Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Germany Page 2 of 14

The history of Zionist collusion with Nazis

The history of Zionist collusion with Nazis

A commemorative medal struck by Nazi Germany to mark its Zionist alliance, with a Star-of-David on one side and a Swastika on the obverse. The importance of the Nazi-Zionist pact for Israel’s establishment is difficult to overstate. According to a 1974 analysis in Jewish Frontier, between 1933 and 1939 over 60% of all the investment in Jewish Palestine came from Nazi Germany.”

Jewish American analyst Ron Unz details facts about Zionist-Nazi cooperation, including Zionist sponsored trips for Nazi officials’ to Palestine, up through recent events in Ukraine…

 By Ron Unz, Reposted from Unz Review (Photos below added, author info at end of article.) [American Pravda: Jews and Nazis]


(vid) Nathanael: The Amazon Book Burning (2017) – Books promoting deviant sex? No. Books on Satan worship? Nope. Books blaspheming Jesus Christ? Not a chance.


List of Holocaust films — How Many?

I just did a rough estimate of the number of ‘Holocaust’ films listed here, counting an average of 15 films per page and counting 29 pages, which comes to 435.

So about 400 is probably close. Add to that thousands of documentaries!

Contrast this to only 12 films (including documentaries) on the Holodomor genocide in Russia.

List of Holocaust films

(vid) Veronica Clark aka Weronika Kuzniar: The Truth About German Racial Ideology – The Public Space with Host JF #117

Hitler saw the problem as race; though, I would say it’s mainly Talmudism and witchcraft (Africa), but the Nephilim theory can also play a role.

– –

JF is Jean-Francois Gariépy

47:40 “World Jewry literally decides to declare war on Germany simply for Adolf Hitler coming into power,” which was an international boycott.

“Most German Jews were against it…, and they tried to be very supportive of Hitler. … So unfortunately, for the German Jews, the majority, they had to suffer the consequences for what international Jewry was doing.”

The Zionists offered to stop the boycott if Hitler would agree to let the Jews emigrate to Palestine. Hitler accepted, but the British stopped the emigration.

(vid) Red Cross’ Holocaust Number Claim Refuted

CODOH boldly and honestly posted this video which refutes a popular reference number long held by revisionists.


Putin Calls Former Polish Ambassador ‘Anti-Semitic Pig’

From: Moscow Times

(vid) Adam Green w/ Brother Nathanael: First Time Together!

Groundbreaking, historically important discussion! Hopefully, there will be more.

Veronica Clark: France, allied with Poland, attacked Germany *after* Germany started WWII — correcting M.S. King, who calls Hitler “The Great One”

M.S. King calls Hitler “The Great One” in his one-sided, Hitler-can-do-no-wrong article, which he didn’t even date: “FRANCE ATTACKED GERMANY FIRST.”

Veronica Clark, aka Weronika Kuzniar exposes the “Hitler worship cult,” whose goal isn’t to know and present the balanced truth, but to defend all of Hitler’s actions right or wrong — in the same way the Talmudists lie to defend everything the Allies did right or wrong.


Catholic Church and Nazi Germany

Excerpts I selected from Wikipedia’s lengthy and disjointed article on this subject:

Michael Hoffman: Hitler’s magical thinking and suicidal invasion of Russia

2 star comment on Michael Hoffman’s book, Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People and Hoffman’s response:

(vid) Ernst Zundel’s videographer Jurgen Neumann, Pt. 2 – In Auschwitz with Fred Leuchter, In Zundel’s house during the fire

Part 1: Jim Rizoli interviews Ernst Zundel’s videographer Jurgen Neumann – Has 500 Bitchute videos posted!

Jurgen Neumann currently has 476 videos on Germany real-history truth on his Bitchute site: JohnRobinson101

Additional videos on his site:

Setting the Record Straight

I also upload videos and audio files at


(10 min vid) Pornography and Sexual Subversion – E. Michael Jones


(vid) David Cole plays video of the Talmudic thug who attacked him

Good video by Jim Rizoli, except I continue to hope and pray that Jim would stop doing his “proud to be a H denier” opener, which unnecessarily turns off many. Some aspects of the official story were true, like the roundup of hundreds of thousands of Jews to be deported who didn’t commit crimes, and many of them dying; though, it was from starvation and/or Typhus.

I’m glad to see David Cole (Stein) speaking out again! This is horrible what some Talmudists did to him because he told the truth. Cole describes his physical injuries, in addition to the trauma, and plays a video of the guy who did it.

Rizoli writes:

Dave Cole now (Stein) talks about his situation with Irv Rubin Jewish thug who beat him up a few times to finally get him to recant his position on the Holocaust.


Hitler According to Otto Dietrich – Hitler’s press chief and confidante – the balanced truth

In the countless hours I spent researching German history, it seems to me that Otto Dietrich gives the most balanced description of Adolf Hitler, the main points listed below.

Book description:

The Hitler I Knew: Memoirs of the Third Reich?s Press Chief

When Otto Dietrich was invited in 1933 to become Adolf Hitler’s press chief, he accepted with the simple uncritical conviction that Adolf Hitler was a great man, dedicated to promoting peace and welfare for the German people. At the end of the war, imprisoned and disillusioned, Otto Dietrich sat down to write what he had seen and heard in 12 years of the closest association with Hitler, requesting that it be published after his death.

Dietrich’s role placed him in a privileged position. He was hired by Hitler in 1933, was his confidant until 1945, and he worked – and clashed – with Joseph Goebbels. His direct, personal experience of life at the heat of the Reich makes for compelling listening.

A reader of Otto Dietrich’s book on Hitler compiled a list of notes with page numbers for the 1955, 277-page edition. [The 2010 edition has fewer pages.]

I bold points I find interesting.

(vid) Hitler Viewed Christianity as an Impediment to Total Control — “He thought he could speed its death by systematic education of German youth” – Diedrich

The only words of Hitler that appear to be Christian were the public propaganda to the masses, who were largely ‘Christian.’ Hitler’s trusted inner circle’s words and his words to his trusted inner circle, his policies and how the Hitler youth were indoctrinated tell the true story.

Albert Speer, Inside the Third Reich, p. 115, quoting Hitler:

“You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion.Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?”

Otto Diedrich wrote in The Hitler I Knew:

“[publicly, Hitler] Talked of providence but “personally was sharply hostile to Christianity and the churches” (154).

 “was convinced that Christianity was outmoded and dying. He thought he could speed its death by systematic education of German youth.” (156).

Paul Craig Roberts: The Truth About World War II Is Beginning To Emerge 74 Years Later!

Great Britain, in violation of all the ethics of civilized warfare that had theretofore been respected by our race, and in treacherous violation of solemnly assumed diplomatic covenants about “open cities”, had secretly carried out intensive bombing of such open cities in Germany for the express purpose of killing enough unarmed and defenceless men and women to force the German government reluctantly to retaliate and bomb British cities and thus kill enough helpless British men, women, and children to generate among Englishmen enthusiasm for the insane war to which their government had committed them.

CODOH’s Hundreds of Videos on Bitchute – Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust

CODOH is the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, which I believe is now directed by Germar Rudolf, a very careful, chemist, historian, author, editor and publisher who now resides in the United States, after having been put through the wringer for simply researching and telling the truth.

Germar Rudolf also runs Castle Hill Publishers, CODOH’s bookstore, which publishes about 70 scholarly books, which Amazon have now disgustingly banned, while allowing many fictitious books on this important historical subject.

I’m guessing that Germar selected these videos. This is quite a collection that people need to see.

From CODOH”s About page:

channel image

The aim of this site is to promote intellectual freedom with regard to this one historical event called “Holocaust.” It is our belief that this will in turn help advance the concept of intellectual freedom with regard to all historical events. We find it vulgar beyond belief that Americans would spend more than half a century condemning the “unique monstrosity” of the Germans when we have not yet learned to condemn our own, or to even recognize it.

CODOH is not a membership organization and is not affiliated with any political party or political group. It is not the purpose of CODOH to prove the Holocaust “never happened,” or that European Jews did not suffer a catastrophe during the years of the Hitlerian regime. Those who try to convince you it is want to muddy the waters. While we no longer believe the gas chamber stories (we used to very much believe them) or the “genocide” theory, we remain open to being convinced we are wrong.

Videos from CODOH’s Videos page as of 12/4/19 – 315 videos total:

(vid) Ernst Zundel Interviews David Cole 1994 — Why Jews need the ‘Holocaust’ – What he found at Auschwitz

Fascinating, important discussion with David Cole, a brilliant, truth seeking Jew at only age-23! No hate here!

• David Cole explains how the official ‘Holocaust’ story is needed to reinforce the Talmudic Jewish mindset.

• At 26:30, what Franciszek Piper, head of the historian department at the Auschwitz museum revealed to Cole in a filmed interview, and what else David found.

Ry Dawson: Deborah Lipstadt using “Everyone is a Racist who disagrees with me” tactic

The Trouble With Treblinka

See also:

(video) The Treblinka Archaeology ‘Holocaust’ Hoax — TalmudVision’s (TV) documentary “Treblinka: Hitler’s Killing Machine” proven a fraud!

(vid) ‘Holocaust’ Discussed ‘Montel Williams Show’ 1992 — Cole: “The door opens in!” Weber: USA imprisoned Japanese, but no Typhus or starvation

Host Montel Williams is fair, not manipulative like Phil Donahue and ’60 Minutes’ were. The first part with revisionists Mark Weber and David Cole is fact based. Later, the “survivors” don’t want to discuss facts, and Mark Weber is mostly left out.

13:50 Weber points out the similarity between the USA incarcerating Japanese; though, nobody died because there was no starvation or Typhus, unlike in Germany where the Allies cut off supplies to the camps. The international Jews had openly waged economic warfare on Germany; though, this didn’t justify the incarceration, which Germar Rudolf also states. And Hitler’s plan was to resettle all Jews. The plan was not extermination, but emigration.

When the Jews Declared War on Germany… BEFORE the Germans had enacted any anti-Jewish laws

18:20 Weber: “I believe that the total number of Jews that died in Europe under German control… is probably in the neighborhood of a million or a million and a half.” Germar Rudolf thinks it’s less than a million, but higher than the Red Cross number shown here:

INT. RED CROSS REPORT Confirms the ‘Holocaust’ of 6 Million Judaics is a Hoax – 271,000 Prisoners Died — “In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims” due to “the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies” • The 6 Million figure is a magickal Kabbalist number, featured in newspapers in the *early* 1900’s

33:25 Impressive black man: “The Holocaust is big business, because Germany so far, has given the Jews, I think at least $200 billion. So it’s big business, and some of you are still getting $1,000 a month. A lot of people don’t know this. And people don’t know who brought the slaves to America. They were Jewish ships.”

35:00 Cole: “They [Auschwitz tour guides] will also tell you something like when the Jews died, they all died pressed up against the door; however, the door to the so-called chamber opens in. Now, the Germans are not stupid people, and if they were going to build a room where hundreds of people would die pressed up against the door, don’t you think they would make the door to open out?”

38:05 Ukrainian man on the Holodomor: “I happen to be of Ukrainian descent, and 7 million of my people were murdered, and a disproportionate number of the perpetrators of these crimes in the Ukraine, the Ukraine famine happen to be Jews…. And I’d like to know when I’m going to get my reparations….”

(vid) Holocaust Debate ‘Phil Donahue Show’ 1994 — “The door opens in!” – David Cole

The first half is definitely worth watching!


6:40 “This is the only issue in the history of the west that is taboo to discuss in our universities.” – Bradley Smith

7:10 Donahue: “I believe the truth will make us free. I believe that what you’ve done here can no longer be ignored by mainstream media.”

7:25 Best part begins here! David Cole is introduced, and gives compelling information and rebuttals.

7:50 Cole’s film: Zyclon B residue shown saturating the de-lousing chamber’s walls (to protect inmates from Typhus); though, no residue at all in the so-called murderous “gas chamber.”

9:10 “The door doesn’t lock, and this door opens into the chamber. … You cannot lock somebody into this room.” Donahue responds: “You’re a real Columbo, David.”

13:30 Cole: “History books are not about making crass generalizations. If you’re going to claim there was a gas chamber program you have to be able to offer evidence for it.”

13:42 Why the “6 million” number is already dead. The Auschwitz number was officially decreased by 3 million, but “6 million” remains the official number.

18:10 Donahue shows a clip of the Dachau “gas chamber” that Cole points out has been completely discredited!

20:15 Shermer admits the human soap story has been proven false.

21:20 Donahue announces after the break, showing an empty chair: “We lost David Cole,” and the audience cheers. We’re not told why Cole left. [I was in the audience of a Phil Donahue show filmed in Anchorage. Out of the cameras’ view, the producer gave the audience and panel cues of what to do, so this was likely prompted.]

(video w/ commentary) Holocaust Debate ‘Phil Donahue Show’ 1994 — “The only taboo issue in our universities” – Bradley Smith

Jim Rizoli interviews Ernst Zundel’s videographer Jurgen Neumann – Has 500 Bitchute videos posted!

Part 2: (vid) Ernst Zundel’s videographer Jurgen Neumann, Pt. 2 – In Auschwitz with Fred Leuchter, In Zundel’s house during the fire

Jurgen Neumann currently has 470 videos on Germany real-history truth on his Bitchute site: JohnRobinson101

Additional videos on his site:

Setting the Record Straight

I also upload videos and audio files at


(vid) Ernst Zundel’s reply to his booby trapped appearance on ’60 Minutes’ with Mike Wallace

Ernst Zundel explains the many ways that ’60 Minutes’ tricked him and viewers in their hit-piece interview, and the truth about the so-called “Himmler tape and transcript” they used against him. The “Himmler tape” is also discussed here:

’60 Minutes’ Takes Aim at Holocaust Revisionism in 1994 Hit Piece

This trickery reminds me of how the ’60 Minutes’ producer, Don Hewitt admitted he got Bill Clinton elected by how he edited an interview with Bill and Hillary during the Genifer Flowers’ scandal. Hewitt actually set up a light to fall and break to scare Hillary and Bill during the interview, to create sympathy — which worked:

How ’60 Minutes’ producer staged Bill & Hillary’s interview to save Bill’s candidacy

German TV video: “The bizarre World of Holocaust Deniers” | Alfred Schaefer prison update from Monika

Monika Schaefer posted an article telling the latest about her brother, Alfred’s situation in German prison for questioning the accuracy of a historical event. I don’t understand German, but still found the video interesting to see what German media shows and does not show to the German people on rare occasions like this.

Michael Hoffman’s New Book Revises the Revisionists – ‘Hitler: Enemy of the People’ — Hitler’s magical thinking got Germany destroyed

I’m concerned that Hoffman’s strong title will unnecessarily turn some revisionists off, who should read this book to find out what really happened.

I’ve seen first hand how today’s popular revisionism does not present Hitler in a truthful, balanced way, but paints him as a saint — a knee-jerk overreaction to TalmudVision’s completely unfair demonization of Hitler and the German people. Revisionism should be focused on whatever the truth is, instead of veneration of a man. See Hoffman’s statement on true revisionism below.

Hoffman presents a more realistic picture of what actually motivated Hitler to launch the unnecessary offensive wars which led to Germany’s destruction.

Hoffman’s new book is available at Amazon in both Kindle and paperback, and I found this interesting bookstore, which also has Hoffman’s scholarly book on modern Judaism, Judaism’s Strange Gods [Revised and Expanded], which Amazon has banned. Hoffman shows that modern Judaism is the religion of the Pharisees (which Michael Brown agrees), based on the Babylonian Talmud, the “leaven” that Jesus warned about.

Evidence Adolf Hitler Survived The Bunker – Theodorus In Switzerland Talks With Brian Ruhe

(vid) Monika Schaffer Speaks Out 10/31/19: “I felt very free even when I was in jail”

This is an important subject that we need to know the truth about. See my links below.

Alfred Schaffer, Monika’s brother recently was sentenced with 18 months more prison time, in addition to the 38 month sentence that he has already been serving in a German prison, because he spoke forbidden truth *during* his trial.

TruNews: Transfer Agreement – How Hitler Armed Zionists to Conquer Palestine — The Zionists said: we will end our BDS boycott of Germany. In return, Germany will finance the establishment of a Zionist state in Palestine to the tune of $2.2 billion (2019 equivalent)!

Important, though Rick is wrong on the ‘final solution.’ See my notes below.

1:11:00 Rick Wiles: “The Zionists were saying to Hitler: we will stop boycotting — so they had their own BDS — so it was okay to boycott Germany. … So the Zionists said: we will end our BDS boycott of Germany, and we’ll let Jews buy German products. In return, the 3rd Reich, Germany the Nazi party would finance the establishment of a Zionist state in Palestine to the tune of $100 million in 1933, equivalent to $2.2 billion in 2019, and allow 60,000 German Jews to leave Germany and move to Palestine.”


Today on TruNews we outline the historically documented cooperation between German Jewish Zionists and Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich, specifically through the Transfer Agreement, the training of German Jews in SS work camps, and the arming of Jewish terror groups which murdered innocent Christians and Arabs before taking the region by force. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall. Air date: 10/31/2019.



Rick Wiles is incorrect on this significant point. There was no “final solution.” The camps were holding camps until the Jews could be transferred out of Germany. This post contains many links on the truth about the ‘Holocaust’:

(video) 10 Hard Facts About the “Holocaust” in 6 Minutes!

The JEWS’ ANTI-GERMAN BOYCOTT to economically starve the German people began in March, 1933, BEFORE the Germans had enacted any anti-Jewish laws.

This is only one of the MANY things the Jews did to destroy Germany (even during WWI), which are the reasons why Hitler considered the Jews an enemy of the state.

It was still wrong for Hitler to round up a large percentage (not all went into the work camps) of Jews who were not directly involved with this destruction of Germany, but helps explain the mindset.

Martin Luther also saw what the Jews were doing to Germany in his day, and wrote a book about what he thought should be done. Germany carried out many of Luther’s proposals, some of which were worse than what Hitler did.

Hitler did NOT have a Jewish extermination program. The camps were WORK CAMPS not extermination camps, which has now been proven beyond the shadow of doubt.

The 200+ thousand Jews who did die in the camps died mainly from Typhus and starvation, partly because we bombed the transportation supply lines.

Jews mostly controlled the Nuremberg trials and the media. They control the ideas that most of us have wrongly had about Germany, WWI, WWII, and the so-called Holocaust.

“When the Jews Declared War on Germany… BEFORE the Germans had enacted any anti-Jewish laws”

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