“In ’08 and ’09, smartphones came on, and kids stopped living their lives, and started watching people live their lives. And we saw the biggest spike and the highest levels of depression, anxiety, loneliness and suicidality since records have ever been kept. And it’s just continued on and on and on. Then Covid hit….”
Category: The Soul of America Page 2 of 34
Tonight we speak about a controversial and important topic with a Christian woman who studied the Bible and then decided to reject Third Wave Feminism.
“One of the most cowardly things ordinary people do is to shut their eyes to the facts.” – C.S. Lewis
Includes examples!
Satanism Rising In West, Christians Must WAKE UP, Alistair Begg Faces BACKLASH
Anna Perez, the host of Wrongthink Primetime, joins Stew to talk about how porn websites are designed to lead children into the trans and sodomite lifestyle.
Stew Peters Network
Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson defeated RADICAL leftist Forest Dunbar in 2021 by only 1.3%. Bronson was able to ride on his no-lockdown and no-mask-mandate position during Covid. [Afterward, Anchorage Assembly masked citizens again anyway, taking away mayoral powers that RADICAL leftist Mayor Quinn-Davidson had, and also Mayor Berkowitz.]
All of what’s shown below has happened since, which will be weaponized against Dave in ad after ad.
On top of that, the liberal press has continually blamed Dave only for the homeless problem and deaths, and many residents are upset with Dave’s headship of the snow removal street issues.
Nonetheless, Dave is still running, which seems to me will guarantee a leftist winning in 2024. Dave needs to do the right thing, please.
Key articles below tell the Amy/Dave story.
NOTE: both Amy and Dave are openly Baptists. The Apostle Paul says “Christians” are not supposed to sue Christians in secular courts (1 Cor. 6:1-8). The main problem in America is a lack of REAL Christianity. The main solution is REAL Christianity, which can start in Anchorage — Jesus’ prayer fulfilled in John 17 and His clearly stated goal in Ephesians 4:11-16!
ANYONE WHO PRACTICES HATING Arabs, Jews or TRUTH tellers CANNOT GO TO HEAVEN. – Gal. 5:19-24, 6:7-8
I’ll give $6,000 to anyone who proves it’s not so.
May 6, 2004 [war was launched by Bush because of WMDs on March 20, 20o3 – ed.]
During the annual Radio and Television Correspondents Dinner this week, Bush presented a slide show of quirky photographs from inside the White House. In one, the president is looking under furniture in the Oval Office.
“Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere,” Bush joked. “Nope, no weapons over there … maybe under here?” …
“Seeing our president joke about WMDs at a comedy function was terrible. How can a thinking, caring human being joke about the lie that led to body bags and broken young men and women? I was appalled,” wrote Fran… (source)
And millions of Iraquis, including Christian men, women, children and old folk were either killed, maimed or displaced. Nobody cares! It’s all a joke. The soul and end of America. And why they hate US.
Millennials are the largest generation ever, and some startling stats reveal that many don’t even believe there is absolute value to life or moral truths. We go over the biggest pain issues that Millennials deal with and how to address them and explain why maximum happiness can never be the goal of life, as many Millennials are led to believe.
Rick proves the vast difference; though, I would say NONE of today’s top 10 songs are worth listening to.
Top Comment: “There is some music being made today that is fantastic. Unfortunately, you will never hear it on mainstream radio.”
“Why can’t people just sing harmonies instead of autotuning them?” – Rick Beato
Balanced truth here.
“People stopped critical thinking on both sides.”
Trump syndrome: praising Trump no matter what; no matter that he gave Fauci an award on his last day in office, and still takes credit for pushing the vaccine that destroyed many lives, while not even once mentioning high enough vitamin D, which was the key.
The Republicans signed the bill to allow mail-in voting too.
Dems questioned elections they lost, including Hillary in 2016.
Alleged Alexis de Tocqueville quote:
Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.
Rigging 2024: Dems Arrest Leading Candidate for President
Passionate Jim Caviezel:
“More Christians are now more afraid of the Devil than they are of God. … Lukewarm Christianity is not Christianity.”
72% okay with gays being clergy.
Catholics most tolerant.
Gallup poll, Pew Research, real history and Malcom X — how blacks are being used.
Excellent and fast moving!
“Pride goes before *destruction*, and an arrogant spirit before a fall.” – Prov. 16:18
“What we’re watching through Hunter Biden’s life and through the Biden administration… is the total inversion of virtue. What was once considered admirable is now derided as stupid, if not racist. That would include achievement, intelligence, honesty, self control, humility. Those are features of the old America. Those were yesterday’s virtues. They are gone. In their place, all that we once considered contemptible and repulsive, we’re told to worship that now.” – Tucker Carlson
Ep. 5 As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent. pic.twitter.com/AtRRaxYSjs
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 20, 2023
Black Americans are more tolerant of government cameras than other racial groups, with 33% in favor of the proposal. One quarter of Hispanic Americans, 9% of white Americans and 11% of Asian Americans believe the government should monitor people’s homes.
The love of money — fake Christians
Pub Med Study: Effects of dietary zinc depletion on seminal volume and zinc loss, serum testosterone concentrations, and sperm morphology in young men
The findings suggest that serum testosterone concentrations, seminal volume, and total seminal zinc loss per ejaculate are sensitive to short-term zinc depletion in young men.
“A lot of excessive ejaculation possibly by masturbation with porn and pornography could actually be one factor driving zinc deficiency.”
“Zinc deficiency could be in part by excessive masturbation. We know that porn addiction is quite common….”
“If you’re very sexually active with your partner, or you masturbate with porn, ejaculating a lot, you are possibly inducing a zinc deficiency, because we know that zinc is concentrated in the testes and….
Sexual immorality is rampant in America — no fear of God, thanks to pastors who teach false salvation doctrine, putting people to sleep spiritually, so people let themselves walk according to the flesh, instead of according to the Holy Spirit.
Many people now hate people. Jesus predicted:
“Because iniquity will be multiplied, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end will be saved.” (Mt. 24:12-13)
Popular YouTuber SHOCKED That Leftists Want To END Humanity
Americans now spend more on legal weed than they do on chocolate.
Heck, we now spend more on legal dope than we do on chocolate and craft beer combined.
According to a new report from MJBizDaily, Americans spent about $30 billion on legal marijuana last year.
That compares with roughly $20 billion spent on chocolate and $8 billion spent on craft brews.
Almost two-dozen states now allow sales of weed for recreational purposes, and 19 more allow sales for medicinal use.