Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Israel Page 5 of 26

Talmudic Israel’s War Crimes List

Israel Admits To Airstrike Killing Aid Workers, Democrats PANIC As They Lose Jewish Voters To Trump


Watch what Jewish children are taught in Israel! Talmudic racial supremacy!

The children know:

When the Talmudic ‘messiah’ comes, non-Jews will be their slaves.


Matt Walsh FINALLY Addresses The Hate Speech Laws REPUBLICANS Are Passing In America!

An0maly – News Analysis

‘You Cannot Commit Genocide and Then Hide Behind Antisemitism and Holocaust’

Ben Shapiro: “King of Cancel Culture in Conservative Media” – More Problems for Ben Shapiro and The Daily Wire! – Mark Dice

Israel Launches DEVASTATING Joint Attack On Aleppo, Syria!

Israel Launches DEVASTATING Joint Attack On Aleppo, Syria!

And the US is still illegally there, occupying their oil fields!!

US foreign policy is EVIL!

State Dept Official RESIGNS IN PROTEST Of Gaza Genocid𝕖!

Brother Nathanael: Satan at the Wailing Wall

Totally true: the ‘Wailing Wall’ is the remains of the Roman Antonio Fortress, NOT Herod’s temple!

And Text Marrs and others have explained the Satanic, occult roots of their Talmud and Kabbalah, which they consider their holiest books, not the Old Testament.


(HAARETZ) AIPAC, Explained: The Inside Story of America’s Powerful and Divisive pro-Israel Lobby

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee has clashed with and cosseted, targeted and championed U.S. presidents and politicians, turning Israel into an increasingly partisan issue. Here’s what you need to know about AIPAC, the revered, feared and reviled lobbying and political fundraising group poised to play an OVERSIZE role in 2024’s elections

WASHINGTON – Few people are entirely neutral in their assessment of the work and influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Whether revered, feared or reviled, AIPAC is seen by some as an icon of pro-Israel advocacy – or the bogeyman symbolizing everything that’s wrong with America’s political lobbying and fundraising scene.


Ben Shapiro in a Panic – Joe Rogan is Getting Involved Now! – Daily Wire Debacle w/ Candace Owens Getting Worse!

Candace Owens: “I do not fear the media or AIPAC… What I actually fear is God. One day we are all going to account for the things we have done, and I want to make sure that I’m not a person who is parroting lies”

“I am Team God. I do not fear the Media, I do not fear Journalists, I do not fear AIPAC, I don’t fear Big Pharma. What I actually fear is God. I think that one day we are all going to have to account for the things we have done and the things we have said, and I want to make sure that I’m not a person who is parroting lies.” ✝️ – Candace Owens

“Hamas” instead of Palestine — Media bias exposed!

Jimmy Dore: Alex Jones To Rabbi Schmuley – “You’re Having A Mental Breakdown!”

Shapiro’s Daily Wire Protects Jewish Power: Candace Owens FIRED Over Her Christian Faith | Rabbi Shmuley’s Filth!

Stew Peters Network

They Grayzone: Who’s behind the TikTok ban? — They say the quiet part out loud!

Is Congress pushing to ban Tiktok to protect Americans from Chinese surveillance? Or could the Israel lobby be once again pushing the censorship agenda. The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss.

Red Heifer Sacrifice To Reveal ANTICHRIST? Jews Plan SATANIC Ritual & 3rd Temple — E. Michael Jones w/ Stew Peters

Paul clearly laid it out:

2 Thessalonians 2 is SUPPOSED TO BE A WARNING, NOT A BLUEPRINT for evangelicals to help the Talmudists carry out Satan’s anti-Christ, NWO rulership plan, which will include abominable animal sacrifices and “all deception of wickedness”:

DON’T LET ANYONE DECEIVE YOU in any way, for that day will not come until the REBELLION occurs and the MAN OF LAWLESSNESS is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he SETS HIMSELF UP IN GOD’S TEMPLE [the third temple in Jerusalem], PROCLAIMING HIMSELF TO BE GOD.

8 Then the LAWLESS ONE will be revealed… whose coming is according to the working OF SATAN with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 and with ALL DECEPTION OF WICKEDNESS for those who are being lost, because they DIDN’T RECEIVE THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH, that they might be saved. 11 Because of this, God sends them a working of error, that they should believe a LIE; 12 that they all might be judged who DIDN’T BELIEVE THE TRUTH, but HAD PLEASURE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS.

Stew Peters Network

BREAKING: Candace Owens OUT At DailyWire After Israel Spat

Pro-Israel Right Declares War on Candace Owens

911 – PROOF of WHO DID IT! — Israel’s Major Role!

911 – PROOF of WHO DID IT!

Crash Course: 911 Inside Job – John B Wells LIVE

Mike King’s book: CRASH COURSE: 9-11 INSIDE JOB: Debunking the Official Story in Just 1 Hour

Great. quick overview of Israel’s heavy involvement and other issues, but Mike gets some things wrong. Israel’s reason is not only the Greater Israel Project. As Talmudists, they’re also definitely globalists, believing their superior race will rule over all Gentiles (who have lesser souls) once their ‘messiah’ comes.

He also says the planes could not have gone through the outside steel walls. Researchers have studied this. The mass at that high speed would have been substantial. Many believe the planes were switched in-flight with remote-controlled drones that could have had beefed up wings to withstand the tremendous forces on the planes at low altitude at such high speeds.

Also, the towers’ walls were put together in small sections with bolts. So the bolts are probably what gave way.

Many people saw the planes hit the towers with their own eyes, along with being recorded in video from multiple angles.

Starts at Minute-1:44:30

Lower case ‘t’ banned in Israel’s textbooks because looks like a cross?

Alex says lower case ‘t’ is banned in Israel’s textbooks because it looks like a cross.


Mike Adam’s Situation Update’s For 2022

Torture, Executions, Babies Left To Die, Sexual Abuse… These Are Israel’s Crimes

Hostages tortured to death. Parents executed in front of their children. Doctors beaten. Babies murdered. Sexual assault weaponised.

No, not Hamas crimes. This is part of an ever-growing list of documented atrocities committed by Israel in the five months since 7 October – quite separate from the carpet bombing of 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza and a famine induced by Israel’s obstruction of aid.

Last week, an investigation by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz disclosed that some 27 Palestinians seized off Gaza’s streets over the past five months are known to have died during interrogations inside Israel.

Kristi Noem Signs Anti-Semitism “Hate Speech” Phrases Into Law, calling speech a ‘crime’

Israeli government, army commanders are ‘war criminals’: Former Israeli army pilot

‘’What Israeli Air Force and Israeli military doing is war crime, terrorizing population of millions of Palestinians’’ Former Israeli Air Force pilot Yonatan Shapira

The Genocide Democrats: Max Blumenthal speaks at WNDC

Israeli rabbi Eliyahu Mali: Kill everyone in Gaza, including children

Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, head of the settlers’ yeshiva school in occupied Jaffa, incited his students serving in the Israeli occupation forces to kill everyone in Gaza, including babies.


Michael Moore on TalmudVision’s one-sided, war-on-Gaza reporting: Netanyahu is NEVER fact checked — “Everything he and his government have been saying must be treated with a lot of skepticism”

Michael Moore is radically left socially, but he was right about our reverse-Christian wars after 9/11, and is now right about Israel’s post-10/7 war on Gaza — how TalmudVision NEVER fact checks anything Netanyahu and Israel says — much of which has been PROVEN to be LIES, like their “beheaded babies” and “mass rape” hasbara propaganda fabrications — falsehoods that the majority of conservatives now believe is fact because they heard it on Fox News, Ben Shapiro, etc..

I transcribed what Moore says in this video, the first time he’s spoken up on this war:

9:30 “We have to say every time that anything comes out of Gaza now we have to say ‘[deep, newscaster’s voice] this has not been independently confirmed’ — which, right, we should all know as consumers of media. But I still don’t hear anybody in the media, whenever something comes out of Netanyahu’s mouth, whenever his government is saying, it also should have the caveat attached to it: ‘we have not been able to independently confirm what Benjamin Netanyahu is saying.’Everything that he and his government… has been saying and doing must be treated with a lot of skepticism.”

Israel Accused of Opening Fire on Gaza Civilians Seeking Food. Gaza on Brink of Famine.

On February 29, 2024, Israeli forces opened fire on on thousands of Palestinians who had gathered in an open area of Gaza City hoping to receive food, according to witnesses and medics. At least 110 Palestinians were killed and more than 700 were injured. Israel claims that its troops only fired when they felt endangered by the crowd.

E. Michael Jones Reacts To Kid Rock Endorsing Gaza GENOCIDE on ‘Joe Rogan’!

“That’s what passes for patriotism in 2024 America.” – Stew Peters

E. Michael Jones

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