Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Ron Paul Page 3 of 32

(vid) Ron Paul: Rand Still Aching | Lack of Morality — "What if the breakdown of the family is the basic problem?"

“What if it is the breakdown of the family that is the basic problem?”

– Ron Paul

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'Joan the Silencer' Stop-Ron-Paul-2012 Viral Meme Origin — Sad :(

Joan the silencer has become a meme based on a picture from the 2012 Republican National Convention, in which a delegate, known as Joan Clendenin, from California, holds a piece of paper in front of a delegate, Jeremy Blosser, from Texas while he was trying to get the attention of chairman so he could call a point of order. While the mic was not actually on, the cameras were and they caught this moment of disdain for the Liberty Movement. The RNC establishment did not allow Ron Paul to speak or be nominated at the convention because he could have possibly beaten Mitt Romney.

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(vid) Ron Paul: Trump UN Speech Was “Neocon Heaven” 😈 — Paul minimizes the greatest threat to America though

I love Ron Paul — having 900 Ron Paul posts here!! But Joel Skousen would completely disagree with what Ron says @ 12:02:

“The invasion by a foreign power to destroy our liberty is not going to come in our lifetime.”

Joel shows how Russia/China will be completely ready by about 2023, but they could do it sooner. They’ll probably EMP US, and nuke only the military bases, which are EMP hardened, according to Joel. Many have had dreams of Russia and/or China nuking US too.

Joel has been against all of our reverse-Christian wars. This time though, he actually believes we should take out North Korea’s ability to attack US while we still have the chance, before Russia and China can use North Korea as the “trigger” and excuse to then bomb, bomb, bomb America.

Amazingly, Joel has been saying for many years that North Korea will be the globalists’ trigger, the perfect excuse for Russia and China to then take US out, after we attack Korea.

I don’t like the idea of preemptive war myself. We do have anti-missile missiles that can take out North Korea’s. Couldn’t that be good enough to protect US?

Russia and China’s nukes are maneuverable though, so we cannot stop them. They have state-of-the art everything, while we’re sitting ducks doing almost nothing to defend US.

It seems to me that protecting our power grid from an EMP should be our top priority, which could postpone the coming invasion. The cost has been said to only be the price of one stealth bomber, about $2 billion, which is peanuts.

Even a strong magnetic storm on the sun could take out our power for about a year. 90% of all Americans would die, the experts predict.

The media ignores this, and hardly any of the truthers even talk about hardening the grid (including Joel, surprisingly), which is probably our #1 threat, and would be easy and inexpensive to fix.

How can Ron Paul say an invasion is not going to happen in our lifetime, perhaps because he’s 82? Ron is so awesome, but I don’t know how he can be so ignorant of Russia and China’s preparations to take US out so overwhelmingly, that we may not even respond at all — due to PDD 60 especially, which Trump could rescind with the stoke of his pen.

PDD 60: Abandonment of “Launch on Warning” — US policy to “Retaliate after Absorbing a First-strike” is an unwinnable policy that does more to invite attack than deter it

Power to the Peaceful!

‘Christians’ in America should have humbly hit the floor on their knees long ago, following the HOLY Spirit instead of FOX News, the war channel.

Instead, most evangelicals continue to support the Zionist neocon, power-over-others agenda without ever admitting they were wrong, helping to take out the countries that would oppose the one-world government, including US.

What we’ve been doing to others will happen to US!

We even nuked Japan while they were trying to surrender. FDR baited Japan to invade Pearl Harbor with the 8-step, covert plan, proven by James Perloff, who shows that virtually all of our wars were immoral, and have been false flag driven.

We can’t continue to be cold hearted and not suffer the consequences — as America falls into decadence. Only people of high moral character can keep a nation strong to survive.

Much of the world now sees the US as the bully, and will cheer when Russia and China take US out, sadly.


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(6 min vid) Ron Paul exposes Talmudic Jewish Neoconservatives Lobby

Excerpts of Ron Paul’s July 10, 2003 speech on the House floor


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Ron Paul exposes Neoconservatives Jewish Lobby

YouTube “Economically Censors” Ron Paul, Labels Videos “Not Suitable” For All Advertisers

by Tyler Durden
Aug 27, 2017 11:20 PM

Former US Congressman Ron Paul has joined a growing list of independent political journalists and commentators who’re being economically punished by YouTube despite producing videos that routinely receive hundreds of thousands of views.

In a tweet published Saturday, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange tweeted a screenshot of Paul’s “Liberty Report” page showing that his videos had been labeled “not suitable” for all advertisers by YouTube’s content arbiters.

Other political commentators who’ve been censored by YouTube include Paul Joseph Watson and Tim Black – both ostensibly for sharing political views that differ from the mainstream neo-liberal ideology favored by the Silicon Valley elite.

Full Story

(video) Ron Paul: Memorial Day: What Should We Remember? — Should not be a celebration of militarism

Memorial Day: What Should We Remember?

(video) Julian Assange Speaks Out: The War On The Truth – w/ Ron Paul

Julian Assange Speaks Out: The War On The Truth

Why is US Media Ignoring Prof. Postol’s Study on Syria Chemical Weapons Attack?

I’m a fan of Ron Paul’s man!

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Some civilian casualties are more worthy than others, it seems. While thousands of civilians have perished at the hands of the US-led “coalition” in Iraq and Syria, there is little reporting and no investigation.

However, an unproven chemical attack in Syria provides the basis for the Trump Administration to demand the UN “do something” to punish the Syrian government.

Ron Paul Institute Director Daniel McAdams speaks to RT about the double standards…

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 Daniel McAdams talks to RT International

(video) Ron Paul: Who ‘Provoked And Destabilized’ North Korea? China?

Who ‘Provoked And Destabilized’ North Korea? China?

Skousen: Bill O’Reilly Discredits Himself Again – Impugns the ‘Sanity’ of Ron Paul – “Most sane people support the missile attack last night” — I find O’Reilly, the inveterate conspiracy denier, the MOST ARROGANT commentator I have ever witnessed

World Affairs Brief, April 14, 2017 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

North Korea Next on Trump’s Target List

Trump Supporters Upset with his Attack on Syria

Bill O’Reilly Discredits Himself Again

Tillerson Threatens Russia

CIA Complicit in Iraq Use of Chemical Munitions

Trump Makes more Compromises

William Norman Grigg, R.I.P.

Preparedness Tip: Raising Rabbits



No, I’m not talking about the explosive scandal revealing that Bill O’Reilly is a sexual predator at Fox News, just like his former boss Roger Ailes. I’m talking about O’Reilly, the inveterate conspiracy denier. I find him the most arrogant commentator I have ever witnessed.

After Trump made his misguided attack on a Syrian airbase, O’Reilly presented a litany of facts and quotes backing the establishment line blaming Assad—presenting them as irrefutable facts. Then, not wanting to leave out the opposing opinions Fox News listeners are accustomed to expect, he poisons the water first to make sure no one believes the venerable Ron Paul. He prefaces the Paul quote by impugning the sanity of anyone who doesn’t believe the official account. See the video here:

[O’Reilly] “Most sane people support the missile attack last night. Sane is the key word here.”

FMR. REP. RON PAUL (R-TX): “It doesn’t make any sense for Assad under these conditions to all of a sudden use poison gasses. I think there is a zero chance he would have done this deliberately.”

[O’Reilly] “The former congressman apparently believing Assad was set up by somebody.

Indeed, he was—by the rebels the CIA supports and arms with chemical weapons just for these kinds of purposes, necessary to manipulate soft-hearted presidents who mistakenly think they have Washington all figured out. …

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If they have to repeatedly say they’re the “no spin zone” …

(video) Ron Paul: After Trump Bombed Syria, Are We All Neocons Now? – “It’s just a CON JOB on the American people”

“It’s just a con job on the American people.” – Ron Paul

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Starts @ Minute-3

After Trump Bombed Syria, Are We All Neocons Now?

Ron Paul: ‘Zero Chance’ Assad Behind Syria Chemical Weapons Attack


Ron Paul: “Does anyone believe that on the eve of peace talks, just after the White House said the Syrian people should choose their own leaders, that Assad would launch a gas attack to turn the whole world against him? We don’t either. We’re back to the same lies that got us into Iraq. Do we never learn to question the propaganda?”

“Does anyone believe that on the eve of peace talks, just after the White House said the Syrian people should choose their own leaders, that Assad would launch a gas attack to turn the whole world against him? We don’t either. We’re back to the same lies that got us into Iraq. Do we never learn to question the propaganda?”

– Ron Paul

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(video) Ron Paul Drops Wiretap Truth Bombs

Remember, the CIA killed Kennedy.
NSA is recording EVERYTHING from EVERYONE!
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Ron Paul Drops Wiretap Truth Bombs

(video) Should we get out of NATO? What About Education Dept? Support Tulsi? – Ron Paul Answers Viewer Questions

What Next For NATO? What About Education Dept? Support Tulsi? Ron Paul Answers Viewer Questions

(video) Ron Paul: Iran 'On Notice' – Will Trump Pull The Trigger?

Common sense from Ron!
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Iran ‘On Notice’: Will Trump Pull The Trigger?

(video) Ron Paul told Don Lemmon: "I think you're not telling the truth right now"

From a few years ago: Ron Paul the peace candidate
Related:  (video) CNN Host Don Lemon Drunk On Air
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Ron Paul destroys Pro-War Zionist CNN reporter


(video) Ron Paul: What's Missing From The Russian Hack Argument? — "The media is part of the secret government"

The man the evangelicals rejected in 2008, choosing warmonger and pro-abortion John McCain instead.
Ron Paul shares his wisdom and truth here: “The media is part of the secret government.”
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The Real List Of Fake News – MSM — RON PAUL REVEALS HIT LIST OF ALLEGED ‘FAKE NEWS’ JOURNALISTS – “This list contains the culprits who told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and lied us into multiple bogus wars”



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Ron Paul: "Government is merely a reflection of an IMMORAL SOCIETY that REJECTED a MORAL GOVERNMENT of constitutional limitations of power and love of freedom … all the TINKERING with thousands of pages of new laws and regulations WILL DO NOTHING TO SOLVE the problem"

This quote is from Ron Paul’s 2012 Farewell Address.
It’s now so bad that in this election, HiLIARy supporters KNOWINGLY supported an immoral government. A large percentage of America is now willfully morally corrupt!

“History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.”

– Douglas MacArthur

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If the people are unhappy with the government performance it must be recognized that government is merely a reflection of an immoral society that rejected a moral government of constitutional limitations of power and love of freedom.

If this is the problem all the tinkering with thousands of pages of new laws and regulations will do nothing to solve the problem.

” – Ron Paul

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(meme) Ron Paul Vs Hillary


(audio) James Perloff “The Rothschild Banking Elite Are Manipulating The Weather & Profiting From It!”

James Perloff “The Rothschild Banking Elite Are Manipulating The Weather & Profiting From It!”

(audio) James Perloff w/ Joyce Riley: Rothschilds Controlling the Weather – 7/27/16

July 27. I was the guest of Joyce Riley, First Lady of daily talk radio, on The Power Hour to discuss my last post on geoengineering. (source)

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James mentions this quote, suggesting there are now mobile devices that have replaced HAARP:

While HAARP and weather control has been called a conspiracy theory by the mainstream media and government officials, during a Senate hearing on Wednesday, David Walker, deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for science, technology and engineeringdropped a bombshell in answer to a question asked by Lisa Murkowski in relation to the dismantling of the $300 million High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program in Gakona this summer.

Walker said this is “not an area that we have any need for in the future” and it would not be a good use of Air Force research funds to keep HAARP going. “We’re moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do,” he said. “To inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it. But that work has been completed.” source

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From: The Power Hour

WEDNESDAY – JULY 27, 2016: 

JAMES PERLOFF, bestselling author of Truth Is a Lonely Warrior, joins in the third hour to discuss weather modification
Book: “Truth Is a Lonely Warrior” by James Perloff & DVD: ShadowRing (author James Perloff) both available at The Power Mall by calling 877-817-9829
Article: “Are the Rothschild Elite Banking on the Weather?
Additional Book of Interest: Weather Warfare by Jerry E. Smith …

Today’s Show is Audio Archived at:

July 27, 2016 (hour 1) – News LIVE with host Joyce Riley
July 27, 2016 (hour 2) – Guest James Perloff [starts @ 8:00]
July 27, 2016 (hour 3) – Open Lines – (Due to technical difficulties, Dean DeWulf and Raymond D’Amico will be rescheduled for another day)

(music video) Merle Haggard ACTUALLY SAYS: “What I hate is looking up and SEEING CHEMTRAILS in a clear blue sky, today!”

WoW! An actually great country song, which includes Merle actually saying: “What I hate is looking up and SEEING CHEMTRAILS in a clear blue sky, today.”

I hope this catches on in the country music community — instead of all of the warmongering for the USA.

I hope they’re waking up, and it wasn’t only Merle!


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[youtube=]What I Hate – Merle Haggard



I actually heard a country song about being faithful

Republicans adjusted rules for their primaries after 2012, and it’s helping Trump — Stop-Ron-Paul rules explained

From: Washington Post

Republicans adjusted rules for their primaries after 2012, and it’s helping Trump

Entire Article Here

(video) Ron Paul: ‘Carpet Bomber’ Cruz – Libertarian or Neocon? — “If you want non-interventionism, a policy that defends this country and not talk about policing the world, you’ll have to look elsewhere than for Ted Cruz”

“If you want non-interventionism, a policy that defends this country and not talk about policing the world,
you’ll have to look elsewhere than for Ted Cruz.”

– Ron Paul

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‘Carpet Bomber’ Cruz: Libertarian or Neocon?

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is being advertised in some circles as the heir to the Ron Paul libertarian movement, yet one look at his foreign policy and it is immediately evident that he is anything but. His advisors are Bill Kristol, John Bolton, James Woolsey, Elliot Abrams and other washed-up neocon has-beens. No wonder he screams about “carpet bombing” the Middle East and making the sand glow in the dark. The libertarian movement is essentially built around rejection of wars of aggression and against interventionism. Ted Cruz, neocon, in today’s Liberty Report: (source)

(video) Myth of financial deregulation — the true cause of the economic crisis | Peter Schiff and Stefan Molyneux

Ron Paul mainly lost the Presidential elections because he was against the international banksters’ NWO wars of aggression (the globalists also control the media, by the way), but he also unnecessarily took some heat for being against government overregulation of the markets.

Peter Schiff explains why deregulation did NOT cause the crash of ’08, in the first part of this video. The ‘Federal’ reserve’s manipulations and government regulations created the financial crisis.

When Schiff compares the affect of today’s illegal immigration to the legal European immigration of the 19th century and early 20th, I’m pretty sure he loses Stefan, based upon what I’ve seen him see previously and try to say here, and Peter certainly loses me. The first part is really good, though.

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[youtube=]Myths About Economic Collapse | Peter Schiff and Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux

Published on Nov 26, 2015


Did government deregulation cause the financial crisis? Did the partial repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act lead to America’s banking crisis – and to massive government bailouts? Stefan Molyneux speaks with Peter Schiff about the persistent myth of financial deregulation and the true cause of the economic crisis!

Peter Schiff is an economist, financial broker/dealer, author, frequent guest on national news, the host of the Peter Schiff Show Podcast, the CEO of Euro Pacific Capital and the Chairmain of Schiff Gold.

(video) Trump's Got Plans For America — "Trump got the green light to launch his campaign in order to knock Rand Paul out of the race. … There's none they hate more than Ron and Rand Paul"

I’m not sure about Trump. Very possibly true theory stated here by Nathanael:

“Trump got the green light to launch his campaign in order to knock Rand Paul out of the race. Don’t you know that Sheldon Adelson and the Republican Jewish Coalition call the shots? There’s none they hate more than Ron and Rand Paul.”

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[youtube=]Trump’s Got Plans For America

Brother Nathanael

Joel Skousen: Backgrounder on Rand Paul — "The junior senator from Kentucky is the son of Ron Paul, the most principled of the modern statesman. Sadly, however, the younger Paul seems to think he can get farther ahead than his father by playing up to the establishment" • "Still, he does stand up and fight for the right causes on most occasions" • "The establishment would love to see Paul ousted from the debates"

World Affairs Brief, July 31, 2015 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

Backgrounder on Republican Candidates

Jeb Bush

Chris Christie

Marco Rubio

Rick Santorum

John Kasich

George Pataki

Lindsey Graham

Carly Fiorina 

Ted Cruz

Rand Paul

Ben Carson

Donald Trump

Scott Walker

Jim Gilmore

Mike Huckabee

Rick Perry

Bobby Jindal



The junior senator from Kentucky is the son of Ron Paul, the most principled of the modern statesman. Sadly, however, the younger Paul seems to think he can get farther ahead than his father by playing up to the establishment and changing the Republican agenda to become more amenable to the growing benefit-corrupted majority. He unwisely endorsed Mitch McConnell over the much more conservative challenger Matt Bevin and got nothing in return.

Still, he does stand up and fight for the right causes on most occasions. Like Ted Cruz, Paul does not shy away from directly challenging the establishment when necessary. Both have filibustered to keep gun restrictions at bay and Paul has done a lot to try and stop the renewal of the Patriot act and block NSA domestic spying.

But of all the true conservative/libertarian candidates on the Right, Paul has some formidable obstacles to a successful campaign. In fact, there is significant evidence that his campaign is in disarray due to staff differences and lack of money. As noted,

 Senator Paul has raised significantly less than most major candidates, pulling in $6.9 million, including a $1.6 million transfer from his Senate committee. Affiliated super PACs have raised only $5 million. Meanwhile, Jeb Bush’s super PAC has raised $103 million, and Ted Cruz’s got over $37 million. By comparison, in the last two quarters of 2007, Ron Paul, who had literally zero percent name ID in early internal analyses, raised $25.2 million,

Ron Paul achieved that by a grass roots appeal to small donors. Rand could do that too if he’d take a more principled approach and stop compromising. That’s why his father’s followers are so loyal.

Dr. Paul also has some serious distractions with family problems. His wife reportedly is not supportive of his run for the president and much of that is due to a single problem son. As the wrote,

 Rand Paul’s son, Young Master William Hilton Heir of Rand And Ron Paul, has a bit of a problem. He just can’t stop getting drunk when he is not supposed to. Like, when he is underage. Or driving a vehicle… According to the citation, Lexington police found Paul at 11:24 a.m. sitting in the driver’s seat of a maroon 2006 Honda Ridgeline that had collided with a parked vehicle. The report said Paul was “belligerent” and had “a strong odor of alcohol,” bloodshot eyes and slurred speech… Paul was charged at the hospital with DUI and failure to maintain required auto insurance. Why are we being so mean to Rand Paul’s dumb 22-year-old kid? It’s not just because he is majoring in “communications.” No, it’s because this is his THIRD TIME getting in trouble for unlawful boozing — before noon! — and being a jerk.

Inexcusably, Rand Paul failed to respond to an invitation to speak at my brother’s huge Freedom Fest convention in Las Vegas last week. Marco Rubio showed and so did Donald Trump to a packed audience of 2800 people. Every network camera was rolling to film more outlandish statements by Trump so they can have ammunition to bash the conservative position.

These kinds of campaign failures are hurting Sen. Paul in the polls—and the establishment would love to see Paul ousted from the debates. In the latest NBC News/Marist poll, Paul’s support in New Hampshire has declined from 14% to 4%. If that trend continues, he’ll be out of the running soon.

Despite some compromises disappointing to hard line conservatives, Rand Paul is still very much a future force to be reckoned with now that the PTB are pushing liberals like Jeb Bush and Chris Christie. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are the ones the establishment is out to beat.

On the Issues:

Abortion [Solid]

Life begins at conception. (Jul 2010)

Opposes federal abortion funding. (Aug 2010)

Prohibit federal funding for abortion. (May 2011)

Budget and Economy [Solid]

Reform the tax code; address the national debt. (Apr 2015)

Federal Reserve is insolvent, by private bank standards. (Feb 2015)

Audit the Fed: currently no jurisdiction to do so. (Feb 2015)

Roll back federal spending to 2008 levels. (Jan 2012)

Bank bailout was bad policy & helped no banks in KY. (Oct 2010)

Disapprove of increasing the debt limit. (Jan 2012)

Civil Rights (and false rights) [Solid]

Marriage for heterosexuals; contracts for same-sex couples. (Apr 2015)

I don’t believe in rights based on your behavior. (Mar 2015)

Opposes affirmative action. (Aug 2010)

Supports Amendment to prevent same sex marriage. (Aug 2010)

Crime and Police [Solid]

Stop transferring military equipment to local police forces. (May 2015)

Restore federal right to vote to non-violent felons. (Apr 2015)

Defend the whole Bill of Rights, including speedy trials. (Feb 2015)

Defend the 4th & 5th Amendments against Big Government. (Feb 2015)

Death penalty is a state issue. (Jul 2014)

Many criminal statutes lack requirement of criminal intent. (Sep 2012)

Eliminate the Lacey Act (s a conservation law in the United States that prohibits trade in wildlife, fish, and plants)

Drugs [Good libertarian position, but needs to increase penalties for crimes under the influence of drugs]

Jailing people for 10 years for marijuana is ridiculous. (Nov 2014)

Whites & blacks use drugs, but prisons are full of blacks. (Jul 2014)

War on drugs has unintentionally had a racial outcome. (Jun 2014)

Don’t promote marijuana but don’t jail non-violent criminals. (Mar 2013)

Favors legalizing medical marijuana. (May 2010)

Exclude industrial hemp (Marijuana plant) from definition of marijuana. (Aug 2012)

Education [Good]

Federal student loans are ok, if within spending limits. (Apr 2013)

Allow school choice for everyone, white, brown, or black. (Feb 2013)

No Child Left Behind is federal takeover of schools. (Feb 2012)

Support homeschooling and parental responsibility. (Jul 2010)

Energy [Good, except for Keystone pipeline]

Cut red tape to allow energy freedom & traditional energy. (Apr 2015)

Compete on the free market, including nuclear plants. (Jan 2015)

Develop mineral & energy resources on public lands. (Jan 2015)

Supports Keystone XL, plus domestic oil & gas exploration. (Jan 2015)

Test older gas pipelines for explosion safety. (Sep 2012)

End subsidies to solar companies; they’re donation kickbacks. (Mar 2012)

Unelected EPA should not regulate greenhouse emissions. (Oct 2010)


EPA regulations cost $15 trillion in 2012. (Sep 2012)

EPA enforcement nullifies due process and judicial review. (Sep 2012)

Land rules made by delusional government interventionists. (Sep 2012)

Navigable waters should mean permanently flowing. (Sep 2012)

Voted NO on protecting ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems. (May 2013)

Foreign Policy [Good at non-intervention, doesn’t see the phony war on terror]

Keep on mind on Iran nukes but don’t trust the ayatollahs. (Apr 2015)

Oppose bombing Assad in Syria because it strengthens ISIS. (Apr 2015)

Create & arm a Kurdish state as support against ISIL. (Apr 2015)

War only when all other measures are exhausted. (Apr 2015)

U.S. intervention in Libya strengthened Islamic State. (Apr 2015)

Stand with Israel Act: no US funds to Palestinian Authority. (Apr 2015)

2011: eliminate all foreign aid & rebuild America instead. (Apr 2015)

50-year embargo with Cuba hasn’t worked; lift it. (Dec 2014)

End US aid to countries that burn our flag. (Mar 2013)

Exit the UN; maintain US sovereignty. (Nov 2010)

Free Trade [Solid]

Participated with Raw Milk Freedom Riders civil disobedience. (Sep 2012)

Health Care [Solid, except for vaccine support]

Health system was over-regulated before ObamaCare. (Apr 2015)

Encourage vaccines, with religious exceptions. (Feb 2015)

Parents own their children, and can choose to not vaccinate. (Feb 2015)

Compassion cannot be delivered in the form of coercion. (Jan 2015)

Supports tort reform & free-market principles. (Jan 2015)

ObamaCare cuts hundreds of choices down to just four. (Nov 2013)

Protect vitamin manufacturers from unreasonable regulations. (Sep 2012)

ObamaCare is still unconstitutional, despite Supreme Court. (Aug 2012)

No mandatory mental health screening in schools. (Nov 2011)

Opposes government-run healthcare. (Aug 2010)

Defund, repeal, & replace federal care with free market. (Jul 2010)

Military and Homeland Security [Good]

Need NSA reform, but not the USA Freedom Act. (Nov 2014)

The Patriot Act is intrusive; it’s what the Founders feared. (Feb 2011)

Allow challenges to NSA in open court, not FISA court. (Nov 2013)

13-hour filibuster against drone strikes targeting Americans. (Mar 2013)

Immigration [Compromising]

Legal status for 11 million illegals after we secure border. (Apr 2015)

National ID card for all citizens protects national security. (Apr 2015)

Status quo is untenable; we must do some sort of reform. (Jun 2014)

Move beyond amnesty, but eventually to path to citizenship. (Jun 2014)

Illegals are not bad people, but we have to control border. (Apr 2014)

Latinos support GOP stances of faith and family values. (Jun 2013)

Legal status, but not citizenship, for illegal immigrants. (Mar 2013)

Taxes and jobs [Solid]

Help the unemployed by lowering taxes dramatically. (Mar 2014)

Unemployment insurance ok if fully paid for & short-term. (Jan 2014)

Extending unemployment benefits does disservice to workers. (Dec 2013)

National Right-to-Work Act: no forced unionization. (Feb 2013)

Welfare [OK except for SS changes—answer is to stop robbing the fund, and to limit benefits to total contributions adjusted for inflation]

Raise retirement age to save program for younger generation. (Apr 2015)

Supports private retirement accounts. (Aug 2010)

Taxes [Mixed—flat tax doesn’t eliminate IRS and distorts the economy, punishing high prices products with reduction in sales]

EZ Tax: $700B tax cut via 17% flat tax. (Apr 2015)

Balanced budget and a simple, fair tax system. (Feb 2015)

Economic growth comes when we lower taxes for everyone. (Jan 2014)

Stand firm and say NO to any MORE tax hikes!. (Feb 2013)

Opposed to increasing taxes during recession. (Feb 2011)



Sadly, there are no uncompromising Ron Paul’s in the lineup this election season. While even the uncontrolled Republican candidates have their weak points (all except Rand Paul indirectly support the globalist policies of intervention), the establishment is sufficiently concerned about Cruz and Paul to pull out all the stops to see they don’t achieve the nomination. Still, it isn’t enough for me to support any of them. I don’t have confidence in any significant change unless a president-elect understands the globalist conspiracy we are up against.

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Rand Paul: Some ‘Christians’ are “Too Eager for War” — “Jesus stood up in a different sort of way … ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ not ‘blessed are the war-makers’”

Rand Paul: Spiritual leaders need to step up and bring in the Third Great Awakening ! To be fully pro-life, war is the last resort!

[ video ] Rand Paul: America Needs a Spiritual Revival — “Don’t look toward your politicians for all the answers. Look to your spiritual leaders. This country needs a revival and a cultural reformation, but it’s not going to come from government or a law”

Steve Quayle: “There are no political solutions to spiritual problems”

(POWERFUL Video) How Ron Paul Was Cheated Out Of Presidency

All of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

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