Freedom from Alaska!

Month: September 2011

Really good show last night: Steve Quayle on ‘Coast’! — This is serious!

[UPDATE] Post is up: [70-minute audio] Steve Quayle on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/6/11: Global Turmoil

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Steve Quayle’s appearance on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ last night was excellent! He mentioned Henry Gruver, whom I’ve met and even did a little prayer walk with here in Anchorage. He’s a real Christian whose visions should be taken seriously.

I posted some more of Henry’s information, just now, and I’ll try to post the audio for last night’s show if it’s up on YouTube.



[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

[4-minute video] Henry Gruver: Vision of American Cities Nuked with Map

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[65-minute audio – EXCELLENT!] Joel Skousen on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 8/2/11 with George Noory: The coming attack by Russia and China — “Once the government starts to warn us that Russia and China is a threat, it will be too late. Mark my words.”

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

[4-minute video] Henry Gruver: Vision of American Cities Nuked with Map

[youtube=]american cities to be nuked with map

Uploaded by on Sep 13, 2008

this is an excerpt from one of henry gruver’s visions, “i saw submarines attack america!” in his video by the prophecy club. this excerpt seems relevant to today’s news because of the georgian-russian conflict since georgia has wanted to be joined with nato. please support henry gruver by visiting the prophecy club online. henry gruver had this particular vision in the early ’80’s. the unusual aspect of this vision is when gruver mentions in his vision about radio waves or communications being interfered with. also, years ago, i bought tapes about a romanian gentleman [Dumitru Duduman] who was visited by angels while he was on russian ships over in the black sea. he came over to america and spoke at the prophecy club. he mentioned about america being nuked also. he needed a translator to interpret what he was saying. also, while checking their channel out, they’ve got all kinds of tapes on 9/11


[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[70-minute audio] Steve Quayle on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/6/11: Global Turmoil

[65-minute audio – EXCELLENT!]Joel Skousen on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 8/2/11 with George Noory: The coming attack by Russia and China — “Once the government starts to warn us that Russia and China is a threat, it will be too late. Mark my words.”

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

All 100 of my Joel Skousen posts in reverse chronological order

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America


Uploaded by on Aug 11, 2011



[4-minute video] Henry Gruver: Vision of American Cities Nuked with Map

[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[70-minute audio] Steve Quayle on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/6/11: Global Turmoil

[65-minute audio – EXCELLENT!] Joel Skousen on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 8/2/11 with George Noory: The coming attack by Russia and China — “Once the government starts to warn us that Russia and China is a threat, it will be too late. Mark my words.”

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

All 100 of my Joel Skousen posts in reverse chronological order

[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[youtube=]Steve Quayle & Henry Gruver 1/12 Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

Uploaded by on Jul 17, 2009

Steve Quayle on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ tonight, first half


Global Turmoil/ Alchemy

Date: 09-05-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: Jay Weidner, Steve Quayle

First Half: Author and researcher Steve Quayle weights in on current events and global turmoil.


[Want to get deprogrammed? Watch this video]Why The Rothschilds Are Destroying Libya — “If we sit by & watch these crimes against humanity & do nothing then we are complicit, & one day it will be our turn.”

WARNING & DISCLAIMER: I wasn’t going to post this because of the choice of language and “don’t pay taxes” recommendation at the end [it’s not worth it unless done legally]; though, I transcribed the good part.

I’ve heard from good sources that it is true that Kadafi is not responsible for PanAm 103. That was a false flag op designed to demonize Kadafi.

In saying that posting this video that shows the other side of the story, I’m not saying Kadafi hasn’t been bad in some ways. But even if he was mostly bad, even if most of what is said in this video is not true, what right do we have to take out leaders who oppose the one-world government?

We can’t say we have the right because Illuminati controlled Britain says it’s a-okay.

We’re digging our own grave by supporting our reverse-Christian foreign policy, which I believe is far worse than abortion. Aborted babies go to heaven. Where do you think we’re sending most of these human beings to — and the millions of others throughout the years, overtly and covertly? …especially because our BIG, power-over, REVERSE-GOSPEL message must be the biggest God turn-off imaginable — God repellent Made in the USA!

We have blood on our hands, big-time!

Ron Paul is the only Presidential candidate that would stop these abominations around the globe.

“It’s time to repent NOW!” We’re all going to see our Maker and we MUST be clean!

Power OVER or power under?:

Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

The Rothschilds, world kingpins, worth $500 trillion! They own Reuters, AP, and fix the price of gold…


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“I cannot just sit by any longer & watch how individuals, groups, and countries are demonised & destroyed by our criminal governments — & then watch the media protect those responsible for crimes against humanity.”

“If we sit by & watch these crimes against humanity & do nothing, then we are complicit, & one day it will be our turn.”

* * *

[youtube=]This video MUST go viral NOW.flv

Uploaded by on Aug 28, 2011

I believe LIBYA has given us an opportunity to see what our leaders are doing.

Help Lybia and in doing so help yourselves. green book

The News from Prison Planet


Andrew Strom: People PLEASE – SWITCH OFF FOX NEWS!! — Or you will get LURED IN and “wound up” ANGRIER than a mule. Those guys are ‘EXPERTS’ at winding conservatives up. They make MONEY out of it every day.

FOX News is absolutely a reverse-Christian propaganda outfit that is deceiving many.

– jeff

_ _

And people PLEASE –


(Or you will get lured in and “wound up” angrier than a mule.
Those guys are ‘experts’ at winding conservatives up.
They make money out of it every day).

– Andrew Strom

* * *


Andrew Strom: “USA POLITICS, RICK PERRY & the N.A.R” — Conservative Christians are trying to solve “SPIRITUAL” PROBLEMS with Politics — REVIVALS in America have always brought about the cleansing of the nation – NOT POLITICS !!! — Why do US Christians support WAR? I have never seen such confusion over patriotism and NATIONALISM being EQUATED with “CHRISTIANITY.”

Death by Plastic – Special Report: BPA is a known toxic substance outlawed in Canada and Europe, but still used in the United States

[youtube=]Death by Plastic – Special Report

Uploaded by on Sep 3, 2011

Aaron Dykes hosts a segment on Bisphenol A, the dangerous estrogenic in plastic drinking bottles and food containers. BPA is a known toxic substance outlawed in Canada and Europe, but still used in the United States, even though the FDA raised concerns regarding exposure of fetuses, infants and young children to the substance.

Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines


Meet your new Federal Family (and don’t use the word “government” please) (satire)


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
September 3 – As the reputation of the U.S. government is now in shambles, the feds are turning to the same bait-and-switch tactics used by the Corn Refiners Association as they tried to rename High Fructose Corn Syrup to the more innocent sounding “corn sugar.” The federal government…

Philadelphia exurb ends water fluoridation


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
September 3 – We can only hope that the recent surge in American communities voting to end water fluoridation is an omen to the eventual end of this abominable and toxic practice across the entire country. A recent report in the The Mercury explains that officials in Pottstown, Penn…

Former TSA agent pleads guilty to assisting criminals in smuggling cash, drugs through security


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
September 3 – A 43-year-old former US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent who was arrested back in March on charges of aiding a drug smuggling ring has pleaded guilty, according to reports. Minetta Walker says she knowingly assisted criminals in evading airport security…

How To Take Down A Giant – Part 3 (Opinion)


By Hesh Goldstein
September 3 – From the past two articles written about Monsanto, its Roundup and the corruption by Hawaii’s Generically Modified Politicians (those that became “hookers” for Monsanto by accepting campaign contributions from them), which included our Governor and Mufi Hanneman, the…

Authenticity grows from the ground up at NaturalNews – here’s what I harvested from my garden and my free-range chickens


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
September 2 – Since hanging out in Texas over the last few months, I’ve been working hard on my garden, improving the soil, and raising my chickens which are now producing eggs. Yesterday I made an omelet with my farm-fresh eggs and herbs picked right out of the garden. Check out…

The counterfeit culture – useful observations for understanding why collapse is inevitable


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
September 2 – Through a devolving web of greed, self-serving power and a departure from fundamental ethics, Western culture has, over the last hundred years, become the counterfeit culture. Nothing is real anymore — not the food, not the money, and certainly not the evening news…

Exposed: Military contractors hired to create fake Facebook accounts, infiltrate opposing groups


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
September 2 – A secret campaign to take out groups and organizations that oppose the policies and agendas of the US Chamber of Commerce (USCC) and the US government has been outed, thanks to an archive of private emails obtained by Think Progress. According to reports, USCC hired…

Doctor sues family of young girl he killed with prescription drugs


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
September 2 – Dr. Kevin Buckwalter of Henderson, Nev., has a history of malpractice and shady dealings during the time when he still had a practice and a license to prescribe controlled substances. Now that he has lost both, Buckwalter has sunk to a new low by countersuing the family…

Family farmers, ranchers call for extension as Animal ID Act comment period nears completion


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
September 2 – The window of opportunity to submit comments in response to the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) proposed new animal identification requirements is quickly coming to a close, and many small farmers and ranchers say there simply is not enough time to adequately review…

Unplugging from The Man, Part III


By Sherry L. Ackerman, Ph.D.
September 2 – Marcuse called it choosing not to participate in one-dimensional society. I’m calling it Unplugging from the Man. No difference. It’s getting free. Seeking liberation from a system that is choking the life-blood out of our humanness. Once we’ve made up our minds to Unplug…

China unveils new low-cost, nine-passenger family transportation system


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
September 1 – Ever wonder why China’s economy is beating the USA? It’s all about efficiency! China has unveiled a new, low-cost mass transportation system with the following features: • Multiple passenger capacity – room for the whole family! • Permanent sunroof allows…

Click here for more articles »    

Larry Pratt: The ATF’s Fast and Furious Scandal Demystified

[youtube=]GOA’s Larry Pratt: The ATF’s Laboratory – Alex Jones Tv 1/2

Uploaded by on Sep 2, 2011

Alex talks with Larry Pratt, the executive director of Gun Owners of America, about the Fast and Furious scandal, the resignation of ATF boss B. Todd Jones, and an increasing number of guns provided by the U.S. government showing up at Mexican crime scenes. In addition to founding Gun Owners of America, Pratt has founded a variety of other organizations, including English First, U.S. Border Control, and Committee to Protect the Family.
(New Section Added to


[fascinating audio] Jim Marrs on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 8/30/11: Media Control & Mega Spin! — “The so-called ‘Axis of Evil’ was just about a laundry list of the countries who were balking at the plans of the globalists. And now, they’re one by one being taken over.” — “There’s no journalism anymore … Quit letting the television do your thinking for you.”

“The so-called ‘Axis of Evil’
was just about a laundry list of the countries
who were balking at the plans of the globalists.
And now, they’re one by one being taken over.”

“They won’t allow anybody into national office
if they aren’t guaranteed that they’re going to go along with the program.”

“There’s no journalism anymore.”

“Quit letting the television do your thinking for you.”

– Jim Marrs

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – 30.8.2011 – 1/4 – Media Control/ Predictions

Uploaded by on Aug 31, 2011

Media Control & Conspiracies:

In the first half of Tuesday’s show, author Jim Marrs shared his concerns over corporate media control, and the decrease in journalistic standards. He cited how US News & World Report recently ran a straw poll for the 2012 GOP Presidential nomination, and though they listed 10 candidates, they didn’t include Ron Paul. This is not journalism, it’s propaganda, he suggested. “We’re now under total corporate domination,” he continued, naming Time Warner, Universal, Viacom, News Corp., and Disney. “Those five corporations control everything you see and hear,” and this goes beyond the news department to include films, television, cable, books, music, and magazines, he said.

Marrs touched on speculations and conspiracies regarding Comet Elenin, the East Coast earthquake, and 9-11. Regarding the quake, there was no seismic activity leading up to it, which was highly unusual and didn’t fit the pattern of a normal earthquake, he said, adding that a Russian intelligence agency claimed that the quake was caused by an underground nuclear blast. Addressing what he calls the “trillion dollar conspiracy,” he noted that Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Fed, admitted that some $14 trillion of US tax money was sent overseas to prop up foreign banks and corporations. …

Steve Quayle’s Alerts and Hot Headlines

Disclaimer: This is cutting edge info of which all cannot be totally trusted (but that’s absolutely true of the mainstream media too). It’s good to put it in your seed box to see what will sprout.



Renminbi May Replace Dollar In Sino-African Trade
: CHINA’s renminbi could replace the dollar as the main currency to finance trade between Chinese and African countries, research by Standard Bank shows. In a sign of China’s growing influence as Africa’s largest trading partner and investor, Standard Bank estimated that up to 40%, or $100bn, of China’s trade would be denominated in renminbi by 2015. This amounted to more than the total Sino-African trade last year, the bank’s Beijing-based economist Jeremy Stevens said in a research paper released yesterday. more

Illusion of Stable Currency Vortex
: The Jackson Hole Conference was a dud. To the astute student observer, something happened never seen before. The US central bank chief admitted failure, if only people could properly interpret and translate his words of helplessness and disappointment. A more apt description was that USFed Chairman Bernanke used the forum to announce on stage that the central bank failed and is powerless to react to the current lapse into recession. more

Major Quake Strikes Off Alaskan Coast
: An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.1 struck Friday off the coast of Alaska, the U.S. Geological Survey reported. The quake was 6.2 miles deep — a shallow tremor capable of causing damage. It struck, however, in a sparsely populated part of the Aleutian Islands. The epicenter was 120 miles from Atka, Alaska, the Geological Survey said. The quake prompted a tsunami warning for coastal areas of Alaska, from Unimak Pass, Alaska to Amchitka Pass, Alaska, the West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center said. more

Simulation Map of Cesium-137 Deposition Across the Pacific by CEREA Shows Contamination in US Greater Than That of Western Japan: France’s CEREA has the simulation map of ground deposition of cesium-137 from the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident on its “Fukushima” page. It not only shows Japan but also the entire northern Pacific Rim, from Russian Siberia to Alaska to the West Coast of the US to the entire US. According to the map, the US, particularly the West Coast and particularly California, may be more contaminated with radioactive cesium than the western half of Japan or Hokkaido. It looks more contaminated than South Korea or China. Canada doesn’t look too well either, particularly along the border with US on the western half. morego to archives


Sept 2
Evidence Suggests Cover-Up In ATF Scandal, As More Guns Appear At Crime Scenes
Inner Freedom Comes First
Renminbi May Replace Dollar In Sino-African Trade
Why Gold Is Going To $2,000 An Ounce By The End Of September
Illusion of Stable Currency Vortex
Self-Employed Struggle as U.S. Recovery Offers Few Opportunities
Even Goldman Sachs Secretly Believes That An Economic Collapse Is Coming
Major Quake Strikes Off Alaskan Coast
4.2 Earthquake Rumbles Across Los Angeles
Gulf Coast on Alert: Louisiana State Of Emergency Over Fears Of Another Katrina As Lee Threatens New Orleans Floods
Fresh Quake Hits New Zealand City Still Struggling From February Temblor
Earthquake Caused Massive Nuclear Storage Casks To Move
Simulation Map of Cesium-137 Deposition Across the Pacific by CEREA Shows Contamination in US Greater Than That of Western Japan
Second Giant Ice Island Set To Break Off Greenland Glacier
Marking 9/11: Obama Aides Defend ‘Talking Points’
FEMA’s Use Of Term ‘Federal Family’ For Government Expands Under Obama
China Developing Star Wars Missile Defense While Obama Disarms
Turkey Expels Israeli Ambassador, Suspends Military Ties With Israel Over Flotilla Raid
Verdict! Christians Convict Pastor for ‘Giving Out Bibles’
Mystic Josep Terelya/Letter From Reader
Bioengineering Methuselah
Shuttle Program Discontinued For A Hidden Reason?

Sept 1
The Transhumanism Trap: Using Technology to Perfect the Human Race
Armageddon OT Background to the Battle for the Cosmic Mountain 4
Tolerance Doesn’t Extend to Christians
Silver Ready To Breakout – Technicals And Fundamentals Suggest $50/oz In Early Autumn
Gold: The Best Safe Haven We Have
John Williams Forecasts: “Catastrophe Ahead”
Poverty Crisis in US Gambling Paradise
What’s Going On With The U.S. Economy?
Cops Confiscate Ohio Lady’s Arsenal; Motive Pending
First They Came For The Lemonade Stands…
Nuclear Expert Says Fukushima Radiation Coming to USA, Massive Cover-Up Under Way
‘Cheney Fears Trial As War Criminal’: Colin Powell Aide Hits Out At Former VP
U.S. Wasted at Least $31 Billion in War Contracts
Ignore The Police!
EU to Impose Oil Embargo on Syria
China Confronts Indian Navy Vessel
Is China Planning a Surprise Missile Attack?
Iranian Nuclear Bid Could Provoke Attack: Sarkozy
Strong Quake Aftershock Shakes Virginia
Al-Qaeda and NATO’s Islamic Extremists Taking Over Libya
Comet Elenin Self Destructs – Steve’s Note: Didn’t self destruct as it was blasted in space by our secret space weapons system
China Analyst: U.S. Can’t Win in Space, So Why Bother Racing?
Cloud Control: Giant Lasers Fired Into The Sky Could Be Used To Create Rainfall
Nano Patents and Innovations: Invisible Man Next? Transparent Mouse: Ground Breaking New Chemical Reagent Turns Biological Tissue Transparent
Scripture of the Day

Aug 31
Fukushima Is Continually Blasting All Of Us With Radiation-Will Kill Millions For Years To Come
Japan Earthquake ‘Increases Likelihood Of Tokyo Disaster’
Simulation: New Madrid Quake Would Kill 100,000 Instantly; Displace 7 Million
Signs of Unrest At The Famous Tambora Caldera in Indonesia
The Ripple Effect: Water Shortages Likely in Most Populated Cities
Oil Rising Again from Macondo Well: BP Hires Fleet of 40 Shrimp Boats to Lay Boom Around Old Deepwater Horizon Site
25 Signs That The Financial World Is About To Hit The Big Red Panic Button
Switch Focus To Precious Metals, Says JP Morgan Chief Strategist
The Rise And Fall Of US Confidence, Or Why The Fair Value Of Gold In Phase Space Is $6,000-$12,000
Liberty Will be Decapitated! – prophetic
Are Both Parties Scrapping Constitution?
Obama’s Flaunting Of Rule Of Law
I Visted A FEMA Facility Today
Dangerous Cybercrime Treaty Pushes Surveillance and Secrecy Worldwide
Assad May Opt For War To Escape Russian, Arab, European Ultimatums
Egypt Evades Crackdown On Sinai Terrorists. Jihad Keeps Israel In Suspense
Report: Israel Sends 2 Warships To Egyptian Border
U.N. Troops In America Doing Martial Law Drills
The Racial Violence that Dare Not Speak Its Name
The Fall and Rise of Human Violence
Stolen Blessings: The LDS Connection
Adam and Eve: Clarifying Again What Is at Stake
A Laboratory for Christianity’s Destruction
‘Exterminate Christians, Close Pyramids, Sphinx’
The Seed of the Serpent

Aug 30
How The Economy Quietly Entered A Recession On Friday, And Why The GDP Predicts A Sub-Zero Nonfarm Payroll Number
Underpublicized Threat Deep in White House
Report: Next Terrorist Attack Might Come From … Iraq
‘There Are Some Here That Have Nothing To Go Back To’: New York Town Nearly Wiped Out By Flooding In The Wake of Hurricane Irene – Death Toll Rises to 44
The Irene Hangover Begins: New Yorkers Wake Up To A Hellish Commute And An Estimated $45Bn Bill After ‘one Of Most Expensive Hurricanes In America’s History’
Eyewitnesses To Flames Coming Out Of Ground In Wv Day After Quake
12 Things That We Can Learn From Hurricane Irene About How To Prepare For Disasters And Emergencies
Bright Skies – flashback – must read to understand tectonic warfare going on
Japanese Insider Spills the Beans! It’s Over For Japan!
Harlem Pastor James David Manning Preaches ‘Obama is Evil’ on Church Signs, Angering Local Residents
Duke Prof.: American’s Religious Faith Waning
Gibson Competitor is Dem Donor; Uses Same Wood, Experienced No Federal Raids
Behind Operation Fast & Furious – the Islamic Connection
Female TSA Agent Repeatedly Helped Drug Dealer Sneak Through Security
DHS “Cyber Security” Propaganda for College Students
Operation False Flag: A Modern Primer
Ron Paul: Obama’s Misadventures ~ Libya to Be Occupied, Syria Next?
Alert On Giants
Word Of Encouragement To The Body From A Brother Who Locked Himself Away With Jesus And Sought the Lord
Forced Vaccinations And The H1N1 Pandemic Vaccine Scam
Synthetic Life Could Help Colonize Mars, Biologist Says
Robot Mimic Gives A Speech
Posthuman: Exploring the Obsolescence of the Corporeal Body in Contemporary Art
New Body ‘Liquefaction’ Unit Unveiled In Florida Funeral Home
Scripture of the Day

Aug 29
NWO Overman is the Eupraxsophy of Transhumanism
When Computers Get Brains
Meet ‘Twenty-four’, the Cuban Man With Four Extra Fingers And Toes
El Hierro Earthquake Count Exceeds 4200
10,000 Earth Tremors Recorded On German-Czech Border
6 Strange Anomalies With The Virginia Earthquake
Empty Shelves: Hurricanes, Disasters and Civil Unrest – a Contingency Plan
Hurricane Irene Path 2011: Flooding Fears As Irene Begins To Batter New York
Hurricane Irene, Unusual Earthquakes, Unprecedented Tornadoes, Historic Flooding And Horrific Drought: Why Is All Of This Stuff Happening To America?
The Mystery of Comet Elenin
September 23: The Beginning Of The End For Merkel… And The Eurozone?
Fear Sets In, Panic Begins, Ruin Perceived, Prepare for Gold $2100
The American Working Man Slowly Fades Away
Anonymous Announces Wall Street Occupation
Record Prices Spawn New Wave Of China Gold Bugs
Housing Time Bomb Goes Tick Tock Tick Tock
Japan’s Ministry of Environment to Allow Radioactive Ashes to Be Buried in Regular Waste Final Disposal Sites
Officially Declared Nuclear Nightmare
E-mail from Listener in the Know
Monsters of Anarchy – Post Collapse Security Considerations
Former DEA and CIA Operatives: Los Zetas May Attempt to Overthrow Mexican Government in 2012 (Using U.S. Government Weapons)
State Paid Sex Offenders As Baby Sitters
Armageddon the OT Background to the Battle for the Cosmic Mountain
Next Stop, Alpha Centauri
Synthetic Self-Assembling Collagen For Tissue Engineering

Aug 26
Hurricane Irene: As Many As 200,000 Evacuate in North Carolina
Hurricane Irene: New Moon And Warm Atlantic Water Could Make Flooding Worse
If Irene Decides To Dance With Plum Island–Lucies Open The Door
History Channel Mega Disasters: Hurricane Irene Predictive Programming?
Mega Disaster’s Hurricane Irene? – must watch
We Are Totally Unprepared – Tremors Caused Mass Confusion, Panic
Federal Reserve Policy Mixed With Extreme Weather Has Put The World On A Fast Track To Revolution And War
Animals at National Zoo in DC Clustered Together, Let Out Cry Before East Coast Quake
Volcano Agency Warns of Likely Papandayan Eruption
The Collapse of the Thermosphere – flashback
Scientists Find Underground River Beneath Amazon
The Puzzle Comes Together/Note From Listener
Got 10 Bucks For A Cup Of Joe? Speculators Bid Up Coffee Prices
34 Pieces Of Evidence That Prove That The Middle Class In America Is Rapidly Shrinking
Western Speculators Sell Gold; Asia And West Buy Bullion – Coin and Bar Supply Increasingly Tight
A Unified Theory of Obama
FDA Wages Secret War On Raw Milk Farmers Using KGB-Style Spying And Infiltration Techniques
53 Dead in Attack on Casino in Northern Mexico
Israel Targets Islamic Jihad As Truce Unravels
Iran Stirs Up New Conflict: Its Iraqi Terrorist Arm Shoots Scuds at Kuwait
Gadhafi’s Loose Weapons Could Number a ‘Thousand Times’ Saddam’s
Hospital Patients Now Being Microchipped with “Electronic Tattoos”
DARPA Confirms Splash Down of HTV-2 Hypersonic Vehicle On Second Test Flight
How Will Technologically Enhance Individuals Collaborate With Normal Employees?

[EXCELLENT!] 9/11/2011: Ten Years, No Justice — STOP THE 9/11 COVER UP NOW!

[youtube=]9/11/2011: Ten Years, No Justice

Uploaded by on Sep 2, 2011
We all have different opinions of the events that took place that tragic day but we all recognize the totalitarian acts that have followed. There are thousands, even millions of us across the globe who are aware of these atrocities. We must unite together in our efforts to demand a new investigation into 9/11. Let us put aside our differences, even if it’s only for one day. Let truth and the power of the people prevail. Let’s make history this September 11th by coming together in New York City in hopes of the justice we’ve all been fighting for.

9/11 10th Anniversary Campaign by Remember Building 7

[youtube=]9/11 10th Anniversary Campaign by Remember Building 7

Uploaded by on Sep 2, 2011

This ad will appear on TV screens across the New York Metropolitan Area. Make your donation for the 10th Anniversary today.

[ Donation to “10th Anniversary Ad Campaign”.]

White Gold: Heroin & the Destabilization of Afghanistan — Chart shows Taliban almost completely eliminated opium production during the year prior to US invasion. Thanks to US, Heroin back to record highs now that we ADMITTEDLY guard the opium fields.

From: The Corbett Report

Numerous reasons have been suggested as to why the occupation of Afghanistan is important to the west, from its geostrategic importance to its mineral wealth, but one of the most compelling is the fact that the country now produces as much as 92% of the world supply of opium.

The Afghan poppy crop brings in about $1 billion for the opium farmers themselves, or about $5000 per family annually. $3 billion go to Afghan government officials, insurgents, warlords and traffickers. The street value of the drugs produced from the opium, however, is estimated to be as much as $200 billion a year, with the vast majority of that being laundered through the U.S. banking system.

The idea that the drug trade in Afghanistan is enabled and protected by western interests for their own benefit is by no means a new or controversial idea. Charts showing opium production in Afghanistan reveal that the opium crop was almost entirely eliminated by the Taliban during the year that they banned opium cultivation, with the chart spiking to record highs during the years of NATO occupation.

Late last month, I had the chance to talk to Professor Peter Dale Scott, the author of such works as Drugs, Oil & War: The United States in Afghanistan, Columbia, and Indochina, and American War Machine; Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection and the Road to Afghanistan.

I asked him about who is behind the refinement of Afghan opium into heroin and how they profit from the international drug trade.

Adding to the conclusion that the protection of the global drug trade is in fact a key aim of the NATO occupiers, this week it was announced that US Training Center Inc, a subsidiary of Blackwater International, has just been awarded a contract by the Pentagon for “counter-narcoterrorism activities in Afghanistan.”

How exactly a firm that is notorious for claims of its involvement in murder, weapons smuggling, money laundering, child prostitution, and schemes to deliberately overcharge the Pentagon for its services could possibly be of use in counter-narcoterrorism activities is not clear.

However, the fact that the U.S. Military’s officially acknowledged policy is now to help the Afghan farmers grow and cultivate their poppy crop makes the involvement of an arm’s-length military contractor of dubious integrity all the more understandable..

What these reports expose is that exactly contrary to government talking points about the poppy trade helping the Taliban, who in fact almost succeeded in eradicating opium production in the country during their rule, the crop is in fact being grown, cultivated and sold under the watchful eye of NATO troops.

This is not an incidental role for coalition troops in the region, but in fact a vital one, helping to prop up what has been estimated to be the third most lucrative commodity in the world behind oil and the arms trade. The total value of the global drug trade has been estimated at between 0.5 and 1.5 trillion dollars annually, with Professor Scott noting in his book American War Machine that about half of that total is funnelled through U.S. banks each year.

In 2001, a U.S. Senate investigation found that 10s of billions of dollars of drug money were being laundered through U.S. banks each year via a dimly-policed shadow financial system known as correspondent banking.

In 2006, a DC-9 carrying 5.7 tons of cocaine, valued at $100 million, crashed near the Gulf of Mexico. An investigation found that the money had been purchased with funds laundered through Wachovia, and the US DEA, IRS and others unwound billions of dollars in drug money that had been laundered through the bank. Charges were brought against Wachovia, now a part of Wells Fargo, but the case was settled before coming to court. In the end, the bank was shown to have laundered over $378 billion in illicit funds, and ended up paying $160 million in fines and forfeitures.

In 2008, the Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crimes noted that US banks under pressure from the liquidity crisis of that year in fact used laundered drug money in order to stay solvent.

Given the central importance of the drug trade to the world economy, it should come as little surprise that US forces in Afghanistan are being ordered to guard the poppy fields, not eradicate them. And given that private contractors like Blackwater are now being hired to participate in Pentagon-funded counter-narcoterrorism activities, look for Afghan opium exports to hit record highs once again this year.

Entire Article Here

[Willfully ignorant] Chuck Baldwin: Jackie Onasis a “conspiracy nut” too??? — “Anyone who thinks that there are no conspiracies that many times involve people and agencies at the highest levels of government and business is downright simple minded, willingly ignorant, incredibly naïve, or has a personal, vested reason to remain clueless.”

“…anyone who thinks that there are no conspiracies that many times involve people and agencies at the highest levels of government and business is downright simple minded, willingly ignorant, incredibly naïve, or has a personal, vested reason to remain clueless.

From: Chuck Baldwin Live

Jackie O., A “Conspiracy Nut”?

Tapes that were recorded within months of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination and that have been sealed in a vault at the Kennedy Library in Boston are soon to be released. In the tapes, former First Lady Jackie Kennedy reveals that she believed Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson and other influential individuals orchestrated the Dallas shooting that killed her husband.

Jackie went on to marry Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis, of course. Mrs. Kennedy had ordered that the tapes should not be released until 50 years after her death. She died 17 years ago from cancer at the age of 64. Now, her daughter, Caroline Kennedy, has agreed to release the recordings early. According to press reports, the tapes will be aired by ABC and by British broadcasters as well. The tapes are also said to reveal illicit affairs by both President Kennedy and Jackie.

According to DailyMail, “Jackie Onassis believed that Lyndon B. Johnson and a cabal of Texas tycoons were involved in the assassination of her husband John F. Kennedy, ‘explosive’ recordings are set to reveal.

“The secret tapes will show that the former first lady felt that her husband’s successor was at the heart of the plot to murder him.

“She became convinced that the then vice president, along with businessmen in the South, had orchestrated the Dallas shooting, with gunman Lee Harvey Oswald–long claimed to have been a lone assassin–merely part of a much larger conspiracy.”

See the DailyMail report at:

So, now I suppose we can add Jackie-Kennedy-Onassis to the list of “conspiracy nuts.” Right? Isn’t that what anyone is called who believes that the federal government hides the truth about what happens and conjures up a convenient “official” story to sell to the American people? Isn’t that what the media calls anyone who dares to question any “official” report? Isn’t that what Glenn Beck calls them? Isn’t that what Joe Scarborough calls them? Isn’t that what Bill O’Reilly calls them? Isn’t that what Rush Limbaugh calls them? They are “conspiracy nuts.” Right? I wonder if we will now hear any of these talking heads call Jackie Onassis a “conspiracy nut”?

And since we are talking about conspiracies, I want to go ahead and just say up front: I believe that anyone who thinks that there are no conspiracies that many times involve people and agencies at the highest levels of government and business is downright simple minded, willingly ignorant, incredibly naïve, or has a personal, vested reason to remain clueless.

Entire Article Here


[Willfully ignorant] Dr. Doug Rokke: People won’t acknowledge what the US has really done because the foundation for everything they’ve believed and what they’ve trusted literally collapses…

Almost 2 hours with Gerald Celente: “People don’t want to believe that their country is going under. They don’t want to admit that they’ve been had.” “You’re going to start seeing a thinning of the herd. And the people that are going to move forward and make it will be that 20%.”

From Willful Ignorance through Cognitive Dissonance to “Could I Be Wrong?”

Willful Ignorance: Actively Resisting the Truth and Truth-tellers


Unfiltered News from Freedom Force International

More Ultra-Vivid Headlines from
G. Edward Griffin’s


Click on headlines to see full articles If original sources are missing, click on Cached.
Star indicates article worth printing for future reference.
See the entire collection here.
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Asterisk indicates an amazing event or phenomenon.
See the entire collection here.


Libya: NATO-backed rebel leader reportedly was held as a terrorist by the CIA in 2004 and tortured. Then he was repatriated to Libya and spent 6 years in solitary confinement.  Now he is an ally to the US and NATO and receiving funding for the new government. [Does this story sound familiar?]
NY Times 2011 Sep 1 (Cached)

US: 9/11 firemen are 19% more likely to get cancer; yet, Federal Health Director says there is not enough evidence to conclude that this is connected to the toxic dust they breathed on 9/11. Therefore, no benefits will be paid by the federal fund established for that purpose. DailyMail 2011 Sep 2 (Cached)

US: Earthquake safety survey of nuclear power plants shows that there is a high risk of core damage leading to meltdowns. In light of the Fukushima event, current rules are inadequate because they fail to account for larger earthquakes, floods, tornados and hurricanes. MSNBC 2011 Sep 2 (Cached)

US: Federal Court of Appeals rules that it is not illegal to videotape on-duty police officers in public. InfoWars 2011 Sep 1 (Cached)

Criminal charges are dropped against Michigan mother who threatened to shoot police if they tried to take her child to be forcibly injected with mind-altering drugs. She was released because the arrest warrant was not properly signed. [This is hailed as a victory for freedom-of-choice, but not so. If the warrant had been signed, the woman likely would be in prison. However, it is a victory for the spirit of resistance against tyranny.] Vaccine Liberation Army 2011 Sep 1

US: War spending fraud study shows that $60 billion has been pilfered out of a budget of $206 billion (29% stolen) for contracting alone in Iraq & Afghanistan over the last decade How much more through military theft is unknown.
2011 Aug 31 (Cached)

US: The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has stated that vaccines do not cause autism, but admits that they do cause seizures, inflammation of the brain, fainting, etc. The IOM report follows a request from the Dept. of Human Services that the media stop reporting on vaccine opposition.
Autism Key
2011 Aug 31 (Cached)

White House issues guidelines for celebrating 9/11: (1) Warn of more terrorist attacks and (2) Don’t question official story of 9/11. [Mainstream media will comply.] MSNBC 2011 Aug 30 (Cached)

US: Dick Cheney says that torture by waterboarding (authorized by him) was OK because it was only used on 2 or 3 people and it kept America safe for over 7 years. [That’s the logic of collectivism: Anything is justified if claimed for the greater good of the greater number.] RawStory 2011 Aug 30 (Cached)

China’s central bank issued a policy memo requiring higher down payments or other collateral on home loans to combat overbuilt real estate development and inflated prices. [If China (or any country) would stop managing the money supply, let money be based on gold or silver, and let the free market set interest rates, new building would match realistic demand, and prices would be exactly what they should be.]
The Australian
2011 Aug 30 (Cached)

Mexico will require all girls 9 and over to take HPV vaccine in 2012 despite fact that the vaccine has dangerous side effects and HPV causes cervical cancer in less than one one-hundredth percent (.013%) of the population. [Drug company lobbyists obviously have been busy in Mexico.]
2011 Aug 30 (Cached)

China plans to legalize the detention of dissidents in secret locations without telling their families, a process in which people simply disappear. [This has been common in China and other collectivist countries for many years but not legal. Now China will legalize it.]
Yahoo 2011 Aug 30 (Cached)

Google confirms that the goal of its social networking program is to create a profile of your identity so it can be sold to commercial firms [and government agencies]. Anonymity is not an option. Business Week 2011 29 (Cached)

Tennessee mother is told by police that she will be arrested if she lets her 10 year-old child ride her bike 1 mile to school again. If the mother does not make her daughter ride the school bus, they say she will be guilty of child neglect. [The collectivist state just grows and grows.] Bikewalk 2011 Aug 29 (Cached)

Monsanto’s genetically engineered corn was designed to repel root worm and other insects that like corn. Now there is evidence that, in Iowa, this may have caused the development of a new, “superbug” that tolerates the genetic insecticide. If so, farmers who have relied on this technology may be facing crop failures in the next few years.
CNN Money 2011 Aug 29

Time magazine says it is unconstitutional for states to require drug tests as a condition of receiving welfare. [There is nothing in the Constitution that dictates what states must do in this regard, unless one makes a far-fetched interpretation of the 14th Amend-ment and claims that the equal-protection clause covers it. The bigger issue is the unconstitutionality of welfare itself. If anything violates ‘equal protection’ of citizens, it is the redistribution of wealth from one group to another. Time remains silent on that issue] Time 2011 Aug 29 (Cached)

Don’t ever play billiards against this fellow! Click and be amazed. YouTube Posted 2011 Aug 29

Al Gore would like to see global-warming skeptics become marginalized and despised just the same as racists are. He says that skeptics are “deniers” and must be confronted. [Bold talk, but Gore has refused to publicly debate the issue. That is because, in any such debate, he would be forced to “deny” that the sun has an influence on global temperature and “deny” that the Earth has been through many cycles of warming in its history, long before man-made hydrocarbons were a factor. In other words, he would reveal himself as a pathetic denier of scientific fact and would loose the debate.] DailyMail 2011 Aug 29 (Cached)

Japan: Radioactive debris is being burned, and the ashes are being buried. Some scientists worry that this will pollute groundwater with radioactive cesium. They believe that smoke from the burning will cause radioactive rain, even in the US and Canada. Salem News 2011 Aug 29 (Cached)

US: Federal agents raid Gibson Guitars and confiscate over $1 million in wood without explaining why. Some of the wood came from foreign countries and may have been harvested from trees that are said to be ‘endangered’. The U.S. prohibits the importation of any plant or animal claimed to be endangered.
New American
2011 Aug 29 (Cached)

US: Ron Paul delivers ‘rocking’ responses in a Fox News interview. He advocates abolishing FEMA, challenges central planning, says Lybya’s next leader probably will be no better, exposes the madness of US global wars, explains Austrian Economics, and makes a strong case for a gold-backed currency. YouTube 2011 Aug 28

Scientists show (again) that global warming is related to the Sun’s effect on cloud formation, not man-made production of CO2. Mainstream media (again) is ignoring this story.
2011 Aug 27 (Cached)

Illinois man may be sentenced to 75 years in prison for filming on-duty police officers and recording his court hearing because he was refused a court reporter. [Illinois is one of several states with such laws. It is unclear at this time if the Sept 1 decision of the federal appeals court that said such recordings are not illegal will have any effect on state law.]
Posted 2011 Aug 27

This will make you angry. Armed officers of the Los Angeles County ‘Nuisance Abatement’ team are forcing people out of their homes in the remote desert, using zoning and code violations as the excuse. Some of these ‘off-the-grid’ residents have been jailed and others forced to destroy their own homes. YouTube Posted 2011 Aug 27

US: Federal government pays for airline flights with no passengers to rural airports. The ‘Essential Air Service’ program is a $200 million boondoggle. Altogether, transportation subsidies for highways, aviation, and maritime cost taxpayers $45 billion ($376 per household). SF Gate Posted Aug 27 (Cached)

Gulf: Video shows fresh oil slicks forming above the Deepwater Horizon site, indicating that the damaged oil well may still be leaking.
Posted 2011 Aug 27 (Cached)


Reports and commentaries that look beyond the news to identify historical facts and trends that must be understood to place the news into perspective. This is our “think-tank” section that makes it possible to anticipate future events.

Prize-winning amateur video illustrates the enormity of the federal debt. You will be surprised at the ending. YouTube posted 2011 Aug 31

Why are energy prices in the US so high? It has little to do with the cost of energy and much to do with political corruption. Dick Cheney has been a key player. Here is the story. MorphCity 2011 Sep 1 (Cached)

“Big Parl” is a country-music lampoon of federal plans to steal rural property by way of eminent domain to create so-called Public Lands. YouTube posted 2011 Aug 31

Here is a list of false-flag operations in which governments or organizations have staged attacks and blamed them on their enemies in order to engineer public opinion. [Most of these events are not acknowledged as false flag by mainstream media.] GGArchives 2011 Aug 28 (Cached)

US: TSA’s naked-body scanners and pat-downs are ineffective as security measures. Bomb-sniffing dogs are far more efficient and less expensive. Here are the facts. I Am Free America posted 2011 Aug 27 (Cached)

5-star rating for this one: Tom Woods explains to Democratic Progressives that Ron Paul is more aligned with their core values than their own party. YouTube 2011 Aug 29

If the word ‘transhumanism’ is unfamiliar, you need to drop everything and watch this video. You will be shocked and amazed as Tom Horn explains how scientists, with government funding, are developing part-human creatures and, at the same time, preparing to allow elitist humans to improve their genetic makeup to become a superior race. No kidding! And it’s already underway.
posted 2011 Aug 18
Freedom ForceUnfiltered News is as serious as it gets, but laughter is good for the soul and helps to keep our equilibrium amid the chaos. So, here are quips, gags, and images to put a smile on your face. If you have some you would like to share, please send them here.

Two blondes were going to Disneyland. They were driving on the Interstate when they saw a sign that said Disneyland LEFT. They started crying, turned around, and went home.

When they got home, they went out on the porch and were looking at the moon. One said to the other, “Which do you think is farther away… Florida or the moon?” The other blonde turned and said “Helloooooooooo, can you see Florida ?????”

 Not sure if this is scary or funny. Click and decide.

Please send comments here. Although we are unable to engage in correspondence, we deeply appreciate your contribution. Comments under 300 words receive preference. We do not publish insults or ad hominem attacks against other readers. Stick to facts and opinions that stand on their own. Anyone is welcome to express their religious views but not to criticize the views of others. Our mission is to unify our freedom brotherhood, not to divide them. Thank you.

Alex Takes Calls on Mainline ‘Christians’ Who Go Along with the NWO’s Agenda: “If you like the way things are going keep voting for Rick Perry… It’s elementary.” — “How can so many mainline Christians make fun of Ron Paul talking about global government when that’s what the Bible teaches?” — The rapture is ‘the ultimate cop-out.’

[youtube=]Alex Takes Calls on Fake Christians Who Go Along with The Nwo’s Agenda 1/2

Uploaded by on Aug 31, 2011


Pastor Chuck Baldwin on Rick Perry: We Don’t Need Another George W. Bush — If James Dobson and John Hagee were truly interested in protecting and preserving the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Constitution, they would be promoting the candidacy of Ron Paul!

[audio with author] Killer Clothes —Which fabrics and clothes contribute to breast cancer, infertility, and a range of diseases — Tight clothing…



DR. BRIAN CLEMENT reveals in unprecedented detail the toxic truth about the clothes we wear and the surprising number of harmful effects on health caused by garments once considered safe. Synthetic clothing is now documented as a direct correlation in respiratory disease, cancer, infertility, and more.

NEW BOOK: KILLER CLOTHES: How Seemingly Innocent Clothing Choices Endanger Your Health…and How to Protect Yourself (by) Anna Maria Clement PhD, NMD, LN and Brian R. Clement, PhD, NMD, LN …

Audio Archived at:
September 01, 2011 (hour 1) – News LIVE with talk show host Joyce Riley
September 01, 2011 (hour 2) – Guest Dr. Brian Clement
September 01, 2011 (hour 3) – [Brian Clement cont.] followed by Testimony Day!

– –


Killer Clothes [Paperback]

Product Description

How Seemingly Innocent Clothing Choices Endanger Your Health…and how to protect yourself!
This book reveals in unprecedented detail the toxic truth about the clothes we wear and the surprising number of harmful effects on our health caused by garments once considered safe.
Readers will learn what fabrics and chemicals to watch for when selecting clothing, why to avoid any garment that has anti-odor, antistatic, antimicrobial, etc., along with tips for ecological and health-friendly cleaning, and the advantages for choosing natural fabrics.

They’ll also learn the many ways that synthetic clothing, chemicals added to garments, and tight clothing and tight shoes create dangerous problems for human health and the environment. Dr. Anna Maria Clement and her husband, Dr. Brian Clement, document numerous medical studies that show the rise in health problems that has paralleled the increased use of synthetic clothing fibers. Readers will learn which fabrics and clothes contribute to breast cancer, infertility, and a range of diseases, and which garments are safe to wear. Based on medical science, these studies have been brought together for the first time in one place; important findings which have, for too long, been hidden from public awareness.

Alex Jones: “Spare The Rod, Spoil The Child” — Liberals and dog parks, and other examples

[youtube=]Spare The Rod, Spoil The Child – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

Uploaded by on Sep 1, 2011



Non-Dairy Creamer, What’s In It

From: Hippocrates Institute

So, how many of you were hoodwinked into thinking this sci-fi-freaky non-dairy creamer was just a harmless coffee additive? Another example of how the grass isn’t always greener. This trickery is not only used in nondairy creamers, but in imitation whipped cream as well as many other products, so learn to be an avid label reader. The best advice is to eat as close to nature as possible and remember what 93 year old fitness guru Jack LaLane says, “if man made it, don’t eat it.”

Entire Article Here

[Fukushima Truth] Jeff Rense Japan and American Nuclear Disaster Headlines


Japan Nuclear Disaster

Yoichi Shimatsu
Japan Update 8.29.11
Free MP3 – Listen

Real Time World Earthquake Monitor 

Fukushima Daiichi Plant – LIVE Cam NEW!

Video Shows US West Drenched By Fukushima Radiation – Vid

TEPCO Try To Keep Radiation From Water Table

Radiation Swamps Japan Sewage Treatment Plants – Vid

Water Entombment For Fukushima 1 Back On Table

14 Fault Lines Found Near Japan Nuclear Plants

Japan Burning Pouring Radiation High Into Atmosphere

Fukushima Workers Showered In VERY ‘Hot’ Water

Japan Radiation – Something’s Rotten In Yokohama

Japan Booklet Tells People To Decontaminate Selves

Sunflowers Used On Radiation In Fukushima, Japan

34 Fukushima Soil Spots Top Chernobyl Forced Evacuation

Insane Radioactive Burning Covering Japan With Cesium

Massive Radioactivity In Widening Areas Of Japan

40 Yr Old Fukushima Worker Dies After One Week

76 TRILLION Beq Of Plutonium 239 Released From Fukushima

Fukushima Plant Releasing 10 Trillion Becquerels/hr – Vid

Radiation In Fukushima School Stairs 70x Over Safe Limit

Soil Radiation Around Fukushima Above Chernobyl Dead Zone

Scientists Can’t Decide What To Do With Fukushima

Japan To BURN Everything Radioactive – Worldwide Death

Gunderson – Japan To Burn All Radioactive Materials – US Will Get It – Vid

Japan To BURN Radioactive Debris – Radiation Will Come To US

Gunderson – NRC Fukusima Fuel Pool Lies Exposed – Vid 

TEPCO Explains How Fukushima Reactor 4 Exploded

Fukushima Area Uninhabitable For 20 Years

Japan Firm Orders ‘Energy Saving’ Haircuts For 2700

Radioactive Early Harvest Rice In Two Prefectures

Radioactive Rice Hay Story Still Unresolved

Japan OKs $900k To Police Fukushima Information 

Rage Over Govt Monitoring EVERY Fukushima Post

Fukushima Cesium Leaks ‘Equal 168 Hiroshimas’


Fuksuhima Radiation In US & CanadaFREE LISTEN MP3
Janet Starr Hull ..File Click Here

US Chart Showing Precipitation
Radiation Types & Amounts

Live National Radiation Network Map

West LA – Santa Monica Live Readings

Radiation And Jet Stream Forecast Monitoring Sites

Radiation Dose Chart

Megrahi Conviction Politically Motivated Says Father

‘Let Megrahi Die In Peace’ Says Lockerbie Victim’s Father

NATO Rebels Warn Algeria Not To Shelter Gaddafi Family 

Radioactive Cesium In SF Bay Area Milk Rising To Limit

St Louis Background Radiation 178 Times Normal! – Vid

Canada To Test West Coast Fish For Radiation

Yukon To Test For Radiation In Caribou Herd

DOE Cancels ‘Radiation Is Good For You’ Pitch

Radioactive Rain On Lake Louise, Canada – Vid

High Cesium In Ashes At Tokyo Trash Burning Plant


Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines


Investigation panel concludes U.S. government conspired with doctors to commit murderous medical experiments in Guatemala


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
September 1 – U.S. government medical researchers, including those from the National Institute of Health (NIH), engaged in heinous crimes through secret medical experiments on Guatemalan medical experiments, concluded an investigative report commissioned by President Obama. The report…

Take action NOW to stop FDA from turning your vitamins and supplements into unapproved ‘food additives’


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
September 1 – We here at NaturalNews cannot stress enough how important it is to take the time to fight back against the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) latest assault against vitamins and dietary supplements. Proposed guidelines put forth by the agency for “New Dietary…

Nuclear expert says Fukushima radiation coming to USA, massive cover-up under way


By PF Louis
September 1 – (Natural News) There has been a lot of disinformation regarding the Fukushima Nuclear disaster. It appears the government agencies of other nations cooperated with Japan while the international nuclear industry sided with TEPCO’s (Tokyo Electric Power Company) disinformation and denial…

Scare tactics begin: UN warns of Asian bird flu resurgence


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
September 1 – Autumn is upon us, which means flu season and all of its corresponding scare campaigns are once again starting to propagate in full force. New reports from the Associated Press (AP) claim that the H5N1 avian flu virus, which afflicted 63 countries during its peak spread…

Nashville suburb officially ends water fluoridation


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
September 1 – A few weeks ago NaturalNews reported that officials from Spring Hill, Tenn., a fast-growing suburb of Nashville, were considering ending the city’s water fluoridation program. We are excited to report that, according to a recent report in The Tennessean, these same city…

Government tyrants fine Oregon woman for holding yard sales to pay for cancer treatment


By S. D. Wells
September 1 – Neighbors of a Salem, Oregon resident did not appreciate the weekly yard sales nearby and asked the City to shut them down, apparently not knowing the proceeds were paying for a woman’s bone marrow cancer treatment. Since the story made national news, Jan Cline has received…

Would Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn be diagnosed mentally ill and drugged?


By Monica G. Young
September 1 – Imagine if the beloved young characters in Mark Twain’s classic, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” lived today. Based on current psychiatric criteria, Tom and Huck could be designated mentally ill and prescribed mind-altering drugs. Quiet, listless and numb, their legendary…

Startup watch: Green PolkaDot Box online retailer to finally make organic, non-GMO foods affordable


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 31 – Something significant is happening in the organic foods industry: There’s a new player on the block, and its name is Green PolkaDot Box. It’s a new online organic store that’s launching in just a few weeks, and it has the potential to save organic and non-GMO consumers…

Pro-vaccine agenda in shambles after pivotal Washington meeting


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
August 31 – Efforts to save the sinking pro-vaccination ship are failing, especially after a recent US State Department Listening Meeting during which various non-government organizations (NGOs) presented sound scientific evidence against the continued use of mercury in vaccines…

Science Gone Wrong: Bioengineered animal proteins used to make bulletproof humans


By Christina Luisa
August 31 – If certain crazy scientists have their way, we could eventually see some humans covered in skin that has been bioengineered with animal parts such as spider’s silk and goat milk. Bulletproof vests are widely accepted as a method of ballistic protection, but genuine…

Forks over Knives documentary reveals stunning healing power of plant-based diet


By Christina Luisa
August 31 – America may boast some of the most advanced medical technology in the world, but the health of the American people continues to decline year by year, with ever-growing rates of degenerative diseases. Approximately two-thirds of the population is overweight, and around…

Nearly half of children living in Fukushima region have radioactive iodine in their thyroid glands


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
August 31 – An anonymous official from the Japanese government recently came forward with the startling results of radiation tests conducted on children shortly after the disastrous earthquake and tsunami struck the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility. According to the…

Hidden sources of high fructose corn syrup in your groceries


By Bella Muse
August 31 – It is amazing how ubiquitous high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has become. Most of the products that you purchase from the grocery store contain HFCS, including the ones you would least expect. It has the same sweetness and taste as an equal amount of sucrose from cane…

All charges dropped against Detroit mom Maryanne Godboldo


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 30 – All charges have been dropped against Detroit mom Maryanne Godboldo, the woman who was SWAT team raided when Child Protective Services attempted to kidnap her daughter because Maryanne refused to “treat” her with psychiatric medications. An armed standoff ensued, and…

Calendar of upcoming events for September, 2011


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
August 30 – September promises to be an action-packed month of natural health events, expos and conferences. Here are some of the most important events happening in September (many are internet based, so you can attend from anywhere): September 10th in Philadelphia, PA 6th Annual…

Click here for more articles »    

Ron Paul: CIA Chooses Dictators Around the World

Ron Paul: CIA Chooses Dictators Around the World

Presidential candidate elaborates on CIA “coup” comments

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Speaking about his contention that the CIA had orchestrated a “coup” in America against the government, Congressman Ron Paul told the Alex Jones Show that the Agency was also behind the choosing of dictators around the world.


“For the CIA to really be running the show….the CIA is involved in war, they’re involved in military activity, they pick targets from Langley in Virginia, they can shoot missiles to any spot in the world, generally killing a lot of people they shouldn’t be killing and missing the one’s they’re trying to target,” said Paul, adding that such activity was even outside the realm of Obama’s unconstitutionality in terms of the Libya bombardment.

“Now we have the DoD person Petraeus going over to the CIA and then the CIA head going over to the military,” said Paul, adding, “I know the CIA’s been involved in so many elections around the world, they pick and choose dictators….I don’t think there’s any doubt they’re very much involved in these revolutions going on in the Mediterranean, we’re just trying to pick dictators,” said Paul, adding that the CIA’s secrecy was “out of control”.

Paul’s original comments regarding the CIA “coup” were made during a Campaign for Liberty Regional Conference in Atlanta, GA, in January 2010.

“There’s been a coup, have you heard? It’s the CIA coup,” stated Paul. “The CIA runs everything, they run the military. They’re the ones who are over there lobbing missiles and bombs on countries. … And of course the CIA is every bit as secretive as the Federal Reserve. … And yet think of the harm they have done since they were established [after] World War II. They are a government unto themselves. They’re in businesses, in drug businesses, they take out dictators … We need to take out the CIA,” he added.

Watch the clip of Paul’s original comments below.



Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

The News from Prison Planet: Gibson Guitar CEO Says Feds Told Him Problems Would ‘Go Away’ if Labor Outsourced to Madagascar; Panel concludes U.S. government conspired with doctors to commit murderous medical experiments in Guatemala; Nashville suburb officially ends water fluoridation; and more…


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