Freedom from Alaska!

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Covid Truth Satire from JP: Why Small Businesses Should Stay Closed Forever — How the elite emotionally manipulate through fear ushering in socialism/communism

OUTSTANDING! I transcribed these quotes:

“Good evening, little people. Here’s what we want you to believe today. And pay close attention. We’ll be emotionally manipulating you with fear to get you to believe what doesn’t make any logical sense to you.”

“The only way to fight a virus that carries a 99.98% survival rate is with poverty that we’re getting you to create for yourself. And if you don’t think that makes sense, then remember to be afraid, so you’ll comply out of your emotional reactivity.” [Actual survival rate is 99.7% or 99.8%]

1:25 The Sequence Of Events We’re in the Middle Of Right Now:

1) You keep your business closed, so you go into poverty
2) You and everyone else are then dependent on the government for aid
3) Then everyone votes for increased gov’t control to get financial aid
4) …while having to stay compliant with gov’t mandates to qualify
5) Socialist/Communist state then results

“If this sounds like you’re ushering in and then living in a socialist/communist state, it’s because you will be. But we’re calling it something different so you don’t realize it yet. We’re calling it ‘covid relief,’ but it’s really relief from economic destruction that we’ve told you to do to yourself.”

“Because you’re watching me right now to have me tell you what to think, that means you’re not thinking for yourself, and therefore are dumb enough to fall for this. So we’ll carry on.”

“‘Covid relief,’ those are words that make you feel like the elite are protecting you, so you trust them, right?”

“Destroying your livelihood and staying committed to going deep enough into poverty for long enough so we’ll eventually give you a little bit of money is a financial plan you can trust.”

“In his very non-dictatorlike ways, Newsom responded…. In other words, shut your businesses down so you’ll need our financial aid. That’s like saying ‘if you want to be happy, get depressed so we can give you anti-depressants to make you happy.

“Hollywood is an essential business now tasked with ushering in acceptance of socialism through entertainment.”

“This just in! We at the mainstream media will not report on brave people defying draconian orders to open their businesses. We don’t want you to see hugely growing numbers of people choosing bravery and common sense over fear. Because we don’t want you to be inspired to do the same, we won’t show it to you. Instead, be afraid so you stay weak and compliant by considering this: covid will kill you 100% of the time — except for 99.98% of the time.” [Actual survival rate is 99.7% or 99.8%]

“Luckily, we’ll continue telling you what to think because we’re protecting you [JP winks].”

Survey: Americans seem to have lost common sense, believing 9% of people die from covid. People would be dropping like flies! They believe the white coats without any analysis

People have lost touch with reality. Something is seriously wrong with the psyche of many Americans!

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John Hinderaker: A survey shows that the average person thinks 9% of people have died from covid. If that were to be true, we would all personally know many who have died from covid, which isn’t true. In reality, only a tiny fraction of 1% have died from covid:

“I mentioned there is this survey in which the average answer that Americans gave to ‘what percentage of our population has died from covid,’ the average answer is 9%. If 9% of the people in this country died from covid, your relatives, your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers, people who go to your church, they would all be dropping like flies.

How a person can simultaneously say ‘I don’t know anybody who’s died from Covid…,’ but then when asked that question, ‘I think 9% of the population has died,’ I don’t know how anybody could possibly believe that.

There used to be such a thing as common sense, based upon a person’s own experience. If somebody came along and tried to sell a line of B.S., the average person would test that proposition against his experience and his observation and he might say ‘I don’t think so. That’s not the way I see it. That hasn’t been my experience.’ It seems as if that’s just gone. Now it’s the guys in the white coats, headlines, something we heard on cable news. And there are many people who have seemed to obtain this ability to internalize those things without checking it against their own common sense, which I think if very dangerous.”

From minute-1:08:35: The Coronavirus and the Constitution | Constitution Day Celebration Panel

(vid) JP: The Elitists Who Control You — “Do you know what the feeling’s like knowing everyone is putting on a mask to cover their identity just to go into a store and we’re not even there?” “…it’s actually more than playing God, because God doesn’t control people. He gives them free will. We do control people” “We also tell people ‘if you’re overweight you’re at high risk, so we’re going to close down all the gyms for your protection,’ and then they don’t exercise”

JP is spot on — comedic satire at its best!

Two comments:

When a comedian’s jokes are so true that laughing is almost impossible.

I’m going to miss JP when Google finds out that he’s not actually kidding.

I transcribed key quotes:

“Whoever controls the media controls the population. And that’s us. We’re the elite. We control the media, and therefore, we control you.”

“That’s why we make up rules to ‘protect people.’ They clearly don’t, because they’re not designed to protect people. They’re engineered to give us control over people.”

“Do you know what the feeling’s like knowing everyone is putting on a mask to cover their identity just to go into a store and we’re not even there, but they’re doing it anyway? That’s how much control we have over them. It’s intoxicating!”

“Some say it’s kind of like playing God…. It is playing God. In fact, it’s actually more than playing God, because God doesn’t control people. He gives them free will. We do control people….”

“Are the masses of people scared of the virus or what the virus has done? No, even though they think they are. They’re scared of what we’ve told them the virus is, what it has done, and what it will do. Essentially, we want to keep you scared 24/7, even while you sleep. So again, why do we want you scared? So we can control you, because we love control, not you.”

“Getting people to get injected with something is controlling. … But getting people to get injected with something that they don’t want to get injected with is so much more controlling. And that’s what we’re kind of doing here.”

“We also strengthen the venom of control circulating in people by getting them to do what they know is harmful to them. Like we tell people ‘sunlight kills the virus, so stay inside.’ And when they submit to that, even though they know what they’re submitting to doesn’t make any sense and is harmful to them, they’re betraying themselves and becoming more loyal to us, which means we have more control over them than they do. And that’s a win. And in the same vein, we also like to tell people ‘if you’re overweight you’re at high risk, so we’re going to close down all the gyms for your protection,’ and then they don’t exercise.”

“Another strategy that helps volumize the amount of control we have over people is that we prey on the most scared people to get them to police the unscared people. Ever see someone yelling at someone else for not wearing a mask. … We’re controlling them to control you. It’s control squared.

I think it was Einstein who had the breakthrough equation E = MC2. The ‘C’ stands for control. The ‘M’ is for masses, and the ‘E’ is for elite. Elite = Masses Controlled squared, simple math.”

“Will a heroin addict ever feel like they have enough heroin? Probably not. Will we ever feel like we have enough control over you? Probably not. So we’ll gladly continue taking more control if you keep letting us.”

Link Between Fear Appeal and COVID-19 Perception – Psychiatrist Peter Breggin







JP Sears: How a Civil War Could Start! — “What happens when you give a child a toy? …then what happens if you take that toy away?”

JP Sears knows how people think, transcribed by me.

The media called the election for Biden without having authority to do so, but many believe it’s fact.

5:10 “These people over here [the left], what happens to them if they find out Trump is the legal winner of the election after many weeks of believing and feeling with absolute certainty that Biden that Biden has won the election? Answer: emotional hysteria, and they won’t believe the real election results. … Do you see how far from reality these people have been led by the media? The larger the divide the more tension there is to erupt.”

What happens when you give a child a toy? …then what happens if you take that toy away? Because the child believes it was their toy, they feel like you’ve wronged them, so they’re willing to explode with emotional hysteria and destroy the house. Except in this case, the house is our country.

But when you factor in we’re living in the year the media has already established that rioting is okay. Then the child has been basically given permission to destroy the house, cause ‘we’ve already practiced it.'”

“Who are these people [the globalists who pull the strings]? I don’t know. They stay behind scenes because darkness loses power in the light.

“But this orchestrated mess of a civil war can only happen if you let the media do your thinking for you. If you truly think for yourself then the highly emotionally charged hysteria needed to create rioting and the civil war simply won’t build up inside of you. Instead, you’ll have peace inside of you, and you’ll be contributing to a better world.

Whoever controls the narrative controls the people unless the person chooses to control their own narrative, which you can do.”

Ironic that YouTube put this notice under the video, since JP just said the media and social media have no legal right to call the election.

U.S. elections
*The AP has called* the Presidential race for Joe Biden. See more on Google.

Robust safeguards help ensure the integrity of elections and results. Learn more

Awaken with JP: The Most Dangerous Disease in the World – Rid the world of intelligence once and for all

“If you find yourself accidentally thinking for yourself or think you may have come in contact with someone infected with intelligence, please self-quarantine in front of the news for 14 days and seek the medical guidance of your local computer programmer [Bill Gates].”

“And wear a face suffocator to reduce the amount of oxygen going to your brain.”

“And outsource your thinking, wellbeing and choices to people who aren’t you.”

“We’re also working with our partners at the social media giants who are strongly committed to ending intelligence by censoring free speech on their platforms.”

• • •

In this video, learn all about the most dangerous disease in the world, intelligence. You’ll understand what you need to do to help slow the spread of this disease. If we all work together and follow the proper social guidelines, we can rid the world of intelligence once and for all.

Covid Mind-Control Commercials Compilation Critiqued by Brian Young


Face Masks Delete Individuality – Break Human Will — Arabs masked women to make them submit

What is ‘Gaslighting?’ — Told we’re not seeing what we’re actually seeing, so are crazy

Satanists are Gaslighting Us

September 6, 2020

Have you ever asked yourself, “Am I crazy?” 
If you have, you’re not crazy. 
You’re most likely being gaslighted. 
Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse 
aimed at controlling a person by altering reality 
to the point where the person will doubt his own sanity.
A good example is pretending [covid]
is a deadly pandemic in order to enslave humanity
by destroying human rights and livelihoods.
by Anonymous
The term “gaslighting” comes from a 1930s play called Gas Light. The main character in the play literally tries to drive his wife crazy by gradually dimming the gas-powered lights in their home. When she notices the lights dimming, her husband not only denies that the lights are dimming, he convinces her that she is imagining it to the point where she questions her own sanity.
We are now living in a perpetual state of gaslighting. The “reality” that we are being sold by the media is at complete odds with what we are actually seeing with our own two eyes. And when we question the false reality that we are being presented, or we claim that what we see is the actual reality, we are vilified as racist or bigoted or just plain crazy. You’re not racist. You’re not crazy. You’re being gaslighted.



Initiation Ritual – The Truth Behind The Mask

Joe Schimmel: Satans Sex Scheme

Satan’s Sex Scheme is the first episode in our new docuseries called “Satanism, Pornography & Sex Trafficking” exposing the wicked underbelly of the sex industry. Journey with us as Pastor Joe Schimmel and host Chad Davidson expose some of the major players who kicked off the sexual revolution, those such as Aleister Crowley, Alfred Kinsey, Hugh Hefner and more.

Below are the titles of each video in the series and their release date:

Friday, September 4
Satan’s Sex Schemes

Friday, September 11
Playboy’s Satanic Link

Friday, September 18
How Porn is the New Norm

Friday, September 25
From Porn to Sex trafficking

JP Sears: Emotional Distancing Guidelines – “While you have to be fearful to comply, we’ll tell you you’re being brave, because it takes a lot of manipulation for the few to control the many”

JP Sears (political, wake-up satire):

“While you have to be fearful to comply, we’ll tell you you’re being brave, because it takes a lot of manipulation for the few to control the many.”

(vid) ICKE / ROSE V: ‘THE ANSWER’ – QUOTES — Do what you know is right Vs acquiescing to your own enslavement

DISCLAIMER: Excellent on the psychology they’re using to control; though, I don’t agree with everything.

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Masks are a sign of submission.

27:25 “If I can make you acquiesce to something that’s clearly ridiculous, clearly unsupportable, clearly a danger to health, full of contradictions, and you’re still going to submit and do it…. When we acquiesce to that level of crazy we are submitting our uniqueness and our sovereignty and our self-respect almost completely. And I refuse to do it.”

“You are giving away your power on a monumental scale because you are simply doing what you’re told no matter what you’re told.”

They’re breaking us down, breaking us down. Acquiescing to your own enslavement.

“Do you support Trump, or do you hate Trump? That’s the divide, done on purpose.”

The virus has allowed Biden to be out of the public domain. They’re trying to get Biden in on a simple line: “Biden is not Trump.”

If the 1% was going to get control, they’d have to rebrand themselves as supporters of the other 99%.

“China gets very much a free ride in the media. It’s almost become like Israel: you don’t criticize it.”

“Censorship is the fundamental foundation of all tyrannies. … From perception comes human behavior. [If] you control perception you control human behavior. And you control perception by controlling the information that people receive through which they form their perceptions, which become their behavior. … You have to stop people receiving information that gives them another way of looking at the world and what’s happening.”

“People acquiesced to it, so we now have economic Armageddon.”

It has to get really, really bad for people to not be able to deny what’s happening, to then be willing to push back.

1:39:00 People find excuses to acquiesce, because they’d rather not face the consequences of saying ‘no.’ “It can happen so fast once people learn to say no instead of finding an excuse to acquiesce, because they’d rather not face the consequences of saying ‘no.’ And if enough people say ‘no,’ there are no consequences.”

“We have children being told to wear masks in schools, breathing their own CO2, losing their individuality when the chances of a young person dying from this covid-19 is basically zero.”

1:58:45 “If something comes out of nowhere, and it’s suddenly everywhere, it’s the agenda. Someone’s pressed a button…. They’re systematically confusing young people and children about their gender who weren’t confused before and wouldn’t have been confused unless this manipulation to confusion had been implemented. The purpose is to confuse gender on the road to fusing gender to the no-gender human.”

Transhumanism: “What they’re selling it on is ‘connect your brain to AI, and you’ll become superhuman. You’ll become like the gods.’ No, you’ll become subhuman….”

“They want to marginalize and take out as many old people as possible” because old people know how things should be. We can see the change. But those who are born into this see this as normal. They don’t want the young to learn from the old. They want the young to mock the old as not being ‘woke’ — climate change deniers, etc..

2:16:05 Masks and social distancing’s effects on small children! David gets rightfully upset! “What interaction is there going to be, what love is there going to be when they’re being taught to perceive other children and fellow human beings as a danger?!” “We are being manipulated to see each other as dangerous.”

2:30:45 David talks about what I would call demons that affect people’s minds, planting thoughts, deceiving people into thinking they really know what’s going on. He calls it a ‘mind virus’ or ‘mind blindness,’ and later wetiko. [Icke does not like to mention Christianity. He doesn’t mention “demons” here, but what some other religions call something similar.]

The virus drives behavior. The operator has lost control.

“…a mind virus that takes over the human mind via the subconscious, and feeds perceptions out of the subconscious into the conscious mind, which the conscious mind takes to be its own thoughts and perceptions.” [This is how demons work. They often speak in the first person, so people think the thoughts are their own thoughts, but they’re demons speaking thoughts in people’s minds.]

“It’s a mind blindness that convinces the mind that it’s not blind. Now, I’m seeing this everywhere during this pandemic. … I see this in people who are blind in their minds to what’s actually happening, but have totally convinced themselves not only are they not blind to what is happening, but they know what is happening.”

Once people realize they’re influenced in this way, they can stop being deceived. [I would say get rid of the evil spirits to be free!]

2:36:10 Subliminal advertising

2:39:50 “The concept of wetiko, the mind virus is everywhere under different names, and if we can free ourselves of that it’s game over, because that is what is controlling people and their perceptions.”

2:48:00 “Love says ‘I want the best for everybody.'”

2:50:30 If we always do what we know to be right consequences are irrelevant, because we only consider doing what we know to be right. The mind says: “I’d like to do this, but what are the consequences,” and you always find a list of why you won’t do it. The heart says: “I do what I know to be right.” Consequences then aren’t a part of the conversation.

2:51:15 “One of the great fears that people have — the foundation fear, I think — is the fear of the unknown, which manifests as the fear of death. And the manipulation of the fear of death is the manipulation of this pandemic. People are frozen in fear, because they fear death. That’s why doctors have so much power. ‘Save me, doctor.'”

2:51:35 Icke’s atheism: “Actually, you are all there is, has been and can ever can be and always will be.”

2:55:00 Open the heart instead of allowing fear to close it. David covers this more  in other videos.




“It all comes from lying — lying to others and to yourself” – Dostoevsky

A man who lies to himself, and believes his own lies becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others. When he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer love, and, in order to divert himself, having no love in him, he yields to his impulses, indulges in the lowest forms of pleasure, and behaves in the end like an animal. And it all comes from lying – lying to others and to yourself. – Fyodor Dostoevsky


(vid) Grace Elizabeth: They’re Relying on You to OBEY – “It’s okay to say ‘no'”

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but it’s okay to say no. Many of us feel uncomfortable saying no, because we’re afraid of conflict, we’re afraid of standing out from the crowd, because we grow up well-behaved and compliant and we place value on the comfort of others and little on ourselves. This lesson applies to all things in life, whether it’s creating boundaries personally or professionally, or even dealing with this new abnormal we’ve been sold every single day in 2020.

Dana Coverstone: DENYING TRUTH To Accept The New Reality — “Once we say anything is fluid…”

Dana Coverstone ~July 19, 2020

Once we say that anything is fluid, we have changed its definition, its meaning, its purpose, and its original status. Then new definitions are built on top of the ones that were erased, and we have redesigned the organism itself, and effectively hidden the origin from future generations. As it happens to gender, it happens to truth since you have to deny truth to accept the new reality.

Romans 1 is in effect and the deluding influence is at play and most of the world is accepting and quiet about it all; I will not go quietly.

Vaccine Sales Pitch Study: Testing the Most Effective Method to Manipulate Minds

From: Dr. Mercola

Study Underway to Identify Most Effective Messaging

The idea that the vaccine promotion might be more “overwhelming” than what we’re used to is further supported by a clinical study5 on, the aim of which is to identify the most “persuasive messages for COVID-19 vaccine uptake.”

The study, conducted by Yale University, will test “different messages about vaccinating against COVID-19 once the vaccine becomes available.”

Ben Swann: Yale Study To Manipulate Americans Into Taking C0VlD Vaccine

“Their methods are nothing short of manipulation. We break them down in detail.”

(vid) JP Sears Satire: How to Be More Afraid!

(vid) Amazing Polly: Is This Torture? — The goal is to break our will and our spirit so people won’t resist the NWO

The goal is to break our will and our spirit so people won’t resist, so they’ll be able to fully control: NWO. Social distancing, masks, lockdowns = isolation and shaming, resulting in more fear, to get compliance — submission to the tyrannical sociopaths NWO takeover of all mankind.

But if we recognize what they’re doing….

Pornography As A Secret Weapon To Enslave Mankind — “We corrupt in order to rule”

(1 min vid) Tony Robbins: What is FEAR? – People fear not being loved

⭐️⭐️”Instruments of… WHAT?!? — Psychological Face Masking Operation

Face masks marketed as “instruments of freedom?!?”

Big Tobacco marketed cigarettes to women as “torches of freedom!”

“Show patriotism by wearing a red, white and blue mask??”

(vid) JP: How to Get Angrier at People You Disagree With — We run the risk of becoming united if we can’t find more ways to get even angrier

“When you feel absolutely certain about something, you need to confuse your sense of certainty with the truth.” – JP Sears

“Now you’ll want to disrespect him because he’s not using his free will the way your free will thinks he should. And you do this by insulting his character while correcting him.” – JP Sears

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Learn how to get angrier at people you disagree with in this video. Instead of learning, listening, and understanding their different point of view, it’s best to get as angry as possible at them. This teaches them that they have no right to have a different opinion than you. With politics and social issues, we run the risk of becoming more united if we can’t find more ways to get even angrier at people. This video will teach you how.

(vid) JP: VEGANS in 2020 — “You first deceived yourself by not studying anything that doesn’t confirm your existing bias”

“You’ve been deceiving people with your nutritional information because you first deceived yourself by not studying anything that doesn’t confirm your existing bias.” – J.P. Sears

“You reject people who eat differently than you do….” – JP

Globalists pitch mask wearing with “freedom,” like they did cigarettes to women!


Depression, anxiety up 3-fold since start of COVID-19 pandemic

June 4 (UPI) — The numbers of Americans suffering from mental health disorders like anxiety and depression have more than tripled during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new survey from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health published Thursday by JAMA.


Shaming Others: Technique used to manipulate people to do or not do something

Disclaimer: I don’t agree with everything stated here, but find this very interesting to see how women were used to shame American young men into joining the military to fight in the war.

Shaming is a technique being used to stop people from telling the truth about covid-19, Big Pharma and other issues online, especially in local media’s Facebook pages. They use the laugh icon, and post tinfoil hat GIFs, so people stop telling the truth.

If they only mock, without discussing facts at all, I’m now blocking them. They’re just agitators.

(vid) Sheeple Example: Dogs Easily Herd Sheep — Groupthink Through Fear

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