Freedom from Alaska!

Month: September 2017 Page 3 of 5

Israeli Intel Chief: We Don’t Want ISIS Defeated in Syria

The CIA and Israeli Mossad have supported ISIS from the get go to overthrow Assad for the Greater Israel Project.

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(vid) The Real Syria Story No One Wants You to Know About — A CIA False Flag, Bloody Coup!

Another CIA orchestrated and armed false flag production, blaming Assad for what they did, while the media spreads CIA lies and hides the facts!

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(vid) Holocaust Revisionism The Truth by Thomas Dalton, PhD

Thomas Dalton, PhD, is the pen name of a professor of humanities at a U.S. American university, and author of Holocaust Handbook Volume 32: Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides. (source)

Full transcript beneath this video

The narrator & likely the video maker:Who is That Amazing Voice??? Patrick Willis ‘Snordster’ – Bold South African Truther Narrator!

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Who is That Amazing Voice??? Patrick Willis ‘Snordster’ – Bold South African Truther Narrator!

I finally found out who is the bold man behind the amazing voice that narrates some jaw dropping videos that I’ve posted, such as:

(HEAVY VIDEO!) Who is Rupert Murdoch – FOX News? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.

(video) Nine Eleven is the Litmus Test — “It all comes down to 9/11. Everything that has happened has happened based on a lie. Everyone in government; in the media, in entertainment, in organized religion, in the public eye and in the public who accepts and promotes the official story is either a traitor or a tool. Everyone who does not stand forth and speak truth to power is a coward, a liar and complicit in mass murder. Everyone- everywhere can be measured according to this litmus test”

Apparently, he makes the videos that he narrates too!

Clinton Body Count Inductee: Vince Foster ‘suicide’ shocker – 2nd wound documented

The second ‘bullet wound’ was on right side of his neck. Story linked below:

Vince Foster ‘suicide’ shocker: 2nd wound documented

Rodriguez refers in his letter to photographs showing a wound on Foster’s neck – a wound that did not exist according to accounts in Starr’s official government report.

The obvious questions: How could a suicide victim be found with two wounds – a .38-caliber gunshot into the mouth that exited through his head and another wound on the right side of his neck that one of the paramedics described as a small-caliber bullet hole? And why would the government investigators go to great lengths to cover it up?


Steel framed buildings: only 3 collapsed due to fire; all 3 leased by the same man.; all 3 collapsed on the same day”

‘Lucky Larry’ Silverstein

“Steel framed buildings have existed for over 100 years. Only 3 have collapsed due to fire. All 3 were leased by the same man. And all 3 collapsed on the same day.”

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Does NASA in Hebrew actually mean deceive?

Not quite. The verb נָשָׂא (/nasa/) actually means lift or carry (or marry). However, the archaic verb נָשָׁא (/nasha/) does mean to deceive, though it is not attested in that form in the Bible, only in derived forms such as נִשָּׁא /nisha/ and הִשִּׁיא /hishi/.

Regarding the claim in another answer that Hebrew had no concept of acronyms: that is incorrect. In fact, acronyms in Hebrew long predate those in English (in part due to the consonantal script). In fact, Hebrew has some of the oldest attested acronyms in the world, dating back close to 2000 years. (source)


“Talmud Encourages Jews to Deceive Non-Jews — “Pretend to rejoice with them in order to hide your hatred” — Talmud denies the Gentile status as a “man,” so they are also excluded from being the Jews’ neighbor


(vid) ‘Diversity’ is a Code Word for ‘White Genocide’ — “Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, white countries for everybody,” it’s genocide!

Satan’s NWO plan requires destruction of European culture. It’s now completely obvious on TalmudVision (TV).

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(vid) 43 Commercials Put Down White Men – Goal to Destroy European Culture In Our Face on TalmudVision (TV)

Skousen: US Arms Pipeline to Terrorists Uncovered — “I and others have long claimed that the US secretly armed ISIS along with other falsely labeled ‘moderates’ in Syria and elsewhere. Now, we know how they do it” — The dark side of the CIA bought weapons from Bulgaria and other former Soviet states and then shipped them to terrorist destinations using the little known national airline of Azerbaijan–Silk Way Airlines under the cover of diplomatic immunity • While the Pentagon is pushing Trump to sanction Pakistan for its support of the Taliban, it looks like the Deep State is complicit in arming the Taliban out of Pakistan • Pakistani politicians may be as unaware of this secret trade as our own Congressmen are about the Deep State • Israel and Saudi Arabia involved • Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva broke the story and was fired • US media is mum

World Affairs Brief, September 1, 2017 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

US Arms Pipeline to Terrorists Uncovered

NK Continues to Provoke

Nevada Jury Refuses to Convict 4 Bundy Defendants

Hurricane Harvey and Government Bailouts

Judges Blocking Trump when Congress Can’t

Preparedness Tip: The Basics of Sprouting


I and others have long claimed that the US secretly armed ISIS along with other falsely labeled “moderates” in Syria and elsewhere. Now, we know how they do it. The Deep State took advantage of the phoney fall of the Soviet Union to make deals with former Soviet states to buy Soviet-era arms and ship them to terrorist organizations under Deep State control. The Russian arms made sure it wasn’t obvious that terrorists were being armed by the West. The dark side of the CIA bought weapons from Bulgaria and other former Soviet states and then shipped them to terrorist destinations using the little known national airline of Azerbaijan–Silk Way Airlines. To make sure the arms were not traceable, Azerbaijan agreed to put each flight under the cover of diplomatic immunity—a violation of international law. Now, due to the heroic efforts of one investigative journalist from Bulgaria, a woman, this complex scheme has been uncovered. For her efforts she has now been fired as a reporter.

Dilyana Gaytandzhieva was a Bulgarian investigative journalist working in Syria were she uncovered and filmed nine underground warehouses “full of heavy weapons with Bulgaria as their country of origin.” After investigating she was shocked to find they were transported under diplomatic cover. Not only were arms being shipped to Syria, but also Afghanistan, Pakistan (to arm the Taliban) and even African countries like the Congo.

The only other US-based news source that is covering this story besides the WAB is 21st CenturyWire. Now RT, and the Activist Post have also picked it up. 21stCentury Wire gave this introduction and they had a few interesting points to make:

(vid) Jesse Lee Peterson w/ Stefan Molyneux: FORGIVE & BE FREE!!  — “When you fall from the light with anger you fall into darkness. Satan starts to work. You hear VOICES – yourself talking to you, telling you to do things. He leads you down the wrong path • A *spirit* made a home within you • Once you see that and forgive, in that very moment that spirit is taken away from you, and it’s as though you have never gone through anything. It doesn’t play over and over in your mind. Your soul is NOT FEELING THE PAIN of it anymore because it has reconnected to the Tree of Life • Drop the anger so you can overcome the voices of the deceiver • Return to the quiet, still voice of God, and you’ll be guided in the right way all the time • Perfect love makes you free, gives you authority over the enemy • Once you realize ‘IF I’M THIS WAY,’ then the person you’re mad at must not have been able… • This will help you to forgive others • “God has it set up so when you forgive He will forgive you and make you free! He will take the *spirit of anger* away from you and give you perfect peace” • Perfect love is the way to go! • The only thing that will SOOTH the SOUL is forgiveness

In this video, Jesse has a heart of gold, and lays out to Stefan exactly what happens if we’re hurt and stay angry — and then how freedom and the power to overcome happens when we forgive — and why.

How Persecuted, Extraordinary Truther/Scientist Germar Rudolf Stays Grounded with No Hate

From: (vid) Germar Rudolf: The Ugly Truth Interview — Forensically disproved gas chamber myth • Imprisoned for telling the truth • No-hate attitude • Rabbis use ‘Holocaust’ story to frighten Jews so they see non-Jews and truthers as enemies and do not assimilate

QUESTION by Ron Hall (08:25):

“How do you get your patience and your calming demeanor…?”

ANSWER by Germar Rudolf:

(1) “Part is probably a matter of personality: not to bear grudges. And always try to look forward, because that’s where life is. If you have a backward view of life you’re not getting anywhere. That’s probably the most important thing.”

(2) “What balances my life is my family. That’s very important to me to keep me grounded.”

(3) And he “blows off steam” through cycling, swimming, rowing and working out.

(vid) Germar Rudolf: The Ugly Truth Interview — Forensically disproved gas chamber myth • Imprisoned for telling the truth • No-hate attitude • Rabbis use ‘Holocaust’ story to frighten Jews so they see non-Jews and truthers as enemies and do not assimilate

(vid) Globalist Jared Kushner Manipulates Trump for Zionist Israel — “Zionism: NO GREATER THREAT to the US, other than our own issues of turning away from God. But even linked to that is the Jewish supremacist movement that is trying to wipe out belief in God” • Truth about the ‘Holocaust and anti-Semitism discussed by truther Jake Morphonios!

My Notes – transcriptions – quotes by Jake Morphonios:

35:00 “The threat of Zionism: no greater threat to the United States, other than our own issues of turning away from God. But even linked to that is the Jewish supremacist movement that is trying to wipe out belief in God, very much so.”

37:01 “Much of society is so conditioned to think that Jews are, ‘the Holocaust was so terrible,’ ‘6 million Jews burned in ovens,’ we all know.  Those who study it from a fact based, research perspective know that it’s just not true. About a quarter million to 300,000 Jews died in concentration camps, and there’s not a bit of evidence that a single one ever died in an oven. It didn’t happen. That is the part that is not true. But it is true that there were concentration camps, work camps where Jews were put into, the way they were treated was below standard. It was terrible. I don’t dispute that.”

45:00 “…the Jewish Anti-defamation League is now sitting on a board. YouTube has got the ADL on a board of reviewers that can review videos and flag ones that they consider to be anti-Semitic. They demonetize them, can delete your video, even ban you. Now that the ADL is linking arms with YouTube it’s dangerous. Unfortunately, free speech is dangerous on YouTube these days. You get branded an anti-Semite. It doesn’t matter if you can explain like I just did how it’s technically not anti-Semitic.”

Comments I posted:

“GREAT ATTITUDE presented at 38:10, Jake!!!” Jake mentions ways to “shape this argument to make it socially acceptable.”

Telling the truth about the ‘Holocaust’ is illegal and imprisonable in over 20 countries. That’s the length the Talmudists go to to guard their secret. But we can share the truth here. (video) 10 Hard Facts About the “Holocaust” in 6 Minutes!

I wrote this intro to this post, linked below. The *Talmudic*, power-over-others Jews had already been kicked out of countries about 100 times before because of how they were destroying countries:

The JEWS’ ANTI-GERMAN BOYCOTT to economically starve the German people began in March, 1933, BEFORE the Germans had enacted any anti-Jewish laws.

This is only one of the MANY things the Jews did to destroy Germany (even during WWI), which are the reasons why Hitler considered the Jews an enemy of the state.

It was still wrong for Hitler to round up a large percentage (not all went into the work camps) of Jews who were not directly involved with this destruction of Germany, but helps explain the mindset.

Martin Luther also saw what the Jews were doing to Germany in his day, and wrote a book about what should be done. Germany carried out many of Luther’s proposals, some of which were worse than what Hitler did.

Hitler did NOT have a Jewish extermination program. The camps were WORK CAMPSnot extermination camps, which has now been proven beyond the shadow of doubt.

The 200+ thousand Jews who did die in the camps died mainly from Typhus and starvation, partly because we bombed the transportation supply lines.

Jews mostly controlled the Nuremberg trials and the media. They control the ideas that most of us have wrongly had about Germany, WWI, WWII, and the so-called Holocaust.”

“When the Jews declared war on Germany… 

What Jake said is absolutely true, and is now proven scientifically: (video) Germar Rudolf exposes Auschwitz’s Curated Lies (PowerPoint) — Part 1: How the Auschwitz Museum dupes millions of visitors • Part 2: How the Auschwitz Museum lies about documents in its archives

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Money Without Usery: Ronald Bernard’s Bank of Joy!

From: Henry Makow

The Best Solution? — Ronald Bernard’s Bank of Joy

September 12, 2017

Ronald Bernard has not just
running the world, he is taking 
positive steps to reform banking. 
The Bank of Joy is a Dutch initiative to eventually issue an alternative currency and to run a bank that works without charging interest, 
and that does not loan out money unless they have it.
Description of The Bank of Joy 
“Who are we?  B of Joy is a sustainable, cooperative, fair-trade, savings and investment bank. The initiative is of, for and by the people. We ourselves are the change. B of Joy helps with the positive growth of both awareness and the economy, and puts the citizens and society first. Its goals are a just society and a healthy economy. Our starting point is abundance instead of shortages.
What do we stand for?
Unlike the current banks we do not, as a full reserve bank, lend out more money than we have received. Next to financial returns, B of Joy also gives Ecological, Emotional and Social (F.E.E.S) returns. We invest in local economies, in innovation and in small and medium enterprises.  The B of Joy doesn’t only stand for bank. It stands also for Awareness, Citizen and Movement.
As soon as the Movement is big enough, we will instigate referenda, so that citizens can determine policies themselves. For example: in Switzerland all citizens can vote on important issues. B of Joy doesn’t work with bonuses, interest and speculation. B of Joy guarantees sustainable development and a stable economy. We will turn money back into a means of transaction so that it will serve us again.
How will that work in practice?
With our new form of mortgage one will save in 30 years, on a house costing 230.000 euro, an average of 100.000 euro on interest. By eliminating interest we will become the first truly sustainable financial initiative in the Netherlands.
Through the Bail-free saving- and investment program we protect deposits amounting to 100.000 euro or more against the greedy hands of politicians, the EU and banks. The assets will serve society and will be inflation-proof, because we will compensate for inflationary effects on the euro.
B of Joy members will have access to a fixed value currency (URA), a members marketplace, business guide and collective purchasing power. This will promote connections, save on costs and improve turnover. Every member is part-owner, has a say in the cooperative through 1 vote and a right to share in the returns. How can you take part in the realization of this bank?
For 25 euro or more, you can become a supporter of the initiative and, if you want, a member for the first year free of charge. For 100 euro you are a part-owner of the bank and you will receive a member certificate that in the future can give yield. By taking part, you help create a just society based on abundance. For ourselves, for our children and the future of our world. Will you join us?”
———— Bank of Joy Promo

Entire Article with Comments

(vid) Black Rapper HANGS White Child In ‘Music Video’ – White Genocide Being Hosted By Google/YouTube

While Google-owned YouTube censors videos that expose historical lies and the Talmudic plan to destroy European culture, Google allows blacks-murdering-white-children, violent, role play:


Black Rapper HANGS White Child In ‘Music Video’
White Genocide Is Being Hosted And Promoted By
CIA, Google And YouTube – A Massive Hate Crime

(go to 2:25 in the video)

OUTRAGE & Horror As Rapper Hangs Little White Child
In This Google-YouTube Hosted ‘Music’ Video

Florida Rapper Hangs Little White Boy In ‘Music’ Video

Disturbing New Details Emerge In XXXTentacion [the rapper who hangs the white boy] Domestic Violence Case – Charged With Battery On
Pregnant Woman, False Imprisonment, Strangulation, Etc


(vid) Jesse Lee: Black Rapper XXXTentacion ‘Lynches’ White Boy — “They can quote the Bible, but in their hearts they’re angry • “Had it been the other way around…”

(image) “KNOCK, KNOCK!” “Who’s there?” “DEMOCRACY!”

Why they hate US!

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Kierkegaard: Two Ways To Be Fooled

(3 min vid) Brandon Martinez: Does Richard Spencer Support Free Speech in Russia?

(5 min vid) TED-Ed: How playing an instrument benefits your brain – Anita Collins

Praise God for how He made us so wonderfully, amazingly…!!!

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(Response Video) Jesse Lee: “Progressive” David Pakman Doesn’t Think the Left Is More Violent

(vid) Jesse Lee: Black Rapper XXXTentacion ‘Lynches’ White Boy — “They can quote the Bible, but in their hearts they’re angry • “Had it been the other way around…”


Most black people are defending it.”

My Notes:

They can quote the Bible until the cows come home, but in their hearts they’re angry. …and it’s of their father the Devil. …if you have one iota of anger you’re disconnected from love, from God. You cannot have anger and have love. You cannot ride two horses at the same time.”

“Had it been the other way around….”

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(vid) Germar Rudolf: Germany, Country under the Rule of Law? — Courts can gag the defense, deny all their motions for evidence, prevent any appeal, hide from the public what a case is all about, and they can claim anything they want in a verdict, because no protocol is made recording what is said in the courtroom by any party

What really goes on in German courts

“The Farcical German ‘Justice’ System”

28:55 chart

35:45 Germany’s Taboo and Founding Myth: “…the ‘never again’ Auschwitz can be the sole foundation of the Berlin Republic.” – Bernard-Henri Levy

45:00 Three points

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Meet the Hillary blame list – FORTY-ONE and counting (but there’s one absentee): Herself — James Comey, Matt Lauer, Netflix, Putin, fathers, husbands, male bosses and boyfriends…


Census Bureau: Mens’ Wages Remain Below 1973 Levels

During the 44-year period since 1973, income among women grew by roughly 30 percent as more skilled and trained women entered the market, gained experience, and were promoted to better-paying jobs. Those opportunities and contributions are good news — but they do not change the reality that men’s income has been flat for 44 years.

In fact, the report notes that “the real median earnings of full-time, year-round working men were 1.1 percent lower in 2016 than in 2007.”


Facebook Censorship Is Less Than 4 Percent Effective

St Martin Island Is Out of Food-No Relief In Sight

Drone footage shows hurricane Irma devastation on Saint Martin

(music video satire) Alison Chabloz: The Judge Who Gagged Me

Alison’s story:

(video) Real-Germany-History Truther/Musician Alison Chabloz Tells Her Story, Plays Revisionist Tunes – Canada Tour

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The Reichstag Fire Was NOT a Nazi False Flag Operation

Yesterday, Mike Rivero again blamed the Nazis for starting the Reichstag fire on his show What Really Happened. But this is what really happened:

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The Reichstag Fire Was NOT a Nazi False Flag Operation
David Kramer

As much as I admire the work that Jesse Ventura is doing uncovering evidence of U.S. government conspiracies, he unfortunately repeats a “History is written by the winners” myth that has been around since Bankster War II. Today’s posted a recent interview that Jesse did with The Daily Bell. In Jesse’s own words:

“Likewise the Reichstag Fire in Germany in the 1930s. They burned down the congressional building and blamed it on the Communists, which set the stage for war. It turned out that the Nazi’s had done it themselves.”

This is not true. But don’t take my lunatic fringe word for it. Here’s the word from one of the greatest living Austrian economists and historians, David Gordon:

“This of course changed when Hitler used the crisis brought about by the burning of the Reichstag building to secure passage of the Enabling Bill, giving him dictatorial powers. (Contrary to a popular belief, the Nazis did not start the fire themselves. See on this Fritz Tobias, The Reichstag Fire, Putnam, 1964.)”

What happened was that when the Nazis first learned of the fire, they assumed that it was carried out by the Communists and, therefore, that it would be a great piece of political propaganda to use to go after the Communists. When they later learned that it was a lone arsonist, they decided to ignore the truth and still claim the Communists were behind the fire. And that is the lie about the Reichstag Fire—not that it was a False Flag operation carried out by the Nazis.

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