So YouTube wouldn’t censor this video, Jake consistently replaced the word ‘Jew’ with ‘Bleeps’ throughout the video, the first I’ve heard anyone do this. It’s quite amazing to hear, actually. I used the same technique in my comments.
I commented:
The Talmudic, reverse-Christian, Satanic Bleeps are destroying western civilization to rule over all of the non-Bleeps. Jesus warned about the “leaven of the Pharisees,” the Bleeps’ Talmudic, racist, power-over-others thought. Jesus mentioned twice the Synagogue of Satan. Conversely, most evangelical pastors today support world Bleepery, and speak against those who tell the truth about the Bleeps’ power and Satanic intentions. The fact is that Jesus would not be allowed to preach in most evangelical churches today.
By helping the Bleeps, ‘Christian’ Zionists are destroying western civilization to help bring in the Satanic NWO.
[More comments below this video]
My Notes:
19:50 “Despite it maybe sounding anti-Semitic to some people, there is no denying that these Illuminati sex cults are almost always controlled by Bleeps.”
22:15 “Interwoven all throughout these various movements and sex cults is a common thread, and that is that the leadership of these sex cults is Bleepish.”
23:50 Alex Jones’ buddy Roger Stone exposed
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