Freedom from Alaska!

Month: October 2020

Bernadette Wilson calls out the “LEFT” Anchorage Assembly and Mayor for their hypocrisy and lies

“She holds nothing back. She talks about how Mayor Berkowitz and the ‘Radical Left’ Assembly have failed small businesses, low-income families, and they have only cared about themselves.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Starting Litigation for Covid-19 ‘Crimes against Humanity’

OUTSTANDING! The Covid tests that public officials are basing their tyranny on are so full of errors that class action lawsuits have an extremely solid basis!

A friend wrote this intro:

If COVID-19 has a recovery rate of 99.75 % why are we in a pandemical lockdown? …Leading attorney Reiner Fuellmich summarizes evidence against there ever being a COVID pandemic, with focus on worthlessness of PCR test for determining if a person is sick or infectious. Says we only have a “PCR pandemic.” Calls for class-action lawsuits.if you can listen to the first 20 minutes at least…

“Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a consumer protection trial lawyer in Germany and California. He is one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee.

Article cited: Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics – the Deadly Danger of False Positives

Del Bigtree shows where mask vapor goes! | US Health Leaders Ignore the Science

High Definition Video

Bitchute Video

TruNews calls out Dana Coverstone for wearing a MOSSAD t-shirt — “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them” – Eph. 5:11

Dana Coverstone wore a t-shirt in a recent Facebook video that said: “MOSSAD – It’s Never An Accident.” TruNews questions this at 1:03:05 in this their October 2nd broadcast: Flu Coup: Will 45 Be 25’d?

The next day, October 3rd, they posted Dana Coverstone’s 2-minute response: Pastor Dana Coverstone Responds to TRUNEWS about Mossad.

CDC Data Shows Coronavirus Survival Rate: 99%-Plus for Ages 69 and Younger, 94.6% for Older



CDC recently updated estimated infection fatality rates for COVID. Here are the updated survival rates by age group:

0-19: 99.997%
20-49: 99.98%
50-69: 99.5%
70+: 94.6%

The Ingraham Angle 10/2/20: Trump taking vitamin D and zinc – Doctors speak vitamin D truth!

Trump taking D and zinc @ 10:50.

“Vitamin D specifically has been shown to be depleted in patients who get the most severe cases” – Dr. Oskoui @ 11:35.

“Most of these kids are extremely afraid of it [covid]. And the impact of masks on 2, 3 and 4-year-olds that are wearing masks for 6, 7, 8 months, we don’t know. Then there is the risk of being tased. … One thing about the masks that really bothers me. We don’t know what they do. There’s no data…. The masks just don’t have data. …we don’t know if it does anything for you. … We just don’t know if they do anything. … It’s a false sense of security.” “[Ingraham] Biden was touching his mask several times today while he was speaking.” “That’s a problem.” – Dr. Stephen Smith @ 22:30

Dr. Scott Jensen @ 37:50.

Big Pharma protector Dr. Vin Gupta is an advisor to Biden @ 40:10.

Vitamin D3’s tremendous protection against covid, Dr. William Grace @ 41:40!

Dr. John Campbell: Video on making videos

Skousen & Rense: Trump-Biden Debate Analysis 9/30/20

33:45 Why Justice Amy Barrett will be a disappointment to conservatives.

John B. Wells: In Rememberance Of Larry Nichols – ‘Clinton Chronicles’ Whistleblower – 1950-2020

If you don’t know Nichols’ name, you at least know about his work to tell the American people who Bill and Hillary Clinton really are. When Bill Clinton was in Arkansas, Nichols worked to get him elected governor and then worked harder still to keep him there. While governor, Bill Clinton had many problems that Nichols had to cover up, including: Clinton’s use of drugs, his pathological lying, and his womanizing. These issues in a small Southern state would be career-ending flaws and, therefore, it was a herculean task to deal with. It was only when Nichols found out about the network of cocaine trafficking right in Arkansas that he realized he could no longer turn a blind eye to what was going on. Worst still, Bill Clinton’s best friends were running the cocaine out of an airstrip near the small Arkansas town of Mena. When Nichols discovered the criminal operation, he told Bill Clinton he could not have any part in that. This was the end of Larry’s career as a political confidant/adviser and led him to become a whistleblower, exposing the Clinton crime cabal.

Jeff & Gary Holland – Three Year ‘Anniversary’ Of The Las Vegas Massacre – LISTEN

I mostly agree, but not totally.

The two videos which Jeff plays the audio of seem to have been taken down at

JP Sears parody! ‘The NEW CDC Infection Fatality Rates!’

JP is off by one decimal point. Still amazing!

JP Sears: Why Everybody Loves Leaf Blowers

Biden Makes 33 False Or Misleading Claims At The Debate – MSM Let Them Slide

Though I saw MSNBC only fact check Trump in the post-debate portions I watched. They actually had a designated fact checker person who apparently only fact checked Trump!

September 30, 2020

Correct The Record: Biden Makes 33 False Or Misleading Claims At The Debate


Ilhan Omar ‘Organized MASS VOTER FRAUD’ in Minnesota | AG Ellson hid the crucial Floyd body cam footage


Court Rules Subway Bread Can No Longer Be Called “Bread”!!!

Subway “bread” has 5 times more sugar than allowable to be called bread in Ireland — 10% of the weight of flour!


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Exposes the Factions Killing America — “I grew up in a more moral society. You had to look yourself in the mirror. Now, you don’t feel good about yourself unless you’ve ripped somebody off”

“I grew up in a more moral society. You had to look yourself in the mirror, which meant you had to have not done anything wrong. But today, you can’t look yourself in the mirror unless you’ve ripped somebody off. … You don’t feel good about yourself unless you’ve ripped somebody off.”

Doctors are culpable of murder by withholding hydroxychlorquine + zinc.

Self-hating whites are now largely BLM, having been indoctrinated by public schools.

Alex covers for the Talmudists whom Roberts barely mentioned.

Paul Craig Roberts, age-81 was the United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Ronald Reagan.


TruNews Debate Analysis: Trump vs Biden Round 1

Best post-debate analysis I’ve seen of this debate! Deep points discussed and some interesting anomalies. The lighting on Trump was definitely more yellow. Note the difference in the blue background and their white shirts.

Chris Wallace was definitely protecting Biden in this Fox News debate.

[Mostly easily watched at 1.5x speed to save time. Set on 720p resolution.]

Octagon Cage Fight: World shocked by unpresidential debate

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