Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Inflation$$$$$$ Page 6 of 7

2-Faced Geithner Assures CFR Puppet Masters He’s “Open” To Global Currency — Dollar is a Dead Duck

From: Prison Planet

Treasury Secretary a traitor, tells American people one thing, CFR [Council of Foreign Relations] elitists another, as move towards global monetary union accelerates

In a near complete reversal of his comments on Tuesday, when he told a Congressional hearing that there were no plans to move towards a global currency to supplant the dollar, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sought to please the elitist CFR by assuring them that he was “open” to the notion of a new global currency system. …

“I haven’t read the governor’s proposal. He’s a very thoughtful, very careful distinguished central banker. I generally find him sensible on every issue,” said Geithner, before adding, We’re actually quite open to that suggestion – you should see it as rather evolutionary rather building on the current architecture rather than moving us to global monetary union.” …

The continued use of the dollar as a reserve currency, he added, “depends..on how effective we are in the United States…at getting our fiscal system back to the point where people judge it as sustainable over time.”

By that standard then, the dollar is a dead duck.

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Related: Skousen: New Currency? Not So Fast | Bernanke Lying

Ron Paul: Globalists Deliberately & Openly Using Crisis to Advance World Government — “The Immoral, Unconstitutional, Bizarre Act of Destroying the Value of the Money”

Ron Paul on Glenn Beck Radio 3/23/2009


Ron Paul: “This is the BIG One! … Between One and Four Years the $Dollar$ Will IMPLODE”

From: Financial Times, Believer in small government predicts 15-year depression, March 22 2009

Unfortunately, cashing out will not protect the value of investments, he [Congressman Ron Paul] insists, because “fiat” currencies will all decline over the coming years as measures to try to haul the world economy out of recession fail. “The current stimulus measures are making things a lot worse,” says Mr Paul.

“The US government just won’t allow the correction the economy needs.” He cites the mini-depression of 1921, which lasted just a year largely because insolvent companies were allowed to fail. “No one remembers that one. They’ll remember this one, because it will last 15 years.”

At some stage – Mr Paul estimates it will be between one and four years – the dollar will implode. “The dollar as a reserve standard is done,” he says. …

A deep recession had only been avoided up until now because of the efforts of successive governments to reflate the economy. But there are no more policy levers left, says Mr Paul. This is the big one.”

Unsurprisingly, Mr Paul has been viewed as a crank in Washington, dismissed as a doomsayer and a party-pooper. His bill early this year to abolish the Federal Reserve was largely ignored. And his adherence to the Austrian School of economics, which predicted that fiat currencies would destabilise the world economy, has won him few friends.

People don’t like the Austrians because they are against big government, against armies and against the welfare state. To accept Austrian economics, you have to accept limitations of credit expansion and that is what has kept the government and financial firms in business for so long.”

However, his views are, for the first time, being taken seriously in Washington. Like another politician who recently aimed for high office, Al Gore, Mr Paul’s uncomfortable truths are starting to be deliberated at elevated political levels. “Before last summer, in meetings nobody really knew I was there. Now they often defer to me on economic matters. But you won’t catch any of them admitting that publicly – not yet at least.”

He believes that markets will fall much further and inflation rise much higher before his fellow politicians recognise that the system has failed. “We are likely to see an inflation depression,” Mr Paul says.

“In the 1970s, we had stagflation, but not depression. Inflation depression is what you see in Zimbabwe.”

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[1988] Ron Paul: American Power Structure


Revealing interview from the August, 1988 broadcast of Frank Morrow’s “Alternative Views” found at It cements Dr. Paul’s place as America’s leading economic prophet crying in the wilderness and a voice we ignore at our own loss. At the time of the interview, Dr. Paul was the Libertarian candidate for president.

From the original description: “Former four-term Congressman Ron Paul describes the American power structure. As a member of the House Banking and Currency Committee, Paul was in a unique position to see the inner workings of economic power and control of the country, and how this power translates into political power. Paul describes how, through the control of the Federal Reserve and the banking system, the American power elite is basically out of reach of the democratic system. Concurrently, by using such organizations as the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, control over the political process is maintained, resulting in what is in reality a in the U.S.”

There’s a lot of information contained. Dr. Paul rightly states that many politicians in DC aren’t informed about the nature of banking or economics, a condition that serves the interests of the central banking establishment. He also rightly states that the Federal Reserve, due to its secrecy and power, is nothing less than evil. This American agrees. And Ron Paul is still the only candidate from either party that isn’t a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Bob Chapman: Nothing More Than Inflation, Voodoo Finance, Smoke and Mirrors — “Half of the world’s wealth has been destroyed and we still are nowhere near the bottom”

From: The International Forecaster, February 28 2009

The so-called greatest economic boom in history, which supposedly took place in the United States from the end of the early 1980’s recession to 2007, was nothing but an exercise in inflation and voodoo finance. It was a smoke and mirrors bull market based on Alice in Wonderland economics. The air is now being let out of the balloon as the man behind the curtain, the Fed Chairmen of that era, mainly ardent Illuminist Paul Volcker, and especially Mr. Bubbles, …Alan Greenspan, are now being revealed to us as the Great Oz, who in the fairytale movie turned out to be a carnival barker and balloon rider from Kansas. How utterly appropriate. So, how low will we now go? Will it be all the way down to the Dow 1,000 of the early 1970’s? Will we ride our way down to the Dow 2,000 of the late 1980’s? Or will it be down to the Dow 3,000 of the early 1990’s? Already, the past 12 years of gains has gone up in smoke, and this is just the beginning.

During this so-called boom period, our industrial base was destroyed by free trade, globalization, off-shoring, outsourcing, and both legal and illegal immigration, and we went from being the greatest creditor nation on earth to being the greatest debtor nation on earth during the Bush-Clinton-Bush triple whammy! By what definition is that a boom?! A mighty nuclear wind, generated by the thermonuclear explosion of fraudulent weapons of mass financial destruction devised by the Puppet Masters who own Wall Street, has blown away the smoke and shattered the mirrors, laying bare the fraud and deceit perpetrated against the American public and the people of the world, a boom based on snake oil salesmanship by our government marionettes, corporate sociopaths and megalomaniacal, satanic trillionaire psychopaths, the Illuminati, who are sacrificing our economy, and other developed and emerging nation-state economies around the globe, on the altar of world government.

The tide of economic tomfoolery has gone out, and the fraud and malfeasance of our government, Wall Street and corporate America have been laid bare.

We have gone from a nation of well-paid factory workers and highly skilled machinists and sensible bankers, to hamburger flippers, Walmart greeters and flimflam men who peddle fraudulent toxic waste to unsuspecting financial institutions around the world. Our middle class is being systematically destroyed and impoverished by an economy based on money created out of thin air by a fiendish device called European-style, debt-based, fractional reserve banking, and the economy is now reverting back to where it came from — from thin air — as wealth is transferred from the hard-working public to a bunch of con-artists we euphemistically call bankers and financiers, via the stealth tax of inflation and outright investment fraud and market manipulation. Bubble after bubble has been blown up and busted by the policies of our malevolent Fed, a private banking organization, much of which is owned by foreigners, and run by a group of sharks, barracudas and piranhas who have been feeding on their ignorant American middle class sheople-fish in a feeding frenzy beyond description for almost a century. Our whole economy during the so-called boom period has been nothing but a sick joke. How do you like the punch line?

The fourth quarter produced a stupefying negative US GDP of -6.2% annualized. The so-called experts at the Bureau of Lying (Labor) Statistics told us it would not drop below a negative 3.8%. They only missed by 63%, yet another outstanding performance by our regulators as they continue their cover up of Illuminist machinations until such time as the Illuminati tell them to finally let the truth out to the sucker-dupe sheople. They just hit you right between the eyes.…

As we reported a month ago, America has entered depression as has many other countries economies. Over the past 20 months half of the world’s wealth has been destroyed and we still are nowhere near the bottom and all that the monetary and fiscal authorities have tried to arrest, the financial and economic fall has been unsuccessful. Real assets have been in a small part destroyed but most of the damage has been in financial assets. In the end leverage always destroys its user. Governments, business and individuals have been in the biggest inflation of credit in history. As the use of credit recedes in the US economy, that engine of GDP, the consumer, cuts back on consumption and buying falls from 72% to 70% of GDP, heading toward the long-term mean of 64.5% and that needless to say means we have a long way to go in this depression. As the economy and living standards fall and unemployment rises the Obama administration, Congress, and the privately owned Federal Reserve are going to throw trillions of dollars more at the problem only to be again unsuccessful. The days of open-ended credit expansion are over. Banks are not going to return to their methods of business that got them into so much trouble. Making matters worse for the consumer, wages have been stagnant for years versus inflation due to free trade, globalization, offshoring and outsourcing. Wages cannot rise with output and sales because production has been sent offshore by our transnational elitist conglomerates, who then keep a good part of their profits offshore to avoid paying American taxes. The very heart has been ripped from the American economy and all that is left is a hollow shell. The profits from any resurgence in the economy will nature to these conglomerates not to the workers. Nothing has changed. There still is no response from Congress. In fact it is the furthest thing from their minds. They have been bought and paid for or compromised by the bankers and Wall Street.

The global financial structure has imploded and there is no way to fix it short of purging the system, which should have been done 20 months ago. It wasn’t done because there is another agenda and that is to bring the world economy to its knees so that the people of all nations will be forced to accept One-World Government. This just didn’t happen this way; it was planned to happen this way.

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Bob Chapman: We Watch Now As Funds Get Vaporized (Including Pensions) —”Right has become wrong, and wrong has become right, just as the Bible warned. Surely, we are in the End Times”

From: The International Forecaster, February 25 2009

Since 1997, real inflation, as opposed to ridiculously understated official inflation, has raged at a minimum of 8% annually, and has soared as high as 14-16%. This means that you have lost a minimum of two thirds of your 1997 purchasing power. So, if you invested $10,000 in the Dow components in 1997, not only would you have no gain whatsoever, you would have losses on the stocks which were dropped from the index due to poor performance and, in addition, to add insult to injury, your purchasing power has been reduced from $10,000 to approximately $3,000 in terms of 1997 dollars. In other words, that $10,000 you invested in 1997 will today only buy what $3,000 would have bought in 1997.

Effectively, anyone playing the general stock markets has been wiped out by this combination of lost capital gains and reduced purchasing power. Those who began investing after 1997 have done even worse because they have suffered major capital losses in addition to having suffered reduced purchasing power. So much for the much touted 10% average annual gains for stocks. By contrast, you could have bought gold in 1997 for about $300 per ounce and more than tripled your money at today’s prices. Your $10,000 would have become $30,000+, however, due to inflation caused by the Fed’s profligate increase in the money supply, which the Fed intentionally orchestrated in order to impoverish you and bring you to your knees so you will accept world government, your purchasing power would only be about $10,000 in 1997 dollars. So you would at least be even in terms of purchasing power. Certainly, $10,000 in purchasing power is a whole lot better than $3,000. This example is a classic illustration of how gold preserves your wealth. As you can see, failure to invest in gold, silver and their related shares is tantamount to committing financial suicide. The bankruptcy courts will soon be full of the tens of millions of US citizens who ultimately will ignore gold and silver as a safe haven, or who will simply lack the capital to invest in gold and silver in any case because they are in hock up to their ears, or because they have become unemployed, or both.

Pension plans, often heavily invested in stocks and real estate, asset classes which have seen tens of trillions of dollars disappear in a matter of months, are now so far behind in funding due to their ludicrous underlying assumptions about ROI (return on investment) that they are effectively bankrupt and will have to be bailed by the grievously under-funded PBGC (Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation), which of course can only provide pennies on the dollar unless another bailout is orchestrated to save middle class pensions, which is not going to happen, and these losses do not even take into account loss of purchasing power due to inflation, which is understated officially to screw retirees out of their social security benefits. Instead of a PBGC bailout, we more likely will see the US follow in the footsteps of Argentina by nationalizing private pension money, mixing it with government entitlements. If you were wondering where the elitists plan to park a large portion of those new treasuries being issued to fund all the bailouts, look no further than your IRA’s, 401(k)’s and your company pensions, which will be forced to purchase these treasuries as part of the process by which the elitists will nationalize your pensions. Also, as part of this process, the types of assets you are allowed to invest in will be greatly limited, and your pension will be overseen by your corrupt, bungling government, insuring a complete financial…. That way, you get the unspeakable privilege of owning dollar-denominated paper assets that will be vaporized along with Federal Reserve notes (aka toilet paper, aka “worthless paper”) when foreign owners of dollar forex all head for the exits to see who can dump their dollars the fastest as they try to purchase as many tangible, real assets as they can find in the US. You won’t know, of course, because statistics about foreign ownership in the US are, conveniently, no longer published by the FTC. However, you will find out soon enough as you are Zimbabwe’d and Weimar-ized. And that only addresses problems due to devaluation of the dollar. Wait until the interest rates skyrocket as hyperinflation takes hold and risk reaches new heights. This will collapse the treasury market, and the value of all your pension plan assets, which the government will have forced you to invest in treasuries, will go down in flames with it.

John Williams: When to Expect $Hyperinflation$$$$$$$$$$$


Respected economist John Williams, editor of, a popular website that tracks real inflation figures, is advising that people hoard physical gold as well as food items in bulk so that they have some means with which to barter as the economic crisis turns ugly.

Three or four years into the future I think we could be in a hyperinflation, within the current year you’re going to see much higher inflation than most people are looking at,” Williams told MarketWatch.

Williams said that his definition of hyperinflation would be a situation in which a $100 dollar bill would become more functional as a piece of toilet paper than a store of value. …

At least as far back as April 2008, six months before the collapse of Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, Williams predicted that the world economy was entering a phase of “hyperinflationary depression” that would peak in 2010.

In a hyperinflation special report, Williams said that the U.S. was on an irreversible course of “financial armageddon” that would likely lead to “extreme political change and/or civil unrest”.

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Chapman Money Tip: How to Pay Off Your House During Hyperinflation

To the wise and prudent,

What’s coming down looks ugly. The both-wise-and-honest (scarce, these days) economic strategists are saying hyperinflation will soon be upon us, maybe within months.

This is all being done by design, as the Illuminists continue the destruction of America through those they’ve once again put into power, in order to bring us into the one-world government, antichrist system.

Most Americans rejected, many even went along with the laughing at Ron Paul. Now, we’ll have to eat crow. And McCain is their man too. Either way they win.

And Obama didn’t choose his cabinet, just as Jimmy Carter didn’t.

Presidential elections are largely a sham. That is to say, while the party is of minor importance, the actual person of the President is largely irrelevant. What’s more important is the Cabinet; they control the flow of information to the President, and no President can make a correct decision without the correct information.

The best explanation of this is from Pat Robertson in his book The New World Order (Written in the ’80s before, IMHO, he went off the deep end). Mr. Robertson speaks of after the ’76 election and how Jimmy Carter was essentially handed a listing saying who his cabinet members would be; he had little choice in the matter. source

But there are strategies that can make the “Change has come to America” less painful.

I recently heard one of the wisest strategists, Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster, suggest that if a person does have extra money right now, buy gold. So when the value of the Dollar plummets, gold will retain value and spike. The international banksters can only keep the price of gold down so long.

Then sell the gold and pay off your house or whatever.


Jeff Fenske

Related: Who Picks Obama’s Cabinet? Why Did Jimmy Carter Cry?

Andre Eggelletion: The Only Bullets the ‘Fed’ Has Left is PRINT, PRINT, PRINT, PRINT!

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from Andre Eggelletion on US Talk Network, 12/18/08

“Now that they’ve [the ‘Fed’] cut interest rates down to zero, they’re going to continue to print money. That’s the only game, those are the only bullets they have left — just print money: print, print, print, print. …your paycheck will be worthless in a few years.”

– Andre Eggelletion, author, Thieves in the Temple: America Under the Federal Reserve System

Bob Chapman: Hyperinflation and then The Second Great Depression

From: The International Forecaster

We are now 17 months into a credit crisis that continues to expose the corruption and incompetence of government, banking, Wall Street and transnational corporations. The situation has not stabilized and it won’t anytime soon. All we see are sweetheart deals for elitist corporations for which American taxpayers will pay for years to come. The future of our nation is totally out of control. For the last eight years our economy has been running on something for nothing, lies and deceit. The result will be hyperinflation and then the Second Great Depression.

As we predicted long ago the only avenue open to the elitists that control our country is to hyper-inflate to avoid collapse as long as possible. In this process financial institutions, most of whom are bankrupt, are trying with the help of the American taxpayer, to hold on. In that process they are severely limiting credit, which restricts business and growth and has caused crippling de-leveraging in our economy, particularly among hedge funds. Debt totally embraces our lives and finally we see de-leveraging among individuals as all debtors and borrowers come under pressured from the lenders. While this transpires relentlessly, unemployment grows stamping out the buying power of the masses many of whom already are on the edge of bankruptcy. We have this great mass of disintegration on the bottom and massive amounts of money and credit on the top. The money and credit is not reaching consumers who have been forced to stop buying. It is staying on the balance sheets of banks, brokerage houses, insurance companies and transnational conglomerates, such as G.E.

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Peter Schiff: The Hyper-Inflation Cat Will Soon Be Out of the Bag

From: Financial Sense University, A Nightmare Before Christmas

Last weekend Barack Obama announced his intention to implement a New Deal-style stimulus and public works program. What he somehow forgot to mention is that the United States is wholly dependent on the willingness of foreign creditors to supply the funds. But a weakening dollar makes continued foreign purchase of U.S. Treasuries a much more difficult decision.

Once the dollar begins to collapse beneath the weight of all this new deficit spending, accumulation of contingency liabilities, and the socialization of our economy, commodity prices and interest rates will head skyward. In addition, once all the going out of business sales at U.S. retailers are over, and excess inventories have been reduced, watch for big price increases at the consumer level as well.

Once the government runs out of foreign and private sector bidders for new treasuries, the Federal Reserve will be the only buyer, and the hyper-inflation cat will be completely out of the bag. Sensing this, the Fed has recently indicated a desire to begin issuing its own bonds. However….

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Bernanke’s Money Printing Helicopters are Here!

From: Ali-Pac

The US Federal Reserve is increasing the monetary base at an unprecedented rate in response to the present deflationary asset crunch, following the longest running inflationary boom in the country’s history.

Newly printed dollars are being used to replace the capital losses of America’s corporations. If it were possible to replace wealth simply by printing money, humanity would have eliminated poverty shortly after discovering the printing press. Instead, it always results in the same fate – destruction of the currency through the process of hyperinflation .

The following chart using data from the Federal Reserve of St. Louis visually reveals just how extreme the latest measures from the US Federal Reserve have impacted the monetary base.

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Secret Citibank Memo: ‘Inflation Shock,’ Depression and/or Civil Disorder Coming in 2009/10

From: Natural News

An internal memo from a top Citibank analyst reveals what the banks really think about the global financial situation, and the outlook is grim.

“The world is not going back to normal after the magnitude of what they have done. When the dust settles this will either work, and the money they have pushed into the system will feed through into an inflation shock,” wrote Tom Fitzpatrick, Citibank’s chief technical strategist.

He goes on to explain that the massive money creation efforts by the Federal Reserve and other central banks will end with one of two things: A resurgence of inflation, or a fall into “depression, civil disorder and possibly wars.” Either outcome, he says, will cause the price of gold to skyrocket. Gold will push to well over $2,000 per ounce, he explains.

The timing on all this? Sometime in either 2009 or 2010, said the analyst.

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Peter Schiff: 20-30% Hyperinflation, Martial Law Likely in 2-3 Years | Glen Beck: Banksters Hint of Another Weimar Republic!

From: CNN, 10/13/08


Anchorage, Alaska: Heating Costs Double in Just 5 Years!

From: Anchorage Daily News

Enstar Natural Gas Co. plans to raise its rates for heating homes by at least 22 percent starting in January to pay for soaring fuel costs, one of its largest one-time rate increases in a decade.

The company will file its new prices with the Regulatory Commission of Alaska for approval when its final numbers are in next month, said company spokesman Curtis Thayer.

Enstar, which serves about 128,000 homes and businesses statewide, including nearly all of Anchorage, will raise a typical resident’s bill from $125 to $153 a month on average.

“This is a concern,” said Ann Secrest, spokeswoman for AARP Alaska, which has more than 90,000 members. “You don’t want an older Alaskan to have to turn off their heat and possibly put themselves in harm’s way.” …

Two years ago, a similar spike in oil prices sent Enstar natural gas rates soaring to a 30 percent increase.

Even with the latest increase, though, Enstar customers will have one of the lowest prices of natural gas in the country, Thayer said.

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Jerome Corsi: The shocking truth about INFLATION

From: WorldNetDaily

Why is it that the federal government says the U.S. has virtually no inflation – less that 2 percent – but everything keeps getting more expensive, especially food and gasoline? …

Solving this riddle – that is, why everything costs so much when the government tells us inflation rates are low – is simple:

The Bureau of Labor Statistics lies.

Inflation numbers are intentionally manipulated to keep cost-of-living numbers low.

If the average chief executive officer cooked balance sheet numbers the way the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates the Consumer Price Index, the CEO would be in jail, even without Sarbanes-Oxley reporting standards.

Why does the federal government lie about inflation?

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Bob Chapman: Retiring During Double-Digit Inflation—Calculation ‘Fun’

From: Bob Chapman’s International Forecaster, 4/26/08

Sociopathic Economics, Denial, and the Weakening Dollar

They claim inflation is 4%, when it is over 12%. They claim unemployment is 5% when it is 14%. They claim we lost 80,000 jobs last month when most likely we lost over 300,000. They claim our economy is turning around as consumer confidence drops to the lows of the early 1980’s and in light of the fact that 70% of our tanking economy is driven by consumer spending. They make it look like the big banks and financial institutions are being bailed out by the Fed when it is really the taxpayers doing the bailing through HUD, FHLB, Fannie, Freddie and hyperinflation. They say banks are starting to show signs of recovery even as their insolvency deepens due to the ongoing destruction of a mountain of quivering derivatives as foreclosures accelerate, as real estate prices plummet, as maniacal bets are unwound and as the bear market in bonds gets underway because rate cuts appear to be subsiding for a short while, at least until the next debacle hits. The old “we’re in it for the long term” is being bandied about again by the media morons (aka commentators) to keep the dupes in so the Illuminati can bail out at the top through their dark pools of liquidity while everyone else is left holding the bag.

Our government officials as well as banking and corporate leaders have created a culture permeated with pathological liars and sociopaths. They subscribe to the same situational ethics, which they are teaching to our children so they can grow up to be miscreants like them. Some of them may even believe their own lies, being unable to separate truth from fiction anymore because the lying has been so rampant and pervasive. Some have probably even forgotten what the real truth is, having not entertained it or even thought about it for decades. And who can blame the ones who have, for the real truth is nothing less than terrifying. Their plans call for the depopulation of five billion people by starvation, disease and who knows what else, the destruction of western economies and the beggaring and serfdom of the citizens of the US, Canada and Western Europe, all with the whimsical hope that we can all dance around the One World maypole together some day before they haul us all off to internment camps.

The disconnect that has occurred between what we are told and what we actually experience must be leaving uninformed non-subscribers [to The International Forecaster] in a surreal state, where they can no longer reconcile what their eyes see with what their ears hear. You have two choices. You can become a subscriber to the IF, or you can enter “The Twilight Zone.”

We thought we would have a little calculation fun in this issue to show you the devastating effects of inflation along with the deflation of real estate. If these calculations do not get you motivated to institute some change, nothing will.

Let’s say you’re a millionaire in the year 2000 when you decide to retire. You have exactly 1 million dollars set aside for your retirement. Assume that on average you invest it conservatively outside of precious metals and commodities at a very generous 5% return after taxes from the beginning of 2000 to the end of 2011. According to Shadowstats, inflation has averaged around 9% from 2000 to 2007, and we expect it to average about 15% for the period 2008 to 2011, which is extremely conservative considering that actual GDP, as opposed to official GDP, is a negative 2% to 3% or so, while M3 is running between 17% and 18%, giving us an inflation spread of about 20% that will soon manifest itself in 2009 and beyond. Even current inflation is already over 12%. So let’s see how much money you have left in dollars based on the dollar’s buying power in the year 2000 when you get to the year 2011. Some simple math shows that in the year 2011 you would have $1,795,856 in 2011 dollars, but the buying power equivalent in year 2000 dollars would only be a very disappointing $515,309. You’re no longer a millionaire by year 2000 standards. In fact, your buying power has been cut in half! And if inflation is not stopped at some point, it will only get worse! Had you only managed a 2% after tax return instead of 5%, you would have $1,268,242 dollars in 2011 dollars, but your buying power in year 2000 dollars is reduced to a stinking $363,913, or about a third of what you started with! Now let’s throw in the withdrawals you had to make and the taxes you had to pay along the way, and any thoughts you might have concerning your upcoming retirement get downright depressing. Then try to imagine how you would feel if your original kitty was only $200,000, or $100,000 or, like most people, a measly $50,000 or less. Then you get pauperized!

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Inflation: U.S. Government Understating the CPI By a Full 7.6%!

From: The Market Oracle

Until now, the discrepancy between actual inflation and the government’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) was largely an academic debate few people paid much attention to.

Now, however, with real-world consumer prices jumping right before our eyes … while the government’s distorted CPI still lingers near the 4% area, the gap between the two is about to burst onto the scene as a scandalous cover-up.

According to John Williams’ Shadow Statistics , the premier source of unadulterated U.S. economic indicators …

    • While the March year-over-year change in the official CPI was only 3.98% …
    • The true CPI, based on the same standards as those that prevailed before the Clinton administration, is now 11.58%!

This means that the gap between the official CPI and the alternate CPI is now a whopping 7.6 percentage points.

In other words, the U.S. government could now be understating the CPI by a full 7.6%!

Moreover, over the years, this gap has widened dramatically. Until January 1982, there was no gap whatsoever; and until November 1986, the gap was usually less than 1%. But then, it started widening like mad, and has been getting bigger ever since.

See entire article with charts


Congress Wants Steel Pennies As In WWII

From: CNN

Further evidence that times are tough: It now costs more than a penny to make a penny. And the cost of a nickel is more than 7½ cents.

Surging prices for copper, zinc and nickel have some in Congress trying to bring back the steel-made pennies of World War II and maybe using steel for nickels, as well. …

The proposals are alternatives to what many consider a more pragmatic, but politically impossible solution to the penny problem: getting rid of the penny altogether.

“People still want pennies, which is why we’re still making them,” Moy said.

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Ron Paul: “Since 2001 the dollar has been devalued by 60%” (April 2006)

From:, April 25, 2006

What the Price of Gold is Telling Us


Since 2001 the dollar has been devalued by 60%.

In 1934 FDR devalued the dollar by 41%.

In 1971 Nixon devalued the dollar by 7.9%.

In 1973 Nixon devalued the dollar by 10%.

These were momentous monetary events, and every knowledgeable person worldwide paid close attention. Major changes were endured in 1979 and 1980 to save the dollar from disintegration. This involved a severe recession, interest rates over 21%, and general price inflation of 15%.

Today we face a 60% devaluation and counting, yet no one seems to care. It’s of greater significance than the three events mentioned above. And yet the one measurement that best reflects the degree of inflation, the Fed and our government deny us. Since March, M3 reporting has been discontinued.

For starters, I’d like to see Congress demand that this report be resumed. I fully believe the American people and Congress are entitled to this information. Will we one day complain about false intelligence, as we have with the Iraq war? Will we complain about not having enough information to address monetary policy after it’s too late?

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Shadow Government Statistics: Honest Charts on M3, Inflation, GDP

From: Shadow Government Statistics

Have you ever wondered why the CPI, GDP and employment numbers run counter to your personal and business experiences? The problem lies in biased and often-manipulated government reporting.

Click for the Graphs

In the first graph, the red line turns to blue because that’s when the “Federal” Reserve stopped publishing the M3 (money in circulation) figures.

Starring Ron Paul & Ed Griffin: “Fiat Empire—Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution”




Ron Paul really stars at 40:20 minutes into the film. Ron Paul-only excerpts, below.

“Why do rich people seem to be getting richer, while you and all your friends seem to be hardly making ends meet?

Why does a first class stamp cost you nearly 40 cents when it used to cost only 5 cents?

Should a 90% loss of purchasing power be tollerated?

Where does it end?”

– Narrator


Inflation, I think, is a bad word, because really, we think of inflation as rising prices. But in reality, what’s happening: prices are not going up, it’s that the value of the dollar or the monetary unit is going down. …

The Federal Reserve System is the agency of a hidden tax, called inflation.”


Where this graph is headed is for total destruction of our monetary system. Our money will be totally worthless, and it’ll probably be reissued in the form of some international currency, which will be equally worthless. But the value to these people is that once it’s on an international basis, there’s nowhere else to go.

Right now, if you don’t like American dollars you can buy Japanese Yen. … If you don’t like that, you can move to whatever currency seems to be having a little better track record.

Once there’s an international monetary system in place, modeled completely and exactly after the Federal Reserve system—It’s exactly the same—then there’s no place else to go, folks. You’ve had it.

If we don’t turn this thing around, I think we’re going to be living in kind of a modern serfdom.”

– G. Edward Griffin

[transcribed by Jeff Fenske from the movie]

Ron Paul [Lego] Brickfilm: stop-motion animation on inflation/Fed


Skousen in 2006: Big Inflation Coming––M3 No Longer Being Reported!

World Affairs Brief March 31, 2006 Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief

BIG INFLATION COMING reported this week that, “the federal reserve ordered two trillion dollars to be printed! … Three separate sources in the U.S. Treasury have told me that this week, the federal reserve ordered TWO TRILLION dollars to be printed! The US Treasury is allegedly running printing presses 24/7 to accommodate that order. Treasury employees were specifically ordered not to talk about this to anyone because it could cause economic collapse.” That’s a bit inflammatory. Press officials are never supposed to tell how much money is being printed. Even another $2 trillion isn’t going to cause a collapse, though it would and will eventually impact the value of the dollar. I’ve always said that the US has not yet used up all its power to inflate. I guess the PTB are starting in earnest. It is important to note that in response to growing dollar weakness, silver is at a ten year high and gold is nearing a 25 year high.

Robert HcHugh lets us in on what M3 was doing recently – and it was very inflationary. “M-3 has been launched into outer space, up another $56.3 billion last week, up $92.4 billion over the past two. This is some real horsepower. Over six weeks, the meaningless figure, ahem, is up $177.8 billion. These annualized growth rates are 28.7 percent, 23.6 percent, and 15.3 percent respectively. Those are the seasonally adjusted figures. The raw, non-seasonally adjusted, figure is up $293.3 billion over the past 12 weeks, on a pace to add 1.2 trillion in money to the economy … That’s right folks – soon to be discontinued money supply data ALREADY showing annualized growth rates in excess of 28% – and the Fed would have us all believe that this is a non-event.”

The staff at Free Market News tried to imply a direct relationship between the decision to not report M3 money supply figures and this new print move. “The M3 was the amount of cash the government printed to put into circulation, propping-up the U.S. economy.” This is not true, specifically. M1 is the sum of currency that is held outside banks, travelers checks, checking accounts (but not demand deposits), minus the amount of money in the Federal Reserve float. M2 is sum of M1 plus savings deposits (this would include money market accounts from which no checks can be written), small denomination time deposits (less than $100,000), and retirement accounts. M3 (discontinued) is M1 plus M2 plus the large time deposits (more than $100,000), Eurodollar deposits, dollars held at foreign offices of U.S. banks, and institutional money market funds. Cash eventually shows up in all of these, but the significance of removing M3 has more to do with hiding the numbers of dollars outside the US where most inflation goes so as to deny currency traders a key piece of the data which helps evaluate the dollar versus other currencies. They have alternates, of course, but losing M3 was important. Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) has introduced legislation to require the Fed to resume reporting the M3 statistic. Urge your Congressmen to support The Sunshine in Monetary Policy Act.

Ron Paul on Inflation: Every time new dollars are printed…your income & savings are worth less

Every time new dollars are printed and the money supply increases,
your income and savings are worth less.
Even as you save for retirement, the Fed is working against you.

Inflation is nothing more than
government counterfeiting by the Fed printing presses.

– U.S. Congressman Ron Paul

What do Rising Gold Prices Mean?

December 5, 2005

The market price for an ounce of gold rose to over $500 last week, a significant milestone for economists watching precious metals and commodities markets. The last time gold topped $500 was December 1987, in the wake of the “Black Monday” stock market collapse earlier that fall.

Gold prices historically rise when faith in paper currencies erodes, as investors seek the intrinsic value of gold to protect themselves from inflation. It’s interesting to note that while the U.S. dollar has regained some of its value relative to other paper currencies like the Euro, it continues to lose value relative to gold and other hard assets. This shows the folly of using one fiat currency to value another.

Gold is history’s oldest and most stable currency. Central bankers and politicians don’t want a gold-backed currency system, because it denies them the power to create money out of thin air. Governments by their very nature want to expand, whether to finance military intervention abroad or a welfare state at home. Expansion costs money, and politicians don’t want spending limited to the amounts they can tax or borrow. This is precisely why central banks now manage all of the world’s major currencies.

Yet while politicians favor central bank control of money, history and the laws of economics are on the side of gold. Even though central banks try to mask their inflationary policies and suppress the price of gold by surreptitiously selling it, the gold markets always cut through the smokescreen eventually. Rising gold prices like we see today historically signify trouble for paper currencies, and the dollar is no exception.

President Nixon finally severed the last tenuous links between the dollar and gold in 1971. Since 1971, the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury have employed a pure fiat money system, meaning government can create money whenever it decrees simply by printing more dollars. The “value” of each newly minted dollar is determined by the faith of the public, the money supply, and the financial markets. In other words, fiat dollars have no intrinsic value.

What does this mean for you and your family? Since your dollars have no intrinsic value, they are subject to currency market fluctuations and ruinous government policies, especially Fed inflationary policies. Every time new dollars are printed and the money supply increases, your income and savings are worth less. Even as you save for retirement, the Fed is working against you. Inflation is nothing more than government counterfeiting by the Fed printing presses.

Inflation and War Finance, by Congressman Ron Paul


Inflation and War Finance

Congressman Ron Paul

January 29, 2007

The Pentagon recently reported that it now spends roughly $8.4 billion per month waging the war in Iraq, while the additional cost of our engagement in Afghanistan brings the monthly total to a staggering $10 billion. Since 2001, Congress has spent more than $500 billion on specific appropriations for Iraq. This sum is not reflected in official budget and deficit figures. Congress has funded the war by passing a series of so-called “supplemental” spending bills, which are passed outside of the normal appropriations process and thus deemed off-budget.

This is fundamentally dishonest: if we’re going to have a war, let’s face the costs– both human and economic– squarely. Congress has no business hiding the costs of war through accounting tricks.

As the war in Iraq surges forward, and the administration ponders military action against Iran, it’s important to ask ourselves an overlooked question: Can we really afford it? If every American taxpayer had to submit an extra five or ten thousand dollars to the IRS this April to pay for the war, I’m quite certain it would end very quickly. The problem is that government finances war by borrowing and printing money, rather than presenting a bill directly in the form of higher taxes. When the costs are obscured, the question of whether any war is worth it becomes distorted.

Congress and the Federal Reserve Bank have a cozy, unspoken arrangement that makes war easier to finance. Congress has an insatiable appetite for new spending, but raising taxes is politically unpopular. The Federal Reserve, however, is happy to accommodate deficit spending by creating new money through the Treasury Department. In exchange, Congress leaves the Fed alone to operate free of pesky oversight and free of political scrutiny. Monetary policy is utterly ignored in Washington, even though the Federal Reserve system is a creation of Congress.

The result of this arrangement is inflation. And inflation finances war.

Economist Lawrence Parks has explained how the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 made possible our involvement in World War I. Without the ability to create new money, the federal government never could have afforded the enormous mobilization of men and material. Prior to that, American wars were financed through taxes and borrowing, both of which have limits. But government printing presses, at least in theory, have no limits. That’s why the money supply has nearly tripled just since 1990.

For perspective, consider our ongoing military commitment in Korea. In Korea alone, U.S. taxpayers have spent $1 trillion in today’s dollars over 55 years. What do we have to show for it? North Korea is a belligerent adversary armed with nuclear weapons, while South Korea is at best ambivalent about our role as their protector. The stalemate stretches on with no end in sight, as the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the men who fought in Korea give little thought to what was gained or lost. The Korean conflict should serve as a cautionary tale against the open-ended military occupation of any region.

The $500 billion we’ve officially spent in Iraq is an enormous sum, but the real total is much higher, hidden within the Defense Department and foreign aid budgets. As we build permanent military bases and a $1 billion embassy in Iraq, we need to keep asking whether it’s really worth it. Congress should at least fund the war in an honest way so the American people can judge for themselves.

Skousen: Masking the Inflationary Economy

World Affairs Brief June 16, 2006 Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief


According to Bloomberg, “U.S. consumer prices excluding food and energy rose more than forecast for a third consecutive month, increasing speculation the Federal Reserve will keep raising interest rates beyond this month. The 0.3 percent jump in the so-called core consumer price index reported by the Labor Department in Washington today exceeded the median forecast of a 0.2 percent increase by economists in a Bloomberg News survey. Core inflation over the last three months was the highest since 1995. Including food and fuel, prices climbed 0.4 percent.”

But as George Ure of Urban Survival comments, “What’s more interesting to me than the numbers themselves, is how the mainstream media has swallowed with virtually no disclosure the fact that the inflation reports in 2006 are not the same thing that we were looking at in 2005 … The Labor Department announced in 2005 that they were ‘changing weights’ of various components: Effective with release of data for January 2006, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) will update the consumption expenditure weights in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) and Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) to the 2003-04 period.”

This is not the first time the BLS has tampered with the CPI. It’s a constant process of removing highly inflated prices from the “typical basket of goods” Americans buy in order to manipulate the numbers downward. The BLS creates lots of different categories, as well, in order to mask inflation. They have created what they call a “core inflation rate” which, strangely, does not include food and fuel! How can these two basic necessities not be included in the core inflation category? They do it because they have a political mandate to hide the chronic effects of government monetary creation.

Borrowing, Spending, Counterfeiting: Ron Paul in 2005 on the ‘Fed’ Inflating the Dollar

Borrowing, Spending, Counterfeiting
By Congressman Ron Paul

August 22, 2005

Few Americans truly understand how our Federal Reserve system enables Congress to spend far beyond its means, but the cycle of spending and printing money affects all of us. Simply put, the more money our Treasury prints, the less every dollar is worth. Our pure fiat money system, in place since the last vestiges of a gold standard were eliminated in the early 1970s, has reduced the value of your savings by 80%. Disregard the government’s Consumer Price Index, which substantially underreports price inflation. Monetary inflation is true inflation, and we only need to look at the cost of homes, cars, energy, and medical care to recognize that a dollar buys far less today than ever.

Economist Mark Thornton of the Ludwig von Mises Institute lays out a sobering case against the long-term health of the U.S. dollar. He identifies several facts and trends that bode ill for millions of Americans counting on dollar-denominated assets to fund their retirements.

First, federal debt continues to grow exponentially and shows no sign of abating. Americans were shocked at the notion of a $1 trillion federal debt in 1980; just 25 years later the total approaches $8 trillion. The Bush administration and the current Congress have increased spending at rates unseen since the New Deal and Great Society eras, and single-year deficits now exceed $500 billion. There is zero political will in Washington to curb spending, as evidenced by the shameful transportation bill recently passed by Congress.

Second, federal entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare will not be “fixed” by politicians who are unwilling to made hard choices and admit mistakes. Demographic trends will force tax increases and greater deficit spending to maintain benefits for millions of older Americans who are dependent on the federal government. Faced with uncomfortable financial realities, Congress will seek to avoid the day of reckoning by the most expedient means available— and the Federal Reserve undoubtedly will accommodate Washington by printing more dollars to pay the bills.

Third, future administrations are unlikely to challenge a foreign policy orthodoxy that views America as the world’s savior. We are hemorrhaging billions of dollars every month in Iraq, and we waste billions more every year through foreign aid and overseas meddling. A foreign policy based on nation-building and the imposition of “democracy” abroad, in direct contravention of our founders’ admonitions, is not economically sustainable. In Korea alone, U.S. taxpayers have spent nearly one trillion in today’s dollars over 55 years. A permanent military presence in Iraq and the wider Middle East will cost enormous amounts of money.

Finally, we face a reordering of the entire world economy. China, Japan, and Asia in general have been happy to hold U.S. debt instruments in recent decades, but they will not prop up our spending habits forever. Foreign central banks are increasingly reluctant to hold more U.S. dollars, understanding that American leaders do not have the discipline to maintain a stable currency. When the rest of the world finally abandons the dollar as the global reserve currency, both Congress and American consumers will find borrowing money a more expensive proposition.

All of these factors make it likely that the U.S. dollar will continue to decline in value, perhaps precipitously, in the coming decade. Will it take an economic depression before the American public finally holds the political class accountable for its reckless borrowing, spending, and counterfeiting?

The greatest threat facing America today is not terrorism, or foreign economic competition, or illegal immigration. The greatest threat facing America today is the disastrous fiscal policies of our own government, marked by shameless deficit spending and Federal Reserve currency devaluation. It is this one-two punch– Congress spending more than it can tax or borrow, and the Fed printing money to make up the difference– that threatens to impoverish us by further destroying the value of our dollars.

Real-World Inflation Illustration: Sports Cars

By Jeff Fenske

In 1971, the (Nissan) Datsun 240Z sold new for $3,500.
In 2005, the base-priced Nissan 350Z sells for $26,700.
This amounts to a 760% real-world inflation increase since 1971.

In 1971, the Chevrolet Corvette sold new for $5,000.
In 2005, the base-priced Corvette sells for $43,710.
This amounts to a 870% real-world inflation rate since 1971.

Another real-world inflation illustration:
The Ford Mustang

• Original sticker price of the 1964 Ford Mustang: $2,368

• 2005 sticker prices: $20,000 V6 – $27,000 GT

So real-world inflation since 1964 for the Mustang is approximately 1000%

1960’s & 1970’s Data from:
“Mustang and Corvette Reborn,” The Travel Channel
“Full Throttle: 1971 Datsun 240Z”—The History Channel

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