Freedom from Alaska!

Category: BIG Pharma Page 8 of 39

Bret Weinstein w/ Allie Beth Stuckey: Vitamin D

32:35 Vitamin D

38:00 Vitamin D

25:50 US vulnerable to EMP, and we’re not fixing it.

Why American COVID Policy Has Failed Us & How to Fix It | Guest: Dr. Bret Weinstein | Ep 544

BOOM! Rep Jordan Exposes Ignorance of “COVID Experts”

Dr. Robert Malone’s First In-Person Interview Since Appearing On Joe Rogan – Kristi Leigh

Kristi Leigh is an award-winning TV news journalist, TV Host, and podcast contributor. She is a former main anchor for Fox26, WTOL 11, and NBC 24.

Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Robert Malone | Joe Rogan Podcast – 12/31/21

#1757 – Dr. Robert Malone, MD



PETA Investigator Finds 360 Dead Dogs During Investigation Into NIH Abuse of Beagles


America’s Frontline Doctors Plan To Open Their Own Clinics


Emails show how Fauci and head of NIH worked to discredit three experts who penned the Great Barrington Declaration which called for an end to lockdowns

‘There needs to be a quick and devastating take down’: Emails show how Fauci and head of NIH worked to discredit three experts who penned the Great Barrington Declaration which called for an end to lockdowns

  • The emails show Fauci and NIH Director Francis Collins attempting to coordinate a ‘devastating takedown’ of the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD)
  • AIER, a libertarian think tank, sponsored the GBD, which largely abandons lockdowns in favor of herd immunity strategy that allows life to return to normal 
  • In an October 8 email from Collins to Fauci, the head of the NIH calls the GBD the work of ‘three fringe epidemiologists’ that ‘seems to be getting a lot of attention’ 
  • Collins adds that ‘there needs to be a quick and devastating published takedown of its premises. I don’t see anything like that online yet – is it underway?’
  • Fauci later sends Collins multiple op-eds trashing the GBD in Wired and The Nation Magazine
  • Dr. Jay Bhattacharya – one of the authors and a contributor – tweeted that he was the subject of a propaganda attack by his own government


Sen. Johnson: Fauci and the COVID gods Have Failed the American People Miserably

Johnson exposes Fauci in outstanding Senate floor speech!

Related: Fauci LIES about Senator Ron Johnson. Fauci’s misinformation and his AZT is mainly what killed the AIDS patients. Here, he attacks Johnson instead. Evil man:

‘Preposterous!’ Fauci Fires Back at Sen. Ron Johnson’s Claim He ‘Overhyped’ AIDS and Covid

Dr. Peter A. McCullough – The Joe Rogan Experience

#1747 – Dr. Peter A. McCullough – The Joe Rogan Experience | Podcast on Spotify

Dec. 13, 2021

VIDEO: Dr. Dan Stock – How Big Pharma controls doctors and jacks prices!


5:32:00 Dr. Dan Stock: FINANCIAL TIES. The many ways Big Pharma controls doctors. And patients paying with private health insurance or cash are charged multiple times more to offset the losses due to Medicare not paying enough, and from being forced to treat at no cost those who can’t pay at all.

LIVE: Global Covid Summit–Indianapolis

Global Covid Summit – Indianapolis: Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Richard Urso, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Dan Stock …

57:30 Dr. Dan Stock: cytokine storm clearly explained

1:07:15 Allergies caused by vaccines. The immune system has been incorrectly told that that piece of pollen is a parasite

2:04:55 Dr. Pierre Kory: “They do plant fraudulent studies” on Ivermectin, etc.

The Real Anthony Fauci: book synopsis – Masterjohn Dec 3, 2021


Fluoride Lowers IQ: 72 Studies


Fluoride Action Network | Updated by Ellen Connett | updated December 2, 2021

As of November 2021, a total of 80 studies have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence. Of these investigations, 72 studies have found that elevated fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ in humans, while over 60 animal studies have found that fluoride exposure impairs the learning and/or memory capacity of animals. The human studies, which are based on IQ/cognitive examinations of 26,954 children (69 studies) and 689 adults (3 studies), provide compelling evidence that fluoride exposure during the early years of life can damage a child’s developing brain. For a discussion of the 8 studies that did not find an association between fluoride and IQ, click here.


[Alaska] From A to Z: Doctors who signed letter demanding medical board sanctions on pioneering physicians revealed

Related: June 10, 2020, Is your doctor on this list? Docs who want Dunleavy to force people to wear masks


From A to Z: Doctors who signed letter demanding medical board sanctions on pioneering physicians revealed

BOMBSHELL: FDA and Pfizer conspired to hide thousands of adverse events and deaths caused by the COVID jab


Dr. Fauci’s NIAID Is Doing Maximum PAIN Experiments On MONKEYS On Island

Story: EXCLUSIVE: Fauci’s NIAID Funding Island of Monkeys in South Carolina Used for Horrific ‘Maximum Pain’ Experiments

The Vitamin D and Kidney Stones Myth Debunked

Big Pharma loves to demonize what they can’t patent and makes people healthy.

The Vitamin D and Kidney Stones Myth

Not only do high levels of vitamin D not cause kidney stones, two more recent case-controlled studies have shown that people with low levels of vitamin D are more than twice as likely to develop a kidney stone!

Devastated Parents Warn How the COVID Shots Killed or Crippled Their Children


Nurse Sounds Alarm On Heinous Medical Malpractice: Immediate Intubation, Remdesivir Killed Covid Patients

“Intubating patients is basically a death sentence, especially with the Delta variant, we save very few.”

EXCLUSIVE | Nurse Sounds Alarm On Heinous Medical Malpractice: Immediate Intubation, Remdesivir Killed Covid Patients

November 22, 2021

The Covid shots are killing healthy young adults at an unprecedented rate and depleting natural immunity, Helen Smith, a veteran nurse who is traumatized from what she has observed and endured while working in the intensive care unit during the “pandemic,” warned in an exclusive interview with the Gateway Pundit.

“I have been a nurse for almost 25 years. Most of my career has been in ICU. I have never seen anything like this in my whole career,” Smith confessed. “They are not allowing doctors to do what they want to do to help the patients. Everything is being regulated by higher-ups in the hospitals.” …

A major part of why people were dying from Covid is because they were putting people on Remdesivir and intubating them. The only drug they were giving people is Remdesivir – and we still are. Remdesivir costs $5,000 a bag and it doesn’t do anything. It can shut your organs down. A lot of the covid patients treated with Remdesivir end up on dialysis,” she said. “Intubating patients is basically a death sentence, especially with the Delta variant, we save very few.

At one point we had a doctor giving patients Ivermectin because he was having such success in his outpatient clinic and they came through. The management of the Cleveland Clinic, the higher-ups, threatened to fire him if he continued to do so. He’s not confrontational, he just kind of goes along to get along. I will say, in his defense, that he will give it to the nurses if we get it.


RFK Jr. on Tucker Carlson Today — Exposes Fauci & Big Pharma (Nov. 15, 2021)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Tucker Carlson Today (November 15, 2021)

(video) The REAL Anthony Fauci with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Corbett Report


Dr. John Campbell: Study Predicts Covid Mortality Near Zero If 50 ng/ml Vitamin D, Part I

“..we recommend raising serum 25(OH)D levels to above 50 ng/mL to prevent or mitigate new outbreaks due to escape mutations or decreasing antibody activity.”

Viewer’s comment:

“The extent to which governments and health officials have refused to discuss vitamin d deficiency is criminally negligent. Imagine where we could be today if people had been told 20 months ago to start supplementing with vitamin D (and exercising, eating healthier, and sleeping more, too). Vitamin D deficiency has been a consistent indicator of a bad outcome since the very beginning. Cheap, safe and effective. Ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”


Dr. John Campbell compares Ivermectin & Pfizer’s “new” $$$ drug — Ivermectin many ways better, but off-patent; no money for Pharma

FACEBOOK FACT CHECKER owns $1.8 BILLION Stock in Vaccine Company J&J – “People’s Lives are Endangered”

Congressman Thomas Massie tweeted a bombshell claim about

“Who pays the paychecks of the factcheckers? The vaccine fact checkers a @factcheckdotorg, who claim to be independent, are funded by an organization that holds over $1.8 billion of stock in a vaccine company, and is run by a former director of @CDCgov.”

According to their own source, is funded in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. According to the foundation’s 2019 financial statement, the project holds over $1.8 billion of stock in the COVID-19 manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson.

What’s more, the CEO of the foundation is Richard Besser, the former acting director of the CDC under Obama and ABC News’ former chief health and medical editor.

Bayer’s Pharma Div. President Admits Covid Was Used To Inject Everybody With Gene Cell Therapy. He Said 95% Of The Population Would Have Refused It Otherwise!


Bayer Chief about mRNA gentherapy: “95% would refuse it”

• • •

Bayer executive: mRNA shots are ‘gene therapy’ marketed as ‘vaccines’ to gain public trust

‘We probably would have had a 95% refusal rate’ for these shots two years ago, but the pandemic and marketing of the injections as ‘vaccines’ has made them popular with the public, said Stefan Oelrich.

The president of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division told international “experts” during a globalist health conference that the mRNA COVID-19 shots are indeed “cell and gene therapy” marketed as “vaccines” to be palatable to the public.

Stefan Oelrich, president of Bayer’s Pharmaceuticals Division, made these comments at this year’s World Health Summit, which took place in Berlin from October 24-26 and hosted 6,000 people from 120 countries. Oelrich told his fellow international “experts” from academia, politics, and the private sector that the novel mRNA COVID “vaccines” are actually “cell and gene therapy” that would have otherwise been rejected by the public if not for a “pandemic” and favorable marketing.

“We are really taking that leap [to drive innovation] – us as a company, Bayer – in cell and gene therapies … ultimately the mRNA vaccines are an example for that cell and gene therapy. I always like to say: if we had surveyed two years ago in the public – ‘would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?’ – we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate,” stated Oelrich.


Ivermectin far superior to new Pfizer antiviral PF-07321332. So Big Pharma will use $PF-07321332 instead of off-patent…

Ivermectin showed the highest binding affinity….

A brief message to world leaders

Come on ya all

High Enough Vitamin D – Freedom From Covid Fear (for most) — Studies / How Much to Take / New Standards / 70% Lower Breast Cancer Risk!

Sticky post

Dr. Pierre Kory: A national VITAMIN D campaign to get levels above 50 would have changed the face of Covid!

Alaska’s Fauci, Dr. Anne Zink’s family link to population control

Related: The author of this article, Bob Bird discussed this Anne Zink article on his KSRM Kenai, Alaska radio show on 11/4.

Start at minute-17:25

The Birds Eye View – Thursday Hour 2

• • •

Dr. Anne Zink’s family link to population control

The term “population control” too often deals in the abstract. A more honest assessment would redefine the term. “People control” or “government reproductive control” is more accurate. In today’s Brave New World of Covid hype and fear, the recommendations and mandates that have issued from Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s office, through the advice of his Chief Medical Officer Dr. Anne Zink, ought to be of interest. If the governor has refused some of her recommendations, the Marxists on the Anchorage Assembly, who control nearly half the state’s population, use her missives as Gospel.

In a shamelessly fawning interview by NPR in May of 2020, Zink endorsed the discredited Malthusian theories of her radical grandfather, the late Dr. Al Bartlett (1923-2013). Thomas Malthus, way back in 1798, predicted that the world would soon descend into starvation and poverty, due to “overpopulation.” Malthus did not foresee the Industrial Revolution that created untold wealth and a burgeoning food supply.

PURE EVIL: Disturbing Pfizer Ad Tells Kids They’ll Get Superpowers from COVID Jab (VIDEO)

Hollywood lulls them in with their special effects wizardry. Children won’t get “superpowers,” but many have already gotten severe, irreparable damage.

Children have a greater chance of drowning, dying in a car wreck or dying from the flu than from the coronavirus.


CDC CAUGHT SHIFTING THE GOALPOSTS – Changed definition of “vaccine” because these are not

Lying CDC changed vaccine definition, since these mRNA “vaccines” don’t “prevent disease” or “produce immunity,” and are not made from a “killed or weakened infectious organism.”

They’re not vaccines, so Pharma should not have “no liability” that was granted to the true vaccines.


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