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Category: Syria Page 5 of 13

(vid) Ron Paul: Will Cohen Raid Lead Trump To Attack Syria?

I only got through about half of this, but it’s probably all good. Ron Paul could have been our president a few years ago, but the Fox News led the attack against Paul, promoting McCain/Palin instead.
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Kurt Haskell: "I think the raid on Trump's attorney was a little arm twisting to make sure Trump doesn't back out on starting World War III. I couldn't imagine the police coming into my law office and taking one of my client files. It's outrageous. I guess attorney-client privilege doesn't apply anymore either like most other rights in the US. Now Trump is cancelling his South America trip to oversee his response to the false flag poison gas attack in Syria. Things look really bad."

Kurt Haskell writes on Facebook in regards to Trump Cancels South America Trip To “Oversee” Syria Military Response:

I think the raid on Trump’s attorney was a little arm twisting to make sure Trump doesn’t back out on starting World War III. I couldn’t imagine the police coming into my law office and taking one of my client files. It’s outrageous. I guess attorney-client privilege doesn’t apply anymore either like most other rights in the US.

Now Trump is cancelling his South America trip to oversee his response to the false flag poison gas attack in Syria.

Things look really bad.


(photo) I Stand With Assad

Mossad and CIA started a ‘civil’ war in Syria through ISIS for the Greater Israel Project and the Talmudic NWO plan.
We are the butchers — through our REVERSE-CHRISTIAN, REGIME-CHANGE WARS, covert and overt.
TalmudVision (TV) is controlled by the god of this world, including Fox News, leading people astray, instead of into the truth.

(vid) Tucker Carlson Goes on Epic Rant Against War in Syria

(vid) What Really Happened: Mike Rivero Monday 4/9/18 – False Flag Gassing in Syria

1:03:00 “I prefer the term ‘independent’ news, because ‘alternative’ sort of has a negative cache about it.”

(vid) SYRIA – the Terrifying Truth of What is Really Happening – Real History by Jake

(vid) Syrian Girl: What really happened – Chemical Attack that lead to missile Strikes on #Syria

(vid) The Truth About the Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria – Not "America first," but the deep state first

Last week, Trump announced he would pull US troops out of Syria, but the Pentagon prevailed against him. The Syrian Army and Russia were on the verge of defeating ISIS and jihadist rebels in the town of Douma when they were blamed for carrying out a chemical attack that brought global condemnation, and invites US airstrikes. The evidence of the attack is unverified footage from the White Helmets, who have direct links to the jihadist group whom this attack benefits. ISIS has used chemical weapons in the past at least 52 times. General Mattis recently admitted that there was zero evidence implicating Syria in the chemical weapons attack last year that led to Trump retaliating with airstrikes. (source)

Coincidence? Every Time the US Threatens to Pull Out of Syria, Assad Uses Chemical Weapons

(vid) Ron Paul: Another False Flag – Will Trump Escalate In Syria? — Israel attacks base used to defeat ISIS

Christopher Bollyn: Syria: Why are we there? – None of this is legal or justifiable under international law

(vid) False Flag: Chlorine Gas Attack in Syria Leaves 70 Dead

Mike Rivero: Trump is Not In Control – Deep State (including Netanyahu) Controls US war policy

8:45 Trump concedes on pulling troops out of Syria after Pentagon said no. Then he got a call from Netanyahu.
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"Trump's furious Situation Room row with his top general is LEAKED: Chairman of joint chiefs reprimanded him on Syria – so the president demanded immediate pull-out"

Our entire activity there is illegal. And the goal of regime-changing Syria is immoral and Talmudic.
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The president had opened the meeting with a tirade about U.S. intervention in Syria and the Middle East more broadly, repeating lines from public speeches in which he’s denounced previous administrations for ‘wasting’ $7 trillion in the region over the past 17 years.

What has the U.S. gotten for the money and American lives expended in Syria? ‘Nothing,’ Trump said over and over, according to the officials.


(vid) The Truth About Israel's Role in the New World Order

Envoy to UN: Syria Cannot Use Chemical Weapons Because It Has None


(vid) Ben Swann Reality Check: No Sarin Gas Used by Assad in Syria? — Candidate Trump vs President Trump

(Illustration) Netanyahu: Why Assad has to go

The Greater Israel, NWO project:

Declassified CIA Report Exposes Over 25 Years of U.S. Plans to Destabilize Syria

Declassified CIA Report Exposes Over 25 Years of U.S. Plans to Destabilize Syria
A CIA report, drafted in 1986, details the agency’s “purposely provocative” analysis of the regime’s vulnerabilities and the potential to destabilize and oust then-President Hafez al-Assad.
SYRIA — While the nearly seven-year-long sectarian “civil war” in Syria is widely believed to have started in 2011, revelations in recent years have shown that the sectarian war that has sunk Syria into chaos actually precedes the “official” start of the conflict.
In 2010, Wikileaks published hundreds of thousands of classified State Department cables, including a 2006 cable showing that destabilizing the Syrian government was a primary goal of U.S. policy in the Middle East. The ultimate intention was to topple Iran, one of Syria’s closest allies. The cable revealed that the U.S.’ goal at the time was to undermine the Syrian government by any means available.
In addition, retired United States Army General Wesley Clark’s bombshell interview with Democracy Now exposed the existence of plans for regime change in Syria that date as far back as 2001. Now, a newly declassified document from the Central Intelligence Agency has shown that these regime change efforts date back even further to the late 1980s – and potentially even earlier.
The declassified document was written in July, 1986 by the Foreign Subversion and Instability Center, a part of the CIA’s Mission Center for Global Issues, and is titled “Syria: Scenarios of Dramatic Political Change.” As the document itself states, its purpose is to analyze – in a “purposely provocative” manner – “a number of possible scenarios that could lead to the ouster of President Assad [Bashar al-Assad’s father, Hafez] or other dramatic change in Syria.”
Entire Article

Russia Releases Photos Showing US Special Ops At ISIS Positions In Syria

ISIS, the SDF, and US special forces working side-by-side!



(vid) Syria shoots down Israeli F-16

Talmudic Israel is using US money and planes, and supports ISIS to illegally occupy Syria to kill more people and steal more land.
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U.S. Murders 100 Syrian Soldiers, Claims “Self-Defense” In Country America Invaded And Occupies — To claim “self-defense” in a country that you have destabilized, invaded, and occupied is hypocrisy to say the least. It is also a violation of national sovereignty and international law

Every American should be ashamed for what we do to people in other countries.
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Now Mattis Admits There Was No Evidence Assad Used Poison Gas on His People – US Tomahawk missile strike immoral

Lost in the hyper-politicized hullabaloo surrounding the Nunes Memorandum and the Steele Dossier was the striking statement by Secretary of Defense James Mattis that the U.S. has “no evidence” that the Syrian government used the banned nerve agent Sarin against its own people.
This assertion flies in the face of the White House (NSC) Memorandum which was rapidly produced and declassified to justify an American Tomahawk missile strike against the Shayrat airbase in Syria.
Mattis offered no temporal qualifications, which means that both the 2017 event in Khan Sheikhoun and the 2013 tragedy in Ghouta are unsolved cases in the eyes of the Defense Department and Defense Intelligence Agency.
Mattis went on to acknowledge that “aid groups and others” had provided evidence and reports but stopped short of naming President Assad as the culprit.
There were casualties from organophosphate poisoning in both cases; that much is certain. But America has accused Assad of direct responsibility for Sarin attacks and even blamed Russia for culpability in the Khan Sheikhoun tragedy.
Now its own military boss has said on the record that we have no evidence to support this conclusion. In so doing, Mattis tacitly impugned the interventionists who were responsible for pushing the “Assad is guilty” narrative twice without sufficient supporting evidence, at least in the eyes of the Pentagon.

(vid) Jake: Trump Slams Turkey As Tensions Mount in Syria — What's really happening in Syria between the USA and NATO "ally" Turkey – and, why it matters to YOU

(vid) Comedian DESTROYS Pro-War MSM Commentator on Live TV

Tillerson touts indefinite US presence in Syria & Assad must go in ‘new’ plan

America is sick, especially with most ‘Christians’ either saying nothing or supporting our reverse-Christian warmongering, acting as if God will not judge US for the horrible things we do to others in Jesus’ name.
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Echoing previous administrations, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said the “new” strategy in Syria will involve a long-term American military presence and regime change in order to secure US interests.
Speaking at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution Wednesday, Tillerson sought to distance President Donald Trump’s policy in Syria from former President Barack Obama’s approach.

“We cannot make the same mistakes that were made in 2011, when a premature departure from Iraq allowed Al-Qaeda in Iraq to survive and eventually morph into ISIS,” Tillerson said.

Instead, he said, the US now intends to maintain an open-ended military presence in Syria, and that the American mission in the country will be “conditions based.”

Tillerson said the US will remain in Syria until several “key end states” are met. These include, the defeat of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS), the overthrow of Syrian President Bashar Assad, and stamping out the Iranian influence in the country.


(meme by Perloff) ISIS Supply Drop

(vid) Nathanael: Trump Serves The War Gods – Lying about US — "If we're really worshiping God the bloodshedding would stop. You cannot serve God and the war gods of mammon"

(vid) Jake: March to war with Iran and "earthquake machines"

(vid) Body Language: Honest, Truth Teller Bashar al-Assad — His body sings with him!

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