Freedom from Alaska!

Month: September 2011 Page 5 of 6


[youtube=]CIA Whistleblower talks about Heart Attack gun

Uploaded by on Dec 27, 2008

CIA whistleblower talks about a gun that shoots a frozen dart of poison that mimicks a heart attack in the unfortunate victim.

Go find out for yourself how many witnesses died of heart attacks in cases involving the US government. Start off with the JFK assassination.

[Important!] Alex Jones: How they compromised President Ronald Reagan — He was leading justly until they had him shot. They they actually mind-controlled our President when he was in the hospital…

I had heard how Reagan gave in to the globalists’ control after they had him shot, but I didn’t know about the mind-control.

– –

Gets good at 4:30. What happened to Ronald Reagan is at the 14 minute mark[youtube=]Union Thugs, Mafia Kingpins & Rick Perry – Alex Jones

Uploaded by on Sep 9, 2011

An illustration from Alex Jones’ living room*: Form Over Reality — They package dog crap in a beautiful box with a bow on it. Then they package liberty and freedom, the true jewel in a package that looks like dog crap, so the people don’t want it. They want the dog crap.

From: ToBeFree

[* I suspect this is Alex’ living room, but may not be.]

The dog crap illustration seems extreme, but what they’re giving us is much worse.

Dr. Stan would say there are dark spiritual forces at work. And I would say these dark spiritual forces are totally real and actually live inside of people to cause them to do what they otherwise wouldn’t.

They drive the controllers to manipulate the truth. And they drive the people to willfully accept the beautifully packaged dog crap without making sure what they are getting — even liking it.

Some are so deceived they even angrily wish evil on those of us who are trying to help all of us, saying “please open your eyes so you can see what are the jewels and what is the dog crap.”

“Come out from them and be separate,” God says in the Bible.

Let’s arise and be free!

jeff fenske

[youtube=]9/11 Killers Still Using Pat Tillman Even After They Killed

Uploaded by on Sep 9, 2011

All major TV channels are now pumping police state worship 24/7. The controllers are getting ready to kill more Americans and then act as our protectors.

[video] Excellent Speaker, George Humphrey: CREATE COMMUNITY — We’re at the end game. QUIT PLAYING their game. Go out there and SURF the tsunami. LOVE your brothers and sisters and keep JOY in your heart!

From: ToBeFree

• Derivatives scam

• “Invest more so it doesn’t sink” game

• Iceland’s AMAZING solution!

• “Give us more power and we’ll fix it” game

* * *

“We’re at the end-game.”

“It’s a spiritual choice we have right now.”

“Quit playing their game.”

“Create community.”

“Go out there and surf the tsunami.”

“Love your brothers and sisters and just keep joy in your heart!”

– George Humphries

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Illuminati Want 60% Population Reduction Now! – Activist George Humphrey 1/2

Uploaded by on Sep 9, 2011

George Humphrey stops by to give Alex an update on what the current timeline is for the Nwo’s agenda for the Global population, and it’s not good.



George Humphrey: For all of my liberal friends who still listen to NPR: Wake Up! This is the Matrix — “I was reading the New York Times. And I just let myself read it without my own point of view, and I realized how incredibly seductive and believable their point is.”

George Humphrey on Alex Jones Tv, 4/2/09: The Game is Fixed! “The people of this nation are far, far more controlled subconsciously than they have any idea about.” “If we see this thing with CLEAR EYES and a FULL HEART, then we can have some LOVE IN OUR HEARTS and realize that we don’t have to go to this materialistic gulag that is being prepared for us.”

[Real-History Audio] Bob Fletcher with Dr. Stanley Monteith: JFK Assassination — “This is the sort of thing that we don’t stress. We don’t want the American people to know. We want them to be fat, dumb and happy until it’s too late, until we’ve lost our freedom” – Dr. Stan

“This is the sort of thing that we don’t stress.
We don’t want the American people to know.
We want them to be fat, dumb and happy until it’s too late,
until, of course we’ve lost our freedom.”

– Dr. Stan

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Real-historian Dr. Stan
“A national treasure!”

* * *

Audio from Dr. Stanley Monteith’s
Radio Liberty archives

Date: 09-07-11
Hour: 1
3:00: Bob Fletcher – JFK
Hour: 2
4:00: Larry Pratt – Disarming America
Hour: 3
8:00: Open Lines
Hour: 4
9:00: Rex Cozzalio – Dam Removal + Klamath River Basin Agreement
Date: 09-06-11

The News from Prison Planet: MSNBC Ignores Winner of Debate; Ron Paul: Border Fence Could Be Used To “Keep Us In;” Infowars Nightly News: 2012 End of the World Hoax, Ron Paul Debate and More


Mike Adam’s Natural News Headlines: A handful of walnuts each day significantly lowers breast cancer risk; MSNBC distorts post-debate poll results to falsely depict Ron Paul as just barely winning; and more…


EPA declares hay a pollutant in effort to drive small, mid-sized family cattle ranchers out of business


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
September 9 – The assault against American industry and individual livelihood continues — and no, it is not coming from Al-Qaeda or other foreign terrorists. A recent report from R-CALF USA, an advocacy group for American cattle producers, says the US Environmental Protection Agency…

A handful of walnuts each day significantly lowers breast cancer risk


By John Phillip
September 9 – Researchers from Marshall University in West Virginia report in the journal Nutrition and Cancer that small amounts of walnuts eaten daily can significantly lower the risk of breast cancer in women. Walnuts are a naturally great tasting source of healthy Omega-3 fats…

As the 9/11 anniversary approaches, does the government still have questions to answer? (Part I)


By J. D. Heyes
September 9 – Just about every American who was alive on Sept. 11, 2001 remembers where they were and what they were doing on that fateful day when our nation fell under attack. In the decade since, we have managed to punish most of those who were directly responsible for the worst…

As the 9/11 anniversary approaches, does the government still have questions to answer? (Part II)


By J. D. Heyes
September 9 – Looking further into the events surrounding the 9/11 attack, Kean and his commission discovered lots of discrepancies. For one, scores of families affected by the attack were also finding it difficult to get answers to their growing lists of questions. The commission… provides information and news exposing vaccines


By PF Louis
September 9 – (Natural News) If you have enjoyed the clever songs and messages of Mike Adams, here is an excellent funk/rock group with a message. They really are a professional level group, and they really know what they’re against – forced or coerced vaccinations along with a couple of other…

Heal your gut with the amino acid l-glutamine


By Elizabeth Walling
September 9 – With chemical additives, excessive gluten consumption, over prescription of antibiotics and more, the integrity of our gut lining is weakened further with each passing year. It’s no wonder that digestive disorders and their accompanying deficiencies are more common than…

Reverse asthma naturally


By Dr. David Jockers
September 9 – Asthma is one of the most common inflammatory conditions of the lung. It is characterized by variable and recurring symptoms, bronchospasm and reversible airflow obstructions. Reverse asthma with natural lifestyle interventions, modulate the immune system and de-inflame…

CEO Schmidt admits Google+ is massive data-mining, advertising scheme


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
September 9 – The new, but floundering, social media service Google+ has been exposed as being nothing more than a user-driven data mining and advertising scheme, similar to its popular predecessor, Facebook. In a recent interview with National Public Radio (NPR), Google’s CEO Eric…

MSNBC distorts post-debate poll results to falsely depict Ron Paul as just barely winning


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
September 8 – A post-debate poll shown on reveals Ron Paul to be the landslide winner of the internet survey, capturing 43.5% of the votes on the question, “Who do you think won the Republican debate at the Reagan library?” The next closest candidate, Mitt Romney, received…

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sues trucking company for sidelining alcoholic truck driver


By Mike Adams, NaturalNews Editor
September 8 – As the actions of the federal government continue to spiral out of control — with armed raids on Gibson Guitars, raids on Rawesome Foods and the assaulting of children’s lemonade stands across America — the insanity of government only becomes more apparent. In the…

Gibson Guitars raid proves the environmental police state wants your wood products and guns


By Jonathan Benson, staff writer
September 8 – The recent US government raid of Gibson Guitars’ Tennessee manufacturing facility is now receiving widespread media coverage, thanks to a flood of reports that have appeared across the web in recent weeks, including here at NaturalNews. But beyond simply the raid itself…

Prenatal exposure to common chemicals called phthalates linked to brain damage


By S. L. Baker, features writer
September 8 – According to the American Chemistry Council, a family of plasticizer compounds called phthlates are fine and dandy additions to everything from wall coverings, flooring, toys, perfumes, shampoos and IV tubes. In fact, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC…

Milk thistle provides a protective shield to the liver, heart and brain


By John Phillip
September 8 – The liver is one of the most critical organs essential to human health. It serves more than 300 functions in the body to detoxify against chemical and environmental intrusions, and it promotes metabolic function as well. Silymarin is commonly known as milk thistle, and…

Ten years after 9/11, two-thirds of Americans still willing to give up more freedom to fight terrorism


By Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
September 8 – A new Associated Press (AP) poll shows that many Americans are still in the dark about the importance of protecting their freedom and liberty from being stolen by their own government. While roughly 66 percent of respondents indicated a willingness to give up a little…

Discover the most versatile medicine in nature


By Shona Botes
September 8 – For centuries, Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis) has been used to treat a number of medical and skin conditions. This miracle plant is also known as the ‘harmonious remedy’ by the Chinese people, the ‘elixir of youth’ by the Russians and the ‘herb of immortality’ by the ancient…

You think we owe $14.5 trillion? The real figure is more like $211 trillion


By J. D. Heyes
September 8 – Remember the tussle between Congress and the White House earlier this summer over raising the nation’s debt limit? Supporters of the “deal,” including President Barack Obama, tried to assuage our angst over the incredible amount of money – $14.5 trillion – our nation…

Click here for more articles »    

Fake Christian, Rick Perry Physically Intimidating the Peacemaker, Ron Paul — During the break Perry walked up to Paul’s podium, physically grabbed Paul’s wrist, and pointed at Paul’s face with his other hand.


* * *

Click for Large Bullying Picture

* * *

From: Infowars

Pictures Show Perry Physically Intimidating Ron Paul

Steve Watson
Sept 8, 2011

Alex Jones Comment: Ron Paul’s campaign needs to make a public statement on this incident. Perry’s thuggish behavior is identical to how he confronted me in a Mexican restaurant several years ago.

Pictures taken during a commercial break in last night’s GOP debate at the Reagan Presidential Library document how Texas Governor Rick Perry attempted to physically intimidate Congressman Ron Paul, prompting Paul’s security to intervene.

Photographs published by the AP and Reuters show a stern looking Perry holding Paul’s wrist and waving a finger in his face.

Reports by Fox News and International Business Times state that during the break Perry “walked up to Paul’s podium, physically grabbed Paul’s wrist, and pointed at Paul’s face with his other hand.”

A third man, said to be Paul’s security guard, is seen approaching the podium in the picture.

Another photo shows Perry with arms outstretched, leaning in towards Paul engaging in what may be considered lively conversation to say the least. Some Paul supporters have suggested that the shot shows that Perry physically forced Paul away from his own podium during the commercial.

The two candidates were situated directly next to each other during the firey televised debate.

Before the exchange took place, Paul and Perry locked horns in a sharp exchange of words, with the Congressman calling out Perry on his support for ‘HillaryCare’ and his issuance of an executive order to forcibly vaccinate 12-year-old girls against HPV.

Ron Paul’s latest campaign ad, which ran during the debate commercials, also targeted Perry, exposing his previous record as a Democrat and his intimate links to Al Gore’s 1988 Presidential campaign.

The images clearly indicate that Perry tried to physically intimidate the Congressman. The two campaigns have been asked to clarify what actually occurred during the exchange.


All of my Rick Perry posts in reverse-chronological order

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian?

Can Sarah Palin be a real, going-to-heaven Christian, part 2? Encouraging Bristol’s tango on DWTS: “Is it like lap dancing scandalous (giggling, darting out her tongue)? … Just dominate. Just take over.”

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?


As I predicted, which isn’t hard, because this has happened so many times. Which is why they don’t mention these polls on air anymore.

– –

View MSNBC Poll Here

[VERY IMPORTANT – 33-minute audio] Real Historian G. Edward Griffin on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/7/11: Exactly why our economy will never recover — Globalist bankster cartel will not give up control. Their ’15-20-year’ transitional plan towards their final one-world-currency goal.

The international banking cartel controls the media,
the politicians,
and they lie through their teeth,
acting like they’re our good friend.

“They have to go through this act…:
‘we’re doing this for America.'”

* * *

The inflation process will be institutionalized at an international level,
and there will be no escape.

* * *

“They do know how to fix it,
but they don’t want to fix it.”

* * *

They’re lending the money, printed from nothing.

“They know in their hearts
they’re never going to pay that back.”

“That’s a scam that they’re not going to let go of.”

– G. Edward Griffin

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

* * *

From: Coast to Coast AM

Currency & Fed. Reserve

First hour guest, writer and documentary film producer G. Edward Griffin talked about the Federal Reserve, banking cartels, and the economy. The central banks plan to get rid of national currencies like the dollar and replace them with an international currency, and will probably introduce a regional currency like the “amero” (for North America) as an interim step, he detailed. Griffin was critical of the way the US govt. continues to lend money based on debt that it has no plans to pay back. He also proposed that we abolish the Federal Reserve, and instead just use government regulation to ensure that banks are operating honestly.

* * *

Starts at minute 7[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – 7.9.2011 – 1/4 – Secret Agendas

Uploaded by on Sep 7, 2011

Guests: Jeffrey Grupp, G. Edward Griffin

[video] Ron Paul after the Simi Valley, CA Debate 9/7/11 — “I suspect here in the next 12 months our economy is going to get a lot worse.”

“I suspect here in the next 12 months
our economy is going to get a lot worse.”

– Ron Paul

* * *

[youtube=]Ron Paul after the Simi Valley, CA Debate 7 Sept 2011

Uploaded by on Sep 7, 2011

Ron Paul is Legit! He came to chat and talk with everyone for more than half an hour after the debate, and we got a lot of great photos. We’ll be posting some free-domain photos from his visit soon.

Also, make sure to check out our website at to get literature to pass out and help spread the work.

Mike Adams: FEMA Scuttles Volunteer Firefighters

[youtube=]FEMA Scuttles Volunteer Firefighters – Mike Adams

Uploaded by on Sep 7, 2011 As fires raged across central Texas for the past three days, local citizens sprang into action to protect their lives and property. Local churches opened their doors and began hosting refugees left homeless by the fires which have now destroyed more than 1,000 homes and 100,000 acres across the state in just the past week. Several branches of the YMCA also began hosting families with children, and a public school in Bastrop County opened its doors to serve as an emergency relief center.

See a YouTube video of a citizen’s narrow escape around Highway 21 near Bastrop, Texas:

Federal agencies seize control on Tuesday
Hundreds of firefighters from all the surrounding counties worked two days and nights in a heroic effort to contain the fires, but high winds Sunday night and all day Monday thwarted their efforts. So the call went out for more volunteer firefighters to join the effort from across the state.

Before they arrived, however, the federal government showed up and claimed it was in charge of the situation. “Agents with the federal National Interagency Fire Center, a coalition of federal agencies including the U.S. Forest Service, assumed command of firefighting efforts Tuesday afternoon,” reports The Gonzales Cannon

Learn more:

FEMA Gives ‘Texas FireFighters’ Stand Down Order! – Special Edition

[youtube=]FEMA Gives ‘Texas FireFighters’ Stand Down Order! – Special Edition

Uploaded by on Sep 7, 2011

Kurt Nimmo
September 6, 2011

In an outrageous repeat of Katrina, the federal government has moved into wildfire-stricken Texas and turned away firefighting trained volunteers who had converged on Bastrop and Smithville to combat the out of control flames.

According to The Gonzales Cannon, federal officials arrived at the scene and assumed command of the operation under the pretense “local officials never made a formal request for volunteers.”

Jennifer Jones, a spokesperson with the U.S. National Interagency Incident Center, confirmed that a federal group comprised of several agencies would be assuming command in Bastrop County.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, FEMA refused to allow volunteer firefighters from around the nation, as well as trucks loaded with donated water, from entering New Orleans as troops, police, and mercenaries went house-to-house confiscating weapons.

Officials in Louisiana accused FEMA of making the situation worse with red tape and a hesitant response immediately after Katrina blasted into the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, the Los Angeles Times reported on September 5, 2005.

Alex Jones was contacted on Tuesday by firefighters who confirmed that FEMA is blocking volunteer assistance and has frustrated local attempts through the U.S. Forest Service and its maze of bureaucratic red tape. The firefighters and other volunteers report that the Forest Service is not responding to their efforts to clear federal hurdles put in the way of a response to the worst fire in Texas history.

In the past, the first line of defense during emergencies was the state National Guard. Since 9/11, however, the federal government has taken control of the Guard away from the states and has merged its operations with the Pentagon. In 2008, then Secretary of Defense Robert Gates commissioned a study proposing recommendations to merge the National Guard and Reserves into the U.S. armed forces.

In January 2010, Obama moved the process forward when he issued an executive order establishing a Council of Governors. “In other words, the Pentagon and Homeland Security will give hand-picked governors their marching orders under the guise of ‘synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States,’ a direct violation of Posse Comitatus,” we wrote at the time.

In 2005, Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard told the national media that FEMA and the feds had abandoned New Orleans after the hurricane. He described how trucks with water delivered from Wal-Mart were turned back and FEMA cut emergency communication lines.

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen said FEMA’s actions during Katrina amounted to information warfare. “Jamming radio and other communications such as television signals is part of a Pentagon tactic called ‘information blockade’ or ‘technology blockade.’ The tactic is one of a number of such operations that are part of the doctrine of ‘information warfare’ and is one of the psychological operations (PSYOPS) methods used by the US Special Operations Command,” he told Prison on September 6, 2005.

It appears FEMA and the feds are attempting a repeat in Texas.

“The mission of FEMA has never in reality been to bring people food and water and help in times of crisis. Alex Jones has attended numerous FEMA drills where the whole point of the exercise is to round people up, break up families and institute a brutal police state crackdown,” Paul Joseph Watson wrote after the devastating storm in the Gulf.

[video] Ron Paul in the NBC / Politico GOP Debate – 9/7/11

Watch Here

Watch tonight, Braveheart!: Ron Paul vs the Warmongerers — GOP debate on MSNBC

They’re all lined up against Braveheart!

One man stands for what is right,
ready to resuscitate America.

And then watch how they won’t even discuss
Ron Paul in the post-debate analysis

happens every time.

Occasionally, in the post-debate analysis,
they’ll actually interview Dr. Paul,
but then it’s like he doesn’t exist in their other conversations.

[FANTASTIC video!!!!!!! Stewart gets it so right!!!] Jon Stewart Scolds Media For Ignoring Ron Paul, the One Who “Planted the Grassroots!” “How did libertarian Ron Paul become the 13th floor in a hotel?” Many Examples…

Also, they don’t poll the people’s response anymore
because Ron Paul almost always wins, honestly.

* * *

Despite the totally biased media,
Ron Paul could still win if the pastors would support him,
But Dr. Paul isn’t warmongering enough for them –
so America is done.

The ‘Christians’ have trashed our homeland —
unwilling to support the only real Christian running

(Jesus said the peacemakers will be called the children of God,
and Ron Paul is the only peacemaker running.

Ron Paul is also the only TOTALLY pro-life candidate running
who also stands for the lives of innocent adults we kill overseas
in our reverse-Christian foreign policy)

Where do you stand?

Will you stand for life?

– jeff

Media Manipulation Of 9/11 Truth: The major media hyped fear, promoted revenge, and defended falsified notions … AMERICA’S POST-9/11 DECADE IS BEST CALLED ITS VISIBLE FALL FROM GRACE, waging permanent wars on humanity…


Media Manipulation Of 9/11 Truth
By Stephen Lendman

In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously ruled for Fox News, saying no rule or law prohibits distorting or falsifying news.

Just as Wall Street, war profiteers, Big Oil, Big Pharma, and other corporate favorites steal with impunity, it’s OK for America’s media to lie.

The ruling pertained to a 1996 Jane Akre/Steve Wilson Fox affiliate WTVT, Tampa reports on bovine growth hormone (BGH) dangers, Monsanto’s hazardous to human health genetically engineered milk additive.

At first, the station loved them. Later, however, Fox executives and their attorneys ordered its reporters to admit falsifying evidence and produce bogus reports on BGH safety.

They refused, threatened to inform the FCC, were fired, and sued. A district court jury decided on their behalf, awarding Acre alone $425,000 in damages.

Fox appealed and won, the Appellate Court saying Acre wasn’t protected under Florida’s whistleblower statute, loosely interpreting it to mean employers must violate an adopted “law, rule, or regulation.”

In other words, Fox simply followed “policy” entitling its stations to lie – whether on product safety or falsifying facts about anything, including 9/11 truth.

In 2005, Project Censored chose this story among its top 25 most important, titled “The Media Can Legally Lie,” and lie they’ve done about 9/11 from that day to the present.

Those old enough to remember won’t forget, including how media distortions turned it into perhaps the most hyped ever spectacle, especially on television.

For days, images of planes hitting the twin towers and their collapse were aired repeatedly.


Both wars rage today, besides Obama’s naked aggression, notably against Libya – another nonbelligerent country America and its NATO allies systematically destroyed, butchering tens of thousands of Libyans on the pretext of protecting them.

America’s post-9/11 decade is best called its visible fall from grace, waging permanent wars on humanity for wealth and power, never for falsified hyped reasons everyone needs to understand and condemn.

But don’t expect America’s media to explain. They’re, in fact, complicit by regurgitating official lies, vilifying Islam, and resonating war fever discourse for intervention, featuring one-sided reports and commentaries.

Absent was critical debate. Vital questions weren’t asked. Militarism instead was promoted as the solution to “global terrorism.”

For days, political and military officials and spokespersons shared air time with so-called national security state experts and various crackpots, ranging from right-wing to hard-right to the lunatic fringe.

The common theme argued was that America was at war with Islam, Samuel Huntington’s racist “clash of civilizations” notion, “good v. evil,” “freedom (and our) way of life” against “forces of darkness.”

Bush administration officials used cowboy metaphors, including wanting bin Laden “dead or alive,” calling its campaign a “crusade” until criticism forced its change to “Operation Enduring Freedom,” and vowing to “smoke out and pursue” barbaric evil doers.

Their underlying theme was fear because it sells, even when cause for it doesn’t exist.

At the same time, Bush’s “war on terrorism” didn’t mention democracy, instead emphasizing his fighting for “freedom” mantra, no matter the human toll or illegitimacy of the Big (9/11) Lie, permitting America’s war on the world to follow.

Inaugurated on January 20, 2001, his nationally televised address to Congress declared war on terrorism, describing a conflict between “those governed by fear (who) want to destroy our wealth and freedoms” and others wanting to defend it.

Thereafter, the major media hyped fear, promoted revenge, and defended falsified notions that Washington wages wars for freedom and democratic values by ridding nations of dangerous tyrants, especially ones threatening Americans.

In other words, wars of aggression are liberating ones. Civil and human rights are suppressed for our own good, and patriotism means going along with lawless governments, committing crimes of war and against humanity against one country after another.

Bin Laden and Al Qaeda replaced “the evil empire.” Terrorism became the new mantra. Manichean good v. evil notions were hyped. Fear and hate overwhelmed sanity and defending right over wrong, as well as holding venal politicians accountable for acting lawlessly with impunity.

An earlier article explained that when America goes to war, managed news follows, spreading rumors, half-truths, misinformation, and willful deception about targeted nations, regimes, leaders, and other enemies, whether despots of democrats.

John Pilger said “Journalism is the first casualty” of war. “Not only that: it has become a weapon of war, a virulent censorship (and willful misreporting) that goes unrecognized in the United States, Britain and other democracies; censorship by omission (makes all) the difference between life and death for people in (targeted) countries….”

It suppresses debate, substitutes fiction for facts, filters out truth, and cheerleads in lockstep with government policy, right or wrong.

As a result, it supports America’s right to be judge, jury and executioner, as well as get victor’s spoils because that’s why all wars are fought, never for falsified reasons, regurgitated on air and in print ad nauseam.

Because America’s business is war, supported by its major media, war profiteering is a growth industry, and as famed comedian Jimmy Durante used to say:

“Everybody wants ta get inta da act,” and they do.

In addition, not telling the truth and holding venal politicians accountable for taking America to war on false pretenses lets them do it again with impunity.

Entire Article Here

Sheeple Magazine – Land of the Fee, Home of the Slave (Issue #4): Boiling Frog Edition



Sheeple Magazine (Issue #5): Bank Harvest Time — Getting Sheared

Sheeple Magazine (Issue #3)

Sheeple Magazine (Issue #2)

Steve Quayle’s Alerts and Hot Headlines

Disclaimer: This is cutting edge info of which all cannot be totally trusted (but that’s absolutely true of the mainstream media too). It’s good to put it in your seed box to see what will sprout.



The Worst Is Yet to Come: I’ve made some uncannily accurate predictions in the past 3 years. Back in 2008, as I ran for vice president of the United States on the Libertarian Presidential ticket, I made a prediction I’m very proud of today. I said, “Voting for McCain is voting for four more years of Bush. But voting for Obama is voting for four years of Karl Marx.” How’s that working for you? I also predicted that Obama’s entire presidency would be devoted to saving the unions — the teachers union, government employees union, and auto union. more

Only Precious Metals Can Prepare You For The Banking Crisis: What the heck is going on these days with the banks? More and more issues are arising with our nations banks causing concern for the investing public. On August 17, 2009 I wrote an article entitled The Banking Crisis is Far From Over. I wanted to make people aware of what was really going on in the banking industry as it is this sector of the economy that keeps the Federal Reserve illusion of stability alive. If the People lost faith in the banking system, we would sink into a depression. more

Feds Still Enable Terrorists 10 Years After 9/11: Ten years ago, after 9/11, Americans chanted, “We will never forget.” Today the White House is chanting that it is not “just about us.” Terrorism has been tempered and transformed ever since 2009, when President Barack Obama took office and turned the global war on terror into an “overseas contingency operation” and coddled the global Muslim community from Cairo by saying that part of his “responsibility as president of the United States is to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear” and create a “partnership between America and Islam.” more

NY Times Op-Ed: Lambs To The Slaughter: It is perhaps the most disturbing op-ed ever published in any American newspaper. I am referring to the editorial titled “Don’t Fear Islamic Law in America,” written by Eliyahu Stern, Ph.D published on September 2, 2011 in The New York Times. The essence of his thesis is that Islamic Sharia law is facing a “crusade” in America, which he claims “undermines American democracy, ignores our country’s history of religious tolerance and assimilation, and creates a dangerous divide between America and its fastest-growing religious minority.” morego to archives


Sept 7
The Worst Is Yet to Come
Only Precious Metals Can Prepare You For The Banking Crisis
European Banks Face Collapse Under Debts, Warns Deutsche Bank Chief Josef Ackermann
The Future For Most Americans: Pathetic Jobs, Bad Debts And A Crappy Economy
WikiLeaks Drops Bombshell On Gold Market; GATA Right Again!
Deutsche Bank CEO Just Gave A Terrifying Speech In Frankfurt
US Counts The Cost Of Nine Months Of Unprecedented Weather Extremes
Officials: 1,000 Texas Homes Burned In Past Week
FEMA Forces Firefighters to Stand Down in Texas
Forecaster Predicts Early Winter Snowfall For Ireland And UK
Sun Unleashes Massive Solar Flares in One-Two Punch
Feds Still Enable Terrorists 10 Years After 9/11
Bring Out Your Dead – UBS Quantifies Costs Of Euro Break Up, Warns Of Collapse Of Banking System And Civil War
The Future of the Capitalist World is Controlled by 2 Students of Marx
Police State Roundup: 15 Reasons Why I Choose Not to Live in the USSA
Fury as Elementary School Lowers American Flag… And Replaces It With Saudi Arabian One
NY Times Op-Ed: Lambs To The Slaughter
‘Top Secret America’: A Look At The Military’s Joint Special Operations Command
Video Game Allows Players to Slaughter “Tea Party Zombies” Like Sarah Palin and Bill O’Reilly – Steve Note: mind control programming the masses for civil war
DOJ in Bed With Islamic Supremacist Groups
10 Facts That Prove Big Sis Is Wrong, Drudge Is Right
Glenn Beck’s “Pure Personal Truth,” Part 1
Turkey Threatens Military Showdown With Israel
IBM Patents Your Digital Life
Comet Elenin Hit By An Explosion? Update: Nasa Images

Sept 6
Central Banks, BIS and Goldman Sachs Coercion
CHART SHOCK: The REAL Unemployment Rate Is 22%
Economist Calls Entitlements A Massive Ponzi Scheme And Says US Is Actually $211 Trillion In Debt
FLASH: China Knows About Gold Price Suppression, and U.S. Knows China Knows
Money: How to Get It and Keep It
All Hands on Deck..Economy Imploding/DEFCON ONE Imminent/Gold And Silver Skyrocket
Russian Scientists Eye Weather-Altering Technology For Sochi Olympics
Earthquake (10,000) Swarm Rattles Germany-Czech Republic Border Region
Tonga And American Samoa Shaken By Strong Earthquake
Eighteen Dead, More Than 50 Missing And Half A Million Evacuated As Typhoon Talas Rips Through Japan
”Important” Possible attack 9/11 From Law Enforcement Listener In The Midwest
They Are Afraid of Real Men
Gun Running Scandal Threatens to Bring Down Obama
Mexican Military Flies Over South Texas
DHS: We Lost Our Own Explosives During Live Drill In Phoenix
Turkey Threatens Military Showdown With Israel
Israel’s Enemies Wouldn’t Dare Launch Chemical Attack, Barak Says
IDF General: Likelihood Of Regional War Growing
Chaos On The Streets Of America
Jimmy Hoffa Threatens GOP At Obama Event: “Let’s Take These Son Of Bitches Out”
Scientist Builds Working Time Machine
Spare Human Parts Factory Could Be ‘Years Away’ As Scientists Discover It’s Possible To Grow New Organs
UFO-Terrible Sound In Kiev It Is People Are Scared
Scripture of the Day
Quote of the Day

The News from Prison Planet


Chuck Norris Warns Of DHS War On White Americans

From: Infowars

Chuck Norris Warns Of DHS War On White Americans

Walker, Texas Ranger star writes how “feds are enabling terrorists” 10 years after 9/11

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Highlighting how the Department of Homeland Security has turned its attention to white middle class Americans as the primary terror threat in a series of recent PSA’s, actor Chuck Norris warns that the federal government is ignoring Al-Qaeda Muslims while shifting its strategy to target anti-big government citizen activists.

In a piece for entitled, Feds Still Enable Terrorists 10 Years After 9/11, Norris writes how, “Terrorism has been tempered and transformed ever since 2009, when President Barack Obama took office.”

“Alex Jones’ recently documented several examples of how the feds have “dispensed with all pretense of the war on terror being focused on Al-Qaeda Muslims,” writes the Walker, Texas Ranger star, making reference to our coverage of the DHS “See Something, Say Something” snitch campaign, which has been launched nationwide on the back of racially-motivated public service announcements which overwhelmingly portray white middle class Americans as the most likely terrorists.

The story went viral, appearing on both Fox Nation and the Drudge Report, prompting Homeland Security to deny that the PSA’s were racially driven, despite an analysis showing that in almost every instance, white people are portrayed as terrorists with ethnic minorities characterized as patriotic Americans for reporting them to the authorities.

“Just a few weeks ago, as a part of its “If You See Something, Say Something” stoolie campaign, Homeland Security released two videos, in which nearly every segment shows a shift in federal strategy from catching foreign terrorists to targeting white middle-class Americans who are against big government as terrorists, including tea partyers, anti-Fed activists and even veterans. (These videos echo Vice President Joe Biden’s recent remarks that tea partyers are like “terrorists.”), writes Norris.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which is tied at the hip with Homeland Security, later admitted that the DHS videos featured, “mostly white “terrorists,” while the actors portraying citizens who report their suspicious activities are all minorities,” yet labeled Alex Jones paranoid for pointing out the disconnect between Big Sis homing in on whites as the big terror threat despite the fact that in 2009 and 2010, of the 126 people who were indicted on terrorist-related charges in the United States, all of them were Muslim.

According to the SPLC, it is not Homeland Security, but Alex Jones who has “crossed the Rubicon of race,” for believing the “conspiracy theory” that the feds think “whites are the new Al Qaeda,” even as Homeland Security itself produces video after video portraying whites as the most likely terrorists.

In his article, Norris also savages Mayor Bloomberg for blocking 9/11 first responders from attending this weekend’s 10th anniversary memorial event in New York, noting how, “Bloomberg apparently thinks politicians will be sufficient to comfort the still-grieving families and nation.”

Norris’ warning that the federal government has all but dropped any pretense of targeting Al-Qaeda extremists ten years after 9/11 is timely given the fact that a US-backed military intervention in Libya has gifted terrorists a home base as well as access to an arsenal of deadly weapons.

While characterizing returning veterans as a major domestic terror threat by subjecting them to an FBI extremist probe dubbed Operation Vigilant Eagle, as well as training Boy Scouts to hunt them down, the federal government has simultaneously sent US warplanes on bombing missions in support of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) which now controls Tripoli, a group that killed U.S. troops in Iraq according to a 2007 West Point Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) report.

Norris’ warning that the federal government is “enabling terrorists” while demonizing politically active Americans as terrorists has never been so prescient.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

9/11 Truth: Hollywood Speaks Out (FULL LENGTH FILM)

[youtube=]9/11 Truth: Hollywood Speaks Out (FULL LENGTH FILM)

Uploaded by on Jun 11, 2011

Original Film Credited to: WakeUpToTheNWO

Please visit:


This film should be viewed as a whole body of work, as it is NOT about the life, career or CREDIBILTY of any one perticular Hollywood Celebrity.

Celebrities do have the right to FREEDOM OF SPEECH and are free to verbally express their own opinion (so long as it doesn’t cause personal injury to others). If I wanted RESPECTABILTY, I would have made a boring film about the dozen or so ACADEMICALLY ACCREDITED scientests who have actually tested the World Trade Center dust and found UN-EXPLODED military grade NANO-THERMITE.

This film is about Hollywood’s GUT FEELING that something is just not right, and the dozens of UNANSWERED QUESTIONS they have.

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Click here for more articles »    

G. Edward Griffin on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ Wednesday 9/7/11, first hour

From an email from G. Edward Griffin

I’ll be on Coast-to
Coast radio Wednesday night
(the George Noory Show)
10 to 11 PM (pst) 2011 September 7

The economy tailspin and the Federal Reserve.

If you stay up late, you may want to listen in –
and invite your friends to do so.

– G. Edward Griffin


Coast’s post for this show (does not yet mention G. Edward)

[Public liberty will not long survive the total extinction of morals” – Samuel Adams] Companies pay writers to write fake Amazon 5-star reviews • Some post bad reviews of their rivals’ products.

Related: Palin insider, Frank Bailey: Love thy neighbor? Turn the other cheek? Forgiveness? These New Testament concepts were not part of Sarah Palin’s temperament. Both eyes for an eye was the rule, and vanquishing enemies became a goal. | Sarah’s Fake Letter To Newspaper Editor

– –

From: New York Times

In a Race to Out-Rave, 5-Star Web Reviews Go for $5

The boundless demand for positive reviews has made the review system an arms race of sorts. As more five-star reviews are handed out, even more five-star reviews are needed. Few want to risk being left behind.

Sandra Parker, a freelance writer who was hired by a review factory this spring to pump out Amazon reviews for $10 each, said her instructions were simple. “We were not asked to provide a five-star review, but would be asked to turn down an assignment if we could not give one,” said Ms. Parker, whose brief notices for a dozen memoirs are stuffed with superlatives like “a must-read” and “a lifetime’s worth of wisdom.” …

“Everyone’s trying to do something to make themselves look better,” he said. “Some of them, if they cannot generate authentic reviews, may hire somebody to do it.” …

Negative reviews also abound on the Web; they are often posted on restaurant and hotel sites by business rivals.

Entire Article Here

[video] Alex Jones: “States are supposed to have the National Guard for emergencies. The Feds take that away from us; give us FEMA back…”

“States are supposed to have the National Guard for emergencies.
The Feds take that away from us [sent overseas];
give us FEMA back [major element of the police state]…”

— Alex Jones

* * *

[youtube=]Alex Takes Calls on The Ron Paul Revolution 2012

Uploaded by on Sep 6, 2011

[video] Gerald Celente: Money Addicts and Houses of PRESStitution — The PRESStitutes use the fear and hysteria card to bail out the too-big-to-fails, but downplay fear when it comes to losing your own money through the engineered collapse! Timing? “Look at the real crash become a winter of discontent.” And look at “the wild card of distraction…


The end of October or early November,
the handwriting will be on the wall.

Look at “the wild card of distraction …
terror or war …
to detract the people’s attention

away from the economic crisis.”

* * *

[youtube=]Gerald Celente: Money Addicts! 1/2

Uploaded by on Sep 6, 2011

On the Tuesday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author Gerald Celente. He has predicted economic depression, tax rebellions and food riots in the United States by 2012. Celente is the author of Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century.
(New section added to


[video] REAL vs FAKE: Ron Paul’s new ad, ‘TRUST,’ exposes Rick Perry’s real history — “Other candidates are trying to parrot Dr. Paul’s principles, but their records prove they cannot be trusted to live up to their rhetoric. Dr. Paul is the only candidate with the credibility and integrity to restore America now.”

From: Business Wire

Ron Paul Campaign Debuts Latest 2012 Campaign Ad

‘Trust’ Contrasts Paul’s Consistent Conservatism with the Record of Another Leading Candidate

LAKE JACKSON, Texas–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign announced today the release of its latest advertisement, “Trust.” The sixty second spot emphasizes Paul’s longtime conservative credentials and early support of Ronald Reagan, while pointing out Rick Perry’s former chairmanship of Al Gore’s presidential campaign.

“Congressman Paul has an unparalleled record of championing true conservative principles,” said Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton. “Dr. Paul’s ideas of limited Constitutional government, sound money and balanced budgets have won the day.”

“Other candidates are trying to parrot Dr. Paul’s principles, but their records prove they cannot be trusted to live up to their rhetoric. Dr. Paul is the only candidate with the credibility and integrity to restore America now.”

[youtube=]Ron Paul Trust

Uploaded by on Sep 5, 2011 – Ron Paul for President. Learn more here.


[Important!] Alex Jones: How they compromised President Ronald Reagan — He was leading justly until they had him shot. They they actually mind-controlled our President when he was in the hospital…

[video] Alex Jones: Perry, Establishment Cheerleader of Choice! — “All of the FAKE CONSERVATIVES ON TALK RADIO WILL PROBABLY GET TO DESTROY AMERICA as they pose as conservatives to FOOL real Constitutionalists into loving you with your FAKE, black toupée. … You mainline conservatives who LIKE TO SNICKER AND MAKE FUN OF RON PAUL; LIKE TO CALL HIM A KOOK…”

“All of the…fake conservatives on talk radio will probably get to destroy America, as they pose as conservatives to fool real Constitutionalists into loving you with your fake, black toupée.”

“But you mainline conservatives who like to snicker and make fun of Ron Paul; like to call him a kook….”

– Alex Jones

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]Perry: Establishment Cheerleader of Choice!

Uploaded by on Sep 6, 2011
(New section added to


Chuck Baldwin on Rick Perry: We Don’t Need Another George W. Bush — If James Dobson and John Hagee were truly interested in protecting and preserving the principles enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and US Constitution, they would be promoting the candidacy of Ron Paul!

[video] Rick Perry & FEMA Won’t Save You! — Alex breaks down Rick Perry’s photo op

[youtube=]Rick Perry & FEMA Won’t Save You!

Uploaded by on Sep 6, 2011

Alex breaks down Rick Perry’s photo op back in texas claiming he and FEMA are here to save texans from the fires!
(New section added to

[70-minute audio] Steve Quayle on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/6/11: Global Turmoil

Steve starts at minute 9:30[youtube=]Coast To Coast AM – 5.9.2011 – 1/4 – Global Turmoil/Alchemy [last 2 hours guest]

Uploaded by on Sep 5, 2011

Guests: Jay Weidner, Steve Quayle
Global Turmoil:

In the first half of Monday’s show, author and researcher Steve Quayle offered commentary on current events and global turmoil. There are many disruptive earth changes all converging this month such as volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and fires, he said, adding that the quakes in Colorado and the East Coast were rather anomalous. Strange sounds or hums have been heard in Kiev, as well as in Colorado before the quake, and he connected them with the possible use of what he called “shockwave weapons.” There’s a lot of manipulation going on, and “there is technology that can not only steer or direct hurricanes, but can initiate volcanoes and earthquakes,” according to two former Secretaries of Defense, Quayle cited.

The New World Order has a goal to depopulate the planet, possibly using contagions, as well as a plan to sink the economy, he said, adding that both the Euro and US dollar are going to be heavily devalued. He also talked about Henry Gruver’s vision of an invasion of America by the Russians. Further, Quayle said that his sources told him there could be a devastating EMP attack on the US that will occur between 9/11/11 and 11/11/11.



[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

[4-minute video] Henry Gruver: Vision of American Cities Nuked with Map

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

Joel Skousen on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 8/2/11 with George Noory: The coming attack by Russia and China — “Once the government starts to warn us that Russia and China is a threat, it will be too late. Mark my words.”

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

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