Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Immigration Ethnoengineering Plan Page 4 of 6

(video) Trump Was Right Again – Sweden Minister Admits Lying About Rape Stats

Trump Was Right Again – Sweden Minister Admits Lying About Rape Stats, 1548

Angela Merkel and the Kalergi Plan – The Destruction of the White Race — Already in the year 1925 Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi defined the future for a new Europe in his book “Practical Idealism”. His plan: to create and establish a new race with new features and characteristics by mixing White Europeans, Asians and black Africans in order to change and alter the characteristics of the European people in “positive ways.” The new Europe shall be directed under the spiritual guidance of [Talmudic] Judaism and the Jews who shall be Europe’s spiritual leadership

Already in the year 1925 Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi defined the future for a new Europe in his book “Practical Idealism”. His plan: to create and establish a new race with new features and characteristics by mixing White Europeans, Asians and black Africans in order to change and alter the characteristics of the European people in “positive ways”.

The new Europe shall be directed under the spiritual guidance of Judaism and the Jews who shall be Europe’s spiritual leadership. The Jewish Feudal-Nobility!


(video) WoW!!! Trump​ ignores requests for a handshake with Angela Merkel — At one point, Merkel turns to Trump and says, "they want to have a handshake," but gets no response from Trump

Good news about Trump’s personality! When he knows someone is evil, he has his limits as to how much he’ll act like everything is okay. Amazing!
She betrayed the German people, and is trying to get re-elected!
The main problem probably is that he’s getting bad advice from the neocons and traitors on his staff, and the warmongering, reverse-Christian, “Christian” Zionists whom he thinks he should please.
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Trump​ appears to ignore requests for a handshake with Angela Merkel​

Sweden Migrant Crisis: Less Than 1 In 5 Migrant Rapists Deported


(audio) Jeff Rense & 'Meral' – The Horrifying Muslim Destruction Of Germany

“Jeff talks with ‘Meral’ live and direct in Germany. She describes the rape horror and details the sophisticated invasion and planned armed destruction of Germany. Hear the truth about how German law enforcement and the government are encouraging the terrorist invaders every step of the way. Merkel’s planned annihilation of her own country and its people is devastating and heartbreaking.”

Jeff Rense & ‘Meral’ – The Horrifying Muslim Destruction Of Germany



Police chief asks for reinforcements after five murders in recent days

Migrants in Sweden sliced open a woman’s throat, almost beheading her, then stabbed her husband to death before laughing at the heinous double murder they had just committed.

Police were called out to an incident in Hallonbergen in northern Stockholm, an area in which over 67% of the residents are foreign-born, with most coming from Lebanon, Syria and Eritrea.

When police arrived at the house they found a man sat on top of another man stabbing him to death, forcing one of the officers to shoot at the suspect. Inside the house, police discovered that a woman had already been brutally murdered.

The woman’s carotid artery was cut open on both sides of her neck, while other reports said that she had actually been decapitated.

The victims were parents to young children and had been targeted because they were eyewitnesses to another crime and were about to testify, according to reports.

“The reports state that there may be a link to an earlier murder in Stockholm, where one of the parents may have been a witness,” according to Nyheter Idag.

Four people were arrested for the double murder, including two young men aged 20 and 21 years old. The four suspects were of Middle Eastern or North African origin.

The men, who were high on marijuana, apparently showed no remorse whatsoever for the murders and were laughing throughout the ordeal.

This incident was just the latest of a series of murders in Stockholm. On Wednesday night, two men were shot in the head as they sat in a car in a migrant area of Stockholm.

Stockholm police chief Ulf Johansson is now asking the national police chief for “resources and reinforcements” while investigation director Patrick Ungsäter said he couldn’t rule out more murders in the near future.

The incident once again highlights how Donald Trump was right when he said Sweden was having massive problems as a result of opening its doors to mass immigration.

Last month, top cop Peter Springare blew the whistle on the epidemic of crimes being committed by Muslim migrants, prompting a national conversation in a country where any criticism of mass immigration is treated by many as a racist thought crime.


(video) Lana Lokteff – How the Left is Betraying Women – Identitarian Ideas — Women are emotional. We have a harder time dealing with criticism • Are women too emotional for leading roles in politics?

(video) Henrik Palmgren (a Swede): Trump is Right about Sweden – Pie-in-the-sky deniers act like a cult

Henrik Palmgren – Trump is Right about Sweden – Identitarian Ideas IX

(video) NBC News Using Children for Anti-Trump Propaganda

NBC News Using Children for Anti-Trump Propaganda

(audio) James Perloff on 'The Richie Allen Show': "Too Many Refugees Are Young Men. Multiculturalism Is Being Used To Divide Nations"

Perloff “Too Many Refugees Are Young Men. Multiculturalism Is Being Used To Divide Nations.”

(video) Stefan Molyneux asks jew why the hypocrisy on immigration

Stefan Molyneux asks jew why the hypocrisy on immigration

(video) Busta Rhymes Disses Trump at Grammys 2017 Mark Dice Mark Dice

Busta Rhymes Disses Trump at Grammys 2017

(video) Stefan Molyneux: President Trump's "Muslim Ban" | What They Won't Tell You! — "You can only be outraged by these bans if you completely forget that Obama dropped 100,000 bombs on these countries" • "You can't admit military aged young men from countries that you're currently at war with" • "The left is constantly imposing these moral values that they gave a complete get-out-of-jail-free card to Obama for" • "The balkanization of reality, based upon having values you impose upon your enemy and excuse your friends for, is a fundamental, sophist trick of manipulation and destruction"

Quotes by Stefan Molyneux, transcribed by Jeff Fenske:
10:15 You can’t admit people, particularly military aged young men, from countries that you’re currently bombing or at war with.”
12:30 “You can only be outraged by these bans, these restrictions, if you completely forget that Obama dropped 100,000 bombs on these countries.”
12:40 “The left is just constantly imposing these moral values that they gave a complete get-out-of-jail-free card to Obama for, for 8 years.”
13:39 “The balkanization of reality, based upon having values you impose upon your enemy and excuse your friends for, is a fundamental, sophist trick of manipulation and destruction.”

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President Trump’s “Muslim Ban” | What They Won’t Tell You!

(video) Superbowl Commercial Tries to Guilt Millions of Americans Into Accepting Illegal Immigration

WoW! A must watch!!
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Superbowl Commercial Tries to Guilt Millions of Americans Into Accepting Illegal Immigration

(video) Marion Le Pen attacks feminist hypocrisy in 3 minute speech

Great to see truth tellers speaking up in France!
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Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, the elegant, articulate niece of Front National leader Marine Le Pen, dissected the dizzying mental gymnastics of modern day feminism during a scathing 3-minute speech in front of her fellow French parliamentarians.

Le Pen made her remarks during debate on a ban of pro-life websites and the spread of “false information” regarding abortions, but she went after more than just SJW censorship:

Feminism had been reduced to “sexism in grammar, a pink toy in a happy meal”,  Maréchal-Le Pen said, adding that feminists had “lost the plot” on real threats. The real threats, she said, were issues like the migrant sex assault in Cologne on New Year’s Eve 2015/2016 and Islamic law which she said was “being enforced in some of France’s districts”.

She slammed feminists’ views of the “patriarchy” and their placing blame on “heterosexual white men”. She also accused leftists of cosying up to Islamists to further their cause adding the alliance was the reason “self-proclaimed protectors of women’s rights” defend the Islamic veil which she called an “Islamic submission tool”. (source)

Marion Le Pen attacks feminist hypocrisy in 3 minute speech (better English subtitles)

(video) Lady Gaga Halftime Show – Hidden Message

I don’t appreciate Mark’s name calling while saying he’s a Christian, but it’s important to know what Ms. Gaga just laid on America.
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Lady Gaga Halftime Show – Hidden Message

(3 min video) Donald Trump's 'Muslim Ban' What You're Not Being Told

Donald Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’ What You’re Not Being Told

Obama Bombed 5 Out Of 7 Countries Trump Banned – Media Didn’t Care — It’s fine for the Nobel Peace Prize winning President to bomb these people in their own countries, but for President Trump to temporarily prevent them from traveling to our country to keep America safe is “un-American” and “unconstitutional”

Our reverse-Christian overt and covert wars for Talmudic Israel causes the refugee crisis, which the media won’t mention at all, probably including Fox News too.
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Obama Bombed 5 Out Of 7 Countries Trump Banned — Media Didn’t Care

While the lying media is freaking out over President Trump’s travel ban for seven Middle Eastern countries deemed security risks, they didn’t give a da– about Obama bombing them.
Though the media is currently in a tizzy because Trump’s executive order held up around 300 people at airports, Obama’s bombings were reported as completely reasonable to bring about peace.
Out of the seven countries that were banned by President Trump last Friday, five were bombed by the Obama administration: Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Somalia.

(video) Stefan Molyneaux: Did President Trump Just Save Western Civilization? — "If you really care about refugees… They're not props to make you look good" • The reality!

Did President Trump Just Save Western Civilization?

(audio) Joel Skousen w/ John B Wells: Caravan to Midnight Ep. 681, 1/31/17 — Trump: "Just delightful to not see a puppet just taking orders. He's got enough gut instincts that he's fighting the powers that be" • Groupthink: "Americans take comfort in the fact that if the government isn't worried, if the media isn't worried, why should I be worried?" • Conscience: "You're never going to get to a real good understanding of what's true unless you listen to those nervous feelings warning you" • Pentagon: "It had to be both" a missile and a plane • WW III: Russia and China will be ready in the middle of the next decade to launch a preemptive strike on the U.S. military, preceded by an EMP strike

[Audio used by permission. Video can be seen by subscribing at Caravan To Midnight.]
Caravan to Midnight Episode 681 – Joseph Meyer & Joel Skousen
Tuesday January 31st 2017
Audio Player

Key quotes by Joel transcribed by Jeff Fenske:
22:19 “They [Americans] take comfort in the fact that if the government isn’t worried, if the media isn’t worried, why should I be worried? It’s a groupthink type of thing.”
37:42 “There’s always something about understanding the workings of conscience. I use that all the time when I’m trying to read stories. I’ll get a warning signal, a little nervous feeling: ‘something is not right about this.’ And it’s kind of a trigger feeling that I’ll go research and find out what’s wrong with it.
But people who don’t have a good sense of conscience — they don’t listen to those nervous feelings, or they constantly disregard them — they don’t get those signals. And some people just are so positive thinking; they don’t want to hear anything negative. They don’t want to hear even conscience warning them about nervous things, because they only want to hear the positive.
So there is a psychological, spiritual aspect towards listening or being open to the truth, especially tough truths. You’re never going to get to a real good understanding of what’s true unless you listen to those nervous feelings warning you, from what I believe is a divine source that something is wrong with the information. And to that extent, John, people are somewhat responsible for being ignorant.”
1:03:10 On 9/11, “it had to be both” a missile and a plane hitting the Pentagon. Half of the fiberglass nose of the airplane was intact inside the Pentagon. So a missile had to hit the Pentagon first. Smoke color and cordite smell. It had to be a special aircraft to withstand the g’s (switched). “As one witness said, the airplane hit the Pentagon wall, and the wall held up like a champ, and then it exploded into a thousand pieces.”
1:08:00 “Civil war, and social unrest, and FEMA camps and martial law, none of that’s coming until World War III comes, when our government allows a preemptive strike on the U.S. military, which will be preceded by an EMP strike, which will take down the electrical grid. … Somewhere, I think, in the middle of the next decade is when Russia and China will be ready to throw that strike.”
1:10:00 “This is just delightful to not see a puppet just taking orders…. But Trump is somebody who maybe doesn’t know what he’s doing, but he’s got enough gut instincts that he’s fighting the powers that be.”
John B. Wells YouTube

(video) Immigration Simplified Using Gumballs

Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs –

(video) Muslims Gang Rape Swedish Woman on Facebook Live
Original post:

Muslims Gang Rape Swedish Woman on Facebook Live


David Cameron was head of the UK for 6 years until 2016. Here he says they need to put more Muslims in top business and political positions — the globalist plan to destroy countries.
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Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens — Trump even won the *popular* vote, not just the electoral college

This is old news that most still don’t know.
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French woman told they're longer no allowed to enter cafes, shops or to go out

Bachmann Calls Muslim Migration A ‘Planned Invasion’ To ‘Destroy Western Christendom’

Bachmann Calls Muslim Migration A ‘Planned Invasion’ To ‘Destroy Western Christendom’

U.S. Workplace ENGLISH Rules Discriminatory, Foreign Language Demands Aren’t

From: Judicial Watch

U.S. Workplace English Rules Discriminatory, Foreign Language Demands Aren’t

DECEMBER 01, 2016

Requiring employees in the United States to speak a foreign language is not discriminatory but forcing them to speak English violates federal law under a sweeping order issued by the Obama administration to crack down on “national origin discrimination” in the workplace. The government’s new enforcement guidelines state that bilingual requirements don’t meet discrimination claims under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act but English-only rules do because they’re restrictive language policies.

The administration asserts that the new rules, which cover a broad range of scenarios that could get employers in trouble, were created because the American workforce is “increasingly ethnically diverse.” The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency that enforces the nation’s workplace discrimination laws, made them public a few days ago. “The increased cultural diversity of today’s workplaces presents new and evolving issues with respect to Title VII’s protection against national origin discrimination,” the agency writes in the lengthy document. “This enforcement guidance will assist EEOC staff in their investigation of national origin discrimination charges and provide information for applicants, employees, and employers to understand their respective rights and responsibilities under Title VII.”

Two years ago, the administration laid the foundation for the new measures by suing a private American business for discriminating against Hispanic and Asian employees because they didn’t speak English on the job. The case involved a Green Bay Wisconsin metal and plastic manufacturer that fired a group of Hmong and Hispanic workers over their English skills. Forcing employees to speak English in the U.S. violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the EEOC claimed in its lawsuit. That’s because the Civil Rights Act protects employees from discrimination based on national origin, which includes the linguistic characteristics of a national origin group. Therefore, the EEOC argued, foreigners have the right to speak their native language even during work hours at an American company that requires English. …

Under Obama the EEOC has strong-armed private businesses and government agencies into adopting the administration’s leftist agenda and inflated standards of political correctness.

Entire Article

(Red Ice Video) CNN Anthony Bourdain's Hypocrisy: 'Only Solution' for White people & Apartheid for Jewish people

They’re carrying out a type of genocide while protecting their own ethnicity with massive walls.
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Red Ice Live – The Final Solution to White People

Jack Sen on NPI – National Policy Institute: "Vast majority of speakers are either homosexual or pro-homosexual" • "They're quick to claim that they're defending free speech, yet they ban people from their events who criticize homosexuals…. You can't criticize the Jews at one of their events" • "I'd say 2/3rds of the people who attend and speak at those events are gay" • "…as if they're agent provocateurs, perhaps leftists to create a kind false nationalist group to trap young people into supporting them, and then harming actual American patriots"

“They’re quick to claim that they’re defending free speech, and they’re banned from going to different countries, yet they ban people from their events who criticize homosexuals, who criticize certain minorities…. You can’t criticize the Jews at one of their events.”

“The vast majority of speakers at the NPI events are either homosexual or pro-homosexual. And it’s quite alarming that to the extent that the alt right is saturated by homosexual males.”

“There is something very suspicious about these people as if they’re agent provocateurs, perhaps leftists to create a kind false nationalist group to trap young people into supporting them, and then harming actual American patriots like Donald Trump?”

“I’d say 2/3rds of the people who attend and speak at those events are gay.”

– Jack Sen on CTM 11/30/16

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske — “Power to the Peaceful!”

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From: Caravan to Midnight with John B. Wells

Episode 650 – Jack Sen, Paul Preston & Red Smith


Wednesday November 30th 2016

In this edition we welcome Jack Sen to discuss the left and right’s merge, not just in England, but throughout the world, as well as the onset of effects from Brexit. Then, Paul Preston and Red Smith join in to discuss the possibility of a Calexit, and the Sasakawa family’s role in California law-making.

Jeff Rense & Texe Marrs: Defending Against a Death Cult – Muslim immigration • Millions became PASTORS to avoid the draft (not because they loved and wanted to serve God)

Commonsense on Muslim immigration
Millions became PASTORS to avoid the draft (not because they loved and wanted to serve God).
Universal Life Church
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Pastors for the wrong reason @ 14:10

Jeff Rense & Texe Marrs – Defending Against a Death Cult

“Paul’s Elders’ qualifications revisited: What does ‘BLAMELESS’ mean? — Most pastors are biblically disqualified
Wes Hall: Many ministers weren’t even called into the ministry. “The reason you’ve gone to seminary is to prove to God…how dedicated you are.” • “Some of you should have been in ministry, and you went into business; and you tried to become the best you could to earn your father’s approval in the natural.”

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