My Notes:
8:50 Alex Jones
18:00 Alex’s first wife, Kelly tweeted that Alex was first syndicated by Bob Sinclair from the Sinclair Group, which was recently made famous by all of their presstitutes saying the exact, same phrase
21:25 “The Max Kaiser treatment”: Max Keiser wasn’t allowed by the BBC to mention Israel.
22:45 Jerome Corsi a Mossad asset
During a Barcelona concert on April 13, Roger Waters denounced the Syrian White Helmets as “a fake organization that exists only to create propaganda for jihadists and terrorists.” Warning that the groups’ unverified claims about chemical weapons attacks across insurgent-held territory were aimed at triggering Western military intervention, Waters cautioned his audience, “If we were to listen to the propaganda of the White Helmets and others, we would encourage our governments to start dropping bombs on people in Syria. This would be a mistake of monumental proportions for us as human beings.”
In fact, Waters had first hand experience with the powerful pro-war PR operation behind the White Helmets. Back in October 2016, a public relations firm representing the White Helmets called The Syria Campaign attempted to recruit Waters by inviting him to a lavish dinner organized by a Saudi-British billionaire, Hani Farsi. The rock legend and renowned activist was told that by signing on to the organization’s mission, he could help “elevate the voices of Syria’s peaceful heroes”
Just days before his recent concert in Barcelona, Waters was lobbied again to support the White Helmets, this time by an eccentric French photojournalist affiliated with what he described as a “very powerfull [sic] syrian network.” The activist demanded to join Waters on stage and deliver a message for the “children of syria.”
Waters did not respond to either request.
These emailed solicitations from White Helmets representatives and activists were provided by Waters to the Grayzone Project, and are published in full at the bottom of this article. The documents demonstrate how the organization’s well-funded public relations apparatus has targeted celebrities as the key to the hearts and minds of the broader Western public.
Unlike many other A-listers, however, Waters took time to research the White Helmets and investigate its ulterior agenda.
“I was quite suspicious after I was invited to that [White Helmets] dinner,” Waters told the Grayzone Project. “And now my worst suspicions have been confirmed.”
If Alex wouldn’t have sold out years ago, maybe our country would still have a future.
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Kelly Jones writes under the video:
Last night, in front of millions of viewers, my ex, Alex Jones, went on an unhinged and seemingly highly intoxicated rant. Laden with profanities and lurid descriptions of sexual acts, these rants showed him noticeably slurring his words and shoving furniture. His young cohost looked alarmed.
In the aftermath of the Syria strikes, I write to draw attention to Alex’s out-of-control on-air meltdown. During this broadcast, he made statements that I know were clearly delusional, and he was just so apparently intoxicated.
Alarming comments Alex made included that he had just driven over to the studio and horrible speculations about evacuating the country with our children.
I watched Sean Hannity skewer Ron Paul in 2008. Only Tucker is trying to tell the truth about the Syrian war on Fox. Tucker’s days may be numbered there, on TalmudVision (TV).
Hannity also has covered up 9/11, and supports all of the reverse-Christian wars.
A friend wrote on Facebook:
I’ve warned people about him being a phony for a couple of years…
Here he [Sean Hannity] is partying with Don Lemon, Gayle King, and Stormy Daniels’ lawyer!
Did you all think they really hated each other?
Did you all think they were NOT fake news?
Did you not realize Hannity is either CIA or a paid actor?
The REAL people don’t get these jobs or they get removed.
Mossad and CIA started a ‘civil’ war in Syria through ISIS for the Greater Israel Project and the Talmudic NWO plan. We are the butchers — through our REVERSE-CHRISTIAN, REGIME-CHANGE WARS, covert and overt. TalmudVision (TV) is controlled by the god of this world, including Fox News, leading people astray, instead of into the truth.
World Affairs Brief, April 6, 2018 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.
Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (
[…] “Q” THE PRETENDED INSIDER I often get asked my opinion of Qnon or Q who claims to be an insider. But as I’ve read his cryptic and unclear messages, I get the feeling he is just playing with conservatives, and laughing at them for believing him. His worst claim, which never fails to entice conservatives, is that Trump is preparing something really big, in combination with some good guys inside the government to kill the Deep State. This is akin to what another phony “insider,” Steve Pieczenick has claimed, and it’s always false.
“When you live purely for pleasure and nothing else, essentially you just become like a debased animal…. And then you no longer have a society…, a community.”
“Pleasure shouldn’t be what we live for. We should live for morality. We should live for the good of our community.”
– Mark Collett @ 20:00
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