Freedom from Alaska!

Month: May 2011 Page 3 of 6

Sunny’s Vitamin Shop VS BIG PHARMA

Alex Jones: Globalists Like To Rape Women, As Well As Nations

[youtube=]Preview of Today’s Alex Jones Show: Joel Skousen & Hidden Agendas of The Global Elite

[youtube=]Globalists Like To Rape Women, As Well As Nations – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

Uploaded by on May 16, 2011

Paul Joseph Watson
May 16, 2011

Given the fact that the likes of IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn and other top globalists are intent on raping the national and monetary sovereignty of countries in pursuit of their new world order, it’s no surprise that they also seem pre-occupied with raping women, amongst a host of other sordid and predatory perversions.

Strauss-Kahn was pulled off a jet at Kennedy Airport in New York by police Sunday after a hotel maid accused him of attacking and attempting to sodomize her. The fact that Strauss-Kahn left his mobile phone in the hotel room suggests he tried to make a quick getaway.

However, it’s not the first time the IMF chief has been accused of rape. French writer Tristane Banon is now considering legal action against Strauss-Kahn for an alleged sexual molestation that occurred in 2002. According to Banon, during the course of an interview Strauss-Kahn acted like a “rutting chimpanzee” as he violently attempted to tear off her clothes.

Strauss-Kahn’s alleged penchant for sexually assaulting women brings to mind the claims against his fellow globalist Al Gore which became public last year. Masseuse Molly Haggerty alleges that Gore invited her to his hotel room before pinning her down like a “crazed sex poodle” before groping her as she struggled to escape.

But Gore’s behavior is relatively tame compared to former President Bill Clinton. Juanita Broaddrick went public in 1998 to claim that Clinton raped her two decades earlier. Broaddrick alleged that Clinton forced her down on the bed in a hotel room, tore away her underwear and began aggressively raping her while biting her lips as she begged him to stop. Although Clinton denied the charges, he agreed to an $850,000 settlement to avoid the case going to court, “A lot of money from someone who claims he did nothing wrong,” as Larry Elder wrote.

Despite the fact that Clinton publicly lied to the American people during the Monica Lewinsky scandal when he said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman,” the numerous other women who alleged affairs or who claimed they had been raped or molested by Clinton were all dismissed as liars by the corporate media, just as Lewinsky was branded deceitful before she produced the semen-stained dress that proved her story to be true, and just as Gennifer Flowers was also savaged by the establishment before Clinton, during the Paula Jones deposition, was forced to admit the he did indeed have sex with Flowers.

However, sexual molestation of women only scratches the surface of the deep and sordid circles that the elite prefer to move in when it comes to acting out their forbidden perversions.

Politicians such as Larry Craig and Mark Foley are lightweights in comparison to the horrors of the underground child sex trafficking networks run exclusively for the pleasure of the elite.

As we have documented, almost every major pedophile network that has come to public knowledge has included tentacles that stretch high into the upper echelons of the global power structure.

On June 29 1989, the Washington Times’ Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald reported on a Washington D.C. prostitution ring that had intimate connections with the White House all the way up to President George H.W. Bush. Male prostitutes had been given access to the White House and the article also cited evidence of “abduction and use of minors for sexual perversion.”

In July 1990, a Nebraska Grand Jury was convened to hear allegations that Lawrence “Larry” King, then manager of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union and a rising Republican Party star, along with Washington lobbyists, had set up a child prostitution ring in which minors were transported around the country and forced to have sex with King, other top officials, and according to victims who some allege were later harassed into recanting, then-Vice-President Bush.

The Grand Jury dismissed the case as a hoax but former Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp later investigated the claims and was horrified to learn that they were indeed legitimate.

Entire Article with links and Videos Here



Support Infowars, Blow the Whistle: Fluoride In The Tap Water T-Shirt — Wear it proudly. Mayor/councilmen, STOP poisoning our water with toxic waste that lowers IQs, passifies citizens, and makes human beings sick!!

NOTE: The white shirt does not have this great info on the back.


From: infowars

Fluoride In The Tap Water – Blue Shirt

The majority of Americans believe the government lie that drinking fluoride is good for them without evening questioning it. Wake them up with this informative blue t-shirt.The front of the blue t-shirt conveys all the dangers of adding fluoride to the drinking water in one very simple, yet powerful symbol: a skull within a droplet of water. The front also has the phrase “THERE IS POISON IN THE TAP WATER” to succinctly explain the image.  Our website is also on the front and back.The back also has the skull/droplet of water image and explains the dangers with a powerful liststating that fluoride is:

  • An industrial waste added to the drinking water by our government for the purpose of medication.
  • More toxic than lead.
  • The active ingredient in many pesticides.
  • Linked to increases in bone cancer, brain damage & lower IQs.

Wear this great shirt and do your part to wake up those around you to the dangers of adding fluoride to the water supply.

Get it Here




Fenske’s Rant! | Fluoride in Water Linked to Lower IQ in Children — In addition to this study, and the 23 other IQ studies, there have been over 100 animal studies linking fluoride to brain damage

[IMPORTANT — They are that evil!!] Globalists Like To Rape Women, As Well As Nations

Globalists Like To Rape Women, As Well As Nations

Paul Joseph Watson
May 16, 2011

Given the fact that the likes of IMF head Dominique Strauss-Kahn and other top globalists are intent on raping the national and monetary sovereignty of countries in pursuit of their new world order, it’s no surprise that they also seem pre-occupied with raping women, amongst a host of other sordid and predatory perversions.

Entire Article with Videos Here

The News from Prison Planet


[updated] FOX News Illustrated: “We Spin, We Decide” — Because Sometimes You Can’t Handle the Truth








If they have to repeatedly say they’re the “no spin zone”…












[media bias exposed] Chris Wallace tries to sabotage Ron Paul in the Fox News Sunday sit-down interview — “We Spin, We Decide”


[youtube=]Ron Paul Interview On Fox News Sunday

Uploaded by on May 15, 2011

Airing Date May.15, 2011


[Here we go again — Fox News anti-Paul bias begins] Fox News generates post-debate buzz around Herman Cain, Federal Reserve insider; obscures Ron Paul — Cain holds establishment values: pro-war, pro-Federal Reserve, pro-bailout…

IMF Chief’s Sexual Behavior Typical of Illuminati

NOTE: Author, Henry Makow is Jewish



IMF Chief’s Sexual Behavior Typical of Illuminati

Dominique Strauss-Khan, the Jewish Head of the IMF, has torpedoed his career by sexually assaulting a chambermaid at his NYC Hotel Saturday. As the article , “Our Leaders are Sex Addicts” (Feb 2008) below explains, this behavior is typical of the satanic Sabbatean-Frankist cult that spawned the Illuminati. The article relates how the prominent Jewish leader Rabbi Stephen Wise was also a Sabbatean sexual profligate. The Illuminati-controlled mass media have spread this decadent behavior to society as a whole.

by Henry Makow Ph.D

The world is set to drop into the central bankers’ outstretched hand like a ripe peach from a tree. Illuminati bankers are harvesting the fruit of their centuries-old plot to destroy Christian Civilization and place humanity on a treadmill of greed, sex, violence, trivia and political correctness.

They have succeeded because we have no leaders. They select obedient blackmailed perverts to execute their design.  I always marveled that Bill Clinton betrayed the dignity of his office and the trust of 300 million people for a blow job. But, in retrospect, a sex addict is the rule rather than the exception when it comes to our “leaders” (i.e. managers.)

“President Clinton has been very helpful to us,” a banker confided in 1998. “We knew of what character he was before we placed him as president. Exposing him was very helpful in adjusting the moral habits of the youth downward. This is to our advantage. Even more agreeable to us were the vain efforts of those who thought they could remove him against our will. He is useful to us and he will not be removed by anyone until we are ready to have him removed.”



According to the late Alan Stang’s courageous groundbreaking book, “Not Holier Than Thou: How Queer is Bush?” (2007) organized homosexuality, with its belief in sex-for-its-own-sake, is an important Illuminati control mechanism.

Stang speculates that Bush is a homosexual and demonstrates that, despite his Christian family pretensions, he has advanced the homo-sexualization of society and “given organized sodomy considerable control over the federal government.” (66)

Stang documents that a well-known male prostitute, Jeff Gannon, made dozens of visits to the Bush White House in 2003 and 2004 often staying over night. Apparently the President could be easily blackmailed. And this doesn’t even include Margie Schrodinger, the black Texan housewife whose name has disappeared down the memory hole. She formally charged the President with rape (about 2002) and then conveniently “committed suicide.”

Stang’s book is a thorough laundry list of homosexual activism within the Republican Party. It came out before Mark Foley and the Congressional Pages, Larry Craig and the ‘wide stance.” It tears the veil off the media’s feel-good, sugar-coated image of homosexuality. It is hard to stomach but must be read. Why? Because some homosexuals, by their own admission, hate society and have no morality. Thus these particular homosexuals are perfect agents of Illuminati subversion.

Alan Stang was one of the most important journalists in America and I highly recommend his book. By now, you should know that Barrack Obama has a homosexual past. Listen to this interview with Larry Sinclair by Jeff Rense. Sinclair who claims he had sex with Obama is being ignored by the mass media, but you can bet that if BO started to steer an independent course, Larry Sinclair would suddenly be in great demand. I could go on about Hillary’s threesomes but enough…


The media ritual of choosing a new President is in full swing. The masses choose which Illuminati sex addict or stooge they want and feel they are living in a democracy. The Illuminati banker just smiles:

“Excuse me if I seem to be mocking your system of beliefs, but they are rather outdated. Have you no eyes to see your vain liberties and your righteous pontifications are nothing before us? …We place our proposed leader before you and you vote for what we want. In that way we give you the vain voting exercise in the belief you had something to do with placing your president in office.”


Entire Article Here

[From my spiritual site ONEcanhappen] Pastor Francis Chan: “We are consumed by safety. Obsessed with it, actually. …we’ve made safety our highest priority. We’ve elevated safety to the neglect of whatever God’s best is, whatever would bring God the most glory, or whatever would accomplish His purposes in our lives and in the world.”

WARNING: I brought this over from my spiritual site, ONEcanhappen. I normally try to keep my spiritual opinions fairly low key here at ToBeFree. But I just had to share the book excerpt, below, written by a teacher I greatly respect.

It’s interesting how real Christianity would actually be keeping US free from the ever encroaching police state. They couldn’t use the fear card on real Christians.

It’s interesting (and really sad) that most American ‘Christians’ (including the pastors) still won’t support Ron Paul, the Christlike, “Blessed are the peacemakers” pro-life-for-even-adults candidate.

At ONEcanhappen, I maintain that the ‘Christians’ are mainly responsible for the fall of America. See: The Red Gate Prophecy — What If I Open It Just a Little Bit? Salt is a preservative. When ‘Christians’ are no longer salty….

and the main reason for the fall of real Christianity is the once-saved-always-saved doctrine, which I refute here: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

If we could just get this one doctrine right we’d fear God, not man. And then we could rest in God and be ONE with each other. Then the world will know (Jesus said in John 17).

We’d be invincible!

ONE can happen!

Jeff Fenske


We can now see that this obsession with safety, which Francis Chan shows here is reverse-Christianity, is how they’re able to bring US into a police state — as most American ‘Christians’ are willing to allow even their daughters’ naked bodies to be seen by TSA screeners; though, the chances of being killed by a terrorist is less than being killed by a bee sting.

* * *

Excerpt from Crazy Love by Francis Chan, page 133 (original formatting)

Risk Takers

Haven’t we all prayed the following prayer? Lord, we pray for safety as we travel. We ask that no one gets hurt on this trip. Please keep everyone safe until we return, and bring us back safely. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. The exact wording may vary a bit, but that is the standard prayer we recite before leaving on mission trips, retreats, vacations, and business trips.

We are consumed by safety. Obsessed with it, actually. Now, I’m not saying it is wrong to pray for God’s protection, but I am questioning how we’ve made safety our highest priority. We’ve elevated safety to the neglect of whatever God’s best is, whatever would bring God the most glory, or whatever would accomplish His purposes in our lives and in the world.

Would you be willing to pray this prayer? God, bring me closer to You during this trip, whatever it takes….

People who are obsessed with
Jesus aren’t consumed with their
personal safety and comfort above
all else. Obsessed people care
more about God’s kingdom coming
to this earth than their own lives
being shielded from pain or


4-minute video[youtube=]Francis Chan – Balance Beam

Francis Chan Freedom Quotes!

Francis Chan’s ‘Last Sermon’ — There will be no cowards in heaven

It’s Official: A Majority Of Americans Would Give Up Liberty In Order To Be Safe From Terrorism. Almost 4 out of 5 Americans are perfectly fine with letting airport security officials gawk at their naked bodies just so they can feel a bit safer from terrorists.

Americans Are Just As Likely to Get Struck By Lightning Than Killed By Terrorists — So why are why are pastors saying nothing as the people line up to get strip searched?

Benjamin Franklin on naked body scanners: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”

TSA Tactics Find Ominous Parallel in Nazi Germany — It took Hitler and the Nazis nearly a decade to impose a murderous police state on the German people. In the wake of the staged burning of the Reichstag…

All of my Naked Body Scanners posts

[EXCELLENT!] Paul Craig Roberts: Creating the Bin Laden “Reality” — Fantasy is better than fact, makes everybody happy, even those who have lost their jobs, their houses, their pensions. | What bin Laden really said about 9/11…

The only time that bin Ladin admitted to doing 9/11 was in the phony al CIAda created tape of the wide-nosed, ‘fat’ bin Laden.

The FBI didn’t even have 9/11 listed as something that Osama was wanted for because there wasn’t enough evidence.

Here is what bin Laden really said.


The bin Laden story is now set in stone, immune from fact. Global Research has provided us with bin Laden’s last known interview, which appeared in a Pakistan newspaper on September 28, 2001….

In the interview, bin Laden says: “I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. … Whoever committed the act of 11 September are not the friends of the American people. I have already said that we are against the American system, not against its people, whereas in these attacks the common American people have been killed. ….The Western media is unleashing such a baseless propaganda….

Creating the Bin Laden “Reality”

Paul Craig Roberts
May 15, 2011

I have heard one dozen times today (May 13) from media that the US killed Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. I heard it three times from National Public Radio, twice from the BBC, and from every TV and radio station I encountered, even those stations that play the rock and roll music of the 1950s and 1960s. The killing of bin Laden has now entered the legends of our time and, no doubt, the history books.

The US government that told us that Saddam Hussein had “weapons of mass destruction” and “al Qaeda connections” and that Iran has nuclear missiles that require the US to ring Russia with anti-ballistic missile systems, finally told us the truth for once. Obama found Osama and had him murdered, apparently unarmed in his underwear, defended not by al Qaeda, “the best trained, most dangerous vicious killers on the planet,” but by two unarmed women.

As I offered previously, if you believe this, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I can let you have for a cheap price.

The government has created another reality for us proles. We won again. Us white hats got the black hat, just like in the western movie. Fantasy is better than fact, and us good guys are on a roll. It makes everybody happy, even those who have lost their jobs, their houses, their pensions.

So, who’s the next black hat? The military/security complex cannot do without a bad guy, or the budget could be cut and billions of dollars in profits would go missing. Without someone for Americans to hate, the show can’t go on.

Homeland Security says the next black hat will be “domestic extremists.” The CIA says it will be the next al Qaeda leader, bin Laden’s replacement, who will terrorize us white hats for killing bin Laden. The neocon brownshirts say it is Pakistan, who hid bin Laden from us, thus protecting him from justice being done. Hillary says it is China, and as the US economy continues its collapse, more and more fingers will point at China.

Airport Security will pat down more babies, feel more genitals, and radiate more air travelers.

But without bin Laden, we will feel safer and more secure, which is counterproductive for the military/security complex. Obama has made a fundamental mistake. He has killed Emanuel Goldstein (bin Laden), the hate figure who justified the trillions of dollars we have blown trying to get him.

Once Homeland Security, the CIA, and the White House decide who the new hate figure is to be, we will be off and running again.

It took 10 years to get bin Laden. This proves that all those security experts who say that the war will last for 30 years might be underestimating the necessary commitment. If it takes 10 years each to find and murder the next two leaders, we are faced with conflict that lasts across generations.

As I wrote previously, bin Laden’s killing serves so many different agendas that even those who don’t believe the story have hooked their wagon to it. Al Qaeda itself can no longer take credit for acts of terrorism without declaring that it was to avenge bin Laden.

The bin Laden story is now set in stone, immune from fact. Global Research has provided us with bin Laden’s last known interview, which appeared in a Pakistan newspaper on September 28, 2001 and was translated and made available to the West by the BBC World Monitoring Service on September 29, 2001.

In the interview, bin Laden says: “I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. … Whoever committed the act of 11 September are not the friends of the American people. I have already said that we are against the American system, not against its people, whereas in these attacks the common American people have been killed. ….The Western media is unleashing such a baseless propaganda, which makes us surprised, but it reflects on what is in their hearts and gradually they themselves become captive of this propaganda. …. Terror is the most dreaded weapon in the modern age and the Western media is mercilessly using it against its own people.”

But who would believe a demonized bin Laden when to do so requires them to disbelieve George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and the Western media?

We all know, don’t we, that in America the government always has the best interest of ordinary people at heart and always tells them the truth. If you don’t believe this, you are anti-American.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Department of Treasury. He is a columnist and was previously an editor for the Wall Street Journal. His latest book, “How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds,” details why America is disintegrating.


Paul Craig Roberts: Fabricating Terror — “Could it be that the US government needs terrorist events in order to completely destroy the US Constitution?”

Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists. If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible…

Paul Craig Robers: The Latest Orchestrated Threat — Time for a new, more threatening, bogyman, the pursuit of which will keep the “war on terror” going — Haqqanis and Pakistan

The FBI again thwarts its own Terror plot — Wouldn’t the FBI’s resources be better spent on detecting and breaking up actual Terrorist plots – if there are any – rather than manufacturing ones?

[‘THEY’ couldn’t be that EVIL??] The News from Prison Planet — IMF Head Charged Over Alleged Sex Attack


US Supported Afghan Government Warlords Control World Heroin Trade

Entire Article Here



Americans Hoarding Light Bulbs Ahead Of “Outrageous” Government Ban — Iconic Thomas Edison invention to be replaced with toxic mercury-filled, illness-causing CFLs by 2014 unless Ron Paul can lead successful fight back

17-year-old Robert Wanek: The American Hate Machine

[youtube=]Robert Wanek – The American Hate Machine

Uploaded by on May 14, 2011

Inspired by Joe Rogans ‘The American War Machine’ and posted in response to Wanek’s recent criticism in his local community after being arrested while standing on a public street filming a police officer. . Robert is an educational activist who specializes in any form of activism stretching from school corruption to political parties and how they operate. Hopefully this video serves as a reminder that you may be right, but many people have no heart to base their own opinion so you will receive hate no matter what your beliefs may be. Stand strong, don’t let anyone tell you why you are doing what you do. Only you know your true motivation for action, as long as you hold your morals close and beliefs in your heart nobody can stop you from spreading the truth.

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines

Texas may criminalize TSA pat-downs as molestation (opinion)

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
May 14 – Texas is a fiercely independent-minded state, and it also turns out that Texans are tired of being sexually molested by government agents at the airport. That’s why Texas State Congressman Rep. David Simpson…

TEPCO to cover damaged Fukushima reactors with useless polyester tents

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
May 14 – In a demonstration of the company’s shocking ignorance concerning the nature of radioactive particles, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has announced that it is going to place large polyester domes …

Historic Mississippi River flood prompts Army Corps to release Louisiana’s Morganza levee; 3 million more acres of land to be inundated with water

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
May 14 – Within days, the US Army Corps of Engineers is expected to open the Morganza Spillway in Louisiana to protect major cities like Baton Rouge and New Orleans, both of which will allegedly experience massive flooding…

Florida to prohibit doctors from questioning whether patients own firearms

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
May 14 – A new bill that recently passed the Florida state legislature will make it illegal for doctors to interrogate patients about whether or not they own firearms. If signed into law by Governor Rick Scott, House…

Government regulations set to destroy fishing industry in New England

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
May 14 – Federal caps that limit the volume and frequency of fish catches are quickly bankrupting and destroying the fishing industry throughout New England, according to recent reports. Catch shares, which have allegedly…

Nullify Now event coming to L.A. on May 28th

By J. D. Heyes
May 14 – — An organization called the Tenth Amendment Center is planning a “Nullify Now” event in Los Angeles May 28, a spokesman for the group said. Michael Boldin, in a YouTube video announcing the event, said…

How the skin reduces indoor air pollution

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
May 14 – The 500 million skin cells you shed naturally from your body every single day may actually be helping to purify the air in your home and workplace, says a new study published in the journal Environmental Science…

Scientists discover new method by which bacteria become resistant to antibiotics

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
May 14 – Overuse of antibiotics both in conventional livestock feed and in human medical applications has led to increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotic drugs. However, a new study published in the online journal…

Hundreds of herbal remedies now outlawed across Europe

By M.K. Tyler
May 13 – Live in Europe? Get your herbs while they last. New rules put forth by the European Union (EU) will ban the sale of certain herbal remedies that have been used for centuries. Traditional herbs such a St…. now broadcasts Robert Scott Bell, Health Ranger via iPhone, iPad devices

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
May 13 – The NaturalNews Radio Network (NNRN) is now broadcasting 24/7 from a new website, And here’s even better news: We’ve upgraded our streaming technology to deliver seamless audio streaming…

Learn how to live vibrantly through a better understanding of the body, illness, and disease prevention

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
May 13 – The key to real health is not simply avoiding disease and getting by, but also equipping the body so that it can function with true vigor and vibrancy. In the new educational course, “Cultivating Vibrance: Understanding…

Fight the Leahy Bill and help protect small farmers from vicious FDA attacks

By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
May 13 – It is undeniable that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proven itself to be nothing more than a terrorist organization hellbent on both controlling the food supply, and eliminating individual freedom…

New research shows liposuction is a big fat lie

By Sherry Baker, Health Sciences Editor
May 13 – Liposuction, a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses small cannulas to literally suck fat out of the body and reshape problem areas like “spare tires” and large thighs, has become one of the most popular plastic…

Organic Consumers Association takes aim at Whole Foods over labeling of GM foods

By Kaitlyn Moore
May 13 – Whole Foods customers have a love/hate relationship with the natural and organic foods giant. They have run afoul of their customer base before – remember the mass outcry and call for boycott as a result of…

Doctors increasingly prescribe yoga and meditation to patients

By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
May 13 – A new study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that complementary and alternative medicine treatments, also known as CAM, are becoming much more mainstream than they used to be….

TEPCO now confirms nuclear meltdown in Fukushima reactor No. 1

By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
May 12 – TEPCO has now publicly admitted it wasn’t telling the truth about the severity of the damage to Fukushima reactor No. 1. We’re now being told what we’ve suspected all along — that nuclear fuel rods in that…

Click here for more articles »    

[ audio – real history ] Douglas Dietrich: Satanism in the US military — Michael Aquino; The Presidio sex scandal; thousands of fragged officers in Vietnam; document destruction to what we have now, where Satanism is no longer fringe

Related: [ audio ] Real-historian Douglas Dietrich on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ with host John B. Wells 11/13/11: Satanism and pedophilia in the Presidio military base; what we don’t know about WWII and so much more!

* * *

UPDATE 11/14/11

This audio file has now rotated out of Dr. Stan’s audio archives list, so the below-listed MP3 link won’t work, but I’m sure you can order it from this link at Radio Liberty for not very much money.

I had forgotten about this interview when I listened to the ‘Coast’ interview last night, which was fascinating. And it seems like John B. Wells only scratched the surface in unleashing what Douglas knows that we don’t.

God bless!

Jeff Fenske

– –

“A lot of men were fragging their own platoon leaders.
And so, in Vietnam, being an officer meant you were in incredible danger.

And so the officer corp, which was primarily Christian, was wiped out in Vietnam,
and it was replaced by a lot of officers who cleaved to the new Satanic fringe,
which in the military is no longer fringe.”

– Douglas Dietrich

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *


Aquino Speaks: The Presidio Sex Scandal

* * *

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty audio archives

Date: 05-12-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Dennis Detrich – Satanism
Hour: 2
4:00: Joel Skousen – World Affairs Brief
Hour: 3
8:00: John Williams – Shadow Statistics
Hour: 4
9:00: Stephen Frank – CA Politics
Date: 05-11-11

[audio] Former Illuminati member Doc Marquis: WWIII planned for 2012 triggered by this assassination?? Planet X a diversion | Illluminati heirachy



Counsel of 13

Counsel of 500


“A little bit more than 7 million people”

* * *

Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty audio archives

Date: 05-10-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Doc Marquis – 2012 And Beyond
Hour: 2
4:00: Dr. John Martin – Stealth Viruses
Hour: 3
8:00: Melody Cedarstrom – Discount Gold & Silver
Hour: 4
9:00: Mary Tocco – Childhood Vaccine Dangers
Date: 05-09-11


Former Illuminati member Doc Marquis: Paradigm Shift: “The Illuminati’s Plan For 2012 And Beyond”

Former Illuminati member Doc Marquis: Paradigm Shift: “The Illuminati’s Plan For 2012 And Beyond”

Paradigm Shift: The Illuminati’s Plan For 2012 And Beyond,
New DVD by Doc Marquis, 2-Disc Set – Volume 2

* * *

[youtube=]The Illuminati’s Plan For 2012 And Beyond – New DVD by Doc Marquis

Uploaded by on Feb 3, 2011

Doc’s best DVD yet! Now that you have read and heard the noise and chatter about the year 2012, you will be pleased to know the truth of the Illuminati Plan for 2012, from a man who knows the Plan thoroughly, former Illuminati Luciferian, Doc Marquis!

After watching this ‘One of a Kind’ DVD set, you will no longer wonder what will happen after December 21, 2012!

Is the end of the world near? Are we doomed to destruction? Do we have any hope for tomorrow beyond the year 2012? In this new, exciting and riveting 2 part DVD set renowned author and former Illuminati witch Doc Marquis takes up the daunting task of revealing the truth behind December 21, 2012.

At the end, through a unique series of question and answers along with comparisons of the Holy Scriptures Doc Marquis shall reveal the final truth behind the mystery of 2012.

2-DVD Set, nearly 4 hours

Will begin shipping on or before 4/15


Former Illuminati member Doc Marquis: WWIII planned for 2012 triggered by this assassination?? Planet X a diversion | Illluminati heirachy

Photographer Patrick Di Fruscia: The World Needs You :) — “Everyday we are bombarded by reasons why we should not do what our heart tells us … words with no foundation brought to you by people with no passion.” “Fear is a transition stage between your so called zone of comfort and your new life!”

Patrick Di Fruscia, an absolutely pioneering and inspiring photographer is French/Canadian — thus the unique grammar.

As usual, emphasis is mine.

jeff : )



The World Needs You 🙂

Patrick Di Fruscia

Everyday we are bombarded by reasons why we should not do what our heart tell us. Reasons like, it will never work, there is no money to be made in that field, it will be very difficult etc. Most of the time we are being told what we should and shouldn’t do by people who have never followed their dreams and passion and are now simply wishing they had done more to make it happen. These are merely words with no foundation brought to you by people with no passion.

You need to believe in everything your heart desire. If you don’t nobody will that’s for sure. You need to make sure that everyday you take a step however small it may be towards your goals. Always stay focus even when times are hard. When fear takes over, don’t worry about it ..this is a transition stage between your so call zone of comfort and your new life..keep pushing harder and don’t let that discourage you. Fear of the unknown is one of our greatest enemy and it has the power to make us believe a hundred fictional reasons why it will never work. Always Stay focus on the end result and visualize your new life

Entire Article with Scrumptious Photo Here

Ken Duncan: Why I call this photo “Piercing the Darkness” — “It’s like God revealing His glory … There is hope even in the darkest moments!”

Ken Duncan’s prices have become outrageous — out of the reach of most people. But I’ve always greatly appreciated his perspective on photographing to reveal God’s glory, and then print BIG to greatly affect a room!

…which is what I’m trying to do.

Jeff Fenske

3-minute video presentation

* * *

The Print:
Piercing the Darkness
starting at $1900

* * *

“It’s like God revealing His glory.”

Have it BIG as you can get it,
cause you’ll just fall into it.”

“Hopefully what it will convey to you:
there is hope even in the darkest moments.”

– Ken Duncan

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Stevie Nicks Confesses: Common Remedy Turned My Hair Gray and Molted My Skin… In her own words: “I could hardly walk. You can detox off heroin in 12 days. Coke is just a mental detox. But [NAMED INSIDE] – they are dangerous. She gained weight and felt like she had a neurological disease as it destroyed 8 years of her life. The worst part: the average American, aged 19 to 64, takes more than 11 of these “miracle remedies” every year…


How Properly Prescribed Prescription Drugs Ruined a Famous Rock Super Star

In the article linked below, Fleetwood Mac star Stevie Nicks discusses the biggest mistake she says she ever made — giving in to her friends and going to see a psychiatrist. He put her on the drug Klonopin, and the next eight years of her life were destroyed.

According to Nicks, if she didn’t take it, her hands started to shake. She gained weight and felt as if she had a neurological disease.

Entire Article Here

Texas Rep. David Simpson: Bill Would Criminalize TSA for Molesting Travelers — The government should protect our identity, not take it away! — “Refuse to go through the naked body scanner. Protect your dignity.”

“We’re taking away people’s dignity,
their privacy,
and we’re limiting their freedom.

The government should keep us from harming one another.
It shouldn’t harm us.
And it should protect our freedom,
protect our dignity.”

“Refuse to go through the naked body scanner.
Protect your dignity.”

– Rep. David Simpson

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Tex Rep. David Simpson: Bill Would Criminalize TSA for Molesting Travelers

Uploaded by on May 13, 2011

Alex welcomes to the show Texas Republican Rep. David Simpson, who is the sponsor of a bill passed in the Texas House that will make it a criminal offense for the TSA to inappropriately touch travelers during airport intrusive pat-downs. Simpson says the legislation will prevent TSA officials from treating travelers like criminals.


The TSAs paid to view Americans’ naked bodies: Airport passenger screener charged in distributing child pornography

A privacy rights advocacy group told appellate judges that the use of full-body scanners as a first line of defense at airport security checkpoints is an “unreasonable search” in violation of passengers’ civil rights.

Americans Are Just As Likely to Get Struck By Lightning Than Killed By Terrorists — So why are why are pastors saying nothing as the people line up to get strip searched?

What does God say? Women, children and men exposing themselves to TSAs in NAKED BODY SCANNERS!

The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy

David Bercot’s CD teaching: Separation from the World — What the Early Christians Believed About Separation from the World. D. Bercot. The Bible exhorts us: “Adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” So…

David Bercot’s CD teaching: Modest Dress and Cosmetics — How literally did the early Christians take Peter’s exortation?

Wes Hall: It’s Not Just Porn! “You’re asking for power and there are areas of hidden compromise in your life. … I’m not talking about the R-rated movies. I’m talking about the PG-13s … certain sitcoms, TV shows where your spirit is being defiled.”

A Nation ‘Bewitched’: Farrah Fawcett — “When the show [Charlie’s Angels] got to be No. 3, I figured it was our acting. When it got to be No. 1, I decided it could only be because none of us wears a bra”

1942 Minnesota: Bathing beaches prior to the low-cut top epidemic

All of my Lust Freedom! posts

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way

Radiation scientists agree TSA naked body scanners could cause breast cancer and sperm mutations

PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION: FBI manufactures terrorism to cause fear so public will accept the naked body scanner police state

Paul Craig Roberts: TSA is a far greater threat to Americans than are terrorists. There has not been a successful terrorist act since 9/11, and thousands of independent experts doubt the government’s explanation of that event. The very fact that the FBI has to orchestrate fake terrorism proves the absence of real terrorists. If Americans were more thoughtful and less gullible…

IMPORTANT! Alex Jones: Another Clueless Patsy Set-up by FBI in Christmas Tree Bombing Plot — “…so they can sit up there on the news and say: ‘We’ve got terrorists everywhere. We’ve gotta have naked body scanners!’”

Naked body scanners: You can see the bones in people’s fingers. They’ve been giving the public de-rezzed images.

The real purpose of naked body scanners: Using phony terrorist scares to bilk Americans out of millions in tax dollars and rob them of their privacy and dignity

RON PAUL: Crotch Groped by TSA, Calls for Boycott of Airlines — “If we tolerate this there’s something wrong with us” ~”SHOWING OUR PAPERS, we’ve capitulated on that a long time ago, because we show our social security number, but NOW THEY WANT US TO SHOW OUR GENITALIA!”

Naked body scanners will be everywhere! Napolitano: Next step for body scanners could be trains, boats, metro

Gerald Celente on naked body scanners and full-body pat-downs: They freaked the whole country out over the underwear bomber who didn’t even have an igniter!

TSA Tactics Find Ominous Parallel in Nazi Germany — It took Hitler and the Nazis nearly a decade to impose a murderous police state on the German people. In the wake of the staged burning of the Reichstag…

IRRATIONALlY FEARFUL: Why are people so willing to show their naked bodies? “More people die each year from honey bee stings than from terror” — Alex Jones

More Proof! Photo: Naked Body Scanners Really Can Show Naked Bodies — and Even Bones!

Photo/Video: Naked Body Scanners Really Do Show Naked Bodies

Benjamin Franklin on naked body scanners: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”

Paul Craig Roberts: “People have forgotten the warnings of the founding fathers that you can’t trade your rights for safety, because the minute you don’t have your rights anymore you’re not safe”

Naked Body Scanners, Michael Chertoff and NPR

Airport Naked Body Scanners: Experts Now Warn X-ray Devices “could give you cancer” “because the beam concentrates on the skin — one of the most radiation-sensitive organs of the human body — that (the) dose may be up to 20 times higher than first estimated”

Excellent! How to opt out of the TSA’s naked body scanners at the airport — “They all just lined up like cattle to have their bodies scanned with ionizing radiation”

Feds Caught Storing Naked Body Scanner Images at Florida Courthouse Security Checkpoint

Katherine Albrecht: Nakedizing Machines — “Would you get naked for Big Brother?” Katherine won’t.

Biochemist: ‘Naked’ scanners may increase cancer risk — “While the dose would be safe if it were distributed throughout the volume of the entire body, the dose to the skin may be dangerously high”

Miami airport security guard attacks colleague over ‘manhood’ jokes after walking through full nudity body scanner

Full-Body Airport Scanners May Not Have Thwarted Alleged Christmas Day Bomber, GAO says.

Airport security guard was given a police warning after he was caught staring at images of a female colleague in a body scanner. — Their solution is training and monitoring to ensure that TSAs will only be able to lust “lawfully, with fairness and without discriminating.” Where is the outcry from women, from fathers — from the pastors???

Transportation Security Administration is misleading the public (lying). Body scanners can store, send images, group says.

Airport Worker Caught Ogling Image of Woman on Naked Body Scanner — called “perv scanner” in Europe

Pornographic Scanners: The TSA has been trying to turn airports into peep-shows courtesy of these strip-machines since 2002. Then along comes Umar Farouk Abdullmutallab and his burning britches, and bingo …

Exposed — Naked Body Scanner Images Of Film Star Printed, Circulated By Airport Staff

Aussie TSA on ‘naked’ full-body scanners: “It will show the private parts of people, but what we’ve decided is that we’re not going to blur those out, because it severely limits the detection capabilities.”

It’s Official: A Majority Of Americans Would Give Up Liberty In Order To Be Safe From Terrorism. Almost 4 out of 5 Americans are perfectly fine with letting airport security officials gawk at their naked bodies just so they can feel a bit safer from terrorists.

Breaking The Will Of The People: The Real Purpose Of Body Scanners

FBI LIED 5 TIMES about the underwear bomber. Full-body scanners were scheduled to be installed in hundreds of US airports BEFORE incident! PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION. But body scanners wouldn’t have stopped incident anyway?

Ben Bernanke Confronted by WeAreChange: “What did you do at the 2008 Bilderberg meeting?”

[youtube=]Ben Bernanke Confronted by WeAreChange

Uploaded by on May 13, 2011

Luke Rudkowski finally is able to get in the face of the master behind all this economy tyranny Ben Bernanke. The short exchange proves how elites are scared to answer their ties to the treason bilderberg group. If you never heard of the bilderberg group please do your own homework and research and not just take our word for it.

[audio] Mark Dice on ‘Coast’5/12/11: Big brother, technology, secret societies, the fear-based propaganda system — “Pretty soon it’s going to be the cool thing to be on board with us.”

It would have been interesting to hear Mark’s response to
Alley Cat’s comment at the end of the last video.

[youtube=]Big Brother Tech Mark Dice 1_6 on Coast to Coast AM 5.12.2011

Uploaded by on May 13, 2011

Mark Dice on Coast to Coast May 12, 2011 ~ Playlist

Mark Dice, a muckraker out to expose the abuses of the New World Order, discussed the various ways that ‘Orwellian’ technology is beginning to violate not only our privacy but our civil rights. We are in many ways living in the world depicted by George Orwell’s book 1984– “the power hungry officials, the perpetual state of war, [and] how the fear-based propaganda system works,” he commented. Among the disturbing technology advancements, he cited facial recognition software used by companies like Facebook to identify people posted in photos on their site, as well as smart phone apps like ‘Recognizr’ that can identify a person’s face by cell phone camera, and pull up personal information on them.

He also talked about the use of MRI of the brain to decipher what people are thinking, as well as mind control technology in which voices are beamed into a person’s head to create illusions like God is talking to them. For the 2012 Olympics in London, a company called Sound Intelligence is lobbying for a contract to place microphones on the street that can record sound from 100 yards away, and supposedly detect “hostile speech,” he added.

Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Announcement on Good Morning America

[youtube=]Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Announcement on Good Morning America

Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s

2011 MAY 7 – 13

Click on headlines to see full articles If original sources are missing, click on Cached.
Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
See the entire collection here.
Camera indicates video or slideshow.
Speaker indicates audio.
Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon.
See the entire collection here.

US: Ron Paul officially declares he will run for president in 2012. Republicans Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Tim Pawlenty also have announced their candidacy. DailyMail 2011 May 13 (Cached)

Pakistan suicide bombs kill 80 people at US funded police-training center. A Taliban spokesman says it is revenge for Osama bin Laden’s ‘martyrdom’. [In our opinion, OBL died years ago. This could be a false-flag event.] The Australian 2011 May 13 (Cached)

Japan is in financial crisis, worsened by the fear of radiation in exported hardware products. Officials say that manufacturing products made in northern Japan are safe, because radiation levels are dropping, and such goods are not affected anyway. SFGate 2011 May 13 (Cached)

Harvard study shows marijuana cuts lung cancer tumor growth in half and reduces the spread of cancer. ScienceDaily posted 2011 May 12 (Cached)

Greece launches massive fire sale of its national assets (marinas, casinos, and the like) to service its growing debt, as riot police clash with violent protesters who want more benefits from the government. [This is how all collectivist systems come to an end.] DailyMail 2011 May 12 (Cached)

Japan: Tokyo Electric Power Company admits that reactor #1 experienced a meltdown, but it has not released enough information to tell whether it was a partial or full meltdown. Either way, it does not bode well for the amount of radiation that will continue to be put into the atmosphere and ocean water. Gizmodo 2011 May 12 (Cached)

Dangerous levels of radiation from Japan are found in reoprts from the Norwegian Institute for Air Research that have been hidden from the public. [We are not well enough versed in the technical jargon to say with certainty that these reports are as grim as they appear, but the issue is so important that our readers should know about them. We will publish any analysis that indicates these forecasts are false or needlessly alarmist.] AlexanderHiggins 2011 May 12 (Cached)

The Vatican now officially supports the global warming myth. Their ‘scientific branch’ includes discredited UN source, Rajendra Pauchuri, who admitted he was wrong about melting Himalayan glaciers. He continues to cites the same bad data in the Vatican report. Fox News 2011 May 12 (Cached)

“We’re not stalking people, just trying to improve service,” Apple executives tell Congressional hearing on privacy issues. DailyMail 2011 May 11 (Cached)

US: Medical providers say that ObamaCare is too complex and ‘unworkable’. They anticipate financial losses and expect that 90% of their members (doctors & hospitals) will refuse to comply with the new rules. Yahoo 2011 May 11 (Cached)

US: Misnamed ‘Protect IP Act’ is a new federal bid for absolute government censorship of the internet, including the power to seize web sites and block search engines – to protect copyrights, of course. TorrentFreak 2011 May 11 (Cached)

Obama’s approval rating rises to 60% after the alleged capture and execution of bin Ladin. 53% of those polled said they would vote for his second term. AP 2011 May 11 (Cached)

New 2-minute video
shows public response to


Click here to order DVD

US: Groups are calling for a federal investigation into the link between autism and aborted fetal cells found in vaccines. They say that a significant statistical increase of autism began precisely when fetal material was added.
2011 May 11 (Cached)

The FBI has been secretly placing GPS devices on the vehicles of unsuspecting activists. Here is what they look like and how they work.
2011 May 10

US: Government admits it has not tracked the relationship between vaccines and autism yet insistes there is no connection. New independent study shows that the connection is beyond dispute [unless, of course, you are funded directly or indirectly by the vaccine industry]. PRN Newswire 2011 May 10 (Cached)

US: Federal government will require all cell phones to have a special chip to receive emergency alerts and presidential messages, beginning this year. Boston 2011 May 10 (Cached)

Ireland will tax private pension plans in an attempt to create new jobs. [Perfect collectivist logic! Take it from those who earned it and saved it and give it to those who didn’t. And when the pensions are gone? There’s always welfare.] ZeroHedge 2011 May 10 (Cached)

North Dakota passes law to fully nullify all aspects of ObamaCare. [This truly is encouraging in that it dramatizes the fact that states are empowered by the Constitution to reject any federal law they consider to be unconstitutional. Now, if more states will do the same…] TenthAmendmentCenter posted 2011 May 9 (Cached)

Florida legislature voted down a bill that would have limited mercury in vaccines for children and pregnant women. Lobbyists from the pharmaceutical industry were reported to have swarmed the legislators before the vote.
PR Newswire
2011 May 9 (Cached)

Arizona calls for online donations to build a fence on its 376-mile border with Mexico (about half already has a fence). Prisoners will be paid $.50 an hour for labor on this project. DailyMail 2011 May 9 (Cached)

Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Yoo defend waterboard torture be claiming it was vital to the “capture” of bin Laden. ZeroHedge 2011 May 9 (Cached)

US Dept. of Health & Human Services purchased 3.42 million doses of untested and unproven anthrax vaccine designed to counter a strain of anthrax developed by the military. It plans to test it on children. [Can anyone connect the dots on this one?] PPJ Gazette 2011 May 9 (Cached)

US: Senator Charles Schumer calls for an Amtrack no-ride list for train passengers and the same kind of ‘security’ theater that now appears at airports.
2011 May 8 (Cached)

EU Plans to fund Greek debt but will ask for collateral. That means when Greece defaults, as it surely will, the EU be able to foreclose on Greece national assets. [What used to be done by military conquest now is accomplished by loans, using money created out of nothing.] ZeroHedge 2011 May 7 (Cached)

US: Home prices continue to tumble. One third of sales are foreclosed homes. The current buying season will be the first without tax subsidies since 2008, and that is expected to drive down prices even further. ClearCapital Posted 2011 May 7 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

Alex Jones recounts the many lies about Osama bin Laden, 9/11, and the false war on terror. You will not like to hear all this put end-to-end, but it is true. InfoWars 2011 May 12 (Cached)

Agenda 21 ‘comprehensive planning’ began in the 1970’s as a covert way to end private property and is spreading like a virus through federal, state, and municipal governments. This analysis focuses on Greenville, SC, but describes what is happening all across the country. We must recognize it if we are to stop it. EnterStageRight 2011 May 9 (Cached)

Investigative reporter Webster Tarpley, who wrote a book about ‘911 synthetic terror’ says that the bin Laden killing is a manufactured story that will be used to demonize Pakistan and possibly set the stage for false-flag terror events that can be blamed on Pakistan. YouTube Posted 2011 May 7

Spot price of silver has steeply declined in the last few days but is expected to bounce back – and beyond – in the near future. [The decline is due to tightening lending rules in the futures market, not a change in supply or demand. It is related to speculation, not market forces. ‘Short’ speculators (who have sold silver they do not own and, therefore, must purchase it when it is time to complete their contracts) are being flushed out of the market, and this includes some of the biggest banks in the world. If they default on physical deliveries when contracts mature this summer, the market will collapse, and the manipulated (unrealistic) ‘spot price’ will be discredited forever. It is not clear what will emerge to replace it, but two things are certain: (1) real prices will continue upward and (2) physical possession is the only way to own precious metals.] SeekingAlpha 2011 May 4 (Cached)

[Destroying America from within] Talk show host Dave Stieren making fun of Ron Paul and his “7 supporters” in Anchorage, Alaska — Want to hear how disgusting our talk radio is?

Here is a good example. Listen to podcast at the start of hour 2, when the 5/13/11 show is available — sometime after today’s show — AM 750, The Dave Steiren Show, 2-5 pm. It’s on now.

And I just heard 3 swear words from this host, and I’ve only listened for 10 minutes. I don’t normally tune in. You can see why.

Steiren is Steiring us in the wrong direction.

Jeff Fenske

Steve Quayle’s Hot Headlines



Emergency Levels Of Japan Nuclear Radiation Found In Forecasts Censored From Public: Contrary to previous reports that NILO has stopped making Japan nuclear radiation forecasts, the forecasts are still being produced, they are just not being released to the public. Nuclear radiation forecasts discovered today on the site show emergency levels of radiation in the latest forecasts censored from the public. Japan recently announced a massive censorship campaign to silence so-called “irresponsible rumors” about the nuclear radiation being released from Fukushima. more

Nuclear Meltdown At Fukushima Plant: Engineers from the Tokyo Electric Power company (Tepco) entered the No.1 reactor at the end of last week for the first time and saw the top five feet or so of the core’s 13ft-long fuel rods had been exposed to the air and melted down. Previously, Tepco believed that the core of the reactor was submerged in enough water to keep it stable and that only 55 per cent of the core had been damaged. Now the company is worried that the molten pool of radioactive fuel may have burned a hole through the bottom of the containment vessel, causing water to leak. “We will have to revise our plans,” said Junichi Matsumoto, a spokesman for Tepco. “We cannot deny the possibility that a hole in the pressure vessel caused water to leak”. more

Postgenetic Code: The accumulated and integrated gains in science, technology and human culture have generated a new period of evolution, the postgenetic era. In postgenetic evolution, the accelerating expansion of our species’ knowledge base has taken humanity beyond being mere DNA-transport vehicles. We now have the capacity to consciously build on evolution’s engineering by multiple means: more

The People vs. Goldman Sachs: They weren’t murderers or anything; they had merely stolen more money than most people can rationally conceive of, from their own customers, in a few blinks of an eye. But then they went one step further. They came to Washington, took an oath before Congress, and lied about it. Thanks to an extraordinary investigative effort by a Senate subcommittee that unilaterally decided to take up the burden the criminal justice system has repeatedly refused to shoulder, we now know exactly what Goldman Sachs executives like Lloyd Blankfein and Daniel Sparks lied about. morego to archives


May 13
Why Don’t We Hear About Soros’ Ties to Over 30 Major News Organizations?
Shanghai Silver Trading Volume Surges By 65% Last Month
The People vs. Goldman Sachs
That Dreadful Day – Coming Economic Collapse
Endgame Of The Credit Card Nation
Problems In Greece And Ireland/Gold And Silver Rise
War On “Speculators” Goes Global: Shanghai Gold Exchange Hikes Silver Margins For Third Time In A Month
Farmers Across America Ditch Tractors For Oxen In Bid To Beat Rising Fuel Prices
White House Insider: Eric Holder Is Gonna Fall
This is A Day That Will Live in Infamy
Rich Russians Buy Bunkers on Apocalypse Angst
Emergency Levels Of Japan Nuclear Radiation Found In Forecasts Censored From Public
Nuclear Meltdown At Fukushima Plant
NJ Cops “Outraged” Over WH Rapper Invite
Postgenetic Code
Osama Bin Laden’s Anti-U.S. Strategy: Exploit Minority Converts
SEAL Helmet Cams Recorded Entire Bin Laden Raid
The Death Of Bin Laden; The Death Of America
Pressure Mounts On Gadhafi Within Libya’s Capital
Toxin From GM Crops Found In Human Blood: Study
Google Wants To Control Your Home
Sons of Blackwater Open Corporate Spying Shop
Alternative Energy Fuels a Mining Bloom
Cholera Oyster Outbreak Sickens 11 in US
Sharks Dying by the Dozens Due to Internal Bleeding
Quote of the Day

May 12
Liberty Cinema: Media That Inspire Us
Government: Congress Holds Absolute Power Over Consumers
Senate Investigates Napolitano’s Border Securit y Measures
NILU – Norsk Institute = ZARDOZ = Radiation At Emergency Levels
Watchdog Criticizes Feds For Pulling Back On Radiation Monitoring
Dollar In Graver Danger Than The Euro
Death By A Thousand Cuts
The Economy When Capital Is Nowhere in Sight
Treasury Auctions To Take US Over Debt Ceiling On Monday
Social Security Trust Fund Bonds Will Be “21st Century Version of Confederate Banknotes”
India, Indonesia, China and Wider Asia Buy Physical Gold and Silver on Dip as Stagflation Threatens
7 Ways Hedge Funds Lie, Cheat and Steal
20 Facts About Child Hunger And Child Poverty That Will Break Your Heart
History Repeats Itself: Silver Futures Manipulation in 2011 Mimics Gold Futures Manipulation in 2008
Climate Record Suggesting Severe Tropical Droughts as Northern Temperatures Rise
The Growing Gap Between The Eurasia And North American Tectonic Plates
Eight Dead After Earthquake Hits Spain
Assad Kills 19 Protesters, Including Boy, 8, Infant, As Syrian Regime Arrests 10,000
Osama’s Dead, But Congress Wants a Wider War
Live by Treachery, Die by Treachery; A Historical Lesson About Selling Your Soul
Sex, Lies & the TSA
New Nanosensor Sniffs Bombs, One Molecule at a Time
Worst Nightmare? Bedbugs With ‘Superbug’ Germs Found
Rare Earth Woes Could Mean Trouble for U.S. Stealth Fleet
Claim: Secret American Base Discovered on Moon

May 11
Billionaires For Eugenics
Islam is Misunderstood
Banking in Darkness – FDIC System Insures Over $7 Trillion In Deposits With A Dwindling Insurance Fund
Barack Obama Is Wrong: 18 Facts Which Prove That Illegal Immigration Is An Absolute Nightmare For The U.S. Economy
Weak U.S. Harvest, Bigger Demand Could Mean Higher Food Prices
The Scandal Behind The Financial News Headlines
Coping With Crime After Economic Collapse
Don’t Buy A House In 2011 Before You Read The se 20 Wacky Statistics About The U.S. Real Estate Crisis
Will These Countries Be Next To Raid Their Pensions
Jim Sinclair – We’re Nowhere Near A Top in Gold!
A Word on (Precious Metals) Corrections
Jim Rogers: ‘US the Largest Debtor Nation In History’
Oil Refineries Near Swollen Mississippi River
Record Flooding In Montana Could Start By Week’s End
In Japan, A City Shifted By Earthquake Faces A New Reality
Tungurahua Continues To Erupt, Taal Grows Increasingly Restless, Explosions on Etna
Big Sustained Blast From – Expect More Extreme Weather And Earthquakes
Mystery Surrounds Boom Felt Over Region
Fukushima Nuclear Reactor 4 Leaning, Danger Of Complete Collapse
Fukushima Crisis Won’t Affect Pak-China Nuke Cooperation
Chaplains Praying In Jesus Name
Come Die With Me
Outside View: Ashraf Massacre
A Game of Tag
The Myth of the Three Laws of Robotics – Why We Can’t Control Intelligence

May 10
Battle Brews Over FBI’s Warrantless GPS Tracking
Observations of the Silver Smack Down
Gold and Silver, NUTS To All Of You ‘Top Pickers!’
Consumers and Investors Seek Protection With Guns and Gold
Silver Rebounds In Price, Followed By Gold/Problems In Greece
Traders Jump Back Into Gold, Silver
The Financial Bubble That Is Still Popping – Home Prices Enter A Deep Double Dip Because Household Incomes Are Still In A Rut
New Report: Foreclosing On Ohio – Big Bank Foreclosures In Cincinnati, Cleveland, And Columbus
Shadow Government Bunkers: Security Heightened at Underground Storage Facilities
Fear That U.S. Could Grab Nuclear Arsenal Heightens Pakistani Anger
Arson Suspected In 10 Fires Near Downtown Indianapolis; One Dead
Baby Bomb Threat: Outrage As Toddler Is Given Full Frisking by TSA Agents
Internal Passport: Terror Alert Overload Leads To Call For “No Ride List”
Get Ready: The Last Pleasant Way To Travel Is About To Be Hell
Thailand: Muslims Behead A 9-Year-Old Boy (Warning: Graphic Images)
The Perverted Celebration of the Government Death Squads
U.S.-Japan Joint Survey Reveals High Radiation Beyond Evacuation Zone
“Troops’ Stress At Five-Year High, Morale Plunges
Key Arguments Set On Washington Takeover Of Your Life
Was the Hit on Bin Laden Illegal?
Ecuador Volcano Tungurahua Explodes Again: Peolpe Fear For Their Lives
Conventional Farmers Won’t Eat Their Own Food
Sick Fish In Gulf Are Alarming Scientists
Missiles, You’ve Been Warned: New Sat Has Its Orbiting, Infrared Eye on You
E.T. Phones Thailand and Picks Up the Tab for the Call
War Against God

May 9
Osama and the Ghosts of September 11: “Proof that Obama is Lying”
Hawaii Detective Charges: ‘birth Certificate’ A Fraud
Progressive Satanic Revolt: From “Nothingness” To Worship of Satan
China Buying Silver Overnight
Volcker Warns Of Danger From U.S. Deficits
Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange’s 1 Kilo Gold Contract To End Comex Gold Futures Trading (And “Bang The Close”) Monopoly
NIA On Why America’s College Bubble Is Next To Burst
Home Values See Biggest Drop Since 2008
Gold And Silver Storm The Fed
Uncle Sam Turns Multi-Billion Dollar Espionage Network on U.S Citizens
Record Number of Americans Targeted by National Security Letters
Americans Gone Wild
Despite Sunny Skies, Memphis Braces For Worst From Surging Mississippi
Drought to Persist in China, U.S. Europe Wheat Areas, U.K. Forecaster Says
FDA Claims Power to Seize Food Without Evidence of Contamination
Egypt Religious Strife Kills 12, Challenges Government
Punjab: Muslim Extremists Attack, Forcing Christian Families To Flee
I’m Sorry, But I Don’t Believe It
War of Terror is a Reichstag Fire False Flag Operation
Red Alert: Help Stop False Flag Terror
Torture? See How China Gets Its Way With Victims
Army War College Paper Proposes Use of Computer Generated Insurgents
Canst Thou Bind The Sweet Influences Of Pleiades, Or Loose The Bands of Orion?
2012 Prepare for the Alien Invasion? First Contact
Quote of the Day

May 6
2 Trillion Mile Marker on Road to Perdition
When a Gold Necklace Isn’t Jewelry
The Silver Bull: Despite This Week’s Sell-Off, We See Higher Prices Ahead
SLV Trading Volume Soars – While Shares (and Silver) Vanish?
Fears Linger Of New ‘Flash Crash’
Hezbollah Setting Up Across Border from San Diego
Bigger Than bin Laden – America’s New Public Enemy No.1
Feds Ask for Vigilance on Trains Based on Info from Bin Laden Compound
Frontline Chat: Pakistan’s Terrorism Double Game
Mississippi Floods Force Evacuations Near Memphis
Iceland’s Thrihnukagigur Volcano: Explorers Descend 650Ft Into Magma Chamber
Is A Mining Company Giving The Shaft To Farmers And Ranchers?
The Plan To Divide And Conquer America At The New Madrid Fault; And How We Can Remain Free Of Crisis Engineers
Mount Hermon: Gate of the Fallen Angels
Ahmadinejad Allies Charged With Sorcery
Orwellian Doublethink and Controlled Insanity
Fuel Contamination Halts Flights
Russia, China to cooperate on Middle East, North Africa
Two More Merc Firms Get Big Iraq Contracts
Question the Authority of Your Brain
Boffins Develop Liquid Crystal Solid-State Raygun Turret
Augmented Reality Goes Beyond Gimmicks For Business
Christian Scholar: America Could Produce Antichrist of the 21st Century
Why Do Atheists Ridicule Christianity?
Quote of the Day

May 5
Peer-to-Peer Currency Takes Banks Out Of The Picture
Who Is Tarnishing Silver – The ‘Why’ Should Be Obvious
US Regulator Probes Reasons For Silver Slump
Financial Raiders And The Loss Of The American Middle Class
Mexico, Russia, & Thailand Add $6 Billion Of Gold To Reserves-IMF Data
Mexican Central Bank Buys 100 Tonnes Of Gold
Obama Adviser: American Freedom, Equality Are Just ‘Myths’
Clones, Drones And Tracking Phones – Techno Assassination Of Americas Ideals And Countrymen!
Why the Death of the Guy Who was not Behind 9/11 Was Announced on May 1st
Police State Expands On Bin Laden Death Hype
Why Didn’t We Capture the Terrorist Kingpin and Interrogate Him?
Predicted In March 2010: Staging bin Laden’s ‘Death’
Obama’s “Big Lie”: White House Propaganda and the “Death” of Osama bin Laden
Geronimo and Skull & Bones
With Bin Laden Dead, Iran Supreme Leader Is World’s Greatest Threat
How to Kill America in 30 Seconds or Less
UK On Nuke Bomb Alert
All Eyes on the Mississippi River As Water Flows Backwards
U.S. To Blow Third Hole In Levee As Floods Worsen
Swiss Re Plunges To Loss On Exceptional Disaster Claims
CERN Physicists Trap Antimatter for a Record-Breaking Quarter Hour, Observe It
Top Secret Stealth Helicopter Program Revealed in Osama Bin Laden Raid: Experts
China Fights a War Without Firing a Gun
NASA Announces Results of Epic Space-Time Experiment

May 4
Bin Laden is Dead—Now What?
Bin Laden More Dangerous Dead Then Alive
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Rails Against Facebook, Says It’s A Spy Tool For US Government
Lies, Damn Lies And Bin Laden’s Death
Why the Death of the Man Who Was Not Behind 9/11 Was Announced on May 1st
Dead bin Laden Photo ‘Is A Fake’
Spec Ops Chief Sketched Out bin Laden Raid… in 1995 – Steve Note: like we figured
Al-Qaida Warns U.S. of ‘Big Revenge’ Over Osama Death
Luciferian Message Sent By Bin Laden’s Symbolic Death Anouncement
Occult Timing Associated With Osama’s Hollywood Scripted Assassination
The Media War on Libya: Justifying War through Lies and Fabrications
U.S. Government Musters Squads of Propaganda Comment Trolls
Paper Silver War Intensifies
Banks Adding Treasuries Signal Lower Confidence in Recovery
Currency Crash Occurring in the US
Asia Seeks to Diversify Record Foreign-Exchange Reserves as Dollar Falls
A Club for the Women Atop the Ladder
Japanese Seabed Radiation Levels Soar
Romania Airbase To Host US Missile Shield
Foreign Military Troops Train in California Desert
Terrifying Scientific Discovery: Strange Emissions by Sun Are Suddenly Mutating Matter – flashback
Quote of the Day – The word of the Lord to the leaders of the U.S.
“Evolve This!” Hollywood’s Anti-Christian Agenda in the Film Paul
9-11 & Energy Weapons

May 3
The Federal Reserve Destroying the U.S. Empire, A Fistful of Dollars
Gold Confiscation
Geithner Extends Debt-Ceiling Deadline to Aug. 2 With Extraordinary Steps
So Much For The Sprott Silver Scare: “Every Dollar From PSLV Sales Was Reinvested In Silver Equities”
Doug Casey: Precious Metals vs. the USD
As Food Stamp Recipients Hit New Record, 400 Americans Account For 10% Of Capital Gains
10 States Where Pensions Are Running Out of Money
Why Do US Officials Link Bin Laden Killing With the Arab Revolt?
Interview of Dr. Steve Pieczenik – Bin Laden Already Dead in 2002 – flashback
CSI bin Laden: Commandos Use Thumb, Eye Scans to Track Terrorists
Midwest Earthquake / What’s Going On Under New Madrid?
U.S. Blows Up Flood Levee on Mississippi River
Weather Warnings Lifted After New Zealand Tornado Wreaks Havoc; One Dead
Corn Planting Lags By 53 Percent from 2010
Circus Clowns And Sideshow Freaks
Obama: World Intelligence Agencies
Eyeing Big Political Role, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood to Contest Half Of Parliament’s Seats
Intel Chief: They Killed “Make Believe Osama”
Fears David Petraeus Will ‘Militarise’ CIA
‘The EU Are Trying To Wipe Us Off The Map’: Brussels Merges England And France In New Arc Manche Region… With Its Own Flag
Jerry Springer-ification of America: Dumb As Normal
Summer War in Middle East?
Internet Privacy: At Every Turn, Our Privacy Is Compromised By Technology
Six Planets Now Aligned in the Dawn Sky
Quote of the Day

May 2
New FBI Documents Provide Details on Government’s Surveillance Spyware
The Strange World of NSA Mind Control
Gold-Buying Central Banks May Signal Bullion Extending Record Price Rally
Keiser Report: Fleeing Dollar Flood & Fraud
Think Or Swim Hikes Silver Margin To Double That Of CME
Never Ending Money Printing
Why People are Buying Silver Now! (At $40-50/oz., it’s better than all the alternatives!)
Is The SLV Wired To Blow
Will America Survive the Threat of Islam?
Three Convicted in Terror-Related Cases Later Granted U.S. Citizenship by Obama Administration
After The Wind, The Water: Fears Of Floods Worse Than Mississippi Disaster Of 1927 To Strike Tornado- Devestated South East
Corps General To Use 250 Tons Of Explosives On Levee Near Fault
HAARP Expert, Human Rights Defender Predicted Deadly Storms
Guantanamo Leak Reveals Nuclear Threat Lurking in Europe
Top Japan Nuclear Technology Institute Senior Advisor: ‘Fuel Rods Completely Melted, May Already Escaped Pressure Vessel’
The Ghastly Truth About The Days Of Noah
Ancient DNA: Curse of the Pharaoh’s DNA
Black Chamber of Commerce President Blasts “Marxist,” “Brownshirt” Obama
Texas Bill Would Make Invasive Pat-Downs a Felony
Drones Spray, Track the Unwilling in Air Force Plan
Armed Groups Attack Security Forces, Military in Syria
NATO Strike ‘Kills Saif Al-Arab Gaddafi’, Libya Says
Quote of the Day
Iranian Commander Warns Saudi Of Domestic Unrest
Google Faces $50 Million Lawsuit Over Android Location Tracking

April 29
Wal-Mart Shoppers Running Out Of Money
GoldCore Questions On Comex Silver Default Due To Secret Buying By Russian Billionaire, Chinese Traders and People’s Bank Of China
If You Are Against Raising The Debt Ceiling You Are Part Of Al-Qaeda?
Silver Rally No Bubble as Price Will Top Record, Coeur d’Alene Chief Says
Silver And Gold Near Lifetime Highs
CMEGroup Hiking Silver Margins For The Second Time In A Week
Panic Selling Of The U.S. Dollar Now Underway As Debt System Implodes
Spanish Unemployment Surges to 21.3%; Inflation 3.5%
US Tornadoes Kill More Than 300
More Thoughts On BO Mysterious Storms Clobbering His Enemies Campers To The South
Perry Blasts Slow Federal Response as Texas Wildfires Flare Up Again
Tragedy In Japan Affects World Population
US Gov Takes Down HAARP Website And It’s Up Again
Weather Control/Warfare Quotes
The Islamists Have Brainwashed General Petraeus!
Destruction Of The Temple 3 – Transhumanism & Lucifer
David Rockefeller And Now Superman Globalist Traitors
Christian Arrested for Reading the Bible in Public – Caught on Video
Obama’s Half Sister Maya Soetoro ,Born In Jakarta Indonesia, Has A Hawaii Certificate Of Birth Also !! Time To Fess Up Barry?
You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me (Birth Certificate)
Birth Certificate Isn’t Obama’s Only Secret
Pentagon Plots Comic Book Therapy for Troops
‘A Government of Laws, and Not of Men’: The Electoral College
Educated Fools
U.S. Loses in Biggest Fighter-Jet Contest in 15 Years in India

April 28
Moving the Indicator to DEFCON 3/ Gold And Silver Blast Off After FOMC Statement
How The Comex Lost 20% Of Its “Registered” Silver In One Week, Or Where There’s Smoke Of A Run, There’s Probably A Run
Dollar Loses More Ground
Bernanke Fuels Gold and Silver Rally
Gold At Record As Dollar Falls On Fed Talk
Currency Dead End Paradoxes
Phoenix Underwater Mortgages Show Housing’s Threat to Recovery
Home On The Bear Market Range – the United States Will Face A 10 To 15 Year Real Estate Bear Market
And So The Billionaires Turn On Each Other – Sokol’s Lawyer Accuses Buffett Of Lying
Food Costs Seen Reaching a Record High This Year as Inflation Accelerates
Violent Tornadoes Devastate the South; At Least 231 Dead
Dozens of Tornadoes Kill 201 In 6 Southern States
Storms Knock Out TVA Nuclear Units, Power Lines
King Crabs Invade Antarctica
Record Number Of Whales, Krill Found In Antarctic Bays
Australia to be Port Of Call For Chinese Navy
A Mighty One has Gone!
When All Means Fail
New Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery
The Occidental Obama – flashback
Largest Detention Camp in World History Is Almost Complete
Superman Defies God, USA in Action Comics’ Landmark 900th Issue
Drones Rejoice! Petraeus to Head CIA, Panetta to Pentagon

April 27
States Of Rebellion: How Legislators And Governors Nationwide Are Openly Challenging A Rogue President
Pat Buchanan: MSNBC, Media Helping Obama “Conceal” Records
Who Pays If Obama Faked His American Birth?
IMF Says Next U.S. President Will Be The Last
Is the President’s Plan to Divide Jerusalem God’s Plan?
$52 to $56 Silver by Mid-year
Massive Raid on Silver/Open Interest In Silver Remains High
Picking A Fight With 5 Silver Traitors/Traders
Short Sellers Now Screaming About a Buy Side Silver Conspiracy
$5,000 Gold And $300 Silver Are Credible Numbers
Everything’s OK with Economy, Go Back to Sleep
With Friends Like These
S&P Cuts Japan Rating Outlook To Negative
Newly Graduated And Drowning In Six Figures Of Student Loan Debt
Energy in America: EPA Rules Force Shell to Abandon Oil Drilling Plans
Dark Ash Plume at Chile’s Planchon-Peteroa
Pregnant Teacher Harassed By TSA On Easter Sunday Tells Her Story
DHS Can’t Account for 10 Libyan Men It Caught and Released Inside U.S.
Gitmo Doctors Hid Evidence of Torture
Is a Rogue Computer Virus Shutting Down Nuclear Plants Worldwide?
Modern British Royalty: Eugenicists, Nazis and Neo-Feudalists
Cell Phone Stronghold Bag
Pluto’s Expanding Atmosphere Confounds Researchers
Quote of the Day
Mingling with the Seed of Men

April 26
The Aesthetics of Transhumanism
Apmex Starts Reverse Inquiry: Seeks To Buy “Any Quantity” Of Silver From Clients At $3 Over Spot
Oil Slips As Dollar Gains, Gasoline Up For 34th Straight Day
Silver’s Versatility To Help Sustain Rally
Don’t Fear a Pullback in Prices
Silver Shortage Will Go Terminal Very Soon
States Face Growing Pension Gaps
American Hellholes
Even the Federal Reserve is Broke
China’s Central Banker: We Own Too Much U.S. Debt
Welcome to Financial Slaughterhouse
Charting the Course to $7 Gas
Toyota Car Production In Japan Plummets 62.7 Percent Due To Parts Supply Crunch After Tsunami
Richard Russell – The Great Gold Tsunami Lies Ahead
Is Gold Rising Because America Is Broke?
Earthquake Sulawesi (Indonesia) : Hundreds Of Houses Damaged + People Injured
Earthquakes Continue to Rattle Faulkner County
WH Fails to Release Easter Proclamation – SQ NOTE: The tree is known by the fruit it bears – contempt for Jesus obvious!
Fairewinds Calls for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Delay Licensing
Obama Wants More ‘Death Panel’ Power
Decapitation Succession Talk Behind Doors on Capitol Hill
Enormous Statue Of Powerful Pharaoh Unearthed
When Will We Stop The Genocide in North Korea?
WikiLeaks: Guantánamo Bay Terrorists Radicalised In London To Attack Western Targets
Quote of the Day

April 25
Financial Heist of the Century: Confiscating Libya’s Sovereign Wealth Funds
Does iShares SLV ETF Really Hold Silver?
The Fed Must End QE2 on April 27th
China Proposes To Cut Two Thirds Of Its $3 Trillion In USD
Brent Crude Rises Over $124 On Unrest in Syria, Yemen
Into The Economic Abyss
IMF Bombshell: Age Of America Nears End
It’s Game Over For the US
The Day After The Dollar Crashes – A Survival Guide for the Rise of the New World Order
$5,000 Gold And $300 Silver Are Credible Numbers
Irrational Consumerism (or The Few Companies Who Feed the World)
From Stockpiling to Living Off The Grid, More Colo. Residents Preparing for Disasters
PA Arabs Celebrate Murder by Desecrating Joseph’s Tomb
Kabbalist Doctrine Explains World Events
Kyrgyz MPs Sacrifice Rams To Banish “Evil Spirits”
JB Campbell: Killing Pat Tillman
EU Crackdown On Herbal ‘Remedies’
The “Other” White Rock
World’s Largest Atom Smasher May Have Detected ‘God Particle’
Dr. Dan Nocera’s Energy From Water & Sunlight: The Story Behind the Discovery
Biological Effects of Radiation
Listening for the Thimerosal Footsteps
Design Fiction: Designer Transhumanity at Parsons
Is This Fossil a New Species of Humans?
Human+ Explores The Technologically Enhanced Future Of Our Species

[video] Alex Jones: Bin Laden Death Another Gov’t Lie — Everything has been a lie– cooked-evidence about WMDs in Iraq, the Hollywood-scripted Jessica Lynch-incident, the shameful murder of Pat Tillman, the false-flag attacks on 9/11, , phony bin Laden videos faked by assets at SITE and the Intel Center, Osama’s CIA identity Tim Osman…

Everything has been a lie– cooked-evidence about WMDs in Iraq, bogus claims about mobile weapons labs & yellow cake, the Hollywood-scripted Jessica Lynch-incident, the shameful murder of Pat Tillman, the false-flag attacks on 9/11, sticking it to the victims’ families & first responders, manufacturing links between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda, false-flag scenarios in the Downing Street memos, planted flash mobs at the White House & Ground Zero cheering ‘We got him’ to boost appeal for Obama, phony bin Laden videos faked by assets at SITE and the Intel Center, Osama’s CIA identity Tim Osman, secret backing for the Taliban in 1979, fake terror alerts– all of it.

[youtube=]Proof: Bin Laden Death Another Gov’t Lie

Uploaded by on May 11, 2011

Alex Jones debunks the legacy of lies that fill the pages of the phony War on Terror narrative– killing bin Laden, 9/11, Iraq, all of it– in a special video address. This “war” which has consumed our society is nothing more than a dramatized narrative meant to frighten the simple, captive public into accepting greater societal control.

Bin Laden was a strawman-villain concocted by the Western intelligence apparatus to take the blame for the orchestrated terror that is scripted and carried out by the globalist-allied factions. The Phantom Osama bin Laden was a skeleton key opening the door to foreign intervention in the middle east or anywhere al Qaeda might be. The motive is simple– ever-expanding wars for the military industrial complex, and the often more lucrative periods of reconstruction (i.e. you break it, you buy it). The occupation continues here at home with the creation of a police state supposedly meant to combat terrorism.

So rotten is the “big lie” of the War on Terror, that the most iconic events of the period are the most contrived. The official story about the killing of bin Laden disintegrated in mere days, as no one could keep the story straight. But it’s just the latest episode of a fairy tale that’s been sold to the public for nearly a decade; this story, told with a straight face, is not simply riddled with lies, but wholly subsists of them.

Everything has been lie– cooked-evidence about WMDs in Iraq, bogus claims about mobile weapons labs & yellow cake, the Hollywood-scripted Jessica Lynch-incident, the shameful murder of Pat Tillman, the false-flag attacks on 9/11, sticking it to the victims’ families & first responders, manufacturing links between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda, false-flag scenarios in the Downing Street memos, planted flash mobs at the White House & Ground Zero cheering ‘We got him’ to boost appeal for Obama, phony bin Laden videos faked by assets at SITE and the Intel Center, Osama’s CIA identity Tim Osman, secret backing for the Taliban in 1979, fake terror alerts— all of it.

Alex appeals to the facts in the historical record and an instinctual rejection of the pure lies put out by the establishment. You don’t want to miss this video; hopefully you can use it to reach those who felt “renewed” by reports of bin Laden’s death and are accepting the big lies all over again for the thrill of celebrating “the kill.” It’s a shoddy hoax to bolster public support, but even that illusion is falling apart. The L.A. Times reports that Obama’s “bin Laden bump” has already fallen back to Earth with the rate of gravity.

After all, the system has no credibility, and cheap lies about bin Laden have minimal value. Such easily exposed lies can be dumped on Obama as political baggage just as easily as it can boost him in the polls. The persistence of the Left-Right paradigm allows Obama & Bush alike to be dumped on for the failures & frauds of the system, actually giving cover to the continuity of government agenda, which milks power from the perceived need for greater “safety” measures as well as failed leadership.

[media bias exposed] I expected this: George Noory is cutting Mark Dice’s interview short, moving the start past bedtime — beginning with a most boring subject

Up until today, Mark Dice was going to be the main guest, starting in the second hour of the show. And main guests almost always are on for three hours, except for exceptions like: 5/10/11 ‘Coast’ recap: Steve Pieczenik (the real Jack Ryan of ‘The Patriot Games’) Psy-ops in America — Obama, Osama, 9/11, false flag ops, financial crisis… | Why was the interview only 2 hours?

As soon as I saw this, right now, I yelled: “I knew it!”

* * *

From: Coast to Coast AM

Doomsday Phobias / ‘Big Brother’ (Thu 05-12)

First Half: Psychiatrist Carole Lieberman talks about fear of Friday the 13th, and Doomsday phobias.

2nd Half: Muckraker out to expose the abuses of the New World Order, Mark Dice has made a career out of speaking truth about the powers that be. He’ll discuss the various ways that technology is violating not only our privacy but our civil rights – all using our tax dollars.

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