Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Vitamin D Page 3 of 7

Analysis of 70 Studies Finds 71% LOWER BREAST CANCER RISK with VITAMIN D Level of 60 vs. 20 ng/ml

71% LOWER BREAST CANCER RISK With Vitamin D Level of 60 vs. 20 ng/ml 

~85% LOWER BREAST CANCER RISK With Vitamin D Level of 85 vs. 20 ng/ml [estimate from this chart]

~92% LOWER BREAST CANCER RISK With Vitamin D Level of 95 vs. 20 ng/ml [estimate from this chart]

30-100 ng/ml blood level is considered “normal.” Majority of Alaskans are at about 20 ng/ml — very high risk

10,000 iu of vitamin D3 per day will get many people to 80-100 ng/ml. Overweight and obese will likely require higher amounts to achieve 80-100 ng/ml

• To find out your level, Alaska Health Fair does vitamin D screenings for $50

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Analysis of 70 Studies Finds 71% Lower Breast Cancer Risk With Vitamin D Level of 60 vs. 20 ng/ml

October 27, 2020

Breast Cancer Risk ~70% Lower with Higher Vitamin D (60+ ng/ml) – Part 5

In a previous post we summarized an analysis published by GrassrootsHealth that showed women with vitamin D levels at or above 60 ng/ml (150 nmol/L) had an 80% lower breast cancer risk compared to women with levels less than 20 ng/ml (50 nmol/L). In another post we discussed a study that found the same result among women in the United Kingdom — an 83% lower breast cancer risk with vitamin D levels above 60 ng/ml. In today’s blog we will summarize the findings from a third study, a 2019 meta-analysis by Song et al. which analyzed data from 70 observational studies.

Breast Cancer Risk Declined as Vitamin D Level Rose

The dose response relationship between vitamin D level and breast cancer risk is shown on the chart below. Specifically, the researchers found a 6% decrease in breast cancer risk for every 2 ng/ml (5 nmol/L) increase in vitamin D level. This translates to a 71% lower risk from 20 to 60 ng/ml (50 to 150 nmol/L).

Dr. Zink wants massive surveillance, admits officials made Covid policy ‘without the data’

Dr. Anne Zink TOTALLY IGNORED the peer reviewed studies that proved high enough VITAMIN D levels REDUCED the SEVERITY of Covid by 1,000-1,500%! The first such study was published early in the pandemic in April 2020.

Zink hasn’t said one word about the truth about vitamin D, which makes her RESPONSIBLE — lying by omission and commission. Few Alaskans would have died if their vitamin D levels were above 50 ng/ml, if people would have tested their D levels instead of lining up for the unreliable PCR tests that didn’t cure Covid.

The majority of Alaskans are still deficient or insufficient with levels of about 10-20 ng/ml. And Zink still says NOTHING about the main key to Covid and a main key to many health issues, longevity and DEPRESSION!

Fast acting D, calcifediol could have been used in hospitals to treat Covid late too, saving many who entered the hospital low in D.

Big Pharma is “love of money” driven, not wellness driven. They can’t patent and make $billions from vitamin D. The American Medical Association was started by John D. Rockefeller to make medicine a business model, not a wellness model.

If Pharma had told the truth about vitamin D, they couldn’t have gotten emergency use authorization for their jabs that damaged many, so they destroyed many lives in order to make ~$100 billion for Pharma.

My fact sheet for Alaskans:
High Enough Vitamin D – Freedom From Covid Fear — Summary Info / Studies / How Much to Take / New Standards

Dr. Zink wants massive surveillance, admits officials made Covid policy ‘without the data’


Dr. Anne Zink is a formidable and controversial player when it comes to directing public healthcare policy both in Alaska and across the nation. As Alaska’s chief medical officer, she has enthusiastically and relentlessly pushed pro-Covid jab messaging. Now, as the new leader of a powerful left-leaning public policy organization, she is poised to step onto the national stage as a leading advocate for massive expansion of government health surveillance and crackdown on so-called “misinformation.”

Appointed in 2019 by Gov. Mike Dunleavy to advise him on how to create and implement health policy across Alaska, Zink quickly became a polarizing public figure for her largely uncritical support of experimental Covid shots, the downplaying of natural immunity and a refusal to publicly acknowledge the benefits of early treatment methods like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

Dr. Pierre Kory: A national VITAMIN D campaign to get levels above 50 would have changed the face of Covid!


Dr. Pierre Kory @ Sen. Johnson’s forum: A national vitamin D campaign could have protected us from Covid mortality. The only thing they recommended was Tylenol Dec. 2022

High Enough Vitamin D – Freedom From Covid Fear — Summary Info / Studies / How Much to Take / New Standards

July 14, 2022, Freedom Fest in Los Vegas

46:05  Del Bigtree, the question: “If you’re head of Health and Human Services tomorrow, Dr. Robert Malone and maybe you guys,  CDC and NIH, how should we move forward right now with all the knowledge we now have in this nation and around the world? How do we get out of this?”

49:25  Dr. Pierre Kory: “If I were ever put in charge of the response to this, first thing I would have done: a national public service campaign telling all the doctors to check the vitamin D levels of all their patients, and put them on a replenishment protocol, getting those levels above 50 [ng/ml]. If you had just done that simple thing, the government knows, and they’ve known for decades that in some estimates, 90% of our population is vitamin D deficient. And that’s deficient even according to their very low levels of vitamin D. Had we done a national vitamin D replenishment campaign, that would have changed the face of this [sweeping his hands to his sides, palms down].”

Early Covid Study (April 2020) Proved Vitamin D the Key! — “Why isn’t this on the front page of the news?” – Dr. Berg

“Why isn’t this on the front page of the news? … I don’t see doctors using vitamin D probably because it’s very inexpensive. … Vitamin D puts out the cytokine storm like a water hose on a fire. If you don’t have enough vitamin D and you’re going into this infection, you are really, really at risk.” – Dr. Berg, May 4, 2020

This early study, April 2020 already showed vitamin D the key to low severity from Covid! Had the study’s threshold been more optimal, 50 ng/ml instead of 30 ng/ml for ‘normal’), deaths would have been closer to nil.

Low Vitamin D Linked to Depressed Teens – Simple Solution to a Very Big Problem — Many put on antidepressants instead

1:50 “This is a very simple solution to a very big problem. Unfortunately, a lot of kids are put on antidepressant medication, when I think they should just take some vitamin D.”

DATA: Depressed adolescents in a case-series were low in vitamin D and depression was ameliorated by vitamin D supplementation

A study I read recently talked about how vitamin D levels could be linked to depressed teens. A few symptoms linked to a vitamin D deficiency are sadness, hopelessness, loss of interest, loss of concentration, and even thoughts of suicide.

Potential causes of a vitamin D deficiency in teens:
Not getting enough sun
• Not consuming enough vegetables (not enough magnesium)
• Snacking (insulin resistance blocks vitamin D)
• A high carb diet (fructose blocks vitamin D)
Obesity (increases the need for vitamin D)
Darker skin blocks vitamin D absorption

Other symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency:
• Achy joints
• Low back pain
• Lethargy
• Insomnia
• Anxiety

Natural remedies:
Vitamin D (10,000 IUs)
• Magnesium
• Vitamin K2

Dr. Berg: Could Vitamin D Help You Lose More Weight? – 20,000 IU

“The ideal scene is to get a lot of sun, but if it’s winter, take vitamin D. I would recommend routinely taking 20,000 IU.”

How to lose weight with vitamin D:

• Get more sun
• Take a vitamin D supplement (20,000 IUs with vitamin K2)


How Vitamin D Affects Every Organ and Tissue — Simple deficiency test: sternum or shin bone pain when pressed

17:45 “One indication to know that you are deficient in vitamin D is just to press on your sternum, your breastbone here, or on your shin, and if you have pain, it’s a good way to know you are deficient, because lacking vitamin D causes bone pain — and especially pain in your lower back.”

“Vitamin D is not really a vitamin. It’s a hormone, and it’s been extensively studied. Just doing a real quick search on PubMed, there’s over 64,000 studies or reviews on vitamin D.”

Vitamin D affects certain organs and tissues, including the:
1. Brain
2. Hair
3. Scalp and skin
4. Sinuses
5. Thymus gland
6. Immune system
7. Eyes
8. Thyroid
9. Teeth
10. Lungs
11. Muscles
12. Adrenal glands
13. Pancreas
14. Heart
15. Liver
16. Kidneys
17. Gut
18. Prostate
19. Reproductive organs
20. Joints
21. Bones

Dr. Berg: Asthma, Vitamin D and Remodeling of the Lung – 20,000 IU

3:40 “I’m going to recommend at least 20,000 IU every single day, and you should notice great changes in your ability to breath and reduce these symptoms.”

Can help stop the fibrosis, the scar tissue.

Dr. Berg: 7 Ways to Boost Vitamin D — 10,000 IU/day average person; many need more

Vitamin D is essential to support a healthy body, but most people are low in vitamin D.

The RDAs for vitamin D are 600 IU. These RDAs are based on preventing bone loss. However, vitamin D has many other functions that go way beyond bone health.

I believe the average person should have around 10,000 IU of vitamin D daily. This could be a good maintenance dose, but if you have certain conditions, you may need more.

It’s nearly impossible to get the amount of vitamin D you need from your diet alone. You have to be largely dependent on the sun for vitamin D.

Factors that can negatively affect vitamin D absorption:
• Low stomach pH
• Gut inflammation
• Kidney problems
• Liver problems
• Bile deficiency
• Insulin resistance
• Polymorphism
• Gastric bypass surgery
• Low diversity of microbes
• High stress
• A low-fat diet
• Certain medications
• Inability to swallow large capsules
Darker skin types
Living further from the equator
• The winter months
• Low magnesium, zinc, or K2
• Not spending enough time outdoors

The best ways to boost vitamin D:
1. Get one hour of sun per day [if sun angle is above 45°]
2. Take vitamin D with fat or a meal that contains enough magnesium and zinc
3. Do keto and intermittent fasting
4. Consume more fatty fish or cod liver oil
5. Take vitamin D in liquid form
6. Consume more vitamin D (if a genetic factor is preventing absorption)
7. Increase your bile

The REAL Reason Why Your Arteries are Calcifying and Turning into Bone

The body becomes more calcified with age. But, our goal is to keep the bones calcified and the other tissues from becoming calcified. A CAC test is a great way to determine if you have calcium in your arteries.

100 Health Problems Helped by Vitamin D — Studies & Info at

Visit this amazing site for the up-to-date list!

Health Problems and D

FLCCC includes *fast acting* vitamin D, calcifediol in Covid treatment protocol!


FLCCC is including calcifediol (fast acting D) in their early Covid treatment protocol, which the body can use right away if sick from Covid, unlike Vitamin D3, which can take many weeks to build up to high enough levels, and can be hard to digest if seriously ill from Covid; though, extra high doses of D3 can be used if calcifediol isn’t available for those seriously ill from Covid.

They also say in their Covid prevention protocol:

Dosing recommendations for Vitamin D…. The optimal target is over 50 ng/ml; at this level the risk of dying from COVID-19 is extremely reduced. It may take many months or years to achieve optimal levels in patients who are extremely Vitamin D deficient.

95% of People are Vitamin D Insufficient (< 30 ng/ml), while toxicity is rare – Dr. Berg

‘Normal’ vitamin D blood level is now considered to be 30-100 ng/ml, with 80-100 ng/ml optimum for overall health, all-cause mortality, resistance to serious Covid and depression. – ed

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Amounts of vitamin D you may want to consider taking:
• For maintenance: 10,000-20,000 IUs
• For therapeutic purposes (short term use): 20,000-50,000 IUs

Vitamin D toxicity is very rare. But, vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency is extremely common. 65% of the population has a vitamin D deficiency, and 95% of the population has a vitamin D insufficiency.

The 7 Warning Signs of a Vitamin D Deficiency – Dr. Berg

Seven warning signs of a vitamin D deficiency:
1. High blood pressure
2. Low back pain
3. High blood sugar
4. High susceptibility to viruses
5. Autoimmune conditions
6. Daytime sleepiness
7. Depression

Vitamin D Produces Testosterone Naturally

“If you want to achieve your natural levels of testosterone you need to get enough vitamin D.”

Starts at 7:21

Vitamin D Toxicity: Rare But Real Case (had granulomas & took 150,000 iu/day)

Dr. Campbell: Vitamin D reduces autoimmune disease

Significant improvement using only 2,000 iu, because people are so D deficient. Ideal amounts would have had much greater success, as demonstrated by studies and articles in

Dr. Campbell considers shameful the UK and US governments promoting expensive drugs, instead of inexpensive preventions like vitamin D3.

Vitamin D pioneer Dr. Michael Hollick: Vitamin D & Sun Exposure Facts (2022) — Most can’t get enough D from sun in summer

24:00 “A black individual would need to be in a sun tanning bed probably more than ten times longer to make the same amount of vitamin D.”

26:00 Aging: “A 70-year-old will make about 25-30% of vitamin D that a 20-year-old will make.”

28:00 Toxicity: Canadian study showed taking 20,000 iu/day no toxicity and 60-80 ng/ml: “We did a study with a group up in Canada, and showed that taking up to 20,000 units a day, blood levels with 60-80 ng/ml; there was no toxicity.”
100,000 iu/day for extended periods can cause toxicity.

Holick takes 6,000 iu/day year-round with 70-80 ng/ml.
Says to keep taking D in summer.

34 Breast milk has “no” vitamin D unless mother has enough D, about 6,000 iu/day.

C-section reduced with enough D.

38 2,000 iu for infants shows less type 1 diabetes

39 Immune system improvement, cancer, DNA repair effecting gene expression:
600 iu/day = 150 genes affected
4,000 iu/day = 300 genes
10,000 iu/day = 1,200 genes

Most can’t get enough D from sun in summer — unless life guard.

44 [This amount seems to low compared to what he says in the rest of the video] 3300 iu reached 80 ng/ml — 50,000 iu every two weeks after attaining sufficiency

Those who need more: obese, pregnant, anti-AIDs meds, seizure meds, steroids, sarcoidosis

Sunshine also gives nitric oxide, beta endorphins, ACTH, CO (said earlier)

Altitude in November in Agra India: Taj Mahal, no D; at 5,000 meters, lots

“In my opinion, there should be no reason not to get some sensible sun exposure for overall health and well being.” “…minimal risk, and a lot of upside to improving health and well being.”

51:20 Chart: Avoiding sun exposure INCREASES mortality

Dustin Sherman w/ Michael Hanifen DC – Forgotten Freedoms episode 13

On this Episode Doctor Michael Hanifen and myself discuss the changing political landscape in Anchorage. With covid in the mix, it’s anybody’s guess as to what we will see next.

4:30 Studies show that people with low vitamin D levels had bad Covid outcomes

8:50 Covid affected Black and Brown communities more because dark skin protects body from the rays that produce vitamin D, and nobody is talking about it! Big Pharma, Big Government and Big Media claim to care about Black lives, then don’t say a word to the Blacks about the need to take vitamin D at all for Covid. Blacks have died at twice the rate of Whites with Covid. Almost all of the Whites who died were severely vitamin D deficient also.

Study: 21 fewer days in hospital with ARDS (COVID) if 10,000 IU of Vitamin D daily AFTER entering hospital – RCT April, 2022

Description at

The study:

[Note: 10,000 iu vitamin D is not a high dose, but still shows significant results when given AFTER hospitalization]

Changes in the immune response against SARS-CoV-2 in individuals with severe COVID-19 treated with high dose of vitamin D

Bill Maher on Vitamin D & Covid — “It’s suspicious to me that we’re not allowed to talk about the things that wouldn’t be that profitable, like vitamin D”

“It’s suspicious to me that we’re not allowed to talk about the things that wouldn’t be that profitable, like vitamin D.” – Bill Maher on The Joe Rogan Experience #1804 @ 55:45

Dr. John Campbell: Vitamin D deficiencies acknowledged by UK government!

Good working memory in seniors is associated with both Vitamin D and Vitamin C


Sun is better than UV, which is better than Vitamin D

Sun is better than UV, which is better than Vitamin D

Vitamin D associated with Parkinson’s Disease in 55 studies


Hypothesis: Sun-produced nitric oxide reduces cardiovascular problems — UVA (UVB not needed—not vitamin D)


Outstanding vax truth from Drs. Ryan Cole and Richard Urso before Tennessee House Health Subcommittee!

Dr. Ryan Cole & Dr. Richard Urso Testify Before Tennessee House Health Subcommittee

The raw truth about Covid “vaccines” clearly explained!

Vitamin D truth at minute-40!

“I tell people the most important thing you can do is have a normal vitamin D level — like a conductor of a symphony that brings in the sections of your immune system at the right times and fades them out as they need to, but if your vitamin D level is low then your immune system is like a mosh pit at a punk rock concert.” – Dr. Ryan Cole

Then Dr. Urso tells why Fauci doesn’t tell us about vitamin D:

“Part of the issue dealing with Washington; I’ve been going there since June, 2020. The political people are running a lot of the agencies, and the agencies are actually getting much of their funding from Big Pharma for the most part. … If they put out information that vitamin D helps prevent cancers, the person who runs that has told me that basically they have to eliminate that information. The drug companies don’t want that out there.”

1080p on Facebook

Majority of South Asian children and youths have low vitamin D (85 pcnt of neonates) – March 2022


Studies: K2 may remove calcium deposits from blood vessels, restoring elasticity

@ 15:45

Inflammation of blood vessels (vasculitis): low Vitamin D and 22 X more likely to have kidney problems – March 2022


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