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Category: Reverse-Logos Facilitators Page 12 of 22

Facebook Says It Is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments – While Israelis have virtually free rein to post whatever they want about Palestinians. Calls by Israelis for the killing of Palestinians are commonplace on Facebook

From: The Intercept

Facebook Says It Is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments

Glenn Greenwald
December 30 2017

IN SEPTEMBER OF last year, we noted that Facebook representatives were meeting with the Israeli government to determine which Facebook accounts of Palestinians should be deleted on the ground that they constituted “incitement.” The meetings — called for and presided over by one of the most extremist and authoritarian Israeli officials, pro-settlement Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked — came after Israel threatened Facebook that its failure to voluntarily comply with Israeli deletion orders would result in the enactment of laws requiring Facebook to do so, upon pain of being severely fined or even blocked in the country.

The predictable results of those meetings are now clear and well-documented. Ever since, Facebook has been on a censorship rampage against Palestinian activists who protest the decades-long, illegal Israeli occupation, all directed and determined by Israeli officials. Indeed, Israeli officials have been publicly boasting about how obedient Facebook is when it comes to Israeli censorship orders:

Shortly after news broke earlier this month of the agreement between the Israeli government and Facebook, Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked said Tel Aviv had submitted 158 requests to the social media giant over the previous four months asking it to remove content it deemed “incitement.” She said Facebook had granted 95 percent of the requests.

… What makes this censorship particularly consequential is that96 percent of Palestinians said their primary use of Facebook was for following news.” That means that Israeli officials have virtually unfettered control over a key communications forum of Palestinians. …

A 2016 report from the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms detailed how extensive the Facebook censorship was….

Needless to say, Israelis have virtually free rein to post whatever they want about Palestinians. Calls by Israelis for the killing of Palestinians are commonplace on Facebook, and largely remain undisturbed.

Entire Article

Israeli journalist calls for raping Palestinian female teen prisoner inside Israeli jails over slapping an Israeli soldier who shot her 15-year-old cousin in the head

(audio) James Perloff w/ Flight Attendant Mary Ellen Moore: 9/11 planes hijacked by Israelis posing as Arabs • "Let's roll" happened! • Flt 93 shot down • Cellphones could work from planes • 757/767 could not be remote controlled hijacked

James Perloff writes on his site:

December 15. Mary Ellen Moore, co-producer of ShadowRing, and a personal friend of mind, guest-hosted The Power Hour, and I was her guest starting midway through the first hour.  We discussed the suppression of Truth is a Lonely Warrior, and the Israeli connection to 9/11. Our focus in the second hour was the theory that the 9/11 planes were hijacked by Israeli special ops posing as Arabs. As a career flight attendant, Mary Ellen had contributed some insights to my own perspective on this, detailed in my post “9/11 Simplified.”

(audio) Alison Weir on Media Bias in Palestine

Excellent, except it really is about religion. The rabbis believe the Jews have a Talmudic mandate to rule over all others, which is the leaven” of the Pharisees that Jesus warned us about. They orchestrated 9/11, and got US to kill off their neighbors through our wars and covertly through the CIA/ISUS, for their Greater Israel Project — which is also taking out countries that would resist their NWO — which they plan to rule from Jerusalem. They believe non-Jews don’t have souls, so can be treated like cattle, according to the Talmud, not the Old Testament. So when they abuse and kill others, they’re not mistreating people.
And if anyone says anything, they play the anti-semitism race card, when in fact they’re the racists.
Or they play the ‘Holocaust’ card, which turns out was not a holocaust at all, but labor camps — an overreaction to the Jews (most not semitic at all) declaring war on Germany in 1933, etc..
We imprisoned Japanese during WWII, which was also wrong.
Good discussion.
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(vid) Natanael, a Jew: Jews Without Jesus

Nathanael grew up as a Jew, and was raised in the Synagogue.
Powerful ‘Ben Hur’ Clip here!
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(vid) Israeli Settlers Destroy Palestinians Ability to Live!

Heartless Talmudists cut down their olive trees and poison their water so they can steal their land, illegally. Some of the olive trees are hundreds of years old! They’re irreplaceable.
They’re taught in the Talmud (the “leaven” Jesus warned about) that non-Jews don’t have souls, and should be ruled over. Which is the NWO plan.
Rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem will reinstitute the animal sacrifices, which will be this time an abomination, because the veil was rent when Jesus died on the cross. Jesus is the Lamb that was slain to cleanse us from our sin.
The Antichrist, the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thess.) may now be launched within a matter of a few years now.
No one will be able to buy or sell unless they take the mark.
We’re approaching endgame, and many Americans are still asleep.
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(vid) ReallyGraceful: Something Strange Is Happening To Hollywood

All eyes were on the Las Vegas shooting, then all of a sudden, the MSM through Harvey Weinstein under the bus.
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(vid) Who runs the Media? — 100 Years of Racist Talmudic Anti-Christian Control!

Chuck Baldwin, truther evangelical pastor at 2:35!
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(vid) ReallyGraceful: Is Porn Being Used as a Talmudic Weapon to Destroy Christian Culture?


Michael Hoffman: The Hanukkah Hoax — Rabbinic term for Christmas Eve is Nittel Nacht, a night they regard as accursed • Hanukkah is Talmudic competition for Christmas to symbolically assert their supremacy

The “leaven” of the Pharisees Jesus warned about — their racial supremacy, NWO domination goal.

(vid) Jake: ✡ Zionism Has Taken Power Away From the American People — How to Dialogue…

Mostly excellent, but Jake doesn’t mention the key problem, which is modern Judaism is not Old Testament Judaism, but the “leaven” Jesus warned about:

Chuck Baldwin: ‘Christian’ bookstores are packed with tomes unmasking Islam, but not one volume delves into the depravities of Orthodox Judaism — In “Judaism’s Strange Gods,” Christian scholar Michael Hoffman documents his provocative thesis that Judaism is not the religion of the Old Testament, but the newly formalized belief system of the Pharisees • Liberating the reader from the accumulated shackles of decades of misinformation, this book shows that Judaism’s god is not the God of Israel, but the strange gods of Talmud and Kabbalah, and the racial self-worship they inculcate

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(vid) reallygraceful: What the Media Won't Tell You About Israel

What the Media Won’t Tell You About Israel

Published on Apr 15, 2017

(vid) Red Ice TV: News headlines | Talmudic multicultural Christmas propaganda, Israel, Hanukkah and "globalist" hypocrisy

Many excellent points that hardly anyone even mentions. But watch out for Henrik and Lana’s pagan perspective.
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(Full Movie) "Marching to Zion" – Rabbis Discuss Anti-Christian Talmudic Judaism

Full Movie Transcript

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(vid) Chuck Baldwin: The Church and Talmudic Israel

Metropolitan Opera's Maestro James Levine Charged with Sexual Perversion — “Everybody knew” about Levine’s “teen boy” proclivity and yet no one at the Met would dare confront it until now

No wonder classical music played today often feels revolting and disturbing. The Talmudic destruction of our culture!
Joel Skousen writes in World Affairs Brief, 12/8/17:

The Met’s James Levine Also Charged for Sexual Perversion.

Maestro Levine, the longest standing director of the Metropolitan Opera was also removed from all association with the Opera due to longstanding charges of pedophilia with young boys. The Met has been suffering from declining financial support for many years and this latest problem is bound to exacerbate future contributions—in large part because “everybody knew” about Levine’s “teen boy” proclivity and yet no one at the Met would dare confront it until now.

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…now the Met — the nation’s largest performing arts organization and one of the world’s most prestigious opera houses — finds itself in the position that Hollywood studios, television networks and newsrooms have confronted in recent weeks, answering questions about what it knew about allegations of sexual misconduct against one of its stars, and what actions it did and did not take.

Met Opera Suspends James Levine After New Sexual Abuse Accusations

(vid) Nathanael: Flynn's Plea Smacks Of Israelgate — Kushner Ordered Flynn to Contact Russia to delay vote condemning Israeli illegal settlements, or vote against the resolution altogether

Israelgate: Kushner Ordered Flynn to Contact Russia – to delay vote condemning Israeli illegal settlements, or vote against the resolution altogether

Kushner Is Said to Have Ordered Flynn to Contact Russia
Now that the retired general has pleaded guilty, the president’s son-in-law could be one of the next dominoes to fall.
…Two former officials with the Trump transition team who worked closely with Flynn say that during the last days of the Obama administration, the retired general was instructed to contact foreign ambassadors and foreign ministers of countries on the U.N. Security Council, ahead of a vote condemning Israeli settlements. Flynn was told to try to get them to delay that vote until after Barack Obama had left office, or oppose the resolution altogether.
That is relevant now because one of Flynn’s lies to the FBI was when he said that he never asked Russia’s ambassador to Washington, Sergey Kislyak, to delay the vote for the U.N. Security Council resolution. The indictment released today from the office of special prosecutor Robert Mueller describes this lie: “On or about December 22, 2016, Flynn did not ask the Russian Ambassador to delay the vote on or defeat a pending United Nations Security Council resolution.” …

This was the context of Kushner’s instruction to Flynn last December. One transition official at the time said Kushner called Flynn to tell him he needed to get every foreign minister or ambassador from a country on the U.N. Security Council to delay or vote against the resolution. Much of this appeared to be coordinated also with Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose envoys shared their own intelligence about the Obama administration’s lobbying efforts to get member states to support the resolution with the Trump transition team.

Entire Article

Johns Hopkins DNA Study: Most Israeli “Jews” not Semitic – originate from Khazaria, not Israel

Johns Hopkins’ School of Medicine = today’s “Jews” originate from Khazaria, not Israel.

DNA Science Confounds the Common Wisdom

There is only one problem. And it is a huge one. Science proves those who call themselves “Jews” are not Jews! DNA Science has confounded the Christian evangelicals by proving conclusively that most of the people in the nation of Israel and in World Jewry are not the descendants of Abraham.

Those living today who profess to be “Jews” are not of the ancient Israelites, and they are not the seed of Abraham. In fact, the new DNA research shows that the Palestinians actually have more Israelite blood than do the “Jews!” …

The “Jews” Are Not Jews But Are Khazarians

Dr. Eran Elhaik, geneticist researcher at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, found that today’s “Jews” originated from Khazaria and not Israel. They are not the seed of Abraham.
The newest DNA science finding is from Dr. Eran Elhaik (“a Jew”) and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In research accepted December 5, 2012 and published by the Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, it was found that the “Khazarian Hypothesis” is scientifically correct.
Entire Article

The Study: The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses – Eran Elhaik

Science Daily: New study sheds light on the origin of the European Jewish population


DNA Study: Ashkenazi ‘Jews’ Not Semitic, but Turkish Origin

The ‘Jewish Nose’ is Not Semitic – Originates from Eurasian Khazarians who converted to Judaism in the 8th century

(vid) "Most Religiously Devout Jews Do Not Support Israel or Zionism"

(audio) Jeff & Ted Broer – Sabbatean Kabbalist goal to destroy Christianity for world control!

The Ted Broer Show Audio Archives
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(vid) Alison Chabloz: Censored & Persecuted for Exposing Talmudic Lies

(vid) This Matt Lauer Thing Gets Creepier and Weirder!!! — Crossdresser had button to lock his door from his desk

TalmudVision (TV), the source of all degeneracy, going back many decades.
Paul Romano reporting from the apocalypse:

Proof George Soros is Pursuing Talmudic Globalist Aims


First 'Jewish town' in USA – Rapid growth of Talmudic, Hasidic Orthodox population creating havoc in NY-NJ communities


Israel ‘covertly’ cooperates with Arab states, Netanyahu admits

Talmudic Israel is destroying nations who won’t go along with their NWO agenda, using US and also Arab nations such as Saudi Arabia:

Israel is covertly cooperating with some Arab nations, the Israeli PM has revealed, expressing hope that this practice will expand. Benjamin Netanyahu’s revelation comes after IDF chief of staff said recently that Tel Aviv is ready to share intelligence on Iran with Saudi Arabia.

“Fruitful cooperation with Arab countries is usually covert,” Netanyahu said at a memorial event for Israel’s first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion Thursday. Those ties are “carried out constantly under cover of secrecy,” he emphasized.


Vegas Massacre Cover-Up: PR Firm Hired by Mandalay Bay Exposed Pushing "Nobody Died" "Shooting was Fake" Conspiracy Theories!

(vid) 'Full House' is a Gateway into Hell: Olsens-Saget-Stamos-Beelzebub

TalmudVision (TV) exposed, big-time!!
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(vid) You Want to Drain the Hollywood Swamp? Start with Dirty Bob Saget & 'Full House'!!!

TalmudVision (TV) finally exposed!!
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Al Franken – Creepin' While You're Sleepin'

The Talmudic Takeover of America:

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