Freedom from Alaska!

Category: Media Bias Exposed Page 20 of 58

David Icke: Too many little boys in short trousers with megaphone mouths who think it’s all about them! — “What we have in the ALTERNATIVE MEDIA is not mature people calmly looking at things and seeing them for what they are. There are too many little boys in short trousers with megaphone mouths who think it’s all about them. It’s not about the size of your audience. It’s about what’s best for humanity. It’s to expose what’s not being exposed.”

“What we have in the alternative media…is not mature people calmly looking at things and seeing them for what they are. There are too many little boys in short trousers with megaphone mouths who think it’s all about them. … It’s about what’s best for humanity. … It’s not about the size of your audience. … It’s to expose what’s not being exposed.”

– David Icke, transcribed by Jeff Fenske from:

(audio) Syria & Donald Trump – What’s Going On? – David Icke Special on the Richie Allen Show 7/4/2017

(video) War Propaganda: CNN Has Child Read Off Teleprompter

War Propaganda: CNN Has Child Read Off Teleprompter

22 companies pull ads from Bill O’Reilly’s show after more sexual harassment allegations – Already paid $13 million to settle four cases of sexual harassment and one incident of verbal abuse

Backlash avalanche: TWENTY-TWO companies pull ads from Bill O’Reilly’s show after TV show host is mired in sexual harassment allegations

TWENTY-TWO companies pull ads from Bill O’Reilly’s show after TV show host is mired in sexual harassment allegations

Twenty-two companies have pulled their ads from Bill O’Reilly’s show after a report revealed women had accused the Fox News host of sexual harassment, verbal abuse, and inappropriate behavior.

O’Reilly’s show may be taking a financial hit after BMW, Mercedes, Hyundai, Ainsworth, Constant Contact, Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline, Allstate, Esurance, Untuckit, Mitsubishi, T. Rowe Price, Credit Karma, Coldwell Banker, Lexus, Bayer, Wayfair, Orkin, True Car, MileIQ, The Wonderful Company, and the Society for Human Resources Management all announced they would be removing their ads.

The list is expected to grow, with the Sleeping Giants setting their sights on The O’Reilly’s Factor after the anonymous group first launched a campaign that led Breitbart to lose more than 1,750 advertisers.

The backlash comes after a report in The New York Times revealed O’Reilly and Fox News paid five women $13 million to settle four cases of sexual harassment and one incident of verbal abuse in the past 15 years.

In addition to the five women, Wendy Walsh, a regular on his show, along with Andrea Tantaros, a former Fox News host, also accused the 67-year-old of inappropriate behavior.

The National Organization for Women is now calling for Fox News to fire O’Reilly….


(video) Bill O’Reilly Accuser Wendy Walsh Describes Sexual Harassment

O’Reilly is a sex addict, who calls truthers ‘pinheads,’ who has settled out of court before, big $bucks!

“Meet the real Bill O’Reilly: ‘Fair’ly un’Balanced’ and Fairly Disgusting: O’Reilly Hit With Sex Harass Suit — Female coworker details lewd behavior of Fox News star

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Bill O’Reilly Accuser Wendy Walsh Describes Sexual Harassment | The Last Word | MSNBC

Talmud Pedophilia: The Jewish Religion Allows Sex with 3-Year-Old Baby Girls and Little Boys Under Nine — It was in BABYLON after the exile under Nebuchadnezzar in 597 BC that Judaism’s leading sages probably began to indulge in pedophilia • No synod of Judaism has repudiated their vile practice • The Talmud is that code of PHARISAIC UNBELIEF CHRIST DESCRIBED as “full of all uncleanness”


(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

(video) Sick Evil Jewish Talmud — Source of sexual deviance, vile blasphemy of Christ, hatred of Christianity & Christians • “Only Jews are men” (human) • “Christians, as followers of the ‘false prophet’ Jesus, deserve death” • Through the Talmud, the Pharisees rejected God’s new covenant agenda and gave Jews an ethic that encouraged bigotry and isolation — and invited persecution
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Talmud Pedophilia: The Jewish Religion Allows Sex with 3-Year-Old Baby Girls and Little Boys Under Nine

Rev. Ted Pike
March 2, 2014

For nearly a century, the Jewish-dominated Hollywood film industry and big media have conspicuously influenced Christian America away from Biblical morals and values. (See, “Jews Confirm Big Media Is Jewish“)

Yet, with the hippie rebellion of the early sixties, the Jewish media found exponential opportunities to hasten America’s moral decline. Encouraging drugs and pornography it persuaded America that “free love” and living together outside of marriage were socially acceptable. With astonishing rapidity the movie, TV, and print media helped produce a generation of sexual libertines. By the end of the sixties, it hastened the sexual revolution to its next stage, homosexuality.
Now, more than 40 years later, even homosexuality has lost its attraction to many children and grandchildren of the hippie generation. Pedophilia (sex with little boys and girls along with child pornography) is the latest underground obsession sweeping America and the world.
Last fall, I alerted the nation to the power of the pedophile lobby in Congress; Sen. Edward Kennedy, long backed by homosexuals in support of the federal anti-hate bill, betrayed them to favor the evidently more powerful and rewarding pedophiles. (See “How Kennedy and His Pedophiles Weakened the Child Safety Bill“)

Rotten Roots

What kind of moral foundations do Jews of the media rest upon, that they could consciously ignite and fan the flames of a sexual inferno that continues to ravage our once Christian society?
Virtually all the media moguls who founded Hollywood and the big three TV networks were immigrants, or their children, from predominantly orthodox Jewish communities in Eastern Europe.
In the late 19th century, most European Jews were a people of the book. But their book wasn’t the Bible. It was the Babylonian Talmud. To this day, the Talmud remains Judaism’s highest moral, ethical and legal authority.
Does the Talmud share Christianity’s foundation of wholesome moral values? Hardly. Instead, the Talmud is the sleazy substrata of a religious system gone terribly astray; it is that code of Pharisaic unbelief Christ described as “full of all uncleanness” (Matt. 23:27). Shockingly, Judaism’s most revered authority actually endorses such sins as lying, oath-breaking, and indirect murder. And it even sanctions one of the greatest sins of all: child molestation.

Three Year Old Brides

When Christ accused the Pharisees of His day of being Satan’s spiritual children, He fully realized what they were capable of. Second century Rabbi Simeon ben Yohai, one of Judaism’s very greatest rabbis and a creator of Kabbalah, sanctioned pedophilia—permitting molestation of baby girls even younger than three! He proclaimed, “A proselyte who is under the age of three years and a day is permitted to marry a priest.” 1 Subsequent rabbis refer to ben Yohai’s endorsement of pedophilia as “halakah,” or binding Jewish law. 2 Has ben Yohai, child rape advocate, been disowned by modern Jews? Hardly. Today, in ben Yohai’s hometown of Meron, Israel, tens of thousands of orthodox and ultra-orthodox Jews gather annually for days and nights of singing and dancing in his memory.
References to pedophilia abound in the Talmud. They occupy considerable sections of Treatises Kethuboth and Yebamoth and are enthusiastically endorsed by the Talmud’s definitive legal work, Treatise Sanhedrin.

(video) CNN Interviews Fake Police Chief

CNN Interviews Fake Police Chief

(video) Simon Roche: Preparing for Disaster in South Africa — Genocide of Whites Orchestrated

The prophetic man Simon mentions is Siener van Rensburg (1864-1926).
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Simon Roche – Suidlanders: Preparing for Disaster in South Africa

Published on Mar 31, 2017

Simon Roche is Head of the Office of the HQ of the world’s largest non-state civil defence organization, Suidlanders of South Africa. Once an ANC activist, he now works tirelessly to prepare for impending catastrophe in the Rainbow Nation. Simon lives in Johannesburg and is the proud father of many children.

We begin by discussing Simon’s current speaking tour. We learn that he’s traveling throughout America in order to raise awareness about the sore state of affairs in South Africa. Next, Simon tells us about life in post-apartheid South Africa. He explains that, in the 22 years since South Africa become Democratic, there has been a massive explosion in crime – in particular, violence against White farmers. Later, we discuss the nature of White genocide in South Africa, what Suidlanders is doing to prepare for the worst, and why many White South Africans remain oblivious to their plight.
In the members’ hour, we continue our discussion on South Africa and consider what this impending catastrophe would look like. Simon explains that the worst case scenario is the one he most expects, for he believes the government will be involved in the unrest, siding against the Afrikaners. Switching gears, we discuss the economic situation in South Africa. We learn about the various government programs that give preference to blacks, which has many Afrikaners forced to live in squatter camps. Simon then outlines the strategies employed by elites to usher in Communism in formerly healthy societies. The members’ hour concludes with a discussion on the failure of multiculturalism in the Rainbow Nation.
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Wall Street Journal publishing fake news YET AGAIN – Flynn never requested immunity!

Wall Street Journal publishing fake news YET AGAIN. – Letter from Mike Flynn’s attorney. No mention of asking for immunity.

BREAKING BS: Senate Rejects Immunity Deal Flynn Never Asked For


(video) CNN Investigates Russian Salad Dressing

CNN Investigates Russian Salad Dressing

(video) Stefan Molyneux: An Important Message About YouTube and Freedom

I don’t recommend supporting Stefan monetarily because he’s openly an atheist, but important words here!
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An Important Message About YouTube and Freedom

(video) Amazon Book Ban: Media Blackout Exposed – Author Nick Kollerstrom

Amazon have banned hundreds of revisionist history books in an act of censorship which has been ignored by all mainstream media.
Related: (video) Breaking The Spell (of the ‘Holocaust’) with Dr Nick Kollerstrom — “The greatest lie ever told is disintegrating in our time”
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Amazon Book Ban: Media Blackout Exposed

(video) Sean Spicer Mocks Reporter's Russian Conspiracy Theories

Sean Spicer Mocks Reporter’s Russian Conspiracy Theories

(video) Ahmed Huber : What did the Jews do to Germany in 1930? | David Icke: Today?

Ahmed Huber : What did the Jews do to Germany in 1930?

(video) Speaking Truth To Power | James O'Keefe and Stefan Molyneux — "The only way to save our republic is to create moral consensus through organic citizen journalism that forces resignations that requires people who are only interested in self-preservation to do something about it. That is my vision"

Quite interesting!
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“The only way to save our republic is to create moral consensus through organic citizen journalism that forces resignations that requires people who are only interested in self-preservation to do something about it. That is my vision.” – James O’Keefe

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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Speaking Truth To Power | James O’Keefe and Stefan Molyneux



(video) Networks Censor Rape Story Involving Illegal Immigrants!

Networks Censor Rape Story Involving Illegal!

(video) Molyneux: Why '60 Minutes' Failed: Fake News Narrative Exposed — MSM accuses others of what they themselves are doing • MSM's fake news stories have real consequences • Their fake news started Iraq war > refugees • MSM attacks competitors doing better than them – instead of improving their product • Majority of 60 Minutes' Twitter subscribers fake • Hillary's health a real issue, but MSM reported campaign's story • Anderson Cooper faked war footage • 'Remember' Brian Williams

Why 60 Minutes Failed: Fake News Narrative Exposed

(video) CNN Investigates: Is Trump Afraid of Stairs? – Mark Dice tells the truth!

CNN Investigates: Is Trump Afraid of Stairs?

Google tells army of 'quality raters' to flag Holocaust denial — 10,000 contractors told to flag 'Holocaust' truth

My comments in brackets:
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From: The Guardian

Google tells army of ‘quality raters’ to flag Holocaust denial

10,000 contractors told to flag ‘upsetting-offensive’ content after months of criticism over hate speech, misinformation and fake news in search results

Google is using a 10,000-strong army of independent contractors to flag “offensive or upsetting” content, in order to ensure that queries like “did the Holocaust happen” don’t push users to misinformation, propaganda and hate speech. [sites that actually tell the truth]

The review of search terms is being done by the company’s “quality raters”, a little-known corps of worldwide contractors [mostly based in Tel Aviv] that Google uses to assess the quality of its systems. The raters are given searches based on real queries to conduct, and are asked to score the results on whether they meet the needs of users. [needs of the Talmudic controllers to keep their powerful propaganda intact]

These contractors work from a huge manual, first made public in 2013, describing every potential problem they could find with a given search query: whether or not it meets the user’s expectations, whether the result offered is low or high quality, and whether it’s spam, porn or illegal.

In a new update to the rating system, rolled out on Tuesday, Google introduced another flag raters could use: the “upsetting-offensive” mark. Although the company did not cite a specific reason for the update, the move comes three months after the Guardian and Observer began a series of stories showing how the search engine promotes extremist content.

One story in particular highlighted how a search for “did the Holocaust happen” returned, as its top result, a link to the white supremacist forum Stormfront, explaining how to promote Holocaust denial to others.

That exact search result is now included by Google as one of the examples the company now uses to train its contractors on how and when to mark pages as “upsetting-offensive”. [upsetting to Talmudic liars afraid of being found out]

Detailing why a result for “Holocaust history” returning a link to Stormfront should be flagged as problematic, the document explains: “This result is a discussion of how to convince others that the Holocaust never happened. Because of the direct relationship between Holocaust denial and anti­semitism, many people would consider it offensive.” [the Talmudic liars who are being exposed]

By contrast, the same search query returning a result for the History Channel should not get the upsetting-offensive flag, even if users do find the topic of the Holocaust upsetting. “While the Holocaust itself is a potentially upsetting topic for some, this result is a factually accurate source of historical information,” [telling Talmudic lies about gas chambers and an extermination plan — not telling what really happened – see below] the manual explains. “Furthermore, the page does not exist to promote hate or violence against a group of people, contain racial slurs, or depict graphic violence.” [like piles of dead bodies, which are not what they’re propagandized to be – see below]

Entire Article
Germar Rudolf ‘HOLOCAUST’ Q&A: WHAT ABOUT THOSE PICTURES of Mountains of Dead Bodies in the Concentration Camps? — ALL photographs of heaps of corpses were taken in Western camps around the end of the war, where historians now agree *no mass murders* took place. There are NO such photographs taken at the camps in which mass murder is *alleged* to have occurred • Toward the end of the war, Himmler ordered the evacuation of the eastern camps as the Red Army approached, which led to hopeless overcrowding in the western camps. By that time, ALLIED BOMBING had completely destroyed the German infrastructure, making it impossible to supply the camps with food, medicines, and sanitation supplies
(video) Germar Rudolf exposes Auschwitz’s Curated Lies (PowerPoint) — Part 1: How the Auschwitz Museum dupes millions of visitors • Part 2: How the Auschwitz Museum lies about documents in its archives
(video) Did the Holocaust Really Happen? — Were 6 million Jews gassed and then cremated?
Texe Marrs Talmudism Exposé BANNED BY AMAZON! Our book, “HOLY SERPENT OF THE JEWS: The RABBIS’ Secret PLAN for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to GLOBAL DOMINION,” which quotes the rabbis themselves and their wicked plan for global domination, is so feared • Obviously, the most EVIL and sinister of BOOKS, including those by sexual perverts, America haters, and even by communists and fascists ARE SOLD on Amazon. But a book which widely quotes rabbis themselves is prohibited
Talmud Encourages Jews to Deceive Non-Jews — “Pretend to rejoice with them in order to hide your hatred” — Talmud denies the Gentile status as a “man,” so they are also excluded from being the Jews’ neighbor

Google is not ‘just’ a platform. It frames, shapes and distorts how we see the world

Google used to give honest search results, and became widely popular. Now, thanks to Talmudic pressure articles like this, Google really does “frame, shape and distort how we see the world.”
Google is now manipulating search results on the ‘Holocaust,’ thanks in part to this article.
Google tells army of ‘quality raters’ to flag Holocaust denial — 10,000 contractors told to flag ‘Holocaust’ truth
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From: The Guardian

Google is not ‘just’ a platform. It frames, shapes and distorts how we see the world

Carole Cadwalladr

Sunday 11 December 2016 Last modified on Tuesday 21 February 2017

Last week, we reported how extremist sites ‘game’ the search engine, boosting their propaganda. In response, the web giant appears to have modified some results, but would like us not to notice

Did the holocaust happen? Google search for Carole Cadwalladr
Did the holocaust happen? Google search for Carole Cadwalladr Photograph: Google

Did the Holocaust really happen? No. The Holocaust did not really happen. Six million Jews did not die. It is a Jewish conspiracy theory spread by vested interests to obscure the truth. The truth is that there is no evidence any people were gassed in any camp. The Holocaust did not happen.

Are you happy with that answer?

Entire Article

(video) Norse News – Episode 2 – Trump Reveals the Real Sweden — A Nation of Fear #SwedenSOS

Norse News – Episode 2 – Trump Reveals the Real Sweden



(video) What Will Happen When Talmudic Jews Rule America ? Shocking Fact

Nathaniel, a Jew, speaks from personal experience:
Those led by the Talmud and anti-Christ behavior control the media, including Fox News, as well as the $money, much of the judicial system and our government, education, etc..
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What Will Happen When Jews Rule America ? Shocking Facts

Globalists Pressuring YouTube to Censor Anything They Disagree With

Much of this is probably happening because the truth about the ‘Holocaust’ is being exposed. Amazon recently banned all books that tell the truth about the ‘Holocaust,’ and even Texe Marrs’ book that tells the truth about Talmudism which drives Jewish thought — the “leaven” of the Pharisees that Jesus warned about.
The only people who were Holocausted in Germany were the Germans. The Allies bombed and firebombed about 1 million children, women and old people on purpose. Churchill had specially built planes made just for this purpose, while the Germans had none.
It’s time to spread the word now about what really happened during WWII, while we still have a chance. There were no gas chambers. The hundreds of thousands who died did so from Typhus and starvation, largely because the Allies bombed the supply routes to the camps. The photos we’ve all been shown over and over were taken in western camps that everyone agrees had no gas chambers. The Auschwitz “gas chamber” has been scientifically proven to be a fraud. Rounding up the Jews into camps was wrong, but we did it to the Japanese too. The Jews declared war on Germany in 1933.
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Globalists Pressuring YouTube to Censor Anything They Disagree With

(video) THE CUCKENING! How Men Are Portrayed In Commercials Now (2017) — Why TalmudVision (TV) promotes homosexuality so hard & gender reversals

Why TalmudVision (TV) promotes homosexuality so hard — and tries to get women to be men, and men to be women:

THE CUCKENING! How Men Are Portrayed In Commercials Now (2017)

(video) “I Would Kill Trump” Says 'Making History' star Adam Pally, If He Could

TalmudVision (TV)!
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“I Would Kill Trump” Says ‘Making History’ star Adam Pally, If He Could

Arthur Topham Gagged & 6 Month Conditional Sentence: One More Victim of Zionist Thought Control — Judge admitted Arthur was innocent: "He does not call for violence; his views were political satire … It is not his intent to indirectly incite violence"

From: and Frederick [Paul] Fromm on Facebook, 3/16/17 [I fixed some typos and added some quotation marks; emphasis mine]

Topham Gagged & 6 Month Conditional Sentence: One More Victim of Zionist Thought Control

Asked whether he had anything to say before sentencing, Arthur Topham made a statement that will ring through Canadian history about the nature of free speech and the motivations of an extremely moral and honest man. He posted what he had as a critic of Zionism, not out of malice or hatred, but driven by a moral imperative to warn people of a perceived danger. “I felt that I had a duty as a Canadian citizen to alert the general public of an imminent threat … the interests of the Jewish lobby,” said Topham in court March 13, according to the CBC.

Arthur Topham’s 10 year ordeal of harassment for being a strong critic of Zionism, ended in a Quesnel courtroom when he was sentenced, having been convicted in November 2015 on one count of violating Canada’s notorious “hate law” Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code, as a result of postings highly critical of Zionism and organized Jewry. Ironically, the charge revolved around books readily available from mainline online booksellers. The Internet dissident became technically another political prisoner in Canada’s sordid attack on free speech. Amnesty International defines a political prisoner as a person punished solely for the non-violent expression of his political, religious or cultural views.

Judge Bruce Butler sentenced Mr. Topham to a six month suspended sentence during which he must reside at his home, refrain from alcohol, report to his probation officer and not post anything on the Internet. After that, he faces two years of probation. On March 10, he shut down his massive website, the contents of which, we assume will be mirrored by others in less repressive lands than Canada.

CAFE Director Paul Fromm with political prisoner Arthur Topham in Quesnel, BC

“In a sense, the thought control freaks got part of what they wanted — the silencing of this dissident,” said Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression which had backed Mr. Topham during the first legal assault by complainant Harry Abrams, a complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission under the now repealed Sec. 13. CAFE continued to back him when Abrams, a B’nai Brith spokesman in Victoria, teamed up with chronic Ottawa complainer Richard Warman who complained to the British Columbia “hate squad” which led to the Sec. 319 charges.

In sentencing Mr. Topham, Judge Butler rejected Crown submissions for a stiffer sentence and 200 hours of community work. The judge also rejected allegations that Mr. Topham indirectly advocated violence. The CBC (March 13, 2017) reported: “One piece that Topham called ‘satire’ advocated the forced sterilization of all Jews. He does not call for violence; his views were political satire,’ Butler told the sentencing hearing. ‘It is not his intent to indirectly incite violence.’ Butler ruled that Topham deliberately used the internet to disseminate anti-Semitic information but said the man was not calling for violence.” The satire in question was “Israel Must Perish,” a parody Mr. Topham wrote of a hideous blueprint for genocide “Germany Must Perish,” written in 1941 by an American Jew named Theodore Kaufman, calling for the mass sterilization of Germans after the war, an act which would eliminate the Germans as a people within a few decades.

No one was happy with the sentence. Free speech supporters see the gagging of Arthur Topham as one more atrocity committed under Pierre Trudeau’s fraudulent Charter of minority special rights and diminished Majority freedoms.

Defence lawyer Barclay Johnson sadly observed: “The difference between Canada and the Soviet gulags is only one of degree. The communists put dissidents into a physical prison. The gag order is a psychological prison imposed to enforce a multicultural society. The Charter is little more than a fine document to be hung on an office wall. It looks good. However, judges have repeatedly gutted promised rights like freedom of speech and invented rights not mentioned, like same sex marriage.”

The mainstream media, even in British Columbia, were strangely silent. “The Jewish lobby doesn’t like this sentence,” remarked Dr. James Sears publisher of the satirical “YOUR WARD NEWS,” another target of arch-complainer Richard Warman’s “They were hoping for a harsher sentence, and then the controlled media would have crowed about a ‘Nazi’ tongue-lashed by a judge and sent away for a long prison term.”

Their victory over the former teacher, placer miner and publisher, after a decade of attack seemed like a mouthful of bitter ashes to B’nai Brith. “B’nai Brith Canada, which had alerted the RCMP to Topham’s activities back in 2007, said it was “strongly disappointed” with the sentencing. In a statement, Michael Mostyn, CEO, described the sentence as “a mere slap on the wrist which will do little to protect Canadian Jews or preserve the multicultural mosaic of our society. Mr. Topham is a committed and unrepentant Jew-hater, who persisted in publishing lurid anti-Semitic content on his website throughout this legal process,” Mostyn continued. ‘Canada’s laissez-fair approach to hate crimes continues to fail minority groups and puts them at increased risk of attacks against their lives or property.’ “Mostyn said the timing of the lax sentence was especially disturbing ‘as Canada’s Jewish community reels from a series of bomb threats against our community centres, inspired by the same hateful ideology that drives Mr. Topham.’” (Canadian Jewish News, March 14, 2017)

(video) NBC Meddled In Presidential Race While Accusing Russians Of Doing So


NBC and its cable affiliate, MSNBC continue to push the fake news that Russia attempted to influence the US presidential election. Tucker Carlson analyses that story and concludes that there still is no evidence of Russian collusion and that is was NBC itself that tried to influence the election – by leaking the Access Hollywood ‘hot-mic’ recording of Trump’s ribald comments about women.  When NBC leaked the recording to its news competitor, the Washington Post, which released the story, the effect was a political bomb in the final days of the presidential race. It was a classic case of attempting to affect the outcome of an election. –GEG


(video) BREAKING – CNN Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN & Most Other MSM Outlets

BREAKING – CNN Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN & Most Other MSM Outlets


Google and Facebook Are Not Really Private and Shouldn’t Do as They Please With Independent Media — Companies that owe their existence and direction to public intelligence agencies are not private. They ought not to be run as if they were • "Google is secretly in league with government and was started with CIA financing" – Joel Skousen

“Google is secretly in league with government and was started with CIA financing.” 

– Joel Skousen, WAB 3/10/17

• • •

From: The Daily Bell

Google and Facebook Are Not Really Private and Shouldn’t Do as They Please With Alex Jones and

Google really isn’t a private company. If it continues to attack alternative media like Alex Jones and, it may find lawsuits headed in its direction. The same may go for Facebook too.

By portraying itself as a private company, Google can do as it chooses, when attacking companies that don’t live up to its standards from an advertising point of view.

It can help cut off companies that don’t properly advertise according to the Google rule book. The rule book is general and vague. But Google is supposedly a private company so it really doesn’t matter. Google can do pretty much as it wants. And so can Facebook.

Yet there is plenty to rebut this perspective. The best or most comprehensive article on Google along with the CIA and Pentagon is an Insurge Intelligence article entitled, How the CIA Made Google.

It shows that one of the founders of Google, Sergey Brin virtually reported to the Pentagon/ CIA while developing the project that would eventually become Google. Interestingly, later in the article, people close to the CIA and Pentagon are quoted as denying a close relationship. So obviously there is a good deal of sensitivity around the topic.

When it comes to Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg was funded indirectly by the CIA via Peter Thiel. Thiel is a cofounder of PayPal with Elon Musk of Tesla fame.

Thiel invested $500,000 into Facebook but supposedly this was a CIA investment. Thiel is very close to the CIA. His company Palanitir, supposedly worth some $20 billion, runs secret algorithms for the CIA and other intel agencies. It was just the subject of a Daily Mail story  hereThiel is supposedly a libertarian but we don’t see how he can be.

Later, Thiel invested 12.7 million in Facebook. Companies that owe their existence and direction to public intelligence agencies are not private. They ought not to be run as they were.

Facebook has not yet launched an overwhelming assault on Alex Jones or Natural.News but with its determination to root out “fake” news it will surely be part of a large attack at some point. Google has not made a special attack on Alex Jones but it too is headed in that direction.


Without various investments and relationships, and most importantly without intellectual property rights, corporate personhood, central banking and regulations, both Google and Facebook would be a shadow of what they are now. There would be many more such companies and a good deal more progress would have been made as well.

Entire Article

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