SITE directed them to an anonymous posting on an Islamic website.

6) Almost every single neighbor that lived near the alleged Bin Laden compound in Abbottabad that was interviewed by news reporters said with absolute certainty that they had never seen Bin Laden and that they knew of no evidence whatsoever to suggest he lived there. Since the town is a staging ground for the Pakistani military, which has a training facility situated virtually a stone’s throw away from the alleged Bin Laden compound, residents were required to show ID when they moved into the area. Pakistani troops and anti-terror police in the town refused to confirm that Bin Laden had lived in the house. Barack Obama himself admitted to 60 Minutes that the White House was only 55/45 sure that Osama lived there before the raid and this uncertainty prompted concerns that the US Navy SEALS sent in could have targeted a “prince from Dubai” or some other individual that was not Bin Laden.

7) The videos released by the White House this past weekend which purport to show Osama Bin Laden making Al-Qaeda tapes in October-November 2010 are almost identical to footage first released by Pentagon front group SITE nearly four years ago. Remember, a May 2010 Washington Post story reported how the CIA had admitted to making fake Bin Laden videos. Despite the White House’s insistence that the footage of Bin Laden is recent, he looks younger and healthier than tapes released almost a decade ago, having apparently dyed his beard black. A separate video that purports to show Bin Laden in his compound flicking through satellite TV channels depicts a much older looking man with a gray beard. Analysts have pointed out that the man has different shaped ears to real Osama pictures from back in 2001. A doctor has also pointed out the fact that the man in the tapes released Saturday has no problem moving his left arm, whereas video from 2001 clearly illustrates how Bin Laden was unable to move his left upper extremity because of a permanent injury probably related to damage to the peripheral nerves. Why the cameraman would film the back of Bin Laden’s head as he watches television is also dubious. Residents in the town of Abbottabad claim the man in the “television” video is not Osama, with one individual claiming that the man labeled by the White House as being Bin Laden is actually his neighbor, a man named Akhbar Han.

8: Despite the fact that numerous neo-cons came out on the days after the alleged raid to erroneously assert that torturing terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay led to the discovery of Bin Laden, Osama himself, the supposed world’s most wanted terrorist and a treasure trove of terror information, despite the fact that he was unarmed, was not taken in for questioning, he was instantly shot in the head according to the official narrative.

9) The US government has been caught on several occasions within the past decade staging military operations for the purposes of generating contrived, pro-war sentiment amongst the American public. Both the “rescue” of Jessica Lynch and the death of Pat Tillman were complete fables, scripted and staged at complete odds with the truth and unleashed on Americans as part of a psychological warfare offensive to elicit support for the war on terror, almost identical to what we’re seeing now with the Bin Laden sideshow. Given the fact that the US government has been caught red-handed scripting tales of pure fiction in order to justify the war on terror, notably in the cases of Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman, why on earth should we believe them now?

10) Despite the fact that Obama announced last Sunday on live television that the world was now “safer” because Bin Laden was dead, his administration, with the aid of the fearmongering mass media, instantly seized upon the situation to terrify Americans into being afraid of imminent “reprisal” terror attacks inside the United States, later claiming that Bin Laden had formulated an “aspirational rather than operational” plan to derail US trains that travel over 500mph, although no trains in the US can actually travel at such speeds. This led “terror experts” to salivate over how TSA agents were now needed in shopping malls to stick their hands down Americans’ pants, while New York Senator Chuckie Schumer called for the no fly list to be expanded to trains and subways. Obama hurried to ground zero for a photo op as he desperately tried to use the Bin Laden hoax to whip up phony patriotism as a means of boosting his flagging poll numbers. Others, like Democrat Bill Richardson, exploited the situation to try and push through policies that had no connection to Bin Laden or terrorism at all, like cap and trade. The haste with which the whole Bin Laden fable was exploited for political points scoring and as a psychological ploy to return Americans to a post-9/11 state of intellectual castration was painfully transparent, clearly suggesting that the entire farce was planned well in advance to achieve precisely those goals in the run up to 2012.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.


Pastor Chuck Baldwin: The Death Of Bin Laden; The Death Of America

Paul Craig Roberts: Osama bin Laden’s Useful Death

Bin Laden’s death — the truth or a cunning diversion?

‘Bin Laden dead long before US raid’ – and – why dump the body in the sea when burial at sea is not an Islamic practice and Islam does not have a timeframe for burial.

Joel Skousen’s EXCELLENT Analysis of ‘Obama Getting Osama,’ Ron Paul Running Despite the Media, and Obama’s Absolutely Fake Birth Certificate

The News from Prison Planet


John B. Wells: “This is as obvious as Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey”

“This is as obvious as Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey.”

How they shot dead the patsy whom they claim was bin Ladin
so he couldn’t talk
and in this case so we couldn’t identify the body.

– John B. Wells

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from ‘Coast to Coast AM,’ 5/9/11

‘Bin Laden dead long before US raid’ – and – why dump the body in the sea when burial at sea is not an Islamic practice and Islam does not have a timeframe for burial.

From: Press TV

Iran’s intelligence minister says the country has reliable information that former head of the al-Qaeda terrorist group Osama bin Laden died of disease some time ago.

“We have accurate information that bin Laden died of illness some time ago,” Heidar Moslehi told reporters on the sidelines of a Cabinet meeting on Sunday.

He questioned Washington’s claim that bin Laden was killed by American troops in a hiding compound in Pakistan on May 1.

“If the US military and intelligence apparatus have really arrested or killed bin Laden, why don’t they show him (his dead body) why have they thrown his corpse into the sea?” Moslehi asked. …

Moslehi said US officials resort to such PR campaigns to divert attention from their domestic problems as well as their “fragile” economic situation. …

A US official later announced that bin Laden’s body was abruptly buried at sea, falsely boasting that his hasty burial was in accordance with the Islamic law, requiring burial within 24 hours of death.

However, burial at sea is not an Islamic practice and Islam does not have a timeframe for burial.

Entire Article Here

Jeff Rense Japan Nuclear Disaster Headlines


Japan Nuclear Disaster

Yoichi Shimatsu
Japan Update 5.2.11

Free MP3 – Listen

Real Time World Earthquake Monitor 

New Fukushima Reactor 3 & 4 Fires? – Graphic Footage – Vid

Temp In Fukushima 3 (MOX) Up 40c In ONE Day – Meltdown?

TEPCO – Doors Of #1 Reactor Building Will Open Soon – Vid

German Stations Picking Up Fukushisma Radiation

Gunderson – Fukushima Mox Explosion, Air/Water Contamination – Vid

Hamaoka: ‘World’s Most Dangerous’ Nuclear Power Plant Is Closed Down’

There MAY Be A Two Year Window IF No More Big Quakes Hit

Japan Lawmaker – ‘Move Parliament To Fukushima’

Bad Water Valve Found In Japan Nuclear Plant – Vid

Japan PM Calls For Nuke Plant To Shut Down – Quake Risk

Wilkerson Prophecy – Quakes In Japan And US

6.1 Quake Off Fukushima Area – No Damage Reports

5.3 Quake Hits Fukushima Area

Belgium Finds Radioactive Cesium On Japan Containers

Leaking Radiation Being Blown Right Back Over Japan

Smoke Rising From Fukushima Reactors 2, 3 & 4 – Vid

Emissions Still Pouring From Wrecked Fukshima Nuclear Plant – Pics

Workers Enter Reactor Bldg #1 To Install Air Ducts – Vid

Japan Govt Urges Onagwa Plant Owners To Protect Public

EPA Will No Longer Monitor Radioactivity From Fukushima!

Seafloor Radiation 1,000x Normal 20km From Fukushima

Cumulative Radiation In Japan Town Passes 20 Milli-Sieverts In 40 Days

Fukushima – What They Aren’t Saying  

No Protection For Fukushima’s ‘Expendable’ Citizens Or Us

Where Is Fukushima Radiation Going, Why Does It Matter – Vid


Joan Baez: We shall overcome!

[youtube=]Joan Baez – We shall overcome

[The dark side of sports and corporate America] Sponsor drops Rashard Mendenhall over tweets about Americans celebrating bin Laden’s death and for questioning “what really happened” to the Twin Towers — Ooooohhh! Bad boy — must blindly accept official story — Don’t rock our HATE-BOAT — Americans should HATE on and off of the field — Role models shouldn’t be role models?

From: suntimes

What kind of person celebrates death? It’s amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We’ve only heard one side…”

“We’ll never know what really happened. I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style.”

Entire Article Here


Sponsor drops Rashard Mendenhall over bin Laden tweets

Pittsburgh Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall is being dropped as an endorser by corporate sponsor Champion over his controversial tweets objecting to the celebration over the death of Osama bin Laden at the hands of U.S. commandos Sunday.

Champion is “ending our business relationship” with Mendenhall since the athletic brand doesn’t think he “can appropriately represent Champion,” spokesman Matt Hall said Thursday night.

The 23-year old Mendenhall also questioned what really happened to the Twin Towers during the September 11th attacks. Before deleting it from his Twitter feed, he wrote he has “a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style.”

Entire Article Here

Torture Whistleblower CUT OFF Midsentence!

[youtube=]Torture Whistleblower CUT OFF Midsentence!

Uploaded by on May 4, 2011

May 04, 2011 MSNBC

Ron Paul on not going beyond the Constitution with drugs too: Biggest applause of the night — “I need the government to take care of me: I don’t want to use heroin, so I need these laws!”

NOTE: It’s proven that the CIA is the biggest drug runner, which is how they finance their black ops against US!

The war against drugs is the war against their competition.

– jeff

[youtube=]Ron Paul on legalizing drugs and gay marriage – SC Republican debate 5/5/2011


[1988] Feisty Ron Paul Castigated for Opposing CIA Drug Running, Shouting for State’s Rights!

Ron Paul on Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano | Beware of Mike Huckabee!

Watch Here

* * *

And beware of Mike Huckabee in the next video.

See my Mike Huckabee category on who he really is.

Ron Paul On The Robert Scott Bell Show Pre Debate

“When freedom of choice is offered the maximum good can be achieved.”

– Ron Paul on medical and nutritional freedom

[youtube=]Ron Paul On The Robert Scott Bell Show Pre Debate

Uploaded by on May 5, 2011

Airing Date May.05, 2011, Ron Paul Money Bomb

Ron Paul On The Robert Scott Bell Show Pre Debate

GREAT shows coming on George Noory’s ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 5/8-12: Steve Pieczenik (the real Jack Ryan of ‘The Patriot Games’) how Psy-ops are being used against the American People | Plus Jim Marrs, Mark Dice and more!!!


5/10/11 ‘Coast’ recap: Steve Pieczenik (the real Jack Ryan of ‘The Patriot Games’) Psy-ops in America — Obama, Osama, 9/11, false flag ops, financial crisis… | Why was the interview only 2 hours?


Hosted by John B. Wells

Craig Hulet

Sunday May 8, 2011Guest host John B. Wells (email) is joined by geopolitical analyst Craig B. Hulet, who’ll discuss the recent developments in the Middle East, the War on Terror, bin Laden’s role in 9-11, and what he sees for the future of the United States.

Hosted by George Noory

Jim Marrs

Monday May 9, 2011Author Jim Marrs will discuss how events such as the ongoing deadly radiation from the Fukushima reactors and spraying of Corexit in the Gulf continue with little news coverage, as well as how despite the recent victories over terrorists, there’s been no talk of doing away with the Patriot Act, the Real ID Act, or any of the other Constitution-shredding legislation.

Hosted by George Noory

Dr. Steve Pieczenik

Tuesday May 10, 2011Author of psycho-political thrillers, Dr. Steve Pieczenik was trained in psychiatry at Harvard University and international relations at M.I.T. He’ll discuss how Psy-ops are being used against the American People on several fronts.

Hosted by George Noory

Julia Schopick

Wednesday May 11, 2011Writer and medical advocate, Julia Schopick began studying alternative medical treatment after her husband developed a cancerous brain tumor. She’ll discuss the history of how numerous natural, effective and inexpensive treatments for various diseases have been largely ignored by the medical community.

Hosted by George Noory

Mark Dice

Thursday May 12, 2011Muckraker out to expose the abuses of the New World Order, Mark Dice has made a career out of speaking truth about the powers that be. He’ll discuss the various ways that technology is violating not only our privacy but our civil rights – all using our tax dollars.

[audio] Joel Skousen’s EXCELLENT Analysis of ‘Obama Getting Osama,’ Ron Paul Running Despite the Media, and Obama’s Absolutely Fake Birth Certificate

Joel Skousen:

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty archives

Date: 05-05-11
Hour: 1
Hour: 2
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief
Hour: 3
8:00: Jonathan Gray – Archeology & Today
Hour: 4
9:00: Jonathan Gray – Archeology & Today
Date: 05-04-11

The News from Prison Planet: More on the Obama-got-Osama hoax


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