From: and Frederick [Paul] Fromm on Facebook, 3/16/17 [I fixed some typos and added some quotation marks; emphasis mine]
Topham Gagged & 6 Month Conditional Sentence: One More Victim of Zionist Thought Control
Asked whether he had anything to say before sentencing, Arthur Topham made a statement that will ring through Canadian history about the nature of free speech and the motivations of an extremely moral and honest man. He posted what he had as a critic of Zionism, not out of malice or hatred, but driven by a moral imperative to warn people of a perceived danger. “I felt that I had a duty as a Canadian citizen to alert the general public of an imminent threat … the interests of the Jewish lobby,” said Topham in court March 13, according to the CBC.
Arthur Topham’s 10 year ordeal of harassment for being a strong critic of Zionism, ended in a Quesnel courtroom when he was sentenced, having been convicted in November 2015 on one count of violating Canada’s notorious “hate law” Sec. 319 of the Criminal Code, as a result of postings highly critical of Zionism and organized Jewry. Ironically, the charge revolved around books readily available from mainline online booksellers. The Internet dissident became technically another political prisoner in Canada’s sordid attack on free speech. Amnesty International defines a political prisoner as a person punished solely for the non-violent expression of his political, religious or cultural views.
Judge Bruce Butler sentenced Mr. Topham to a six month suspended sentence during which he must reside at his home, refrain from alcohol, report to his probation officer and not post anything on the Internet. After that, he faces two years of probation. On March 10, he shut down his massive website, the contents of which, we assume will be mirrored by others in less repressive lands than Canada.

CAFE Director Paul Fromm with political prisoner Arthur Topham in Quesnel, BC
“In a sense, the thought control freaks got part of what they wanted — the silencing of this dissident,” said Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression which had backed Mr. Topham during the first legal assault by complainant Harry Abrams, a complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission under the now repealed Sec. 13. CAFE continued to back him when Abrams, a B’nai Brith spokesman in Victoria, teamed up with chronic Ottawa complainer Richard Warman who complained to the British Columbia “hate squad” which led to the Sec. 319 charges.
In sentencing Mr. Topham, Judge Butler rejected Crown submissions for a stiffer sentence and 200 hours of community work. The judge also rejected allegations that Mr. Topham indirectly advocated violence. The CBC (March 13, 2017) reported: “One piece that Topham called ‘satire’ advocated the forced sterilization of all Jews. ‘He does not call for violence; his views were political satire,’ Butler told the sentencing hearing. ‘It is not his intent to indirectly incite violence.’ Butler ruled that Topham deliberately used the internet to disseminate anti-Semitic information but said the man was not calling for violence.” The satire in question was “Israel Must Perish,” a parody Mr. Topham wrote of a hideous blueprint for genocide “Germany Must Perish,” written in 1941 by an American Jew named Theodore Kaufman, calling for the mass sterilization of Germans after the war, an act which would eliminate the Germans as a people within a few decades.
No one was happy with the sentence. Free speech supporters see the gagging of Arthur Topham as one more atrocity committed under Pierre Trudeau’s fraudulent Charter of minority special rights and diminished Majority freedoms.
Defence lawyer Barclay Johnson sadly observed: “The difference between Canada and the Soviet gulags is only one of degree. The communists put dissidents into a physical prison. The gag order is a psychological prison imposed to enforce a multicultural society. The Charter is little more than a fine document to be hung on an office wall. It looks good. However, judges have repeatedly gutted promised rights like freedom of speech and invented rights not mentioned, like same sex marriage.”
The mainstream media, even in British Columbia, were strangely silent. “The Jewish lobby doesn’t like this sentence,” remarked Dr. James Sears publisher of the satirical “YOUR WARD NEWS,” another target of arch-complainer Richard Warman’s “They were hoping for a harsher sentence, and then the controlled media would have crowed about a ‘Nazi’ tongue-lashed by a judge and sent away for a long prison term.”
Their victory over the former teacher, placer miner and publisher, after a decade of attack seemed like a mouthful of bitter ashes to B’nai Brith. “B’nai Brith Canada, which had alerted the RCMP to Topham’s activities back in 2007, said it was “strongly disappointed” with the sentencing. In a statement, Michael Mostyn, CEO, described the sentence as “a mere slap on the wrist which will do little to protect Canadian Jews or preserve the multicultural mosaic of our society. Mr. Topham is a committed and unrepentant Jew-hater, who persisted in publishing lurid anti-Semitic content on his website throughout this legal process,” Mostyn continued. ‘Canada’s laissez-fair approach to hate crimes continues to fail minority groups and puts them at increased risk of attacks against their lives or property.’ “Mostyn said the timing of the lax sentence was especially disturbing ‘as Canada’s Jewish community reels from a series of bomb threats against our community centres, inspired by the same hateful ideology that drives Mr. Topham.’” (Canadian Jewish News, March 14, 2017)