Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Republicans… Blackmailable Page 1 of 3

Matt Gaetz Sex Allegations Was A Honeypot Operation! w/ Ian Carroll

Chuck Baldwin: Rep. Thomas Massie – Every GOP Congressman Has An AIPAC Babysitter


‘Tucker’: Every congressman has a Talmudic handler except Thomas Massie!

Rep. Thomas Massie: Israel Lobbyists, the Cowards in Congress, and Living off the Grid

00:00 Intro
03:19 Where Does US Debt End?
10:32 Why Massie Voted 15 Times Against Funding Israel
14:53 AIPAC
34:04 Mitch McConnell
42:25 Area 51
50:32 Massie’s Relationship with Trump
57:09 Kill Switches in Cars
1:05:58 Mike Johnson and the Deep State
1:14:34 How Massie Got Into Politics
1:18:29 Living off the Grid

How Kristi Noem’s “Phony” Exploitation of Identity Has Been Happening For Years, with Buck Sexton

State GOP Chair CAUGHT ON TAPE Trying To Bribe Senate Candidate, Kari Lake! (Live from Two Roads Theater)

Jimmy Dore is waking up the left with comedy!

Some crude language.

Excellent breakdown!

The Jimmy Dore Show

Cathy O’Brien | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #21 — Trauma-based mind-control, gov’t level, sex slave survivor speaks out!

The strength of the human spirit — what Satan tries to break.

People allowed TalmudVision to mind-control them after 9/11, glued to the TV, getting programmed with the horrible images over and over, so they were easily convinced to support our wars and let our rights be removed via the Patriot Act.

“Repetition is the most basic form of mind-control.”

– –

You asked for it and you got it! The most requested guest in our podcast’s short history, Cathy O’Brien finally joins the podcast! Cathy has been a lifelong whistleblower on child sex trafficking, MK Ultra and trauma-based mind control. She also happens to be one of Roseanne’s best friends. The two have been fighting to expose the deep state since they first met at a conference where Roseanne opened for her in 2007.

Cathy O’Brien:

  / realcathyobrien     / realcathyobrien  

Report: Nikki Haley Serial Adulterer: Affidavits Reveal Haley’s Brazen Extra Marital Affairs

Nikki Haley is blackmailable like most:

Joel Skousen: 75% in Congress are Blackmailable, while only about a dozen congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system

Joel Skousen just updated his 75% blackmailable percentage to 80%, October 2021: Skousen: 80% of Top Level Gov’t Leaders Controlled by Deep State

Jimmy Dore: Judge Rules Epstein’s List Must Be Released! — but will NOT BE THE CLIENT LIST?!!

Will NOT be the client list though? The MANY US politicians and famous people whom Epstein blackmailed for the Mossad!

The list of “alleged victims and associates” only is said to be made public in 2024.

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Cathy O’Brien & Mark Phillips : ACCESS DENIED For Reasons of National Security – The Opperman Report 4/30/2016

#wayne cox #gerald ford #hillary clinton #bill clinton #mormon church #catholic church #country music #most dangerous game

Cathy O’Brien is a recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency’s MK-Ultra Project Monarch mind control operation.


CrossTalk: GOP Riddled With SCANDAL – The Degenerate Right

56:40 “Every US politician seems to have some form of blackmail on them, and it’s almost a requirement for you to be in the game. … The second you step out of line they burn you. … You can’t be blackmailed if you live an upright life.” – Edward Szall

47:20 Lauren Boebert

54:45 Kristi Noem

57:45 Marjorie Taylor Greene

58:45 Lindsay Graham (the war hawk) — long known as homosexual, male prostitute speaks out: “[…] Any escort he’s hired should be able to verify this.”

Tim Scott (seems like a war hawk too)
Matt Schlapp’s statement

1:07:35 Niki Haley‘s alleged affair with a blogger

1:09:00 Caitlin/Bruce Jenner’s influence on Trump on the trans subject

Stew Peters Network

EXCLUSIVE: Married South Dakota governor Kristi Noem and Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski have been having a years-long clandestine affair


Jason Bermas interviews Nick Bryant: Epstein Justice And The Franklin Scandal

Nick Bryant: Federal Scandal – Epstein Coverup – John B Wells LIVE

The Franklin Scandal is also covered, in which many Republican leaders were compromised, including at the highest level, mostly with boys.

Democrats compromised mostly with girls, Bryant says.

John B. Wells Live

Jason Bermas: Another Summer At The Bohemian Grove — Truth ignored by MSM

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Mark Dice on Bohemian Grove: It’s 100% Real – Here’s What We Know For Sure

Alex Jones Tells Bohemian Grove Infiltration Story for 30 Minutes in 3-Hour Interview

1:22:40 Alex is trying to love his enemies now.

1:27:10 Bohemian Grove for 30 minutes!

3:01:55 Joe Rogan “plays dumb,” acting like he doesn’t know what’s really going on. Alex is talking to Joe “every day,” which probably just means often. Alex still exaggerates, which is not being committed to telling the truth no matter what.

One Nation Under Blackmail with Whitney Webb | The Nick Bryant Podcast

10:00 JFK blackmailed by Judith Exner

FBI head J. Edgar Hoover was blackmailed himself, before blackmailing many others

CIA head William Casey was also compromised — homosexual escorts.

50:05 Casey became born-again Catholic late in life; regretted much of what he did, and they offed him.

53:40 Epstein

1:03:35 CIA controlled airlines: Southern Air Transport, Aero Air, Polar Air Cargo. [Evergreen also, but not mentioned].

Sexual blackmail isn’t needed as much now, because mass surveillance technology makes it easier than ever to blackmail people.

‘Conspiracy of Silence’ with Tim Tate | The Nick Bryant Podcast

Without explanation, Discovery Channel USA pulled the production before it was completed, so wasn’t aired on TV; though, many have seen the rough cut of the film in other ways.

Tim Tate is a UK-based author and filmmaker who produced Conspiracy of Silence.

Conspiracy of Silence:…

One Nation Under Blackmail with Whitney Webb

Solid! Thousands of footnotes!

One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein: Volume I, Volume II

27:00 Trump and the gang

– –

Whitney Webb of joins James once again, this time to discuss her new, epic, 900-page, two-volume tour de force, One Nation Under Blackmail. In this conversation, Webb and Corbett dive into the sordid tale of Epstein and his compatriots and begin to unravel the incredibly complex web of the intelligence/organized crime/blackmail syndicate.

Could McConnell have saved Blake Masters’ campaign in Arizona with funds he wasted battling Tshibaka in Alaska?

In Alaska, McConnell spent those millions not attacking Democrats, but smearing the name of Republican Kelly Tshibaka, to the point that several districts of the Republican Party issued resolutions of censure and condemnation of McConnell and told him to butt out of Alaska, if he was not going to support the Alaska Republican Party’s endorsed candidate, Tshibaka.


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Evil McConnell:

“The dirty tricks boys in the FBI have incriminating files on about 75% of Congress. Only about a dozen Congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system.”

Joel Skousen: 75% in Congress are Blackmailable, while only about a dozen congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system

They Knew with Sarah Kendzior, PhD | The Nick Bryant Podcast

“If you bore into the rotten apple that is America, you’ll find the maggots.” – Nick Bryant

Utah Update Another Person Comes Forward

Former Israeli Spy Exposes the Blackmail of Epstein and Maxwell | The Nick Bryant Podcast

“The people that did this had no ethical boundariesThis is what saddens me about Israel. Israel started out as a nice, socialist home for Jews that were persecuted in Europe and other countries. Then as time passed, it became something else.” – Ari Ben-Menashe

1:00:55 “So essentially, we have to be governed by ethical eunuchs that will use children to blackmail people.” – Nick Bryant

That’s right, that’s right, that’s right, that’s right.” – Ari Ben-Menashe

Cathy O’Brien – Mk Ultra Mind Control Victim (Granada Forum 1996)

Longer version including Mark Phillips (first 37 minutes): Cathy O’Brien Mark Phillips MKULTRA Survivor Granada Forum


TRANCE: Mind Control And Human Slavery – The Cathy O’Brien Story (2022 Full Documentary)

Cathy O’Brien was sold into Project Monarch, one of the 149 known sub-projects of the CIA’S MK ULTRA Experiments that began in 1953. These secret programs were initiated by governing jurisdictions in an effort to understand and utilize mind control to further another agenda. Being a victim of the elite’s Monarch Program. as a slave Cathy was exposed to many world leaders at the national and international levels.

Through her rescue and healing process, she was able to reclaim the memories of what she witnessed while under mind control. Her story provides insight into how we’ve been controlled in the past, where we are going as a nation and how to reclaim personal and collective sovereignty. This is her story. This is our story.

1:10:14 Face masks

For more information visit Cathy O’Brien’s Website –

Her entire book, online: TRANCE Formation Of America True Life Story Of A Mind Control Slave 1995 Cathy O’ Brien

Watch HERE

or here

40 Min. Documentary: ‘Romney Exposed’


Jeffrey Epstein, Maxwell, Wexner, Mossad Documentary

Many sources compiled brilliantly, including many clips of Epstein and Ghislaine’s victim (now brave whistleblower), Maria Farmer, interviewed by Whitney Webb.

Joe Rogan Reacts To Alex Jones Trial

Hillarious because it’s so true!

…and sad too — because few care, even now when we’re so late in the game.

Mark Dice: Bohemian Grove – IT’S 100% REAL

Bermas: Franklin Scandal, Bohemian Grove…

The New Top Gun The Military Industrial Complex And Much More!

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