Kevin Barrett challenges Alex Jones: Debate Zionism and Islamophobia!
And this video doesn’t even mention that being born-again is just the start. I disagree with some of the speaker’s statements about salvation and revival.
“Woe, when men speak well of you, for their fathers did the same thing to the false prophets.” – Jesus in Luke 6:26
Many related links below.
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Billy Graham EXPOSED – Documentary
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John McCain and the POW Cover-up
Top Cop Says McCain Was Never Tortured
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John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Released
Alex clearly hasn’t been happy or at peace for quite some time. I don’t know how anyone can work with him at this point. He is knowingly covering up for what Talmudic Israel is doing, which must bother his conscience — knowingly lied in the David Duke ‘debate.’ He’s hurt so many people without ever getting right with them. Jack Blood tells many stories from his own personal experience while working for Alex.
Is this the full truth?
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FINALLY! Joe Biggs Explains Why (He Quit/Was Fired) From Infowars! Alex Responds!
This is from Colbert last Friday, a messed up, disinfo “Late Show.” Letterman was disinfo, but Colbert pushes the agenda blatently.
Michael Stipe (R.E.M.) enters the set butt first, swings his butt at the end, has toothlike metal coming out of his nose, and says the electors need to vote their conscience and be patriots (just before the end).
Of course, he’s telling them to switch their vote to Killary.
Thankfully, this didn’t work. But they surely did give it a go — on national TV.
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Michael Stipe Wrote A Book With No Pages
How could Ann be any more of a REVERSE-CHRISTIAN “Christian,” along with often being half naked? She actually influences many evangelicals into being warmongers instead of peacemakers too — the opposite of what Jesus says is a Christian: “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD” (Matthew 5).
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Zionist Hag Ann Coulter Wanted to Nuke Iraq After 9/11
My Notes:
27:15 Thomas Paine etc., The Illuminate
37:30 “If the pen of Paine was the spirit behind the war of independence, what spirit was it?”
41 Thomas Jefferson had no great love for Christianity or the Bible
54:30 Benjamin Franklin
1:12:40 John Adams
1:23: Part of this quote is stated
The Reverend Bird Wilson, who was just a few years removed from being a contemporary of the so-called founding fathers, said further in the above-mentioned sermon that “the founders of our nation were nearly all Infidels, and that of the presidents who had thus far been elected [George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson] _not a one had professed a belief in Christianity_” (Remsberg, p. 120, emphasis added).
Dr. Wilson’s sermon, which was published in the Albany Daily Advertiser the month it was delivered also made an interesting observation that flatly contradicts the frantic efforts of present-day fundamentalists to make the “founding fathers” orthodox Christians
When the war was over and the victory over our enemies won, and the blessings and happiness of liberty and peace were secured, the Constitution was framed and God was neglected. He was not merely forgotten. He was absolutely voted out of the Constitution. The proceedings, as published by Thompson, the secretary, and the history of the day, show that the question was gravely debated whether God should be in the Constitution or not, and after a solemn debate he was deliberately voted out of it…. There is not only in the theory of our government no recognition of God’s laws and sovereignty, but its practical operation, its administration, has been conformable to its theory. Those who have been called to administer the government have not been men making any public profession of Christianity…. Washington was a man of valor and wisdom. He was esteemed by the whole world as a great and good man; but he was not a professing Christian (quoted by Remsberg, pp. 120-121, emphasis added). (source)
1:24:50 George Washington
1:41:15 Washington had trouble with the ‘only believe,’ easy road to heaven idea
1:52:30 Jesuits
2:12: David Barton debunked
2:28:00 David Barton’s early-Freemasonry theory debunked
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The Hidden Faith of The Founding Fathers 2010
Alex knows exactly what’s going on with international Jewry (who are mostly not real, Semitic Jews, and follow the Talmud, rejecting Christ and Christians), but recently, Alex has tried to blame everyone but the Talmudic globalists, some think to keep them from pulling his affiliate radio stations.
The ‘Jews’ probably succeed here by putting Alex back in the box, scaring him into submission, where the “love of money” and popularity seem to have a strong hold on Alex.
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JTA Oct 27, 2016 10:08 AM
Radio host and Donald Trump supporter Alex Jones ranted Tuesday about “the Jewish mafia” that controls the U.S., and accused the prominent Jewish Emanuel family of being at the center of it.
Jones, who has interviewed Trump on his show, went on a long harangue on the show, in which he denied being anti-Semitic, but seemed to blame Jews for all the problems in American society, Media Matters reported.
“‘Cause let me tell you, the Emanuels are mafia,” Jones said of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a former chief of staff for President Barack Obama, and his also prominent Jewish brothers, Ari and Ezekiel. “And you know, I was thinking, they’re always trying to claim that if I talk about world government and corruption I’m anti-Semitic, there’s mafias of all different stripes and groups, but since you want to talk about it, the Emanuels are Jewish mafia.”
Jones went on to accuse Jews of controlling American society.
“But I mean it’s not that Jews are bad, it’s just they are the head of the Jewish mafia in the United States. They run Uber, they run the health care, they’re going to scam you, they’re going to hurt you,” he said.
Many ‘Jews’ are not Semitic and are atheists (Soros admits here) — “love of money” and power driven sociopaths who do Satan’s bidding without guilt.
“..the BLASPHEMY of those who say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.” – JESUS in Rev. 2:9
“Behold, I will make them of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.” – JESUS in Rev. 3:9
WHY AREN’T PASTORS WARNING US, but standing down, ENABLING them to desecrate and destroy US through TalmudVision (TV), Wall Street, legislation, our schools, etc.?
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WE FOUND IT! The 60 Minutes Interview George Soros Tried To Bury!
It’s likely he’s influenced by the Jewish Kabbalah and Talmud too:
Ted Pike: The Jewish Kabbalah – Root of Mideast Violence — Kabbalah’s description of Gentiles as ANIMALS who must be slaughtered before “ORDER” can be restored helps explain not only Israel’s notorious MISTREATMENT of her Arab neighbors but also JEWISH POWER worldwide in *government*, *finance*, and *media*!
(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”
A friend wrote on Facebook today, the day after Donald Trump was elected:
Michael Franti’s “Yell Fire!” was one of my favorite albums until Obama was elected, when Michael completely abandoned his public anti-war stand and sang his Obama song instead, and went into party mode.
Broke my heart!
I don’t understand.
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Michael Franti and Spearhead – “Yell Fire!” (Full Album Stream)
“Spiritual battle” is exactly what it is. I wish I would have known about Doug much earlier so I could have prayed for those James-3 cursing him. He needed our prayers.
Related: Doug Christie Dead: Free Speech Lawyer Defended Ernst Zundel
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Doug Christie Free Speech is the Issue. Speech from Oct 16 1997 in Toronto
Broadcast live one hour ago: speech and interview.The libertarian *Bilderberger* doesn’t sound like a globalist at all. I wonder if they’ll still let him attend next summer.
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Peter Thiel speaks at The National Press Club
Streamed live 1 hour ago
Billionaire venture capitalist and entrepreneur Peter Thiel has rocked Silicon Valley with his support for Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump. Thiel will discuss that political endorsement and the 2016 election at a National Press Club speakers newsmaker event on Monday Oct. 31.
Thiel, who co-founded PayPal and Palantir Technologies Inc., endorsed Trump at the Republican National Convention in July and pledged a $1.25 million campaign donation in support of the candidate.
Arnold Palmer was truly amazing — even inspirational — but perhaps they compromised him, like they did Billy Graham.
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“How did you first come to know Arnold?” – Rich Lerner, host
“Oh gosh, that goes back some 45 years ago. We were both guests of a gentleman at the Bohemian Grove. And I went down and picked him up. He’d flown in on John Denver’s Lear. … He was flying this Lear, and I picked him up and took him up to the Grove. We just had a great time. And we hit it off, and we became pretty good friends.”
– Dick Ferris ‘longtime friend,’ calling in by phone
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from “The Life & Legacy of Arnold Palmer (1929 – 2016)” on The Golf Channel, 9/26/16
From: Radical Press
In a shameful display of state hubris, Canada is using illegal concocted provisions of its Criminal Code to prosecute a citizen for innocuous postings on a personal blog (The Radical Press). The provisions allow a maximum 2-year prison sentence, where the state prosecutor (“Crown”) does not need to prove intent to harm or any actual harm to a single person. Intent and actual harm are not even relevant legal considerations in the proceeding. Both harm and intent are presumed.
The said Criminal Code provisions are straight out of the playbook of a totalitarian state.
The show trial was separated into two parts, despite the objections of the accused. In the first part the accused was found criminally guilty, for one blogpost, while not guilty for the other blogpost of the Crown’s charge. In the second part, which is scheduled to start tomorrow Monday October 3rd, the constitutionality of the law is being challenged on limited grounds. Any sentencing will be decided after the ruling on constitutionality.
The process of thus dividing the show trial into two parts is equivalent to first determining that the witch is guilty of blasphemy or worst, followed by a hearing to determine if burning at the stake in the town square is still within the bounds of community standards, rather than evaluating the legitimacy of the law at the same time (and before the same jury) that the nature of the “offense” is evaluated.
Meanwhile, the “defendant” was gagged from identifying the original complainants (the usual crew) but allowed to continue blogging about the process until a conviction is finally secured, and has mounted a funding campaign for the expensive constitutional challenge.
These kinds of show-trial proceedings and the associated media assaults are attempts to create a false impression of a victimized Israel, to shield the apartheid state from international condemnation for its on-going violations of the Geneva Conventions, illegal annexation, constant violations of human rights, and mass-murder “mowing of the grass” in Gaza. Israel wants a free hand to continuously expand by the same criminal methods it has used for decades. Therefore, when successful, the domestic show trials (most prominent in Canada, France, and Germany) are geopolitical in character by virtue of Israel’s leading role in US interference in the Middle East, with Canada and France as lead accompanying sycophant states.
@9:53 David describes making his $1,000 challenge, offering her $1,000 if she can produce the stated document that proves the gas chamber story.
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David Irving confronting Lipstadt on Holocaust
This is a classic clip filmed on 11-11-94 at an Atlanta college where Deborah Lipstadt was speaking on the Holocaust. Unbeknownst to her, David Irving was in the audience and when opportunity arose he confronted her about accusations she was making regarding himself as well as evidence she claimed to have which would prove the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz. This was back when Irving still had commendable courage to fight this diabolical network of Judaic-run organizations – before he realized the scope of the power of this ubiquitous Leviathan he was up against. I’ve also included his selected (incomplete) diary entries describing their nonstop conspiracy to silence him in those early years. My belief is that they most likely eventually got to David Irving, which could explain some of his later compromising stances on the Holocaust.
Angelina Jolie Admits To Illuminati Sacrifice In Leaked Video
“I do believe this awakening is happening at an exponential rate.”
“The awakening is happening. It is explosive!”
“I have absolutely no regrets.”
“The new friendships I am making far outweigh some of the friends that I’ve lost. On this side with truth with us there is light and hope….”
‘Brainwashing’ should be called ‘mind contamination,’ instead.
– Monika Schaefer
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
The New Constitution Party of Canada hosts Monika Schaefer, Canada’s most notorious Holohoax heretic
I consider Germar Rudolf the ‘Richard Gage’ of ‘Holocaust’ truth — a very careful analyst, scientific method, just-the-facts researcher! And he still considers telling the truth worth it, despite being imprisoned, and all the rest he has been through.
Sound cuts out at times, but still very informative.
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Brian Ruhe Interviews Germar Rudolf on the Holocaust – 1 of 3
Published on Aug 26, 2016
Germar Rudolf, a German citizen, was born in 1964 in Limburg, Germany. He has a university degree in Chemistry. Rudolf became a revisionist in 1991 and has written and edited numerous books and articles about the “Holocaust” subject. In 1995 a German court sentenced Rudolf to 14 months in prison for his first revisionist book, the “Rudolf Report” on chemical and technical questions of the alleged Auschwitz gas chambers. After the supreme court of his country had confirmed the sentence in 1996, Rudolf went into exile, first to the UK, then to the U.S. In spite of his officially recognized marriage to a U.S. citizen, Rudolf was deported back to Germany in 2005, where he was put on trial again, this time for his revisionist book “Lectures on the Holocaust.” After having served his accumulated prison terms of 44 months, he eventually managed to immigrated once more to the U.S. to join his U.S. wife and daughter.
Germar Rudolf on German Police Raid on Alfred Schaefer – 2 of 3
Published on Aug 28, 2016
Germar Rudolf comments on the recent police raid in Germany of Alfred Schaefer because he produced the Holocaust denying film of his sister, Monika Schaefer, “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust”. Sorry about the choppy sound quality.
Germar Rudolf’s Tribute to Bradley Smith of CODOH – 3 of 3
Published on Aug 28, 2016
Here Germar Rudolf is emotional as he recalls the recent death of his long time friend and associate, Bradley R. Smith and then he continues with other topics. Bradley Smith was born in Los Angeles on February 18, 1930. At 18 he joined the army and in 1951 served with the infantry in Korea where he was twice wounded. After three decades of a variety of professional activities, it suddenly hit him: In 1979 he read a leaflet by Professor Robert Faurisson, “The Problem of the Gas Chambers.” Then, Arthur Butz’s The Hoax of the Twentieth Century did it for him. He understood from the beginning that he would address the censorship, the suppression of independent thought, the taboo against publishing and debating revisionist arguments—not the arguments themselves. That has remained his position. In 1989 Smith founded Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) dedicated to defending free speech and free inquiry into the Holocaust question. He handed over CODOH’s helm in late 2014 to a trust which includes Germar Rudolf. Bradley Smith passed away at the VA hospital in San Diego, California, on February 18, 2016, his 86th birthday. He succumbed to lymphoma and congestive heart failure. He left behind his wife, two daughters and three grand children. …
Visit the author’s homepage at
The sound is choppy in this video, unfortunately.
The host, Brian Ruhe is the Public Relations board member of the Truth and Justice for Germans Society. Please check out our website and what we stand for at . To join or donate to the society please go to our website.
Most videos we produce oppose the New World Order, whose goal is to genocide white peoples and replace them with a black-brown mongrel mass, and to rule over the (ex-?) white lands from a central base state. To survive, whites must know their true identity, their unique qualities, and the life that they will lose. They have to read this book which has explored these topics, Sweet Dreams and Terror Cells. Find it here:…
(video) 10 Hard Facts About the “Holocaust” in 6 Minutes!
All of my Holocaust Real-History Truth articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)
All of my Germany Real-History Truth articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)
Introduction to Free Speech Monika
Greetings. On the 17th of June 2016, I went through a door. I released a short video on a taboo subject. The video is called “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust”. …
Quite a storm erupted after the release of the video. It was translated into 3 different languages within the first 4 days, and the speed of rising view counts took my breath away. Almost as swiftly as the positive comments streamed in, the predictable backlash began. The ferocity of the attack is a sign that my message is a grave threat to the powers-that-be. The awakening of the people is happening at an exponential rate. It is unstoppable.
The goal is Peace. What we have now is war and turmoil in a world structured by lies and deception. This is my humble contribution in our common struggle to bring an end to the tyrannical forces which seek to enslave us.
Love and Life and Beauty and Peace – that is what I am working for.
Monika Schaefer
Monika made this heartfelt, honest, short and sweet video, and key people in Jasper, Alberta have made it very difficult for her. She writes a response below.
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Holocaustianity, the New Religion – by Monika Schaefer
There is one event in our history which appears to be off-limits to discuss, debate, ask questions, investigate, or ask for evidence. That event is the so-called Holocaust. It has become a belief system, and if you dare to speak something contrary to this belief system, beware! You may encounter “ritual defamation”. You may be viewed as a heretic. Facts become irrelevant; the main objective is that you are punished severely for going against the stream.
I have been experiencing ritual defamation in my home town of Jasper, Canada, population 5000. …
A strange type of response that I get from many people, is that this topic of holocaust is “off limits” for them, even if they tell me they respect my right to freedom of speech. They tell me outright that they will not discuss or debate this issue, end of story. They refuse to look at any evidence, book, video, or hear any argument from me about why and how I have reached my conclusions. Is this reasonable? Is there any other part of our history which is treated in this way? The unique hold of the holocaust narrative on people’s psyche is what causes me to view it as the new religion of the masses. …
It has become perfectly acceptable in our society to denigrate the religions of Christianity or Islam, but going against “the Holocaust” has severe consequences, including incarceration. …
Only lies need to be protected by laws. The truth stands on its own. Is it not possible to have open debate on the holocaust? …
An extremely important court case is coming up soon. Arthur Topham, publisher of “digging to the root of the issues since 1998”, will be in the Quesnel Court during the week of October 3 to 7, 2016. This case to repeal the Orwellian hate-speech laws is important for all of us, for our freedom of speech. Who decides what is “hate” speech?
(video) 10 Hard Facts About the “Holocaust” in 6 Minutes!
All of my Holocaust Real-History Truth articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)
All of my Germany Real-History Truth articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)
Ursula is COMPLETELY right, as my links below show. Incredibly OUTRAGEOUS — being imprisoned for TELLING THE TRUTH about history!
This report even lies, and shows extreme bias, even name calling in the title.
The lie is protected while truth is prosecuted.
Brave, AMAZING woman! We need to speak out!
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‘Nazi Grandma’ holocaust denier Ursula Haverbeck sentenced to jail
An 87-year-old woman has been sentenced to prison after she claimed that Jews were never exterminated in Auschwitz. Her criminal record [“criminal” for telling the truth about a historic event] includes two fines and another sentence for sedition.
A court in Detmold on Friday sentenced Ursula Haverbeck to eight months in jail on charges of sedition. The presiding judge ruled out the possibility of parole and said that Haverbeck had a lack of “any kind of respect” [what about the “respect” for the Germans whom the ‘Jews’ have been lying about] and that she had made more offensive comments in the courtroom. …
Haverbeck was found guilty of writing a letter to Detmold’s mayor, Rainer Heller, saying it was “clearly recognizable” that Auschwitz was nothing more than a labor camp. She wrote her message at the time when the Detmold court was trying Reinhold Hanning, a former guard who served at the Auschwitz concentration camp. …
She was on trial last year for saying that the Holocaust was “the biggest and longest-lasting lie in history.”
(video) 10 Hard Facts About the “Holocaust” in 6 Minutes!
All of my Holocaust Real-History Truth articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)
All of my Germany Real-History Truth articles (10 posts per page, latest appear first)
By Erin Elizabeth –
August 9, 2016
Well known activist and famous musician Neil Young is pushing some buttons and stirring up discussion with a new short documentary he has created called “Seeding Fear.” Seeding fears is a documentary designed by Young to inspire more of his fans and the general public to call into question the dubious practices and influence of Monsanto whose actions and practices are exposed in the documentary.
Young also recently released an album entitled “The Monsanto Years,”. Young actively uses his celebrity to bring the public focus to corruption and the genetic engineering and food politics issues that are affecting the global community.
The short 10 minute expose documents the true story of Michael and Wayne White- father and son farmers, who took on the massive biotech corporation to court.
Wayne White was sued by Monsanto decades after ceasing to farm and the case brought against him virtually ruined his life, according to his son Michael who says, “He went to his grave –this grave – still afraid of [Monsanto].”
Their personal and intense story is told in this short documentary film and would serve humanity well to be spread far and wide as it can help open the discussion and inspire radical change in our willingness to accept the powers of the biotech industry.
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