Category: Ron Paul Page 2 of 33
Ron Paul:
“We’re well on our way to an inflationary depression.”
“People lose their senses in mobs, and it takes a period of time [to wake up], because they only regain their senses one person at a time.”
“We’re verging on something closer to fascism [compared to socialism].”
$23 trillion in debt, and they’re talking about spending $trillions for bailouts, [after they’ve already spent $trillions pumping money into the stock market during this crash.]
They’re sacrificing liberty for “security,” using charts that don’t even show data!
Commonsense from Ron Paul.
Outstanding review of one of my favorite movies, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” (1939), starring Jimmy Stewart as the future Ron and Rand Paul!
True, Rand does compromise more than Ron, but he still stands up on principle against the oligarchs, and filibustered for 13 hours to protect the 4th Amendment!
5:05 “What would we call them if they did this to us? Of course, we would be outraged, and rightfully so.” – Ron Paul
When evangelicals booed Ron Paul:
(‘America is done’ video) Ron Paul was just BOOED FOR TALKING ABOUT THE GOLDEN RULE, “Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.” — South Carolina Fox News Republican debate 2012
“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be the CHILDREN OF GOD.” — Jesus in Mt. 5:9
RON PAUL TELLS IT STRAIGHT — the truth about US and Iraq!
Ron Paul is “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington!” Great movie!
A rare man of integrity: Ron Paul!
9:20: Ron Paul says the US even pushed Iraq into attacking Iran, before we attacked and regime-changed Iraq! Not to mention how the CIA installed the Shah in 1953.
“Propaganda is key” — “No one even knew about Soleimani, now he’s the Hitler of the world” – Ron Paul.
Our secretary of state, former CIA head: “Mike Pompeo is a master at propaganda” – Daniel McAdams.
Excellent 22 minutes!
6:35 “They’re really trying to destroy this man and intimidate anyone else who may be tempted to tell us the truth.” – Ron Paul
Father and son!
From:, 4/13/18
Authored by Jay Syrmopoulos via,
Former Congressman Ron Paul has strongly argued following the alleged chemical gas attack blamed on the Syrian government that it makes no logical sense for Assad to order a gas attack, and has called the accusations a telltale sign of a false flag attack meant to provide justification for the U.S. military to maintain a presence in Syria.
“An incident will occur and somebody will get blamed and it’s usually a false flag,” said Paul.
“Right now, recently, it’s all been in Syria, ‘Assad did it! Assad did it!’” explained the former congressman. “No proof at all.”
“The way the people that perpetuate these false flags [sic] say that Assad is gassing his own people, at the same time, he’s winning the war and the people are flocking back in to go to the territories that he has returned to the government of Syria,” explained Paul.
“But, nevertheless, he’s out there gassing his own people, which makes no sense whatsoever and fewer and fewer people are believing this.”
Paul, who founded the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity in 2013 after leaving the U.S. House, presented his analysis via the Ron Paul Liberty Report, describing how foreign policy goals related to Saudi Arabia and Iran, and Russia, as well as the influence of neoconservatives, oil interests, and the military-industrial complex play into the current paradigm we see playing out in Syria.
During an appearance on RT, Paul further elaborated.
“This whole idea that all of a sudden Assad’s gassing his own people, I think, is total nonsense,” Paul said, pointing out that “over and over again” the US has claimed the Syrian or Russian government has been complicit in previous gas attacks in Syria – and the alleged poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in London — but “nothing panned out.” Or as Paul put it, one “fake news” story after another.
The libertarian icon then reasoned
I only got through about half of this, but it’s probably all good. Ron Paul could have been our president a few years ago, but the Fox News led the attack against Paul, promoting McCain/Palin instead.
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Libertarian Party Blocks Ron Paul & Judge Nap—Revealing Neocon Takeover
The new Libertarian Party just claimed that the godfather of the modern libertarian movement, Ron Paul “has no idea what the Libertarian Party represents.”