Freedom from Alaska!

Month: September 2021

‘brainwash’: to make someone believe something by repeatedly telling him or her that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching him or her

to make someone believe something by repeatedly telling him or her that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching him or her:

“Their government is trying to brainwash them into thinking that war cannot be avoided.” (source)

Dice: False Flag Lies Behind Most US Wars

James Perloff has studied all of our wars. False flags have been used to justify almost all of them.

Ron Paul: A Tragically ‘Stupid War’ Comes to a Tragic End — A failed & bloody US foreign policy – Afghanistan

It used to be: ‘I don’t agree with you; convince me that you’re right.’ Now: ‘I don’t agree with you, and I hate you!’

Many vehemently don’t want to know the truth.

DARREL DEAN (producer): “It used to be: ‘I don’t agree with you; convince me that you’re right.’

Now it’s: ‘I don’t agree with you, and I hate you.'”

LEIGH SLOAN (guest host): “And I’m going to cancel you.”

From the Dan Fagan Show, 9/2/21

U.S. Government Stats on COVID Vaccines: 13,627 Deaths 2,826,646 Injuries 1,429 Fetal Deaths

U.S. Government Stats on COVID Vaccines: 13,627 Deaths 2,826,646 Injuries 1,429 Fetal Deaths

August 30, 2021

According to the most recent stats released by the CDC this past Friday, August 27, 2021, their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now has recorded more than twice as many deaths following COVID-19 shots during the past 8 and a half months, than deaths recorded following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years.

This has to be the most censored information in the U.S. right now, even though these statistics come directly from official government statistics.

They have now recorded 13,627 deaths2,826,646 injuries, and 1,429 fetal deaths from pregnant women who took a COVID shot.

They also report 17,794 permanent disabilities, 74,369 emergency room visits, 55,821 hospitalizations, and 14,104 life threatening events. (Source.)

And all of this has happened in just over 8 months.

From January 1, 1991 to November 30, 2020, the last month before the COVID shots were given emergency use authorization, there were only a total of 6,068 deaths recorded (mostly infant babies) following ALL vaccines. (Source.)


CDC Deletes 6,000 Deaths From VAERS



Alaska COULD Provide US With Resources We Need, But Politicians Want It CHEAP From Other Countries

Full Show

FACT CHECK: The FDA first approved ivermectin for HUMANS back in 1996… media outlets are deliberately lying to the public

The mainstream media is lying on behalf of Big Pharma and the medical fascists by falsely claiming that ivermectin is a de-wormer for animals, when the reality is that the anti-parasite drug was first approved for human use back in 1996.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is really a private corporation posing as a public health agency, ivermectin should not be used by humans because it is intended for animals. A quick and easy fact check reveals this claim to be patently false.

The fact of the matter is that while ivermectin is, in fact, used in animals, it is also approved for use in humans. The only reason that many people are having to take the animal version these days is because the governing authorities have made it next to impossible to obtain a prescription for human ivermectin, while animal ivermectin is freely available in feed stores and online.

“The lie is being put forth by CDC because people have found out that Ivermectin kills COVID-19, and if a $3 drug kills that disease, then there is no reason to take the dangerous and ineffective Genetic-Therapy masquerading as a COVID-19 ‘vaccine,’” explains radio host Hal Turner.

NPR Trashes Free Speech!

The woke love NPR instead of talk radio, where people can question what’s being said. NPR can shove anything they want down listener’s throats, true or completely false and treasonous.


Natural Immunity 13x Better Than Pfizer Vaccine: Major Study

It’s actually probably much higher than 13x, because many of the people who actually had Covid didn’t again get it — only tested positive with the faulty PCR tests.

It’s possible those who have had Covid can’t get it again, completely like those who took the vax.


Joe Rogan Takes Ivermectin, Media Panics — after getting Covid


Lift the Veil

Truth Revolution Clothing:

Steve Bannon: Jesuit trained Fauci lies for the “higher good”

Bannon doesn’t understand the Satanic, Talmudic NWO, which drives the overthrow of Christianity to bring in the NWO; though, he does admit that Fauci is a Jesuit, which drives his willingness to lie for the sake of the ‘higher good,’ which is evil, not good, Satan’s agenda.

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“I don’t think there’s a deep state. It’s in your face. There’s nothing deep about it. It’s the administrative state. It’s the way they roll. It’s NIH; they got a way they roll, and nobody controls them. They got their own institutional logic. … They think they’re doing, it’s Fauci’s thing, what the Jesuit’s teach you for the higher good [Fauci is a Jesuit – ed.]. You can actually lie, because you know internally you’re really looking at things.” – Steve Bannon @ 48:15, from:

Timcast IRL video for subscribers only: Steve Bannon Member Podcast: Ivermectin, Bannon Says CCP Virus Is A Bioweapon, Tim Argues Voter Fraud And Whether Trump Won

Steve Bannon denies there is a deep state: “I don’t think there’s a deep state. There’s nothing deep about it”

Bannon doesn’t understand the Satanic, Talmudic NWO, which drives the overthrow of Christianity to bring in the NWO; though, he does admit that Fauci is a Jesuit, which drives his willingness to lie for the sake of the ‘higher good,’ which is evil, not good, Satan’s agenda.

– –

“I don’t think there’s a deep state. It’s in your face. There’s nothing deep about it. It’s the administrative state. It’s the way they roll. It’s NIH; they got a way they roll, and nobody controls them. They got their own institutional logic. … They think they’re doing, it’s Fauci’s thing, what the Jesuit’s teach you for the higher good [Fauci is a Jesuit – ed.]. You can actually lie, because you know internally you’re really looking at things.” – Steve Bannon @ 48:15, from:

Timcast IRL video for subscribers only: Steve Bannon Member Podcast: Ivermectin, Bannon Says CCP Virus Is A Bioweapon, Tim Argues Voter Fraud And Whether Trump Won

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