Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Secret Societies

Mind-Control on ‘Coast’ Tonight, 11/9/08 | My Theory | Recap

From: Coast to Coast AM’s Schedule

Hosted by
Ian Punnett

Tracy Twyman

Sunday, November 9
Ian welcomes journalist and occult expert Tracy Twyman, who’ll discuss the shocking stories from her new book, Mind Controlled Sex Slaves and the CIA.

Coast to Coast AM is live nightly from 10pm to 2am Pacific.


My theory

I studied this subject in depth in the late ’90s, horrified by the prospect of this being done to innocent people, starting from even while they still in the womb. I also became somewhat convinced that unless this project wasn’t dealt with, Y2K could take us down, because of their strategic placement.

I came to learn, through my research and by attending a S.M.A.R.T. seminar (where I met Brice Taylor and others), that a significant amount of the programming was demonic. And I believe it’s likely that it was mainly prayers that broke these totally injust, hiddeous curses off of these innocent victims. And that is why we’ve heard little about this type of mind-control since Y2K. See: Nick Begich: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit Demonstrate What’s Possible for Human Beings

Perhaps only God knows for sure.

It will be interesting to see Tracy’s take on this, to see how much of this she thinks is still going on. I haven’t heard of her before, so I can’t vouch for her credibility. Some of what’s out there is intentional disinfo.

incidentally, Mel Gibson played Jerry Fletcher, who was a mind-controlled assassin who went rogue in Conspiracy Theory, with Julia Roberts. Both Manchurian Candidate movies are also about mind-control. If I remember correctly, the first was banned for awhile after JFK’s assassination, ie.: Lee Harvey Oswald….

Freedom for the people!



Coast’s Recap

Mind Control & Project Monarch

Journalist and occult expert Tracy Twyman discussed the shocking stories from her new book, Mind Controlled Sex Slaves and the CIA. She covered a number of infamous accounts within this realm, such as the story of Cathy O’Brien, the Franklin Cover-Up, and the disappearance of Johnny Gosch. Reflecting on the more credible stories she has researched, Twyman said, “They don’t seem like they’re seeking attention. They don’t even seem like people who have read Internet conspiracy theories. They seem like they’re talking about the experiences they had.”

Looking at where these stories may have originated, Twyman detailed Project Monarch, which purportedly was part of the notorious CIA mind control program known as MK Ultra. According to her, Monarch “always involved a nexus of child sex abuse, mind control programming, Satanism, and the intelligence community.” Such practices were allegedly used to create multiple personalities within the victims and, in turn, make them programmable government pawns. Based on her research, Twyman said “when this technique was mastered by the intelligence community, they used it to create mind controlled sex slaves.” She postulated that the motive behind such devious pursuits was twofold: the slaves were either for personal use by powerful individuals or, more often, used to blackmail powerful people [especially politicians – editor] who partook in their services.

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Related: Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines & their Mind Control (Fritz Springmeier at The Prophecy Club) – 2:37:43

Bush 41 dons Bohemian Grove hat during interview about VP race

Both President Bushes are Bohemian Club and Skull & Bones members.

From: InfoWars

During a somewhat gimmicky Today Show interview with George H.W. Bush, the elder ‘41′ reminisced about his debates with Geraldine Ferraro, the only other woman to run for Vice President in a major party, who sat alongside him in a discussion about gender roles and discussed the significance of Sarah Palin’s VP candidacy in anticipation of the debate.

At about 2:20 into the interview, the Today Show cuts to another location where the former President is wearing a ballcap displaying the Bohemian Grove owl logo along with his boastful ‘41′ wind jacket. As the screenshot (right) indicates, the owl is distinctly that of the Bohemian Club, as shown in the noted designs. …

Bush 41, proud member as he is of the Bohemian Grove, is known for his shadowy influence over government dealings. He is also a member of Skull & Bones and has attended or belongs to the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Club and was the head of the COG program revealed during the Reagan Administration (see Fabled Enemies, which discusses this at length).

Read Entire Article with Video and the Extracted Photo


Alex Jones’ Bohemian Grove Exposed! Page

Ralph Nader on Bohemian Grove


Ralph Nader was interviewed on KSRO by Pat Thurston in July 2005, talking about the annual retreat of the Bohemian Grove Society about to take place along the Russian River. In the interview Ralph explains what these rich and powerful men do up in the woods each summer, and why we should care.

Skousen: More Evidence Cheney Is Running The Bush Administration


World Affairs Brief, October 3, 2008. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief


I found some very interesting hints in Barton Gellman’s extensive research on Vice President Dick Cheney that confirms what I have been saying for years–Cheney controls the Bush administration with his huge staff that has fingers in every part of the administration (my conclusion, not Gellman’s). Gellman’s book is called “Angler” and here is an excerpt from a recent interview.

WASHINGTON POST: “There are a few lines in the book saying national security staff on the White House, and tell me if I’m correct here, were having their email bcc’d to the vice president’s staff.

GELLMAN: “That is correct. It was not just emails either. It was for certain sensitive documents. They travel by hand on paper and not electronically. If somebody on the national security council staff wrote a memo to say Condi Rice when she was the national security advisor, the procedure was, it would be sent to her, she had an executive secretary and an administrative assistant and it would also go to the deputy national security advisor. What you didn’t know was that it was going to be copied automatically to Cheney’s office. Same for emails, they were blind copied. …

WP: “You explained that much of the way Cheney exerted his influence– rather than, again this sort of caricature, that Bush was a marionette—-you suggest, per the title of your book, that Cheney would work the angles. …

GELLMAN: “Cheney acted, I think, probably always or nearly always in support of what he believed the president’s objectives were… [but] it is certainly not true that Bush authorized and approved in advance everything Cheney did.” It was Cheney who was setting the objectives, not Bush. Bush knew from the time he was selected to run for president that he would be controlled by the group who had selected him.

A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess – “A New Pearl Harbor” — Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, John Bolton…

From: Antiwar

In the early-1990s, there was a group of ideologues and power-politicians on the fringe of the Republican Party’s far-right. The members of this group in 1997 would found The Project for the New American Century (PNAC); their aim was to prepare for the day when the Republicans regained control of the White House – and, it was hoped, the other two branches of government as well – so that their vision of how the U.S. should move in the world would be in place and ready to go, straight off-the-shelf into official policy.

This PNAC group was led by such heavy hitters as Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, James Woolsey, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Bill Kristol, James Bolton, Zalmay M. Khalilzad, William Bennett, Dan Quayle, Jeb Bush.

…with the Supreme Court’s selection of George W. Bush in 2000. The “outsiders” from PNAC were now powerful “insiders,” placed in important positions from which they could exert maximum pressure on U.S. policy: Cheney is Vice President, Rumsfeld is Defense Secretary, Wolfowitz is Deputy Defense Secretary, I. Lewis Libby is Cheney’s Chief of Staff, Elliot Abrams is in charge of Middle East policy at the National Security Council, Dov Zakheim is comptroller for the Defense Department, John Bolton is Undersecretary of State, Richard Perle is chair of the Defense Policy advisory board at the Pentagon, former CIA director James Woolsey is on that panel as well, etc. etc. (PNAC’s chairman, Bill Kristol, is the editor of Rupert Murdoch‘s The Weekly Standard.) In short, PNAC had a lock on military policy-creation in the Bush Administration.

But, in order to unleash their foreign/military campaigns without taking all sorts of flak from the traditional wing of the conservative GOP – which was more isolationist, more opposed to expanding the role of the federal government, more opposed to military adventurism abroad – they needed a context that would permit them free rein. The events of 9/11 rode to their rescue. (In one of their major reports, written in 2000, they noted that “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing even – like a new Pearl Harbor.”)

After those terrorist attacks, the Bush Administration used the fear generated in the general populace as their cover for enacting all sorts of draconian measures domestically (the Patriot Act, drafted earlier, was rushed through Congress in the days following 9/11; few members even read it), and as their rationalization for launching military campaigns abroad.

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REBUILDING AMERICA’S DEFENSES: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century — A Report of The Project for the New American Century September 2000 (Threat countries are listed, many of which we’ve regime-changed)

Rockefeller Predicted “Event” To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11

PNAC member, Ambassador John Bolton admits U.S. wars were to protect U.S. oil interests

All of my Real Reason for U.S. Wars = NWO! posts (latest appear first)

(video) WOW! In an interview from 2007, 4-star General, Wesley Clark, said that he was told at the Pentagon that the US government had decided to ‘take down’ seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran. [The motivation, he said, was to control the region’s oil, not to fight terrorism. Everyone in America should watch this interview but, unfortunately, the mainstream media will resist that mightily.]

Bob Chapman: Illuminati Temporarily Propping Up Economy to Fool Americans Into Electing McCain

From: The International Forecaster, 9/13/08

“By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.” This line from Shakespeare’s play, “Macbeth,” comes to mind when we consider the future of America as we watch our government continue to take on debt after debt after inane debt, heaping more and more responsibility for the financial obtuseness of its privileged elite on its hapless peon taxpayers, profligately spending, borrowing, bailing out and inflating us into some sort of nightmarish, moral hazard oblivion. Welcome to our new Banana Republic, a country that is now characterized by nonstop hyperinflation, bailouts and moral hazard – and which will soon decline into another Great Depression. The nationalization of Fannie and Freddie has set us on a path from which there can be no return, carving out for us a much wider and deeper swath of financial death and destruction of a magnitude never dreamed of by even the most pessimistic among us. Our economy is now in a temporary state of suspended animation by use of an economic act of smoke and mirrors, with the Sword of Damocles waiting overhead, waiting to chop us into tiny pieces. The implications are dire. And worse yet, this has all been planned for a while now, having been decided by the Illuminati soon after they watched their precious system burn to the ground right before their eyes a year ago in August. Hence, you heard Goldman Sachs pronounce late last year: “Short Gold for 2008.” They knew this was coming last year, because these evil reprobates planned it to happen that way. They knew the jig was up when their subprime plot was exposed by analyst Meredith Whitney of Oppenheimer & Co. They knew the implosion of Fannie and Freddie would happen eventually when the fraudulent mortgages started to go bad, but it happened far sooner than they had wanted or expected, and caught them with their pants down. So, what was supposed to be a future plan to merge our mortgage lending system into their growing corporatist, fascist, financial structure, was moved from the back burner to the front burner, and now you all see the results in spades.

What we may be witnessing here is a combination of internecine warfare between American and European branches of the Illuminati, mixed in with financial warfare between countries that are not yet totally owned and controlled by the Illuminati, like China and Russia, and those countries which are under the Illuminist yoke, like the US, Canada, Europe and Japan. Note that the Middle East countries like to play both ends to the middle, by pitting the Europeans against the Americans, or Illuminist dominated nations against non-Illuminist nations, which often adds clouds of confusion to events going down on the international front. …

So the Illuminati have been forced by these circumstances to re-strengthen the dollar, and to bail out the GSE bondholders. They made the other nations wait until the time was right, meaning that they wanted to implement this appeasement at a time of their choosing, the objective being to make America look strong economically right before elections to keep their incumbent henchmen in power. They also managed to wedge in an oil/food/commodity profit extravaganza for the tanking fraudsters along the way, with a nice little temporary trade deficit reduction thrown in for good measure via the weakened dollar. Hence, just before elections, the dollar has been pushed up, and the GSE’s have been nationalized.

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Hear Bob Chapman discuss this on Dr. Stanley Montieth’s Radio Liberty—9/15 program and others

CIA Holocaust Claims 20 Million Victims

From: Conspiracy Planet

The world’s number one terrorist organization, the CIA has committed heinous acts of terrorism abroad, murdering critics of US foreign and domestic policies and has done it on behalf of an increasing tiny, privileged American elite. …

The official history of the CIA is dull reading. But one would not expect an official document of the US government to reveal the early connections between the CIA and Yale’s notorious Skull and Bones society [George Bush I & George Bush II are members – editor]; one would not expect the US government to reveal the nature of CIA backed coups in Chile to its role in the notorious Bay of Pigs debacle.

One would not expect an official document to detail the role played by the CIA in the Iran/Contra affair. One would not expect a sanitized government version of the CIA to reveal how the CIA creates and support death squads that have resulted in a holocaust not seen since the Third Reich.

The passage of the National Security Act in July 1947 legislated the changes in the Executive branch that had been under discussion since 1945.

The Act established an independent Air Force, provided for coordination by a committee of service chiefs, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), and a Secretary of Defense, and created the National Security Council (NSC). The CIG became an independent department and was renamed the Central Intelligence Agency.

Under the Act, the CIA’s mission was only loosely defined, since efforts to thrash out the CIA’s duties in specific terms would have contributed to the tension surrounding the unification of the services. The four general tasks assigned to the Agency were to advise the NSC on matters related to national security; to make recommendations to the NSC regarding the coordination of intelligence activities of the Departments; to correlate and evaluate intelligence and provide for its appropriate dissemination and “to perform such other functions … as the NSC will from time to time direct….”

–CIA Organizational Development, [Adapted from: United States Senate Select Committee on Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, Foreign and Military Intelligence — Book I, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, 26 April 1976, pages 102-118.]

The numbers don’t lie! At the end of a detailed statistical study, the CIA will be found, like a spider in its web, at the bump on a bell curve, at the very nexus of murder, mayhem and heinous acts of terrorism that it has exported across the globe and behind the deaths of US citizens in America.

CIA atrocities may be categorized.

* Secret Wars
* Assassinations
* Subversions of targeted regimes
* Overt terrorism
* Support of other terrorist organizations
* Exploitation and/or creation of terrorist organizations like ‘al Qaeda’.
* Drug sales, primarily cocaine and its derivative –crack.
* Domestic Assassinations and acts of terrorism

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CIA, Drugs and the US Economy


Why Does The Illuminati Eye Infest Christian Churches?

From: InfoWars

During a visit to a breathtaking, beautiful and ornate Christian cathedral in Lucerne, Switzerland last week, I was taken aback by the sight of something that seemed completely out of context and out of place – a baleful and evil-looking Illuminati eye staring out over a representation of the crucified Jesus. Why do similar depictions infest Christian churches the world over?

The Church of St. Leodegar, popularly called the Hofkirche, in the bustling town of Lucerne in northern Switzerland, was originally built in 735 and the present structure was erected in 1633 in the late Renaissance style. The cathedral’s distinctive twin needles were part of the original structure.

The church is opulently decorated with awe-inspiring golden statues and vibrant paintings depicting stories from the bible.

But when one reaches the front of the church and looks up at a statue of the crucified Jesus, looming over it in a window near the roof is a depiction of a single eye inside a pyramid with yellow and orange sun rays emanating from behind.

This occult symbol is completely not in keeping with the rest of the style of the church and the cathedral’s literature makes no mention of why it was placed there or what its significance is supposed to be. …

The video below showcases the Illuminati eye as seen in dozens of churches and cathedrals around the world.

Click for Article with Visuals

2008 Bohemian Grove Guest List Obtained By 9/11 Truth Activists

From: InfoWars

An official guest list for Bohemian Grove’s 2008 midsummer encampment along with a map of the Grove’s facilities has been obtained by a San Francisco based action group who held protests and information drives outside the entrance to the elite summer retreat.

The list reveals that amongst the hundreds of corporate representatives, government officials and banking elites, guests also included former president George H.W. Bush, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, as well as several former directors of the CIA, including James Woolsey.

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Related: DOWNLOAD: Bohemian Grove 2008 Guest List PDF

The 2004 “All-Secret-Society Presidential Election”—Bush Bone Connected to the Kerry ‘Skull & Bonesman’ Bone—Keith Olbermann with Alexandra Robbins


Tim Russert Asks George W. & John Kerry About Their Skull & Bones’ Membership During 2004 Election

2004 Election was Skull Verses Skull



George W. Bush Appointed at Least 11, Fellow, Skull & Bones Members to Government Positions

See also the list of Bush’s Skull and Bonesman government appointees, published in Vanity Fair, July 2004 issue

From: Oil Empire, September 30, 2004. Election a ‘win-win situation’ for secretive Bonesmen, By Kris Millegan

Both major presidential candidates [John Kerry and George W. Bush] are members of a small secret society at Yale University – the Order of Skull & Bones. On different Sunday mornings, “Meet the Press” anchor Tim Russert asked George Walker Bush and John Forbes Kerry if they could talk about their memberships in this 172-year-old clandestine club.

Tossed off with nervous laughter, their answers were, “It’s so secret that I can’t talk about it,” and, “Not much, because it’s a secret.”

Should citizens be concerned about this unwillingness to discuss an elite organization? …

Three Bonesmen have occupied the Oval Office: William Howard Taft (who also served as chief justice of the Supreme Court), George Herbert Walker Bush, and his son. Members have included more than 20 U.S. senators, three U.S. Supreme Court justices and myriad lesser officials. …

George W. Bush has appointed 11 fellow Bonesmen to government jobs: Evan Griffith Galbraith, adviser to the U.S. mission to NATO; William Henry Donaldson, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission; George Herbert Walker III, U.S. ambassador to Hungary; Jack Edwin McGregor, member of the advisory board of the St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corp.; Victor Henderson Ashe, member of the board of directors of the Federal National Mortgage Association; Roy Leslie Austin, U.S. ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago; Robert Davis McCallum Jr., associate attorney general; Rex Cowdry, associate director of the White House’s National Economic Council; Edward McNally Sr., associate counsel to the president and general counsel to the Office of Homeland Security; David Batshaw Wiseman, an attorney in the Justice Department’s Civil Division; and James Emanuel Boasberg, an associate judge on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

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Related: Fleshing Out Skull & Bones — Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society

Secret Bilderberg Agenda To Microchip Americans Leaked

From: Prison Planet

[Jim] Tucker’s source also told him that Bilderberg were discussing the microchipping of humans on a mass scale, which would be introduced under the pretext of fighting terrorism whereby the “good guys” would be allowed to travel freely from airports so long as their microchip could be scanned and the information stored in a database.

Tucker said the idea was also sold on the basis that it would help hospital staff treat a patient in an emergency situation because a scan of the chip would provide instantaneous access to health details.

Tucker underscored that Bilderberg were talking about subdermally implanted chips and not merely RFID chips contained in clothing. The discussion took place in a main conference hall and was part of the agenda, not an off-hand remark in the hotel bar.

Such a bizarre concept may seem unbelievable to some, but over the last ten years there have been dozens of examples of people accepting implanted chips for a variety of different reasons.

In 2004, Mexico’s attorney general and 160 of his office staff were implanted with tracker chips to control access to to secure areas of their headquarters.

The Baja Beach Club in Barcelona and other nightclubs around the world are already offering implantable chips to customers who want to pay for drinks with the wave of a hand and also get access to VIP areas of the club lounge.

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Related: Official 2008 Bilderberg Participant List

40 Techniques of the Illuminati

From: News with Views

The Inner Circle, the Elitists, the Powers—any name you want to call them—plan and organize behind closed doors to bring about their global governance, or the New World Order (NWO) or one-world government. To do this, they must push every country to its knees so that the citizenry cannot fight back. America appears to be the last stronghold for them to conquer, and at that, we are already weakened. They employ a slate of techniques to establish the NWO, but behind each of these methods is one basic practice: To instill fear in the masses so that we will rely on the government for safety and protection, and thus yield our rights and freedoms in the process. Below are some of the major means for the Illuminati to achieve their goal, but don’t mistake a rose for a rose and attribute everything to them:

Read Gianni DeVincent Hayes’ 40 points

ABC & NBC Actually Reported on Bohemian Grove in ’81 & ’82

[youtube=]ABC 1981

[youtube=]NBC 1982


Other Bohemian Grove Videos

Bohemian Grove Worker (investigator) Jailed on Trumped-up Charges, Beaten

Bohemian Grove Worker (investigator) Jailed on Trumped-up Charges, Beaten

From: Prison Planet

Jack McLamb tells how his webmaster, “Kyle” aka Chris Jones, snuck into Bohemian Grove and smuggled out video and photos of the grove and gave them to Alex Jones. Alex turned the images and video into a film entitled: Order of Death, Part 2 of Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove.

The police later arrested Chris on trumped-up charges and he now sits in jail.

Jack McLamb warns Alex Jones and his large world-wide listening audience, that young Chris, a good Christian and upright citizen, might be “suicided” in jail.

Watch Interview

Watch Order of Death, Part 2 & Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, mentioned above


Alex Jones’ Bohemian Grove Exposed Page

These photos from The Annals of the Bohemian Club (vol 7) are particularly interesting. Included: George W. Bush, George Bush, Sr., Jimmy Carter, Newt Gingrich, Walter Cronkite & the ‘mock’ human sacrifice in front of the 30-foot stone owl at the Cremation of Care

Corbett Report Confronts Canadian Member of Bohemian Grove

From: The Corbett Report


Dr. Barry Cooper—a professor of political science at the University of Calgary and mentor of Stephen Harper—joined The Corbett Report yesterday to talk about free speech, Leo Strauss, and his membership in an elite secret society known as The Bohemian Club. The Bohemian Club hosts an annual summer camp in a redwood grove in northern California each year. The membership roster of the club reads like a who’s who of political, commercial and academic elite, including the likes of David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and George H.W. Bush.

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Joan Veon: The Final Trump of The British Over America

From: News with Views

Unlike the 17th Century battles fought on American soil to give us our independence from Great Britain, the final battle of brilliant maneuvers and institutions began in 1903 to delicately orchestrate the gradual reintegration of the United States with Great Britain. The military genius of the plan would be for American armies to unite with Britain in the name of world peace; the common enemy being, WWI, WWII, and the war on terrorism. The second wave would be on an international level to bring order to a disorderly global market while merging financial and regulatory authorities. It was the money of one man that started the ball rolling.

Cecil John Rhodes, a British aristocrat who died in 1902, funded the merger by leaving his gold and diamond fortune as a means to bring America back under British rule, believing the British was the finest race in the world. Those agreeing with his mission included many wealthy American industrialists who, in 1903, pledged allegiance to the British Crown when they founded the Pilgrim Society. This powerful society still meets today as a secret membership.


The British have overturned the outcome of the War of 1812. British accents have become common on our TVs and radios. There is an increase in movies about the British monarchs. The British outvote the U.S. on all international levels. Powerful groups comprised of key CEO’s, economists, and politicians, such as the Pilgrim Society, the RIIA and the Council on Foreign Relations are working to reintegrate America under British rule. Our military and intelligence agencies now work very closely with one another, and now our financial and regulatory system is being merged through the UK-US working group. And I say to you, not one shot was fired!

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Obama Economic Controller is Skull & Bones Member—Austan D. Goolsbee


Barack Obama’s top economics adviser is a member of the super-secret Skull & Bones society of Yale University, of which George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and John Kerry are also members, reliable sources confirmed tonight.  …

By adding the infamous Skull & Bones secret society to his campaign roster, Obama, who bills himself as the candidate of change and hope, has attained a prefect trifecta of oligarchical and financier establishment backing for his attempt to seize the nomination of the Democratic Party for 2008. Obama’s main overall image adviser and foreign policy adviser is Zbigniew Brzezinski, the co-founder of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission, and the mastermind of the disastrous Carter administration. Obama’s wife Michelle is reputed to be closely linked to the Council on Foreign Relations. Behind the utopian platitudes dished up by the Illinois senator, the face of the Wall Street money elite comes into clearer and clearer focus.

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Hillary Clinton: A Bilderberg Presidency—European Elite Back Democratic Frontrunner

From: Old-thinker news

“…Hillary will be good for America… we’ll be very pleased that she’s president.” — Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Portfolio magazine, October 5, 2007


While President Bush’s approval rating falls to record lows, the torch is being prepared to pass on to Hillary Clinton, with full endorsement from the global elite. With support from European nobility, Clinton has been selected as the candidate of choice for the continuation of globalist policies. Bill Clinton, being a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, as well as the secretive Bilderberg group, was the creme de la creme establishment candidate. His wife, Hillary, who likely attended the 2006 Bilderberg conference in Ottawa Canada, now promises to follow in his path.

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The Money Masters—How International Bankers Gained Control of America


3 hr 35 min 19 sec

“The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole…Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world’s money…”

THE MONEY MASTERS is a 3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure that rules our nation and the world today. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money. The development of fractional reserve banking practices in the 17th century brought to a cunning sophistication the secret techniques initially used by goldsmiths fraudulently to accumulate wealth. With the formation of the privately-owned Bank of England in 1694, the yoke of economic slavery to a privately-owned “central” bank was first forced upon the backs of an entire nation, not removed but only made heavier with the passing of the three centuries to our day. Nation after nation, including America, has fallen prey to this cabal of international central bankers.

Segments: The Problem; The Money Changers; Roman Empire; The Goldsmiths of Medieval England; Tally Sticks; The Bank of England; The Rise of the Rothschilds; The American Revolution; The Bank of North America; The Constitutional Convention; First Bank of the U.S.; Napoleon’s Rise to Power; Death of the First Bank of the U.S. / War of 1812; Waterloo; Second Bank of the U.S.; Andrew Jackson; Fort Knox; World Central Bank; Loose Change 911 truth police state globalists NWO New World Order Federal Reserve Alex Jones Aaron Russo America From Freedom To Fascism zionist IMF BIS John Perkins 911 911 Globalism bilderberg Rothschild Rockefeller Schiff Warburg illuminati bohemian grove idi amin freemason

[video] Amazing 1988 Ron Paul Interview: American Power Structure

Former four-term Congressman Ron Paul describes the American power structure. As a member of the House Banking and Currency Committee, Paul was in a unique position to see the inner workings of economic power and control of the country, and how this power translates into political power. Paul describes how, through the control of the Federal Reserve and the banking system, the American power elite is basically out of reach of the democratic system. Concurrently, by using such organizations as the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, control over the political process is maintained, resulting in what is in reality a in the U.S.

[youtube=]Ron Paul talks about American power structure, FED, Trilateral Commission and CFR (August 1988) – YouTube

Published on Jul 19, 2011

Congressman Ron Paul (at the time for this interview, August 1988, former four-term congressman) describes the American power structure.

As a member of the House Banking and Currency Committee, Ron Paul was in a unique position to see the inner workings of economic power and control of the country, and how this power translates into political power.


[4-minute video] Ron Paul: Is the CIA Involved in Drug Trafficking? “I think George Bush is deep into it”

Rockefellers “Joked” About Controlling The World

The elitist Rockefeller sons would sometimes “joke” about which parts of the world they would each control according to biographer Peter Collier, carving the world up into different thiefdoms. Collier’s admission that there was “something really behind the joke” is an understatement considering the revelations of the late Aaron Russo about what Nicholas Rockefeller told him.

The admission is taken from a segment of a History Channel documentary about the Rockefeller family which hit You Tube today.

Click for Videos and Story

Huckabee’s Elite Backers

The much-touted “Huckabee Surge” in November-December opinion polls has been attributed by the major media pundits to the former Arkansas governor’s performances in the televised GOP candidate debates and the recent discovery of him by Evangelical Christian voters. However, more skeptical observers might be inclined to note that Mike Huckabee’s sudden jump in the polls was assisted by a quantum jump in media publicity, and that Huckabee, the supposed “outsider,” has been given the stamp of approval by the ultimate political “insider” organization: the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

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Pastor Baldwin: Huckabee is Bush on Steroids–a Man Globalists Can Trust

From: News with Views

George W. Bush and Karl Rove have made mincemeat out of the Religious Right. They have shown everyone that once you win the support of the Christian Right with rhetoric, you can get by with just about anything. Christians are horrible at holding Republicans accountable. […]

Have you wondered why Mike Huckabee is suddenly getting so much favorable attention from the mainstream media (who themselves are controlled by this gaggle of global elite)? To find the answer as to why a professing pro-life, conservative Christian would suddenly become the darling of the media, look no further than the fact that just a couple of months ago, Mr. Huckabee appeared before the globalist-minded Council on Foreign Relations. (Read his speech here) And when he did, it became abundantly clear that Huckabee was a man globalists could trust.

By the way, as you read Huckabee’s speech, you will find that he is George W. Bush on steroids! This is a man who intends to meddle in the affairs of nations around the world like you can’t believe. Talk about entangling alliances: Huckabee intends for our State, Energy, Housing, Education, Justice, Treasury, and Transportation departments to spend untold billions of tax dollars on just about anything and everything, including schools, medical facilities, roads, sewage treatment, water filtration, electricity, and legal and banking systems in countries all over the globe. And that is exactly the kind of man the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) wants in Washington.

Make no mistake about it: the CFR has dominated every administration, Republican and Democrat, since World War II. They hold sway over most every critical Presidential appointment. Look carefully and one will discover that the Republican President George W. Bush has had as many CFR members in his administration as Democrat President Bill Clinton did in his. The last time I counted, President Bush had nearly 200 members of the CFR in his administration.

Remember that the total number of CFR members is less than 5,000. Can one imagine what people would think if, say, the old Christian Coalition, which at one time numbered in the hundreds of thousands, had nearly 200 members in any one administration? Talk about conjectures of a conspiracy: the media would go ballistic. Yet, each and every administration, regardless of party, continues to fill their ranks with members of the CFR, and with those friendly with the CFR, and no one seems to notice. Do you now understand why nothing changes no matter which party wins the White House?

Now consider the current presidential candidates who are also members of the CFR. These include Christopher Dodd, Bill Richardson, John McCain, and Fred Thompson. Hillary is not a member of the CFR, but her husband, Bill, is. Plus, she has a plethora of advisors who are CFR members. And even though Mike Huckabee is not on this list (neither is George W. Bush), it is obvious that he will carry water for them in much the same way as the current President has done. Barack Obama has spoken at least once for the CFR. John Edwards has appeared before the CFR several times. Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney both wrote for the CFR and have numerous advisors who are CFR members, as do Edwards and Obama.

This also explains why independent-minded candidates such as Ron Paul are forever cast in terms such as “fringe,” or “extremist,” or “nutty.” The same CFR elite that controls the Washington political establishment also controls the New York media and financial establishments. And they hate outsiders! Of course, outsiders are those who do not share the globalist, utopian, New World Order machinations of the CFR. …

Of the Presidential candidates in serious contention, Ron Paul, and Ron Paul alone, stands for change. Ron Paul, alone, would truly obey his oath to the Constitution and would work to restore freedom and liberty to the American people. Ron Paul, alone, would kick the globalist elite out of power in Washington, D.C., and restore this country to constitutional governance.

But, once again, the Christian Right just doesn’t get it. So, they will continue to support establishment, CFR-backed, globalist candidates who will, in turn, continue to do the bidding of the international elite.

One would think that Christians–more than anyone else–would understand the devilish nature of globalism. One would think that their study of the Sacred Text would lead them to resist any attempts at building modern-day Towers of Babel. One would think that Christians would love liberty enough to recognize its enemies. One would think that they would recognize that Washington, D.C., is a far greater threat to their freedom than either Baghdad or Tehran.

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Mike Huckabee: “If you vote for me you live. If you don’t…”

Huckabee Jokes About Shooting Romney for Airing Negative Ads

Mike Huckabee Can Be Mean, Flirts with Vulgarity

Other Chuck Baldwin articles

(video) Nick Rockefeller Predicted “Event” To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11

“Bon appetit.”

– –

World Affairs Brief, February 9, 2007. Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief.


Hollywood documentary producer Aaron Russo is not the typical pro-government Hollywood director. He produced the dramatic pre-9/11 exposé on the Bush administration, “America: Freedom To Fascism”–a video that the establishment didn’t like at all. Russo tells, a few years later, how his normal friends in Hollywood began to try and dissuade him from taking this anti-government stand. One of those friends was an attorney named Nick Rockefeller– yes, of THE Rockefeller family.

Thinking Russo was a typical Hollywood liberal that could easily be dissuaded, Rockefeller opened up to Russo about a lot of the things the establishment had planned, including the “terror” attack on the WTC, well before 9/11. He was clearly trying, as Russo says, to recruit him to their side. Rockefeller even knew that the powers in Washington would use the terror attack as a provocation to go into Afghanistan and Iraq. He joked about how Russo would see on television US soldiers “looking around in caves for Osama bin Laden” but would never find him. Rockefeller was cynical Russo said, and relatively unguarded.

I believe all of this is credible. We’ve never had any of the high level conspirators admit to their plans, but this comes the closest because Rockefeller didn’t intend it to be a confession to the world. Rockefeller is probably regretting now that he spilled the beans to Russo, but that’s water under the bridge (or perhaps even Russo’s death warrant someday). [Aaron Russo has since passed on – Editor]

Rockefeller talked about how they funded, through the Rockefeller family foundation, the Feminist movement in order to break up the American family and get more women out in the workplace and more children in daycare–so split and stressed families would begin to “look to the State as their family.” He mentioned goals to depopulate the world, to get people to eventually accept imbedded microchips (and how the elite could gain instant immunity by having their chips encoded with a special code telling all police that this person is part of a special group and not to be arrested). It’s a fascinating interview. See it here:

[youtube=]Nicholas Rockefeller admitted the elite’s goal is a 100% microchipped and enslaved World population

Uploaded by  on Sep 28, 2009

Aaron Russo (February 14, 1943 – August 24, 2007) was an entertainment businessman, filmmaker, libertarian political activist, and 9/11 ‘conspiracy theorist’ (which is what everyone is called by the whole western worlds ‘truth spreading media’ who questiones our highly praised ‘elite and leaders’).

He is most known for producing the movies Trading Places, Wise Guys, and The Rose. Later in life he created the documentaries Mad as Hell, which calls into question the current state of governmental affairs and America: Freedom to Fascism, which investigates the breadth of the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, the IRS, and the Federal Reserve System. After a six year battle with bladder cancer, Russo died on August 24, 2007.

About 11 months before 9/11 Aaron Russo talked with Nicholas Rockefeller (one of all the traitors in the famous and praised Rockefeller family) where he (Nicholas Rockefeller, removed from the reliable Wikipedia that has NO connections whatsoever with the corrupt banking industry!!…Ha-ha!!!) admitted that the elite’s goal is to microchip the world’s entire population in order to control and enslave everyone to 100 %.

He also revealed that the events on 9/11 and the so called ‘War on Terror’ was a complete fraud in order to acheive their goal’s. …


(video) “Reflections And Warnings: An Interview With Aaron Russo” – Entire Film

(video!) POWERFUL 9/11 Documentary on Airs on PBS Across Colorado!!!!!!!

(video) Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

[13-minute video] The Official 9/11 Story Defies Science — Experts PROVE that sooty black burning JET FUEL (kerosene) DOES NOT MELT STEEL!!!

Psychologists Explain 911 Denial — Fear, Pride…. “We need the truth in order to heal.”

David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”

Molten Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11

Architect Richard Gage on 9/11 truth: “98% of those who watch this presentation end up agreeing with us…. We really only get called conspiracy theorists and kooks by those who are UNWILLING TO LOOK at the evidence.”

9/11 Masterminds – Explosive Connections

9/11 Molten-Steel Smoking Gun! Brian Williams (NBC) presents the WTC Metorite — “Exposed to TEMPERATURES AS HOT AS THE INNER EARTH”

Swedish Structural Engineer: WTC Towers Did Not Collapse from Fire

[Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video] 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, Full-length

All of my 9/11 truth posts in reverse chronological order (latest posts appear first, 10 posts per page)

G. Edward Griffin: The “Federal” Reserve is a Privately Owned Cartel


Victor Thorn:
John Rockefeller said, “Competition is a sin.”

G. Edward Griffin:
“Absolutely! All of his biographers quoted him on that. So they began to look for ways to eliminate their competition, and of course, if they couldn’t beat them in the open marketplace, which was the old way of eliminating competition, now they were looking for new ways, and that was to form monopolies and cartels – to go into joint ventures with competing firms so that they could no longer compete on price or markets, patents and processes. They would come together and form a cartel, and then they wouldn’t have to compete and they could share the market. Well, that was what was happening at the turn of the century; and lo and behold, when you look at these men sitting around the table at a clubhouse on Jekyll Island, all of a sudden you realize, “Oh my gosh, the Federal Reserve System is a CARTEL.” And that is exactly what it is. It is not a government agency. It is a cartel no different than the banana cartel, the oil cartel, or any other. It just happens to be a banking cartel. That is the second thing that emerges from the study of what happened on Jekyll Island.”

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