Freedom from Alaska!

Category: 4th Amendment Page 3 of 7

Rand Paul to Filibuster "Long-Term" Surveillance Extension

(vid) Fmr. FBI Agent Tim Clemente: All Phone Calls are Recorded & Stored

13 Shocking Facts About Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller
Spying on Americans
Mueller participated in one of the greatest expansions of mass surveillance in human history.
As we noted in 2013:

NBC News reports:

NBC News has learned that under the post-9/11 Patriot Act, the government has been collecting records on every phone call made in the U.S.

On March 2011, FBI Director Robert Mueller told the Senate Judiciary Committee:

We have put in place technological improvements relating to the capabilities of a database to pull together past emails and future ones as they come in so that it does not require an individualized search.

Remember, the FBI – unlike the CIA – deals with internal matters within the borders of the United States.

On May 1st of this year, former FBI agent Tim Clemente told CNN’s Erin Burnett that all present and past phone calls were recorded:

BURNETT: Tim, is there any way, obviously, there is a voice mail they can try to get the phone fcompanies to give that up at this point. It’s not a voice mail. It’s just a conversation. There’s no way they actually can find out what happened, right, unless she tells them?
CLEMENTE: “No, there is a way. We certainly have ways in national security investigations to find out exactly what was said in that conversation. It’s not necessarily something that the FBI is going to want to present in court, but it may help lead the ainvestigation and/or lead to questioning of her. We certainly can find that out.
BURNETT: “So they can actually get that? People are saying, look, that is incredible.
CLEMENTE: “No, welcome to America. All of that stuff is being captured as we speak whether we know it or like it or not.”

The next day, Clemente again appeared on CNN, this time with host Carol Costello, and she asked him about those remarks. He reiterated what he said the night before but added expressly that “all digital communications in the past” are recorded and stored:

NSA whistleblowers say that this means that the NSA collects “word for word” all of our communications.

Entire Article

(vid) CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government — “WHEN YOU DECIDE YOU’RE NOT GOING TO FEAR THEN YOU’RE FREE!!!” – Heroic Kevin Shipp

One of the most inspiring messages I’ve ever seen!

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POWERFUL and HEROIC KEVIN SHIPP, former CIA officer and author of “The Company of Shadows

I list some Key Points:

25:00 Social security, “they stole the money.”

30:45 CIA is unconstitutional

36:50 Donald Trump has terrified the shadow government!

39:50 NSA — Edward Snowden is a hero!

42:45 Bluffdale, Utah: “The computers there are so intensive they have to have cooling systems the size of warehouses to cool the data that’s processing in the Utah Data Center. That’s how massive that database is.”

43:20 Congress has no effective oversight over the CIA, because the CIA classifies everything they don’t want seen.

45:35 Only a couple of constitutional congressman, “except for Rand Paul being one, in my view.” Most don’t want to change anything. “We’ve lost congress.”

49:40 Lying under oath

49:55 “In Syria, so far, 475,000 civilian Syrians have been killed through the CIA/US backed rebels. 100,000 Syrian military have died.”

51:45 The torture program: People were killed, electrocuted and seriously wounded by our “enhanced interrogation program.” “It wasn’t just ‘waterboarding.'”

55:00 The tyranny of secrecy

56:20 The government legalizes lying

1:01:00 How they silence whistleblowers

1:05:00 What can we do? “Start a social media storm.”

1:06:50 “The biggest hurdle for me [that] I got over was way back in 2012, when I decided I was not going to fear them anymore. When you decide you’re not going to fear then you’re free!

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New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government

Published on Aug 23, 2017

Kevin Shipp was a decorated CIA officer who refused to look the other way in regard to government criminality and cover-up. At a very important public awareness event, held by in Northern California, on July 28th, 2017, Mr. Shipp presented a shocking and compelling presentation on numerous, horrific and ongoing government crimes. The total persecution of anyone who dares to tell the truth about rampant government tyranny is also fully exposed. The paradigm we have all known has been built on deception and the dark agendas of the global power structure. The courage Kevin Shipp has shown by doing his best to expose government criminality and tyranny serves as a stellar example to us all.

We desperately need other individuals in government agencies and the US military to follow Kevin’s lead. All of us are essential in the battle to help wake the masses to the truth so that the whistleblowers have the support they need to come forward. If we have any chance of stopping the completely out of control criminal cabal that currently runs our country and much of the world, we must all make our voices heard, we must all join the fight for the greater good.

Dane Wigington

(video) Lew Rockwell Says Google Is CIA

Lew Rockwell Says Google Is CIA

Published on Aug 14, 2017

(video) Smartphone snooping hidden tracking system — How to disable

Most people would be shocked to discover this, but THEY SHOW HOW it can be turned off, unlike NSA’s snooping, which tracks and stores everything also, but that can’t be shut off.

(video) Sen. Rand Paul to DHS: Bill of Rights should protect Americans returning from overseas – 6/6/17

Rand is the man!

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Sen. Rand Paul to DHS: Bill of Rights should protect Americans returning from overseas – 6/6/17

Sen. Rand Paul on His Request for More Information about Surveillance – May 8, 2017

Sen. Rand Paul on His Request for More Information about Surveillance – May 8, 2017

Bose headphones spy on listeners – by using an app that tracks the music, podcasts and other audio they listen to, and violates their privacy rights by selling the information without permission, a lawsuit charged


Fears Google Hire could allow employers to see your entire search history

THE tech giant is working on a job site called Google Hire, which could let prospective employers snoop your embarrassing search history.


All PORN SITES Plant a Keystroke Logger on Your Phone, which monitors your keystrokes and sends that information somewhere, where they have your private information, including passwords

39:15 All porn sites plant a keystroke logger on your phone, which “monitors all of your keystrokes and sends that information somewhere.” So then they have all of your information.

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John McAfee introduced and comes onboard @19:00

Mass Surveillance & Vault7 with John McAfee – Ark Midnight #41

(video) John McAfee w/ John B Wells: Mass Surveillance through Smartphones – Ark Midnight #41 – 3/18/17

“We’re living in a dream, and need to wake up.” – John McAfee
34:45 Life without electrical power

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John McAfee introduced and comes onboard @19:00

Mass Surveillance & Vault7 with John McAfee – Ark Midnight #41

(video) John McAfee: No Proof Russians Hacked The Election

John McAfee: No Proof Russians Hacked The Election

(video) Judge Napolitano – Trump is the Enemy of the Deep State

Yes! Not just ‘metadata’ @ 4:20!!
So Fox has taken Judge Napolitano off the air!
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Judge Napolitano – Trump is the Enemy of the Deep State, 1549

(video) UPDATE – VL’s Pentagon Insider Reveals All in a Q & A About #Vault7


Q. What type of things can we expect?

A.  Right now, the first dump concentrated on the CIA’s toolkit. The fear and loathing barometer tells me there is real concern the source code will get leaked, and even bigger concern the CIA’s past ‘activities” get exposed. If that happens, we will have a shockwave and an instant realignment of friends and foes.

Q. Could you explain further?

A. Lets say Wikileaks divulges that the CIA engages in domestic espionage in tandem with Mossad and MI6… Lets say CIA looks the other way while foreign nations are allowed to surveil American citizens… Lets say the people find out we created Isis with Israel, or the CIA really did neutralize Kennedy. Imagine how the citizens will view the CIA, Mossad and MI6.  In truth, these entities are not the beast, but rather the claws of the beast.  The combination of the CIA, Mossad and MI6 can be considered the greatest sponsors of terrorism in the world. …

Q.  Will Pedogate ever be fully exposed?

A. Vault 7 will make certain that Pedogate is exposed. CIA and Mossad are behind much of it. Many in my close circle welcomes what Wikileaks has done.  Most military servicemen serve honorably. Most law enforcement as well. We want the swamp drained. If Trump muzzles Pence, and guides this nation by his instincts, my guess is he will gut the CIA, modernize it, kick the MI6 and Mossad out of the tent and start re-evaluating who our friends are.

Entire Article

• • •

UPDATE – VL’s Pentagon Insider Reveals All in a Q & A About #Vault7

(video) Free Speech May Now Get You Thrown In Prison In Canada (with Dan Dicks)

Arthur Topham wrote this comment under this video:

Boys. You’re not focusing in on the issues deep enough. Canada needs to get rid of Sections 318 to 320 of the Canadian Criminal Code. They are the crux of the issue of freedom of speech in Canada. Anything else is peripheral. I’ve been in the Alternative Media business with since 1998 and at midnight tonight I’ll be forced to remove my website from the net because of the Jewish lobby B’nai Brith’s relentless use of Sec. 319(2) of the CCC where they indict those who criticize the Zionist ideology and the state of Israel. Read my last article on the net.

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Free Speech May Now Get You Thrown In Prison In Canada (with Dan Dicks)

(video) ‘There are no secrets in this world’ – John McAfee

‘There are no secrets in this world’ – John McAfee

Published on Mar 9, 2017

WikiLeaks’ Vault 7 “Year Zero” release exposed the CIA’s extreme vulnerability as well as ordinary Americans’ susceptibility to internal surveillance. Cybersecurity expert John McAfee joins “News with Ed” to share his peerless expertise on the revelations and what they tell us about the Trump administration’s alleged connections with Russia and MSM claims of Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

NSA Whistleblower William Binney on The Sean Hannity Radio Show (3/6/2017) — All phone conversations have been recorded for 'at least 5-10 years,' and now any one of the 16 agencies have access • The people don't seem to care

I’ve posted Binney saying this many times on my blog, but this time it’s broadcast on the public airwaves on a nationally syndicated radio show, as well as Fox News, today:
Sean also let William Binney state on his Fox News’ show today (3/8/17) that the NSA collects and stores all the conversations (not just metadata) of everyone in the USA.
– –

All phone conversations are recorded, not just the metadata; all emails, tweets….

“Probably they can go back at least 5-10 years.” @6:30

“And now any one of the 16 agencies have access.”

“Unfortunately, they [people] don’t seem to care.”

– William Binney

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

• • •

NSA Whistleblower William Binney on The Sean Hannity Radio Show (3/6/2017)

(video) Ron Paul Drops Wiretap Truth Bombs

Remember, the CIA killed Kennedy.
NSA is recording EVERYTHING from EVERYONE!
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Ron Paul Drops Wiretap Truth Bombs



(video) Trump – Obama Wire Tapped Trump in Last Month of Campaign

Trump – Obama Wire Tapped Trump in Last Month of Campaign, 1531

(video) Obama Wiretapped Trump Phone Before Election?

Obama Wiretapped Trump Phone Before Election?

Neo-con Bill Kristol openly supports a deep-state coup against President Trump | Trump's tweets!

From: James Fetzer

Neo-con Bill Kristol openly supports a deep-state coup against President Trump

Dr. Eowyn

On February 13, General Mike Flynn resigned from being President Trump’s national security adviser and apologized for telling then-Vice President-elect Mike Pence an untruth — that Flynn had not discussed the issue of sanctions with Russia’s ambassador to the United States. Reportedly, Flynn resigned in lieu of being outright fired.

President Trump did the right thing in removing Flynn because he cannot have as his adviser someone who lies and who might have violated the law (Logan Act) in speaking with and negotiating with the Russian ambassador without Trump’s authorization. But this matter is more than “just” the removal of a dishonest aide because it has to do with how Flynn’s conversation with the Russian ambassador came to light. Only U.S. intelligence agencies could have illegally wiretapped to Flynn’s conversation, and who then leaked the transcript of the conversation to the MSM who are just chafing at the bit to find anything to take down Trump’s presidency.


..the leak of Flynn’s conversation is only one of several leaks from the Trump administration. In a series of tweets, President Trump identifies the problem:


On the intelligence agencies’ takedown of Flynn, neo-conservative Bill Kristol, founder and editor at large of The Weekly Standard and a network political commentator, tweeted:


Kristol’s declaration that he prefers the unelected “deep state” to the constitutional government of duly-elected President Trump is nothing other than Kristol’s admission that he supports a coup d’état.
One of Donald Trump’s campaign slogans was “Drain the Swamp”. President Trump must thoroughly excise the rot in the intelligence agencies, beginning with the CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA) — Gen. Flynn would have been director of the NSA. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the FBI must arrest the wiretappers and leakers, the reporters who solicited and received the transcript from an illegal wiretap, as well as Bill Kristol for openly advocating and fomenting treason against the United States (as per Article III of the U.S. Constitution).

The continuation of Trump’s presidency and the preservation of his very life depend on it.

Pray for President Trump. Pray for America!

Entire Article

(3 min video) The Political Assassination of General Flynn Via NSA — The big story that the MSM is trying desperately to hide is the outrageous criminal violation of national security that the conversations between Russia’s ambassador and Flynn, the designated National Security Adviser to the President-Elect, were not only monitored and recorded, but then transcripts of that classified conversation were circulated to selected members of the pro-leftist press purely for political gain

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The Political Assassination of General Flynn

Skousen: Full Scale War of the Deep State Against Donald Trump! — "The NSA is listening to everything. I think they're setting him up for impeachment by leaking something illegal that he might say. If he just makes one step… • "They're not satisfied in being able to co-opt him in about 80% of what he's doing now. They want it all. They want to destroy this guy, so they can get back to business as usual • "This is extremely illegal for the NSA. Yet, who's going to testify. It's a top government secret • "Trump still gets in there and says, 'no, I don't want to do that.' They want a person who's compliant

Joel Skousen said on the Jeff Rense Show last night, 2/15/17:

“This is a full scale war of the Deep State* against Donald Trump!”

“The NSA is listening to everything that everyone does, and setting up these gotcha’s. They’re listening to everything Trump says. I think they’re setting him up for impeachment by leaking something illegal that he might say. … If he just makes one step…. …

This is a full scale war of the Deep State* against Donald Trump!

They’re not satisfied in being able to co-opt him in about 80% of what he’s doing now. They want it all. They want to destroy this guy, so they can get back to business as usual.”

“This is extremely illegal for the NSA, first of all, to be spying on everyone’s domestic conversation, and then spying on political officials for political purposes. And yet, who’s going to testify. It’s a top government secret.”

“The one thing that they aren’t controlling is Trump. And even though, they have worked at controlling and surrounded him with guys like Priebus and others, he still gets in there and says, ‘no, I don’t want to do that.’ And that’s what they don’t like. They want a person who’s going to be compliant.”

On immigration:

“The most important thing that he could do is to stop the notion that illegals require a judicial procedure to be deported.”

* ‘deep state’: the dark, black ops side of the US government
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Jeff Rense & Karen Stewart – NSA Whistleblower, Gang-Stalking Victim

Jeff Rense & Karen Stewart – NSA Whistleblower, Gang-Stalking Victim


(video) Napolitano & Binney: NSA, NOT RUSSIA, Released Wikileaks Emails Damaging to HiLIARy

Especially good at 9:40.

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Hillary And DNC Busted! Caught Lying In Debate! Judge And NSA “The Big Deception”! Brazile Guilty!

(video) Napolitano & Binney: NSA, NOT RUSSIA, Released Wikileaks Emails Damaging to HiLIARy

Especially good at 9:40.
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Hillary And DNC Busted! Caught Lying In Debate! Judge And NSA “The Big Deception”! Brazile Guilty!

Anchorage officials silent on unconstitutional cell phone tracking device bought by APD

From: KTUU

City officials silent on cell phone tracking device bought by APD

ANCHORAGE (KTUU) The Anchorage Police Department will not say if it using a controversial surveillance device that privacy advocates say might infringe on the public’s constitutional rights. But records obtained by KTUU show the department has purchased such a device. …

The money came from a Department of Homeland Security grant, Huen said.

The KingFish lets users track and gather data from cell phones. According to privacy watchers and media accounts, police departments in many parts of the country are using the KingFish or similar devices — sometimes called Stingrays – to catch criminal suspects and fugitives.

The device works by mimicking a cell phone tower and tricking nearby cell phones into responding. When the phone connects with the KingFish or a similar tracking device, the gadget reveals the phone’s serial number and location. Some models can also intercept the contents of phone calls and texts, collect information about what numbers the phone called and how long conversations lasted, and figure out which websites the phone browsed. Others models can deactivate phones or make phones ring. …

“When this device is operated you’re not only intercepting the communications of the target who may or may not be involved in some sort of criminality but you’re also intercepting the communications of law-abiding Americans and invading their privacy and invading their rights. So it’s deeply concerning,” said James Christie, an Anchorage defense attorney.

Entire Article


Civil Rights Coalition files FCC Complaint Against Baltimore Police Department for Illegally Using Stingrays to Disrupt Cellular Communications

(video) Super Sweetheart, Holohoax Revealer Monika Schaefer Standing Up in a Small Town!

Holohoax Revealer Monika Schaefer Standing Up in a Small Town

(video) Alternative Media on ‘Holocaust’ Truth Seeker Monika Schaefer

Alternative Media on Holocaust Truth Seeker Monika Schaefer

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