Freedom from Alaska!

Month: August 2021 Page 3 of 4

Benny Wills’ latest memes: No Memes No Service

CDC and Media Say 61% of Americans are Vaxxed, but Data Shows it is 32%


CDC Director Admits she was Wrong When she Said 99% of Covid Deaths are among the Unvaxed

Many or the woke were gleefully using this false claim to put down the awake on social media. A month later, we finally know the truth that they were lying.

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CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted during a press briefing last week that her claim that over 99% of Covid patients dying in hospitals were unvaccinated was false. The CDC’s data showed the number of Covid patient in-hospital deaths in May were 15% among the vaccinated, not 0.5% as they all claimed — which is 30x higher than they stated. She told a CNN reporter that the 99% number came from data “from analyses in several states from January through June” and did not reflect the latest data. Those who are calling out false statements such as this are being banned by the media. The Federation of State Medical Boards is trying to silence doctors for telling the truth by threatening to pull their medical licenses if they step out of line from the official line. ‘GEG

Sen. Rand Paul: ‘No one should follow the CDC’s antiscience mask mandates’

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky says we are at a “moment of truth” and “a crossroads” in dealing...
Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky says we are at a “moment of truth” and “a crossroads” in dealing with the pandemic. He detailed his stance in a twitter video that lasts several minutes…(Twitter/Sen. Rand Paul)
Published: Aug. 9, 2021 at 8:55 AM AKDT

(WKYT) – Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky says we are at a “moment of truth” and “a crossroads” in dealing with the pandemic.

He detailed his stance in a Twitter video that lasts several minutes:


WOW! Full Speech by Miguel Escobar at the Edinburg, Texas School Board Meeting! — “So get over the fear”

“John Hopkins just came out with a study. … The only children who died from Covid were the very severely ill [comorbidities like Leukemia], which most of those children can’t even be in school. So get over the fear. The masks don’t work. … Love thy neighbor.” – Miguel Escobar @ 11:30

WOW! Full Speech by Miguel Escobar at the Edinburg, Texas, CISD School Board Meeting! This is a MUST WATCH! “I’ve had firsthand experience with Covid. Especially before anybody in the media knew about it because I have certain Government Clearance.” – Miguel Escobar

“I know more people who have died from the vaccine than have died from the Covid!” – Miguel Escobar at 5m:35sec in vid

New Study from Johns Hopkins: “No healthy child died from Covid.”

The Case Counts are wrong. The CDC TESTS are wrong. The CDC said they need a new test that can distinguish between Covid and the Flu. Does that mean the tests have been wrong this whole time? What do you think? The masks are the dirtiest. why would you sniff that all day long?


BOOM! Physicians Assistant Miguel Escobar RIPS the LID OFF of Covid MYTHS and LIES | Edinburg, Texas CISD School Board Meeting 7/27/2021 | Full SpeechBOOM! Physicians Assistant Miguel Escobar RIPS the LID OFF of Covid MYTHS and LIES | Edinburg, Texas CISD School Board Meeting 7/27/2021 | Full Speech

Pfizer admits in vax document that long-term effects (including adverse) and efficacy is unknown

“Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known.”

• • •


Leaked Document Reveals ‘Shocking’ Terms of Pfizer’s International Vaccine Agreements

Vaccine purchasers must “indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pfizer … from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses … arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the vaccine.”

Vaccine makers have nothing to lose by marketing their experimental COVID-19 shots, even if they cause serious injury and death, as they enjoy full indemnity against injuries occurring from COVID-19 vaccines or any other pandemic vaccine under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, passed in the U.S. in 2005.

The full extent of their COVID-19 vaccine indemnification agreements with countries, however, is a closely guarded secret, one that has remained highly confidential — until now. A leaked document broken down by Twitter user Ehden reveals the shocking terms of Pfizer’s international COVID-19 vaccine agreements. …

Fully vaccinated people can transmit the virus, CDC director says — can carry same amount of virus as unvaccinated

Original CNN headline, archived was:

Covid-19 vaccines no longer prevent transmission, CDC director says

CNN’s updated title and article:

Fully vaccinated people who get a breakthrough infection can transmit the virus, CDC director says

August 5, 2021

Fully vaccinated people who get a breakthrough infection can pass it on, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said Thursday. 

University Admits Harvesting Kidneys From Unborn Babies While Their Hearts are Still Beating

E Michael Jones

Abortion fueled our descent into a state where the rule of law no longer applies. The convenience of the powerful is more important than the life of the weak.

University Admits Harvesting Kidneys From Unborn Babies While Their Hearts are Still Beating

Aug 5, 2021

The University of Pittsburgh may have inadvertently provided more evidence this week that aborted babies may be being born alive and left to die so that their organs may be used for scientific research, according to the Center for Medical Progress.

Covid Outbreak Hits Carnival Cruise Despite Every Guest and Staff Member Being ‘Vaccinated’

Besides the jabs not working on the delta variant, and their effectiveness being exaggerated, part of what happened may be that Pharma is still using the horribly inaccurate, false positive PCR tests; though, I’ve heard that early in 2021, they lowered the cycle threshold to make the jabs appear like they’re working, so the *cases* would plummet, which they were using to scare the people.

NY TIMES: Up to 90% Who’ve Tested COVID-Positive Wrongly Diagnosed!

“Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.”


‘The Monkees’ Michael Nesmith 2019: “I just kept my mouth shut: ‘roll with the flow, guys; take the money and go home'”

It’s sad to now hear Michael Nesmith’s shallow rational, but is not surprising now, 53 years later. As a teen, I was a huge fan; though, I never could understand their goofiness, which is somewhat explained here.

I’m pretty sure the first record album that I bought was their first album, “The Monkees” (1966) at age-9. I remember trying to decide if I would pay the extra 50 cents to buy it in stereo, or just get mono. I think I got mono. Someday, I’ll have to check.

I seem to recall that when I bought their second album, “More of the Monkees” (1967) it was in stereo, having either having learned the advantage, or mono was no longer available.

It seems crazy now, looking back so many years ago, thinking this was such a big deal — falling into Hollywood’s trap. They weren’t even a real band.

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Michael Nesmith:

7:45 “And then, everything else, I just sort of showed up, and sat down, and kept my mouth shut. … I just felt like ‘roll with the flow, guys. This is good for you. It’s a good time. You’re a lucky sap. Be grateful, and take the money, and go home.'”

8:20 QUESTION: “The movie, ‘Head’ (1968) [goofy movie that made no sense to me as an 11-year-old]:  what comes to mind?”

NESMITH: “It was a weed filled weekend…. We were all just high as a kite.”

19:00 “I just shut up and listened. That turns out to have been my best MO: ‘Shut up and listen. And sure enough, things come in and inspire.”

27:00 “The phrase is: ‘the Devil has no access to the singing man.'”

Yeonmi Park Details Horrific Effects of North Korean Starvation


Anchorage parents plea to heartless school board members mandating masks again! — 8th-grader: “We don’t need to freak out again. There’s a healthier way, taking vitamin D…”

3:38:30 “…something very insidious at work.”

3:59:10 So sad!

4:05:55 8th-grader: “We don’t need to freak out again.” “There’s a healthier way, taking vitamin D….”

4:10:45 “Mental health is a bigger threat now than Covid for our young people.”

Parents pleas start at 2:15:00

Jimmy Dore’s Experience with Vaccine Side Effects

Deceptive 6-Month Pfizer Vax Study Out — “Were only healthy people spit into this study?” – As many deaths as placebo – Doesn’t apply to Delta

‘Diabetes with complications’ is 6-7% in real world; only 0.6% in study.

15 deaths in vaccine group to 14 in placebo.

No ‘obesity;’ no ‘vitamin D levels.’

Women 3 times more likely to get injured.

Chris Martenson:

The six-month safety and efficacy data is in for the Pfizer vax. While we all await the larger readout from the full length of the phase III trials (due in 2023) this interim result is a much-needed peek at the trials.

The good news is that the vaccine seems to reduce ‘serious Covid’ as well as SARS2 infection.  The bad news is that we can’t tell from the data at what rate the vaccinated are still getting and replicating the virus.  The good news is that neither the vaccinated nor the unvaccinated were dying of Covid.  Or it could be said they were dying at ~ the same rate.   Out of 44,000+ total test subjects, just one vaccinated and two unvaccinated died of Covid.  Overall 15 vaccinated and 14 unvaccinated people died…so almost exactly the same number in each arm.

Troublingly, the study failed to tell us much if anything about the disposition of some 262 vaccinated people who had “serious” adverse events.  We don’t know how many recovered, how many hadn’t yet, or what the issues were.  This is fully 0.5% above baseline, so it means roughly 0.5% of all vaccinated people are going to have a serious adverse event (SAE).  Compare that to the 0.13% that had serious Covid and suddenly things get a little bit murkier.  We cannot say which is a better or worse public health outcome; 0.5% with vaccine SAE’s or 0.13% with serious Covid.

The study didn’t provide nearly enough information to make such a determination.  Which is a shame because good data goes a long way towards relieving fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD). (source)

ADN ridicules Jamie Allard for saying requiring children to wear masks in schools is ‘criminal child abuse’

Anchorage Assembly member says requiring children to wear masks in schools is ‘criminal child abuse’

Emily Goodykoontz

Anchorage Assembly member Jamie Allard in an interview this week said she believes requiring children to wear masks in public schools is criminal child abuse.

Allard, a vocal opponent of the city’s previous mask mandate and other COVID-19 restrictions, first made the statement in a column on a conservative website last week. It was published ahead of an Anchorage School Board meeting considering the school district’s COVID-19 mitigation plan. The plan recommended requiring students and staff, in most cases, to wear masks indoors during the upcoming school year.

“I also agree with those who believe that masking children is nothing short of criminal child abuse. Don’t do it, Anchorage School Board,” wrote Allard.

Man-on-the-Street Mark Dice: They Want to Arrest and Jail All Unvaccinated Adults!

In a shocking experiment, random beachgoers in San Diego, California are asked if they’ll sign a petition supporting the arrest and detention of all unvaccinated adults until they agree to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

(video) “We don’t live in a fundamentally free society,” says tyrannical Anchorage school board member Kelly Lessens

Must Read Alaska

One of the most remarkable clips from Tuesday’s Anchorage School Board meeting. Board member Kelly Lessens says masking kids all day in school is good because “We don’t live in a fundamentally free society.” Until all kids 12 and up are vaccinated for Covid-19, she supports masks.

Roll tape

[Anchorage] Dave Donley: Why I voted against masking the kids

The primary oppositions to mandatory masking were that:

1. Parents are the best at deciding personal health choices for their children and not a one-size-fits-all bureaucracy;

2. Typical masks do not work well against COVID-19 transmission;

3. Optional masking has worked successfully all summer in Anchorage Summer School, with only one publicized case out of 9,000 students;

4. Masks are potentially damaging to the physical and mental health of children;

5. The Centers for Disease Control has been so wrong so often and so political they cannot be trusted (the primary justification for the newest CDC mask recommendation was a single Massachusetts event that was not school related, and the school environment has many special safeguards);

6. The World Health Organization does not fully agree with the CDC;

7. Even the CDC reports that fewer than 1 in 200,000 or .005% of children infected have died from COVID-19, which is less than the children who die from influenza (the flu) most years, and we have never mandated masks due to the flu;

Mask outrage at school board meeting: Many parents testify they will pull students from Anchorage schools, some will move

The only non-tyrant with common sense, who tells the truth about their ‘woke’ agenda is top-left, Dave Donley.

Dave Donley, Carl Jacobs, Kelly Lessens, Andy Holleman, Dora Wilson, Margo Bellamy, Pat Higgins


Mask mandates driving enrollment higher at Anchorage Christian Schools

Anchorage Christian Schools, on the campus of Anchorage Baptist Temple in East Anchorage, never enacted a mask mandate last year.

With a student body of about 550, another 140 have applied to attend this fall, after the school absorbed about that many more at the beginning of last year’s classes. The school can accommodate up to 900.


Maggie, former Alaska Zoo resident, dies at 41 — Laid down under a favorite oak tree with Lulu by her side

“She was really a wonderful elephant. A beautiful elephant with a rough history but an indomitable spirit. A big, big personality,” said Jackie Gai, Maggie’s veterinarian in her final years. “She had a beautiful face with long eyelashes. A very sweet and expressive face.”

Her new home was a sanctuary in San Andreas, Calif., run by the Performing Animal Welfare Society. Dr. Gai, director of veterinary services for PAWS, said Maggie flourished in her new habitat, with acres of hills to roam and mud to wallow in. And Maggie had a best friend: Lulu, a retired zoo elephant from San Francisco.

“They refused to be apart. Everywhere Maggie went, Lulu went, and vice versa,” Gai said. “So it’s just what I would say was the deepest of friendships.”

Gai said Maggie seemed to choose the place of her death. On Tuesday, Maggie lay down under a favorite oak tree. With Lulu by her side and a caregiver nearby, Maggie drew her last breath.

While African elephants in the wild can live to 65, Gai said Maggie exceeded the median life expectancy for a captive elephant.

“She was a good friend to her elephant friends, and she was lucky to have a caring zoo director who made the right decision for her,” Gai said. “And we are honored to have had the opportunity to care for her all these years.”

Gai said Lulu seems sad and is getting extra attention.

Maggie’s care was funded for several years by game-show host and animal advocate Bob Barker, who also reimbursed the Air Force for Maggie’s flight from Alaska.


WHO official: Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus ‘very rare’ – data shows

WHO official: Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus ‘very rare’


A top World Health Organization (WHO) official on Monday said that it appears “very rare” for an asymptomatic person with the coronavirus to transmit it to another person, a potential bit of good news in the fight against the virus.

“From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,” said Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead for COVID-19, when asked about the issue at a press briefing.

She noted that the answer is not definitive. “We are constantly looking at this data, and we’re trying to get more information from countries to truly answer this question,” she said. “It still appears to be rare that an asymptomatic individual actually transmits onward.”

She said the WHO has information reported by countries that has not been published in studies, finding that detailed contact tracing has not found significant spread from asymptomatic people.

“We have a number of reports from countries who are doing very detailed contact tracing. They’re following asymptomatic cases, they’re following contacts, and they’re not finding secondary transmission onward,” Van Kerkhove said. “It’s very rare. Much of that is not published in the literature.”


AwakenWithJP: The WOKE Olympics – Special Report!

“Oddly enough, it turns out the public doesn’t want to watch people who hate their country represent their country.” – JP Sears

Dr. Mercola: Why I Am Deleting All Content After 48 Hours

Very sad!


Why I Am Deleting All Content After 48 Hours

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

August 04, 2021

CDC: Twice as many Covid vax deaths than from ALL vaxxes for the past 30 years!

CDC: 11,940 Dead 618,648 Injuries and 1,175 Unborn Babies Dead Following COVID-19 Shots

1 August 2021

According to the most recent stats released by the CDC this past Friday, their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now has recorded twice as many deaths following the non-FDA approved experimental COVID-19 shots during the past 8 months, than deaths recorded following ALL FDA approved vaccines for the past 30 years.

Alaska: Cases – including breakthroughs – are rising, but hospitalizations and deaths remain relatively low

STORY from Alaska Watchman

Soviets brainwashed citizens using majority opinion and mass media propaganda

Story from The Alaska Watchman

Mel K & Momma Bears From Iowa Fight Back With Freedom Over Fear To Unmask Our Children 6-6-2021

On May 20, 2021, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed a bill making masks optional in schools after two mothers, Kimberly Reicks and Emily Peterson, became activists against mandatory masks for children in schools. The law also prevents businesses from requiring consumers to wear masks. The mothers tell the story about how their children became ill from wearing masks, received medical mask exemptions, and were then segregated and put behind plexiglass by school officials. Kimberly Reicks filed a lawsuit against the Ankeny School Board. The two women outlined their plan for other parents to do the same, a plan that includes organizing groups of like-minded individuals to attend school-board and city-council meetings, hold protests before the meetings if necessary, hold peaceful sit-ins at the Capitol, find Constitutional leaders in the legislature and hold freedom rallies. Their website is –GEG


Anchorage: Recall ‘woke’ tyrant Meg Zalatel

Recall Petition

(video) Mayo Clinic: Vitamin D toxicity greatly exaggerated – Would require “50,000 to 100,000 IU/d for months to years”

According to an article by the Mayo Clinic, vitamin D may not actually be as toxic as was once believed: Vitamin D Is Not as Toxic as Was Once Thought: A Historical and an Up-to-Date Perspective

In the 1940s, vitamin D was used for rheumatoid arthritis. But, the amounts being used were between 200,000 and 300,000 IUs of vitamin D. The reason this could have helped is that vitamin D helps support the immune system and helps lower inflammation

In the 1950’s they were fortifying products like dairy products with vitamin D. But, there were some complaints from parents with children who had side effects. The fortification of vitamin D in dairy was banned in Europe, but not in some other countries, including America. 

Years later, it was discovered that these children might have experienced these side effects due to a rare genetic disease called Williams syndrome. With Williams syndrome, you don’t actually want to take vitamin D at all. 

Now, when you look at vitamin D, it always says something along the line of “don’t take too much, you could experience a toxic effect.” 

But, according to this article by the Mayo Clinic, it would take getting 50,000 to 100,000 IUs of vitamin D for months to years before vitamin D would become toxic. This is actually a lot more than what most people consider toxic. …

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