Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Inflation$$$$$$ Page 5 of 6

[10/20/09] Lindsey Williams Back on Alex Jones Tv: Total Economic Collapse of America in 2 Years? / “The Devil’s Messiah”

The Devil’s Messiah” – working through the Churches and Pastors with Homeland Security/FBI/FEMA since 1965/66: Pastors asked to have congregation fill out a form asking personal info.
DHS has asked to get this info to have it at their fingertips.
Elite have a god and moral code (evolution and eugenics/control).
Had to remove America’s God to get things the way they wanted (to destroy America)
. (source)

[youtube=]Lindsey Williams Back on Alex Jones Tv: Total Economic Collapse of America in 2 Years?

Author, radio talk show host, and the minister who went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary, Lindsey Williams, continues his revelations. On Alex’s show yesterday, Williams provided inside details on how the elite plan to instigate a worldwide depression and hyperinflation.

[10/19/09] Globalist Insider Tells Lindsey Williams: “Within TWO YEARS you will not recognize America. … You will be so poor you will not be able to rebel”

For a written summation of Lindsey’s points in this interview:
Lindsey Williams: “Two Year Timeline towards Full implementation of a New World Order”

[youtube=]Lindsey Williams Returns on Alex Jones Tv: A Prelude to Tomorrow

Alex welcomes back to the show Lindsey Williams, the ordained Baptist minister who went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. Williams has shared suppressed knowledge regarding oil companies and their supplies and predicted the drop in oil prices on the Alex Jones Show. Williams believes the reason why the global elite dropped the world price of oil was to wage economic warfare against the Arab and OPEC countries. Pastor Williams is the author of The Energy Non-Crisis.

Bob Chapman: Three Old Dollars for One New Dollar

Bob Chapman predicts what he thinks will happen to the dollar and when
in this interview with Dr. Stanley Monteith.

Radio Liberty Archives

Date: 10-12-09
Hour: a – 1 hr.
3:00: Ted Anderson – Financial Crisis
Hour: b – 1 hr.
4:00: Bob Chapman – Be Prepared w/Food & Necessities
Hour: c – 2 hrs.
8:00: Bob Chapman – The Economy & World Events
9:00: Bob Fletcher – The Report From Iron Mountain

Bob Chapman also discusses this with Alex:

[youtube=]Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv 1/5: Economic Terrorism Against The Dollar!!

Bob Chapman: Deepening Financial Crisis


Deepening Financial Crisis

by Bob Chapman

Global Research, October 15, 2009

The International Forecaster – 2009-10-14

Our view is that the elitists are currently buying time for the dollar, and stalling the rally in precious metals, by weakening other currencies until they are ready for the big stock takedown/correction.  This process of supporting the dollar is becoming extremely expensive and difficult, so they had to take the Dow down 200 points on Thursday to start some stock contagion in Asia and Europe to flush some money into dollars and treasuries.

The FTSE, Nikkei and Hang Seng were all down big in the aftermath of Thursday’s US market takedown.  We believe that the Illuminati will probably try to punish all the stock shorts in mid October on options expiration day by having one final round of short-covering before taking the markets down for the big correction to start a dollar rally just as the precious metals seasonal rally goes into full swing.  This yellow fever crash is just a repeat of last year’s strategy, but it will not be as severe for purely political reasons.  In this manner, they will flush everyone else out of their short positions so that only they can make any money when the boom gets lowered and there will be many put options that expire worthless in yet another round of total criminality reminiscent of what they just did to the gold and silver call options this month.  They will make money on the big rise from short-covering, and then will reverse course to profit from the big takedown, all through the unregulated dark pools of liquidity so no one can see what is happening.  This will be their last hurrah when it comes to suppressing precious metals, and gold and silver will come roaring back as any and all confidence is lost in the stock markets and the economy, and as the elitists are forced to start driving the markets back up again to avoid revolution.  The dollar rally will quickly fizzle, and the elitists will start ratcheting the dollar back down again, this time toward the 71 area on the USDX, and who knows where from there.

The Illuminists, who own the Federal Reserve, are terrified that the Fed will be audited by the passage of HR1207 and SB604. They are now contemplating naming their borrowers. Our guess is guidelines and provision will be established for disclosure, but only to the Treasury Department.

Currently monetary-policy-operations regarding loans to banks and interest rate decisions are hidden from the General Accounting Office by law. The Fed, of course, doesn’t want you to see what they are up too. HR1207 would change that.

The opportunity to present a case for audit and investigation was created by the arrogance of the Fed when it refused to identify the recipients of trillions of dollars in emerging loans, and what was being accepted as collateral and what was its real value. In addition, the Fed loaned funds that didn’t require congressional approval and many wanted to see the extent and details of such lending. In this particular case Bloomberg News, which got a court order to do so was told by the Fed that it was a state secret. The Fed simply defied the court order and nothing has been done to force them to comply. We know $700 billion was lent through the TARP program and $500 billion in the currency swap program, but what about the rest of the loans? We have no idea where the money went or what if anything was pledged in return.

The bottom line is our government and the American people have a need to know who gets loans, what the collateral is, what secret deals the Fed have with other central banks, what secret accounts they have offshore, what are their swap agreements, how much money they have created secretly that Congress knows nothing about and what inside information is the Fed passing along to their friends in banking and Wall Street.

Treasury Secretary Geithner, under the FOIA release, made 80 contacts since taking his job, with Goldman Sacks, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and BlackRock. Some were by phone and some in person. Most calls were between Geithner and Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankenfeld. Can there be any doubt in your mind who controls our government?

These actions are what we must be privy too. These are the kind of things that has sent the Fed into tantrums. Why is the Fed so secretive and why must they rely on public ignorance? No wonder 75% of those polled want an audit and an investigation. What astounds us is that so many people have come to understand that what the Fed does should not be secret. As an extension of that, if the people are successful, it will be a great victory for the populace. If this leads to the disbanding of the Fed, and its work’s taken over by our Treasury, we may be able to get our country back from the Illuminists. If we can bring about the end of the Fed, a monopoly, that has been looting and strangling our country and the seat of Illuminist power will be ended. Let’s all work together on this and make it happen. Contact every Senator and Representative and in a few lines let him or her know that you want the fed audited.

Turning now to our government we find that its deficit now exceeds 40% of expenditures; or 40% or more is borrowed and not serviced by revenues. Historically this is the point at which hyperinflation begins. This situation is going to get progressively worse because there is not going to be a recovery and unemployment will worsen. The deficit is projected to increase by $1 trillion a year for the next nine years minimum. Even if 3% growth could be mustered in five years the national debt could reach $18 trillion, which is short-term debt, which would be 100% of GDP.

That means funds would have to come from more taxes, increased savings or the Fed monetizes the debt. That means a falling dollar and hyperinflation. The Fed thus far has been able to get away with major monetization due to the major deflationary undertow. This de-leveraging process will go on for many years to come. That brings up the question how much money and credit has the Fed created and who has been given that money? A good part of it has gone to banks that are not lending it out.

Government cannot continue to do what it is doing, nor can the Fed continue to print money endlessly. This is certainly a formula that cannot continue.

We do not really know how much government debt the Fed has bought, because they won’t tell us. It is a state secret. Even if the Fed wanted to emulate what Paul Volker did in the early eighties they couldn’t. That should have been done long ago in 2001 and 2002. That was when the point of return was past. Now there is no way back.

There is no hope of a deficit reduction and once the Fed has lost momentum bond yields in the real market are going to rise.

In May inflation began to rise again. It will be far more noticeable next year.

Wall Street and investors do not seem to understand that the budget and the budget deficit is too difficult to carry. If taxes are raised as they were in 1937, it will cut off any possible recovery and collect less taxes overall. Such a move could also boost non-filers up over 40%. We are about to find out you cannot print or borrow your way into prosperity.

The cuts have to come from the federal government. This is far better than raising taxes, especially when federal workers make almost twice as much as workers in the private sector. There are many solutions available, but our Congress is unwilling to use them for political reasons. The longer the solutions are avoided the worse the problem is going to be.

Banks, Wall Street and government choose to avoid the consequences of deep structural maladjustments that they were responsible for creating. They are trying to perpetuate a bubble rather than fix the problem. Is it any wonder the dollar continues to fall. Unprecedented stimulus, with more probably on the way, has not stabilized the economy. It hasn’t even stopped rising unemployment. The velocity of unemployment has declined, but the numbers are still rising. Every move by Wall Street, government and banking is for short-term performance and it is not working.

What is needed is long-range planning, but, of course, that never entered their minds. Stocks may be up but the economy isn’t. The debasement continues and the dollar is taking the flack, because inflation cannot be avoided. The Illuminists suppressed gold and silver for years hoping investors and the public wouldn’t realize what was being done to the dollar. That doesn’t work anymore, because the government is out of gold and if they are not out they are close to it. Granted the dollar isn’t the only weak currency. For six years every world currency has fallen versus gold, but no one wants to talk about that. The dollar gets all the heat because gold is traded in dollars and it is the world’s reserve currency as well. Switching from one currency to another isn’t going to work. It is not the answer, only gold is.

The lending bubble has been broken. Next is the bear market rally stock bubble. Deflation is snapping at our heels, as credit is no longer easily available. Bank lending is off 14% yoy. The game of de-leveraging is over except for banks and they are basically all already in dollars. That leaves even less flexibility for lenders. That means the Fed’s monetary policy has to be ever more expansive to be effective. In turn, this along with zero interest rates, these elements drive the dollar lower and gold higher.

In the latest sign of weakness in Louisville-area employment, about 10,000 people applied over three days for 90 jobs building washing machines at General Electric for about $27,000 per year and hefty benefits.

Entire Article Here

Richard Belzer calls out the Federal Reserve on HBO

Great to see the real history of the Fed getting out — through a comedian who cares enough to squeeze this truth out during the pressure-filled few seconds Bill Maher will give him — before Maher leads the discussion into something safer!

Isn’t it interesting that there has not been even one documentary on the History Channel, 60 Minutes, etc. about the true history of the ‘Federal’ Reserve? Correct me if I’m wrong. Name just one time. Secretly meeting at Jeckyll Island, where they chose the deceptive name that fooled most of America (the ‘Federal’ Reserve is a privately owned banking cartel, and they don’t have many reserves). The bill that unconstitutionally authorized it was passed in 1913 after most of Congress went home for Christmas break, having been told the session was over.

The globalist elite control the textbooks and the media, but a comedian briefly breaks through! Interesting, huh?

John Kennedy may have been the last President to stand up to the puppeteers who have controlled Presidents since and many before.

There is one noteworthy exception. Some believe Ronald Reagan started out with integrity, but then when they had him shot, he fell into line. Sad.


Richard Belzer on Real Time with Bill Maher exposing the Federal Reserve plot to destroy the country and their roll in the assassination of JFK.
This video is copyright of HBO and is presented under fair use guidelines.

Bernanke’s Great Lie – The ‘Gold Standard’ and the Great Depression

To make a long story fairly brief, President Hoover began the ill-fated government-assisted economy called the ‘New Deal,’ which FDR fanatically continued.  FDR ended the “classical” gold standard with his theft by force of America’s remaining coin bullion. On March 5, 1933, he cajoled the American public to return their gold coinage to the banks. On April 5, 1933, he made the private ownership of gold illegal and demanded that all remaining gold be surrendered to the government. The next step was obvious, as Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz wrote in A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960, FDR devalued the dollar from $20.67 to $35.00 per troy ounce….


Bernanke’s Great Lie – The ‘Gold Standard’ and the Great Depression

Posted October 7th, 2009 by Jake Towne

The claim that the “gold standard” caused or worsened the Great Depression debunked.

(If you like this article, a more formal paper version of this article may be downloaded here. Please distribute if you see fit.)

The purpose of the following is to argue that the “gold standard,” as understood by most of the public, did not cause or worsen the Great Depression as current FED Chairman Ben Bernanke has based many of his papers, speeches, and, to a large extent, his entire career on. In our contemporary times, I do believe this blame must be firmly rejected and monetary policy should, at the very least, be debated in a national forum. Indeed many other economists, such as the Friedman family, Anna Schwartz, Alan Greenspan, and Jeffrey “Shock Doctor” Sachs, have all propagated this lie. (photo)

My premise is simple. I charge that these renowned Keynesian and Friedmanite-Monetarist-Chicago-Shock-School economists have consistently used the term “gold standard” to mislead their audiences and readers. For the sake of brevity, I will focus on Mr. Bernanke as he is the current standard-bearer of the FED’s fiat monetary system. Frequently, these economists do concede there are differences, but instead of clarifying they muddy the waters. For instance, in his 1990 NBER paper Bernanke frequently refers to an “interwar gold standard” and in his 2002 salute to Milton Friedman he acknowledged that “the gold standard was not adhered to uniformly as the Depression proceeded.”

Continue reading at Towne for

Bob Chapman: Stock market is artificially up; Dollar done in 2 years

The stock market is up because of massive liquidity injections as corporate insiders sell their shares on a 30 to 1 basis. This is absurd, there is no recovery only a flattering out which will stretch into the next election. After that its just more stimulus and money and credit injections accompanied by hyperinflation. At the height of that inflation 1-1/2 to 2 years from now the dollar will be officially devalued and default will take place.

From: The International Forecaster

Posted: September 30 2009

The G-20 Pittsburgh Summit ended last Friday. Their official statements made for some novel and interesting reading.

We were informed that the group could by working together could manage a transition to a more balanced pattern of global growth. Tending to domestic demand as private savings increase. It is obvious to us this cannot work. We are seeing increased savings and decreased consumption. The IMF as well agrees with these policies. We cannot recall that the IMF has made a correct decision over the past 50 years. The group gushed forth the same platitudes we’ve heard for years. The shared understanding and deepened dialogue that produces no solutions, only more power and wealth for the entrenched elite.

Ron Paul on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (9/29)


Ron Paul: Dollar Crisis May Be a Couple of Years Out Yet — Riots in the Streets

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from The Alex Jones Show, 9/24/09

Alex Jones: …please give us your take on when you believe think the dollar will die.

Ron Paul: On the dollar [question], I don’t know. Nobody knows exactly when. It could come any time, but my guess is it’s going to be a couple more years yet.

Jones: And it will be devastating.

Paul: I really do. I think it’s going to be a very bad time, a lot worse than what we’ve seen so far. That’s when there’s more likely to be riots in the street, because people are going to be very, very angry.

Related: Ron Paul: “The dollar crisis will be a 10-times-bigger event than the financial collapse”

Inflation Illustrated

From: News with Views, Frosty Wooldridge: $20 Per Gallon of Gasoline

At one time, as a kid, I flipped a dime to the cashier to watch Vincent Price scare the heck out of me at a movie. I pulled out a nickel to pay for a Snickers candy bar. I bought a hamburger for 15 cents. I bought a school lunch for 35 cents. When I hit 16 with my ‘57 Chevy, I paid 29 cents a gallon of gas. I gobbled popcorn for a dime while I watched John Wayne in Rio Bravo. …

Today, I bought a $1.69 Snickers at Walgreens. A movie sucked $10 out of my wallet last Friday night as I watched Julie and Julia. I laughed a lot! A hamburger costs up to $5.00 depending on where you buy it. Popcorn at the movies goes for $6.00 a bucket! And gasoline? It hit $4.50 a gallon last year, but remains at $2.55 this summer in Colorado.


Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and six times across the United States in the past 30 years. His published books include: “HANDBOOK FOR TOURING BICYCLISTS” ; “STRIKE THREE! TAKE YOUR BASE”; “IMMIGRATION’S UNARMED INVASION: DEADLY CONSEQUENCES”; “MOTORCYCLE ADVENTURE TO ALASKA: INTO THE WIND—A TEEN NOVEL”; “BICYCLING AROUND THE WORLD: TIRE TRACKS FOR YOUR IMAGINATION”; “AN EXTREME ENCOUNTER: ANTARCTICA.” His next book: “TILTING THE STATUE OF LIBERTY INTO A SWAMP.” He lives in Denver, Colorado.

Entire Article Here

Ron Paul Has the Council on Foreign Relations Worried

From: New American

Near the start of this year Ron Paul (R-Texas) introduced H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009. The bill was referred to the House Committee on Financial Services. As of this writing, H.R. 1207 has 282 cosponsors.

A Senate equivalent, S.604, the Federal Reserve Sunshine Act of 2009, has been introduced by Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). It has 23 cosponsors. Both bills have received a tremendous groundswell of grass-roots support. Much of the support is coming from ordinary people who have become aware of the fact that the Federal Reserve has created trillions of dollars literally out of nothing during the past calendar year in its effort to micromanage its way out of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

If such a measure were passed by both houses of Congress and signed into law by President Obama, the resulting bill would allow the Government Accounting Office to conduct audits of Federal Reserve System monetary policy. The bill proposes to scrutinize the Fed’s dealings not just on domestic monetary policy but on dealings with foreign central banks and foreign governments.

The power elite is worried. Evidence for this can be found in a short article “The Fed’s Political Problem” appearing on the website of Foreign Affairs, flagship journal for the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The article’s author, Alan S. Blinder, is a senior-level economics professor at Princeton University who also directs Princeton’s Center for Economic Policy Studies. From 1994 to 1996 he served as vice chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Entire Article Here

Forbes: “The Dollar Collapses — Commodities, stocks and foreign currencies all rise as investors sell dollars”

From: Forbes

The U.S. dollar reached its lowest point against the euro this year due to a myriad of forces including rising global stocks and commodities prices, low interest rates, and investors diversifying out of Treasury debt and into other assets including U.S. stocks with the Dow Jones industrial average approaching 9500 in late afternoon trading.

Entire Article Here


Hyperinflation: Bob Chapman explains WHY he thinks it’s still starting this fall

Peter Schiff: What Happens When the Free Fish Stop Coming?


Bob Chapman on ‘Coast’ 8/1/09 Recap: Dollar Devaluation Slow But Sure

From: Coast to Coast AM

Economy Collapse




Ian Punnett


Robert Chapman, R. Gary Patterson

Editor and publisher of International Forecaster, Bob Chapman, discussed the economic crisis, how brokerage firms such as Goldman Sachs played a part in fueling the collapse, and where he sees the economy heading into the future. He dismissed news that the economic crisis may be abating. Instead, Chapman said, we are merely seeing a “barrage of government propaganda, the psy ops that go on everyday, convincing people that everything is going to be okay.”

He decried the use of derivatives by large firms like Goldman Sachs and alleged that their nefarious activity goes even further than that. According to Chapman, these companies pay a fee to have their automated trading computers positioned closest to the central computer […]

Looking ahead to the future, Chapman foresaw the further devaluing of the dollar, estimating that over the course of the next two to three years [Bob mentioned fall again – editor], “it will lose two thirds of its value versus other currencies [Noting that the other currencies will be devalued as well. The dollar will just sink faster – editor].” He was skeptical about a one world currency, but did suggest the possibility that one could be created “for trading purposes only.” This specialized currency would allow for countries to keep their own internal monetary systems. Perhaps most troubling, he was adamant that the financial crisis will lead to a global war, saying “you can take that to the bank, if the bank is still there.”


Entire Recap Here

Ron Paul: What Are They So Afraid Of?

Ron Paul House Speech 7-30-09


Ron Paul: “The dollar crisis will be a 10-times-bigger event than the financial collapse”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from The Alex Jones Show, 7/29/09

“The dollar crisis will be a 10-times-bigger event
than the financial collapse.”

– Ron Paul

Related: Ron Paul: Dollar Crisis May Be a Couple of More Years Out Yet — Riots in the Streets

Paul Craig Roberts: Can The Economy Recover?

From: Infowars

There is no economy left to recover. The US manufacturing economy was lost to offshoring and free trade ideology. It was replaced by a mythical “New Economy.”

The “New Economy” was based on services. Its artificial life was fed by the Federal Reserve’s artificially low interest rates, which produced a real estate bubble, and by “free market” financial deregulation, which unleashed financial gangsters to new heights of debt leverage and fraudulent financial products.

The real economy was traded away for a make-believe economy. When the make-believe economy collapsed, Americans’ wealth in their real estate, pensions, and savings collapsed dramatically while their jobs disappeared.

The debt economy caused Americans to leverage their assets. They refinanced their homes and spent the equity. They maxed out numerous credit cards. They worked as many jobs as they could find. Debt expansion and multiple family incomes kept the economy going.

And now suddenly Americans can’t borrow in order to spend. They are over their heads in debt. Jobs are disappearing. America’s consumer economy, approximately 70% of GDP, is dead. Those Americans who still have jobs are saving against the prospect of job loss. Millions are homeless. Some have moved in with family and friends; others are living in tent cities.

Meanwhile the US government’s budget deficit has jumped from $455 billion in 2008 to $2,000 billion this year, with another $2,000 billion on the books for
2010. And President Obama has intensified America’s expensive war of aggression in Afghanistan and initiated a new war in Pakistan.

There is no way for these deficits to be financed except by printing money or by further collapse in stock markets that would drive people out of equity into bonds.

Entire Article Here

Hyperinflation: Bob Chapman explains WHY he thinks it’s still starting this fall

Bob Chapman explains in this segment of the Alex Jones Show, 7/10/09, why he thinks hyperinflation still will begin this fall.


Bob Chapman’s Latest Articles: Hyperinflation clearly in our future

From: The International Forecaster

International Forecaster Weekly

The Fed The Ultimate Zombie
Latest Issue: June 24th, 2009: Mistakes of and good intentions of Lincoln and Kennedy, As the Fed absorbs the toxic waste of its friends, it becomes a zombie bank in its own right, the perils of printing the dollar, the deliberate march to the destruction of the dollar, – No comments yet.

Spending, Debt and Collapse Predicts Hyperinflation
June 20th, 2009: Public Private Investment Partnerships sell off toxic waste, hyperinflation clearly in our future, gold and silver must eventually skyrocket, bailouts behind everyones backs, since central banks control the money flow, they are responsible, the king of stagflation – No comments yet.

The Credit Crisis Is Not Over After 23 Months
June 17th, 2009: Rally of 1931 to haunt the markets this year, SEC hasnt really stopped anything, Fed must find a way to hide toxic assets, bear market not reversible, Currencies deprecate against gold, funding new health insurance initiatives not easy in times of debts, Monetary policy to become inflationary – No comments yet.

Profits Privatized and Losses Socialized
June 13th, 2009: How much longer for USD as world currency? moral abdication enables collapse of dollar, hyperinflation, china to be in a currency war, more money being created out of thin air, experts have reasons for their pessimism, default swaps were never understood by regulators, – No comments yet.

Financial Bailout Plan Keeps Zombie Banks Alive
June 10th, 2009: 37th bank failure this week Madoff fraud tally being calculated, recession continues to deepen, financial zombies kept alive after almost destroying our financial system, Promise to head of hyperinflation is hollow, We get trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, VAT on the way, on Wall Street, transparency, oversight, and accountability do not exist, details on bailouts are state secrets – No comments yet.

. . .

Gerald Celente: Timeline Update — Temporary Reprive; Global Depression Still Coming

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from The Alex Jones Show, June 4th 2009

Fresh air!

Men and women of integrity admit when they’ve missed it. Gerald is indeed a truther!!!

He tells Alex:

We had predicted that the crash of ’09 would have taken place already. We believed it would have happened in March, and it was right on schedule to do so. The market hit a low on March 9th.

But they come up with schemes undreamed of. Who would have thought, for example…that now we own General Motors, we’re 60% owners of this company. Who would have dreamed that they would be pumping 12.8 trillion dollars into the system?

Gerald sees a war (or wars) likely—partly as a distraction “to cover up their failures.” Americans like these wars, he says.

He also spoke of the dollar already losing value. And he sees this, including rising crime (including corporate):

During the summer, things usually quiet down. Europe goes on vacation, and things start getting real again around September or October. Again, just look through history.”

“The other one is Christmas sales, 2009. Watch how those sales come in. You’re going to see them way, way worse than they were last year, and they were terrible last year.

Then you move into the new year, and that’s when things in 2010 really start to unravel.

That’s our timeline.”

Ron Paul’s AMAZING Speech: Current Conditions or Just a Bad Dream – 5/19/09


“Could it all be a bad dream, or a nightmare? Is it my imagination, or have we lost our minds?

It’s surreal; it’s just not believable. A grand absurdity; a great deception, a delusion of momentous proportions; based on preposterous notions; and on ideas whose time should never have come; simplicity grossly distorted and complicated; insanity passed off as logic; grandiose schemes built on falsehoods with the morality of Ponzi and Madoff; evil described as virtue; ignorance pawned off as wisdom; destruction and impoverishment in the name of humanitarianism; violence, the tool of change; preventive wars used as the road to peace; tolerance delivered by government guns; reactionary views in the guise of progress; an empire replacing the Republic; slavery sold as liberty; excellence and virtue traded for mediocracy; socialism to save capitalism; a government out of control, unrestrained by the Constitution, the rule of law, or morality; bickering over petty politics as we collapse into chaos; the philosophy that destroys us is not even defined.

We have broken from reality–a psychotic Nation. Ignorance with a pretense of knowledge replacing wisdom. Money does not grow on trees, nor does prosperity come from a government printing press or escalating deficits.

We’re now in the midst of unlimited spending of the people’s money, exorbitant taxation, deficits of trillions of dollars–spent on a failed welfare/warfare state; an epidemic of cronyism; unlimited supplies of paper money equated with wealth.

A central bank that deliberately destroys the value of the currency in secrecy, without restraint, without nary a whimper. Yet, cheered on by the pseudo-capitalists of Wall Street, the military industrial complex, and Detroit.

We police our world empire with troops on 700 bases and in 130 countries around the world. A dangerous war now spreads throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. Thousands of innocent people being killed, as we become known as the torturers of the 21st century.

We assume that by keeping the already-known torture pictures from the public’s eye, we will be remembered only as a generous and good people. If our enemies want to attack us only because we are free and rich, proof of torture would be irrelevant.

The sad part of all this is that we have forgotten what made America great, good, and prosperous. We need to quickly refresh our memories and once again reinvigorate our love, understanding, and confidence in liberty. The status quo cannot be maintained, considering the current conditions. Violence and lost liberty will result without some revolutionary thinking.

We must escape from the madness of crowds now gathering. The good news is the reversal is achievable through peaceful and intellectual means and, fortunately, the number of those who care are growing exponentially.

Of course, it could all be a bad dream, a nightmare, and that I’m seriously mistaken, overreacting, and that my worries are unfounded. I hope so. But just in case, we ought to prepare ourselves for revolutionary changes in the not-too-distant future.”

Why This Economic Crisis is Different From the 1930’s Depression

From: Rense

World Affairs Brief
By Joel Skousen
World Affairs Brief


I have pointed out before several differences of today’s recession and that of the Great Depression, including the fact that fiat money creation has been going on so strongly since the 1990s that recent times a speculative economy grew so large that it literally dwarfed the real economy. Almost all the banks and investment firms involved in the buying of sub-prime mortgages and derivatives were part of this giant speculative economy that was not directly investing in real business. Why? They knew the real rate of inflation was over 10% and weren’t satisfied with the slow growth of real business investments. The high rates of return on speculation and derivatives gave them a place to grow their money much faster. Had the public understood and demanded that these speculators NOT be bailed out, this speculative economy could have collapsed without actually destroying the real economy. I estimate there was only a 20% crossover of funds. Michael Pollaro wrote an excellent article on the technical and economic difference between then and now.

“1. Quite simply, today’s monetary and political framework is built for inflation, as much inflation as the government, the Federal Reserve and their banking partners want. And inflation, and a whole lot of it, is exactly what we are about to get.

Read Entire Article

Celente: The Bailout Bubble — The Bubble To End All Bubbles

From: Rense

The Bailout Bubble – The
Bubble To End All Bubbles
By Gerald Celente


KINGSTON, NY — The biggest financial bubble in history is being inflated in plain sight, said Gerald Celente, Director of The Trends Research Institute. “This is the Mother of All Bubbles, and when it explodes,” Celente warns, “it will signal the end to the boom/bust cycle that has characterized economic activity throughout the developed world.”

Either unwilling or unable to call the bubble by its proper name, the media, Washington and Wall Street describe the stupendous government expenditures on rescue packages, stimulus plans, buyouts and takeovers as emergency measures needed to salvage the severely damaged economy.

“All of this terminology is econo-jargon,” said Celente. “It’s like calling torture ‘enhanced interrogation techniques.’ Washington is inflating the biggest bubble ever: the ‘Bailout Bubble.’ “This is much bigger than the Dot-com and Real Estate bubbles which hit speculators, investors and financiers the hardest. However destructive the effects of these busts on employment, savings and productivity, the Free Market Capitalist framework was left intact. But when the ‘Bailout Bubble’ explodes, the system goes with it.”

The economic framework of the United States has been restructured. Federal interventionist policies have given the government equity stakes, executive powers and management control of what was once private enterprise. To finance these buyouts, rescue and stimulus packages — instead of letting failed businesses fail and bankrupt banks and bandit brokerages go bankrupt — trillions of dollars are being injected into the stricken economy.

Phantom dollars, printed out of thin air, backed by nothing … and producing next to nothing … defines the “Bailout Bubble.” Just as with the other bubbles, so too will this one burst. But unlike Dot-com and Real Estate, when the “Bailout Bubble” pops, neither the President nor the Federal Reserve will have the fiscal fixes or monetary policies available to inflate another.

With no more massive economic bubbles left to blow up, they’ll set their sights on bigger targets. “Given the pattern of governments to parlay egregious failures into mega-failures, the classic trend they follow, when all else fails, is to take their nation to war,” observed Celente.

Since the “Bailout Bubble” is neither called nor recognized as a bubble, its sudden and spectacular explosion will create chaos. A panicked public will readily accept any Washington/Wall Street/Main Stream Media alibi that shifts the blame for the catastrophe away from the policy makers and onto some scapegoat.

“At this time we are not forecasting a war. However, the trends in play are ominous,” Celente concluded. “While we cannot pinpoint precisely when the ‘Bailout Bubble’ will burst, we are certain it will. When it does, it should be understood that a major war could follow.”

© MMIX The Trends Research Institute®

The Trends Research Institute | P.O. Box 3476 | Kingston, NY 12401

Lindsey Williams: Oil, Hyper-inflation, & the next 6-9 months

From: Dr. Stanley Monteith’s Radio Liberty Audio Archives

Date: 04-17-09
Hour: a – 1 hr.
3:00: Dr. Dennis Cuddy – The Rockefeller Plan
Hour: b – 1 hr.
4:00: Lindsey Williams – Oil, Hyper-inflation, & the next 6-9 months
Hour: c – 2 hrs.
8:00: John Quirk – Current Events
9:00: William Grigg – Current Events

Related: Lindsey Williams on The Infowarrior with Jason Bermas 4/9/09: HyperInflation Coming in 6-9 Months, Maximum 1 Year!!

Ron Paul on Secession: An Important Constitutional Principle “When the Dollar Collapses”


The Congressman discusses the fact that the right of secession is an American tradition and not “unpatriotic” or “treasonous” as the media has portrayed it.

Related: Ron Paul: “This is the BIG One! … Between One and Four Years the $Dollar$ Will IMPLODE”

Lindsey Williams on The Infowarrior with Jason Bermas 4/9/09: HyperInflation Coming in 6-9 Months, Maximum 1 Year!!

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske


Last summer, they told Lindsey, who told us:
“‘We are going to bankrupt OPEC.'”

A few days ago:
“OPEC has lost $2 1/2 trillion … 3/4 of their income.”
“Because Saudi Arabia believed the global elite,
who told them….”

“This is an agenda. They know exactly what they’re doing. They had it planned years in advance. This gentleman told me eight months before it happened that it was going to take place. And the elite are doing every bit of this, along with what’s happening to the financial situation of America and banking….”


“‘We’re going to bring on two big oil fields if the price starts to go up again.'”

“They’re going to bankrupt Russia. … They right now have them under their thumb. And they’ll keep them there until they’ve gotten them so submissive, until then they will make them again. … We are going to have them as the great iron curtain again.”

“Last week, the Federal Reserve—who is not an agency of the federal government any more than Federal Express is—and they stepped in last week, and for the first time in the history of the United States of America bought $23.5 billion of T-bills in one week. They’ve never done this before. Why?”


Because so many Americans are quickly waking up, Lindsey believes the elite may bypass the Amero and go directly to a global currency.

They are scared to death of the masses waking up. And it’s my opinion they’re going to bypass the Amero, maybe even the North American Union, and go directly into a world currency.”

Lindsey believes oil prices will stay low for the next year to a year and one-half.

“If you can buy it and you need it, get it now, because six to nine months from now, you are going to see hyperinflation in this country that is going to be so devastating….”

Hyperinflation Lesson from Argentina

Privatizing profits [to the elite]
Socializing losses
[common people left with the tab]


An Argentine opinion on the Global Financial Crisis, describing the whole Global Financial System as one vast Ponzi Scheme. Like a pyramid, it has four sides and is a predictable model. The four sides are: (1) Artificially control the supply of public State-issued Currency, (2) Artificially impose Banking Money as the primary source of funding in the economy, (3) Promote doing everything by Debt and (4) Erect complex channels that allow privatizing profits when the Model is in expansion mode and socialize losses when the model goes into contraction mode.

Bob Chapman — “TIMELINE: I Expect Real, Real Trouble NEXT YEAR”

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from The Alex Jones Show, 3/20/09

• “Timeline: I expect real, real trouble next year.”

Sometime during 2010: the riots & demonstrations happening in a big way.

• 30% inflation in 2010; 15% by end of this year.


“Things always take a little bit longer
than you think they’re going to.”

– Bob Chapman at age-72
The International Forecaster


Ron Paul: “This is the BIG One! … Between One and Four Years the $Dollar$ Will IMPLODE”

Gerald Celente: “The MEDIA is really basically made up of CON MEN and CLOWNS” / Jim Cramer / “People don’t have the DIGNITY or respect TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES” / “By this time NEXT YEAR, everybody will know”

Brilliant Analysis by Peter Schiff: Crisis Just Beginning — Obama Doing Exactly the Wrong Thing

Gerald Celente: “The MEDIA is really basically made up of CON MEN and CLOWNS” / Jim Cramer / “People don’t have the DIGNITY or respect TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES” / “By this time NEXT YEAR, everybody will know”

Gerald Celente with Jason Bermas 2009-03-13
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske.

Gerald forecasts about timing in parts 4 & 5


“People are afraid to look at what’s really happening.”

45% of the global wealth evaporated last year. What are they waiting for, 100%? … This thing is collapsing so fast, and the media is really basically made up of con men and clowns. To be quoting these guys over and over, Colbert. ‘Did you hear what John Stuart said?’ ‘Did you hear what Hannity said?’ How about what Laural and Hardy or Abbott and Costellos said?”


2-Faced Geithner Assures CFR Puppet Masters He’s “Open” To Global Currency — Dollar is a Dead Duck

From: Prison Planet

Treasury Secretary a traitor, tells American people one thing, CFR [Council of Foreign Relations] elitists another, as move towards global monetary union accelerates

In a near complete reversal of his comments on Tuesday, when he told a Congressional hearing that there were no plans to move towards a global currency to supplant the dollar, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sought to please the elitist CFR by assuring them that he was “open” to the notion of a new global currency system. …

“I haven’t read the governor’s proposal. He’s a very thoughtful, very careful distinguished central banker. I generally find him sensible on every issue,” said Geithner, before adding, We’re actually quite open to that suggestion – you should see it as rather evolutionary rather building on the current architecture rather than moving us to global monetary union.” …

The continued use of the dollar as a reserve currency, he added, “depends..on how effective we are in the United States…at getting our fiscal system back to the point where people judge it as sustainable over time.”

By that standard then, the dollar is a dead duck.

Read Entire Article

Related: Skousen: New Currency? Not So Fast | Bernanke Lying

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