Freedom from Alaska!

Category: BIG Pharma Page 29 of 39

(audio) Historian Deanna Spingola: Civil War • Andrew Jackson • The Fed • Big Pharma

Deanna is an expert on Germany real history, but here she discusses US history. A few of her statements seem questionable, but it’s still very interesting, especially being able to listen at 1.5x speed.
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15:00 Civil war: “It was not a war to free the slaves.”
18:00 Andrew Jackson was not a hero. He did not “kill the bank.”
33:30 The Fed is audited every year??? “It isn’t owned by private owners.” ???

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02 22 2017 Deanna Spingola

(video) Is Vaccine-Linked Autism About To Be Exposed

Is Vaccine-Linked Autism About To Be Exposed

Why Progressive 'Christians' Are Ineffective and Unpersuasive — Loving like Jesus means caring about what He cared about

Jesus didn’t support a welfare state and ObamaCare. Jesus called people to take up their cross and follow Him. And churches then helped the people directly, spiritually and physically, often supernaturally, because they abided in Christ, living holy together.
Jesus didn’t support the government forcefully extracting money from the people to make Big Pharma rich as they drugged up the people with pharmakeia, and performed the most expensive operations possible.
Jesus dealt with the demons that caused the illnesses, and certainly would support eating the proper nutrients to take care of our bodies so we don’t need doctors.
These guys are out to lunch, teaching a different gospel.
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From: The Christian Post

Why Progressive Christians Are Ineffective and Unpersuasive

One of the most fascinating speeches in the Bible happens in Acts 5 with Jewish Pharisee Gamaliel addressing the Sanhedrin. He warns them that if the message being preached by the Apostles of Jesus was of man, it would fail. But if it was from God, it couldn’t be stopped.

(Photo: Sojourners/Brandon Hook) Jim Wallis, president of Sojourners, holding up a “Poverty and Justice Bible” at the “Faithful Filibuster” protest, Washington, D.C., Oct. 10, 2013.

It was of God, and it wasn’t stopped.

I find that passage particularly relevant today within American Christendom.

There is a reason that liberal Christian movements like those championed by Jim Wallis, Rachel Held Evans, Shane Claiborne and others are so ineffective and unpersuasive in American culture. Rather than seeking to glorify and build the Kingdom of God, they regularly appropriate the language of Scripture to advocate for earthly, largely political causes that never address the principal need of humanity: redemption from sin.

For instance, preaching the words of Scripture when it comes to our nation’s policy towards refugees is admirable (provided it is done in context) only if you don’t ignore, downplay, or reject the counsel of Scripture when it comes to policy regarding abortion, marriage, and human sexuality. So-called progressive Christians have long chastised their conservative brethren for cherry-picking Scripture to support certain political causes. And to the extent that conservatives have done that, it has been to our detriment.

One need only walk through the graveyard of the “Religious Right” for confirmation of that reality. The Religious Right did not fall apart because it sought to apply the truth of the Bible to politics. It was when it tied the message of the Gospel to a political agenda. Before long, the Republican Party became an idol, and its success was seen as the most effective way to advance righteousness in the land. The Religious Right ceased to be about God, and thus it ceased to be.

But the same is happening with the Progressive Christianity of Wallis, Evans, Claiborne, Brian McLaren, and Tony Campolo that so desperately wants to be a formidable political force in America. In an effort to become such, they use the Bible as a weapon not against the sin and unrighteousness that plagues humanity, but against those who don’t share their politics.

Loving like Jesus means caring about what He cared about, wanting what He wanted, acting like He acted. And any rational reading of Scripture reveals that Jesus always cared first about the spiritual health of the individual, second about their physical health. Healing the physical was His way of demonstrating He had authority to heal the spiritual — which was far more important.

Progressive Christians who focus only on physical poverty while ignoring spiritual poverty are not contending for the faith. They are a political movement that finds themselves in a flesh-driven struggle for power rather than a spirit-driven struggle for Kingdom building. They mistake seeking social “justice” for the poor with seeking eternal justification for the sinner. That is a tragic confusion. …

Until that changes, they will remain a movement of man, not the cross. Gamaliel tells us how that story ends.

Entire Article

Big Pharma Was Invented By The Rockefellers

Big Pharma Was Invented By The Rockefellers

By john Reeves – December 7, 2016

The bitter truth is that when you go to your Western doctor, you are seen as a potential market for the medical factory’s products. For Big Pharma, there is no financial incentive to heal you, because a patient cured is a customer lost. Even if you are not sick, Big Pharma is still targeting you, trying to convince you that you are ill so that you will try its latest pill.

Western medicine has some good points, and is great in an emergency, but it’s high time people realized that today’s mainstream medicine (western medicine or allopathy), with its focus on drugs, drugs, radiation, drugs, surgery, and more drugs, is at its foundation a money spinning Rockefeller creation.
The Rockefellers, of course, are one of the most rich and powerful families of the elite black nobility. Behind their spurious facade of philanthropy, they are power-hungry tyrants intent on owning the entire world, and depopulating it through eugenics-based programs like forced sterilization, water fluoridation, abortions and vaccinations.

They have either majorly or fully created (and still dominate) the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Planned Parenthood and many, many other organizations that either rule the world or influence culture to a large extent.

Despite the dominance of western medicine nowadays, even just 100 years ago the situation was very different, so it’s worthwhile casting our minds back to how the we got to this place. How did western medicine and the giant conglomerate of multinational pharmaceutical corporations (“Big Pharma”) become the mainstream medical system in the US and other first world nations? And what alternatives are there?


Let’s go back in time to the late 1800s. John D. Rockefeller, a man quoted to have said “competition is sin”, is the head of the Rockefeller family and has just become very rich through extracting oil from the ground. Now he is looking for ways to capitalize even further with his oil, and he comes across the idea of using coal tar – a petroleum derivative – to make substances that affect the human mind, body and nervous system. These are called drugs, and they are excellent at masking or stopping symptoms, but overall do not cure the underlying cause of a disease.

Like other elite leaders of the New World Order who fit the description of an “evil genius” – those high on intellect and low on compassion – Rockefeller used his oil money to buy out part of the massive German pharmaceutical cartel, I.G. Farben. This was the very same cartel that would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision of a New World Order founded on racial supremacy, by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. With the control of drug manufacturing under his wings, Rockefeller then embarked on a decidedly wicked plan – wicked from the point of view of a free and healthy humanity, but brilliant from a business perspective.


Rockefeller saw that there were many types of doctors and healing modalities in existence at that time, from chiropractic to naturopathy to homeopathy to holistic medicine to herbal medicine and more. He wanted to eliminate the competitors of western medicine (the only modality which would propose drugs and radiation as treatment, thus enriching Rockefeller who owned the means to produce these treatments), so he hired a man called Abraham Flexner to submit a report to Congress in 1910.

This report “concluded” that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all the natural healing modalities which had existed for hundreds or thousands of years were unscientific quackery. It called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only the allopathic-based AMA be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US.

Sadly, Congress acted upon the conclusions and made them law.

Entire Article

Are the Aging Elite “Feasting On Young Blood”? Rockefeller Research Advanced Eternal Quest

Are the Aging Elite “Feasting On Young Blood”? Rockefeller Research Advanced Eternal Quest

Though it seems like science fiction, it is, in fact, based in reality.
Some of the wealthiest foundations on the planet have sponsored on-going research that dates back to the 1950s where-in scientists attempted to transfuse the vital, healthy blood of young individuals into older, and more fatigued recipients.
And apparently, it has demonstrated considerable positive effects – at least in lab studies with mice.
Nonetheless, the treatments are already taking place in selects labs in some of the most expensive area codes on the map, and where the elite seek methods and procedures for delaying death for as long as possible.
It’s creepy, but happening.
As Vox reports:

“There are widespread rumors in Silicon Valley, where life-extension science is a popular obsession, that various wealthy individuals from the tech world have already begun practicing parabiosis, spending tens of thousands of dollars for the procedures and young-person-blood, and repeating the exercise several times a year,” Bercovici reported.


The early research is groundbreaking and exciting, he says. But the interest in parabiosis is already getting ahead of the research. He fears that the science will be maligned by a rush to market a “youth serum.” Or worse: A black market for young people’s blood will arise out of the hype.

It seems that the old rumors and loose talk about rich and powerful barons in the ranking power structure drinking blood of babies (and so forth and so on…) may not be so wildly off base after all.
After all, many have speculated whether the bizarre blood shot eyes of David Rockefeller (in photo below) are not evident of many attempts at treatment to keep the aging oligarch alive – he is now 101 years old.
The question is all the more relevant, because his family, who have sponsored more medical and scientific research than perhaps any other American family, have funded investigations into genetics, longevity, social behavior, eugenics, chemotherapy and modern medicine that have defined breakthroughs.
Entire Article

(video) Watson: The Truth About Depression — And my take…

Interesting to the degree that I wrote a spiritual analysis on depression on my spiritual blog here: The Truth About Depression: Drugs Cannot Solve a Spiritual Problem
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The Truth About Depression

Anti-fluoride ballot initiatives get support from Anchorage legislators

From: Anchorage Daily Dispatch

Anti-fluoride ballot initiatives get support from Anchorage legislators

An Anchorage ballot initiative effort aimed at removing fluoride from city water has two rather unusual political bedfellows supporting it: the Democratic incoming majority leader of the Alaska House and a conservative perennial local candidate who has never held public office.

Rep. Chris Tuck is listed as a co-sponsor of the initiative, which is gathering signatures to be placed on the April city ballot. The primary sponsor is Dustin Darden, a carpenter who, in runs for mayor and legislator, has used homemade wooden signs usually bearing anti-fluoride messages.

Newly elected independent Rep. Jason Grenn also signed the petition. But Grenn said he only signed it because he believes in direct democracy. …

Other Alaska communities, including Fairbanks, Juneau and Palmer, have stopped fluoridating city water in the past decade….

Tuck said he’s been a longtime opponent of water fluoridation and believes it has adverse health effects. He has a reverse-osmosis system in his home to remove fluoride from the public drinking supply….

“I would rather it be a choice, rather than something that’s automatically added into the water supply,” Tuck said.

David Logan, a retired Juneau dentist who serves as executive director of the Alaska Dental Society, said community water fluoridation has been shown to be safe, cheap and effective way to improve oral health.

“We’re for public health and we deal in facts, not in conjectures, and not in emotions,” Logan said. “For us, it’s a very clear-cut issue.” [absolute lie – editor]

A second ballot initiative, also co-sponsored by Darden and Tuck, would require the manufacturer of the fluoride used by the city to provide the public with “an accurate list of contaminants and their amounts for each batch.” The initiative also seeks a detailed toxicology report and a “written verification of the chemical’s safety for ingestion by all water customers.”

Entire Article

The Landmark Johns Hopkins Sulforaphane Cancer Study Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About


(TEDx Talk) Former CBS REPORTER EXPOSES MEDIA LIES, Internet Shills & Astroturfing!!! — "BEWARE when interests ATTACK PEOPLE RATHER THAN ADDRESSING THE FACTS" • "Anonymous WIKIPEDIA EDITORS CONTROL and co-opt pages on behalf of special interests" • Study: "Wikipedia contradicted medical research 90% of the time" • "The drug company arranged to OPTIMIZE GOOGLE RESULTS, so it was no accident that you stumbled across that positive non-profit that had all of those positive comments. The non-profit was, of course, secretly founded and FUNDED BY THE DRUG COMPANY. The drug company also FINANCED THAT POSITIVE STUDY…."

“Beware when interests attack an issue by controversializing or attacking the people, personalities and organizations surrounding it rather than addressing the facts.”

Study: “Wikipedia contradicted medical research 90% of the time.”

“Anonymous Wikipedia editors control and co-opt pages on behalf of special interests. They forbid and reverse edits that go against their agenda.”

“The drug company also arranged to optimize Google search engine results, so it was no accident that you stumbled across that positive non-profit that had all of those positive comments. The non-profit was, of course, secretly founded and funded by the drug company. The drug company also financed that positive study….”

– Sharyl Attkisson, 20-year correspondent for CBS News

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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Wikipedia exposed @ 3:55!

Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TEDxUniversityofNevada

Fmr. U.S. Surgeon-General: “Protection of the life of the mother as an excuse for an abortion is a smoke screen. In my 36 years of pediatric surgery I have never known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save the mother’s life"

The lies they told US!
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“Protection of the life of the mother as an excuse for an abortion is a smoke screen. In my 36 years of pediatric surgery I have never known of one instance where the child had to be aborted to save the mother’s life. If toward the end of the pregnancy complications arise that threaten the mother’s health, the doctor will either induce labor or perform a Caesarian section. His intention is to save the life of both the mother and the baby. The baby’s life is never willfully destroyed because the mother’s life is in danger.”

– C. Everett Koop, M.D.
Former U.S. Surgeon-General (source)

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(video) *Warning-Graphic* A Partial Birth Abortion Filmed — Killary Supports This • Look HOW BIG the baby is!! • Only 1.5 minutes

(video) An Honest Antidepressant Drug Commercial

An Honest Antidepressant Drug Commercial

(video) If Antidepressant Commercials Were Honest

If Antidepressant Commercials Were Honest

(video) Antidepressants kill over 500,000 people annually – report

Antidepressants kill over 500.000 people annually-report

Cost of U.S. healthcare now 800% higher per person than it was in 1960, even when adjusted for inflation

From: Natural News

Cost of U.S. healthcare now 800% higher per person than it was in 1960, even when adjusted for inflation

One of the most massive political scandals ever perpetuated on the American people was President Barack Obama’s healthcare “reform” law – one of the most onerous, under-performing and destructive pieces of legislation ever to be codified in U.S. statutes.

One of the biggest lies of all is that the 2,700 page plus behemoth was supposed to lower healthcare costs – for patients and hospitals, as well as for insurers. Out-of-pocket costs and premiums were also supposed to fall dramatically, as Obama promised repeatedly during his first campaign for the White House.

But that was then. Today, not only are premiums literally skyrocketing just a few years after the law has fully taken effect, but out-of-pocket expenses, mostly for ever growing insurance plan deductibles, have also grown exponentially.

Consider that in the U.S. today, a single trip to the emergency room – depending on the severity of your illness or injury – could easily top $30,000, $40,000, 50,000 or even more. If your plan has a high deductible, or if you simply cannot afford coverage regardless of Obamacare’s mandate that you have coverage, just one such visit could bankrupt you or doom you and your family to a lifetime of crippling economic despair – all while our president and the Democrats who helped him pass the law receive better plans, VIP treatment and government subsidies to pay for their own coverage.

A ‘reform’ law that has only made things harder and more expensive for Americans

The Obamacare law – not “greedy” insurance companies or Republicans – is responsible for this calamity.

In fact, according to one recent analysis, compared to 1960, Americans today are suffering through an 800 percent increase in premiums, deductibles, out-of-pocket expenses and overall care. As documented by Global Research, a Canada-based think tank, in that year healthcare as a percentage of total gross domestic product (GDP) was just 5.1 percent. That figure had grown to 15 percent by 2002, but had risen further still to 17.9 percent by 2011. Estimates put it at 20 percent of GDP by 2020.

Further, the think tank noted, between 1960 and 2009, the average annual increase of healthcare spending rose from $147 per person to $8,086, or a 55-fold increase. If adjusted to 2010 dollars, the annual increase rose from $1,082 to $8,218.

In 1980, a normal hospital room in the U.S. cost $127; today, prices are many times higher.

The figures get worse from there. As noted by The Economic Collapse Blog:

— This year alone, Americans will spend nearly $2.8 trillion on healthcare. By 2019, it is estimated that Americans will spend $4.5 trillion on such care.

Entire Article Here

Statins Are the Greatest Medical Fraud of All Time: Study Reports


Harvard Professor Says Prescription Drugs Are Killing Population

“Any drug causing more side effects than benefits will not be called a medicine. It would rather be called a poison.”

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Harvard Professor Says Prescription Drugs Are Killing Population

Plastic surgeon says women with breast implants have 10 times the risk for cancer than we were previously told — Many women are completely unaware of the true risk of the surgery

TalmudVision (TV) promotes them, but in reality, many men find them unattractive, and even repulsive.

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From: Natural News

Plastic surgeon says women with breast implants have 10 times the risk for cancer than we were previously told

Many women around the world have breast implants for cosmetic reasons or following breast-cancer surgery.

In rare occasions, these breast implants may lead to a new emerging cancer type, called breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma, or BIA-ALCL. Although the risk is small, before making their decision patients should be advised about the possible cancer risk triggered by one of the most common implants.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, American plastic surgeon Professor Mark Clemens said that while the disease is still very rare, the actual incidence has been hugely underestimated.

True incidence is ten times higher than previously reported

BIA-ALCL is a type of cancer that develops in the lymphatic fluid and should not be confused with breast cancer. As a part of the immune system, lymphatic fluid circulates throughout the body spreading the newly formed cancer cells to other tissues where they can slowly develop into solid tumors. Detectable tumors are typically seen at least four years after the surgery.

So far 173 patients worldwide have been identified with BIA-ALCL. Professor Clemens has been tracking cases since the first report of it in 2011 and has studied the disease in depth. He believes that the commonality of BIA-ALCL is ten times higher than what women are often told.

He said: “A figure of one in 500,000 has been quoted, but this is a vast underestimate. It does not take into account that it takes on average ten years after an implant for symptoms to occur. Given this, the actual number is one in 50,000.”

As a result, many women are completely unaware of the true risk of the surgery. Some aren’t being told about the disease at all – including BIA-ALCL survivor Charlotte Fouracres. She claims that the disease was never mentioned by her doctors or their staff.

Entire Article

(video) Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe – Caravan To Midnight – Episode 572 – The makers and principals of the film “Vaxxed”, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree alongside Polly Tommey on board

Caravan To Midnight – Episode 572 Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe

John B. Wells 

John B. Wells

Published on Jul 15, 2016

Subscribe to the John B Wells show on Caravan to Midnight today for the truth behind the headlines – Only $5 per month.

We are sensitive to the expectations of our audience and remain faithful to our mandate to provide educational, cultural and informational programs independent of commercial obligations or influence.…

Episode 572 -In this edition we welcome the makers and principals of the film “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe”, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Del Bigtree alongside Polly Tommey on board, as we look into the making of the film and the facts portrayed therein.

Former Host of Coast To Coast AM John B Wells is now in control on Caravan To Midnight

(2 min video) 10 reasons why Zika virus fear is another fraudulent medical hoax and vaccine industry funding scam

(video) Fluoride is Dangerous and Doesn’t Help Teeth! – Ty Bollinger

Study: The Pill may alter women’s minds, shrinking areas of the brain — regions responsible for decision-making and processing emotions

From: Daily Mail

  • UCLA found two brain regions were thinner in women who took the pill
  • Regions are responsible for decision-making and processing emotions

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From: Huffington Post

Birth Control May Alter The Structure Of A Woman’s Brain

Birth control pills have some troubling possible side effects, including altering a woman’s mood and even her choice of romantic partner. A new study adds another potential concern to the list: Hormonal contraception may shrink portions of the brain and affect their function.

It’s possible that the synthetic hormones found in the Pill — and possibly the suppression of natural hormones that occurs when women are using the Pill — cause these alterations in brain structure and function, according to a new study published in the journal Human Brain Mapping.

In a study conducted on 90 women, neuroscientists at UCLA found that two key brain regions, the lateral orbitofrontal cortex and the posterior cigulate cortex, were thinner in women who used oral contraception than in women who did not.

The lateral orbitofrontal cortex plays an important role in emotion regulation and responding to rewards, while the posterior cigulate cortex is involved with inward-directed thought, and shows increased activity when we recall personal memories and plan for the future.

Changes in the lateral orbitofrontal cortex could be responsible for the increased anxiety and depressive symptoms that some women experience when they start taking the Pill. …

The new findings contradict a 2010 study that found that the Pill thickened brain areas associated with learning, memory and emotion regulation.

Entire Article Here

One Of The Most Important Scientists In The World: “Most Cancer Research Is Largely A Fraud”


One Of The Most Important Scientists In The World: “Most Cancer Research Is Largely A Fraud”

“Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organisations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.” (source)

The above quote comes from Linus Pauling, Ph.D, and two time Nobel Prize winner in chemistry (1901-1994). He is considered one of the most important scientists in history. He is one of the founders of quantum chemistry and molecular biology, who was also a well known peace activist. He was invited to be in charge of the Chemistry division of the Manhattan Project, but refused. He has also done a lot of work on military applications, and has pretty much done and seen it all when it comes to the world of science. A quick Google search will suffice if you’d like to learn more about him.

This man has been around the block, and obviously knows a thing or two about this subject. And he’s not the only expert from around the world expressing similar beliefs and voicing his opinion.

Here is another great example of a hard hitting quote when it comes to scientific fraud and manipulation. It comes from Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and long time Editor in Chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ), which is considered to be one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals in the world. I apologize if you have seen it before in my articles, but it is quite the statement.

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine”  (source)

The list goes on and on. Dr. John Bailer, who spent 20 years on the staff of the National Cancer Institute and is also a former editor of its journal, publicly stated in a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science that:

“My overall assessment is that the national cancer program must be judged a qualified failure. Our whole cancer research in the past 20 years has been a total failure.” (source)

He also alluded to the fact that cancer treatment, in general, has been a complete failure.

Another interesting point is the fact that most of the money donated to cancer research is spent on animal research….

“Fluoride causes more human cancer deaths than any other chemical. It is some of the most conclusive scientific and biological evidence that I have come across in my 50 years in the field of cancer research.” (source)

Entire Article Here

Robert De Niro on “The Tonight Show” – Fallon didn’t even mention “Vaxxed” AT ALL!

Robert De Niro was on “The Tonight Show,” tonight, and Jimmy Fallon didn’t even mention the “Vaxxed” movie controversy at all; though, they mostly talked about the Tribeca Film Festival in which “Vaxxed” was to be shown!

TalmudVision (TV) is controlled by Big Pharma!

How Plumbing (Not Vaccines) Eradicated Disease — Vaccines get all the glory, but most plumbers will tell you that it was water infrastructure – sewage systems and clean water – that eradicated disease, and they’re right

Article Here

(video) Robert De Niro speak candidly about “VAXXED” vaccine documentary, his son, autism – NBC Today Show 13-04-2016

(video) The Insane Censorship Of Vaccination Truths — (video) The Insane Censorship Of Vaccination Truths — Luke Rudkowski goes to the premier of Vaxxed in NYC and interviews the main producer, Del Bigtree. Vaxxed was pulled from the Tribeca film festival by Robert De Niro after a media backlash

[youtube=]The Insane Censorship Of Vaccination Truths



Published on Apr 7, 2016

In this video Luke Rudkowski goes to the premier of Vaxxed in NYC and interviews the main producer of the film Del Bigtree. The controversial film was pulled from the Tribeca film festival by Robert De Niro after a media backlash, but was able to premier at another theater.

The film is currently playing in limited theaters in NYC to find out more check out

(video) FDA documents admit vaccines are linked to autism!

[youtube=]FDA documents admit vaccines are linked to autism!



Published on Mar 29, 2016

Did you know that documents on the FDA’s own website openly admit that vaccines can cause autism?

In this video, I explain the insane DENIALS still being fronted by the FDA and CDC, both of which are engaged in a massive cover-up of scientific evidence linking vaccines to autism.

Even the CDC’s own top scientist Dr. William Thompson readily admitted he took part in a massive cover-up to destroy evidence linking vaccines to autism.

One day the massive vaccine cover-up will be exposed and ended. Until that day comes, do everything in your power to protect your children from toxic vaccines.

Learn more at and

(video) Dr. Wallach: A Billion People Killed by Statin Drugs – Shock Report

To skip Alex, start @ 5:15[youtube=]A Billion People Killed by Statin Drugs: Shock Report

The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Mar 28, 2016

Biomedical research pioneer Dr. Joel Wallach joins Alex Jones to discuss what the establishment pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to hear; the message of wellness through natural health.

(video) Dr. Wallach: A Billion People Killed by Statin Drugs – Shock Report — Causes Alzheimer’s

To skip Alex, start @ 5:15[youtube=]A Billion People Killed by Statin Drugs: Shock Report

The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Mar 28, 2016

Biomedical research pioneer Dr. Joel Wallach joins Alex Jones to discuss what the establishment pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to hear; the message of wellness through natural health.

Skousen: Zika Virus Scare full of Contradictions

World Affairs Brief, February 12, 2016 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

Oregon Standoff Ends

New Hampshire Primary Narrows the Field

NK Missile Launch Real but not EMP

Zika Virus Scare full of Contradictions

Iranian Oil Marketed in Euros to Avoid Sanctions

US Globalist Policy in Syria Facing Defeat

DHS Ordered to Scrub Terror Connection Records

Preparedness Tip: Alternative to Health Insurance



The Zika virus is a single-stranded RNA virus of the Flaviviridae family, which also includes the West Nile, Dengue and Chikungunya Viruses—all dangerous types. The Zika virus is transmitted to humans primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. However, it is no surprise that the Zika virus is also found in bodily fluids including saliva and urine samples—because that is common to how viruses operate—so, it is not just the mosquito born vector that is of concern.

In a world filled with government labs that genetically alter plants, animals, and diseases, we have to look closely at the sudden outbreak of a virus that seems new and particularly dangerous. For example, the Zika virus has been around for decades and has never been particularly virulent. Is this a new strain that is much worse? What caused it to mutate? Could the birth defects be caused by something else?

Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos, along with other scientists, denied the correlation between the Zika virus and microcephaly. South African medical authorities seem to back this up, according to Natural News:

A dramatic increase of congenital malformations, especially microcephaly in newborns, was detected and quickly linked to the Zika virus by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. However, they fail to recognize that in the area where most sick persons live, a chemical larvicide producing malformations in mosquitoes has been applied for 18 months, and that this poison (pyroproxyfen) is applied by the State on drinking water used by the affected population.

It looks like the world’s health authorities are using Zika virus mosquitoes as a cover story to conceal the damage caused by toxic chemicals manufactured by powerful globalist corporations.

The larvicide sprayed in Brazil, for example, is called “pyriproxyfen,” and it’s manufactured by Sumitomo Chemical, a corporation known to be a “strategic partner” of Monsanto. The Argentinian doctors’ report lists Sumitomo as a “subsidiary” of Monsanto. As GM Watch reports, “Pyriproxyfen is a growth inhibitor of mosquito larvae, which alters the development process from larva to pupa to adult, thus generating malformations in developing mosquitoes and killing or disabling them.”

That wouldn’t be the first time governments have been induced to cover for Monsanto’s crimes against nature. Worse, the pregnancy link is being used as an excuse to pressure the Vatican to alter its anti-birth control stance and the staunchly Catholic countries are being encouraged to loosen their anti-abortion laws. The affected countries are telling women not to get pregnant because of the threat of getting the Zika virus—all because of the unproven link claimed with microcephaly.

Another controversy surrounds the discovery that a Rockefeller Foundation lab has the viral patent on Zika, according to Blacklisted News

The virus was first deposited into ATCC [American Type Culture Collection] by Dr. Jordi Casals of the Rockefeller Foundation Virus Laboratory in 1953. Since that time ATCC has made the Zika virus (ATCC® VR-84™) strain MR766 available for research purposes to qualified scientists and laboratories, on a global basis, through a highly vetted process that requires them to demonstrate they have appropriate facilities and safety programs in place (in accordance with Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) guidelines). ATCC is now working to respond to the greatly increased demand for the Zika virus in an effort to support a better understanding of its biology and to foster development of accurate and dependable diagnostic tests.

So that doesn’t necessarily mean that the globalist Rockefeller Foundation is engaging in bioweaponry, but it doesn’t look good either if it is the virus that has developed into something more dangerous.

In addition to ATCC, three stains of the Zika virus are available through BEI Resources, a NIAID Biorepository established to support basic research and develop improved diagnostic tests, vaccines, and therapies. Registration and approval is required by NIAID to obtain these viruses.

Because of the time it takes to develop vaccines against the virus, DNA modifiers have claimed they have developed a genetically modified mosquito that will cause the Zika vector mosquitoes to go extinct within several years. The technology, called a “gene drive,” which uses gene-snipping technology CRISPR to force a genetic change to spread through a population as it reproduces. All of this highlights the dangers of messing with nature’s DNA.

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