Freedom from Alaska!

Category: People Page 37 of 62

(vid) What Came out of Seinfeld's Mouth Will UTTERLY Disgust You? – "What you want in a pancake is to have the consistency of young human flesh. You’re with a guy with brightly colored under garments and you’ve got soft human flesh in front of you"

Seinfeld would always turn my stomach when the guys would watch it at work in the break room.
Something was seriously wrong with “Mash” too.
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(Waitress delivers pancakes)
JIMMY: Wow, that’s what I’m talking about.
JERRY: Wow, look at that, looks great, thank you.
JIMMY: That’s what I’m talking about.
JERRY: What you want in a pancake is to have the consistency of young human flesh.
JIMMY: It’s spongy, it has life to it.
JERRY: Yeah you’re with a guy with brightly colored under garments and you’ve got soft human flesh in front of you, you’re in a weird place.
JIMMY: I’m looking forward to this, this is really, really gonna be a great pancake. (source)

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What Came out of Seinfeld’s Mouth Will UTTERLY Disgust You?


Published on Jan 15, 2018
In light of all the perversion going on in the world, this needs to be taken seriously. I can’t think of ANY context where this could be remotely considered “Okay.” Your comments?

(meme by Perloff) LBJ – A Tale of Two Ships

Monika Schaefer: Resistance can be fun! – Busking denied? That did not stop the music! — "Almost every single day during the summer of 2017 I walked out my front door with fiddle in hand…"

From: Free Speech Monika ~ Exercising My Human Right to Speak Freely!

Joyful Resistance

12 Oct 2017

Resistance can be fun!

Photo Album: Monika Schaefer – Joyful Resistance

Larger images here.

Joyful Resistance


(vid) Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch – A Champion of Justice

Jake Morphonios responds to Scott Binsack's slanders

Scott Binsack has been badmouthing Jake Morphonios in some of his videos, including recent ones. I’ve heard it myself. Binsack doesn’t allow comments, so Jake can’t be cleared, and nobody can post the truth about Binsack.
In response to some concerned friends, Jake posted this information on Scott Binsack in a comment under this video.

Blackstone Intelligence Network

Mr. Binsack has admitted to working as an informant for the FBI and there is ample public record of his felony convictions for being a con man and taking a lot of money from innocent people. I trust my viewers to be able to make up their own minds about the value of words from a man who admits to working as a rat for the FBI.

From the Pocono Record:

“Binsack pleaded guilty to 11 criminal counts: five third-degree felony counts of theft by deception, two third-degree felony counts of theft by failure to make required disposition of funds, and four misdemeanor bad check charges.

Binsack must also make restitution to his victims and pay court costs. Binsack was a fugitive from justice for more than a year after he failed to appear for his arraignment in November 1999. He had been charged with 26 criminal counts, including writing bad checks, theft by deception, theft of services, and making terroristic threats . The terroristic threats charge stemmed from an incident in which Binsack allegedly threatened to kill the family and burn down the home of a former client who complained about building work he had performed.”

Canadian Woman Arrested in Germany for Questioning Holocaust in Video

B’nai Brith Canada reports that Monika Schaefer, a woman from Alberta, Canada, was arrested in Germany, a country that forbids questioning the Holocaust.  She could be facing a 5-year prison term.  The Jewish group, B’nai Brith, filed complaints with German officials against Schaefer because she committed “anti-Semitic incitement.”  This was because Schaefer had made a video in 2016 entitled Sorry Mom, I Was Wrong about the Holocaust, that went viral with 160,000 views. In the video (see below), she says she regrets reproaching her German mother for not doing something to stop the death camps.Later, however,  as she expressed it, she learned that the Holocaust was the “biggest and most pernicious and persistent lie in all of history.”  She said that the detention camps definitely existed but live prisoners were needed, not dead, so that they could work in the factories to produce for the war effort.  She says the only gas used in the camps was to kill disease-carrying lice on clothing.  For this, she was imprisoned. …


Audio leaked of Netanyahu’s son bragging about dad’s shady gas deal outside strip club

An audio recording of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s son is leaked in which Yair can be heard drunkenly bragging about his father’s efforts to pass a shady gas deal outside a strip club.
Yair can also be heard talking about strippers and how much money he and his friend have spent on them.
In the past, Yair had drawn media criticism over his lifestyle which is financed at the expense of taxpayers.
The recording was leaked at a time when Netanyahu is involved in two separate corruption cases, and investigators have questioned him multiple times.
Read More:

The cases involve allegations that Netanyahu received lavish gifts from wealthy businessmen and negotiated a deal with a newspaper owner for more favorable coverage.
Entire Article

(vid) Golden Globes, Satanist Director Says "Deal W/Devil" The Shape of Water!!!

TalmudVision (TV)
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Lionesses of Truth: Ursula Haverbeck, Sylvia Stolz & Monika Schaefer



Monika’s address currently is:
Monika Schaefer
Schwarzenbergstr. 14
81549 München

(photo) Truth Tellers Monika Schaefer & Alison Chabloz in Alberta – March 2017

(vid) Monika Schaefer arrested in Germany!

Chelsea Clinton Wishes The Church Of Satan A Happy New Year


Jim Morrison's Dad, Admiral Morrison • U.S.S. Liberty • Admiral John S. McCain Jr.

Admiral Morrison was the Naval officer who personally launched American fighter jets from the USS America to engage the Israeli jets that were attacking the USS Liberty, and that a short time later that order was countermanded by Chief of US Naval Forces in Europe, Admiral John S. McCain Jr. They are censoring many important details about Admiral Morrison’s involvement with the attack on the USS Liberty, just like they censor anything that would represent Israel negatively.

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(audio) Former Black Ops Cody Snodgres on 'The Shadow Citizen'

[CORRECTION] Cody mentions the claim that Hitler started water fluoridation, but this is another Talmudic myth that’s not true. Did the Germans use fluoride in the drinking water at concentration camps, or other places during World War II? No they did not! Debunking the Myth of Water Fluoridation by Hitler…
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Strong, important, caring, truth teller, Jeanice Barcelo was my Facebook friend twice.
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(vid) ReallyGraceful: Something Strange Is Happening To Hollywood

All eyes were on the Las Vegas shooting, then all of a sudden, the MSM through Harvey Weinstein under the bus.
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(vid) Who runs the Media? — 100 Years of Racist Talmudic Anti-Christian Control!

Chuck Baldwin, truther evangelical pastor at 2:35!
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PBS Suspends Tavis Smiley – Won't Discuss Accusations, Accusers – No Due Process At All!

I’ve always liked Tavis, and was delighted to see him take Charlie Rose’s vacated slot. I set the TIVO box to record his shows, and then there were none to record.
This is wrong.
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(vid) Roy Potter: BLM Whistleblower Larry Wooten exposes Dan Love, special agent in charge of Bundy Ranch standoff

Special agent in charge of Bundy Ranch standoff, Dan Love

About Roy Potter:

I am a former US Army LTC of 28 years. I served in various Military Police and Military Intelligence positions around the globe. I was also a municipal police officer for about 3 years. I bring my unique experience, training, education, and spiritual insights to bear in analyzing important issues and trends in the U.S. and the world.

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(vid) Terry Crews' Struggle REVEALED! Many Struggle with this! – Dirty Little Secret


(vid) Fmr Black Ops Cody Snodgress w/ John B Wells! What happens to a Spook when he refuses a million dollar contract to blow up a Federal Building?


Explosive CTM Full interview – Robert Snodgres

(vid) Current Leads In Las Vegas Shooting Investigation | Jake Vs the Bullies

Metropolitan Opera's Maestro James Levine Charged with Sexual Perversion — “Everybody knew” about Levine’s “teen boy” proclivity and yet no one at the Met would dare confront it until now

No wonder classical music played today often feels revolting and disturbing. The Talmudic destruction of our culture!
Joel Skousen writes in World Affairs Brief, 12/8/17:

The Met’s James Levine Also Charged for Sexual Perversion.

Maestro Levine, the longest standing director of the Metropolitan Opera was also removed from all association with the Opera due to longstanding charges of pedophilia with young boys. The Met has been suffering from declining financial support for many years and this latest problem is bound to exacerbate future contributions—in large part because “everybody knew” about Levine’s “teen boy” proclivity and yet no one at the Met would dare confront it until now.

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…now the Met — the nation’s largest performing arts organization and one of the world’s most prestigious opera houses — finds itself in the position that Hollywood studios, television networks and newsrooms have confronted in recent weeks, answering questions about what it knew about allegations of sexual misconduct against one of its stars, and what actions it did and did not take.

Met Opera Suspends James Levine After New Sexual Abuse Accusations

Jeff & Cody Snodgres – Pt 2 – Waco, Janet Reno, The Clintons, Benghazi & More

Outstanding, but:

The Reichstag Fire Was NOT a Nazi False Flag Operation

The Gleiwitz “False Flag” Incident is Pure Fiction — The invasion of Poland had to be shown to be an aggressive move with no justification

Hitler and the Banksters: Real Reason for WWII — England offered to guarantee Poland her sovereignty not only if Germany invaded Poland but also if Poland invaded Germany! • Poland intensified the oppression and attacks on the 1.5 million ethnic Germans living in Poland. Over 58,000 German civilians were killed • Hitler again offered to the Poles the Marienwerder proposals • England advised the Poles NOT to negotiate • Hitler was forced to employ military intervention in order to protect the Germans in Poland • The ensuing forced war resulted in victory for the international financiers and defeat and slavery for all the people of Europe 

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(vid) Cody Snodgres – BLOCKBUSTER! – Deep Black Ops Contractor Exposes OKC!

Pete Santilli: Maverick Media Gorilla Truth-Seeker or FBI Informant and Agent Provocateur?

Related: (video) HOW TO SPOT AN FBI INFORMANT – Pete Santilli Exposed by Vinny Eastwood
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Given the above report from The LA Times, that Pete Santilli is an FBI informant appears to be indisputable–where he also appears to have co-opted The Truckers March on Washington, D.C., in 2013 and, according to other reports, may have made off with over $50,000 in donated funds. His calls for violence if the trucker protest fails, moreover, strike me as entirely consistent with the conduct of someone who is not merely an informant but a covert agent provocateur, where the fax hacked from his computer in 2013 leaves no doubt about his collaboration with the FBI:

STORY by Jim Fetzer

(vid) Matt Lauer even dressed in drag to please them — Feminization of men to destroy society

I don’t watch that show, so this is all news to me.
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(vid) THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!!! – According to Joe : )

Great guy!!!

“It’s only been a little over a month. You and I are a team, and it is you and I that are solving these cases together and exposing the lies. Thank you for being my partners through this journey. Thank you for letting me vent. For listening and for sharing your thoughts with us. United we stand!!! Thank you, I am honored and humbled by you. Thank you!!!”

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